How much does a teacher without a category receive. How much does a teacher earn and why this specialty is unclaimed

The salaries of educators working with preschool children in Russia, regardless of the length of service of employees, are lower than the average payments to educators. Therefore, the issue of increasing the level of financial support for educators is very urgent.

Kindergarten teacher salary

Comparing the rates of school teachers with payments to educators, we can conclude that working with kids is one and a half times less profitable. Therefore, in accordance with the plan approved in 2016 and the presidential decree of May 2015, the minimum payments to state employees in 2016 should be increased.

The changes actually took place in April of this year. However, in fact, the teachers' salaries were increased by only 6%, despite the fact that the actual inflation is twice as high as the allowance.

teacher salary in 2016

Now educators earn an average of 9-12 thousand per month, and their assistants - less than 8 thousand. Therefore, since the beginning of April, the salaries of educators have increased by 6-8%, while at the same time the salaries of school workers have increased by 5.5%.

In 2016, 4.4 trillion rubles were budgeted for the salaries of social workers in Russia. However, the salary of kindergarten teachers in 2016 increased by less than 150 rubles on average.

Junior teacher and assistant teacher salary

Teacher assistants are mostly graduates who have recently completed their studies. When working with children, full-time pay is only 5-7 thousand for the regions and up to 10-15 thousand in large cities.

An increase in salaries for caregiver assistants occurs only with an experience of 5 years, with low levels of morbidity and injury in children. New reforms are being carried out to bring pay increases for junior caregivers and government employees into effect in 2016.

Salary increase for educators in 2016

In general, statements that the salary of educators in 2016 will increase by 6-8% are confirmed by the latest news. These changes have already taken place on April 1st. However, along with partial indexation, the duties of educators also increase.

In addition, a 6% increase in the monetary supply with an actual inflation rate of 12% is not significant. An increase in the wages of educators by 30-50% can only be expected in 2018, when the presidential elections will be held.

Teacher salary in Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg

An example of insufficient supply of workers in the system of child education and development is the salary of a teacher in a kindergarten in Moscow. In the capital, as well as in St. Petersburg, the salary of an educator for 2015 was only 30-35 thousand, which, given the cost of living in these cities, is not enough.

At the same time, in the Moscow region, the salary of an assistant educator in some areas was 14 thousand rubles. And the increase in payments by 6% in 2016 will not affect the current situation.

Salaries of a teacher of schools and preschool educational institutions

As of April 2016, in Russia, the salary of a teacher in preschool institutions is generally slightly lower than the average cash payments in the region, and tends to increase until 2018. This year, 180 billion rubles were allocated from the Russian budget, and 340 billion rubles from the regional ones , exclusively to increase salaries for employees of preschool education and upbringing, at least by 5.5%.

However, in fact, this amount is insufficient for a complete reform. Due to the insufficiency of the budget, the staff of kindergartens is being cut, reducing teachers and staff. At the same time, the normative workload remains the same, and the position of educator continues to be unattractive for young people.

Salary of a teacher in an orphanage and a boarding school

In specialized institutions, the average salary of an educator and the base salary in particular are somewhat higher. If there are night shifts, which is a common practice in orphanages, 20% is added to the salary.

Moreover, when working more than 10 hours a day, the salary increases up to 2 times. Thanks to such principles of accrual, the salaries of educators in boarding schools are significantly higher.

Salary of the senior educator and educator of the highest category

There is also an opposite trend - the salary of a highly qualified educator is mainly influenced by the accumulated experience. The salaries of qualified educators are slightly higher than those of ordinary educators with similar experience and working conditions.

The salary of a teacher in a modern kindergarten depends on many factors: the qualifications of specialists, the region of work, additional classes. The largest amounts are received by employees of private institutions working with a certain bias (learning languages) and recruiting small groups. The average salary of kindergarten teachers in Russia is about 18-20 thousand.

How are tutors paid?

The basis of the teacher's salary is the base salary. Additional accruals are carried out due to the qualification of a specialist (I, II or the highest category). Separately, the calculation of salaries for educators working in a specialized kindergarten (an institution for children with speech therapy problems) is also determined. In this case, the salary increases by 15-20% relative to the base salary. Another 10% is received by employees who combine positions (work in the extension, replacement of other employees).

To understand how to calculate the salary of a teacher in specialized institutions, you need to take into account the direction of their activities. Work in kindergartens with in-depth study of Russian or foreign languages ​​is initially rated higher. And when conducting additional circles, the educator can slightly increase the monthly earnings. The only requirement is specialized education: a "language" teacher cannot conduct additional speech therapy or sports classes.

Minimum salary for a kindergarten teacher

The minimum wage without additional charges is about 7-9 thousand rubles. Similar salaries were noted by educators about the salary of 2016 from Vologda: the figure of 9 thousand became the average for the locality. There are a large number of private institutions in the city, but even in them the salary of educators is not high enough - about 12-14 thousand rubles. In such cases, earnings can be increased only with good performance of duties, combining positions, obtaining the status of "group leader". Bonuses are credited after the employee passes special checks.

Salary of educators Yekaterinburg, Perm

In Yekaterinburg, the average salary of teachers in kindergartens in March 2016 was about 16-17 thousand. At the same time, the city of Perm, located at a fairly close distance, distinguished itself by much lower payments. The average salary of educators in Perm was about 11-13 thousand (including expensive private gardens and highly specialized development centers).

The average salary of a teacher in the Altai Territory in 2016

The average salary of educators in the Altai Territory in March 2016 was about 13-15 thousand. At the same time, in the Republic of Altai, the average earnings of kindergarten teachers are somewhat higher and equal to approximately 17-19 thousand. At the same time, the salary of educators since January 1, 2016 in these regions has been increased by approximately 36% compared to 2015. But the difference in payments is based on the difference in working conditions, based on the territorial features.

What salary is charged to kindergarten teachers in Crimea?

Educators working in kindergartens in Simferopol receive an average of 10-12 thousand rubles (data for March 2016). The work of their colleagues teaching children in Sevastopol is estimated at an average of 19 thousand rubles. Sevastopol, like any other city of federal significance, requires large expenses for accommodation, education and food.

The society has always respected the people who are involved in the education and upbringing of the younger generation. One of these professions is the profession of a kindergarten teacher. But is this hard work worthy of pay? Let's find out how much kindergarten workers in various cities of Russia earn in 2015.

Average earnings of employees of preschool institutions in Russia

In 2015, kindergarten teachers receive an average of 32,000 rubles per month. Of course, if you do not take into account how much this work requires strength and nerves and that constant professional development and self-training are necessary, then it seems that this is quite a decent income by average Russian standards.

It should also be taken into account that such a relatively high figure was achieved after the increase in 2015 of the minimum wage for specialists with higher education working in kindergartens, up to 20,000 rubles per month, regardless of the region of the country, and the average wage by 10%.

This was done as part of a program that started back in 2012, the purpose of which is to attract personnel to preschool institutions, which are currently suffering from understaffing with specialists. In this regard, a planned increase in the salaries of workers employed in kindergartens is carried out annually. Thus, in 2014, the increase in the average wage was 12%.

But the salary of an assistant teacher, or as they say, nannies leave much to be desired. In 2015, its average level in the country is only 12,333 rubles. It should be noted that earlier the incomes of this category of workers and specialists with higher education did not differ much, but after 2012 it was decided to correct this shortcoming in the payroll system.

Although in private kindergartens, according to statistics from 2015, an assistant teacher receives an average of 20,667 rubles. But how much effort you need to spend on work in kindergarten!

Salary by city of Russia

A significant role in what kind of salary a teacher receives is played by the specific region where he works. So, in 2015, the average income in Russian cities is distributed as follows:

  • Moscow - 41,000 rubles;
  • Tyumen - 25,000 rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 25,000 rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 23,000 rubles;
  • Tula - 23,000 rubles.

Thus, we see that the average salaries in Moscow in 2015 are significantly higher than the salaries for this profession in other cities of Russia. In previous years, this gap was even more significant.

In addition, it should be noted that, despite the increase in the minimum wage, in many cities the average salary does not greatly exceed the minimum level established by law.

Due to a lack of funding, only those rates were increased, the size of which did not reach the new minimum.

At the same time, there are organizations where the salary of some educators is still less than 20,000 rubles, and they plan to increase salaries only by the end of 2015.

The overall average salary of preschool workers in Russia is so high because of the salaries received in the largest cities of the country, in particular in Moscow.

Future prospects

Despite the systematic policy of the state to increase the salaries of educators, this profession still remains little popular among young people. Many feel that kindergarten workers are getting far less than they deserve even after the wage increase.

Therefore, public services plan to increase salaries in the future as far as possible, as much as necessary to achieve an appropriate level of popularity for this profession.

Acquaintance of a child with a kindergarten is a new stage of human development, his formation as a person, and the transition to a new level of communication. Many modern mothers, who experience a shortage of places in kindergartens, try to get a job in preschool institutions with their child in positions that do not require specific training or are similar to their professional activities.

Such professions are an accountant, a methodologist, a junior educator (nanny). But one of the main roles in the preschool education of children is played by the educator. This is a person who is engaged in the upbringing of the children entrusted to him, and performs work according to the job description in an educational institution.

A person of such a profile is always in demand in society, young parents consider his opinion and relatives listen. Needless to say, what responsibility a representative of this profession bears every day.

How much does a kindergarten teacher earn?

Types of kindergartens

It should immediately be noted that kindergartens are divided into two types: state (municipal) and private.


State preschool institutions are completely dependent on state funding, and sometimes (depending on the head of the garden) on the support of sponsors. Now almost all kindergartens of this type accept children from the age of two years. The number of nursery groups working from the age of one and a half years is decreasing every year, and soon they will completely disappear due to lack of funding. Municipal kindergartens are practically free of charge: the calculation is only for food according to the prepaid system with subsequent recalculation (in the event of a child's illness or "warned" absence).


Private kindergartens are fully supported by the parental fee, which is ten times higher than the payment for a public kindergarten. But a huge plus is that such kindergartens accept children from a very early age (from a year), which provides great support to working parents.

Responsibilities of the educator

In both types of kindergartens, along with the children, there is a teacher who must:

  • have a qualified education;
  • be friendly to children and parents;
  • know and apply a variety of approaches to attract the attention of the child,
  • be able to resolve conflicts;
  • monitor the order and atmosphere in the group;
  • be responsible for the life and health of the child while he is in kindergarten;
  • be able to provide first aid.
  • Complete reports correctly and on time.


In order to engage in educational activities, you need to get a higher education in the direction of "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology" in any higher educational institution of the city, and also know the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education well. Upon graduation, a diploma will be issued with the qualification "Educator". Educators who have received education, but have not worked in their specialty for a long time, can take retraining or retraining courses to fill in memory gaps in this field of activity.

Who should not be a teacher

  • without special education;
  • with a criminal record or a questionable past;
  • with mental and neurological abnormalities;
  • disabled people of all groups;
  • with pronounced bad habits (alcohol, smoking, etc.).

Salaries of educators in Russia

The teacher's salary consists of the main (salary) part and a bonus allowance, which depends on the events held with parents, matinees and participation in competitions at the district, city and other levels.

Additional accruals can be made at the expense of the employee's qualifications. Qualifications begin to be awarded after passing advanced courses - I, II and the highest category.

Also, educators who work in specialized preschool educational institutions, where their activities are aimed at speech therapy, ophthalmological or correctional development, receive a salary increase. The surcharge in this case is 15-20% of the monthly salary.

When combining several positions within the kindergarten (replacing a colleague, for example), the teacher can add another 10%.


The average salary of a kindergarten teacher in Russia is 25 thousand rubles. But this figure is extremely abstract, because in one region of the country the salary is 40 thousand rubles, and in another - 8 thousand rubles.

  • Educator working in Moscow, can count on a monetary reward in the amount of 40 thousand rubles a month. This salary is the highest in Russia. A novice specialist receives about 20 thousand rubles.
  • Specialist from Saint-Petersburg receives much less than his Moscow colleague - 27 thousand rubles.
  • caregiver In Nizhniy Novgorod earns an average of 15 thousand per month.
  • In small towns, villages and villages The average salary of a kindergarten teacher is 10 thousand rubles.

In 2016, a decree was adopted stating that the salaries of educators need to be raised. And so it happened. The increase amounted to an average of 6-7% of the total monthly earnings. The upward trend pleases, but in fact the real monetary compensation for a kindergarten employee amounted to 150-200 rubles.

Specialists in this field are characterized by early retirement, as well as extended leave, which is 45 days. For educators with experience and overtime, vacation can reach up to 56 days a year.

Salaries of educators in other countries

Abroad, for representatives of the sphere of preschool education, earnings are accrued in a more favorable amount. The salaries of Western colleagues are several times, or even dozens of times, higher than Russian ones.

  • For example, the teacher's income in the United States is equal to 3-4 thousand dollars a month. American colleagues perform the same functions and scope of work as Russian ones, but they have fewer children in the group, up to 15 people. The group has 4 educators in shifts, plus a kitchen worker. In kindergartens in Russia, the usual number of children in a group is 28-30 people. The group has 2 educators in shifts and one nanny.
  • In Germany- 3-4 thousand in European currency. A novice educator can count on a salary of 2.5 thousand euros.
  • In France Kindergarten employees receive 2-4 thousand euros. The amount of income depends on the experience of the educator, experience and type of institution where he works.

Working with children is the most responsible, painstaking and thorough. The educator should give his whole soul to his wards, should help them not only when they eat, dress or watch during a walk. He should help children when something does not work out, stimulate and motivate them to creative activity. To be a friend who is trusted, and also the kind of person with whom the child will not be afraid to stay for the whole day while mom or dad is at work.

In order to become a real educator, it is not enough just to get an education and work for ten years, you must be born for this profession, love children and everything connected with them. And the state should, first of all, properly encourage the work of such workers who educate the future generation.

On September 27, Russia celebrates the Day of Preschool Education Workers. On the eve of this holiday, the Research Center of the portal studied the offers of employers and the expectations of applicants for the position of "Kindergarten teacher" in 15 cities of Russia.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the kindergarten teacher in the development of the child's personality. However, this profession in our country has long been a low-paid vocation. The emergence of commercial kindergartens not only introduced new trends in preschool pedagogy, but also affected the level of salaries in this area. Educators who are truly passionate about working with children in private kindergartens earn at the level of middle managers. Salary offers of municipal and private kindergartens differ quite seriously. Thus, the average earnings in commercial kindergartens in Moscow are one third higher than in municipal ones, and the maximum salary is more than 60% higher. The starting salaries available for educators without work experience are approximately equal in both municipal and private kindergartens.

The state also paid close attention to preschool education: new kindergartens are being built, municipal preschool institutions have their own Internet portals, and the requirements for candidates for the position of educator are being tightened. Today this work is open only to specialists with specialized pedagogical education.

The duties of a kindergarten teacher include:

Care and supervision of preschool children in the premises of the kindergarten and on children's walking areas;
- ensuring the safety of children;
- Ensuring that children observe the regime of the day, classes and rest;
- upbringing, development, education of children;
- strengthening the health of children;
- interaction with parents, teachers and kindergarten specialists (medical staff, psychologist, speech therapist, etc.);
- participation in the organization of children's holidays;
- records management.

Salary and requirements of employers

Average salary offers for a caregiver municipal kindergarten in Moscow they are 30,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 24,000 rubles, in Volgograd - 14,000 rubles, in Voronezh - 15,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 19,000 rubles, in Kazan - 15,000 rubles, in Krasnoyarsk - 17,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 17,000 rubles, in Novosibirsk - 19,000 rubles, in Omsk - 15,000 rubles, in Perm - 17,000 rubles, in Rostov-on-Don - 17,000 rubles, in Samara - 17,000 rubles, in Ufa - 15,000 rubles, in Chelyabinsk - 17,000 rubles.

Average market salary of a tutor commercial kindergarten in Moscow is 40,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 32,000 rubles, in Volgograd - 19,000 rubles, in Voronezh - 20,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 26,000 rubles, in Kazan - 20,000 rubles, in Krasnoyarsk - 23,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 22,000 rubles, in Novosibirsk - 25,000 rubles, in Omsk - 20,000 rubles, in Perm - 23,000 rubles, in Rostov-on-Don - 23,000 rubles, in Samara - 23,000 rubles, in Ufa - 20,000 rubles, in Chelyabinsk - 23,000 rubles.

The position of a kindergarten teacher is open to applicants with secondary specialized education (pedagogy, preschool education, psychology). In addition to unconditional love for children, novice educators must have competent oral and written speech, know the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological rules for the organization of the daily routine and training sessions, physical education in a preschool institution, and instructions for protecting the life and health of children. Salary offers for applicants without experience as a teacher in Moscow start from 20,000 rubles. , in St. Petersburg - from 15,000 rubles.

Slightly higher salary offers for applicants with incomplete higher education and work experience as an educator from 1 year. Applicants need to master the methods of preschool education, know the features of child physiology and psychology. For-profit kindergartens give preference to candidates with further education in education, such as psychology, speech therapy, or music. Salary offers for applicants who meet the specified requirements in municipal kindergartens in Moscow range from 23,000 rubles. up to 25,000 rubles , in commercial - from 25,000 to 27,000 rubles. In the city on the Neva, teachers of municipal kindergartens can count on earnings from 18,000 to 20,000 rubles. , in private preschool institutions, the expected income is from 20,000 to 22,000 rubles.

The next salary range is for educators with higher professional education and more than 3 years of work experience. Applicants are required to have experience in integrated and partial (specialized) programs of preschool education. Municipal kindergartens invite to work educators certified in I or II qualification category, it is also necessary to have certificates of completion of advanced training courses. Commercial preschool institutions give preference to applicants who are good at computers, a foreign language and popular methods of preschool education, for example, Montessori pedagogy, the Kindergarten 2100 program, TRIZ, and so on. For private kindergartens, it is also important to have experience in commercial preschools. Salary offers of municipal kindergartens in Moscow reach 32,000 rubles. , private - 45,000 rubles. In the Northern capital, educators with more than 3 years of experience earn up to 26,000 rubles. in city kindergartens and up to 36,000 rubles. in commercial.

The highest salary offers are for educators with work experience of 5 years or more. Municipal kindergartens are waiting for specialists of the highest qualification category. Commercial kindergartens are hiring teachers who have a portfolio of professional achievements, who are familiar with modern domestic and foreign technologies for teaching and educating children. The maximum salary for a municipal kindergarten teacher in Moscow is 40,000 rubles. , in St. Petersburg - 32,000 rubles. The "ceiling" of salaries in commercial kindergartens is much higher - 65,000 rubles. in the capital, 50,000 rubles. in the city on the Neva.

Region Status of kindergartens Range I Range II Range III Range IV Median
(no experience as a kindergarten teacher) (with 1 year work experience) (with experience from 3 years) (with 5+ years experience) (average salary)
Moscow municipal 20 000-23 000 23 000-25 000 25 000-32 000 32 000-40 000 30 000
commercial 20 000-25 000 25 000-27 000 27 000-45 000 45 000-65 000 40 000
Saint Petersburg municipal 15 000-18 000 18 000-20 000 20 000-26 000 26 000-32 000 24 000
commercial 15 000-20 000 20 000-22 000 22 000-36 000 36 000-50 000 32 000
Volgograd municipal 10 000-11 000 11 000-12 000 12 000-15 000 15 000-20 000 14 000
commercial 10 000-12 000 12 000-13 000 13 000-22 000 22 000-30 000 19 000
Voronezh municipal 10 000-12 000 12 000-13 000 13 000-16 000 16 000-20 000 15 000
commercial 10 000-13 000 13 000-15 000 15 000-23 000 23 000-32 000 20 000
Ekaterinburg municipal 13 000-15 000 15 000-16 000 16 000-20 000 20 000-25 000 19 000
commercial 13 000-16 000 16 000-18 000 18 000-30 000 30 000-40 000 26 000
Kazan municipal 10 000-12 000 12 000-13 000 13 000-16 000 16 000-20 000 15 000
commercial 10 000-13 000 13 000-15 000 15 000-23 000 23 000-35 000 20 000
Krasnoyarsk municipal 10 000-13 000 13 000-14 000 14 000-18 000 18 000-25 000 17 000
commercial 10 000-14 000 14 000-15 000 15 000-25 000 25 000-35 000 23 000
Nizhny Novgorod municipal 10 000-13 000 13 000-14 000 14 000-18 000 18 000-24 000 17 000
commercial 10 000-14 000 14 000-15 000 15 000-25 000 25 000-35 000 22 000
Novosibirsk municipal 13 000-14 000 14 000-16 000 16 000-20 000 20 000-25 000 19 000
commercial 13 000-16 000 16 000-17 000 17 000-28 000 28 000-40 000 25 000
Omsk municipal 10 000-12 000 12 000-13 000 13 000-16 000 16 000-20 000 15 000
commercial 10 000-13 000 13 000-14 000 14 000-23 000 23 000-33 000 20 000
Permian municipal 10 000-13 000 13 000-14 000 14 000-18 000 18 000-24 000 17 000
commercial 10 000-14 000 14 000-15 000 15 000-26 000 26 000-35 000 23 000
Rostov-on-Don municipal 10 000-13 000 13 000-14 000 14 000-18 000 18 000-25 000 17 000
commercial 10 000-14 000 14 000-15 000 15 000-26 000 26 000-35 000 23 000
Samara municipal 10 000-13 000 13 000-14 000 14 000-18 000 18 000-27 000 17 000
commercial 10 000-14 000 14 000-15 000 15 000-26 000 26 000-35 000 23 000
Ufa municipal 10 000-12 000 12 000-13 000 13 000-16 000 16 000-20 000 15 000
commercial 10 000-13 000 13 000-14 000 14 000-23 000 23 000-32 000 20 000
Chelyabinsk municipal 12 000-13 000 13 000-15 000 15 000-20 000 20 000-25 000 17 000
commercial 12 000-15 000 15 000-16 000 16 000-26 000 26 000-40 000 23 000

Applicant portrait

Applicants for the position of kindergarten teacher are most often young women with higher education. Men in this area are extremely rare: representatives of the stronger sex among kindergarten teachers are only 1%. Resumes of candidates under 30 years old make up about 50%. 68% of kindergarten teachers have higher education. 6% of applicants speak English at a conversational or fluent level.


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A kindergarten teacher

On September 27, Russia celebrates the Day of Preschool Education Workers. On the eve of this holiday, the Research Center of the Superjob portal studied the offers of employers and the expectations of applicants for the position of "Kindergarten teacher" in 15 cities of Russia.

Indexation is usually offset by a decrease in additional payments and motivational charges, as a result of which the amount received by the employee not only does not increase, but sometimes becomes less than usual.

Important point! INIn private organizations, the salary of a teacher is 2-3 times higher than that for public kindergartens, but commercial institutions provide a relatively small number of vacancies.

How is the teacher's salary determined?

The salary of teachers of preschool educational institutions (preschool educational institutions) is financed only from the state budget. The exception is private kindergartens.

The following indicators are used to calculate salaries:

  • qualifications, the category depends on this parameter;
  • additional payments for increased complexity of work;
  • additional payments for the position of group leader;
  • regional surcharges;
  • availability of night shifts;
  • conducting additional activities with children;
  • the status of the DOE as a highly specialized organization.

The remuneration for working with children with speech problems is 15-20% of the salary.

The allowance for combining positions, for example, replacing other specialists, part-time work in an extended day group (HPA) brings about 10% of the base rate. Those who teach children in circles of in-depth study of Russian and foreign languages ​​have a good opportunity to earn money.

Important th moment ! To work with children in specialized kindergartens, a special education is required that corresponds to the chosen position (speech therapist, psychologist, music worker).

The level of salaries in the regions

The salary of preschool teachers can differ significantly literally in neighboring kindergartens. The level of differences increases when comparing regional indicators.

Reference! HThe best conditions for work are created in Moscow, the Moscow region and the northern regions. So, in the area of ​​the capital of Russia, the average salary of a teacher fluctuates at the level of 55,478 rubles, in the North-Western Federal District it is 42,155 rubles.

The salaries of educators reach their maximum values ​​in the Chelyabinsk, Tver and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

Figure 3. The level of earnings of teachers of preschool education in different regions of Russia.
