Is it possible to boil linen items? Technology for washing linen items in a washing machine and by hand

Natural fabrics have always been in demand, they are more pleasant to the skin, and they definitely won’t cause allergic reactions.

The body breathes through fibers; synthetics will not allow this. Linen is considered a favorite for making summer clothes; it will save you in the heat and prevent you from freezing when the temperature drops.

How to wash linen, in a machine or by hand, everyone chooses independently. But compliance with some rules is still necessary, then products made from natural fiber will remain in perfect condition for a long time.

Many people know how to wash linen correctly; recommendations for carrying out the process are often on the product; the manufacturer attaches a tag on which you can find all the necessary information.

Products made from 100% linen are rare; usually there is a small addition of synthetic fibers, due to which the finished item will fit better. Therefore, washing is carried out using different methods:

  • It is preferable to wash linen products by hand, as this will damage the fibers less.
  • In a washing machine, linen fabric can be cleaned no worse, but there are a number of features in the process.
  • Whatever washing method is chosen, the use of chlorine-containing preparations and detergents is strictly prohibited.
  • Rinsing is carried out multiple times. To completely rinse the detergent from the fibers.
  • It is not advisable to use powdered detergents; it is better to use liquid detergents for delicate washing or those specialized for this type of fiber.
  • During the last rinse, it is advisable to add conditioner, and rinse colored laundry with the addition of vinegar.
  • You shouldn’t rub or twist the fibers too hard; it’s better to just let the water drain.
  • It is necessary to dry in partial shade, in a well-ventilated place.
  • The heels are removed before the cleaning process begins, this will help avoid the spread of contamination throughout the item.

It is necessary to remove stains with an oxygen stain remover, but it is only used for white things.

Colored ones are cleaned using other methods, most often using folk recipes that have been proven over the years.

Advice! To prevent linen from shrinking after washing, carefully monitor the temperature when cleaning, the indicator should not exceed 40 degrees.

It is worth understanding that linen is a powerful absorbent, so for washing and rinsing products made from such fibers it is necessary to take a sufficient amount of water.

How to wash linen by hand

You can wash linen using two methods, using a washing machine and cleaning by hand.

How to wash products made from such fibers by hand? Are there any subtleties in the procedure? Let's find out in more detail how to wash linen by hand.

Washing linen products goes like this:

  • Fill a container of sufficient size with the required amount of water.
  • The water should be no higher than 40 degrees, then the product will retain its original characteristics.
  • Liquid detergent is thoroughly dissolved in water until a slight foam is obtained. You can also use granular powder, but it must be completely dissolved so that no grains remain.
  • The item is soaked in the container; if it is heavily soiled, the item can be left for an hour.
  • Washing is carried out with squeezing movements; in blouses and shirts, special attention is paid to cuffs, collars, and armpits. They can additionally be treated with laundry soap and lightly rubbed.
  • Rinsing is carried out in several waters; for light-colored products, a small amount of conditioner is added to the latter, and the brightness of colored paints is restored with vinegar diluted in rinsing water.

Items should be dried outdoors, in partial shade with good air ventilation. Aftercare consists of ironing and proper storage of items.

Important! Carefully study the composition of the detergent before purchasing; it cannot be used with chlorine for linen.

How to wash linen in a machine

Before washing items made from natural fibers, they should be sorted by color.

White and light-colored items are cleaned separately from colored linen and from black or dark-colored items.

This simple rule will help to avoid shedding; your wardrobe items will remain the same as before cleansing.

Another important nuance of washing in an automatic machine is that the drum is full; you cannot put a lot of linen at once, the material needs space for better cleaning.

Otherwise, the procedure is the same as with other tissues, but some secrets are still present:

  • At what temperature should I wash linen? To ensure that the product retains its original dimensions, the heater is set at +40. This will be quite enough for high-quality cleaning of fibers, and higher values ​​will help shrink the product.
  • In the washing machine, linen is washed only with liquid products; they clean the fibers better, do not leave streaks, and are washed out better when rinsed.
  • Choose a gentle mode; “delicate wash” or “hand wash” is ideal.
  • An additional rinse must be set; one may not be enough.
  • We set the spin to minimum, or you can remove it completely.
  • We start the wash and wait for it to finish.

Heavily soiled and difficult to remove stains should be removed before sending the item for the main wash, otherwise the mark may spread.

Most often, folk remedies are used, the components of which are found in every home.

You should not dry flax in a machine; creases and wrinkles will be difficult to remove at the end of the procedure, and the fibers themselves will become more fragile.

Advice! When washing by hand, rinse in water at the same temperature as cleansing. Then the wardrobe item will not fit.

So we found out whether it is possible to wash linen in a machine and how to do it correctly. But besides washing, there are other subtleties of care, without knowing which you can ruin your favorite thing forever.

Subtleties of caring for products made from natural linen

We already know how to wash linen items correctly; we definitely can’t go wrong with the choice of program on the washing machine and the temperature setting.

Linen is a natural fiber that can become stiff if not properly cared for. After washing, the product must be ironed:

  • You should not wait for the items to dry completely; it is easier to smooth out wrinkles when the item is slightly damp.
  • For dry items, it is necessary to use gauze, which is moistened and wrung out well.
  • The iron is heated to maximum and steam is applied.
  • After the ironing procedure, you must leave the item of clothing until it cools completely; do not put it on while it is still hot.

Linen wardrobe items are stored on hangers in the closet, and it is advisable to iron them well before shipping.

Everything became clear with the subtleties regarding how to wash linen.

The main indicators in the cleaning process are strict adherence to the temperature regime and a sufficient amount of water both during washing and rinsing.

Complete avoidance of chlorine-containing products will help preserve the structure of the fabric for many years. Using this information, clothes made from flax fibers will last a long time.

Our ancestors loved to wear linen clothes. Because it was wear-resistant, breathable, dried quickly after washing, it was warm in winter, not hot in summer, and bed linen made from natural linen was pleasant.

Linen clothing is still popular today due to its plant fiber content. But how to wash it so that it continues to be a pleasure to wear and the fabric does not deteriorate?

Basic rules for washing linen products

Before washing, you need to decide on the type of powder. It is better to buy a simple option without aggressive components. Similar products are indicated for delicate children's underwear and clothing. Powders marked “for delicate washing” will also be suitable.

A linen tablecloth, for example, can be damaged by stain removers with a high content of chlorine. Especially if colored dresses need heat treatment with water. Oxygen bleaches are modern products for white linen, for colored linen - marked Color. Conditioners that soften water and fabric are also popular.

Soda ash with regular laundry soap is a natural method for washing linen. They wash plant fibers well by creating an increased alkaline balance in the water. The first also softens the product.

To bleach fabrics, laundry soap is often used paired with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is better to soak linen for a day before any washing in a concentrate of a liter of water and 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.

Nuances when hand washing linen

Hand wash linen

For linen items, hand washing is considered more acceptable and gentle. Therefore, sometimes they have an inscription that prohibits the use of automatic processing.

Basic Rules:

  • white flax is not afraid of high temperatures, it can even be boiled, after which it becomes softer and more pleasant to touch;
  • if you give preference to powder, then it is better to choose it for automatic washing machines, because such a product does not form a lot of foam;
  • it is important to rinse the product well in several containers or in one basin, but changing the water 3-4 times;
  • after washing colored items, to preserve the saturation of the colors, in the last rinse use a solution of a liter of water and a tablespoon of vinegar;
  • after rinsing, to get rid of moisture, things are not twisted, just gently wrung out with your hands;
  • for linen clothing with embroidery, the optimal water temperature is 20 degrees, so the embroidery will not lose color, rubbing the pattern area is dangerous, otherwise the shape and quality of the weave will deteriorate;
  • Very dirty embroidery or tablecloth should be soaked in a soapy solution of a liter of water and a teaspoon of salt for a quarter of an hour, after which time rubbed with light pressure.

For this type of washing, it is popular to use a store-bought stain remover labeled “suitable for linen and cotton.” But before using it, you need to check how it interacts with colored things. To do this, apply a few drops of stain remover to the back of a shirt or T-shirt, leave for 5-6 minutes, rinse and visually inspect. If the color remains the same, then you can safely use it.

Nuances when machine washing

Machine washable

Despite the advantages of manual heat treatment of flax with water, an automatic analogue is also applicable. An automatic machine is also capable of washing linen without harming the fabric or spoiling the product. You just need to remember some nuances:

  • due to its heat resistance, linen is best washed at 60-90 degrees, however, the washing mode is set to “delicate” or “manual”, in which the number of spinning revolutions is from 500 to 800 per minute, if there are more of them, natural white linen can shrink;
  • after washing, it is better to use the “extra rinse” mode, because powder residues on the product reduce their service life, the fabric oxidizes and becomes unusable;
  • colored items must be washed separately from white ones, since each has its own temperature range and the former can fade or stain a white item;
  • the drum does not need to be loaded with a large number of things, they should be washed in it freely, because linen absorbs moisture well, otherwise colored stripes will form on the fabric;
  • It is recommended to wash embroidered linen, turning it inside out, turning on the “gentle wash” mode, setting the temperature to 30 degrees and turning off the spin function;
  • It is better to use stain remover by applying it to the stained area, hand washing and rinsing. After this, the item is placed in the automatic machine.

It is important to look at the tag before washing in an automatic machine - the fabric may contain a small percentage of synthetic fibers. Then it is no longer natural, and the temperature indicator will have to correspond to the numbers indicated on it.

Bleaching linen products

Oxygen bleach is ideal for bleaching linen items. It is added according to the dosage prescribed on the package. The product is soaked in this solution overnight and then placed in an automatic machine.

Today, clothing made from natural materials is very popular. One of the most popular textile materials is linen. It differs from other fabrics in that it becomes better, softer and whiter over time. How to wash linen correctly so that things made from it last longer and have an impeccable appearance?

Before washing linen items, pay attention to the washing conditions. It is worth remembering that environmentally friendly, light and beautiful linen can lose its original appearance if you use powder with aggressive components and hard water for washing and dry it intensively in a drying chamber.

Hand wash or machine wash?

How to wash linen items - by hand or in a machine? It's best if you do this manually. But if your washing machine has a special mode for washing items made from delicate fabrics, then you can wash linen clothes in this mode.

Contact of linen with chlorine should be avoided, as this can make the fibers of the fabric much less durable. Chlorine is often a component of bleaching powders and stain removers. Therefore, when buying a powder, carefully look at its composition. Powders and other products intended for children's clothes rarely contain this aggressive substance, so you can choose this line of laundry detergents.

White linen can only be washed with oxygen bleaches, while twisted, dyed or embroidered linen cannot be washed with any bleaches.

How to preserve the color of linen items

Colored linen items may fade; before washing linen, you need to take this fact into account. To prevent this problem from happening to you, you need to use powders containing colored granules. They are specially designed to preserve the color of the product. You can wash colored linen using detergents designed for delicate delicate fabrics. At the same time, you can be sure that the product will remain in its original form.

The fabric should move freely in the water so that the color does not streak. Linen is a strong absorbent, so you should wash it in plenty of water. Linen products must be rinsed very thoroughly to remove all detergent particles. If you add a little vinegar when rinsing colored linen fabric, the colors will remain more vibrant.

Shrinkage of linen during washing

Does linen shrink when washed? Yes, a linen product, if it does not contain synthetic additives, tends to shrink slightly in size after washing. But the first time you try it on, it will stretch again.

If you iron an item through thick fabric, it will return to its original size.

Choosing the right temperature mode

It is better to use a washing mode in which the temperature does not exceed 30-40 degrees, especially if you are washing colored items. Flax has a porous fiber structure, and under the influence of high water temperatures, the dye can be rejected.

Removing stains

Don't forget that the fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove. Before using stain remover, you need to check the fastness of the dyes. To do this, apply the product to the fabric in an inconspicuous place, wait 2-5 minutes and rinse. If the fabric has changed color, do not use this stain remover. Do not add stain remover directly to the washing machine. It is better to use a stain remover for colored materials; it has the mildest effect. After treatment with it, the product must be thoroughly washed and rinsed. This will remove any remaining stain and product.

How to properly dry and iron linen items

Do not wring linen items before drying. The number of wrinkles will be reduced if you straighten the product, shape it and smooth it out. To prevent the fabric from shrinking, it should be dried in a well-ventilated place and not exposed to direct sunlight. Do not wait until the product is completely dry. This can lead to loss of natural moisture and the item will become fragile. Ironing will be easier if the fabric remains slightly damp.

To iron linen items, you should use a well-heated iron with a humidifier. Iron the product until it becomes smooth, but not too dry. After this, it must be hung or spread out for final drying.


Linen items have many pleasant properties. Flax is an excellent thermostat. These clothes are cool in summer and warm in winter.

Linen bed linen allows you to rest comfortably. With proper care, linen items are very durable and wear-resistant, can withstand a large number of washes and do not lose their shape.

Before washing the product, you need to select a washing powder. Regular powders that do not contain aggressive components are suitable for washing linen. Usually these are powders intended for washing children's clothes. Delicate laundry detergents are also suitable.

Since linen does not like harsh cleaning agents, bleaching powders or chlorine stain removers can ruin a linen item. This is especially true for colored and embroidered linen. For white linen you can use oxygen bleaches, for colored linen - stain removers for colored fabrics. You can also use conditioners and other products that make the fabric softer, as well as water softeners.

Natural detergents for washing linen include soda ash and regular laundry soap. They create an alkaline environment in water and perfectly wash dense fibers of natural fabric.

Laundry soap also softens the material. A solution of potassium permanganate and laundry soap can easily cope with bleaching fabric. 3 tbsp will also help with this. l. hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of water, if you soak things in this solution for a day. 1 tbsp. l. ammonia per 1 liter of water will bleach the fabric in just 3-4 hours of soaking.

How to wash white linen in a washing machine

The rules for washing white and colored linen items vary. High temperature will not damage white linen fabric. After such washing, things not only do not lose their quality, but also become softer and more pleasant to the touch, so the temperature can be set to 40-60°C, and, if necessary, even boiled.

Remember to look at the tag, as the product may not be 100% natural and may contain additional synthetic components. The maximum water temperature for washing is always indicated on the label.

It is recommended to choose a gentle mode for washing white linen in a washing machine - “Delicate” or “Hand Wash”. That is, one at which the car speed is not high. At high speeds, products can shrink, especially if they are completely natural.

After washing, things must be rinsed well, since the powder remaining on the fabric shortens the life of the product, the fabric oxidizes and ages.

In this case, you can use the extra rinse function. It is not advisable to use spinning at high speeds to avoid deformation of the product; you need to let the water drain from the fabric on its own.

How to wash colored linen clothes in a washing machine

Rules for washing colored linen:

  1. Colored linen should be washed separately, as colored items may fade and stain whites.
  2. To maintain rich color, it is recommended to use powders for colored laundry that do not contain chlorine.
  3. You can use stain removers designed for colored laundry.
  4. Bleaching agents for colored linen are prohibited.
  5. Since linen absorbs moisture, there is no need to overload the washing machine; things should spin smoothly in the drum. Otherwise, the paint will appear in streaks on the fabric.

Hand washing: how to do it correctly?

Hand washing is preferable for any linen items. Sometimes there is a symbol on the label of a linen product that prohibits machine washing.

For hand washing, it is better to use powders intended for automatic washing machines, since they have reduced foaming.

This is important for linen materials because they need to be rinsed well.

If colored items are washed, it is recommended to carry out the last rinse in a solution of vinegar and water (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water). This will preserve the brightness and richness of the fabric. After washing, the product is not twisted, but lightly wrung out by hand.

Washing linen with embroidery

Embroidered linen clothing should only be washed by hand.

Embroidered products are not allowed:

  • soak;
  • boil;
  • unscrew.

The water temperature should not be higher than 30°C so that the embroidery threads do not fade. When washing, you do not need to rub the fabric too much in the area of ​​the pattern, so as not to spoil its shape and the quality of the threads. If heavily soiled, the product must be soaked for 10-15 minutes in warm soapy water with the addition of 1 tsp. salt per 1 liter of water, and then rub the cloth with light movements. After washing, the item should be rinsed thoroughly, changing the water several times.

Embroidered linen can also be machine washed. To do this you need:

  • turn the product inside out;
  • turn on the delicate wash cycle;
  • set the water temperature to 30°C;
  • disable the spin function.

How to properly remove stains from linen products

To remove stains from natural materials, stain removers from stores whose instructions allow use for linen are quite suitable.

Before using the product on colored material, you must make sure that it is suitable for the painted product. To do this you need:

  • apply a drop of product to the reverse side of the product;
  • wait 3-5 minutes;
  • rinse the item;
  • see if the color has changed.

If everything is in order, the stain remover can be used.

When removing a stain you need:

  • apply a little product to the product;
  • wash it by hand or in a washing machine;
  • rinse thoroughly.

It is not recommended to add stain remover to the washing machine drum.

How to properly wash linen items so they don’t shrink

To prevent linen from losing its shape and becoming deformed, washing should be carried out at a temperature no higher than 30°C-40°C. You should know that things with the addition of synthetic fabrics practically do not shrink.

It will eliminate shrinkage and purchase high-quality products that undergo special processing before sale. After this treatment, the fabric also does not shrink.

In order for linen to shrink, you need to wash it in hot water. The need for shrinkage arises, for example, before sewing products made from all-natural linen.

This material must be washed before sewing and cutting. More precisely, do not wash it, but soak it in hot water for 10-15 minutes.

After this, the fabric needs to be dried, ironed and re-measured (the fabric will certainly shrink and change length or width). This procedure is done in order to take into account the degree of shrinkage of the material and sew the item exactly the size that is needed.

What to do if the flax does shrink?

Products that contain, in addition to flax, synthetic fibers will not shrink (or shrink very slightly) even when washed in hot water. All-natural linen can shrink if you wash the product in water above 60°C. Sometimes, in order for an item to take its original shape, it is enough to iron it through gauze, folded several times, and try on the clothes. After trying on the item may stretch.

How to dry and iron linen items

After the product has been washed (regardless of whether the linen is light or colored, with or without embroidery), it must not be twisted or wrung out. After lightly squeezing the material with your hands, it needs to be straightened, shaped and hung out to dry.


It is not recommended to dry linen items in direct sunlight, especially colored ones. They fade quickly, the sun destroys the fibers of the fabric. Over-drying damages natural fibers, which can cause the material to become brittle. But a ventilated place with good air circulation is necessary when drying linen items. They will retain their quality and will not lose their shape. It is better to remove dried products when they are still slightly damp.


Iron wet items with a hot iron without letting them dry completely. It is necessary to iron already dried material using a spray bottle of water to spray the fabric, or the steam mode of the iron.

Features of ironing linen products:

  1. Light-colored items are ironed first from the wrong side, then from the front.
  2. Dark - only with the wrong side.
  3. Embroidered items should be ironed from the inside out on a soft surface. To maintain the volume of embroidery, you need to place it on the embroidered area, then move it to the adjacent one.
  4. It is recommended to leave the ironed product in a horizontal position until completely dry and cool.

If, when caring for linen clothing, you follow all the recommendations correctly, linen items will reward you with wear resistance and comfort to wear.

In a hot summer city, it is common to see a successful person wearing a simple-looking linen shirt from Loro Piano or Brioni (which can cost as much as a good TV or a mountain bike). He doesn't seem to notice the heat. And in the neighboring park, young mothers probably had a picnic, dressed in light, spacious linen clothes in the Boho style. Yes, linen is back in fashion! This is one of the oldest materials for the production of fabric; linen clothing was made 9000 years ago in India.

No wonder it remains popular to this day, because it has a number of remarkable qualities:

  • Flax fibers contain silicon dioxide, which has bactericidal and antifungal effects.
  • Unlike other materials, no cases of allergic reactions have been reported with linen fabrics.
  • Linen fabric absorbs and evaporates moisture 50% better than cotton.
  • Flax is not electrified.

“Super clothes” or your biggest wardrobe challenge?

Despite such amazing properties, many people prefer “simple” materials when choosing clothes. Depending on whether several rules are followed in washing, drying and ironing clothes, two options are possible:

  • If you know how to wash linen and follow a few simple rules in caring for your item, you will get “super clothes” that:
  1. With each wash, the material becomes softer, but does not lose strength.
  2. After a few years, the socks look like they were just bought.
  3. It will dilute even a formal suit, giving the image a little liberation.
  • You don't know how to wash linen correctly and you end up with the biggest problem in your wardrobe:
  1. Linen clothes behave unpredictably: either they shrink after washing so much that they can be given to your youngest daughter, or they stretch after several days of wear to indecent sizes.
  2. All the paint came off after the first wash. Now the things that were erased with her are in rainbow stains.
  3. The fabric became rough, like burlap.

With this option, every time a salesperson in an expensive store talks about linen clothes as the most unpretentious and easy to care for, only a bitter smile appears, saying, “We know these unpretentious clothes of yours.” Although everything is actually very simple!

Why do linen items shrink?

One of the most significant problems that owners of linen items face is the reduction in the longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the linen after washing. To make further recommendations for preventing such an incident logical and understandable, let's understand the mechanism of shrinkage of linen items:

    During the manufacturing process, flax fibers are greatly stretched. In water, there are optimal conditions for their slight curling; in addition, the starch glue used in the fabric production process is gradually washed away.

    High temperatures promote swelling of plant fibers. Now they are in close contact with each other. Due to their natural origin, linen threads at the microscopic level are similar to Christmas trees, which, clinging to each other, are firmly held in a new position after drying.

Knowing this, a number of methods for preventing and controlling shrinkage can be easily explained. Let's answer one question that interests everyone.

How to wash linen without shrinking:

    Correct At what temperature should I wash linen? No more than 40 degrees for colored items and 60 for white items. Thus, flax fibers swell less, do not touch too closely, and as a result, there is less chance of microvilli adhesion with the new position of the fibers, slightly twisted in an aqueous environment.

    You should iron things until they are completely dry after washing. But why? After all, as was said earlier, hot water creates all the conditions for the thing to shrink. In this case, the same process occurs that causes linen fabric to reduce its size, only with the exception that with a heavy iron we forcibly pull out the twisted fibers, and the swelling process interlocks them in a new position. Fight fire with fire!

    Drying things on hangers or on clothespins (for towels, bed linen, etc.). Everything is obvious here: wet fabric stretches under its own weight.

It is important to know! When dyeing, flax is boiled in boiling water (decatation occurs - the linen shrinks to the maximum, almost irrevocably, and simply cannot shrink even more, so shrinkage no longer occurs during household washing). But dyed linen has its own nuances.

Why does the fabric “shed”?

Because for dyeing fabrics of plant origin, dyes are used that dissolve quite well in water (especially in an acidic environment). Therefore, the best solution would be to choose white linen or linen items in natural shades.

How to wash so that things retain their color?

The natural color of the material is dark gray. It is impossible to return the color of an item if it has already been washed off with detergents and other chemicals. There are many methods for restoring the color of brown things with coffee broth, black with tobacco, blue with blueberry juice, and special dyes for fabrics are also produced. All of these methods are effective to varying degrees and take time, so it's best to know how to wash linen.

It is not recommended to wash colored items in a washing machine. But if the colors are light or close to the natural color of linen, then you can try. Many experts recommend adding a tablespoon of vinegar when hand washing colored linen, which adds brightness to the items. It is difficult to explain the essence of this method, because acidic solutions “wash away” the paint of the fabric. Perhaps this gives the effect of brightness - the color becomes lighter, but does not fade. Table vinegar itself, unlike other acids, does not have a destructive effect on flax fibers.

How to wash linen in a washing machine:

  • Delicate wash mode.
  • No spinning or drying.
  • Linen is washed at a temperature of 30-40 degrees for colored items and up to 60 degrees for whites.
  • The machine should be filled no more than 2/3 of its volume.

We'll also give you other tips on how to wash linen.

How to remove stains from linen clothes?

How to wash linen?

For linen, powders for delicate washing are used. Many people wash items with regular laundry soap or using Indian soap nuts, which have proven themselves to be a universal and completely natural detergent.

How to bleach linen?

You can bleach linen items with your own hands using soda ash. This is done in a washing machine, the maximum temperature should not be higher than 60 degrees.

How to make flax softer with your own hands?

This will happen on its own over time, but if you don't want to wait, you can use the following method (which, of course, is safer to use on undyed fabrics). This means soaking the item overnight in a saline solution (about a glass of salt per 15 liters of water) and then washing it. As a result, the item will become softer.


So, we found out how to properly wash linen. As you can see, it is quite easy to understand this issue. Knowing all these nuances, you can significantly extend the life of the item and not spoil it the first time you try to wash it.
