Scary and mystical stories from life. Taking away mother After that terrible story, my mother completely lost touch with reality.

When I was 9 years old, my mother died. It was suicide. After a fight with her stepfather, she left home. They began to search for my mother immediately, since she already had repeated suicide attempts. The search yielded no results. There were no cell phones at that time. Mom was put on the wanted list. After two weeks of unsuccessful searches, my grandmother dreamed that two ambals, very similar to nurses from a mental hospital, were dragging an insensitive mother somewhere. Grandmother ran up to them: “What are you doing with my daughter?!” “Your beauty has finished playing. We’re taking her,” the ambals answered gloomily.
Grandmother screamed and woke up.
Three days later, my mother's body was found. Later it was found out that she died on the day when her grandmother had a dream.
But the strangeness was just beginning. We have a drinking family in our family. Not drunks, but big drinkers. Mom loved them and they loved her too. Aunt did not like this family and did not invite them to the funeral, and did not inform them about the death of their mother. They live very close to us, a couple of houses away.
And here we are sitting with my stepfather and grandmother in the evening at home after the funeral. Knock on the door. We open. Aunt Galya (our relative from this drinking family) is standing there. The first thing she said was: “What about Lena?”
We told her about her mother's death. Aunt Galya was right there on the threshold and sat down and said: “I am sitting in the hall, reading. The door to the corridor is closed. There is no one at home but me. And then I hear a knock on the door from the corridor. They knocked three times. I know - this is how Lena usually knocks. I thought that the front door had not been closed, but Lena came to visit and is now checking to see if anyone is at home. Well, she shouted: “Come in, Len!” Silence. Nobody enters. Then another triple knock. I went out into the corridor, but there was no one there, and the front door was closed. I decided that Lena was in trouble, got dressed and immediately came here. And here it is."
Of course we were surprised. Discussed it and for a while forgot. What only does not happen on the day of the funeral, and there were a lot of troubles then.
A week later, my mother began to dream of all relatives and friends. Sleep is always the same. Her friend Olga told him this: “I dream that I am in my apartment. The doorbell rings. I look through the eye. Lena is worth it. I ask: "Who?" She: “It's me. Let go." Then I remember that she died, and I tell her: “I won’t let you go. You are dead." And then Lena begins to beat on the door and scream: “I'm alive! Alive! Why do not you believe Me?! Let it go! I am alive!"
And such dreams were seen every day by one of my mother's relatives or friends for a month. In every dream, my mother screamed that she was alive. We even began to doubt her death. We checked and found out that we really buried her and that at the time of the funeral she was really dead. And the dreams continued, and gradually my mother became more and more aggressive in them.
The church refused to bury her, as she committed suicide. Went to grandma. Grandma advised me to come to my mother's grave and talk to her. Explain that you can't take back what you've done.
They did everything as Grandma said. Helped.
But six months after the funeral, I dream that my mother returned home and says: “It was all a mistake. I didn't die, I moved to another place. I've come to pick you up. You're bored." And I look at her hand. Posthumous wounds on the arm. I got scared. Mom takes out the money and hands it to me: “Here, go get a cake to celebrate my return. We'll be on our way in the morning." I take the money, so as not to see her, and go to the store. A man comes up to me on the street and says: “You can’t sleep at home tonight. Mom wants to drag you to death with her. Let's go to". I took this man by the hand. Then my mother appears and grabs my other hand and says: “I told you that you can’t talk to strangers!” - pulls you in. The man won't let go of my hand. I close my eyes in fear. Then I only hear the dialogue between my mother and the man and feel how I am being pulled in different directions.
Mom: "She's mine. I made her for myself."
Man: “Why did you leave her then?”
Mom will scream after these words! And he pulls me as if he wants to tear my hand off. I only had one desire then, that she would disappear somewhere. It was terrifying to the point of animal horror and it hurt. And the man holds me, pulls me to him and swears like a shoemaker. I don’t know how long it all lasted, but my mother nevertheless let me go. I open my eyes, she's gone. I am in tears from the fear experienced. The man comforts me. Like, it's over, don't cry, she won't come again. Then he took me in his arms and carried me. That's when I woke up in the hospital.
It turned out that I had been in intensive care for four days. The doctors later said that my blood pressure dropped sharply, and my pulse was almost at zero. They didn’t even hope that I would get out.
After that, my mother never dreamed of me again.

Not so long ago, an emergency happened in one of the private houses near Moscow. The building burned to the ground, leaving behind only a pile of ash and a smell of burning that spread for kilometers. Everything happened so quickly that the fire brigade arrived and had only to put out the dying wooden fence, on which the flames spread. For several days they tried to establish the cause of the fire, and after that an official statement was made that the house burned down as a result of careless handling of the gas stove.

Among the hard-to-see remnants, resembling a homogeneous black mass, a notebook was found, in a thick leather cover. By incredible chance, the fire did not touch the yellow sheets of paper and only charred the protruding edges. The contents of the notebook were strictly classified. But after a couple of days, one of the little-known news sites published the contents of this notebook. The person who posted the entry introduced himself as one of the members of the fire brigade, but did not give his name. After only a few hours, the post was deleted. And, after some more time, the site itself stopped working and does not work for a day.

The deleted text is not presented in its entirety, but only a part bearing a semantic load.

All night I listen to my mother's cough coming from my parents' bedroom. Dad went out to the kitchen several times to fetch water. But she doesn't get better. Now, thank God, everything is quiet and I can finally sleep. Tomorrow is a hard day at school, you need to get enough sleep.

The doctor came today. For a long time he was in his mother's room, and after that he loudly cursed with dad about something. Dad told me to stay in my room and not go out. When everything was quiet, dad came into my room and said that the doctor had left. He hugged me and we sat together all evening, watching cartoons. He said that mom would get better soon.

Dad woke me up a few minutes before the alarm. Behaved strangely. Said I might not go to school today. Dad said that mom was sick and that it was better not to disturb her. We had breakfast, and after that he allowed us to play on the computer. He went to his mother's bedroom.

I heard what that fuss was, but I tried not to pay attention to it. In the evening we went for a walk with him. He was very silent. Constantly flinched at loud noises. When I tried to ask how my mother was doing, he immediately translated the topic. The last time I asked, he yelled at me.

In the morning I woke up because my dad was standing in front of my bed and staring at me intently. I was very scared. He began to ask if I had gone into my mother's room. I have been asking the same question for a long time. After making sure that I was not there, he fed me breakfast and sent me to school. I noticed a white spot on his temple. Like he's going gray. Dad is acting very strange. I'm scared.

After returning from school and having lunch, I went to learn my lessons. Dad left a note that he went to the store. Passing by the door of their bedroom, I saw a moving shadow through the gap below. This mother is walking around the room. She's probably getting better, but I haven't visited her yet. Dad said it was best not to disturb her. He later returned. In the evening we had dinner, and after that we watched cartoons together again. He's not so thoughtful anymore. Only my hands are shaking.

A scream woke me up. I did not even understand who was shouting, as he broke off as soon as I took a sitting position. It's still dark outside, I don't know what time it is. She got up from the bed, wanted to go out to look, but did not have time to reach the door when dad came in. Pale and crazy looking. He held one hand behind his back, as if he was hiding something. I'm starting to be afraid of him. He told me to go to bed and left. I never fell asleep.

When dawn broke and the alarm clock finally rang, I got up and went to wash my face. Dad was not at home. Passing by their bedroom, I again saw a shadow from below. Why doesn't mom lie down, since she is sick? From the room comes some metallic clanging and some clicks. I wanted to take a look. She grabbed the doorknob and was about to open it when there was a bang from the hallway. This dad returned, as it turned out, from the store. There is something wrong with his arm, it is bandaged. Dad said he fell. He looks very tired, as if he does not sleep at night. I don't recognize him.

I had breakfast and went to school.

Returning home, I saw my father bringing something into the house. Something wrapped in a black bag. Seeing me, he hurried inside. The house smells strange. Smell like iron. Dad wanders around the apartment and whispers something under his breath. Doesn't react to me at all. Even when I cried, just passed by. No dinner today. I learned my lessons and went to bed. When will mom get better?

Dad woke up. It's dark outside. This is the first time I see him cry. He told me to go wash and take a shower. Upon my return, my dress, which I wear on holidays, was waiting for me on my bed. To my questions, dad replied that I could finally see mommy. Mom is hungry and I can feed her. I rejoiced. I took my notebook to show my mom my notes.

When I got dressed, my dad came up, took my hand and led me to their room. On the way, I remembered that there was ice cream in the refrigerator and decided that I needed to treat my mother. I wanted to go to the kitchen, but dad did not open his hand. Now, holding tightly, he dragged me. I became very scared. I cried, but he didn't care.

As he approached the door, he knelt down on one knee in front of me. He said: "Sunny. Be gentle with mommy, she is still sick. But now you feed her and she will definitely get better." He opened the door, forced me into the room and closed it behind me.

I fell and got up, immediately turned to face the door, shouting to my dad that he forgot to give me food. But the answer sounded, only daddy's cry, reminiscent of some kind of howl.

It smells so bad in here. "Mommy?" I asked. Somewhere on the other side of the room, behind the bed, I heard the sounds of movement, accompanied by the metallic clang that I had heard before. "Mother?" I repeated. Silence.

Pinching my nose with one hand, I took a step along the wall and, feeling for the switch, clicked it. The light came on for just a second. It was enough for me to finally see my mother.

She stood a few meters away from me and pulled her bloodstained hands towards me. Her neck was fastened in a strict dog collar, which dug into her neck with sharp spikes. A thick metal chain stretched from the collar to the wall, preventing her from reaching me. Now I understand what kind of sound I heard from this room.

Her eyes... they weren't my mom's eyes. Red, bloodshot, rabid, filled with hatred and malice. The entire mouth was also stained with blood. When she parted her lips, I saw long, sharp, thin, sometimes missing teeth. With them, she, making loud clicks, sharply closing them, looking directly at me. I finally understood. Mommy's food - standing right in front of her. Smart, in a dress.

In fear, I backed away and lowered my eyes. On the floor lay the gnawed remains of some kind of dog and ... a doctor who came to us a few days ago. Nearby were pincers and torn sharp teeth. I think daddy was trying to cure mom this way. I don't think he succeeded. Mom is very hungry.

Like I said, it was only a couple of seconds before my mother waved her hand and touched the chandelier. Along with the sound of glass, the room plunged into darkness again. Into the darkness, from which the clicking of teeth often sounded.

I fell to my knees and tried to crawl out of here. The fragments dug into and cut my knees, but I did not feel pain. The door was locked. Dad locked me up here. I crawled to the side until I hit the closet. There was a huge wooden wardrobe in their room. Opening it, I crawled inside and closed the door behind me. After a while, the clicking stopped.

I am sitting in the closet. I listen to my mother's heavy breathing. Chain ringing. I know she's trying to get free. It's already light outside. Through the gap opens a small view of the door to the room. With a soft creak, it opened and dad entered the room. With his appearance, there were clicks again. Mommy is very hungry.

Dad tries to talk to her. He asks why she is not getting better, why is she still hungry? He fed her their daughter. He fed me! Mom does not answer anything, only clicks her teeth and makes hoarse sounds, reminiscent of a dog growling.

I smell gas. Dad asks her forgiveness and says that this is the only way out. He raises his hand, in which he has something. It looks like a lighter. I understood what he wants to do.

At that moment, there was some noise. Dad fell on his back and mom jumped on him. So, she still managed to free herself from the chain. She, like a hungry beast, begins to gnaw at his face and body. She easily tears flesh and separates bones from each other. I try my best not to scream. I know what will happen to me if I scream. Suddenly my mother shuddered and froze. She lifted her head and looked around. I think something terrible has happened. Mom remembered that I must be somewhere in the house. Without rising to her feet, on her hands and feet, she ran out of the room with a jerk.
And I sit in this wardrobe and write. Good thing I have my notebook with me. I'm probably making the last record of my life. I hear her running around the house and clicking her teeth. Mom is looking for me. He runs into the room several times, but leaves it almost immediately. She does not know where I am, but she knows that I am somewhere nearby. Can she hear me?

The smell of gas was quite strong. Next to the mutilated father's body lies his lighter, which he did not have time to light. I think I can do it. If not, then let whoever finds these records know what happened here. If yes, then most likely no one will ever know anything. Now she is in another room. I think I can. I must try. Farewell.

This is where the entry ends.

Two bodies were found under the rubble. After examination, it was found that the bodies belonged to an adult male and school age girl. The woman's body was not found. One of the neighbors claims to have seen someone or something run out into the street and hide in a neighboring landing, a few seconds before the fire. Someone says that at night someone roams the burnt remains. They say it's not human.

Maybe mom is still looking for her daughter?

Not so long ago, an emergency happened in one of the private houses near Moscow. The building burned to the ground, leaving behind only a pile of ashes and the smell of burning. Everything happened so quickly that the fire brigade arrived and had only to put out the dying wooden fence, on which the flames spread. For several days they tried to establish the cause of the fire, and after that an official statement was made that the house burned down as a result of careless handling of the gas stove.

Among the hard-to-see remnants, resembling a homogeneous black mass, was found a notebook in a thick leather cover. By incredible chance, the fire did not touch the yellow sheets of paper, but only charred the protruding edges. The contents of the notebook a couple of days later was published on one of the little-known news sites. The person who posted the entry introduced himself as one of the members of the fire brigade, but did not give his name. After only a few hours, the post was deleted. And, after some more time, the site itself stopped working and does not work to this day.

All night I listen to my mother's cough coming from my parents' bedroom. Dad went out to the kitchen several times to fetch water. But mom doesn't get better. Now everything is quiet and I can finally sleep. Tomorrow is a hard day at school, you need to get enough sleep.

The doctor came today. For a long time he was in his mother's room, and after that he loudly cursed with dad about something. Dad told me to stay in my room and not go out. When everything was quiet, dad came into my room and said that the doctor had left. He hugged me, and all evening we sat together, watched cartoons. He said that mom would get better soon.

Dad woke me up a few minutes before the alarm. Behaved strangely. Said I might not go to school today. Dad said that mom was sick and that it was better not to disturb her. We had breakfast, and after that he let me play on the computer. He went to his mother's bedroom.

There was some fuss, but I tried not to pay attention to it. In the evening, my dad and I went for a walk. He was very silent. Constantly flinched at loud noises. When I tried to ask how my mother was doing, he immediately changed the topic. The last time I asked, he yelled at me.

In the morning I woke up because my dad was standing in front of my bed and staring at me intently. I was very scared. He began to ask if I had gone into my mother's room. I have been asking the same question for a long time. After making sure that I was not there, he fed me breakfast and sent me to school. I noticed a white spot on his temple. Like he's going gray. Dad is acting very strange. I'm scared.

After returning from school and having lunch, I went to learn my lessons. Dad left a note that he went to the store. As I passed their bedroom door, I saw a moving shadow through the gap below. This mother is walking around the room. She's probably getting better, but I haven't visited her yet. Dad said not to disturb her. He later returned. In the evening we had dinner, and after that we watched cartoons together again. He's not so thoughtful anymore. Only my hands are shaking.

A scream woke me up. I did not even understand who was shouting, as he broke off as soon as I took a sitting position. It's still dark outside, I don't know what time it is. She got up from the bed, wanted to go out to look, but did not have time to reach the door when dad came in. Pale and crazy looking. He held one hand behind his back, as if he was hiding something. I'm starting to be afraid of him. He told me to go to bed and left. I never fell asleep.

When dawn broke and the alarm clock finally rang, I got up and went to wash my face. Dad was not at home. Passing by their bedroom, I again saw a shadow from below. Why doesn't mom lie down, since she is sick? From the room comes some kind of metallic clang and clicks. I wanted to take a look. She grabbed the doorknob and was about to open it when there was a bang from the hallway. This dad came back from the store. There is something wrong with his arm, it is bandaged. Dad said he fell. He looks very tired, as if he does not sleep at night. I don't recognize him.

I had breakfast and went to school.

On my way home, I saw my dad bringing something into the house. Something wrapped in a black bag. Seeing me, he hurried inside. The house smells strange. Smell like iron. Dad wanders around the house and whispers something under his breath. Doesn't react to me at all. Even when I cried, just passed by. We don't have dinner today. I learned my lessons, went to bed. When will mom get better?

Dad woke up. It's dark outside. This is the first time I see him cry. He told me to go wash and take a shower. When I returned, the dress I wear on holidays was waiting for me on my bed. My father answered my questions that I could finally see my mother. Mom is hungry and I can feed her. I rejoiced. I took my notebook to show my mom my notes.

When I got dressed, my dad came up, took my hand and led me to their room. On the way, I remembered that there was ice cream in the refrigerator and decided that I needed to treat my mom. I wanted to go to the kitchen, but dad did not open his hands. Now, holding tightly, he dragged me. I became very scared. I cried, but he didn't care.

Walking to the door, he knelt down on one knee in front of me. He said: “Sunshine. Be nice to mommy, she's still sick. But now you feed her and she will definitely get better. He opened the door, pushed me hard into the room, and closed the door behind me.

I fell and got up, immediately turned to face the door, shouting to my dad that he forgot to give me food. But in response, only dad's cry, reminiscent of some kind of howl, sounded.

It smells so bad in here. "Mommy?" I asked. Somewhere on the other side of the room, behind the bed, I heard the sounds of movement, accompanied by the metallic clang that I had heard before. "Mother?" I repeated. Silence.

Pinching my nose with one hand, I took a step along the wall and, feeling for the switch, clicked it. The light came on for just a second. It was enough for me to finally see my mother.

She stood a few meters away from me and pulled her bloodstained hands towards me. Her neck was fastened in a dog collar, which dug into her neck with sharp spikes. A thick metal chain stretched from the collar to the wall, preventing her from reaching me. Now I understand what kind of sound I heard from this room.

Her eyes... they weren't my mom's eyes. Red, bloodshot, mad, filled with hatred and malice. The mouth was also stained with blood. When she parted her lips, I saw long, sharp, thin, sometimes missing teeth. With them, she made loud clicks, looking directly at me. I finally understood. Mommy's food - standing right in front of her. Smart, in a dress.

In fear, I backed away and lowered my eyes. On the floor lay the gnawed remains of a dog and a doctor who came to us a few days ago. Nearby were pincers and torn sharp teeth. I think daddy was trying to cure mom this way. I don't think he succeeded. Mom is very hungry.

Like I said, only a couple of seconds passed before my mother waved her hand and touched the chandelier. With the sound of glass, the room plunged into darkness again. Into the darkness, from which the clicking of teeth often sounded.

I fell to my knees and tried to crawl out of here. The fragments dug into and cut my knees, but I did not feel pain. The door was locked. Dad locked me up here. I crawled to the side until I hit the closet. There was a huge wooden wardrobe in their room. Opening it, I crawled inside and closed the door behind me. After a while, the clicking stopped.

I am sitting in the closet. I listen to my mother's heavy breathing. Chain ringing. I know she's trying to get free. It's already light outside. Through the gap opens a small view of the door to the room. With a soft creak, it opened and Dad entered the room. With his appearance, there were clicks again. Mommy is very hungry.

Dad tries to talk to her. He asks why she is not getting better, why is she still hungry? He fed her their daughter. He fed me! Mom does not answer anything, only clicks her teeth and makes hoarse sounds, reminiscent of a dog growling.

I smell gas. Dad asks her forgiveness and says that this is the only way out. I understood what he wants to do.

At that moment, there was some noise. Dad fell on his back, and mom jumped on him. So, she still managed to free herself. She starts to nibble on his face and body. Easily tears through flesh and separates bones from each other. I do my best not to scream. I know what will happen to me if I scream. Suddenly my mother shuddered and froze. She lifted her head and looked around. I think something terrible has happened. Mom remembered that I must be somewhere in the house. Without rising to her feet, on her hands and feet, she rushed out of the room.

And I sit in this wardrobe and write. Good thing I have my notebook with me. I hear my mother running around the house and clicking her teeth. She is looking, not knowing where I am, but knowing that I am somewhere nearby. Maybe she can smell me?

The smell of gas was quite strong. Next to the mutilated father's body lies his lighter, which he did not have time to light. I think I can do it.

This is where the entry ends.

Two bodies were found under the rubble. The bodies belong to a man and a girl. The woman's body was not found.

Author: Dima Titov
Not so long ago, an emergency happened in one of the private houses near Moscow. The building burned to the ground, leaving behind only a pile of ash and a smell of burning that spread for kilometers. Everything happened so quickly that the fire brigade arrived and had only to put out the dying wooden fence, on which the flames spread. For several days they tried to establish the cause of the fire, and after that an official statement was made that the house burned down as a result of careless handling of the gas stove.
Among the hard-to-see remnants, resembling a homogeneous black mass, a notebook was found, in a thick leather cover. By incredible chance, the fire did not touch the yellow sheets of paper and only charred the protruding edges. The contents of the notebook were strictly classified. But after a couple of days, one of the little-known news sites published the contents of this notebook. The person who posted the entry introduced himself as one of the members of the fire brigade, but did not give his name. After only a few hours, the post was deleted. And, after some more time, the site itself stopped working and does not work for a day.
The deleted text is not presented in its entirety, but only a part bearing a semantic load.
March 30, 2014.
All night I listen to my mother's cough coming from my parents' bedroom. Dad went out to the kitchen several times to fetch water. But she doesn't get better. Now, thank God, everything is quiet and I can finally sleep. Tomorrow is a hard day at school, you need to get enough sleep.
March 31, 2014.
The doctor came today. For a long time he was in his mother's room, and after that he loudly cursed with dad about something. Dad told me to stay in my room and not go out. When everything was quiet, dad came into my room and said that the doctor had left. He hugged me, and all evening we sat together, watched cartoons. He said that mom would get better soon.
April 1, 2014.
Dad woke me up a few minutes before the alarm. Behaved strangely. Said I might not go to school today. Dad said that mom was sick and that it was better not to disturb her. We had breakfast, and after that he allowed us to play on the computer. He went to his mother's bedroom.
I heard what that fuss was, but I tried not to pay attention to it. In the evening we went for a walk with him. He was very silent. Constantly flinched at loud noises. When I tried to ask how my mother was doing, he immediately translated the topic. The last time I asked, he yelled at me.
April 2, 2014.
In the morning I woke up because my dad was standing in front of my bed and staring at me intently. I was very scared. He began to ask if I had gone into my mother's room. I have been asking the same question for a long time. After making sure that I was not there, he fed me breakfast and sent me to school. I noticed a white spot on his temple. Like he's going gray. Dad is acting very strange. I'm scared.
After returning from school and having lunch, I went to learn my lessons. Dad left a note that he went to the store. Passing by the door of their bedroom, I saw a moving shadow through the gap below. This mother is walking around the room. She's probably getting better, but I haven't visited her yet. Dad said it was best not to disturb her. He later returned. In the evening we had dinner, and after that we watched cartoons together again. He's not so thoughtful anymore. Only my hands are shaking.
April 3, 2014..
A scream woke me up. I did not even understand who was shouting, as he broke off as soon as I took a sitting position. It's still dark outside, I don't know what time it is. She got up from the bed, wanted to go out to look, but did not have time to reach the door when dad came in. Pale and crazy looking. He held one hand behind his back, as if he was hiding something. I'm starting to be afraid of him. He told me to go to bed and left. I never fell asleep.
When dawn broke and the alarm clock finally rang, I got up and went to wash my face. Dad was not at home. Passing by their bedroom, I again saw a shadow from below. Why doesn't mom lie down, since she is sick? From the room comes some metallic clanging and some clicks. I wanted to take a look. She grabbed the doorknob and was about to open it when there was a bang from the hallway. This dad returned, as it turned out, from the store. There is something wrong with his arm, it is bandaged. Dad said he fell. He looks very tired, as if he does not sleep at night. I don't recognize him.
I had breakfast and went to school.
Returning home, I saw my father bringing something into the house. Something wrapped in a black bag. Seeing me, he hurried inside. The house smells strange. Smell like iron. Dad wanders around the apartment and whispers something under his breath. Doesn't react to me at all.
Even when I cried, just passed by. No dinner today. I learned my lessons and went to bed.
When will mom get better?
April 4, 2014..
Dad woke up. It's dark outside. This is the first time I see him cry. He told me to go wash and take a shower. Upon my return, my dress, which I wear on holidays, was waiting for me on my bed. To my questions, dad replied that I could finally see mommy. Mom is hungry and I can feed her. I rejoiced. I took my notebook to show my mom my notes.
When I got dressed, my dad came up, took my hand and led me to their room. On the way, I remembered that there was ice cream in the refrigerator, and decided that I needed to treat my mother. I wanted to go to the kitchen, but dad did not open his hand. Now, holding tightly, he dragged me. I became very scared. I cried, but he didn't care.
As he approached the door, he knelt down on one knee in front of me. He said: “Sunshine. Be nice to mommy, she's still sick. But now you feed her, and she will definitely get better. He opened the door, forced me into the room and closed it behind me.
I fell and got up, immediately turned to face the door, shouting to my dad that he forgot to give me food. But the answer sounded, only daddy's cry, reminiscent of some kind of howl.
It smells so bad in here. "Mommy?" I asked. Somewhere on the other side of the room, behind the bed, I heard the sounds of movement, accompanied by the metallic clang that I had heard before. "Mother?" I repeated. Silence.
Pinching my nose with one hand, I took a step along the wall and, feeling for the switch, clicked it. The light came on for just a second. It was enough for me to finally see my mother.
She stood a few meters away from me and pulled her bloodstained hands towards me. Her neck was fastened in a strict dog collar, which dug into her neck with sharp spikes. A thick metal chain stretched from the collar to the wall, preventing her from reaching me. Now I understand what kind of sound I heard from this room.
Her eyes... they weren't my mom's eyes. Red, bloodshot, rabid, filled with hatred and malice. The entire mouth was also stained with blood. When she parted her lips, I saw long, sharp, thin, sometimes missing teeth. With them, she, making loud clicks, sharply closing them, looking directly at me. I finally understood. Mommy's food is right in front of her. Smart, in a dress.
In fear, I backed away and lowered my eyes. On the floor lay the gnawed remains of some kind of dog and ... a doctor who came to us a few days ago. Nearby were pincers and torn sharp teeth. I think daddy was trying to cure mom this way. I don't think he succeeded. Mom is very hungry.
Like I said, it was only a couple of seconds before my mother waved her hand and touched the chandelier. Along with the sound of glass, the room plunged into darkness again. Into the darkness, from which the clicking of teeth often sounded.
I fell to my knees and tried to crawl out of here. The fragments dug into and cut my knees, but I did not feel pain. The door was locked. Dad locked me up here.
I crawled to the side until I hit the closet. There was a huge wooden wardrobe in their room. Opening it, I crawled inside and closed the door behind me. After a while, the clicking stopped.
April 4, 2014 (a few hours later).
I am sitting in the closet. I listen to my mother's heavy breathing. Chain ringing. I know she's trying to get free.
It's already light outside. Through the gap opens a small view of the door to the room. With a soft creak, it opened and Dad entered the room. With his appearance, there were clicks again. Mommy is very hungry.
Dad tries to talk to her. He asks why she is not getting better, why is she still hungry? He fed her their daughter. He fed me!!! Mom does not answer anything, only clicks her teeth and makes hoarse sounds, reminiscent of a dog growling.
I smell gas. Dad asks her forgiveness and says that this is the only way out. He raises his hand, in which he has something. It looks like a lighter. I understood what he wants to do.
At that moment, there was some noise. Dad fell on his back, and mom jumped on him. So, she still managed to free herself from the chain. She, like a hungry beast, begins to gnaw at his face and body. She easily tears flesh and separates bones from each other. I try my best not to scream. I know what will happen to me if I scream. Suddenly, my mother shuddered and froze. She lifted her head and looked around. I think something terrible has happened. Mom remembered that I must be somewhere in the house. Without rising to her feet, on her hands and feet, she ran out of the room with a jerk.
And I sit in this wardrobe and write. Good thing I have my notebook with me. I'm probably making the last record of my life. I hear her running around the house and clicking her teeth. Mom is looking for me. He runs into the room several times, but leaves it almost immediately. She does not know where I am, but she knows that I am somewhere nearby. Can she hear me?
The smell of gas was quite strong. Next to the mutilated father's body lies his lighter, which he did not have time to light. I think I can do it. If not, then let whoever finds these records know what happened here. If yes, then most likely no one will ever know anything. Now she is in another room. I think I can. I must try. Farewell.
This is where the entry ends.
Two bodies were found under the rubble. After an examination, it was found that the bodies belonged to an adult man and a girl of school age. The woman's body was not found. One of the neighbors claims to have seen someone or something run out into the street and hide in a neighboring landing, a few seconds before the fire. Someone says that at night someone roams the burnt remains. They say it's not human.
Maybe mom is still looking for her daughter?

Among the hard-to-see remnants, resembling a homogeneous black mass, a notebook was found, in a thick leather cover. By incredible chance, the fire did not touch the yellow sheets of paper and only charred the protruding edges. The contents of the notebook were strictly classified. But after a couple of days, one of the little-known news sites published the contents of this notebook. The person who posted the entry introduced himself as one of the members of the fire brigade, but did not give his name. After only a few hours, the post was deleted. And, after some more time, the site itself stopped working and does not work for a day.

The deleted text is not presented in its entirety, but only a part bearing a semantic load.

All night I listen to my mother's cough coming from my parents' bedroom. Dad went out to the kitchen several times to fetch water. But she doesn't get better. Now, thank God, everything is quiet and I can finally sleep. Tomorrow is a hard day at school, you need to get enough sleep.

The doctor came today. For a long time he was in his mother's room, and after that he loudly cursed with dad about something. Dad told me to stay in my room and not go out. When everything was quiet, dad came into my room and said that the doctor had left. He hugged me, and all evening we sat together, watched cartoons. He said that mom would get better soon.

Dad woke me up a few minutes before the alarm. Behaved strangely. Said I might not go to school today. Dad said that mom was sick and that it was better not to disturb her. We had breakfast, and after that he allowed us to play on the computer. He went to his mother's bedroom.

I heard what that fuss was, but I tried not to pay attention to it. In the evening we went for a walk with him. He was very silent. Constantly flinched at loud noises. When I tried to ask how my mother was doing, he immediately translated the topic. The last time I asked, he yelled at me.

In the morning I woke up because my dad was standing in front of my bed and staring at me intently. I was very scared. He began to ask if I had gone into my mother's room. I have been asking the same question for a long time. After making sure that I was not there, he fed me breakfast and sent me to school. I noticed a white spot on his temple. Like he's going gray. Dad is acting very strange. I'm scared.

After returning from school and having lunch, I went to learn my lessons. Dad left a note that he went to the store. Passing by the door of their bedroom, I saw a moving shadow through the gap below. This mother is walking around the room. She's probably getting better, but I haven't visited her yet. Dad said it was best not to disturb her. He later returned. In the evening we had dinner, and after that we watched cartoons together again. He's not so thoughtful anymore. Only my hands are shaking.

A scream woke me up. I did not even understand who was shouting, as he broke off as soon as I took a sitting position. It's still dark outside, I don't know what time it is. She got up from the bed, wanted to go out to look, but did not have time to reach the door when dad came in. Pale and crazy looking. He held one hand behind his back, as if he was hiding something. I'm starting to be afraid of him. He told me to go to bed and left. I never fell asleep.

When dawn broke and the alarm clock finally rang, I got up and went to wash my face. Dad was not at home. Passing by their bedroom, I again saw a shadow from below. Why doesn't mom lie down, since she is sick? From the room comes some metallic clanging and some clicks. I wanted to take a look. She grabbed the doorknob and was about to open it when there was a bang from the hallway. This dad returned, as it turned out, from the store. There is something wrong with his arm, it is bandaged. Dad said he fell. He looks very tired, as if he does not sleep at night. I don't recognize him.

I had breakfast and went to school.

Returning home, I saw my father bringing something into the house. Something wrapped in a black bag. Seeing me, he hurried inside. The house smells strange. Smell like iron. Dad wanders around the apartment and whispers something under his breath. Doesn't react to me at all.
Even when I cried, just passed by. No dinner today. I learned my lessons and went to bed.

When will mom get better?

Dad woke up. It's dark outside. This is the first time I see him cry. He told me to go wash and take a shower. Upon my return, my dress, which I wear on holidays, was waiting for me on my bed. To my questions, dad replied that I could finally see mommy. Mom is hungry and I can feed her. I rejoiced. I took my notebook to show my mom my notes.

When I got dressed, my dad came up, took my hand and led me to their room. On the way, I remembered that there was ice cream in the refrigerator, and decided that I needed to treat my mother. I wanted to go to the kitchen, but dad did not open his hand. Now, holding tightly, he dragged me. I became very scared. I cried, but he didn't care.

As he approached the door, he knelt down on one knee in front of me. He said: “Sunshine. Be nice to mommy, she's still sick. But now you feed her, and she will definitely get better. He opened the door, forced me into the room and closed it behind me.
I fell and got up, immediately turned to face the door, shouting to my dad that he forgot to give me food. But the answer sounded, only daddy's cry, reminiscent of some kind of howl.

It smells so bad in here. "Mommy?" I asked. Somewhere on the other side of the room, behind the bed, I heard the sounds of movement, accompanied by the metallic clang that I had heard before. "Mother?" I repeated. Silence.

Pinching my nose with one hand, I took a step along the wall and, feeling for the switch, clicked it. The light came on for just a second. It was enough for me to finally see my mother.

She stood a few meters away from me and pulled her bloodstained hands towards me. Her neck was fastened in a strict dog collar, which dug into her neck with sharp spikes. A thick metal chain stretched from the collar to the wall, preventing her from reaching me. Now I understand what kind of sound I heard from this room.

Her eyes... they weren't my mom's eyes. Red, bloodshot, rabid, filled with hatred and malice. The entire mouth was also stained with blood. When she parted her lips, I saw long, sharp, thin, sometimes missing teeth. With them, she, making loud clicks, sharply closing them, looking directly at me. I finally understood. Mommy's food is right in front of her. Smart, in a dress.

In fear, I backed away and lowered my eyes. On the floor lay the gnawed remains of some kind of dog and ... a doctor who came to us a few days ago. Nearby were pincers and torn sharp teeth. I think daddy was trying to cure mom this way. I don't think he succeeded. Mom is very hungry.

Like I said, it was only a couple of seconds before my mother waved her hand and touched the chandelier. Along with the sound of glass, the room plunged into darkness again. Into the darkness, from which the clicking of teeth often sounded.
I fell to my knees and tried to crawl out of here. The fragments dug into and cut my knees, but I did not feel pain. The door was locked. Dad locked me up here.

I crawled to the side until I hit the closet. There was a huge wooden wardrobe in their room. Opening it, I crawled inside and closed the door behind me. After a while, the clicking stopped.

I am sitting in the closet. I listen to my mother's heavy breathing. Chain ringing. I know she's trying to get free.

It's already light outside. Through the gap opens a small view of the door to the room. With a soft creak, it opened and Dad entered the room. With his appearance, there were clicks again. Mommy is very hungry.
