Presentation of medical cosmetics in pharmacies. Presentation of pharmaceutical products at the first table

Shulga Yaroslav
Business coach, consultant - heading columnist

Whole presentation medicinal product, dietary supplements or medical products in most situations is limited to literally 2-3 replicas. Situations where it is possible to present in detail and without haste any medicinal product, answering all the questions and objections of the client, as well as smoothly leading the latter to the purchase, are rather typical for the work of a sales floor consultant, but not for the front desk employee.

Another feature arising from time constraints is, in essence, the absence of subsequent high-quality and result-oriented work with objections and doubts of the client, after the presentation of any product from the pharmacy assortment. Identify all the true objections and doubts of the client, differentiate them from false ones, fully oppose a clear and technical argument, make sure it is effective, and then move on to the next stage of the sales process ... So, time, due to the specifics of the work of the first desk employee, to a quality “fighting objections” and doing all of the above, most likely will not happen.

Moreover, doubts and objections, as a rule, arise from the presentation of the product, or rather from those aspects of it that seemed doubtful to the client or remained incomprehensible. That is, the lack of time for a quality presentation inevitably leads to doubts and objections, for a full-fledged struggle with which there is no time. The circle is closed.

So, what can you advise the employee of the first table, taking into account the specifics of the work of pharmacy retail? Given the short, but still queue? Taking into account the limited time for the presentation of the medicinal product and for subsequent work with possible objections and doubts of the client?

1. It is necessary to ask the buyer clarifying questions that clarify the features of the state of the body or disease. And in this case, oddly enough, clarifying questions are not a waste of time, but the most important aspect of the presentation, which begins in the pharmacy before the trade name of the drug is pronounced. Clarifying questions addressed to the buyer allow you to choose the drug that is really necessary for the latter. At the same time, in the eyes of the client, clarifying questions strengthen the authority and professionalism of the first table employee, who strives not to “sell” anything, but to choose what is necessary, taking into account individuality. Clarifying questions, other things being equal, are guaranteed to increase the effectiveness of the presentation. Clarifying questions are asked to the buyer, as a rule, when requesting a drug “by syndrome, symptom or nosology”: for example, when requesting a cough medicine, it is necessary to clarify what kind of cough bothers (dry or wet), and also who exactly the drug is purchased for - an adult or a child, etc.

2. It is advisable to "keep pauses." The most important element of an effective presentation and subsequent purchase is the pause before the answer. Short, literally second pauses do not take time at all, but are guaranteed to increase the effectiveness of the subsequent presentation of the drug. For example, when a buyer asks from the series “What can you advise for a cold?” - a short and correctly implemented (!) pause before the answer will form the reputation of a thinking employee, which, of course, not only makes the subsequent proposal more effective, but also serves as a prevention of possible objections.

3. It is necessary, when pronouncing aloud the trade name of the medicinal product, add an adjective that characterizes this particular brand. The “adjective” forms value in the eyes of the client, does not take time at all and should be pronounced at the level of automatism. The value that can outweigh any, even the highest cost, is formed by such “adjectives” as: effective, safe, modern, innovative, time-tested, etc. Often such an “adjective” is the origin of the drug - in general, in Russia they believe and love the products of manufacturers from Europe and the USA. For example, it is advisable not just to say "I recommend you drug" A ", but" I recommend you such an effective drug as "A". On a representative sample, a presentation with an “adjective” is much more effective and less prone to objections.

4. In conditions of severe time constraints, it is advisable to deal with objections with one or two phrases and more effectively if such phrases are of value. To any question-objection, for example, at the price - “why is it so expensive?” it is advisable to answer with the value characteristic of the drug, but not with the financial condition of the country. That is, with an objection to the price - “why is it so expensive?” - do not say that everything is becoming more expensive - electricity, gasoline, etc. It is much more effective to say out loud some value of the product, for example, “this is a very effective and most modern Swiss-made drug.”

5. Both in the presentation of the medicinal product and in the subsequent work with objections, the “selling the benefit” technique is quite effective. For example, it is advisable to offer a drug not just “I recommend you drug “A”, but in the form of “I recommend you drug “A”, which relieves thrush after taking one (meaning stress!) Capsule”.

6. In conditions of limited time, if it was not possible to resist the objections and doubts of the buyer using the above methods, it is important to permanently get rid of such a common habit as voicing closed questions! Never say "Will you buy or not?" - it is more effective in every sense to ask a real question in the form of the wording “will you buy this drug or will you choose another one for you?”

Successful sales!

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There are 18 presentations in total in the topic

To begin with, let's make it clear: a product presentation in a pharmacy is not a sale! Product presentation is only a fifth part of a competent sale. If you use the presentation as a sale, then from the outside it looks like an imposition, the client feels this and refuses your services. And losing a client to a pharmacy is now oh, how unprofitable!

We have already talked about how to conduct a successful sale. How to make a successful product presentation?

Rules for a successful product presentation in a pharmacy

  • Any pharmacist should know that a successful product presentation always comes after the stage of identifying customer needs.
  • A successful drug presentation is always based on the formula: "characteristic-advantage-benefit".
  • Always offer the client a choice of 2-3 similar drugs of different price categories. So your presentation will end in a sale 100% of the time, that is, it will be successful.
  • Always speak out the customer's benefit from the purchase, this is easy to do if you know his need.
  • With a successful presentation, you ALWAYS need to show the client the product you are talking about.

Formula "characteristic-advantage-benefit"

This is a magic formula, which is the easiest way to build an effective and, most importantly, convincing presentation of any drug in a pharmacy.

How it works?

  1. Any pharmacy product has its own constant characteristics (or properties) - they are written on the packaging of the product and in the instructions:
    • number of tablets per package
    • release form
    • manufacturer country
    • active substance, etc.
    By themselves, the characteristics of the product do not say anything to the buyer, they just have the drug, and that's it. But for them to “speak”, you need the ingenuity of a pharmacist, because it is the pharmacist who turns the characteristics of the product into advantages. For example, such a characteristic as 100 tablets in a package does not carry anything in itself, but if it is continued with the advantage that a large package of the drug is a bargain, then the buyer immediately becomes interested.
  2. The advantages of the drug are no longer an empty phrase for the buyer, they emphasize the need and importance of purchasing this product, but do not yet convince the client to make a purchase.
  3. But the benefit of the client from the purchase, which smoothly follows from the advantage, will be convincing. Here the client has nothing to cover, he is convinced that he simply needs this drug. The benefit to the customer in the pharmacy is to repeat what he said about the problem he came in with.

Understanding in practice

Take, for example, well-known powders for relieving cold symptoms and a client request: “Give me something to feel better, otherwise I’m completely sick and I can’t work”.
