Pineapple during pregnancy: benefits, harms, contraindications. Is pineapple good for pregnant women? Let's talk about the benefits and harms of an exotic fruit for expectant mothers. Is it possible for pregnant women to eat fresh pineapple

Pineapple is the first fruit in our country in terms of taste and popularity, of course, after the banana. This juicy, refreshing and incomparable fruit does not leave anyone indifferent. Expectant mothers are no exception. Is it possible for pregnant women to eat pineapple, they will say the vitamins that it contains.


The golden fruit from the sunny tropics carries both benefit and harm. The composition of the fruit contains an incredible amount of the bromelain element, beloved by women for its fat-burning function. Also, getting into the intestines, this component destroys pathogenic, harmful bacteria that provoke flatulence, heartburn and a feeling of heaviness. The same component thins the blood and cleanses the walls of blood vessels from fat.

Can pregnant women eat pineapple? In general, the exotic fruit has a beneficial effect on pregnancy if consumed in moderate doses, that is, a maximum of 150g at a time. Eating fresh pineapple is useful for thinning venous blood, which prevents the expansion of veins in the legs. Thanks to its fresh taste and aroma, the golden delicacy lifts the mood of a pregnant woman.

What vitamins are in pineapple for pregnant women:

  1. vitamin C;
  2. all B vitamins;
  3. calcium;
  4. iron;
  5. magnesium;
  6. potassium;
  7. folic acid.

With this laudatory ode to the beneficial properties of pineapple for pregnant women, we must not forget about the other side of the coin.

The benefits of pineapple for pregnant women, of course, do not end there. Only 100-150 grams of the product per day will alleviate varicose veins, which often torment the legs of women in position.


Excessive and daily use of any product entails negative consequences. You can’t eat pineapple during pregnancy if you don’t follow the measure. Oversaturation of the body with the same beloved bromelain can cause premature birth, since in addition to affecting body fat, the element tends to increase the tone of the uterus.

Why pregnant women should not eat pineapple:

  • in the first trimester, it is not recommended to even try the fetus, so as not to cause an allergy in the baby .;
  • in the third trimester, fruit is not recommended to be consumed so as not to provoke premature birth;
  • these golden fruits are an incredibly strong allergen;
  • the fruit is harmful to the teeth, as it worsens their condition, especially affecting the enamel;
  • able to increase the tone of the uterus;
  • pineapple is not allowed for pregnant women, patients with gastritis and ulcers.

Despite the alluring aroma of the pineal fruit, obstetricians and gynecologists strongly do not recommend eating this fruit in the I and III trimesters of pregnancy.

Doctors do not prohibit pregnant women from using pineapple in the second trimester. Only expectant mothers prone to allergies fall into the risk group.

Also during this period, it is worth minimizing the use of pineapple juice for pregnant women, especially bought in a supermarket.

Methods of use

Can pregnant women eat canned pineapples? Unfortunately, only fresh fruits contain useful trace elements and vitamins. A canned fruit can only boast of containing a huge amount of sugar and harmful preservatives, so such a product will not be useful when carrying a fetus.

A dried product called candied fruit is also far from the vitamin ideal. Such food is more likely to be food waste, especially for expectant mothers. Such a treat contains an incredible amount of calories and no benefit.

It is recommended to eat pineapple for pregnant women, in combination with dairy. It is rather a separate dessert, not compatible with many products. The fruit is often used to prepare elaborate meat or vegetable dishes. A future mother can also dine with such a delicacy without harm to the health of the baby.

Carrying a baby, a woman tries to give him all the best. In this regard, the expectant mother often corrects not only the usual daily routine, but also the diet. Many familiar dishes require revision, because, perhaps, they not only do not bring benefits, but also provoke an additional burden on the liver and digestive tract. The main source of useful elements are fruits and vegetables. And if there are no questions regarding the local harvest, then what about exotic delicacies, such as pineapples? Will their use do more harm than good?

The pineapple is a sweet tropical oval or cylindrical fruit native to South America. Appetizing fruits delight not only with excellent taste, but also with a seductive aroma. Separately, it is worth noting the composition of pineapple, because it was he who determined the beneficial properties of a tropical fruit.

Composition of pineapple

Juicy and fragrant fruit pulp contains a whole complex of minerals and vitamins, as well as dietary fiber and organic acids.

The chemical composition of pineapple is:

  • Vitamins A, K, elements of group B (B1, B2, B5, B9 - folic acid, B6, PP - nicotinic acid), beta-carotene, vitamin C. Among all fruits, pineapple contains almost a record amount of ascorbic acid - up to 80% of the daily human needs.
  • Micro and macro elements - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, zinc.
  • Enzymes.
  • Mono- and disaccharides (carbohydrates).
  • organic acids.
  • Alimentary fiber.

Including pineapple in the diet, the expectant mother does not have to worry about the appearance of extra kilos - the calorie content of 100 g of fresh pineapple is only 49 kcal. The canned product also does not have a high calorie content (100 g of pulp - 58 kcal), although, of course, there are fewer useful elements after processing.

Pineapple - the benefits of fruit during pregnancy

A fragrant tropical fruit is not only tasty, but also a healthy delicacy, especially during the period of bearing a baby.

  • The importance of folic acid, beta-carotene and vitamin E during the expectation of a baby can not be overestimated. The presence of a sufficient amount of these elements in a woman's body is a good prevention of pathologies in the formation of a baby, as well as early pregnancy failures.
  • Vitamin E and elements of group B support the beauty of the future mother, positively affecting the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
  • Dietary fiber and the plant enzyme bromelain support normal bowel function, stimulate digestion (by increasing the enzymatic activity of gastric juice), help eliminate decay products, thereby easing the burden on the liver.
  • Calcium and phosphorus strengthen the bone and muscle systems of a woman, participate in the formation of the baby's bones.
  • Iron provides transportation of a sufficient amount of oxygen to the tissues of the fetus, serves as a preventive measure for anemia in a pregnant woman.
  • Potassium and magnesium support the health and smooth functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Regular consumption of pineapple has a moderate hypotensive effect. This property of the fruit is especially important in the presence of high blood pressure or a tendency to it. At the same time, pregnant women with hypotension should be careful not to get carried away with tropical fruit.
  • Pineapple is unusually rich in ascorbic acid. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system of a pregnant woman, helping to cope with colds and viral diseases. Also, "ascorbinka" promotes blood thinning, improving blood flow and preventing the formation of blood clots, has a beneficial effect on a woman's vessels - reduces their permeability, increases elasticity.
  • Pineapple has a moderate diuretic effect, so it is a good help in the fight against edema.
  • The components of the fruit have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the expectant mother, maintain vitality, stimulate the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy and good mood. Fruits also improve brain function and memory.
  • Pineapple has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This property of the fruit can be used in the fight against diseases such as sinusitis and tonsillitis - prepare a cocktail of fresh pineapple pulp, its juice and lemon juice. Drinking a healing drink is recommended three times a day. To protect the enamel of the teeth will help the use of an ordinary plastic straw while drinking.
  • In the presence of gestational diabetes, when sugar intake is practically excluded, including pineapples in the menu can be a way out of the situation.

Contraindications and possible harm of eating pineapples during pregnancy

At first glance, it may seem that pineapple is an exceptionally healing fruit. This is partly true, but with the use of even the most useful fruits, you should be careful.

  • Pineapple is a strong allergen. Be sure to control the amount of product consumed. If, before the onset of an “interesting situation”, a woman did not eat a tropical fruit, it is worth starting to introduce pineapple into the diet from small portions, carefully observing the reaction of the body. Even if pineapple does not cause allergies in a pregnant woman, you should not get carried away with fruit - it is possible that her child will develop a tendency to allergic reactions.
  • High acidity pineapple puts it under the ban for women with gastritis and stomach ulcers. In the presence of these pathologies, the use of pineapple is prohibited both in fresh and in canned or dried form.
  • Passion for pineapple can provoke irritation of the oral mucosa, stomach upset.
  • Excessive indulgence in fruits negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel, provoke heartburn (due to all the same acids). To protect your teeth from the negative effects of the fruit, thoroughly rinse your mouth with clean water after each use of pineapples.

Pineapple when planning pregnancy

Surprisingly, eating pineapple plays an important role at the stage of planning a baby. It's all about the components of the fruit that can affect the hormonal background of a woman.

  • The enzyme bromelain enhances the production of the "pregnancy hormone" progesterone. It is its sufficient amount that ensures the reliable fixation of the embryo in the uterus of the expectant mother.
  • The inclusion of pineapples in the diet has a positive effect on the thickness of the endometrium, which means that it will be easier for the baby to gain a foothold in the mother's womb.
  • As a result of regular consumption of pineapples, there is a decrease in the level of androgens - male hormones. An excess of these hormones in a woman's body prevents the onset of pregnancy, because it disrupts the process of fusion of the sperm and the egg.

It is important to remember that useful components are found mainly in fresh fruits. By eating canned pineapples, it is impossible to fully get all the useful elements of this fruit.

Is it possible to eat pineapple during pregnancy

When compiling the menu of the daily diet, the expectant mother seeks to make it as useful as possible and at the same time tasty. A normal pregnancy should not significantly affect a woman's habitual diet (of course, it is better to exclude various hazards). This statement also applies to fruits and vegetables that the expectant mother ate before the onset of the “interesting situation”. But still, is it safe to include such an exotic fruit as pineapple in the menu?

Pineapple during early pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the body of the future mother especially needs support - a new life has just been born in the womb, therefore it is very vulnerable and defenseless. The intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins and other useful elements in the body will favorably affect both the formation of the baby and the course of pregnancy.

As for pineapple, just a few juicy sweet and sour slices of fruit will help to cope with toxicosis. But it is important to observe the measure, because excessive consumption of pineapple can provoke an increase in uterine tone. The most calm is the second trimester. For this reason, you can afford a little more tropical treats than in the first weeks of gestation. Sweet and sour fruits will perfectly quench your thirst, improve your mood and raise your vitality.

Pineapple during late pregnancy

With the transition to the third trimester, restrictions and prohibitions become less and less. As for pineapple, the inclusion of fruit in the diet should still be dosed. The thing is that uncontrolled consumption of pineapples can cause contractions during pregnancy, as well as premature birth. The likelihood of such a development of events increases even more in the presence of complications during pregnancy. If the gestational age is already long enough (39-40 weeks), and the uterine cervix is ​​tightly closed, doctors may advise you to turn to pineapples. The components of the fruit contribute to a faster softening and smoothing of the cervix, being a good preparation for childbirth.

canned pineapple during pregnancy

The popularity of this product is quite high, although not justified. The only positive aspect of canned fruits is their low calorie content. At the same time, heat treatment of fruits deprives them of almost all healing elements. And the large amount of sugar present in canned fruits is not very useful for the expectant mother. If you really want to eat canned pineapple too much, you can eat 2-3 rings, but they will not bring much benefit to the body.

Choosing Fresh Pineapples When Pregnant

Of course, when buying a canned product, there are no particular questions - you pay attention to the manufacturer, composition, expiration date. But how to choose a delicious and ripe fresh pineapple?

A quality fruit has:

  • scales tightly adjacent to each other;
  • pleasant, moderately rich aroma;
  • scales without damage.

At the same time, the size itself does not really matter, because each variety of fruit has its own characteristics.

Pineapples during pregnancy - tropical fruit reviews

  • Olga:“I ate pineapples for a period of 6-7 weeks - I could not tear myself away, I ate 1 pineapple a day. True, the fruits were not imported, but local, because at that time she was resting in GOA. I stopped eating with the onset of toxicosis, they didn’t go at all. I haven't noticed any negative reactions."
  • Oksana:“I ate, though canned, but almost the entire pregnancy. Everything is fine."
  • Anna:“I especially wanted pineapples on the 15th week. I ate both canned and fresh. The kid and I liked it.”
  • Galina:“I actively leaned on pineapples at the end of pregnancy - I wanted to speed up the birth. Nothing happened, the baby was born when he saw fit. ”
  • Victoria:“I ate pineapples for almost the entire first trimester. Everyone stayed where they were."

Summing up, we can say that pineapples can be safely eaten in the first, second, and third trimesters, of course, in moderation. The daily dose of consumption of a tropical delicacy is a glass of fresh juice or 200 g of pulp.

During pregnancy, the taste preferences of the expectant mother often change. But many foods can be harmful to the body. Is it possible to eat pineapple during pregnancy, especially in large quantities? Will it harm the child?

Composition of pineapple

The fruits of an exotic fruit contain a lot of useful elements:

  • bromelain
  • phosphorus
  • carotene
  • vitamin PP, groups B, D, A, C
  • calcium
  • folic acid
  • iron
  • sodium

Only fresh fruit or freshly squeezed juice from it contains such irreplaceable components. A canned product loses almost all of its positive qualities and turns into an ordinary dessert that has no value.

Bromelain- a useful and rare substance contained in pineapple and improves protein absorption. It has a positive effect on the work of the digestive organs, improves well-being, preserves youth and beauty of the skin, helps to dissolve fibrin plugs that form in the veins.

Along with this, bromelain has an antioxidant and antiseptic effect. Thanks to him and a complex of minerals and vitamins, fresh fruit is considered useful for women during pregnancy, although you should not get carried away with such an exotic fruit.

In large quantities, the active enzymatic compound increases uterine tone.

Therefore, the frequent use of pineapple in the first trimester of pregnancy, especially in the presence of bloody discharge and pulling pains in the lower abdomen, can contribute to abortion.

Ripe pineapple is rich in sucrose, dietary fibers, antioxidants, organic acids. It is quite acceptable to introduce 1-2 fetuses per month into the diet during pregnancy. It is important to choose a ripe fruit, and not overripe or plucked ahead of time.

Useful properties of pineapple

A couple of pieces of ripe fruit will not harm a pregnant woman. He helps:

  • fight puffiness;
  • balance the composition of the blood;
  • suppress nausea with toxicosis;
  • thin the blood, eliminating the risk of thrombosis;
  • normalize pressure;
  • improve digestion;
  • restore appetite;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • get rid of beriberi.

Refreshing sweet pulp with sourness helps to overcome the signs of toxicosis, due to which many expectant mothers lose weight and eat poorly. The lack of important trace elements and vitamins negatively affects the overall health and proper development of the fetus.

What is useful pineapple (video)

How useful a tropical fruit is for a person and how to choose the right nutritious fruit - we learn from the video:

Essential elements of fruit

A fruit from hot countries activates the digestibility of protein. A piece of pineapple is good to eat after eating meat or fish. During viral epidemics, pineapple strengthens the immune forces, as it is rich in vitamin C. It actively increases the resistance of cells to viruses and infectious foci, and also removes toxins, free radicals and toxic compounds from tissues, helps to absorb vitamin E, as well as iron, strengthens the walls arteries and vessels.

Together with vitamins and essential mineral salts, folic acid enters the body of a pregnant woman with a piece of pineapple, which is important at the stages of the formation of the body of the unborn baby. It affects the formation of the central nervous system of the fetus. Lack of folic acid is fraught with abnormal pregnancy and serious complications with the health of the baby. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to drink folic acid throughout the first trimester and, in addition, you can eat a salad with pineapple several times a month.

Pineapple pulp is rich in phosphorus and calcium, which form the brain and skeleton of the child. Without sufficient nutrition of these elements of the baby's cells, the "pulling" of minerals from the mother's body begins. As a result, in many women, teeth crumble, the condition of the joints worsens.

A small amount of natural iodine is necessary for a future mother. It contributes to the proper formation of the thyroid gland and the nervous system of the fetus. An unborn child may even develop mental retardation if the mother's body did not have enough iodine during gestation. Therefore, it would be good to add pineapple, seaweed, iodized salt to the diet of a pregnant woman, or take iodine preparations.

Pieces of ripe pineapple are a source of iron important for blood. This trace element is indispensable for the creation of hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to the placenta. The situation is dangerous if it is not enough in the body, then doctors prescribe additional sources of iron in the form of iron preparations. In addition to the prescribed treatment, you can eat pineapple slices doused with homemade yogurt.

In the 1st trimester, acute anemia (lack of iron) is fraught with abortion. To exclude mental underdevelopment in a toddler, iron-containing foods, including exotic pineapple, should be added to the diet.

Possible harm from pineapple

You can not include a tropical fruit on the menu if there is:

  • propensity or threat of premature birth;
  • the threat of miscarriage (the presence of blood discharge, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, etc.);
  • increased tone of the uterus;
  • gastritis or ulcer (fruit increases acidity);
  • allergic reaction;
  • diabetes mellitus (including gestational type).

It is enough to consume no more than 150 grams of sweet pulp or 200 ml of pineapple juice per day. It is recommended not to lean in large quantities on the fruit, as its acids can irritate the oral mucosa and destroy tooth enamel, as well as cause uterine contractions. Packed pineapple juice and canned food contain a lot of sugar and not a single gram of benefit.

Women in position, according to gynecologists, pineapple is contraindicated in large volumes, as it can disrupt digestion and cause uterine contractions. Indigestion often leads to severe dehydration. Bromelain from pineapple pulp increases the tone of the uterus, so it is dangerous to administer it at the risk of premature birth and miscarriage.

Can pregnant women eat canned pineapple

Often among the population, a canned product overshadows fresh fruits. It is especially actively used in baking, desserts and on New Year's holidays.

Canned pineapples can be used as snacks or added instead of cookies to a cup of morning tea. Is it possible to eat canned fruit during pregnancy?

This is a low-calorie product containing only 60 kcal per 100 grams. This is the only plus for thermally processed tropical fruit. The main useful component of bromelain is completely absent in it. This element is very sensitive to heat treatment and is destroyed under the influence of high temperature.

Fruit canned food often causes allergies in pregnant women, although it might not have manifested before, therefore, during lactation and waiting for the baby, they should be discarded and replaced with healthy and fresh fruits.

How to choose a useful ripe fruit

Unripe or overripe pineapples can harm the body. They contain too much bromelain. Severe poisoning can be obtained from overripe pulp, in which fermentation processes have already begun, and the reproduction of bacteria has become more active.

Fresh fruit should not have a sharp sweetish aroma. On the cut, its flesh has a yellow color. It is undesirable if the pineapple is light inside, that is, not quite ripe. The cut fresh fruit is eaten immediately. It should not be stored for a long time even in the refrigerator.

You should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating your favorite tropical fruit during pregnancy. The main thing is to choose a ripe fruit and eat it fresh in small quantities and not often. So it will benefit, strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being, normalize the processes associated with the laying of the internal organs of the fetus.

The onset of pregnancy often changes the taste preferences of women, sometimes they want something that did not cause appetite before. At the same time, the diet during this period should be designed in such a way that the baby receives all the necessary vitamins.

The menu of the expectant mother should include fruits daily. Some of them, such as exotic pineapples, can have an ambiguous effect. On the one hand, this fruit is a valuable food product, on the other hand, pineapples during pregnancy can cause unexpected reactions. Should expectant mothers eat exotic fruits?

Sunny Brazil is considered the birthplace of pineapple, it is there that you can still find it in the wild. The plant is a low prickly grass, on which fruits weighing from one to 15 kilograms ripen (depending on the variety and weather conditions). From setting to full ripening of pineapples takes from 3 to 7 months, up to 3 crops are harvested during the year.

At the end of the 18th century, pineapples were brought to Europe, where they soon began to grow in greenhouse conditions, but their taste qualities differed from those collected in the natural environment. To date, exotic fruits are grown in countries with a humid and hot climate (Thailand, Brazil, Philippines) on an industrial scale, from where they are delivered to all regions of the world.

Scientists have not yet come to the conclusion what the fruit is: a berry, a vegetable or a fruit, the pineapple combines the features of all these species. Whatever the pineapple is, its composition makes it a unique product.

Pineapples and pregnancy

There is an opinion that expectant mothers should never eat pineapples: they allegedly cause miscarriages and premature births. It was in this way that the natives got rid of unwanted pregnancies.

However, judging by the reviews of women who ate pineapples at different times, nothing like this happened. Scientists have proven that the fruits contain a special substance that can really cause bleeding and erratic uterine contractions, but for this you need to eat at least 5-8 kilograms at a time.

Composition and benefits for pregnant women

Pineapple is a rounded fruit covered with dense scales. Only the pulp is eaten, which is 80% water, the rest is organic acids and sugar.

Pineapple pulp contains only 48 kilocalories per 100 grams, so it can be consumed without fear of gaining extra pounds.

The fruit contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that will benefit the body of the mother and child:

  1. Vitamins: A, C, all group B, PP, D. B vitamins help maintain the mother's nervous system in a normal state, improve mood and protect against stress, a lack of these vitamins can lead to improper formation of the neural tube in a child. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, which boosts immunity and improves well-being.
  2. Minerals: zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus and others that are so necessary for a woman to maintain balance: during development, the fetus takes all the necessary elements from the mother's body if she does not receive them with food. These trace elements support the work of the cardiovascular system, reduce the likelihood of anemia in the mother and the unborn baby.
  3. Folic acid, which is necessary for the formation of the nervous system of the baby. This element is prescribed to almost all women in the first months of pregnancy.

Useful properties of pineapples:

  • Removing excess fluid from the body will help get rid of edema at all stages of pregnancy.
  • The fruit normalizes digestion due to the pectin, fiber and bromelain (a special enzyme) contained in it. The use of pineapples will allow women to get rid of constipation, which often occurs in pregnant women.
  • Pineapple has the ability to thin the blood and increase vascular tone, which will benefit expectant mothers with varicose veins (only at an early stage).
  • A small piece of pineapple can get rid of toxicosis.
  • Decreased blood pressure due to improved vascular patency and dissolution of blood clots.

In addition, eating a fragrant exotic dish improves the mood of a woman, and the rich composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Possible harm

Despite the many useful properties of pineapples, their use can harm the mother and fetus:

  1. Allergy. Pineapple is an unusual delicacy for women of middle latitudes, it can cause a reaction in the form of rashes, itching in a pregnant woman and the birth of a child with a tendency to food allergies.
  2. Stomach problems, damage to tooth enamel, irritation of the lips and oral mucosa due to the high content of acids in it.

Pineapple is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • gastritis or peptic ulcer in any form;
  • sensitive tooth enamel;
  • product intolerance;
  • high tone of the uterus, the threat of miscarriage.

How can you eat pineapples in the early and late periods

Most gynecologists are inclined to believe that it is possible to eat pineapples in small quantities at any time if a woman tolerates this delicacy normally. However, in the first trimester, when all the baby's organs begin to form, it is better to eat an exotic fruit in small quantities or completely refuse.

In any case, before pampering yourself with an exotic treat, the expectant mother should consult a gynecologist.

Despite a number of restrictions during pregnancy, pineapples are recommended to be eaten at the planning stage: the pulp contains bromelain, which blocks androgens that prevent egg fertilization.

In addition, the fruits increase the level of progesterone, which prepares the uterus for bearing the fetus and contributes to the normal course of pregnancy.

How to eat pineapples for expectant mothers when planning a pregnancy?

It has been proven that only fresh pineapple pulp and juice have beneficial properties. Canned fruits, candied fruits and heat-treated juice will not bring any benefit to the expectant mother and child, but they can harm because of the high content of sugars, dyes and flavors.

Pregnant women can eat pineapples in small quantities (up to 300 grams) as a snack. You can't do this on an empty stomach.

Pineapples for a future mother can be eaten in several ways:

  • in its pure form (fresh or frozen);
  • in the form of juices, compotes;
  • as part of other dishes (but not with dairy products).

In particular, pineapples can be added to fruit salads or baked with lean meats (chicken breast, for example).

What to look for when choosing?

Expectant mothers need to be especially careful in choosing all food products, and even more exotic ones. So that after eating pineapples there is no unpleasant surprise in the form of poisoning or diarrhea, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • the smell should be pleasant, sweetish. You can feel it about 5-10 cm from the fetus;
  • pineapple should be soft, but elastic;
  • there should be no dents or spots on the peel;
  • when the fetus is tapped, a dull sound should be heard.

You can also determine maturity by the color of the pulp:

  • rich yellow - ripe fruit;
  • pale flesh - pineapple is not ripe.

When buying, you should also pay attention to the price: fast delivery is not cheap, and when transported by sea, they carry green pineapples that ripen on the road.

Those pineapples that are sold in our outlets were most likely plucked immature, therefore they contain a minimum of useful substances and it is not recommended for pregnant women to eat them. If the desire to treat yourself to something exotic is huge, you need to choose the fruit very carefully and not abuse it.

During the gestation period, expectant mothers notice frequent and drastic changes in taste preferences. It often happens that a woman, having visited a store, collects everything that catches her eye in a basket, even if she had not looked at some products before. Especially often you want something exotic. For example, pineapple. Next, we will figure out what benefits and harm this overseas can bring to the body.

fresh pineapple

It is a large, sweet fruit that may look a bit like a scaly cone in appearance. Today, such fruits are sold everywhere in stores. But before you buy it and consume it in excessive quantities, you should be sure that such food will not harm your health.

Did you know? Currently, more than 80 varieties of pineapples are known in the world. The shape of the fruits of all such varieties is identical, which cannot be said about the weight, because it varies from 500 g to 4 kg.

Beneficial features

Pineapple is deservedly called a storehouse of vitamins. It contains everything from group B, and is also extremely important for pregnant women. Also among the components there are organic acids, potassium, and many others. It is noteworthy that the fruit in question contains, which doctors often prescribe to women in position during the first trimester.

Speaking about how pineapple is useful for, one cannot help but recall that the product in question is able to remove excess fluid from the body, and therefore it can be recommended to those women who suffer from.
It's no secret that an expectant mother can often feel like eating something unusual just in time. Very useful at this point will be the use of a piece of juicy ripe pineapple. Literally 100 g of the product will be enough for the upcoming vomiting or annoying nausea to go away. Yes, and you don’t need to worry about the calorie content of the fruit, since 100 g of pineapple accounts for only 48 kilocalories.

Don't forget to measure

It should be remembered that pineapple is quite strong, which is why it should be consumed in limited quantities during pregnancy. It is best to eat no more than 200 g of the product at one meal. Of course, it is often difficult for a pregnant woman to control herself in such a situation, but the motivation should be concern and concern for the health of her child.

Contraindications and harm

As it has already become clear, the excessive consumption of the exotic fruit in question, despite its benefits for the body, can also bring harm to both the woman and her unborn child. Experienced medical specialists are of the opinion that it is not worth eating pineapple during pregnancy and later. In the first trimester, the product can provoke the development of an unborn baby, and in the last it can cause premature termination of pregnancy.
Here is a list reasons that should limit the use the fruit in question.

  • This product is exotic. From this it follows that he is able to provoke allergies in both the mother and her child.
  • The component composition of the fruit in question contains bromelain. This is a bioactive substance that can stimulate muscles. In this regard, there is a risk that it can cause premature. It is worth noting that the highest concentration of bromelain is found in unripe pineapples, and these are usually sold in supermarkets. For women who have uterine hypertonicity, the fruit in question is contraindicated for use in any quantity.
  • As mentioned above, pineapples are very low in calories, but they also have a high glycemic index (66). This property means that the product is digested quickly by the body and in the process increases the level of sugar in the blood, which is later converted into body fat.

What about canned pineapples?

Canned pineapples are an even more delicious treat for many. And it is not surprising that many women are interested in the question of whether pregnant women can use such a product. Immediately, we note that doctors recommend that pregnant women eat only fresh fruits. You should not eat a canned product during pregnancy, because it contains a lot of preservatives and sugar that a woman will not only not benefit, but also harm.

Even if the desire to eat such a delicacy is unusually strong, it is still recommended to refrain, because at this stage in life, the health of the child almost completely depends on the lifestyle of his mother.

Did you know? In the Philippines, pineapple leaves have been used to make soft fiber, which is used in the production of thin white-yellow fabric. This fabric is primarily used for sewing handkerchiefs, women's and children's shirts, as well as underwear.

How to choose a ripe pineapple when buying

Despite the fact that nowadays you can buy pineapple in almost any supermarket, it is not always possible to choose a really ripe and tasty fruit. But to be able to do it correctly is extremely important, because in this way it will be possible to avoid poisoning or other disorders.

  • Smell. Do not be shy to smell the fruit in the store. The aroma should be light, sweet and pleasant. The smell should be felt already at a distance of 5-10 cm from the fruit itself.
  • Density. You need to feel the fruit slightly when choosing. Ripe product should be elastic, slightly soft. The hard fruit is not yet ripe.
  • Peel. You should carefully examine its appearance. There should be no dents or dark spots. If there are darkening between the scales, then there is a possibility that the pineapple has already begun to rot.
  • tapping. Light tapping on the fetus should be accompanied by a dull sound.

Also, the ripeness of the product can be determined by the color of the pulp. If the pineapple is rich yellow in color, then it is ripe, but if the flesh is pale, then the product is most likely not ripe.

Important! Pineapples, which are sold in our supermarkets, are usually picked immature and ripen during transportation. Because of this, in their component composition, they do not have as many useful elements as we would like. In connection with this feature, it is necessary to approach the choice of fruits in the store very responsibly.

How to store at home

Ripe pineapple is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator, after wrapping it in paper, or placing it in a paper bag. The optimum temperature for storing the product in question is +7...+10 °С. In such temperature limits, the fruit will retain its taste and aroma. Experts recommend storing fruit for no more than two weeks. You can store pineapple longer, but the temperature for this should be reduced to +7 ° C and below. But in this case, the taste characteristics will deteriorate.
Of course, the storage of the product in question can also take place in a frozen form. For this purpose, it should be cut and cut into portions. The cut is folded into a cellophane bag and poisoned in the freezer.

Important! In order for the pineapple to ripen at home, it is recommended to wrap it in newsprint and send it to a warm place. The paper will need several layers. After two days, you should try to pull the leaf out of the crown without effort. A fruit is considered ripe if the leaf comes out easily. Otherwise, the fruit should be left to ripen for another 2-3 days.

Where can I add and what is combined with

We have already found out that a pregnant woman should not use canned pineapple. The same should be said about candied fruit. You should not be tempted by such a delicacy, since candied fruits are high in calories and, at the same time, are practically useless for the body. In addition, they are also tinted. Also do not combine pineapple with dairy products.
It will be more useful to use a fresh, unprocessed product for an afternoon snack, or to prepare a complex dish with its participation.

For example, a pregnant woman can cook baked chicken or lean pork with pineapples. You can also use pineapple compote, which is very tasty and fragrant. You can still add to such a drink, or others, thereby getting a full-fledged one with healing properties that will have a beneficial effect on the intestines. In summer, you can indulge yourself from time to time with frozen fruit, which tastes noticeably softer than fresh.

Summing up, it is worth recalling that during pregnancy you need to take care not only of your desires, but also of the health of your unborn child. You can use pineapples only in the form and quantity that will not harm the health of the baby and will not cause any that may occur in the crumbs in the future.
