How to restore (cure) damaged hair. Folk remedies for damaged hair

  • Means for restoring hair growth for alopecia: Dermovate, Fluorocort, Dimexide, Minoxidil, ASD fraction, zinc (doctor's opinion) - video

  • The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

    Under the term hair restoration This means, first of all, the normalization of their condition, the return of splendor, smoothness, shine, density with the simultaneous elimination of fragility, split ends, dryness, dullness, etc. Figuratively speaking, hair restoration is understood as giving it a beautiful healthy appearance instead of the existing deplorable condition, in everyday life called "tow". In this article we will look at the methods and principles of “reanimation” of hair, which allows you to transform it from a lifeless, dull bun into a beautiful, healthy, lush head.

    Types of hair restoration

    Science studies hair restoration problems cosmetology. Currently, all types of hair restoration can be divided into two large categories - these are a variety of medical procedures performed only by specialists, and numerous cosmetic procedures that can be carried out either by a beauty salon specialist or by the person himself at home. To carry out medical procedures for hair restoration, sophisticated equipment, medications and the medical qualifications of a specialist involved in these techniques are required. To carry out cosmetic procedures, you only need special care products, which can be purchased in specialized stores or online. And these products can be used both by a beauty salon specialist and by the person himself who is engaged in restoring his own hair.

    To medical procedures, effective for hair restoration include reflexology (acupuncture, Su-Jok therapy), mesotherapy, laser therapy and hair darsonvalization. All medical manipulations are aimed not directly at the hair, but at the hair follicles, on the functioning and condition of which the condition of all hair ultimately depends.

    The fact is that the hair itself is dead tissue, like nails, so it doesn’t hurt to cut them, dye them, curl them, straighten them, or do any other manipulations with them. But the hair on the surface of the head comes from the hair follicle, located deep in the skin. When the hair follicle functions normally and receives a sufficient amount of nutrients, it produces hairs of excellent quality - strong, elastic, covered with a dense layer of keratin, and therefore shiny, iridescent and durable along the entire length. But if the hair follicle does not function normally, then the hair grows back dull, lifeless, thin, brittle, etc. Thus, all medical procedures for hair restoration affect the follicles, normalizing their functioning and, thereby, ensuring the rapid growth of new healthy and beautiful hair. In this case, the old damaged hair will simply grow back very quickly, and it can be cut off, leaving only beautiful and healthy parts, since it is no longer possible to “revive” something that has once died.

    With the help of reflexology, the general condition of the body is normalized, metabolism is improved, one’s own defenses are activated, and it also acts directly on the hair follicles. Due to reflexology, the hair follicles are activated, as a result of which the hair begins to grow quickly and intensively, and its appearance changes for the better due to improved nutrition and metabolism. Of course, reflexology will not revive burnt hair, but due to the fact that the method will accelerate the growth of new healthy and beautiful hair, old and damaged hair can be quickly cut off.

    To cosmetic procedures for hair restoration include applying any products to the hair and scalp - pharmaceutical preparations, professional care products, conventional hair care products, oils, herbal decoctions, and various compositions based on folk recipes, etc. Arsenal cosmetic products for hair restoration are incredibly wide - from professional care cosmetics to home folk recipes, but they are all united by the external method of application, the need for long-term use and the ability to use them both independently and in a beauty salon. We will take a detailed look at cosmetic hair restoration procedures, since they are the most widespread, effective and accessible to anyone.

    General rules and algorithms for hair restoration (growth, structure, color, shine and hair ends)

    First of all, you need to understand that hair restoration involves growing it back with the gradual cutting of old, irrevocably damaged hair. When the damaged hair is completely cut off, and healthy and beautiful hair grows in its place, the restoration process can be considered successfully completed.

    The fact is that hair that has undergone irreversible damage, unfortunately, cannot be “reanimated,” that is, restored to its former health and beauty. Therefore, such hair will still have to be cut. Moreover, depending on individual preferences, you can cut off damaged hair all at once or in parts, as new ones grow.

    When you decide to restore your hair, you need to know that simply growing the length while gradually cutting off the damaged areas will not bring the desired results for a number of reasons. Firstly, the new hair will grow thin and brittle as the hair follicles also need nourishment and repair to produce healthy and strong hair. Secondly, new hair will be severely damaged, and old, already damaged, will take on an increasingly worse appearance, as a result of which the total length of the damaged hair fiber will only increase. Thirdly, hair growth will be slow, as a result of which you will have to cut off more monthly than what has grown. Finally, fourthly, nutrients from the hair root will be absorbed by the damaged parts, as a result of which the new regrown hair will become deficient in oxygen and nutrition, which will make it thin, brittle and unsightly.

    Considering the above, to restore hair you will have to grow it back using special care and nutrition products. These products will nourish the follicles, as a result of which new hair will begin to grow quickly, and will be healthy and beautiful. At the same time as stimulating the growth of new healthy hair, care products will help maintain damaged, but not yet cut, areas in normal condition. By maintaining damaged hair in normal condition, it will be possible to cut it to a shorter length than the new one has grown.

    If damaged hair is not maintained in normal condition, you will have to cut it monthly to a greater length than the new hair has grown, and this process will be lengthy. After all, split ends will gradually split the hair further and further, right down to the very root, and if they are not sealed, then after some time the pathological process will reach the newly grown healthy hair, nullifying all efforts.

    Thus, it is obvious that in order to restore hair, it is necessary to simultaneously and without fail perform the following manipulations:
    1. Gradually cut off the already damaged ends of the hair (1 - 2 times a month by 1.5 - 2 cm) and remove hairs broken off in the middle with split ends using the flagellum cutting method (the hair is curled into a thin rope with a diameter of 1 - 1.5 cm and all sticking out to the sides hairs are cut).
    2. Use hair care cosmetics that nourish and restore the normal functioning of hair follicles, as well as maintain damaged hair in normal condition, preventing its condition from deteriorating.

    In addition, in the process of hair restoration, you will have to master a number of rules that ensure the minimization of traumatic damage to the hairs, ensuring the regrowth of healthy and beautiful hairs. Following these rules will maximize the effectiveness of using skincare products and cutting old, irreversibly damaged hair.

    In order to create a clear general understanding of how to restore hair, we will consider the rules for minimizing traumatic damage to hair, as well as the main groups of care products and general algorithms for their use. All these rules are aimed at restoring hair growth, structure, color, shine and ends.

    To minimize traumatic hair damage during hair restoration, the following rules should be followed:

    • Do not use a hair dryer to dry your hair. If there is a need to style your hair, you should dry your hair with warm or cold air, choosing the appropriate operating mode for the hair dryer.
    • Try not to use any devices for creating hairstyles that involve exposure to high temperatures (crimpers, irons, etc.).
    • If you plan to use devices that expose your hair to high temperatures (tongs, iron, hair dryer, etc.), you should definitely apply a heat protectant to your hair.
    • Do not use hard curlers.
    • To create curls, use only soft curlers.
    • Do not perm.
    • Do not use elastic bands with metal inserts, as well as any hairpins with metal parts (including hairpins), which may pull on the hair and cause it to break off.
    • To gather hair into a hairstyle (ponytail, bun, etc.), use soft silicone elastic bands, which are commonly called “telephone wires” (see Figure 1).
    • Do not go to bed with wet hair, dry it before going to bed.
    • While you sleep, braid your hair so that it is less damaged and tangled.
    • It is advisable to sleep on a pillowcase made of satin or silk, since these smooth fabrics do not damage the hair, unlike cotton and linen. If it is impossible to purchase pillowcases made from the specified materials for some reason, then it is recommended to simply purchase a piece of any smooth fabric (including synthetic) and cover the pillow with it on top of a regular pillowcase.
    • Get your hair used to washing after 2-3 days. To do this, you need to gradually increase the interval between washing your hair by 12 hours until the optimal frequency is reached once every 3 to 4 days.
    • Select and use only combs made of natural or synthetic materials that gently comb and do not damage the hair. It is optimal to have a brush (commonly called a “massage”) and a round comb (brushing) made of natural bristles, as well as a comb made of wood or silicone. The brush can also be made of wood. However, when choosing wooden combs, you should carefully inspect them so that there are no sharp splinters or chips on the teeth. In addition, you can purchase a special Tangle Teezer comb through online stores with soft teeth that do not damage the hair and massage the scalp while combing.
    • Combs should be washed together with the hair each time (for example, if you wash your hair once every three days, then the combs should be washed with the same frequency). Just hold the combs in soapy water, then rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a towel.
    • Massage the scalp daily (place your fingertips on your head and make very active circular movements with them so that the skin moves relative to the bones of the skull. In this way, the entire surface of the head should be massaged).
    • Do not comb wet hair.
    • Try to eat right and take vitamins for hair, skin and nails (for example, Perfectil, Vita Charm, Pantovigar and others, or vitamins A and E).

    Picture 1– Silicone hair ties, commonly called “telephone wires.”

    In addition to following the above recommendations, it is necessary to wash your hair properly in order to also minimize traumatic damage to the hairs with their subsequent breaking off and loss. So, Proper hair washing should be done as follows:

    • Before washing your hair, comb your hair thoroughly.
    • Adjust the water temperature so that it is approximately 37 - 38 o C (warm, or even cool). You should not wash your hair in hot water, as this dries it out and leads to brittleness, causing split ends, etc.
    • Throw your hair over your back, get into the shower and wet it thoroughly. You should know that you should wash your hair only in the shower so that it is positioned on your back, since in this way the water flows along the line of its growth and does not injure the hair follicles. You should not wash your hair with your head tilted over the sink and thrown forward, since in this position the hair follicles are severely injured, which can worsen the condition of the hair.
    • After wetting your hair, apply shampoo or other detergent only to the roots and thoroughly massage your scalp with your fingers. You should not wash the entire length of your hair, pulling it like a washcloth, since such a procedure is traumatic for it. The hair itself is washed with foam flowing from the roots. For the best rinsing, carefully distribute the foam flowing from the roots of the hair along the length of the hair with your palms, then rinse thoroughly with water.
    • If necessary, reapply shampoo.
    • After the final rinsing of the hair, it is advisable to rinse it with cold water or a cool infusion of herbs, which helps close the keratin scales that have opened due to the action of warm water.
    • Gently wring out the hair and pat dry gently with a towel, without twisting or rubbing it. To absorb moisture, you can wrap a towel around your hair for 15 to 20 minutes, after which it should be removed and left to dry in the open air.
    • After removing the towel, gently straighten and comb your hair with your fingers.
    The above recommendations for minimizing traumatic damage and proper washing are mandatory for hair restoration, along with the use of care cosmetics and regular cutting of the damaged part of the hair.

    It is recommended to cut the ends of your hair 1 - 2 times a month by 1.5 - 2 cm. But this regime is not strict; you can choose your own rhythm for cutting irrevocably damaged hair. However, it must be remembered that until the damaged hair is completely cut off, significant efforts will have to be made to maintain it in normal condition, which will allow new and healthy hair to grow to the desired length.

    So, to restore hair and grow new healthy ones, you need to use the following: groups of care products that will provide deep cleansing, nutrition and protection:

    • Shampoo or other detergent, as well as balm for damaged hair (depending on personal preferences, you can choose shampoos and conditioners from professional lines, mass market or organic);
    • Scalp scrub (you can buy this scrub or prepare it yourself);
    • Fatty and essential oils (oils must be purchased at a pharmacy and mixed independently);
    • Ready-made or homemade hair masks , promoting their restoration, nutrition of roots and active growth (for example, clay masks, henna based on coconut oil, etc.). Ready-made masks, just like shampoos, can be selected according to personal preferences from professional lines, mass market or organic cosmetics;
    • Leave-in products , applied to clean hair to give it a beautiful appearance and protect it from damage (oils, thermal protection, emulsions, ampoules, glazing, lamination, keraste treatment, etc.). Typically, leave-in products are used to achieve two goals simultaneously - giving a normal appearance to damaged hair and reducing the degree of damage during constant contact with the environment;
    • Herbal infusions and decoctions for rinsing hair after washing (used optionally and not included in the mandatory care package for damaged hair).
    The above care products should be used throughout the entire period of hair restoration. In principle, in the future, when the hair is restored, you can continue to use care products, but do this not so often.

    Shampoo for washing hair should be chosen based solely on whether it is suitable or not. In this case, you can buy products from professional lines (for example, Joico, Kapous, CHI, Kerastase, Paul Mitchell, etc.), regular mass market (Wella, Elseve, Bielita, etc.) or organic cosmetics (for example, Planet Organica, Natura Siberica, etc.). Experienced hair restoration specialists recommend that when choosing a shampoo, you should focus not on its composition or characteristics, but solely on your feelings. If the most ordinary, cheap shampoo from the mass market washes your hair well, does not dry out your hair, does not tangle it, does not electrify it and does not leave dirt, then you can safely use it. Sometimes damaged hair responds better to mass-market shampoo than professional or organic shampoo, so when choosing, you should not focus on the composition of the product, but rather focus on your own sensations and effect. That is, if a shampoo with silicones or laurelsulfate rinses your hair well and does not dry it out, then you can safely use it, regardless of the theoretical harmfulness and the use of these components for damaged hair is not recommended.

    During the period of hair restoration, it is recommended to choose 2-4 different shampoos and change them monthly so that the hair does not get used to the same detergent and, accordingly, there are no problems of poor rinsing of dirt, dryness, etc.

    If you can’t find a shampoo that suits your hair, you can wash your hair balm. This procedure is called co-washing (from English Conditioner Only washing) and provides gentle cleansing, especially necessary for people with sensitive scalps that react to surfactants in shampoos. It is optimal to use a balm without silicones (dimethicone, cyclopentasiloxane), since they can weigh down and pollute damaged hair, making it look greasy, tangled into icicles, etc. However, if the hair tolerates washing well with a balm with silicones, then you can safely use it. Washing your hair with conditioner follows the same rules as with shampoo.

    Scalp scrub must be used once every 2-4 weeks to deeply cleanse the hair and skin of cosmetic residues, various contaminants (dust, smoke, etc.), as well as desquamated epithelium. The best option is a sea salt scrub, which you can buy at a specialty store or prepare yourself.

    Masks both homemade and ready-made ones from various manufacturers should be applied to the scalp and hair every 2 to 3 days until the hair acquires the desired appearance. After this, masks can be applied only once every 1 to 2 weeks.

    Fatty and essential oils can be used in several ways to restore hair. Firstly, oils can be used as a mask and applied to the scalp and hair, alternating with other masks. For example, on Monday apply a henna mask, on Thursday from oils, and on Sunday - any ready-made mask purchased in a store, etc. Secondly, oils can be used for aromatherapy, which makes hair smoother and more manageable. Finally, thirdly, oils can be used as leave-in products to seal split ends and give hair a beautiful appearance. For each use case, you will have to purchase different oils, since certain types of oils are needed for use as leave-in products, others for masks, etc.

    Leave-in products for hair during the restoration process, it is recommended to use it without fail, since they will protect the hairs from additional damage and give damaged hair a normal appearance, allowing you to feel like a well-groomed girl and not experience discomfort from rejection of your own appearance. Such leave-in products include thermal protection (compositions for protecting hair before high-temperature exposure, for example, irons, tongs, etc.), various lamination options (kerastase, gelatin, coconut milk, etc.), glazing with special colorless paint, treatment hair with cosmetic mixtures with oils and silicones, solutions from ampoules, as well as the application of products that give an instant effect, such as “Liquid Diamonds”, etc. Leave-in products for the most part give only a cosmetic effect and do not restore hair, but they allow maintain their length while growing new ones and glue split ends. These products are recommended to be used after washing your hair if necessary.

    Herbal infusions and decoctions in the process of hair restoration are not necessary for use, but are desirable. It is recommended to rinse hair with infusions and decoctions after washing, which is also useful for improving their nutrition, growth and strengthening.

    In the section below we will take a closer look at the various care products used for hair restoration, the features of their use and combination with each other.

    Hair restoration, eliminating the problems of thin and brittle hair: advice from a trichologist and top stylist - video

    Hair restoration products

    Let's look at the varieties, choices, rules and methods of using the most common and effective types of hair restoration care products separately to avoid confusion.

    Hair restoration shampoo

    As already mentioned, it is recommended to select shampoo for hair restoration, focusing solely on sensations, and not on the composition or whether the detergent belongs to one or another category of cosmetic products (professional lines, organics, etc.). However, when choosing a shampoo of any brand and category, you should purchase a product intended for weakened and damaged hair. That is, from mass market series, from professional lines, and from organic cosmetics, you should choose a type of shampoo for weakened/damaged hair. Similar shampoos are produced by every major hair care product manufacturer.

    According to reviews of people who have been involved in hair restoration and have achieved success in this endeavor, The best shampoos are the following:

    • Bielita - inexpensive shampoos made in Belarus;
    • Black soap for hair and body of the series "Secrets of Grandma Agafya";
    • Redken Extreme series;
    • Joyco (Joico) any series;
    • Lanza (Lanza) any series;
    • L'oreal Professional (any series);
    • Wella (Wella) any series;
    • Londa any series.
    If shampoo is not suitable for damaged/weak hair, then it is optimal to choose a detergent composition from the line of shampoos for sensitive scalps.

    Hair restoration balm

    It is recommended to purchase hair restoration balm at the same time as shampoo from the same series or line (of course, from the same manufacturer). You should not use balm and shampoo from different manufacturers, since their components can react with each other and form various substances that negatively affect the hair or completely neutralize the positive effect of cosmetic products.

    The balm should always be applied to the hair after washing with shampoo, as it makes it smooth, silky, manageable and, as it were, glues the ends together, preventing split ends and stopping the increase in the length of already split hairs. Some people prefer to replace conditioner with hair masks, which, in principle, is also possible, but in this case you will have to select the optimally combined shampoo and mask by trial.

    Scalp scrub for hair restoration

    The scrub is necessary for a thorough deep cleansing of the scalp from remnants of cosmetics and styling products, dead cells and dandruff, as well as to improve blood circulation, which helps accelerate hair growth and increase the amount of nutrients delivered to it by blood. Accordingly, regular use of a scalp scrub in combination with other products helps restore hair.

    The scrub is recommended to be used once every 2-4 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the scalp, as well as the quantity and quality of care products used. For example, if you use a large amount of leave-in care products or fatty oils, then it is recommended to use the scrub more often (once every two weeks). If leave-in care products are used relatively rarely and in small quantities, then the scrub should be used less frequently - once every 4 weeks.

    For hair restoration, a salt scrub for the scalp is optimal, which can be purchased ready-made by choosing any option you like from those available from various manufacturers, or you can prepare it yourself each time before use.

    You can prepare your own scrub using the following recipe: mix a tablespoon of sea salt (you can use sea salt for cooking or bathing) and blue clay. Add 2 - 3 drops of any essential oil beneficial for hair (for example, jojoba, castor, olive, etc.) and a teaspoon of warm water to the mixture, then mix everything thoroughly. Those with dark hair can add a tablespoon of crushed nettle leaves to the scrub, which also improves the condition of the hair. Blondes and those with light brown hair are not recommended to use nettle, as it gives the hair a dark tint. But if hair color is not too important, then nettle can also be used by blondes, since after some time the dark shade given to it will still be washed off.

    The finished scrub must be applied to damp hair before washing with shampoo. The scrub is applied to the hair roots and massaged into the entire surface of the scalp with light circular movements for 3 to 5 minutes. Then the scrub is washed off and the hair is washed with shampoo, followed by the application of balm in the usual way.

    Hair restoration oil

    Hair restoration oil can be used as masks, for aromatherapy, and also as leave-in products. To restore hair, it is most important to use oils in the form of masks, which are done on average once a week. Oils for aromatherapy and as leave-in products are not required for use for hair restoration, but are desirable. That is, in a hair restoration complex it is necessary to use masks with oils, and aromatherapy and the use of oils as leave-in products is optional.

    In order for hair restoration to be as effective as possible, you need to purchase high-quality fatty and essential oils from well-known manufacturers. Among the budget options there are good oils from Spivak, and among the more expensive ones - Dr. Taffi, etc. Various essential oils can be ordered through online stores. The most effective (according to reviews) types of fatty and essential oils for hair restoration are listed in the table.

    The most effective in hair restoration (according to reviews) are coconut, jojoba, argan, broccoli and burdock fatty oils. The undisputed leaders among essential oils for hair restoration (also according to reviews) are Bay, Amla, Ylang-Ylang and Sage. However, there are many more essential oils; there are literally hundreds of varieties, from which you can choose the best options for yourself. We have listed the most popular and widespread fatty and essential oils, as well as those that have proven their effectiveness, but if you wish, you can choose your own combinations by trying other types of oils.

    Both fatty and essential oils are used to prepare masks. For aroma combing - only essential ones, and for leave-in products - fatty ones.

    As part of masks, fatty oils can be used either individually or in mixtures with each other in various proportions and ratios. Essential oils cannot be used separately for masks; they must be added to the base fatty oil a few drops at a time. It must be remembered that for about 5 ml of base oil you need to add only 1 drop of essential oil. To apply to the scalp and hair as a mask, a mixture of oils in a volume of 20–40 ml (1–2 tablespoons) is usually sufficient. It is based on this amount that mixtures of oils for the mask should be prepared.

    Mask mixtures containing only fatty oils can be prepared in large quantities and stored at room temperature in a separate container, using as needed. It is impossible to add essential oils to mixtures for the purpose of subsequent storage of the composition, since the latter evaporate and lose their properties. You can add essential oil only to the finished composition immediately before use. That is, you can make a large volume of a mixture of fatty oils for several uses and store it in a separate bottle. And each time, immediately before use, measure out the required amount of the oil mixture, then add essential oils to it and use immediately.

    To make masks, solid fatty butters (for example, coconut) should be melted in a water bath before mixing so that they acquire a liquid consistency. To prepare a mask, you should first mix all the fatty oils, and only then add the selected essential oils to the composition. The finished composition must be applied to dirty hair on the day of routine shampooing. It is optimal to keep a mask of oils on your hair for 1 – 2 hours, but not longer, since otherwise the hair follicles become clogged and suffer from oxygen deficiency.

    A mask of oils is applied to the scalp drop by drop along the partings. It is most convenient to apply the mask from a bottle with a thin spout, for example, from Chlorhexidine (see Figure 2). Many people specifically buy Chlorhexidine, pour it into another container, and use the bottle to apply oils to the scalp. When the entire scalp and roots are lubricated with oil, you need to carefully distribute the mask with your palms along the entire length of the hair. To ensure that the entire length of your hair is covered with an oil mask, you can rub 2-3 drops of the composition between your palms and thoroughly wipe all your hair from roots to ends. Then the hair is collected at the top of the head, covered with film (bag, etc.) and insulated with a towel or an old hat.

    Figure 2– A bottle with a thin Chlorhexidine spout, convenient for applying oils to the scalp.

    After 1 – 2 hours, the oil mask should be washed off. To do this, you just need to wash your hair according to the usual pattern, applying shampoo and rinsing it off as many times as needed until the fatty oils are completely washed out.

    You can combine fatty and essential oils for masks either randomly or systematically. The most popular is the so-called German oil combination system, according to which they are all divided into varieties that are combined with each other in certain proportions and order. So, According to the German system, all oils are divided into the following categories: Before use, you should consult a specialist.


    My story will be long, so if you are ready to spend 5-10 minutes of your life and find out the whole life story of my hair, then I will be happy to share with you all the secrets of restoration and growth)

    If you decide to thoroughly tackle your hair, then be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of your time and the effect will not come instantly.

    It’s good for those girls who naturally have gorgeous thick hair and beautiful color, but what about those who have been deprived by nature?? What to do if your hair is weak and thin, constantly splits and looks pitiful, what if your hair has turned into a washcloth from constant dyeing???

    The answer is simple, you need to be patient and take care!


    Now I’m 24 years old and my hair is in perfect condition, but unfortunately it wasn’t always like this. Ever since school, I started actively dyeing my hair with not the best dyes, and already at university I ruined it so much that it probably couldn’t get any worse. For some reason, before I didn’t have the slightest fear that my hair would deteriorate from all the color transformations.

    Being highlighted, with hair pretty spoiled by blond, I was impatient to become a brunette, I don’t know what kind of rooster and where it pecked me, and without thinking for a long time I dyed my hair a dark chestnut color (I apologize for the quality of the photos, there are no such photos in the electronic version, so I took them again on phone from printed photos)

    Now I look at this photo and find it hard to believe that it’s me, the case when you look better at 24 than at 19)))

    Those who constantly wear makeup already understand that this was an unforgivable mistake, but it didn’t end there, I didn’t like being a brunette (well, that’s not my thing) and I decided to become fair again (what a fool) and at first I used a remover to remove the dark color, the hair after that looked like nylon threads and looked like a yellow washcloth, of course it was impossible to walk like that and the hairdresser said that the only option was bleaching and tinting on top, there were no options and I had to take such extreme measures...

    Have you counted how many circles of hell my hair has gone through in just a couple of months?? Blonde to chestnut brown wash, bleach and color. Naturally, they looked more than deplorable, but I categorically did not want to cut them, I was terribly sorry for the length (but given their condition at that time, even shaving them bald would have looked better)

    But it’s really a pity, although it looks disgusting, it’s long, and the fact that the condition is worse than that of plumbing tow depresses me, but not enough to strip my divine blond!

    I went through such a mess of a hairstyle on my head for a couple of months and finally a sensible thought came to my mind that I needed to say goodbye to the blonde and return to my natural color, gradually grow it out and get rid of all the bad hair over time.

    The first step was going to the salon.

    This is the kind of hair I came there with, white and incredibly dry, it seemed like there was no moisture in my hair at all, it felt like straw. I came with the goal of dyeing it in my native light brown color and cutting off 5 centimeters of length (I immediately felt sorry for cutting everything, I wanted to gradually). Perhaps the photo does not convey the deplorable state of my hair at that time, because I actively revived it with all kinds of silicone leave-in products, insanely expensive shampoos and masks, and this gave at least some visual result, but believe me, they were terrible.

    I left their salon all in tears, because the hairdresser decided that there was no need to walk around with poop on my head and suffer with such hair and shredded it to my shoulders, at that time there weren’t even photographs because I was terribly psychotic and didn’t want to have that hairstyle at all appear in public. My hair was dyed light brown, but due to the bleaching, it gave off a greenish color and looked disgusting. It was at that moment that I realized that I would no longer dye it at all and would use all my free time to restore it.

    I started with banal care, tried to give up silicone shampoos with a bunch of chemicals and switch to natural and organic care, but through trial and error I realized that organic shampoos do not wash my hair well and none of the heaps I tried suited me 100%, so The emphasis on organic care can be placed in balms and masks, and shampoo should be selected not by looking at the composition and price, but by trial and error.

    In general, I would like to say a few words about the fact that I am not a supporter of only organics or only prof. care, it seems to me that depending on the type of hair and goals, you need to look for “your” care, but anything can suit you and I don’t understand people who categorically give a damn about the chemistry in the composition and go crazy about the notorious organics or vice versa , they use only professional products and point a contemptuous finger at those who wash their hair with chamomile infusion... to each his own!

    After a long search, many wonderful shampoos and balms were found, I began to understand them so much that just by the type of shampoo consistency I could predict what the effect would be.

    Below I would like to give a few of my favorite options and I’ll immediately make a reservation that shampoos need to be changed, the hair quickly gets used to the same thing and the effect disappears, so I buy different bottles every time and as soon as one runs out, I start another, although many here They will not agree with me and that is their right, I repeat once again that I am describing my experience!

    1) The first one will be shampoo, which surprised me very much. It’s so cheap that absolutely anyone can afford it, but I really liked the effect. This shampoo is suitable for hair that is prone to oiliness; it perfectly rinses and removes oil masks. For those who like to rinse until it's squeaky clean.

    2) The shampoo is a little more expensive, but it is one of the few that allowed me to keep my hair clean longer. With it, you can afford to wash your hair a little less often than usual, but again only for oily hair.

    3) Korean kerasys shampoos made me fall in love with them, unlike the two previous options, kerasys have a white color and a creamy consistency, they nourish the hair and make it visually very beautiful and well-groomed, these shampoos surpassed even many professional lines in terms of effect, and their cost at the same time very affordable. You need to choose exclusively according to your type; they can easily weigh down your hair if you choose incorrectly.

    I will not list all the hundreds of shampoos that I tried, among them there were many good and not so good, moreover, depending on the condition of the hair, the same shampoo can be perceived differently by the hair, so find for yourself several options that are good washed, not dried and give you the desired result and you will be happy)

    My best decision was to give up a regular comb, which is simply impossible to comb through dry hair without loss, in favor of a natural comb-brush, which combs my hair very gently and which is still my favorite to this day. I haven’t parted with her for many years now and not a single modern tangle, etc. can even hold a candle to my sorceress)

    But just recently I purchased a comb with an ionic function, which is also a great thing,

    The most important part of the review. Masks are the basis for hair restoration.

    I’m not saying that natural oils are a panacea and now I will only use them for the rest of my life, no, this is an important stage that is worth going through during the recovery period, since natural oils really nourish the hair very well, help it grow faster, and most importantly strong and healthy and slightly revive hairs that have already died from dyeing.

    I bought a full arsenal of oils, base and essential. I started making masks IN ONE DAY , I just washed my hair and then I applied the oil mixture to damp hair and roots, walked for a while, and sometimes even left it overnight.

    The most effective hair masks are made from fatty oils, I mix different oils, and sometimes I take one as a basis. If you don’t want to spend money on a bunch of oils, you can use regular olive oil, which nourishes the hair no worse than more expensive oils .

    You can mix, for example, some cheap natural mask or balm with olive oil and drop some essential oil into it, this will give you even more quantity and make it easier to distribute!

    Here are my favorite hair oils.

    As for essential oils, there are also a lot of them and you can experiment with different ones.

    Just recently I saw it in a store and immediately bought it. ECOLAB hair oil for the treatment of weakened and split ends , I must say that it is ideal and is perfect for those who do not want to bother with mixing oils, etc., the composition is excellent.

    If you search, you can find a bunch of ready-made options with excellent compositions, here is another example. Indian Ayurvedic oil for hair growth.

    But again, everything is individual, these are the products that I liked.

    Literally a couple of months later, I realized that a miracle was happening before my eyes, the roots began to grow in their own color, healthy and beautiful, root volume appeared, and a million times damaged hair from very frequent masks changed before my eyes, I won’t say that they became ideal, but I could already live with such hair and there was no desire to shave my head. The oils made my hair soft and pleasant to the touch. (dyeing the light brown color was peeling off before my eyes and the difference with the roots was very strong, but I was ready to go to the end and endure this difference for the sake of healthy hair), I attach a photo of that period (you can clearly see that the roots are much darker) About 3 months have passed here from the moment I was shredded.

    I continued to use oils just as actively, I was motivated by a noticeable result, there was passion and a desire to go to the end and finally achieve the “mane” of my dreams, even if it took years... but I decided that this was not enough and began to look for some other methods of care, I tried literally everything that I came across on the Internet, some advice turned out to be very useful, and some not, but for myself I learned the main thing: Until you try, you won't understand

    I added rinsing my hair after washing to my routine. chamomile decoction, Honestly, it’s very lazy to do this, but when your hair is not very long, then it’s worth pampering it with this at least once a week.

    I also decided that I needed to take some vitamins, and it was at the moment of searching that I found a magical remedy from which my hair began to grow by leaps and bounds and in general my general condition became better, the remedy was absolutely natural, it was seaweed. I want to say right away that everything is very individual, I do not force anyone to take these vitamins, they just helped me a lot and I have been taking them regularly in courses for several years. Judging by the reviews, they turned out to be useless for some, but I advise you to just read their composition and description, this is a really good thing not only for hair, but also for the body as a whole, it is a powerful complex of natural vitamins and microelements, and even if you If you don’t notice the result, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. They definitely won’t cause any harm and there’s no chemicals in them!

    Months passed and my hair grew and transformed before my eyes, half a year after the last coloring and haircut, the difference between the natural color of the crown and the light ponytail is visible)

    Almost a year passed, I tirelessly rubbed oils into my hair, I got so used to masks that it became a familiar ritual for me, I continued to drink spirulina regularly, tried to avoid hair dryers and straighteners as much as possible, although practice shows that if your hair is healthy, then thermal styling does not affect it too detrimentally, irons and hair dryers are more terrible for dyed and very damaged hair, during the recovery period it is still better to try to do without them or use good thermal protection.

    My hair already began to look very good, there were no harmful effects from outside on it, I gradually cut off my dyed hair a couple of centimeters at a time, all this only proves that THAT DAMAGED HAIR CAN BE RESTORED WITH CARE.

    I started buying store-bought hair masks only when my hair began to look decent and didn’t feel terrible to the touch; to this day I use them both separately and in a mixture with my favorite oils. For example, among my budget favorites at the moment there are 2 masks from Planet Organics:

    Result to date.

    Having restored my hair completely and completely, I again wanted a change, but now I know for sure that I won’t do any more dyeing for a hundred thousand layers, so after a long time deciding, I settled on dyeing using the ombre technique (I began to miss the light ends) and decided to dye it independently using your own method with this paint

    I don’t regret at all that I dyed my hair again, because if you approach everything wisely, there will be no harm. On absolutely healthy hair, one coloring does not completely have a detrimental effect, especially since I continue to use oils and care for my hair as carefully as possible. I’ve refreshed my head and don’t plan to lighten or dye anything anymore for now) Moreover, not so long ago I learned about another safe means for lightening strands, this Gel hair color L"Oreal Casting SunKiss (lightening gel without ammonia)

    (result from using the gel)

    As for various masks to enhance growth with mustard, pepper, etc., I tried it and didn’t like it at all, especially since such masks can cause irritation and have the opposite effect, is it worth it? In my opinion, it’s better not to risk it, but of course it’s up to everyone, you can try)

    More recently, I discovered hydrolates, for example rosemary hydrolate It takes good care of my hair, I spray it on the roots of my hair along the partings, immediately after washing. (For those who are not familiar with hydrolates, be sure to read about them, these are excellent and completely natural products for hair, face and body care)

    To this day, I use masks regularly, once every three months I get my hair cut with hot scissors and continue to look for new care products. I am happy with my hair and proud of it, this is the result of a lot of work. The main thing is not to retreat and not give up everything halfway, be patient if you want to cut or dye your hair... you just need to work on it and wait and then you will definitely achieve the desired result))

    In different lighting they can give a different shade and tint, but the main thing is that they shine and they are healthy)

    The reasons for the destruction of the hair structure can be both internal and external. The latter include regular dyeing, bleaching or perming. frequent hair washing, using a hot hair dryer or straightening iron. Intense exposure to sunlight and salty sea water also damages hair.

    Internal causes of severely damaged hair include constant stress, lack of vitamins in the body, unbalanced diet and frequent overwork.

    Split ends of hair, brittle and dull strands can ruin the mood of any woman. Unfortunately, few people know how to restore severely damaged hair, so quite often ladies solve such problems with radical methods: getting short haircuts. Our advice will help you avoid such measures.

    Choosing a Shampoo

    Special shampoos for severely damaged hair will help restore weakened curls. When choosing care products, always take into account your hair type and pay attention to the ingredients included in shampoos. Thin and dry hair requires moisturizing ingredients such as aloe, glycerin, panthenol or silk proteins. Macadamia oil, shea butter, rosehip oil or argan oil envelop each hair with the lightest thin layer. Thanks to this effect, a gradual restoration of severely damaged hair occurs: the upper scaly layer of weakened curls is leveled, as a result, they become less brittle and more manageable.

    Washing severely damaged hair

    You should wash your hair with soft and massaging movements; under no circumstances should you intensively “tug” it from side to side. This can not only damage the already weakened structure of the curls, but also complicate their further combing. The detergent should be washed off with warm water.

    Restoring severely damaged hair is impossible without the use of special cosmetics. For example, a strengthening balm. Apply the product along the entire length of the strands and leave on your head for a few minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with water.

    You should dry your hair after washing carefully: do not “rub” it between your palms, just gently pat your hair with a towel. It is best to dry your hair naturally, but if you don’t have time for this, you can use a hair dryer at minimum power.

    Wet hair is very vulnerable, so you can comb it only with a wide-toothed comb, holding each strand at the roots so that the hair experiences less stress.

    How to restore severely damaged hair using cosmetics

    To completely restore weakened hair, in addition to special shampoos and conditioners, cosmetologists also recommend using masks, serums and lotions containing glycerin and panthenol.

    A mask for severely damaged hair should be used several times a week before washing your hair. You can prepare it yourself from natural products (honey, kefir, egg yolk, vegetable oils, etc.) or purchase it at a pharmacy or store. The first option, of course, is preferable due to the naturalness of the ingredients used to prepare the cosmetic product.

    The mask for severely damaged hair is applied from the roots to the ends, and after some time (according to the instructions) it is washed off with warm water. After regular use of the mask, the strands will become shiny, silky and manageable.

    Lotions or sprays that are applied to dry hair and do not require rinsing will also help improve the appearance of your hair. Such products protect hair from harmful environmental influences, preventing it from drying out.

    To restore split ends of severely damaged hair, the best solution is to use a special serum with silicone oils. A few drops of this product are simply rubbed into damp hair. Using serum will help “smooth” the surface of the hair and improve its appearance.

    Gentle styling

    This item is mandatory in the process of restoring severely damaged hair. If you continue to torture your hair with heat styling, you shouldn’t hope for an improvement in its appearance. During treatment, avoid dyeing and perming your hair, use stylers as little as possible, and avoid backcombed hairstyles. . If it’s difficult for you to refrain from dyeing your hair, find an alternative: for example, to maintain the rich color of your strands, use a tonic of the appropriate shade

    Now you know how to restore severely damaged hair. Take care of them, cherish them and nourish them with special products, and then the result in the form of beautiful hair will not take long to arrive.

    Do you have dry, dull, frizzy hair with split ends? Hair is easy to damage, but takes a long time to restore. The good news is that you can start using techniques and new habits that will improve the appearance of your hair immediately and restore it over time. Learn how to immediately save damaged hair, use hair health-boosting treatments, and develop habits that will keep your hair healthy in the long run.


    Rescue damaged hair

      Get a haircut. If your hair has a straw texture with split ends, the first thing you can do to restore your hair's health is to go to a salon and get a haircut. This will immediately give you a fresh look and restore them.

      • Cut off as much as you dare. Hair tends to be more damaged at the ends because this part is exposed to heat, chlorine and other sources of hair damage much longer.
      • Ask your hairdresser not to blow dry your hair or use other styling products. They will further damage your unhealthy hair.
    1. Stop using heat. Now that you've gotten your hair cut, plan to treat your hair very gently until it returns to health. This means no heat treatment in the form of hair dryers or curling or straightening irons.

      • Drying your hair naturally is much more beneficial than blow drying. Keep your hair in its natural state when you restore it.
      • If you must straighten or curl your hair, use a gentle method to achieve the desired effect, such as curlers or hair wraps.
    2. Stop dyeing or otherwise treating your hair. The process of bleaching and then using other chemicals to change hair color is extremely destructive. Bleaching or dyeing damaged hair can actually lead to hair breakage, hair loss, and receding hairline.

      • Chemical processes such as constant curling and straightening are harmful and should be avoided.
      • Even deep conditioning products designed to restore moisture to hair may contain less than beneficial ingredients. It's better to control what happens to your head, so avoid salons that offer expensive treatments.

      Using Healthy Foods

      1. Use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Shampoo and conditioner based on natural oils and herbs will help restore your hair. Look for them in health food stores and choose a product with ingredients that restore moisture to dry, damaged hair.

        • Avoid shampoo and conditioner with sodium lauryl or laureate sulfates. These industrial detergents are added to many soaps and shampoos; They strip your hair, but they also strip it of its natural, protective oils.
        • When you first start using natural shampoo and conditioner, your hair may look a little greasy. This is because your body is accustomed to overproducing the oil it needs to keep your hair healthy. Continue caring for your hair, and in a few weeks your body will be adjusted to produce the required amount of oil.
      2. Use natural styling products. Most hairsprays, gels, mousses and other styling products contain chemicals that cause long-term damage to hair. Avoid such products and buy hair products made with healthy ingredients from health food stores.

        • As a great alternative to chemical products, you can make your own hairspray from citrus fruits.
        • You can make your own hair gel using a simple mixture of water and gelatin.
      3. Treat your hair with oil. You can use olive or other natural oil to moisturize your hair. Simply massage the oil into your hair, leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

      Long term care

      1. Don't wash your hair too often. This dries them out as it interferes with the production of oils that keep hair healthy. Try to wash your hair two or three times a week.

        • Tie up your hair or wear a hat the night before you wash your hair.
        • Use dry shampoo or apply a small amount of baking soda to your roots and bangs to absorb oil from your hair.

    There are a lot of people whose hair is naturally beautiful and healthy. There are many more of those whose hair is damaged. Any hairstyle looks less advantageous on them, and in order to determine the best method of bringing the hair back to normal, it is necessary to find out the reason why the curls have lost their health and beauty. In this case, the hairstyle is selected based on the client’s problem.

    There are three types of hair damage:

    • mechanical;
    • thermal;
    • chemical.

    Mechanical damage

    This problem is caused by scratching, excessively frequent combing of hair and other similar actions. Thermal damage occurs due to over-drying the curls with a hairdryer, improper use of curling irons, straighteners, and hot rollers. Frequent bleaching, perms and dyeing can cause chemical damage.

    With daily combing of hair, the outer layer of the hair follicle is gradually destroyed. The most harmful thing is combing. With its help, hair follicles lose their membranes, and the ends of the curls bifurcate. When the cuticle in the middle of the hair is destroyed, the hair breaks at the site of damage. How to restore damaged hair?

    Adequate moisture balance is important to maintain healthy curls. The condition of the hair depends on this. With a lack of moisture, curls become brittle and more vulnerable. The retention and release of moisture, the regulation of the hair's resistance to mechanical stress is controlled by the base protein of the hair.


    Strong heating using dryers, hair dryers at maximum temperature, hot rollers provoke softening of keratin, and moisture evaporates faster. Bubbles form faster on the hair shaft, causing its destruction.

    No methods have been found to combat this phenomenon. However, with regular cutting of damaged locks, the likelihood of further damage to the ends is reduced, and hair restoration on the head is much easier. During heat treatment, wet hair is most vulnerable.


    The sun is one of the negative influence factors. When irradiated, the bonds inside the follicles disintegrate, the strength of the hair decreases, and the hair burns out, losing color.

    During chemical treatment, the curls themselves are weakened. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out all procedures correctly and not repeat them too often.


    Permanent styling leads to the destruction of the natural chemical compounds that make up the hair. It is impossible to restore the hair shaft, so it is important to strive to keep it alive for as long as possible. It must be remembered that treating damaged hair will return shine, smoothness and elasticity to the curls.

    After chemical exposure, the hair bonds are weakened, and neutralization is important to stop decay. It is carried out using a variety of means that ensure the restoration of the missing links of broken chains, at least partially. This is the answer to the question of how to quickly restore hair.

    Types of chemical damage include weakening, delamination, and splitting of the ends. Perm causes a change in the shape of the hair. After using special shampoos, the new shape is maintained for a certain period of time, and the curl looks healthier in appearance.

    With perm, hair molecules are reoriented to create a new shape, and the structure of the curl is weakened. The surface of the hair becomes rougher, and its accelerated destruction begins. In this case, the hair restoration procedure will be quite lengthy.


    During this process, the curl relaxes and the hair straightens. Since it has an ellipsoidal cross-section, it is impossible to straighten it without causing damage to the hair. The destruction process is accelerating

    Improper use of straighteners leads to hair splitting. They are destroyed close to the base of the follicle, which is an incorrectly carried out neutralization.

    When bleaching hair, a special composition damages the hair membrane, penetrating through it. How to restore dry, split ends? This question is often asked by owners of bleached hair.

    Dyeing with permanent dye causes pigment particles larger than the size of hair particles to penetrate into the cortex. As a result, the curls are damaged and the hair is destroyed. It is impossible to carry out bleaching without hydrogen peroxide. From such harmful effects, the hair becomes dull, weakens, and the curls become porous.

    Perms, bleaching and dyeing further reduce the strength of wet hair. Combing causes the greatest damage to such tangled hair. The shell collapses, losing strength. The scales of wet hair are half-opened in order to better cleanse themselves of dirt; with strong impact they fall off, and the hair becomes thinner. The question of how to treat damaged hair has an answer in this case too.

    The surface of the follicle after chemical treatment almost does not perceive protective and conditioning substances, due to the destruction of entire sections of the hair. Properly organized competent care and the use of high-quality rinses after coloring or permanent treatment will help preserve your hair. Combing and styling curls is important to do with great care.

    Damage Prevention

    When caring for damaged hair, it is important to select shampoos, conditioners and masks according to the type of hair. The products lubricate the curls, reducing the risk of mechanical damage and adding elasticity to the hair. How to restore severely dry and damaged hair? First of all, you need to try to prevent them from getting into this state!

    It is important to use wide-toothed combs. To comb tangled locks - no tugging. You should start from the tip and move towards the root, avoiding damage to the follicles.

    When blow-drying, you should select the optimal temperature: too hot air causes dehydration of the curls, and the hair becomes dried out. Frequent perms and bleaching make hair more vulnerable to negative factors, causing deterioration in the appearance of the hair.

    Not only the poor state of the environment negatively affects the condition of the hair. A mask for severely damaged hair can restore your curls to their former appearance and health. Nervous tension, fatigue, illness - they lead to loss of shine in curls, split ends and even hair loss.

    Dandruff, rapid contamination and an unpleasant odor may occur. When a woman spends most of her time in a smoky room, she risks greatly worsening the condition of her hair, making it lifeless and weak. In addition to nicotine, alcohol has a detrimental effect on curls. After swimming in the sea, sea salt remains in the cuticles. Once crystallized, it greatly harms the health of the hair. Therefore, it is necessary to wash your hair with shampoo to remove salt.

    To prevent hair damage, it is important to wash your hair as it gets dirty. Use shampoo selected according to your hair type, of high quality and designed for daily use. It is desirable that it contains moisturizing components.

    Judging by the reviews, this product significantly helps improve the condition of damaged hair. Hard water negatively affects the condition of curls, and moisturizing particles of balms and conditioners will help maintain the beauty and health of your hair.

    Treatment of damaged hair

    Dry curls become very tangled when combed, look dull, and their ends split. Dry dandruff is possible. Masks, which need to be done at least once a week, and special products for dry hair will help to heal and cure your hair.

    "Grandma's Recipes"

    For a restorative homemade hair mask, you will need a tablespoon of castor oil. The product is heated in a water bath for about ten minutes and ground with raw yolk. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to slightly damp, clean hair for half an hour to an hour, covering the head with a polyethylene cap and a towel. It is better to wash off the mask with a herbal decoction of chamomile, nettle or burdock.

    For emergency help to your curls after perm or coloring, you should make a mask from a large spoon of green tea, sage, oregano and nettle (not recommended for bleached hair). A glass of boiling water is added to this mass, leaving for a quarter of an hour to infuse. Then filter, add three hundred grams of rye bread, apply to hair, covering with a film and a towel on top. After an hour or an hour and a half, you can wash off with warm, preferably boiled, water or a herbal decoction.

    Applying burdock or castor oil will help restore life to dry, damaged hair. It is important to do this before washing, without rubbing, and leave on your hair for about an hour. A similar mask for damaged hair at home is very effective.

    Restoring severely damaged curls will require considerable effort: after all, hair can be ruined quickly, but restoring radiance and beauty without cosmetics requires time. First of all, it is important to protect your hair from the sun and harsh wind. You should not get carried away with beauty products and coloring.

    It is important to provide your hair with proper nutrition from the inside. A properly selected diet will help. For a couple of months, it is important to regularly take a glass of carrot or carrot-apple juice, and the drink should be freshly squeezed. It is better to give up sugar and season oatmeal or buckwheat porridge or cottage cheese with sour cream at breakfast with a spoon of honey.

    As much as possible plant foods and seafood. To restore curls, you need proteins, and to give your hair elasticity, you need to drink at least six glasses of water and two cups of green tea and kefir per day.

    To soften scales, masks should be applied from roots to ends. For rinsing to cure dried out damaged curls, it is necessary to use decoctions of nettle, linden blossom and birch leaves. It is better to use boiled water. With this care, the elasticity and smoothness of the hair will return.

    You will need to take additional vitamins, zinc, and selenium for a month. To improve the supply of nutrients, you will need a nightly head massage. The fingertips should be moved in a circular motion from the forehead to the back of the head along the partings. If the massage is carried out before washing, you can take sea salt to provide your hair with minerals. It is important to apply the product to wet roots, rinsing off after massage.

    Professional products in ampoules or capsules for hair restoration will help restore hair. They are also applied along the length, added to shampoos and even paints. A two-week course will return your hair to health, but such treatment does not free you from constant care.

    Complete restoration of the natural protective layer is impossible. Even the best cosmetic preparations provide only temporary protection. Then they are washed off. Therefore, it is important to take care of your hair health in a timely manner so that you do not have to resort to emergency measures and use professional help.
