The status is very sad. Statuses about sadness Very beautiful sad statuses

There are no sadder words than "everything could have turned out differently" ...

And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply does not understand me ... They often tell me that I am beautiful ... I would exchange beauty for happiness ...

It is our own illusions, fantasies and dreams that give us the greatest mental pain.

Time does not heal. It just teaches you to live with pain...

After all, the soul is not an organ! But how much do you feel when it hurts...

Sometimes I really want to turn off the phone just to be lost, but I'm afraid that when I turn it back on, I will realize that no one was looking for me.

More than anything, I regret that fate brought us together. I used to be happy, now I'm sad because of your indifference...

I'm losing everyone I'm attached to. Every time I open up to a person, he leaves my life.

There are things that cannot be forgiven. There are words that cannot be forgotten. There are moments after which the people closest to you become nothing.

I think there is nothing worse than a big quarrel before the death of a loved one.

I don't mind that he didn't call. I'm sorry that I waited like a fool.

You need to cry when the rain is crying ... Then it will not be clear which of you sheds tears ...

How many times have I heard the phrase "there is nothing more terrible if Mom cries." I agree, it is. but only he who has seen the tears of the Father truly understands what pain is.

I'm tired of people because all they do is disappoint me. I'm also tired of myself because I place too much hope on others...

Yes, they say that failure makes us stronger, but it's hard to breathe when no one believes in you.

Tears can mean more than a smile ... Because we smile at everyone in a row, and weep only because of those we love ...

I feel myself, as usual ... I am very sad and everything is so familiar ... and in my heart there has long been no meaning. In the soul, as in the weather now, only frosts ...

When you let go of a person who is very dear to you, you always wish him only the best, but when you see him happy without you, your heart begins to stop slowly ...

This is how it happens, one constantly says that he loves, and the other loves for real. And after parting, one begins to look for a replacement for the old love, and the other just continues to love ....

Tears are not a sign of weakness, they are a sign that a person has a soul.

Sometimes you want to say something important, and you are asked to wait. and you realize that, probably, you don’t need to say anything anymore.

I am sad because of our relationship ... Until recently, we walked everywhere holding hands and were so happy together, now we blame each other for our shortcomings ...

We take a lot from life, but then it can take something in return ...

Life is so arranged that when you are sad, peace can only be found with someone who is also feeling bad ...

The joy of love is great, but the suffering is so great that it is better not to love at all.

He was the worst person in my life. Or better, I don't know yet. If it is true that one must learn from one's mistakes, then he is my best mistake. He is my brightest and most favorite failure.

A little sadness is eloquent, with great sadness - you can’t find words anymore ...

The love of the person you love makes you happy. The hatred of a loved one helps to stop loving him. The indifference of a loved one kills.

Memories are an amazing thing: they warm you from the inside and immediately tear you to pieces.

When people leave, let go. Fate rules out the superfluous. This doesn't mean they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played...

But it's really scary. It's scary to live your whole life and end up completely alone. No family, no friends, no one.

You don’t understand one thing when you hug another, that you will never be happy with him ...

Now I wear dark glasses. They ask me less why I always have sad, tearful eyes.

I helped strangers and did not ask for thanks. I was dying in my soul, and people were passing by.

We often don't appreciate what's around until we lose it.

I'm not afraid to confess anything. I'm afraid that no one needs my confessions...

Pain pierces when you are forgotten by those who are most missed.

The strongest feeling is disappointment. Not resentment, not jealousy, and not even hatred... After them, at least something remains in the soul, after disappointment - emptiness.

You comfort your friends when they feel bad. When you're down, you don't have friends.

The most sincere words are spoken by people precisely when they are suffocating from the abundance of tears pouring from their eyes.

Those people who most often forgave and endured the longest usually leave once and for all!


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In the life of each of us, no matter how easy and successful everything is, there is always a place for sad moments, thoughts, events. Sadness, in its concept, is inherent in everyone - both man and animal. Loyal pets are always sad and miss the absent owner or their soul mate, because everyone knows that animals have as many emotions as a person. Sadness from boredom, due to loneliness, quarrels or corny bad weather. After all, how many people are in this state, looking at the pouring rain! It is not always at all that a person’s sadness to tears shows bad events, because often this feeling of despondency makes it clear the importance of what is happening or the awareness of longing for a loved one or loved one. Sometimes it’s even good to be sad, but, of course, in moderation. Even a happy person can find a reason to be sad, to retire with his thoughts, perhaps to put them in order. You can always find a good side even in the most hopeless situation. Yes, and walking along the path of life is much more fun and easier if you solve all problems with thoughts that are pre-configured for positive. All feelings and emotions are not given to us in vain, they all help us to one degree or another to cope with different life situations and you should never neglect what is happening in your soul and your heart. Statuses sad to tears are presented just for you and your sad life moments.

Don't be sad, you're beautiful, smart ... - Yeah, beautiful, smart, and no one cares ...

I need a warm hand that will lead me out of the twilight of pain, lies and disappointment ...

Let them laugh at you rather than cry.

It's scary... when the thought comes that I'll never be able to talk to my mom again...

It's just that no one sees how the one who goes through life with a smile cries at night.

Everything is going well ... only by.

And if I meet you again ... I will hide the pain ... I am an actress, I will play my best role ...

And the Queens are not upset. When they are sad, they just execute someone!!

Time heals me for too long...

I won’t be sad in vain, it’s all gone, life is beautiful.

I am silent, and my heart breaks ribs from the inside ...

Sad, empty, lonely ..... There is no one near

I will remember, I will draw conclusions, and then I will remember.

Sometimes, waking up in the middle of the night, you feel only emptiness.

So I tell myself that I don’t love him ... but as soon as I see him from afar, or at least his car, my heart starts beating like crazy ...

The more I fall, the higher I will rise.

Sometimes you look, everything seems to be going fine, but then once, and in an instant, all plans fall apart, and you realize that it was just a dream.

Sometimes you hold back tears just because you don't want to ruin your makeup...

If you are sad alone, your loneliness triples.

Even I cry at night ... even I get hurt, hiding the pain under the guise of indifference and indifference, I go through life laughing.

Or maybe God gave you time to figure it out? I do not suffer, but sometimes it is very sad, not because it hurts, it just became empty in my heart.

My paths, my decisions, it’s a little sad that the world is not changing for the better, and it seems that only pain remains for me ...


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Sadness is a very annoying and not useful thing. Indeed, during such a state, a person plunges into apathy, which can then develop into depression and unwillingness to do anything. If you love yourself and want to know better who you are and why you came to this Earth, then you need to be as patient and willing to be better as possible. Therefore, when once again, bouts of sadness and self-doubt come over you, read something positive and encouraging. We have placed sad statuses about ourselves in this collection so that you can understand how such a thing affects your state of mind. And most importantly, remember that the desire to live appears when we work on ourselves, do what we love and do good to others. We wish you a pleasant mood and good results in everything. Good luck.

Annoying in this deplorable situation is that the rest are just fine! As if I was the only one who was late for the distribution of happiness and there was nothing left for my share ...

My mind is in turmoil, he timidly informs me, his mistress and mistress, that never before have I been so perfectly prepared to try on a straitjacket.

Sooner or later you find out that Lady Luck is an ordinary prostitute, and you run out of cash and it's time for sad statuses.

Before, I did not know that a person can be hurt so much, after which one does not want to live. And there is only one reason for this - the fact of its existence.

Do not be sad, otherwise your breasts will not grow!

No need to shed tears, everything will be fine ...

Not autumn is to blame for our sadness, but only in the soul - the absence of spring

You won’t believe I didn’t know what heartache is until I met you

Don't be bored, I miss you too, Don't be sad, I'm sad too, In this world I need no one, I love, I love very much!

As soon as I find the keys to happiness, someone changes all the locks!

See also -

As I often notice, and I don’t voluntarily admit it, my yesterday’s friends are hurting me today ...

Sad as it may seem, people only agree with what they are essentially not interested in.

How tired I am... I want to wrap myself up in a warm blanket and, sitting in a comfortable chair, drink hot chocolate and not think about anything... And so that no one bothers with stupid questions... Just sit alone, hugging my beloved cat... Only he has understanding eyes will look at me and just nuzzle my cheek, as if saying: “Don’t worry, everything will be fine…”

What are the limits of your longing and your loneliness, if you dialed my number?

Quality "loneliness" is better than an ordinary crowd

The road, music, her soul just does not repent, sings something and smiles sadly.

It's annoying when you make a mistake in a person, but even more annoying when you were warned in advance

Do you think that when I roar I feel bad? No, it's bad, it's when even tears do not bring relief. . .

The soul experiences an attack of acute pain from deceitful faces, empty emotions, weak will...

His words turned out to be an empty sound ... And I turned out to be a naive fool.

If the world were a good place, we wouldn't cry at birth. ©

And if I meet you again ... I will hide the pain ... I am an actress, I will play my best role ...

And somehow cruel: they give you sadness, and you give laughter. Dimaestro - Clown Sad, Clown One

And I wanted to be sad, but this is an unaffordable luxury.

And there is nothing worse than worrying about those who do not need it.

And sadly looking at the ball flying at you, you smile broadly when you see Munchausen on it ..

And boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand to ...

Toys… we only love them when we want to. That's how he loves me when he wants to. He thinks that I, like his favorite teddy bear, will sit and wait until they remember me ... he does not understand that I am alive and can leave ..

It seems that time heals. Doesn't he see me?

Everything worthy of respect is done in solitude, that is, away from society.

Everything goes well! Just past...

All tests are given to a person according to his strength ...

Everything changes. Life is changing. People are changing. And everything seems to be fine. But sometimes the old is missing. That life. Of those people…

We all say: life has brought us together, life has connected us, we have one path ... And a couple of years will pass, we will meet on the street and not even say hello. Here is your life...

- Go to sleep, your eyes are already swollen and red from the computer. - It's not from the screen, Mom ...

- Why do you love loneliness so much, listen to music and look at the stars? - because only in this way I forget about sadness and sadness.

So sadness is a place? - Yes. Sometimes people live there for years. Elizabeth Gilbert. Eat Pray Love.

Pain! Sounds like a guitar string, Dull pain! How my heart hurts without you.

Pain, melancholy, depression means the session is coming soon!

The most painful thing to lose is not love, but the dreams that were associated with it ...

It hurts - not scary, scary - when it no longer hurts ...

It hurts, my heart said. Forget it - time has calmed down. But I will come back sometimes, the memory whispered.

Sometimes you want to forget about everything: problems, enemies, and even friends you haven't seen for 100 years... and think only about you... but you're not around. sad.

It happens that a person, by his behavior, by his words, gradually kills in us all the good that we felt for him.

There are people who leave a part of you. You don't die, no Just not the same as before. You react differently to things. You think differently. Even the smile is different...

Spring in the soul ... longing in the brain

There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, and a whole sea in the heart.

I'm trying to learn how to hide the terrible pain behind a sincere smile ...

I miss you at any time of the day, but especially at night it's hard without you. I miss you, I miss you, and I'm waiting, but you won't come, I won't bring you back...

I'm too happy to love someone... Love is an experience... But I don't want to worry, I want to live!... There is no place for sadness in my statuses...

I missed you and couldn't wait for Monday.

It will become completely bad - call. We will smoke together, even if we quit, even if each other.

Some idiot is now cutting his veins, trying to die, and at this time somewhere a child is dying, who so wanted to live ...

Sorry dear, but I'm tired. Forgive me, but I will go. I've been looking for the key for a long time, but it's not to that to the heart.

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was.

There is no point in happiness if there is no one to share it with ...

I've heard a lot in life - promises, vows, but the best thing I've heard is silence. It has no lies.

There are moments when the best lighting for your further path is a flaming bridge behind you!

No one knows what is really in the soul of a person who always smiles at everyone ...

When people do not agree on the main thing, they disagree over trifles.

Some people have something to remember, while others only have something they want to forget.

Resentment will go away, trust will not return.

We are often dissatisfied with life, and often we do what we take revenge only on those who are hurt ... For those who do not care ...

People who hurt us don't want to hurt us, they want to hurt themselves!

The station saw more sincere kisses than the registry office. And the walls of the hospital heard more sincere prayers than the church.

Some time will pass! And you will go to my page ... Perhaps, it is not at all accidental ... Look at my photo, where I smile sweetly and gently. And it will hurt you when you realize that I will never be closer than on the monitor ...

They got it with their own: "everything will be fine." It will, I know ... But I feel bad now ...

Sometimes we say the most frankly as a joke, so that no one understands that this is true ...

What a pity that the memory can not be killed. She alone ruins our lives. How painful it is to remember everything and live ... With a ridiculous phrase: "Time heals"

It's hard when a person is in your thoughts more often than next to you.

Bitter tears quietly fell on the pillow ... I'm not your love, but just a toy ...

We hide tears behind dark glasses, a bad mood behind smiles, a broken heart behind a beautiful appearance. And people think that everything is always fine with us ...

In our world, in order to be loved, you need to have beautiful breasts, ass, face, and the soul is just ... a public toilet.

I know that ships sometimes sink in the sea. They, like me, swam into someone's heart, but could not get out of there.

Not to miss. Not to wait. Do not believe. Not to love. Does not work.

It's so painful, embarrassing. It's so hard if you love and you see that everything is fine for him.

You will open your whole soul to him, and he will "clearly ..."

And it doesn’t seem to be sad ... And it doesn’t even hurt ... It’s just empty in my soul ... And tears involuntarily ...

When it's bad because of one person, sick of the whole world ......

Sometimes the happiest moments become the saddest memories.

Time heals almost everything. Just give it time.

Just don’t cry, just don’t break loose ... You need to smile, just smile ...

Friends say in my ear: “Everything will be fine, don’t just lose heart!” I nod to them dryly: “Everything will be fine” ... And I fall, fall, lose heart ...


(in memory of my beloved Tom. I remember you, my sunshine)

Tom stood up on his hind legs and pressed his back, closing his eyes and trembling. The man again swung at him with a large red slipper and hit him on the body. Tom meowed painfully. The men of his wife laughed.
What, are you afraid of a red slipper? the woman screamed.
You will know how to steal from the table, you will know - her husband swung at him one more time. Tom tried to run away, but a deftly thrown slipper overtook him and slapped him painfully on his thin bottom. The cat crawled under the bed and whimpered softly. He wanted to eat and drink, and his body was on fire at the points of impact.
Cat Tom has lived in this family since childhood and has long been accustomed to being beaten with this slipper. The cat grew up, but the slippers remained the same - huge, red and scary. For most of the day, the cat hid in various places so as not to be seen, and came out only at night to eat, drink and go on urgent business.
But sometimes the feeling of hunger failed and the smells from the kitchen were unbearable and then he tried to steal and eat something. After that, punishment with a red slipper invariably followed.
Seeing him, Tom always closed his eyes and swallowed a tight lump in his throat. The house where the couple lived was in the countryside, but Tom had nowhere to go. Downtrodden, unfortunate creature was afraid of everything around. Tom shuddered at the loud noises and voices of the hosts. He was afraid of the wind and the striking of the clock. Sometimes he closed his eyes and dreamed about how he would finally die and no one else, no one in the whole world would hit him with a red slipper. But death did not come as an evil.
A daughter who has long grown up and left her parental nest came to visit her parents. They prepared a festive dinner together and, as always, sat down at the table chatting animatedly and suddenly.
And suddenly old Tom appeared under the girl’s feet, he stood on his hind legs and looked at her piteously and meowed softly, the girl took a piece of cutlet from the plate and handed it to her old friend in children’s games. But he did not have time to grab it and run away. The red slipper, as always, fell on his head and curses flew after him.
The girl with great difficulty sat through until the end of the evening, and when she left, saying goodbye to her father and mother, she suddenly asked them to give her Tom. They gladly agreed and, in addition to the old cat, gave her a red slipper.
Take it, my father said. He is afraid of him. Beat him more often so that he does not steal and does not roll on the bed. The daughter silently took the cat and slippers. When she entered her apartment, she lowered Tom to the floor and first took out this red slipper from her bag. Tom pressed his back against the wall, stood up on his hind legs and wept softly, meowing plaintively. He closed his eyes so as not to see how the damned red slipper hit him on the ears.
The girl picked him up in her arms and, opening the front door, brought him to the garbage chute that ran through all the floors of the house. Then she opened the door and said:
Tom, you hear me. Tom, please open your eyes, I want to show you something. Don't be afraid, just open it and see.
Tom, trembling all over, opened his eyes and saw how the girl, swinging with all her might, threw a cursed red slipper into the open terrible mouth of a huge pipe.
Tom, she said, all your past life has gone there now, along with fear and hunger, pain and nightmares.
Then she went into the apartment with him and carried him through all the rooms, telling him that this is now his world. Only him and her, and that in this world there is no one to be afraid of. There is no fear in this world and everyone is always full, and the bed is for lying on it. The girl pressed the thin trembling body of the cat with which she grew up and cried.
Forgive me, Tom, forgive me, she repeated. How could I leave you there? Forgive me please.
And for the first time in years, Tom realized that he wasn't being yelled at. For him, an electric drinking bowl with a large beautiful fountain and a huge tray the size of a small house were supplied. All over the apartment there were claws and small booths where he could climb if he wanted, and food never ran out of a plate.
And Tom suddenly spoke after a few days. Yes, yes, making sure that his girl, who loved him again with him, he spoke. He spoke and never stopped. He climbed into her lap and talked while she stroked him. He spoke sitting on the tray and sticking out his old head, and she laughed and ran up and kissed him in the right ear.
He talked to her when he ate, when she watched TV and she liked it. She understood him, understood and answered. Probably, people who are far from what I am saying would find it strange that an old cat and a young girl are talking, and each in their own language. But they understood each other. They loved each other and they were so good together that words were superfluous.
Tom lived for another year. A whole happy year. A year when every day was for him a day of happiness, a day full of love and care.
He died in the arms of his girlfriend. He tried to crawl under the bed so she wouldn't see him die and suffer less. But she didn't let him go. She held him in her arms and whispered into his right ear how much she loved him. And his fading consciousness heard her voice until the very last second. And then his bright soul went to where he will now wait for his girl and will definitely wait.
She buried him in a bright clearing, where she sometimes comes to sit on the grass and talk with her beloved cat Tom. And of course he hears it. And she knows about it. Because when they love, then no words are needed. Here is a story about a red slipper and Tom.
