Which knitting pattern is suitable for black. Knitting patterns. Selection

Patterns spokes. Selection.

Quilted knit

Quilted knit
Cast on a multiple of 8 plus 7 plus 2 edge stitches.
Row 1 (right side) K1, * remove unknitted 1, K4, transfer the unknitted loop through 4 knitted ones, R3; repeat, starting with *, at the end of L1.
Row 2 K1, K1, *K1, knit the front loop from the thread between the loop just knitted and the next loop, K1, K5; repeat, starting with *, at the end of I1, L1.
Row 3 L2, * I3, L5; repeat, starting with *, at the end of I3, L2.
Row 4 L1, I1, * L3, I5; repeat, starting with *, at the end of L3, I1, L1.
Row 5 K2, * R3, wyib slip unknitted 1, K4, throw the slipped unknitted loop over 4 L loops; repeat, starting with *, at the end of I3, L2.
Row 6 L1, * R5, L1, knit the front loop from under the thread between the previous and next loops, L1; repeat, starting with *, at the end of I5, L1.
Row 7 L1, * L5, I3; repeat, starting with *, at the end of L6.
Row 8 K1, * K5, K3, repeat, starting with *, at the end of K5, K1.
Repeat rows 1-8.


I- front
O- nakid
~ - purl 3 together
W- knit three from one loop (1 front, 1 purl, 1 front)



I- front
- purl
O- nakid
/ - 2 together facial
\ - 1 broach (remove 1 loop, knit the next loop with the front one and stretch the removed loop through it)
~ - purl 2 together
Purl rows knit according to the pattern, knit yarns with purl loops.



I- front
- purl
J- remove the loop, the thread is at work
Y- remove the loop, thread before work



I- front
- purl
J- Remove 1 loop, thread at work
L- Remove 1 loop, thread before work


6th row: 1 front, * 1 yarn over, 1 remove (as in the 2nd row), 3 front *, at the end of the row 1 front.

7th row: purl 1, * 1 yarn over, slip 1 (as in the 3rd row), purl 3 *, at the end of the row purl 1.

9th row: repeat the pattern from the 1st row.


2nd and 8th rows (dark thread): face loops.

3rd and 5th rows (light thread): 4 front, 2 slip (thread behind the loops), etc.

4th and 6th rows (light thread): purl 4, slip 2 (thread before loops), etc.

9th and 11th rows (light thread): 1 front, * 2 remove (thread behind the loops), 4 purl * (from * to * repeat the pattern to the end of the row), 1 front.

10th and 12th rows (light thread): 1 purl, * 2 slip (thread in front of the loops), 4 purl *, 1 purl.

13th row: repeat the pattern from the 1st row.


if you use contrasting colors of thick yarn. Pattern Oblong cells - one-sided, embossed, recommended for all products, especially for children. To link a pattern pattern oblong cells , you need to dial the number of loops multiple of 10 plus 1 loop for pattern symmetry plus 2 edging , For example 23 .

1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th rows (light thread): face loops.

3rd row (dark thread):* 4 front, 3 loops to remove (thread behind the loops), 3 front *, 1 front.

4th row (dark thread): 1 purl, * 3 purl, 3 slip (thread in front of the loop), 4 purl *.

7th row (dark thread):* 2 slip (thread behind the loops), knit 7, 1 slip (thread behind the loop) *, 1 slip (thread behind the loop).

8th row (dark thread): 1 slip (thread in front of the loop), * 1 slip (thread in front of the loop), purl 7, 2 slip (thread in front of the loops) *.

9th row (light thread): repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

Scheme of the pattern with knitting needles No. 74 Oblong cells


Knitting pattern Rice 3x3, probably also has some other names, but they are not known to me yet. Knitting pattern Rice 3x3 very similar to knitting pattern Double pearl (Putanka 2×2),only the front and back loops in the rapport of the pattern are not 2, but 3 each.


Moved stitch pattern

3rd row: 1 person. p., * 2 p. cross to the right, 2 p. cross to the left *, repeat from * to *;

5th row: * 2 p. cross to the left, 2 p. cross to the right *, repeat from * to *;

7th row: 1 person. p., * 2 p. cross to the left, 2 p. cross to the right *, repeat from * to *.

1st row: * 2 p. cross to the right, 2 p. cross to the left *, repeat from * to *;

2nd and all even rows: Purl all stitches;

3rd row: * 2 sts cross to the left, 2 sts cross to the right *, repeat from * to *.

Relief pattern "Gooseberry"

1st, 3rd, 7th and 9th rows: * 1 out. p., 5 persons. p., 1 out. p., 5 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

2nd and all even rows: knit all loops according to the pattern;

5th row: * 1 out. p., 5 p. cross (1 p. leave on the 1st auxiliary knitting needle before work, 3 p. leave on the 2nd auxiliary knitting needle at work, 1 person. p., then knit with facial 3 p. with 2 -th auxiliary knitting needles and 1 p. from the 1st auxiliary knitting needles), 1 out. p., 5 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

11th row: * 1 out. p., 5 persons. p., 1 out. p., 5 p. cross (1 p. leave on the 1st auxiliary knitting needle before work, 3 p. leave on the 2nd auxiliary knitting needle at work, 1 person. p., then knit with facial 3 p. with 2 th auxiliary knitting needle and 1 p. from the 1st auxiliary knitting needle) *, repeat from * to *.

Cast on an odd number of stitches and work an additional 2 rows in garter stitch.
1st row: all loops are facial;
2nd row: * 1 front, 1 loop slip (thread by loop) *, 1 front
3rd row: all front loops
4th row: * Slip 1 loop (thread by loop), knit 1 *, slip 1 loop (thread by loop).
This pattern can be used for knitting scarves, scarves, children's coats, vests.


1st and 5th rows (thread thread): all loops are purl;

2nd row (st. thread): * 2 out. p., 2 p. remove (thread before work) *, repeat from * to *;

3rd row (st. thread): * Remove 2 p. (thread at work), 2 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

4th row (dark thread): * 2 out. p., 2 p. remove (thread before work) *, repeat from * to *;

6th row (st. thread): * Remove 2 p. (thread before work), 2 out. n. *, repeat from * to *;

7th row (st. thread): * 2 persons. p., 2 p. remove (thread at work) *, repeat from * to *;

8th row (dark thread): * Remove 2 sts (thread before work), 2 out. n. *, repeat from * to *.


1. front loop.

2. Purl loop.

1st row: * 2 persons. p., 4 out. p., 2 persons. p., 4 out. n. *, repeat from * to *;

3rd row: * 3 out. p., 2 persons. p., 4 out. p., 2 persons. p., 1 out. n. *, repeat from * to *.

1st row: * 2 out. p., 8 persons. p., 4 out. p., 8 persons. p., 2 out. n. *, repeat from * to *;

2nd and all even rows: knit according to the pattern;

3rd row: * 2 persons. p., 4 out. p., 12 persons. p., 4 out. p., 2 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

5th row: * 6 persons. p., 4 out. p., 4 persons. p., 4 out. p., 6 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

7th row: * 2 out. p., 8 persons. p., 4 out. p., 8 persons. p., 2 out. n. *, repeat from * to *;

9th row: * 2 persons. p., 4 out. p., 12 persons. p., 4 out. p., 2 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

11th row: * 6 persons. p., 4 out. p., 4 persons. p., 4 out. p., 6 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

13th row: * 2 out. p., 8 persons. p., 4 out. p., 8 persons. p., 2 out. n. *, repeat from * to *;

15th row: * 2 persons. p., 4 out. p., 12 persons. p., 4 out. p., 2 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

17th row: * 6 persons. p., 4 out. p., 4 persons. p., 4 out. p., 6 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

19th row: * 10 persons. p., 4 out. p., 10 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *.

1st row: * 3 persons. p., 3 out. n. *, repeat from * to *;

2nd and all even rows: knit according to the pattern;

3rd row: * 3 persons. p., 3 out. n. *, repeat from * to *;

5th row: * 1 yarn over, knit 3 stitches together (remove 1 stitch, knit 2 stitches together front behind the front walls and stretch through the removed loop), 1 yarn over, knit 3. n. *, repeat from * to *;

7th row: * 3 out. p., 3 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

9th row: * 3 out. p., 3 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

11th row: * 3 persons. p., 1 yarn over, knit 3 stitches together (as in the 5th row), 1 yarn over *, repeat from * to *.

1st row: * 2 out. p., 2 p. cross to the left (first knit the 2nd loop of the front behind the back wall, then the 1st front behind the front wall) *, repeat from * to *;

2nd row: * 1 out. p., 1 yarn, 1 out. p., 2 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

3rd row: * 2 out. p., 3 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *;

4th row: * purl 2 together, purl 1. p., 2 persons. n. *, repeat from * to *.

1st row: all loops are facial.
2nd row: purl all stitches
3rd row: all front loops
4th row: purl all stitches
5th row: * 1 p., 1 p. remove (thread before work) *, repeat from * to *
6th row: * 1 p. Remove (thread at work), 1 person. n. *, repeat from * to *.

Sample given in life size, knitted from the yarn of the Semenov wool-spinning factory, "Natasha" - the composition of 95% wool, 5% acrylic.


row 1: *knit 1, slip 1 before work*
row 2: *purl 1, slip 1 at work*


Chains from the removed loops

To make chains from the removed loops, you will need to dial an odd number of loops on the knitting needles, which also includes the edge ones.

Rows 1 and 3: Knit only.

2nd and 4th rows: knit with purl loops.

5th row: do not tighten knitting, purl 1, remove 1 loop, positioning working thread before the loop, repeat everything from the beginning of the row.

6th row: without tightening the knitting, remove the hem, place the thread behind the knitting needles, remove 1 loop, knit 1 - repeat these steps until the end of the row; thus, the loops knitted in the previous row are removed, and the removed ones are knitted.

7th row: repeat the pattern from the first row.

PATTERNS spokes. Embossed---aspen


piggy bank of patterns -----http://www.1000uzorov.rf/index/spicami_relefnye_uzory/0-13


Relief patterns with knitting needles are an alternation in knitting of front and back loops, while the fabric turns out to be three-dimensional due to the combination of convex and concave sections, and also quite dense (without gaps). Therefore, such patterns are especially expressive. There are a great many relief patterns, they differ in small or large rapport. These patterns are ideal for plain cotton, cotton-viscose, silk and linen blends. If the yarn is thick, then the pattern looks especially embossed, and if it is thin, then an exquisite, noble structure will be obtained. Embossed patterns are quite easy to knit, so they are recommended for beginner craftswomen, because. help them gain skills and experience. Confident knitters also do not ignore relief patterns, because they are convenient to combine with openwork and give it a special elegance. So that the charm of relief patterns does not disappear, they should not be ironed and steamed, it is enough to moisten and let them dry in a straightened form.
We bring to your attention large collection simple relief patterns from front and back loops for knitting with visual samples, diagrams, descriptions and symbols. Choose and create with pleasure!
p. - loop;
persons. - front;
out. - purl;
chrome - edging;
cross - crossed.
Attention! In the diagrams, the purl rows are shown as they look from the front side.

※ Pattern 100 "Marmalade" (for 10 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 99 "Embossed columns" (for 18 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 98 "Cells" (for 6 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 97 "Mermaid Veil" (for 8 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 96 "Moon Swing" (for 16 loops and 14 rows)

※ Pattern 95 "Soufflé" (for 10 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 94 "Parquet" (for 5 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 93 Caterpillars (12 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 92 "Geometric Waltz" (for 18 loops and 36 rows)

※ Pattern 91 "Asterisks" (for 8 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 90 "Birds" (for 14 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 89 "Expression" (for 10 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 88 "Twigs" (for 24 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 87 "Pyramids" (for 18 loops and 36 rows)

※ Pattern 86 "Abracadabra" (for 10 loops and 10 rows)

※ Pattern 85 "Embossed arches" (for 10 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 84 "Domes" (for 10 loops and 16 rows) reverse side of the pattern "Frogs"

※ Pattern 83 "Frogs" (for 10 loops and 16 rows) reverse side of the dome pattern

※ Pattern 82 "Labyrinth" (for 18 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 81 "Marshmallow" (for 14 loops and 18 rows)

※ Pattern 80 "Structural Relief" (for 14 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 79 "Embossed composition" (for 8 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 78 "Footprints" (for 13 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 77 "Turkish Delight" (for 8 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 76 "Lokum" (for 8 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 75 "Combine" (for 8 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 74 "Rachki" (for 8 loops and 18 rows)

※ Pattern 73 "Wings" (for 15 loops and 30 rows)

※ Pattern 72 "Bows" (for 10 loops and 18 rows)

※ Pattern 71 "Moths" (for 32 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 70 "Hearts" (for 13 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 69 "Hearts" (for 12 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 68 "Onions" (for 8 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 67 "Lacing" (for 12 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 66 "Pyramid masonry" (for 24 loops and 18 rows)

※ Pattern 65 "Beautiful Relief" (for 6 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 64 "Carousel" (for 8 loops and 48 rows)

※ Pattern 63 "Polyanka" (for 8 loops and 48 rows)

※ Pattern 62 "Honeycomb" (for 16 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 61 "Original Relief" (for 24 loops and 28 rows)

※ Pattern 60 "Dotted Zigzag" (for 8 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 59 "Fantasy" (for 12 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 58 "Amber Coast" (for 8 loops and 34 rows)

※ Pattern 57 "Coral Bracelet" (for 12 loops and 40 rows)

※ Pattern 56 "Bugs" (for 10 loops and 36 rows)

※ Pattern 55 "Snopiki" (for 18 loops and 28 rows)

※ Pattern 54 "Chevrons" (for 14 loops and 32 rows)

※ Pattern 53 "Charted lattice" (for 8 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 52 "Pendants" (for 8 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 51 "Sports" (for 4 loops and 28 rows)

※ Pattern 50 "Dates" (for 6 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 49 "Expressive Relief" (for 6 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 48 "Chess of rectangles" (for 8 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 47 "Embossed columns" (for 6 loops and 20 rows)

※ Pattern 46 "Almond" (for 12 loops and 14 rows)

※ Pattern 45 "Cactus" (for 10 loops and 16 rows)

※ Pattern 44 "Petals" (for 6 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 43 "Leaf fall" (for 9 loops and 24 rows)

※ Pattern 42 "Flags" (for 18 loops and 12 rows)

※ Pattern 41 "Beads" (for 5 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 40 "Fence" (for 5 loops and 6 rows)

※ Pattern 39 "Chain" (for 6 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 38 "Embossed Combination" (for 6 loops and 10 rows)

※ Pattern 37 "Checkmarks" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

1 row: facial loops;
2 row: purl loops;
3 row
4 row
5 row: facial loops;
6 row: purl loops;
7 row
8 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 3 out.*
Repeat from 1st to 8th row.

※ Pattern 36 "Rows with slipped loops" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

1 row: * 3 persons; 1 p. remove (thread at work) *;
2 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 3 out. *;
3 row: * 3 persons; 1 p. remove (thread at work) *;
4 row: facial loops;
5 row: * 1 person.; 1 p. remove (thread for care); 2 persons.*;
6 row: * 2 out; 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 out. *;
7 row: * 1 person.; 1 p. remove (thread at work); 2 persons.*;
8 row: facial loops.
Repeat from 1st to 8th row.

※ Pattern 35 "Boucle" (for 6 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: * 3 persons; 1 out.; 1 p. remove (thread at work); 1 out. *;
2 row: * 1 person.; 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 persons; 3 out. *;
3 row: * 1 out.; 1 p. remove (thread at work); 1 out.; 3 persons.*;
4 row: * 3 out; 1 persons; 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 persons.*
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 34 "Embossed checks" (for 3 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: * 1 p. remove (thread at work); 2 persons.*;
2 row: * 2 out; 1 p. remove (thread before work) *;
3 row: * 1 person.; Remove 2 sts (thread before work) *;
4 row: purl loops.
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 33 "Waffles" (for 3 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: facial loops;
2 row: purl loops;
3 row: * 2 persons; 1 p. remove (thread at work) *;
4 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 2 persons.*;
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 32 "Drap" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: * 1 person.; 1 p. remove (thread at work) *;
2 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 persons.*;
3 row: facial loops;
4 row: purl loops.
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 31 "Scales" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: facial loops;
2 row: purl loops;
3 row: * 1 out.; 1 p. remove (thread before work) *;
4 row: * 1 p. remove (thread at work); 1 persons.*
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 30 "Mail" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

1 row: * 1 out.; 1 p. remove (thread before work) *
2 row: purl loops;
3 row: * 1 p. remove (thread before work); 1 out. *;
4 row: purl loops.
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 29 "Embossed texture" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 28 "Large cane" (for 3 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 27 "Small reed" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 26 "Corners" (for 6 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 25 "Teeth" (for 6 loops and 6 rows)

※ Pattern 24 "Lentils" (for 4 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 23 "Raisins" (for 6 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 22 "Mosaic" (for 8 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 21 "Rosehip" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 20 "Moss" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 19 "Putanka" or "Large pearls" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

Knit alternately 1 person. and 1 out., shifting the pattern after each 2nd row by 1 p.:
1 row
2 row: 1 chrome; knit loops according to the pattern (facial - facial, purl - purl); 1 chrome
3 row
4 row: 1 chrome; knit loops according to the pattern; 1 chrome
Repeat from 1st to 4th row.

※ Pattern 18 "Corn" (for 2 loops and 2 rows)

※ Pattern 17 "Rice" or "Pearl" (for 2 loops and 2 rows)

Knit alternately 1 person. and 1 out., shifting the pattern in each row by 1 p.:
1 row: 1 chrome; * 1 persons; 1 out.; repeat from * to the end of the row; 1 chrome
2 row: 1 chrome; * 1 out.; 1 persons; repeat from * to the end of the row; 1 chrome
Repeat from 1st to 2nd row.

※ Pattern 16 "Shell" (for 8 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 15 "Algae" (for 4 loops and 8 rows) reverse side of the pattern "Rain"

※ Pattern 14 "Rain" (for 4 loops and 8 rows) reverse side of the seaweed pattern

※ Pattern 13 "Hoarfrost" (for 2 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 12 "Tweed" (for 4 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 11 "Cross" (for 8 loops and 6 rows)

※ Pattern 10 "Toe" (for 6 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 9 "Flake" (for 8 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 8 "Seeds" (for 4 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 7 "Seeds" (for 6 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 6 "Oats" (for 6 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 5 "Poppy dew" (for 2 loops and 4 rows)

※ Pattern 4 "Dots" (for 4 loops and 8 rows)

※ Pattern 3 Garter Stitch (any number of stitches and 2 rows)

※ Pattern 2 "Wrong Side" (any number of loops and 2 rows)

※ Pattern 1 "Front Surface" (any number of loops and 2 rows)

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  • 500 g black yarn (70% cotton, 30% viscose, 100 g / 350 m),
  • hook number 3,
  • beige satin ribbon - 150 cm.

Main pattern: scheme 3-1. The diagram shows straight and reverse rows. In height, repeat from the 1st to the 8th row. On the pattern marked with the number 1.
Fan pattern: scheme 3-2. The diagram shows straight and reverse rows. The 1st and 2nd rows are repeated in height. On the pattern marked with the number 2.
Openwork pattern: knit according to the scheme 3-3. The diagram shows straight and reverse rows. In height, repeat from the 3rd to the 8th row. On the pattern marked with the number 3.
Finishing: scheme 3-4.

Description of knitting an openwork jacket

The sizes, arrangement of patterns and the direction of knitting are indicated on the pattern (Fig. 3-1, Fig. 3-2).
Knit front and back in one piece, without side seams. Work from the bottom up. First, crochet a chain of 263 in. (the number of loops is a multiple of 16 plus 7 loops for symmetry) and then knit in straight and reverse rows according to the scheme 3-1. After 30 cm from the typesetting edge, knit with a “fan” pattern according to the 3-2 pattern, distribute 28 rapports across the width of the fabric. After 8 cm from the beginning of the “fan” pattern, divide the canvas into 3 parts (back - 14 rapports, shelves - 7 rapports each), marks can be made with pins. Then knit each piece separately.


For armholes, on both sides of the part, decrease 9 loops in one row (1 rapport). Then knit straight. After 5 cm from the beginning of the armhole, knit openwork pattern according to the scheme 3-3. After 13 cm from the beginning of the openwork pattern, you finish work on the back (without a cutout for the neck).


You make the armhole as on the back (reduce 1 rapport each) and knit straight. After 5 cm from the armhole, knit with an openwork pattern and form a neckline. To do this, from the side of the neck in one row, subtract 3 cells and in each 2nd row subtract 4 times in the 1st cell. 13 cm from the beginning of the cut
necks finish work. Knit the second shelf in the same way, but in a mirror image.


You knit a chain of 55 in. p. (the number of loops is a multiple of 1 b plus 7 loops for symmetry), tie 3 in. n. to rise to a new row and knit with the main pattern according to the scheme 3-1. For expansion, on both sides of the sleeve, in each 6th row, add 1 p. Added loops include in the pattern. After 35 cm from the typesetting edge, knit with a "fan" pattern. After 12 cm from the beginning of the “fan” pattern for an okat, on both sides of the sleeve, decrease 1 rapport and in each 2nd row decrease 1 st. After 10 cm from the beginning of the sleeve okat, finish the work. Knit the second sleeve in the same way.


Sew shoulder seams. Sew and sew the sleeves. On the lower edge of the product, the side edges of the shelves, along the contour of the neck and the lower edges of the sleeves, knit with a pattern for finishing according to the scheme 3-4. Pull the ribbon just above the waist. Holes in the pattern will serve as holes.
