Super dad ran onto the stage and performed a swan dance to help his confused daughter. The famous presenter will sing with his daughter for the first time in the New Year's concert Dad took the stage with his daughter

Have you ever been to a matinee where the staging of a choreographic number is entrusted to the smallest? Horror, a nightmare in reality, the editors believe website. Too young artists do not know where to turn, half of them are hysterical, the teachers are trying in vain to show themselves what to do, grandmothers are groaning, dads are laughing softly ... But not like Mark Daniels, who at a critical moment appeared on stage and saved the whole number to great joy hall!

Bermuda, Hamilton City Hall, the children's ballet club is holding a dress rehearsal of its first serious number. Who thought that on a really big, serious stage by local standards, kids 2-3 years old should dance? It is no wonder that from the very first minutes, ignoring the efforts of the educators, the squad of ballerinas began to stumble, became confused, and now treacherously sniffled. And then he appeared - super-dad!

Mark instinctively tried to help his daughter Bella when he realized that she was emotionally confused. But there was nowhere to put the younger Suri - just like that, with one child in his arms and helping the second, dad began to dance. He watched his daughter rehearse at home many times, so he was guided in the movements, although everything else was pure improvisation. The main thing is to maintain confidence, which little ballerinas lack.

Now Mark is a local celebrity, he is invited to the role of either the mascot of the ballet club, or a spare guardian angel. In any case, at the official performance, he will definitely be somewhere near the stage, although he hopes that his help will not be needed. Making adults laugh is one thing, but helping children and taking care of their daughters is another.

Children not only make people better, but also discover such talents in their parents that they did not even suspect. So, some residents of the city of Hamilton in Bermuda witnessed how a daughter (though not on purpose) helped her father show how good he is at dancing. On that day, Mark Daniels, along with his youngest daughter Suri, came to support her. older sister Bell at the rehearsal of the performance. And he was in the right place at the right time.

Before Bella's performance, nothing foreshadowed trouble, but when the girl went on stage, she was very scared

Bella got stage fright and cried, so her father had to comfort her. Despite the hysteria, the girl clearly did not want to be the only one who left the stage, so Mark came to the rescue in time: “I said that I love her and that she dances amazingly. Then I asked if she wanted to dance with me and she agreed.”

So the father had to perform all the steps and pirouettes along with little girls dressed in tutus.

Despite the fact that Mark works as a lawyer and has never worn pointe shoes in his life, he managed to dance in such a way that all the spectators were delighted. And even the burden in the form of his youngest daughter did not interfere with his masterpiece performance: “Together with Bella, I practiced these movements a lot at home, so I remembered what was done and how.”

Mark managed not only to calm his daughter down, but also to get applause for his grace and plasticity.

The residents of the city did not leave this amazing event unattended and now they constantly compliment Mark

“At work, colleagues, jurors, police officers and the prosecution make fun of me and even do different steps. Before my daughters were born, I had nothing to do with dancing, and now the whole city knows me thanks to the ability to pull a toe. Maybe it’s never too late to become a ballerina!” says Mark.

Nothing and no one can stop a loving father if his child is in danger. This has been proven time and time again. Mark Daniel, a lawyer by profession and father of 3 children, added another example to this piggy bank.

His middle daughter, two-year-old Isabella, is engaged in a dance studio in Hamilton (Bermuda). On that day, she was supposed to rehearse a performance with other children. But, going on stage, the baby was confused and began to cry. Her father tried to calm her down by whispering something from the audience, but her daughter was inconsolable. Then Mark rushed to her rescue.

He appeared on stage with the youngest, seven-month-old Shuri. He took Isabella by the hand and began to repeat the movements that the teacher showed.

In Motion School of Dance / Facebook

The future ballet star immediately calmed down, gained confidence, and together they successfully completed the performance. Hall was delighted!

Someone from the audience recorded this episode and posted the video on the Internet. The video instantly became popular, in two weeks it gained almost 700 thousand views.

This master class parental love left no one indifferent. Mark showed that he knew how to calm his daughter, and did everything for this. Without hesitation, he rushed to the stage, because his child needed help. It doesn't matter that he found himself in front of a large audience without knowing how to dance.

Lawyer Mark Daniels, who lives with his wife and three daughters in Bermuda, Hamilton City Hall, has shown how caring, sensitive and fun it should be, the site writes.

Funny video: dad ran on stage and helped his confused daughter perform the swan dance

Mark Daniels is a successful lawyer, but he also copes well with the role of the head of the family and a caring father. This could be noticed by the spectators who came to watch the performance of the little ballerinas who attend the ballet club.

One of the speakers was baby Bella. The girl was confused on stage and was already completely upset, but her super dad came to the rescue of the baby in a cute ballet tutu.

Mark Daniels, who came to watch the performance of his little ballerina with another daughter, Suri, whom he held in his arms, decided to help Bella, and since there was nowhere for the youngest daughter to go, he went on stage with her.

Mark knew the basic movements of the dance, because he had repeatedly watched Bella's rehearsals. Therefore, when the young dancer suddenly became confused on stage and began to cry, a caring father with a younger sister in his arms hurried to help her.

It must be admitted that a lawyer with many children is not lacking in artistry. His incredible pas touched everyone present in the hall. And the video recording of the amazing performance spread all over the world and gained a lot of positive feedback on the Web.

Who can be more direct and sincere in their answers than a child? It seems that he thought about this when they were born. Some of the answers surprised even the parents.

Began to gain huge popularity on the Internet dancing father and daughter and many mothers even began to envy him by signing comments under the video - I wish my daughters had such a father, what a cutie he is.

If parents love their children, they will always spend a lot of time with them supporting them in all endeavors, activities, hobbies and studies. An example of this is our hero dad from the video below. It can be seen how dad supported his baby in the video when she was simply confused in front of the assembled audience - they are real friends and it is noticeable that they spend a lot of time. This is exactly what true, loving parents should do.

Lovely swans dance at a children's party

If any of you have ever visited children's party, then, most likely, you know very well what the staged number "Dance of the Swans" by children at the age of 3 years may look like.

Most of them, at the sight of a huge "crowd" of spectators from their parents, begin to get lost, shy, forget movements, most often words, and just stand in their tracks. This is what happened in the video with one of the young ballerinas. Their performance could have been a failure if it were not for the ingenuity of the father of one of the daughters who appeared on the stage and his efforts and excellent achievements in dancing.

Dad will always help

Seeing on the stage how his daughter was a little confused, dad, without hesitation, immediately went on stage and decided to show everyone how to move correctly, gracefully and beautifully in the dance with his daughter. It is also noteworthy that all the time of the dance he held in his hands an even smaller baby, most likely also a girl. Below we invite you to see how dad dancing with daughters video Rate your comments below the post.
