Composition on the topic: Friendship of Vasya, Valek and Marusya in the story In a bad society, Korolenko. Composition on the topic: Friendship of Vasya, Valeka and Marusya in the story In a bad society, Korolenko Message communication between Valeka Marusya and Vasya

Literature lesson in grade 5

"Vasya's friendship with Valek and Marusya (based on the novel by V.G. Korolenko" In Bad Society ")"

Chapter - "Russian literatureXXcentury."

lesson type - consolidation and generalization of the material.

Lesson Objectives:
- to show students that friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya's best inclinations to manifest: kindness, responsiveness, mercy;

To develop the creative abilities of students (building an associative series, compiling syncwines, writing essays);

Cultivate moral qualities;

Learn to observe the development of the plot and the behavior of the characters;

To instill love for the language, close attention to the artistic word.

Equipment: texts of the story, students' drawings, an exhibition of books by writers and poets about children, the song "Accident from the film" Generals of the sand pits "

TCO: multimedia projector, screen.

Epigraph to the lesson:



During the classes.

I . Organizational moment (mood for the lesson).

Hello guys! Let's start our lesson todayfrom the scene prepared by the guys. So, a word to the creative team.

Against the background of the song "Accident" from the film "Generals of the sand pits"Rthe scene “Vasya asks for a doll from Sonya for Marusya” is played out.(Students' creativity)

(slide 1).

Teacher's word:

Now you listened to the song, watched the scene. What do you think, and from what work is this scene and who is the author of this work?

- What do you guys think, what qualities of character does Vasya show in this scene? (compassion, the ability to be a caring friend).

- When do we show such qualities? (children's answers).

II . Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson

- The topic of our lesson is "Vasya's friendship with Valek and Marusya" (slide 2).

Our task is to understand what changes occur in Vasya's mind under the influence of meeting new friends; find out what moral lessons we can learn by observing the relationship of the hero with representatives of the “bad society”.

Let's write down the topic of today's lesson in notebooks. (Entry in notebooks).

- And the epigraph to our lesson is the words of the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero: “ There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunshine "(slide 3).

III . Work on the topic of the lesson.

Friendship… What associations does it evoke in you?Now we will try to build an associative series. On the board you see a bright sun named Friendship. Please write on the rays a definition for the word friendship (children's answers). Then we attach these rays to the sun and see what kind of cluster we get. (Student answers). (slide 4).

Agree with you. From the above, I can summarize thatfriendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, it is a community of interests . (slide 5).

IV . Group work.

- Guys, we have previously divided into two creative groups. Working in groups, you must predict how the events of the story would develop. At home, you should have studied the questions and prepared answers to them. I propose to proceed to this stage of our lesson.(slide 6).

1. How would events have developed if Vasya had not gone to the chapel?

2. How would events develop if Vasya and Valek had a fight?

3. How would events have developed if Vasya had listened to his father and stopped going to the guys?

I will now give each group an opportunity to speak. Which group would like to start?

Well done! All the creative teams did a good job.

V . Updating what has already been learned. Work on the text of the work.

1. - And how do you understand the words of Tyburtsy: “Maybe it’s good that your path passed through ours?”

(Meeting with Tyburtsy, Valek and Marusya helped Vasya from a "bad boy" - a tramp to turn into a kind faithful comrade).

Teacher's conclusion: Yes, indeed, so. Having met and made friends with representatives of the "bad society", Vasya began to look at the world with completely different eyes.

2. What do you think Vasya learned from communicating with Valek and Marusya?

( In his life, he really lacked friendship, attention, spiritual intimacy, real friends.

Vasya was by nature a kind and faithful person. When he felt that he was needed, he wholeheartedly responded to it. Valek helped Vasya get to know his own father better.

In his friendship with Marusya, Vasya invested that feeling of an older brother, that care that he was prevented from showing at home towards his sister.)

Vasya not only constantly gives them treats, but he brings animation to their boring, joyless life. He started funny games, laughed out loud, told Marusa fairy tales.

For Valek and Marusya, who felt rejected, friendship was a great joy in life.

Vasya was the only friend to talk to. Valek cherished his friendship, was not afraid of Tyburtsy, who forbade anyone to be initiated into the secret of the dungeon.

Teacher's conclusion: Vasya appreciated the friendship that had arisen and cherished it. Friendship with poor children helped him build a relationship with his father.

3 .- Now I suggest you look at the screen(slide 7). We are faced with a problem, and only those who know the text of the story well can solve it. To the left of me are the names of the characters, and to the right are their lines or descriptions. You need to match the lines with the names of the characters. Let's see which group will complete the task faster and more accurately. I give you 1 minute to think. You can consult with each other in the group.

So what did you get? Read the replicas of the characters and their descriptions, underlining the words intonation. Student responses(slide 8).

VI . Individual assignment for the story.

(Performing the test according to the electronic textbook of Cyril and Methodius - 2 students).

Well done boys! You did a good job. Now we will complete the following task. Two students will have to test their knowledge on a computer that will evaluate your answers. And all the rest of the same test tasks will be performed on the ground. Only 5 questions.

Conclusion: They did a good job.

VII . Solving the crossword puzzle. (slide 9).

And now let's solve the crossword puzzle according to the content of the story. Having solved it, you will read vertically the key word encrypted in it, which vividly characterizes Vasya's attitude towards outcast children.

The feeling that Vasya experiences when looking at Marusya. (Sadness.)

The position of Vasya's father.(Judge.)

The most beautiful building in Knyazh-Gorodok. (Jail.)

What brightened up the last days of the dying Marusya?(Doll.)

The place where Vasya met Valek and Marusya.(Chapel.)

The feeling that Vasya experiences in his home.(Loneliness.)

The place where Valek and Marusya lived.(Dungeon.)

The tree that grew in front of the entrance to the dungeon. (Bird cherry.)

Students read the key word humanism.

And let's turn to the explanatory dictionary and find out the meaning of this word.

Humanism - humanity, humanity, philanthropy. (Slide 10).

Teacher's word (output):

Vasya lives according to the laws of his heart, and he responds to the heartfelt participation, warmth and attention of those who are called "bad society." However, the social status of these people does not close their spiritual qualities from him: sincerity, simplicity, kindness, striving for justice. It is here, in the “bad society”, that Vasya finds real friends and goes through the school of true humanism. Vasya's friendship withstood a very important test.

VI . Lesson conclusions.

(Compilation of syncwine).

- So, the key word in our lesson is friendship. To summarize the lesson, each creative group will prepare their own syncwine. To write a syncwine, I suggest that you return to the beginning of the lesson and remember the associative series for the word friendship.(slide 11).

I suggest that the 1st group write a syncwine to the wordfriendship , 2nd - by the waygood .

Student responses:

Approximate syncwines:


real, strong

helps, supports, rescues

can go through life

love (kindness, help, …)


free, unselfish

help, help, support

helps a person to live

love (help, ...)

Reflection .

Each student receives a piece of paper on which he must continue and write down the sentence: answers

“The most important thing that I understood (a) today in the lesson is…”. (slide 12).

VII . Homework.

In my opinion, the lesson was a success. And it seems to me that you all understood what changes take place in Vasya's mind under the influence of meeting new friends, what moral lessons we can learn by observing the relationship of the hero with representatives of the "bad society". Each of you contributed to this lesson. Given the work in previous lessons and today, your excitement, mood, desire, you all get grades. Another mark you get by doing creative homework(slide 13):

write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is friendship for me?"

The friendship between Vasya and Valek with Marusya is unusual, since Vasya is from a wealthy family, his father is a well-known judge in the city, and Valek and his sister are poor, do not even have their own housing and often have nothing to eat. One thing is the same for them - they all lost their mother and have only a father.

They met by chance. Once Vasya persuaded and even offered a reward - apples - to several city boys to climb the mountain where the chapel is located to find out what is there. It was deserted, and no one went there for a long time. When they climbed the mountain, Vasya offered the boys to lift him up so that he could climb inside. They helped him, but when something stirred in the darkness, they abandoned him and ran away.

At first, Vasya thought about evil spirits, but then he saw just two children. They were Valek and his two-year-old sister Marusya. They quickly became friends, began to play and chat together. From them, Vasya learned a lot of surprising things, for example, that Valek steals food in the city.

Soon Vasya found out that Marusya was very seriously ill, and that she would probably die soon. He began to make efforts to make her comfortable and fun - he dragged her apples, constantly joked, etc. When she became very ill, he persuaded his sister Sonya to give away her favorite doll for a while, because of which he almost quarreled with her father.

Despite efforts, Marusya died, and Valek left with his father a few days later.

Plan - summary of a literature lesson in 6th grade

Subject: “Friendship of Vasya, Valek and Marusya” (based on the novel by V.G. Korolenko “In Bad Society”)

Designed by: teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU secondary school with. Fashchevka Trunova N.N.

Chapter - "Russian Literature of the 20th Century".

lesson type - a lesson in the formation and consolidation of knowledge.

Type of lesson - lesson - dialogue

Target: - to identify the problematics of a work of art.

Lesson objectives:

Show students that friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya's best qualities to manifest: honesty, kindness, responsiveness, mercy;

To develop the creative abilities of students;

Cultivate moral qualities;

Learn to observe the development of the plot and the behavior of the characters;

instill Love to the language, close attention to the artistic word;

To reveal the role of friendship in the life of heroes;

Develop a monologue statement;

Show the problem of the relationship of children.

Advance task:

At home, prepare illustrations for the story by V.G. Korolenko "In a bad society", pick up proverbs about friendship.

Equipment: an exhibition of drawings, a selection of proverbs, a computer Power Point presentation.

TSO: projector, screen.

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship;

exclude friendship from life anyway,

that deprive the world of sunlight.



I. Organizational moment.Psychological mood of students.

Teacher: - Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to today's literature lesson. And in order to make our mood even better, let's give each other the most beautiful thing - a smile. After all, it is a smile that helps us overcome all difficulties, and I think that a smile will help us today at the lesson.

II. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we continue to talk about the story of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko "In Bad Society".

The topic of our lesson is “Friendship of Vasya, Valek and Marusya”(slide 1).

III. Updating of basic knowledge.

1. Checking homework.

(Children defend drawings for V.G. Korolenko’s story “In Bad Society”,

read their chosen proverbs about friendship).

IV. Learning new material.

1. Teacher's word: We often ask ourselves questions:

Why do we read?

What does reading give us?

What can a book teach us?

Reading a work of art, we try to understand the main thing that the author wanted to convey to us. Writers try to awaken in our souls kind and sincere feelings, respect for others.

What is the world you live in? We always feel sorry for the little kitten, who, huddled in a ball, sits in the rain. We are ready to help a little chick that has fallen out of its nest. Are we always ready to help people who are forced to live on the street, beg for alms, need our mercy and compassion.

(the song “Generals of the sand quarries” sounds. The guys, to the sound of the song, are laying a path of mercy on an impromptu route).

Teacher's word: V.G. Korolenko managed to penetrate the secrets of the human soul, sympathize with them, share with them joy, grief, loneliness. And most importantly, he made us understand what friendship is.

What do you think is the main theme of the story "In Bad Society"?

How do you understand the word friendship? What it is?

The epigraph to our lesson is the words of the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero:

“In the world there is nothing better and more pleasant than friendship; to exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunshine "(slide 2).

We will talk about friendship today.

This topic was addressed not only by writers, but also by poets. What poems about friendship do you know?

(Children read poems).

Friendship is a warm wind
Friendship is a bright world
Friendship is the sun at dawn
A fun feast for the soul.
Friendship is only happiness
Friendship is one thing.
With friendship, bad weather is not terrible,
With friendship - life is full in spring.
A friend will share the pain and joy,
A friend will support and save.
With a friend - even an evil weakness
In an instant, it melts and leaves.
Believe, keep, appreciate friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
She will serve you.
After all, friendship is a valuable gift

Never change friends.
They cannot be exchanged like coins.
You will understand it later -
There is no closer friend in the world.

Never lose friends
That loss cannot be measured.
An old friend won't come back to you
You can't replace him with a new friend.

And do not offend friends -
Resentment will become a wound on the heart,
Even though friends know how to forgive,
The door to their soul will be closed.

Friendship must always be protected.
This feeling is longer than a century.
The best friend will never betray
There is simply no one more devoted!

Do you need to call a friend?
When it's dark on the way
When the road is not known
And there is no strength to go?
When trouble is on all sides
When the sun is night
Will he not see
Won't rush to help?
After all, he can not eat and sleep,
When all of a sudden!
But ... if you need to call a friend -
It's hardly a friend...

2. Working with a dictionary

Turning to the dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, let's read what friendship is?(slide 3). (Close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, commonality of relationships).

What associations does the word friendship evoke in you? Now we will try to build an associative series.

Every I will define the word friendship(children's answers). Agree with you. From all of the above, I can summarize that friendship is ...(slide 4).

3. Heuristic conversation:Guys, we are talking about compassion, mercy, help, love, tell me why Korolenko turns to the topic of disadvantaged children?

Children's answers:

On the example of the story, he showed that hunger, hopelessness, loneliness disappeared from the lives of children.

He wanted us to see the terrible world of disadvantaged children through Vasya's eyes.

So that we, having met such children on the street, extended a helping hand to them, were merciful to them.

4. Teacher's word: Guys, what would you like to wish them?

(children's answers)

5. Research work with text.

Teacher's word:

When did Vasya and Valek first meet? Why did this acquaintance captivate Vasya so much?

6. Appeal to the definition of a portrait.

Portrait - the image of the hero's appearance (facial features, figures, facial expressions, gestures, clothes), one of the artistic means of his characterization, description.

What detail in Valek's portraiture impressed Vasya the most?

“...thin and thin, like a reed. He was dressed in a dirty shirt, his hands were in the pockets of his tight and short pants. Dark curly hair ruffled over black thoughtful eyes.

(the guys from the textbook read out a portrait description)

Highlight in the IV and V chapters the description of the appearance of Marusya. What epithets, comparisons, evaluative words does the author use in them?

“It was a pale, tiny creature, resembling a flower that grew without the rays of the sun. Despite her four years, she still walked poorly, stepping uncertainly with crooked legs and staggering like a blade of grass; her hands were thin and transparent; the head swayed on a thin neck, like the head of a field bell ... "

- Why did Vasya, watching Marusya, involuntarily begin to compare her with his sister Sonya?

“... it was round, like a donut, and elastic, like a ball. She ran so briskly when she used to play out, she laughed so loudly, she always wore such beautiful dresses, and every day the maid wove a scarlet ribbon into her dark braids.

What did the involuntary comparison of Marusya with her sister Sonya make the hero think about?

(Vasya thought for the first time about the cruel injustice of the laws that reigned in life, dooming innocent and defenseless children to death).

How are these children different from the children from the life in which Vasya lives?

What impression did the fortress make on you?

The old chapel "stood, sadly drooping, among graves overgrown with grass, modest crosses, dilapidated stone tombs."

"The inside of the tall, narrow building was devoid of any decoration." "Old, peeled walls." "The corners were woven with cobwebs."

"Objects that barely stood out on the floor in strange shapes."

(children read out the description of the fortress)

Why didn't Valek and Marusya have real friends?

(They are called "bad society")

How do you feel about the concept of “grey stone”?

(children call: cruelty, hunger, fear, horror, callousness, indifference, injustice)

Conclusion: The gray stone is a symbol of the cruelty and injustice of the laws of society)

- What is Vasya going through when he finds out that his friends are beggars, stealing to live?

- What was Vasya able to give with his friendship to the children of the dungeon?

(The hero found a new family. Marusya replaced Vasya with a sister with whom he was not allowed to play. He felt like an older brother and took care of the children as best he could.)

- What did friendship with Vasya give Valek and Marusya?

(Valek and Marusya stopped feeling rejected: Vasya gave them delicacies that they rarely saw, started funny games, told fairy tales to Marusya. For Valek, Vasya was the only comrade with whom you could talk and play. He valued his friendship with Vasya very much).

Conclusion: If people lived according to the laws of the human heart, acted as their conscience tells them, then there would be no gray stones.

V. Generalization and systematization

Teacher: Today we talked a lot about kindness, about friendship, about mercy, and I think that we are one step closer to what the writer wanted to bring to our hearts, helped to see the world through the eyes of children deprived of affection, love, help of an adult .

And in conclusion, I want to ask you: “Do you still consider Valek and Marusya to be “bad company”?

Student: No. Vasya lives according to the laws of his heart and responds to the heartfelt participation, warmth and attention of the one who is called "bad company"

VI. Summarizing

1. Reflection:

Teacher: Guys, write in your notebooks the answer to the question:

“The most important thing I learned in class today”?

(the song "Friendship" sounds, the children will perform a verse and chorus)

A strong friendship won't break
Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.
A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much.
This is what it means to be a true friend.

(children read poems to the sounds of the same song)

Thin threads circled the earth,
Threads of parallels and green rivers,

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand
Everyone needs to believe in friendship.

Warm with a word, caress with a look,
Even the snow melts from a good joke.

It's so wonderful to be with you
A gloomy person will become kind and cheerful!

VII. Homework.

differentiated tasks.

Prepare a retelling on the topic: "The Last Autumn of Marusya".

The work of V.G. Korolenko "Children of the Underground" is vital and truthful. Through the lines one can feel the pain of the author for the fate of the poor and disadvantaged people. The work very subtly shows that in one society childhood can be different.

Vasya and Sonya live in a wealthy family. They do not know hunger, need, fear. Their father is a well-known judge in the district. Little Sonya has a caring nanny and beautiful toys. Valek and Marusya live in slums, often sleeping hungry. Marusya is seriously ill.

The story is told on behalf of Vasya. The boy's mother died. He is heavy at heart, lonely. Nearby there is no close and understanding person. All the father's love goes to the little daughter. Vasya accidentally meets Valek and Marusya. He compares his sister Sonya with Marusya. Although the girls are the same age, they are very different both in appearance and behavior.

Sonya is a cheerful and well-fed girl, with a blush on her plump cheeks. A bright ribbon in her hair, laughter emphasizes her carefree childhood. Marusya is quiet and alert. She is very thin, does not walk well, gets tired quickly. Her thin voice is barely audible.

Vasya and Sonya live in a warm house. The dwelling of Valek and Marusya is a damp and eternally cold dungeon. It undermined the health of Marusya. For Vasya, it becomes a discovery that it is so hard and difficult for people nearby. He reaches out to new friends, feels sympathy for them, a desire to be there in difficult times. Vasya understands that the children are not to blame, that their life is so severe.

Friendship with children helps to reveal the best features in Vasya's character - the willingness to help people in difficult situations, the ability to empathize. Marusya and Valek discover that even rich people can have a good heart.

Watching now: (module Watching now:)

  • Why, portraying Kutuzov in the novel "War and Peace", Tolstoy deliberately avoids the glorification of the image of the commander? - -
  • Why does the theme of the author's farewell to youth, poetry and romanticism sound in the finale of the sixth chapter of the novel "Eugene Onegin"? - -
  • Examples of problematic issues included in the 3rd part of KIMs in literature - -
  • What was Pontius Pilate's punishment? (based on the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita") - -
  • Is Natalia's character constructive or destructive at its core? (based on the epic novel by M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don") - -

Please, who knows, write preferably more, and so who can!

Key words: what role did friendship with the children of the underground play in Vasya's life, how the friendship of Vasya Valek and Marusya brightened up their lives, the story of Vasya's friendship with the children of the underground,

118 answers to the question “What role did friendship with the children of the underground play in Vasya’s life?”

    answer #0 / answered by: Help Desk

    answer / answered:

    Helpful answer? (612) / (47)

    answer / answered:

    Helpful answer? (106) / (35)

    After meeting Valek and Marusya, Vasya felt the joy of a new friendship.
    Since then, Vasya has been completely absorbed in his new acquaintance. Going to bed, and getting up, he only thought about visiting the chapel. Marusya, at the sight of her new friend, clapped her hands, and her eyes lit up with a twinkle, her pale little face flared up with a blush, she laughed. She was like a flower that grew without the rays of the sun. She reminded Vasya of his mother in the last days of his life.
    He liked to talk with Valek and bring gifts to Marusa. But at night, his heart sank from the pain of regret, when the boy thought about the gray stone that sucks life out of Marusya.
    Vasya fell in love with Valek and Marusya, missed them when he could not come to them on the mountain. Not seeing friends was a great deprivation for him.
    Vasya's character and his attitude to life after meeting with Valek and Marusya have changed a lot. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers. The character of the boy showed compassion and the ability to alleviate the pain of others. He felt the depth of social differences and realized that people do not always do bad things (for example, steal) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life, began to think about the concepts of justice, loyalty and human love.
    During his friendship with disadvantaged children, Vasya was able to realize that vague “something” he was striving for, and to show the best human qualities.
    Friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya's best inclinations, kindness, returned good relations with his father, played a major role in choosing a life position.

    answer / answered:

    Helpful answer? (26) / (21)

    Vasya's friends play a very important role in Vasya's life, and Marusya she looks like his mother and he treated her like a mother, he developed patience. He was glad to communicate with them, because his father left him, he didn’t deal with him, and his only happiness was to talk with Valik and Marusya

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (71) / (33)

After meeting Valek and Marusya, Vasya felt the joy of a new friendship. Since then, Vasya has been completely absorbed in his new acquaintance. Going to bed, and getting up, he only thought about visiting the chapel. Marusya, at the sight of her new friend, clapped her hands, and her eyes lit up with a twinkle, her pale little face flared up with a blush, she laughed. She was like a flower that grew without the rays of the sun. She reminded Vasya of his mother in the last days of his life. He liked to talk with Valek and bring gifts to Marusa. But at night, his heart sank from the pain of regret, when the boy thought about the gray stone that sucks life out of Marusya. Vasya fell in love with Valek and Marusya, missed them when he could not come to them on the mountain. Not seeing friends was a great deprivation for him. Vasya's character and his attitude to life after meeting with Valek and Marusya have changed a lot. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers. The character of the boy showed compassion and the ability to alleviate the pain of others. He felt the depth of social differences and realized that people do not always do bad things (for example, steal) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life, began to think about the concepts of justice, loyalty and human love. During his friendship with disadvantaged children, Vasya was able to realize that obscure \"something\" to which he aspired, and to show the best human qualities. Friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya's best inclinations, kindness, returned good relations with his father, played a major role in choosing a life position.

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (43) / (18)

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (30) / (18)

After meeting Valek and Marusya, Vasya felt the joy of a new friendship. Since then, Vasya has been completely absorbed in his new acquaintance. Going to bed, and getting up, he only thought about visiting the chapel. Marusya, at the sight of her new friend, clapped her hands, and her eyes lit up with a twinkle, her pale little face flared up with a blush, she laughed. She was like a flower that grew without the rays of the sun. She reminded Vasya of his mother in the last days of his life. He liked to talk with Valek and bring gifts to Marusa. But at night, his heart sank from the pain of regret, when the boy thought about the gray stone that sucks life out of Marusya. Vasya fell in love with Valek and Marusya, missed them when he could not come to them on the mountain. Not seeing friends was a great deprivation for him. Vasya's character and his attitude to life after meeting with Valek and Marusya have changed a lot. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers. The character of the boy showed compassion and the ability to alleviate the pain of others. He felt the depth of social differences and realized that people do not always do bad things (for example, steal) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life, began to think about the concepts of justice, loyalty and human love. During his friendship with disadvantaged children, Vasya was able to realize that obscure \\\\\\\"something\\\\\\\" to which he aspired, and to show the best human qualities. Friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya's best inclinations, kindness, returned good relations with his father, played a major role in choosing a life position.

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (23) / (12)

Vasya at first felt bad that no one devoted time and love to him, but then he found himself new friends and he began to walk with them, and soon the Marus Girl died and Vasya and his sister came to her grave and commemorated her, and Valik ran away somewhere and no one else saw Vasya

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (17) / (11)

Vasya at first felt bad, and then he found himself new friends, but soon the girl Marusya died and Vasya and his sister came to her grave and commemorated her.

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (21) / (6)

After meeting Valek and Marusya, Vasya felt the joy of a new friendship. Since then, Vasya has been completely absorbed in his new acquaintance. Going to bed, and getting up, he only thought about visiting the chapel. Marusya, at the sight of her new friend, clapped her hands, and her eyes lit up with a twinkle, her pale little face flared up with a blush, she laughed. She was like a flower that grew without the rays of the sun. She reminded Vasya of his mother in the last days of his life. He liked to talk with Valek and bring gifts to Marusa. But at night, his heart sank from the pain of regret, when the boy thought about the gray stone that sucks life out of Marusya. Vasya fell in love with Valek and Marusya, missed them when he could not come to them on the mountain. Not seeing friends was a great deprivation for him. Vasya's character and his attitude to life after meeting with Valek and Marusya have changed a lot. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers. The character of the boy showed compassion and the ability to alleviate the pain of others. He felt the depth of social differences and realized that people do not always do bad things (for example, steal) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life, began to think about the concepts of justice, loyalty and human love. During his friendship with disadvantaged children, Vasya was able to realize that obscure \\\"something \\\" to which he aspired, and to show the best human qualities. Friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya's best inclinations, kindness, returned good relations with his father, played a major role in choosing a life position.

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (17) / (6)

He liked to talk with Valek and bring gifts to Marusa. But at night, his heart sank from the pain of regret, when the boy thought about the gray stone that sucks life out of Marusya. Vasya fell in love with Valek and Marusya, missed them when he could not come to them on the mountain. Not seeing friends was a great deprivation for him. Vasya's character and his attitude to life after meeting with Valek and Marusya have changed a lot. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers. The character of the boy showed compassion and the ability to alleviate the pain of others. He felt the depth of social differences and realized that people do not always do bad things (for example, steal) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life, began to think about the concepts of justice, loyalty and human love.

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (14) / (10)

Vasya saw the world differently. If earlier he could observe life only from the position of rich parents who are allowed everything and who does not need anything, then after meeting the children of the dungeon, Vasya saw that life is not as good as it seems, that in it there is grief, suffering, death...

He became kinder, more mature, more serious, smarter

The stone is a symbol of eternity. More terrible than the roughness of gray stone, cold and darkness - hopelessness, despair. Korolenko's work teaches us not to be afraid of life, to accept it as it is, and not to bow our heads in front of difficulties.

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (11) / (1)

The narrator is Vasya, so there is no direct description of Vasya in the story. Vasya was a brave boy, honest, kind, he knew how to keep his word. In the year this story took place, he was seven or eight years old.
His character is revealed in relation to people, in the way he sees them, in experiences, actions.
Vasya: merciful, compassionate, courageous, caring, taking risks, saving, selfless kindness...
After meeting Valek and Marusya, Vasya felt the joy of a new friendship. He liked to talk with Valek and bring gifts to Marusa. But at night, his heart sank from the pain of regret, when the boy thought about the gray stone that sucks life out of Marusya.

The boy believed that his father did not love him, and considered him bad. The words of Valek and Tyburtsy that the judge is the best person in the city made Vasya take a fresh look at his father.

Vasya's character and his attitude to life after meeting with Valek and Marusya have changed a lot. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers. The character of the boy showed compassion and the ability to alleviate the pain of others. He felt the depth of social differences and realized that people do not always do bad things (for example, steal) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life, began to think about the concepts of justice, loyalty and human love.

Acquaintance with the "children of the dungeon" changed Vasya a lot. He realized that there are people who live much poorer than him, he realized that not all thieves are bad, that his father is a good person, despite the fact that he did not pay any attention to him. Vasya tried to bring his joy as much as possible little girlfriend Marusya, he became more patient and much kinder. When Marusya died, he first realized the meaning of the word "death".

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (6) / (1)

Vasya's character and his attitude to life after meeting with Valek and Marusya have changed a lot. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers. The character of the boy showed compassion and the ability to alleviate the pain of others. He felt the depth of social differences and realized that people do not always do bad things (for example, steal) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life, began to think about the concepts of justice, loyalty and human love.

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (7) / (2)

Vasya became more patient, began to show compassion for Marusa. I realized that people do not always do bad things of their own free will. I realized that there are people much poorer than him. Seeing the complexity of life, he began to think about human loyalty and love, as well as about justice. After Marousi's death, he understood the meaning of the word death. I realized that not all thieves are bad. I realized that despite the lack of attention from his father, he is still a good person. And Valek's life hasn't changed much... BUT EVERYTHING, he felt happiness just from this friendship

answer / answered:

Helpful answer? (7) / (5)

After meeting Valek and Marusya, Vasya felt the joy of a new friendship. Since then, Vasya has been completely absorbed in his new acquaintance. Going to bed, and getting up, he only thought about visiting the chapel. Marusya, at the sight of her new friend, clapped her hands, and her eyes lit up with a twinkle, her pale little face flared up with a blush, she laughed. She was like a flower that grew without the rays of the sun. She reminded Vasya of his mother in the last days of his life. He liked to talk with Valek and bring gifts to Marusa. But at night, his heart sank from the pain of regret, when the boy thought about the gray stone that sucks life out of Marusya. Vasya fell in love with Valek and Marusya, missed them when he could not come to them on the mountain. Not seeing friends was a great deprivation for him. Vasya's character and his attitude to life after meeting with Valek and Marusya have changed a lot. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers. The character of the boy showed compassion and the ability to alleviate the pain of others. He felt the depth of social differences and realized that people do not always do bad things (for example, steal) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life, began to think about the concepts of justice, loyalty and human love. During his friendship with disadvantaged children, Vasya was able to realize that obscure \\\"something \\\" to which he aspired, and to show the best human qualities. Friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya's best inclinations, kindness, returned good relations with his father, played a major role in choosing a life position.
