Reminders, tips, recommendations. Consultation “Creating conditions for physical activity in the group and on the street in the second group of early age using folklore”



Physical activity is an essential component of a preschooler’s lifestyle and behavior. It depends on the organization of children’s physical education, on the level of motor fitness, on living conditions, individual characteristics, physique and functional capabilities of the growing organism. Children who regularly engage in physical education are distinguished by their cheerfulness, good spirits, and high performance.

Due to the fact that physical activity is a natural need of preschool age, it is necessary to pay great attention to creating conditions when organizing it. It is most rational to plan physical activity in stages. Stages are a conditional division of physical education and health work in the daily routine; they have their own tasks, in accordance with which it is necessary to select means, methods and forms of motor activity for preschoolers.

    th stage of the pedagogical process - “MORNING”.

“Morning” is the shortest pedagogical process in time, but the most saturated with educational activities. The teacher’s task is to pay attention to each child who comes, to express joy that the child has come to kindergarten, to create a cheerful, cheerful mood in him, and to create a desire to engage in interesting, useful motor activities.

In the morning, it is advisable to plan motor activities that are familiar in content, depending on the interests and needs of the children. It is necessary to create conditions for independent physical activity in advance, to consider the placement of physical education equipment and teaching aids. In our preschool educational institutions, in each age group there are physical education corners where all the necessary equipment is available. I would like to suggest including albums, illustrations about sports, photographs of our children doing physical education, etc.

Morning exercises are planned and carried out taking into account the age of our children, only play or story-based, preferably with musical accompaniment, in 1 ml. group, perhaps with objects (sultanas, ribbons, cubes, etc.)

As mentioned earlier, it is advisable to plan games that are familiar to children, preferably of low or medium mobility. Here you need to consider what activities will be after breakfast. If classes involve long-term static postures, then it is better to conduct a game of moderate and sometimes even high mobility; If there is a physical education or music lesson ahead, then we plan a calmer motor activity. In the morning, it is imperative to carry out individual work with children, regardless of their level of physical development, as well as individual work with children who have various abnormalities in posture, vision, hearing impairment, nervous system, and obesity.

Stage 2 of the pedagogical process – “WALK”.

During the day, the walk is carried out twice: in the morning and in the evening. A walk is a favorable time for individual work with children and organizing their independent physical activity.

It is necessary to take into account what activities preceded the walk: if it was physical education or music, then it is better to start the walk with observation. But if during the lessons the children were limited in their movements, then it is better to start the walk with outdoor games.

During the walk, plan one outdoor game, common to all children, and 1-2 games with subgroups of children. In addition, the teacher needs to outline game exercises for individual work. It is advisable to select all this material in accordance with the main movements included in the lesson. In a few

days before the lesson in which it is planned to introduce a new movement, it is advisable to carry out preparatory exercises while walking. The next day after class, you can repeat the same exercises or play simple games in order to consolidate the motor skill. In the future, when the main elements of movement are automated, a plot-based active game will be a good means of reinforcement.

    The th stage of the pedagogical process is “EVENING”.

The main pedagogical task of this period is to make children want to come to kindergarten again tomorrow. To implement it, it is necessary to create a positive emotional mood in the group so that each child feels comfortable. In the second half of the day, in addition to gymnastics after sleep and hardening activities, it is advisable to plan active recreation. Physical education holidays, physical education leisure, and health days are important components of children's active recreation. A variety of activities, rich in emotional games and exercises carried out in the fresh air, helps to relax the body and improve health.

In the second half of the day, it is also necessary to plan independent motor activity, using various sports equipment.

In the evening, before the children leave, it is better to plan quiet physical activity - sedentary games, breathing exercises, recreational games, exercises, etc.

Only with proper organization of physical activity can children’s natural need for movement be satisfied and their innate motivation for physical activity developed.

The formation of children's interests is influenced by parents' attitude to physical education, to their children's passion for outdoor games and exercises. We educators must constantly remind parents of this, encouraging them to engage in joint activities with their children. Having identified a child’s special interest and ability in any type of exercise, the teacher should draw the parents’ attention to this so that they continue the classes in the future.

The use of non-traditional physical education equipment in joint activities with children.

Goal: to make physical education corners more popular, to increase physical activity.

You can fill the physical education corner in groups with a wide variety of attributes made from scrap materials.


Material: old builder's cubes, strong door handles.

Goal: Development of coordination of movements, development of muscles of the shoulder girdle, spine, muscles of the hip joint.


Material: top part of a plastic bottle, braid or elastic bands, bottle caps.

Goal: Development of dexterity, attention, eye, reaction speed, ability to regulate and coordinate movements, formation of self-control skills.


Material: four plastic bottles, a small ball or any ball.

Goal: Development of manual dexterity, flexibility of elbow joints, logical thinking.


Material: wooden sticks, braid, small toy or bell.

Goal: Development of fine motor skills, development of reaction speed, eye.


Material: mittens for hot dishes, any gloves, Velcro, fabric ball or covered with Velcro.

Goal: Development of dexterity and speed of reaction, fine motor skills


Material: plastic bottle, tube, finely chopped foil.

Purpose: for breathing exercises. The child blows into a tube inserted into a cork.


Material: plastic mayonnaise buckets, satin ribbons.

Goal: Formation of correct posture, prevention of flat feet, coordination of movements, balance, orientation in space.

"Magic Wheel"

Material: tire, colored tape.

Goal: prevention of flat feet.

"Mitten massager"

Material: various mittens, buttons.

Goal: Strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, legs, strengthen and form correct posture.

"Hedgehog - massager"

Material: pen wire, rims from plastic bottle caps, hollow felt-tip pen.

Goal: Strengthen the back muscles, strengthen and form correct posture, normalize blood circulation.

"King of Precision"

Material: ribbons or fabric strips, elastic, light ball.

Goal: Gymnastics of the eye muscles, development of speed, accuracy, eye.

"Fly of butterfly"

Material: ceiling tiles, paper butterflies of different colors.

Goal: Prevention of vision.

(It can be attached to the ceiling or to the wall, positioned at different levels. The child lies, sits, stands and “goes” to visit the butterflies with his eyes).

"Ride along the path"

Goal: vision prevention.

Lines drawn on the wall are used to perform an exercise aimed at preventing vision.

"Transformer track"

Material: small pieces of flooring, Velcro, various waste materials.

(the track consists of eight colored squares of flooring measuring 30x30 cm. They are connected to each other with colored Velcro)

Goal: Prevention of the musculoskeletal system in physical education classes, group rooms, after naps and during the day

"Funny Pencils"

Material: board with drilled holes for pencils, pencils.

Goal: prevention of flat feet

"Kinder sunshine"

Material: Kinder egg cases.

Goal: Prevention of flat feet, development of motor activity.

The child walks along the rays, forming a foot. You can also jump over rays, also an interesting game that can be used in independent and joint activities.

"Quiet trainer"

Material: washable fabric, colored self-adhesive, foam rubber.

Goal: Development of coordination, spatial imagination and perception, understanding of spatial relationships (right-left), training the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms

"Funny Balls"

Material: cord, pyramid elements, plastic balls, gymnastic stick.

Goal: gymnastics for the eyes, training of the eye muscles, development of motor activity.

(equipment can be lowered to different heights

80% of children’s activities are experience gained from an adult, so if you want to raise a free, cheerful, independent child, play with him more often. When a child challenges an adult to a game, it means that it is simply vital for him.

We have offered you attributes that can be used when working with children. Their production does not require much time and material costs. Children enjoy using them and even if they break them, it doesn’t matter, they can make new ones.

Petrova Angelika
Consultation “Creating conditions for physical activity in the group and on the street in the second group of early age”

Modern society places high demands on the work of preschool institutions, designed to lay the foundations for good health and comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

Formation motor functions is one of the most important features of child development and upbringing. Everyone has long known that movement is This: - an innate, vital human need; - an effective remedy; - knowledge of the surrounding world; - an important means of education and training.

Subject- the group's motor environment should:

Encourage children to motor activity;

Allows you to perform a variety of movements;

Promote health and cognitive motor development of children.

Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the principles and configuration of the physical education corner are:

Flexibility of the playing space, multifunctionality of the environment and playing materials (availability of substitute items);

Variability in the availability of materials and equipment for the free choice of children; - periodic change of playing material, availability of playing materials, the ability to use all elements of the environment.

The following pedagogical, aesthetic, and hygienic requirements are imposed on the physical development center and its equipment.

1. Security of placement.

2. Compliance with hygienic and pedagogical requirements.

3. The center should logically fit into the interior of the room and be aesthetically designed.

4. Center must match age children and program requirements, ensure free choice and access for children.

5. The materials from which the equipment is made must meet hygienic requirements, be environmentally friendly and durable.

To organize work on physical activity of young children determined for themselves the main tasks:

- create conditions encouraging children to motor activity;

Teach children correctly move;

Lay the foundations of physical education.

One of the main conditions full physical development of a child is Creation subject-development environment in group. These are a variety of games and equipment for the development of walking and other movements of children (toys that can be rolled, thrown; walking tracks, a variety of balls, rattles, rings.

In the younger groups Children's favorite toys - dolls, bears, etc. - can be placed on physical education aids from time to time so that the child can take them when climbing through a gate, walking along a log, etc. A large role in motor mode, attributes made by parents and teachers are played. In the younger groups You can use strollers and trolleys for children to ride and sit in.

It is important to produce non-standard equipment from waste material: soft lumps, colored buckets and eggs ( "Gnomes", "Kittens", hemp, fungi, dumbbells made from plastic bottles with different fillings, "noise makers", "winders" etc.

One of the techniques for increasing the efficiency of physical training equipment is creation of novelty. This is achieved by changing portable equipment.

The playing area must have propulsion modules.

Children quickly lose interest in the same manual. Therefore, benefits must be paid gradually, alternating them. Keep small aids in open containers and baskets so that children can use them freely.

When walking, you need toys such as cars, balls, jump ropes, etc., which makes it possible to provide a variety of motor activity of children. We devote an important place to conducting classes on the development of movements. Each site should have isolated shade canopies, various equipment for exercises in balance, climbing, throwing: slides, booms, zigzags, gymnastic walls. All equipment on group areas should be placed in such a way as to free up more space for children to exercise in different types of sports movements. Expansion and enrichment motor children's experience is one of the main tasks facing a kindergarten teacher. For children, especially younger ones age, the main activity is play. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, it is necessary to take into account how to more effectively use outdoor games that not only stimulate motor activity of the child, but also contribute to the development and improvement of basic movements. The most suitable games for kids are games with a simple and accessible plot, as well as game exercises based on performing specific tasks. motor tasks. These tasks in games and play exercises should be selected in such a way that they correspond to the capabilities of young children. First of all, these are movements such as walking, running, jumping, jumping from low objects, climbing, crawling. Distribute all game material in a certain sequence, taking into account the complexity of the movements. During the period of children’s adaptation to a new environment, outdoor games allow them to teach them to play together, in harmony, not to bump into each other while running, and to navigate in space. Games based on simple tasks such as "Run to me", "Run to the flag", "Catch the ball", carried out at the beginning with a small subgroup(8-10 children). With such an organization, children will feel freer, more confident, and it will be easier for teachers to teach them coordination of movements. Gradually in games complicate the task. For example, in complicated version of the game"Run to me" the children did not just run, but, pretending to be birds, waved their arms. In Game "Catch the ball" first the teacher throws the ball, and then the children themselves.

Creating conditions for different types of physical activity of children during the day.

When planning morning exercises, you need to set yourself goals: raise emotional and muscle tone, improve motor skills, plasticity, develop the ability to correlate movements with words: for example, children perform movements in accordance with the poetic text.

When planning a walk for the 1st and 2nd half of the day, use outdoor games of varying intensity for balance, jumping, throwing, climbing, running. Games like "Run to me", "Catch the ball", "Find your house", "Find your color", "Train", "Mice in the Pantry" etc.

Sedentary games: "Take the flag", "Silence", "Loaf", “The gray bunny washes himself” etc.

Set before yourself tasks: consolidation of previously learned types of walking and running, imitating movements, throwing at a distance, crawling under an obstacle, jumping on two legs in place and moving forward, with an obstacle, using sports equipment equipment: visual cues for walking "snake", gymnastic benches, ropes, stand with climbing rail, transition bridge, hoops, braids, basket, basket with swords, skittles.

Give children the opportunity to be independent move, come up with games themselves on a topic that interests them.

IN group There should be a sports corner. In its composition it is necessary have: hoops, skittles, balls, massage ball, jump ropes, ribbons, track for prevention of flat feet.

Children's movements are not sufficiently coordinated; it is difficult for them to maintain balance. To encourage children to perform movements, various outdoor games using nursery rhymes and sayings are used. The game needs to be organized in such a way that the child is interested in doing it not because "necessary" And "healthy", but because he likes it. Children not only learn correctly through games move, but also get acquainted with the properties of objects, with new words. Of particular interest to children are games using different images and toys.

Lack or deficiency motor activity threatens disruptions in the development of all systems of a small maturing organism. Children who are deprived of the ability to move freely are lethargic and emotionally depressed.

And most importantly condition when teaching a baby different movements, so that the adult himself takes part in this Active participation.

Used Books: N. P. Kochetova “Physical education and development of children early age, etc.. d.

Publications on the topic:

“Creating conditions for physical activity during restricted moments” (From work experience) One of the most important tasks in kindergarten is aimed at strengthening and maintaining the health of children. Therefore, I structure my work taking into account age.

Children, already at an early age, are prone to creative activities, through which they learn about the world around them, learning through the world of fairy tales, through.

Photo report of health corners, physical education, motor zones for independent motor activity of children. Completed by: Natalya Gorskaya.

Consultation for parents “The importance of physical activity for the growth and development of a child” The importance of physical activity for the growth and development of a child. It is generally accepted that motor activity is essential to the life of the body.

Experience as a preschool physical education instructor. Creating conditions for physical activity of young children. Consultation for educators.

Consultation for educators on the topic: Creating conditions for physical activity of young children.

Goals: improve the knowledge of educators, promote the desire of the educator in constant interaction with the physical education instructor.
Tasks: provide methodological assistance on issues of physical education to teachers in preschool educational institutions; together with the teacher, choose the right methods and techniques for working with children; to create a desire for constant cooperation between teachers and a physical education instructor at a preschool educational institution.
Carrying out:
The full development of a preschooler is, first of all, the correct and timely formation of motor skills. Developing interest in the various types of movements available to the child, forming the child’s habit of following a daily routine, nurturing a love for sports activities at an early age, nurturing such positive traits as a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, courage, honesty, and willpower. A successful solution to this problem is possible only with the integrated use of physical means. education, hygiene measures, with the joint efforts of the community, family and d/s.
This method is widely used in our garden. To increase the motor activity of children during the day, outside of class, we have prepared massage paths, ladders, and medicine balls. Using this equipment in a playful way, accompanied by music, you can achieve the desired result, interest children, set the desired pace for physical exercise. lesson, raise the tone and emotional mood of the child, give him joy and pleasure.
Physical education classes in our kindergarten are carried out in a circular manner. We ensure that the child is in constant movement, receives the necessary load, and does not stand in anticipation or confusion. This can be achieved by engaging the child in a playful way, using all available equipment.
Children like this physical activity. activity, such as: “A walk in the forest.” Children walk along the massage path, like a path with pebbles. Entering the forest, the children meet Christmas trees as tall as they are. Coming out into the clearing, they meet a bear sitting on a stump with a basket in his hands. Children show the bear what they saw in the forest: tall, fluffy fir trees - spread their arms up, to the sides, collected cones - put them in a basket - squat, saw a bunny - they jump, the bunny hid from the wolf - squat, hide their faces. And a bear with a basket and collected cones - using waste material - serve as a throwing exercise. Here we need to remind the children: “Guys, throw the cones directly into the basket, do not hit the bear in the head, otherwise it will hurt him.” Then the children come across a stream, they jump over it so as not to “get their feet wet.” Having met a hill, they jump off it. But on their way they met cute old women - boxes, children stepping over them. Don’t forget to remind the children: “Guys, raise your legs higher, don’t crush the grandma - the box, otherwise it will hurt them.” Then a bridge is crossed over the stream, the children carefully walk along it.
But here are someone’s tracks, children are following them, it turns out that a horse ran by, the children are playing with it, crawling between its legs. Going out into the clearing, the children play games “Sunshine and Rain”. And then, at a more relaxed pace, playing with rainbow bubbles. Children catch them, blow on them - this game serves as a way to restore breathing. In this form, you can carry out physical. lesson on the topic: “Journey to a fairy tale”, “Trip to the village”.
A well-thought-out walk using the material and the correct location of adjacent play structures is of great importance in the development of a child’s motor activity. So, for example, at the entrance to our site, children meet a cat from a fairy tale, they approach him, greet him, rise on their tiptoes, stroke his head, shake off the snow from the top of his head. A special object of children's love is the ice slide with high sides and comfortable ladders.
Thus, using all possibilities, we try to fulfill one of the main tasks of the teacher - achieving the full development of the child’s motor activity both in the group and during a walk during the day.

From the very beginning of a baby’s life, it is necessary to correctly and harmoniously develop the child’s growing body, strengthen health, increase endurance and harden the child, increasing his resistance to various ailments. A feature of the physical development of young children is, undoubtedly, the rapid growth of the body. The stronger and healthier the child, the better he grows and develops. It is important to pay great attention to proper nutrition and a reasonable daily routine. A lot of fresh and clean air, hygienic, warm, light clothing that does not allow the baby to overheat or become hypothermic, cleanliness and care - all this is of utmost importance.

The main factor shaping a child’s health is physical activity. Movement is a biological need of a growing organism, without which a child cannot develop properly and grow healthy. They contribute to the development of all body systems. Not only health improves, but also the emotional, volitional, and cognitive spheres of the baby. The more varied the movements, the more information enters the brain, the better the child develops intellectually. Properly organized physical activity contributes to the formation of a child’s personality.

Motor activity Motor activity (MA) is the total number of motor actions performed by a person in the process of everyday life. Movement is a means of understanding the surrounding world and satisfying the biological needs of the body. It is difficult to overestimate the role of physical activity in expanding the functional capabilities of the developing organism and in improving motor activity.

Goals and objectives: Goals: to improve the work of teachers with young children on physical development, to stimulate the need for knowledge of the motor activity of children. Objectives: to ensure the formation of health-saving and health-strengthening motor behavior, the ability to obey established rules, act on certain signals, develop in children the consistency of their actions with the movements of others, forms of physical activity, cultivate interest in movements

Increasing physical activity during the day helps meet the child's needs for movement. This condition requires the teacher to carefully consider and clearly organize the children’s routine: alternating active and passive activities; increasing the general and motor density of all forms of physical education; the use of organized, individual, independent physical education classes.

Forms of organization of motor activity: The first place in the motor mode of children belongs to physical education and health activities: - morning exercises - exercises after an afternoon nap - outdoor games and physical exercises during walks - physical education minutes in classes with mental stress

Forms of organizing physical activity: - morning exercises; physical education minutes, active and sedentary games). First of all, health problems are solved. For this purpose, the most significant are breathing, finger, corrective gymnastics (this is climbing, corrective walking, exercises for the prevention of flat feet), self-massage, exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress (this is jumping on mats, a trampoline, clapping, stomping, “rocking”, short-term hangs and etc.). All health-strengthening gymnastics must be carried out in a playful way with high spirits and positive emotions.

Forms of organizing physical activity Forms of organizing morning exercises Traditional complex of morning exercises Morning exercises in a playful form using an obstacle course with the inclusion of health jogging using simple exercise equipment.

Additional types of motor activities: recreational running in the air; jogging along massage paths in combination with air baths; motor warm-up during the break between classes; individual work with children on the development of movements and regulation of children’s DA during an evening walk; walks and trips to the park; corrective gymnastics in combination with hydromassage and dry body massage; use of a sauna with a contrast body wash and dry massage, as well as subsequent games in the pool

With proper physical activity in preschool and at home, the child grows and develops in accordance with his age. He has a good appetite, sleep, balanced behavior, and positive forms of communication with adult peers. His activities are varied and age-appropriate. “Whether a child laughs at the sight of a toy, whether Garibaldi smiles when he is persecuted for excessive love for his Motherland... whether he creates them on paper - everywhere the final fact is muscle movement” I.M. Sechenov.

Summary of a lesson on the development of the motor sphere of a young child (open display)

Sports and development complex “Toys”

Goals: evoke in children an emotional response and a desire to participate in the sports and development complex; increase the physical activity of children, develop imagination, using the poems of A. Barto.

Equipment: carpeting, balls (according to the number of children); gymnastic rope;

Musical material: Audio cassette "Rhythmics" - active musical games for children aged 2-5 years.

Left, right! Left, right!

A detachment is going to the parade.

A detachment is going to the parade.

The drummer is very happy.

Drumming, drumming,

An hour and a half straight


We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests,

Let's fly over the forests,

And then we'll go back to mom.

I.P. standing. Arms forward, to the sides, down (4 times)

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw

I still won't leave him,

Because he's good.

I.P. standing. Hands down. Bend forward, arms straight below (4 times)

The bull goes and swings,

sighs as he walks.

Oh, the board is running out

Now I'm going to fall.

Walking on a rope, arms to the sides.

The owner abandoned the bunny,

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

I.P standing. Squats, arms as if hugging yourself (4 times)

Sailor's hat, rope in hand,

I'm pulling a boat along a fast river.

And the frogs jump at my heels,

And they ask me: “Ride, captain!”

Walking. With alternating jumps (like frogs jump).

Run 2 times.

I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Run. We imitate horses running (jumping), walking with their knees high, hands behind their backs, and clicking their tongues.

Our Tanya is crying loudly,

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanya, don’t cry,

The ball will not drown in the river.

I.P. standing with balls. We lift the ball with outstretched arms above our heads, bending to the sides.

Sitting turns with the ball to the sides. 2-3 times

There is a shaggy dog ​​at the porch,

He lay down with his paws buried in his nose.

Quietly, peacefully he snores

Maybe he's dozing. Maybe he's sleeping.

IP sitting with balls. Bend forward, stretch your arms with balls to your toes, try to lower your head onto your legs. 2-3 times.

Who, who, lives in this room?

Who, who, rises before the sun?

I.P. lying on your stomach. We raise our arms up, lower them, place them along our heads, raise our legs up (alternately). 2-3 times.

Mashenka woke up

She turned from side to side.

IP lying on his stomach, turn on his side, roll from one side to the other (2 times) and get on all fours.

It's time to sleep, the bull fell asleep,

Lie down on the side of the bed,

The sleepy bear went to bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep,

The elephant nods its head

He bows to the elephant.

I.P standing on all fours. Support with your hands, moving the center of gravity of the body back. Head tilts forward and backward. (4 times)

No, we decided in vain

Give the cat a ride in the car

The cat is not used to rolling

The truck overturned.

IP walking on all fours.

Vovka is dancing on the path,

Okay, okay.

This is the kind of helper we have! –

Grandmothers are happy.

Jumping in place

Oh you dirty girl

Where did you get your hands dirty?

Dance moves. Hands on the belt, head to the right - left.

Black palms

There are tracks on the elbows.

Exercise flashlights.

I was lying in the sun

I held my hands up.

So they got tanned.

They clap their hands.

Oh you dirty girl

Where did you get your face so dirty?

The tip of the nose is black,

As if smoked

Hands to nose - “teasing”

I was lying in the sun

I kept my nose up.

So he got tanned.


Oh you dirty girl

Where did you get your heels so dirty?

Place your legs with your heels forward (alternately)

I was lying in the sun

I kept my heels up.

So they got tanned.

They stomp their feet.

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter,

The tree is getting lower and lower.

Relaxation: restore breathing, arms up through the sides, then smoothly down, inhale – exhale. 2-3 times.
