Nadya Dorofeeva and Nastya Kamensky are kissing. Kiss of the year: Nastya Kamensky kissed Nadia Dorofeeva live

The viewers of the TSN.Osoblive program of the 1 + 1 channel sent very curious pictures to the editor. In the photographs, young people are hugging and kissing, painfully similar to the popular Ukrainian artists Potap and Nastya Kamensky.

The senders of scandalous photos claim that they were vacationing in Cuba with the duo in the same hotel. Witnesses also claim that the couple spent time not just as a creative tandem: walks along the coast and passionate kisses clearly indicated that there was a romance between the artists. Specifically, the couple was “caught” 10 kilometers from the resort town of Varadero, known for its high cost and prestige. Only wealthy people rest here: spending a day in a hotel costs 280 euros. The popular video tabloid claims that it cannot guarantee that Potap and Nastya are really captured in the pictures, however, if you look closely, you can’t help but recognize your favorite performers in familiar silhouettes. Yes, and Nastya herself recently let slip to Katya Osadchaya that she had been in those parts for the Christmas holidays.

- I went to Spain, and spent the second part of the vacation myself in Cuba. I don’t need anyone,” Kamensky assured the TV presenter.

The fact that between Potap and Nastya is not only a strong friendship has been talked about in the party for a long time. But the couple themselves, hearing such rumors, only laughed in response. In public, Potap and Nastya from time to time could only allow innocent compliments to each other. It is worth noting that Nastya Kamensky prefers not to talk about her personal life. What can not be said about Potap. Everyone knows that the popular rapper and producer has a wife, Irina Gorovaya, with whom he is raising a common son.

And Nadia Dorofeeva at the M1 Music Awards 2016 made a splash: the girls appeared on stage in outrageous costumes and presented a new song "Abnimos / Dosvidos", which was written specifically for the music award. The finale of the performance was their passionate kiss, which has already been called the "Kiss of the Year" and the most unexpected moment of the award.

This evening the best performers of Ukraine were awarded in ten nominations. The artists of the production center MOZGI Entertainment became the owners of three statuettes at once. Mozgi was named "Project of the Year". A participant in the brutal dance project and producer Alexei NKO (Potap) expressed his gratitude for the recognition to the fans, and also said thanks to his colleagues Nastya Kamensky and Nadia Dorofeeva for giving him and Positive the opportunity to break away in the men's team.

Soon, Potap again rose to the stage of the M1 Music Awards, but already as part of the Potap and Nastya duet. The song "Umama" became the leader in the "Hit of the Year" nomination. "Potap and Nastya" turned 10 this year, and for so many years it is very difficult to stay on top and receive awards. We are grateful for such love and recognition all these years!” - the artists commented on their victory.

A real celebration of music took place in Kyiv - the award ceremony of the M1 Music Awards 2016 (M1 Music Awards 2016). On December 10, 25 performances by Ukrainian artists tore apart the capital's audience at the Sports Palace. New names and unusual duets surprised fans.

Perhaps the most unexpected duet is Nastya Kamensky and Nadia Dorofeeva. Well, just actresses - they appeared on stage in shocking costumes, and lit the audience with the song "Nice". And what a surprise it was ... In the finale of "Nice" really NOTHING happened - the girls kissed in live in front of millions of viewers.

We watch the video of the kiss of Nastya Kamensky and Nadia Dorofeeva:

It is one of the loudest events in the musical life of Ukraine. The hosts on the main stage of the M1 Music Awards are Olya Tsibulskaya and Nikita Dobrynin.

Wait! In 2003, the MTV Video Awards also ended in a scandalous female kiss. Then Britney Spears broke one of her rules - never kiss a woman. And under a mix of songs Like a Virgin and Hollywood, Britney Spears and pop queen Madonna merged into a kiss right on stage.

Yesterday, December 10, one of the main Ukrainian musical awards, the award, took place. Saturday evening in the Kiev Court of Sports, Ukrainian performers gave a concert that was simply stunning in terms of their emotions and impressions. The icing on the cake was the kiss of Nastya Kamensky and Nadezhda Dorofeeva, the soloist of the Vremya i Steklo group.

The feature of the artists' performances at the M1 Music Awards 2016 was unexpected star duets. Of course, there is no surprise in the joint performance and Nadia Dorofeeva as Potap's wards, but the singers figured out how to surprise.

Nastya and Nadya performed the song "Nichose" about "dosvidos and hugs". And under the final chords, they justified the name of the composition, unexpectedly merging into a kiss. Watch the performance of Nastya Kamensky and Nadezhda Dorofeeva (kiss) below.

Of course, few people would think of calling the kiss of Nadezhda Dorofeeva and Nastya Kamenskaya lesbian - it is obvious that this is a "knight's move" for the public, which was left in a slight shock and gratefully discusses the incident.

Recall that such surprises are not uncommon for such ceremonies and are already considered bad manners for Western showbiz. Everyone remembers, for example, the kiss between Madonna and Britney Spears (MTV Video Music Awards, 2003).

This was 13 years ago, and it was like a bombshell. Recall that then Christina Aguilera was also on stage, whom Madonna also passionately kissed. After that, only the laziest of the outrageous stars did not try this trick to attract attention. For example, even on the Ukrainian stage, a similar number has already been demonstrated earlier: .

Of course, we expect another frankness from Nastya Kamensky: for example, who are the singer's boyfriends? After two years ago, persistent rumors about the couple's fans are even more exaggerated. Recently, information appeared about the year allegedly planned for the summer of 2016, which was thwarted by Nastya's unsuccessful parachute jump.

There are still possible inaccuracies in this song lyrics.
Do you see the error? Write in the comments!

Manik in hand. On the legs n * wild.
Money in your pocket. Driver at Armani.
We are already going to the party, my love is with me.
Fun in sports. Do not argue with them - live pictures.


Nothing! Who brought this little girl here?
Hugs and Dosvidos!

Skinny girls, everything is in force today
On superstars, we superstars, burst on style
My calf movement is not for fake parties.
Everything is true here! Lips correct lipstick, highlighter.

Nothing! What turn to powder the nose.
Nothing! While standing I made a vidosik.
Nothing! Who gave these old women a ghost?
Okay, not a problem, not a question. Hugs and Dosvidos!
Hugs and Dosvidos!

[Nastya]: I'm cool.
[Nadia]: I'm cool.
[Nastya]: No, I'm cool.
[Nadia]: No, I'm cool.
[Nastya]: Yes, you are cool.
[Nadia]: You're cool too
[Nastya]: You are very cool.
[Nadia]: We are very cool.

About the song

  • During a performance at the M1 Music Awards 2016, Nastya Kamensky and Nadya Dorofeeva surprised with their concert number. On December 10, a gala concert and the second award ceremony of the M1 Music Awards 2016 took place at the Kiev Palace of Sports. Ukrainian artists prepared 25 performances as part of the award, new and unexpected duets. Thus, the directors substantiated the theme of the M1 Music Awards 2016 - yin-yang, a combination of opposites. One of the most unexpected duets was the performance of Nastya Kamensky and Nadia Dorofeeva. The girls took the stage in skimpy outfits with short shorts and performed a new song by Nichesa. At the end of the performance, the artists kissed live. The audience froze in surprise, and the hosts of the show did not know what to say after the end of the performance. The singers have not yet commented on the unexpected act.
Nadya Dorofeeva and Nastya Kamensky - Abnimos Dosvidos (Nice)">

Nadya Dorofeeva and Nastya Kamensky - Abnimos Dosvidos (Nichesa).
M1 Music Awards 2016.
December, 2016.
