How to choose the right hair color. Do you want to know which hair color is right for you? How to independently determine your color type


Intensive repainting, light toning or strands are all fine, but with any technique it is important to know how. A decisive role in this matter will be played by color, the type of your appearance.

If you know your color type (we will talk about it below), it will be easier for you to avoid mistakes. The main thing is to follow two rules.

1. Be sure to focus on your color scale. An incorrectly chosen hair dye pigment will not match your complexion, which will give the impression of unkemptness.

2. Anyone who makes their hair lighter or darker should be aware of the degree of contrast required by the face. If you still decide to change the light saturation of the hair, take this carefully: the difference between your natural hair color level and the desired one should not be more than 2 tones.

When choosing a color, how the new shade of hair color will harmonize with the color of the eyes and skin is crucial.

There are four main color types:



Each of them is divided into three subtypes by tonality - this is
If you belong to a cold color type, you should pay attention to colors that have a cold bluish, silvery, ashy undertone.

If your color type is warm, the main tone should be with a warm wheaten, terracotta, bronze (reddish) tint.

Let's take an example.
If you are “EASY SUMMER” (this is the lightest subtype in the “SUMMER” category), then you should pay attention to cold shades of paint, light or medium in tone.

“LIGHT SPRING” (the lightest subtype in the “SPRING” category) also suits light and medium colors in saturation, but always a warm shade.

Similarly, it is worth working with the rest of the color types. We determine the warmth or coldness of the shades and the permissible level of staining in lighter or darker colors.

Women of the Winter color type, especially those who like to experiment, will be a little disappointed.

The winter color type is mostly dark-haired. The attractiveness of Winter is based precisely on the contrast between the color of the skin and hair. Rough interference with this contrast would be a mistake. True, you can experiment with staining techniques.

Among the "winter" women there are not only brunettes, but also blondes (very rarely). But any glimpse of yellow will give you rusticity instead of nobility.

The Winter color type is attractive only in cold colors. Over the years, he needs a lighter frame of the face, and then ashy shades will do.

Some women of the Summer color type do not know how to choose the right hair color: not black, not red, not blond, but some kind of “gray”. But it's not. They just need not so much color as the right shade.

A beautiful silvery ash shade is perfect for the complexion of a “Summer” woman. For more effect, it is worth intensifying this shade a little instead of repainting your hair in a warm color.

If you define yourself as Summer and you want to make your hair “warmer”, choose complex shades. They should be more wheaty than open red!

Women who were distinctly blonde as children can regain that color with silver-blonde strands (but not yellow!).

If you plan to lighten completely, do not forget to protonate with a cold shade.

Girls and women of this color type have warmth in their hair, which they should emphasize. If the warm aspect is not pronounced, you can enhance this effect with strands of golden or light copper-red color.

Spring color type should be careful. Remember that only warm hair colors will suit your complexion! Silvery light strands, for example, will make you look less attractive and natural. So, the strands should have a sunny yellow, honey tint.

Individual rare strands of bright orange color can also be successful!

AUTUMN's hair should always have a warm golden sheen. Many women of this color type are naturally reddish. These are different shades of red: copper, rusty, fox and chestnut.

In all the listed colors and their shades you will look natural and beautiful.

Girls of the Autumn color type (from birth) most often have curly hair.
You don't have to drastically highlight them. By their structure, they are already quite porous, and the clarification procedure will make them even more dry and brittle.

But you still have many others: you can revive your hair with honey-colored strands - they can be quite wide so as not to get lost in curls. If it suits the complexion, the autumn color type can tint the hair to warm copper or rosewood. Bright red strands look great!

A lighter hair color takes away the contrast, which is beneficial if you already have wrinkles.
If you have decided on your color type and know what shades to color in, experiment with light saturation within one color type.

If you want to appear lighter, more relaxed, more fun - use lighter colors. If you plan to emphasize restraint, confidence, strength of character - choose dark colors. But the shade should ALWAYS be within your color type, this is a must!

To summarize, how to choose the right hair color:

– Before proceeding with the selection of colors, you need to know exactly your main color group (WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN) - from this determine whether your type of appearance is cold or warm.

- Having decided on the main group, you should understand which subgroup (in terms of tone) you belong to: light, medium, dark. Based on this, you will be able to find out in what color tone you can change your warm or cold shade. Recall that you can change it like this:
For the light subgroup - light and medium shades.
For the middle subgroup - light and dark shades.
For the dark subgroup - medium and dark shades.

Knowing your coloring, you can not only decide on the ideal hair color, but also understand what colors and their saturation will suit you in clothes and makeup. If you do not know your color type yet, and doubt the choice of hair color, then our professional training can help you.

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How to choose the right hair color to become even more attractive and younger? For some women this is not a question, but for some it is a constant search. And the reasons for this are different: the desire to try something extravagant, because it is fashionable, a family drama, or vice versa, a loved one appeared, the hair looks unsightly, it's time to paint over gray hair, etc. But at the same time, you need to remember that an incorrectly chosen hair color can age you, emphasize age, make skin imperfections visible, turn a pleasant face into a gray, extinct and gloomy one. In order to choose the right hair color and, at the same time, not make gross mistakes, you need to follow these ten simple rules.


How to choose the right hair color?

Ten Effective Rules

Rule One

Remember that nature has determined: each skin type has its own hair color, thanks to the pigment. For example: light skin corresponds to blond hair color, if the skin has a copper tint, then the hair color is brown, olive color, the skin color corresponds to the hair color - brunette. Red color with a whole palette of shades goes to women with white and pink skin. Therefore, in order to look natural, it is advisable not to violate this rule. The ideal dye for your hair will be colors 1-2 tones lighter or darker than natural strands.

Rule Two

Determine the color scheme of your appearance. Who are you - Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn according to skin tone, your natural hair color, eyes. Because the spectrum of each color type consists of certain colors, hair tones. For example, you have determined your hair color - brown hair of the fifth degree, but you need to know which tone suits you - warm or cold. After all, it is necessary to combine hair, eyes and skin with each other according to the rule "cold to cold, warm to warm." People with gray, blue eyes and white skin are cool tones: ash brown, ash and platinum blond. People with brown, green and hazel eyes and warm skin tone will suit warm hair tones: honey-chestnut, copper and golden hues. Burning hazel - nothing will suit eyes lighter than red. It is good for them to choose a dark chestnut or black color. For those who constantly have a blush on their cheeks, warm tones will not work, they give the face an extra blush. Therefore, it is better to dye your hair with cool tones: sandy, champagne, ash blonde or cool brown. Those who have allergies on their faces should not dye their hair in red shades: pomegranate, mahogany.

Rule Three

Determine the color according to the condition of the skin.

If your skin condition is not very attractive: acne, rashes, liver spots, circles under the eyes, then very light and very dark hair is not desirable for you. Such radical colors can emphasize everything that you don’t always want others to notice. Foundation, powder and other cosmetics can hide this, but you will need to always carry them with you. Even in the unbearable heat in summer. Whether it's worth it or not is up to you.

Rule Four

Don't cut wood.

If you decide to radically change your appearance - you were, but decided to become a blonde, then change your hair color gradually, no more than 2 tones at a time. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to return to the old hair, because hydrogen peroxide can irreversibly change the structure of the hair and then you cannot do without a specialist. Yes, and loved ones may not respond correctly to your reincarnation, inflicting psychological trauma on you and themselves.

Rule Five

To color gray hair, it is best to use light colors. The older we are, the lighter the hair color should be. Blond hair is young and refreshing, while dark hair makes us strict and older. If you have a little gray hair, then buy an unstable gentle paint a tone lighter than the natural color or the same tone. When the hair starts to grow, it will not be so noticeable. Who has natural light hair - wheaten, natural blond, ashy shades are suitable. These colors give a person a fresh, youthful, healthy look. If you have natural brown hair, dye it a slightly auburn or light brown. Those who have a lot of gray hair or almost gray hair cannot do without permanent paint.

Rule six

The color map is your guide.

Buy a color card in any women's store and learn how to use it. This is your guide to the wonderful world of colors.

Rule Seven

Buying paint - read the instructions.

Buy paint not by the brightness, colorfulness of the packaging, presentability of the model, but by the quality of the paint. If you buy paint unknown to you, familiarize yourself with the instructions and the composition of the paint. Pay attention to what shade the paint has - cold or warm. Look at the palettes, which show the sample strands with the names of paint tones

Rule eight

Before you buy paint, think about how long you need this color. If not for long, for the experiment, then unstable paint is suitable for you, which will wash off in five to six weeks. This dye does not penetrate into the middle of the hair, but only stains its surface. It gives the hair a beautiful shine, but does not color gray hair well. Ideally, the color of your hair and the color of such paint should match. If you need to dye your hair for a long time, then buy a permanent dye that is well known to you (to avoid surprises). It penetrates into the middle of the hair, thanks to hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, which opens the hair scales (cuticles) of the hair and destroys the natural pigment. And the paint pigment takes its place. The cuticles close, but the hair structure is broken. Therefore, all resistant paints contain, in addition to the oxidizing agent, various balms that nourish and heal burned hair.

There are many reasons why women dye their hair. Someone does not like their native color, and some ladies just want to commemorate the changes that have taken place in life. Someone is looking for their new image, while someone just has gray hairs. Correctly selected new hair color is very refreshing image of a woman, makes the complexion more even, and the eyes - brighter. Consider several options for programs in which you can easily choose a hair color online.

What are the shades of hair

Hair color is determined by the content of light and dark pigments: pheomelanin (red or yellow) and eumelanin (brown or black). In addition, the hair contains tiny air bubbles. The ratio of these pigments, as well as the number of air bubbles, determines the color of the hair.

Color type

The natural palette includes 5 primary colors:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • blond;
  • fair-haired;
  • ginger.

Each of the colors is divided into many natural shades of different saturation.


Features of your appearance - eye color, skin tone, natural hair color - determine the color type of each girl.

spring woman

Spring color type - warm, non-contrasting. Such women are usually light-eyed and have fair skin. The natural color of the hair is from blond to brown, and the skin is very warm, golden yellow. A spring girl can safely dye her hair dark red, become a light brown-haired or golden blonde. But she should avoid light red so as not to look overly pale. I don’t like being a blonde - well, you can choose with a chocolate undertone and highlight it with golden strands. In this case, platinum, ash or light blond, as well as cardinal black, will not work.

Spring is a non-contrasting type, and it should not be far removed from the natural hair color.


These include a non-contrasting cold color type with gray or blue eyes, hair color from the lightest to brown, and cool blue or pink skin. Women of the summer color type suit all varieties of light cool light colors: ashy, ash-blond, platinum. Summer, like spring, does not fit almost all dark colors.

Ash blonde color


This color type is contrasting, with eyes from black to blue, and hair from brunette to brown. Skin color is bright, with a slight golden hue. The ideal color for autumn beauties is rich, radical and very bright: black, brown, chocolate, warm chestnut. If a lady prefers brightness, then it will look good with red or light brown hair of golden and copper shades. But an autumn woman should not become a blonde woman.


Winter color type is contrasting and cold. Women of this type can be owners of any color of eyes and skin. The best choice for them is dark blond colors of cold ash shades. They are categorically not recommended for any warm, golden and any shades of blond. But only a winter woman can afford the black color of a raven wing shade.

Cool black tint

What color to choose

Today you can buy many chemical hair dyes from different manufacturers. During their use, the chemical interaction of the oxidation products of the coloring composition with the keratin of the hair occurs.

When lightening hair, oxygen released from hydrogen peroxide, reacting with the pigment, turns it into a colorless substance. When dyeing hair, the same oxygen, oxidizing the base of the dye, transfers it from a colorless soluble state to a substance of a certain color that is poorly soluble in water, which is hair dye.

Hydrogen peroxide, opening the surface scales and destroying the pigment, allows the dye to penetrate into the hair and fill all the voids of the hair. As a result, the strands are colored. This is the principle of operation of all chemical paints.

Coloring with paint

If necessary, protect clothing and neck from contact with the skin of the chemical composition. On the forehead, temples, neck along the hairline, the skin is smeared with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream.

Chemical dyes

Hair begins to dye from the back of the head. Having made a vertical parting in the middle, paint the hair on both sides. The composition is first placed on areas of the hair closer to the roots, and then distributed along the entire length. Departing from the dyed parting by half a centimeter, a new parting is made parallel to it with a comb. The hair is combed and a new layer is covered with paint. This sequence causes an even distribution of paint on the hair.

After applying the paint, the hair is combed, lifting them up. The paint should be applied evenly over the entire length of the hair. It is not necessary to cover your head. After 25-35 minutes, the head is thoroughly washed with warm water and soap, and then rinsed with acidified water.

natural dyes

- these are henna and basma, walnut, onion peel, tea, coffee, chamomile, etc. Among hairdressers, natural compounds are called group IV dyes.

Such dyes are recommended to be used on natural hair, where there are no traces of perm or any chemical coloring. Natural dyes do not cause any harm to the hair, but, on the contrary, give shine, silkiness and various shades to the natural hair color.

The main advantage of natural formulations is that they keep the hair healthy. The downside is their lack of durability, since every time after the next hair wash, part of the coloring pigment is washed off. The exception is henna and basma, their color lasts longer.

All natural dyes are applied to clean and damp hair with a sponge, brush or cotton swab.

natural dyes

In order to obtain a uniform coloring with natural compounds, the percentage of gray hair, the original natural color and the individual characteristics of the hair should be taken into account. Thin and sparse hair is dyed with natural dyes faster and requires less dye. Thick, thick, long hair requires longer exposure and more natural dye.

Hair coloring at home is always a bit of a gamble, as it is impossible to predict in advance how the hair will react. It is better to play it safe first by painting over one small strand first.

How to change appearance in photoshop

If you want to change the hair color, but do not know which one to choose, you can use the Photoshop program.

Changing the shade of hair

Photoshop steps:

  1. Open your photo in Photoshop. Using the Quick Mask Mode (Q), select the hair with the brush. You can change the size of the brush to fine-tune the hair.
  2. After that turn off the mask mode and select the hair, this will select everything in the photo except the hair. To copy the hair layer, press Ctrl+J. After that, a separate layer with hair will be created.
  3. Next, you can start changing the hair color in Photoshop. To do this, use adjustment layers and select levels.
  4. When you create an adjustment layer "Levels", a window with their properties will open.
  5. Next, you can use another adjustment layer "Hue / Saturation". Apply this adjustment layer to the photo and change the brightness of the hair.

Using adjustment layers and mask mode, you can select and change the color of the hair in Photoshop. You can experiment with other adjustment layers and paint the hair in Photoshop in any other color.

Overview of the best online programs

Thanks to modern mobile technology, you can experiment with the color of the strands without harming your hair. If you are in search, then programs and mobile applications for choosing hairstyles will easily help you with this. We offer 10 best applications with which you can easily choose not only a new shade, but also a haircut, length, hair styling. You just need to download any of these applications and substitute your photo under the images. So you will understand what color of strands suits you, and you can also print the picture you like or save it to your phone.

Insta Hair Style Salon

Insta Hair Style Salon is one of the best free apps for iPhone and iPad developed by Shenzhen Bigger LLC. If you want to see and choose an unusual bright hair color and are in search of new stylish solutions, then this program is ideal for you. With the help, you can digitally change your color to the color you have always dreamed of, as well as pick up a new trendy hairstyle.

Insta Hair Style Salon

Just take a selfie or upload your photo from your phone and try on a variety of shades and hairstyles. The interface language is English, but the application is easy to use. To change the hair color, you just need to click on the shade you like. There is a huge range of realistic and creative hairstyles in all colors of the rainbow.

Hair Style Changer app

This application has a large collection of both women's and men's hairstyles and haircuts. The application will help you find the best hairstyle and hair color that perfectly suits your face type. Upload your photo from your phone or take a selfie and try on different looks.

Celebrity Hairstyle Salon

This is another great app developed by Modiface that allows you to virtually see and try on a variety of hairstyles and hair colors. You can see how you will look with Jennifer Aniston's cascade or Rihanna's hair color.

Here you can try on over 20 realistic hair colors to find the perfect shade for you.

Ultimate Hairstyle Try On

This application opens up a wide field for experimentation. You can choose different options and change hair colors in a range of more than 20 shades. In addition, you can complement the image with accessories, such as earrings or a hat. An option is available to compare the image before and after, as well as switching between two different modes. All options for transferring photos to social networks and by email are possible.

This is the latest mobile application developed by Mary Kay and adapted for many countries. With it, you can try an infinite number of combinations of makeup, hair colors and hairstyles. Just upload your photo and start picking templates. Options such as length, hair color, highlights and, as well as the selection of accessories are available.

Mary Kay Virtual Makeover

Facial Hair Changer for Men and Women

With this application, you can see yourself with a different hairstyle and hair color. The program works on the same principle as the others: you need to upload a photo and select hairstyles and hair shades from the proposed clichés. After uploading the photo, specify the user's gender, haircut length, choose the hair color and set other parameters.

Hairstyle Mirror

This application will turn your mobile phone into a mirror and let you try different hairstyles in real time. All you need to do is just look at the screen of your phone or tablet, and the hairstyles will pop up and shape your new look. More than 100 women's and many options for shades of strands are available for selection.

Choose your favorite hair color, adjust the position of the hair on your head with your fingers and give the photo the desired brightness. The application, like others similar, has a connection to the Internet and social networks.

hair style makeover

This is another great iOS app for men's and women's hairstyles. The easy-to-use interface offers a huge variety of trendy haircuts and hairstyles, thanks to which you can easily pick up a new look and carry out bold experiments with color.

The application has additional editing tools: you can cut your hair, change the parting line and shade of the hair, adjust the width and height of the hairstyle so that it fits perfectly with your face shape and looks natural.


For more details on changing hair color online, see the video


All of the above applications for the selection of hairstyles and hair color may well replace the advice of a stylist and will help. To decide which application is the easiest and most convenient, you need to try to work with all of them. We wish you good luck in choosing your hair color online!

There are situations when any representative of the fair sex wants to radically change her image. One of the options for such a transformation can be a change in the color of your hair, which can give the female image new, bright, attractive facets. In choosing a new color for your strands, you can turn to the help of professional stylists and hairdressers, or use special network services that will help you choose the hair color that suits you. In this article I will talk about the selection of hair color from a photograph, and what network services will help us with this.

Features of the work of services for working with hair

There are several popular online services on the network (most of them are in English) that will help you not only choose a beautiful hairstyle for your image, but also give you the opportunity to choose its color.

Working with such resources is based on a standard algorithm: you upload your photo in the front to such a resource, point to the photo the contours of the eyes and mouth (sometimes the entire face), choose your favorite hairstyle and color from the general list, and then visually evaluate the result.

Choose the hair color that suits you

In finding the most optimal color for your hair, you can turn to the help of professional stylists or colorists, or use various techniques to choose the right hair color for you.

One of these methods, known as the "four color types" method on, states that each of the women belongs to one of the four color types, known as "Winter", "Spring", "Summer" and "Autumn". The “cold” color types include “Winter” and “Summer”, the “warm” ones belong to “Spring” and “Autumn”, respectively. Each color type has colors that suit him. For example, warm "Spring" goes with the same "warm colors" - peach, apricot, red, golden turquoise, and jet black does not go at all. Cold "Summer" goes cold, smoky, pastel colors and so on.

Also, do not think that your natural hair color always suits you organically. Quite often this is not the case, and the natural hair color of a girl can be out of harmony with both her skin color and her eye color (which is important to consider). Remember that “like goes with like”, and “cold” colors should be organically combined with the same “cold” shades.

How to match hair color to face and eyes test online

Let's move on to the list of services that will help us in the selection of hair color online. - there are both women's and men's haircuts

The Russian-language resource will allow you to choose a hair color for free. Working with it is based on the following principle:

  1. You go to the resource, and upload your photo to it in front (it is possible to upload a photo from a computer, you can also take your photo using a webcam). During the download process, activation may usually be required (click on "Allow");
  2. After uploading the photo, set the markers around the edges of your eyes, lips, and then along the contours of your face (go through all the steps of this procedure);
  3. Then you will be taken to the hairstyle selection screen, where you can also experiment with hair color (color selection buttons on the right);
  4. To save the result, click on "Authorization" at the top, go through the authorization procedure, and save the result.

Choosing a hair color on - A simple tool to test your hair color

Another international service with Russian language support that will help you choose a shade for your hair online is the service, created by the MakeoverIdea company of the same name. Its feature is the presence of a huge database of more than 2000 hairstyles (both women's and men's), the ability to try on various accessories online, choose makeup, and then save the result to your PC.

To use the makeoveridea service, do the following:

  1. Go to and activate Flash Player if necessary;
  2. To upload your photo, there is an inscription “Upload a photo from a PC”, click on it and upload your photo in front to the resource;
  3. Go through the standard procedure for installing pointers on the eyes and mouth in the photo;
  4. Experiment with hairstyles and their color (the choice of color shades is located on the left);
  5. To save the photo, click on "Download result on the right". - you can try on one of the hairstyles of the stars

And the third service that will help you decide on your hair color is the service. This English-language resource will give you the opportunity to try on one of the hairstyles of Hollywood stars. It works according to the standard mechanism for such services:


In this material, I have analyzed the process of selecting hair color. In most cases, working with these online tools is based on a template, allowing a variety of experiments with both potential hairstyle options and its color. Use the functionality of these services and find the hair color that suits you.

To choose the most suitable hair color for a woman, almost all stylists and hairdressers use color types: in other words, a cold or warm shade of appearance, which in total creates hair color, eye color, and skin tone.

Of course, we will talk about this, but it is possible that even professionals miss one very important detail, assessing the situation only with a superficial glance, but it will undoubtedly come in handy for you.

The fact is that they forget to look inside and see the Character there.

The ideal hair color should be suitable not only for the color type, but also for the character, for the sense of self.

For example:

Any stylist will tell you that for a woman of the “autumn” type (brown eyes and golden ruddy skin), red color and all its shades are suitable. And she can't stand him!

I had such an acquaintance, for 10 years she was on the occasion of the hairdressers, and now she spat on everything, chose her hair dye with the help of a purely feminine flair and now she is painted in “mahogany”. And I must say, this color reflects her nature much more than a shade suitable for the color type, but goes to her, without any doubt.

So, dear ladies wondering what hair color to choose ...

To determine your color type, there is a rather funny, but effective method: take pieces of fabric or paper of different colors and apply to your face.

Look at the background of which color your eyes and facial features benefit the most. Match the shade to your eye color.

I agree, it's difficult.

Firstly, where can I get all these pieces of fabric of the right color, and secondly, not everyone has a “sense of color”.

For example, although I studied at an art school, I have already forgotten everything.

So, let's try it easier.

First, go shopping with professional paint (the usual one from the mass market is not needed there: we want not only to get a beautiful color, but also shiny healthy hair). Look through the catalogs, choose a few you like, just pleasing to the eye and stylish, in your opinion.

Choose four shades: two slightly lighter than your natural hair color and two slightly darker.


It is not necessary to radically change the color of your hair if you are a smart, adult, stylish woman. You will look vulgar, and eyebrows and eyelashes that “fall out” of the general color scheme you will have to constantly abuse, staining or bleaching. Do you need it? I think no. So, 2 tones "in one direction" and 2 tones "in the other direction."

The fact is that nature has already taken care of us, creating us so beautiful and “colorful”, and all we need now is to emphasize those accents that she missed in a hurry.

As for the hair: try to become darker or lighter literally by one tone (well, just for the sake of experiment) - and you will see how expressive the eyes become, how all facial features “play out” and a happy smile appears.

And if some features of your face do not suit you, this problem can be solved with the help of not only coloring, but also a model haircut.

However, now is not about that.

  • So, four shades were chosen. Now decide one thing: lighter or darker.
  • Consult with a familiar hairdresser, who always cuts or paints: he has a trained look, and he will immediately discard those options that are by no means suitable for you.
  • Nothing left to do but try! Below are some tips that no hairdresser will give you, because these are real secrets!
  • If you are afraid, once in a lifetime you can "fork out" for a super-professional stylist, but it is bitter to admit that no Sergey Zverev can guarantee you that when he solemnly turns you to face the mirror, you will not be able to hold back an enthusiastic cry and rush with cries of happiness around his neck.

A professional is a professional, but we have already spoken above about our inner world, and there, excuse me, the road is closed not only to hairdressers, but even to psychoanalysts. So, trust your intuition and paint!

Promised "secrets" for choosing the perfect hair color

Probably still have to talk about color types. So.

Girl spring

Freckles - of course, golden hair, gray or brown eyes, fair skin. Such girls are categorically not recommended to paint in blondes - especially if the skin is imperfect, and there are black dots and red inflammation on it.

Light tones will only emphasize the “redness”, unfavorably emphasized, and all this will invariably catch the eye. Choosing a hair dye, Spring would be better off using darker shades, oddly enough, with a reddish tint. "Eggplant", "Mahogany" and others, but you should beware of copper shades.

Winter Girl

Unlike Spring, this is a cold color type: she has green or yellow-brown eyes, "cold" skin and brown hair.

In case of skin problems, it is better not to repaint the hair, in extreme cases, use the same tones indicated for Spring.

Bright coral and red lipsticks are also contraindicated.

Summer Girl

Oddly enough, this is a "cold" type. The eyes are gray or blue. Such girls should not have skin problems: they tan easily and quickly, and the tan lies on them evenly and lasts for a long time. As a rule, the Summer girl loves to go to the solarium throughout the year, which is not surprising: with her dark hair, he looks amazing.

In general, if some redness appears on the skin of such girls, then they are perfectly masked against the background of cold gray-blue eyes and blue-black hair (for example). Freckles, by the way, are also perfectly leveled in this color scheme.

Autumn Girl

We have already talked about this "warm" lady. Brown eyes, golden skin with freckles, brown hair. Stylists recommend red and reddish shades for such girls, but as we have already shown with this color type, these are far from the borders. How to choose the right hair color in this case?

For example, red hair emphasizes problematic skin very strongly. And if you listen to stylists, and you are “Autumn”, then you seem to have no other options. That's when it's time to listen to your inner "I". Or maybe it doesn't want you to be a redhead? And not everyone likes to emphasize freckles.

Alternatively, you can look through several fashionable glossy magazines. Circle all the models there with the same appearance color type as yours (now it doesn’t matter if they have a wig or colored lenses), and see whose image is closer to you in spirit.

For starters, you can try not only to dye your hair in the color you like, but also buy similar clothes or accessories. Change the image in order to soon find a new one for yourself (well, or stay in this - all of a sudden you make friends!). It's all about courage. Let yourself feel who you really are, and you can move mountains - let alone choose some kind of hair helmet!

A few "technical" points

When buying a professional hair helmet, it is important not to forget about the right amount of developer. It is sold in individual plastic bags and comes in different concentrations. 6% is the best option.

If the hair reaches the shoulders, then one box of paint is no longer enough: it is better to recolor than undercolor. But you don’t need to overdo it: we need healthy hair.


If you have chosen a fairly light hair color, it makes sense to play it safe and keep it on your hair for 10 minutes longer than the prescribed period, so that the color is guaranteed to "take".

Tint the roots should be regularly, depending on the rate of natural growth of your hair, but at least once a month. Contrary to the common misconception about “stylish” blondes, regrown roots seem to tell others that you were thrown onto a desert island for a couple of months, and, alas, your hairdresser was not with you.

Darker-colored hair can be tinted less often. You can navigate by the temples - there it is most noticeable.

And, of course, take care of your hair! You can experiment at least all your life, but it is important to remember about masks, balms, lotions and appropriate professional care for colored hair.

An excellent story on how to choose the right hair color, see the video:
