Chastushki for the hero of the day for a man of 65 years. Funny, funny congratulatory ditties for adults on birthday and anniversary

If at sixty-five a woman is strong,
Then after twenty - like cognac.
Sixty five congratulations or
Kisses that dispelled the darkness!
The darkness of resentment and disappointment
Let it stay behind!
Thousands of days ahead of dates
You spend them with your grandchildren!
And, if you don’t want with your grandchildren, then with a man,
He is only yours now, only yours.
Everything not said in a long life,
Tell me, do not hide - open!

You are a girl, you are like a rose
You bloom like a mimosa.
You have an anniversary today
We will celebrate 65 years as soon as possible.
All your friends will hug you
Including me, of course.
All gifts were given
She fed all the guests in the house.
And I want to say here a toast,
Even though I'm only a guest today
"You are the most beautiful,
Angelic clear!

65 - time for congratulations,
For compliments and flowers!
So let there be no regrets
And there will be many kind words!
To you, friendly and sweet,
Destiny follows.
So take it with renewed vigor
All that makes you happy!

On her anniversary, she became an important lady.
You, hurrying to help in difficult times.
Gained wisdom over the years
Doing better in our lives.
And from this tenderness of the heart
It became lighter in my heart.
So you don't often meet more humane
Among busy people.
Into the ocean called eternity
Our years are running out.
The elixir of longevity is cordiality,
He always helps people.

Colleagues! Native! What years?
65 is so, nonsense.
Hairstyle, figure, smile with her,
Yes, just a baby, from birth - 5 days old!
Feeling so rejuvenated
Strive to achieve your goal:
Raise a glass of wine for the chef,
Not a careerist, but dream.
And for a long time stubborn look drill,
He will not refuse, you will win!
That's how friends at 65 -
It's easy to become a suede chef.

Ah, you are sixty-five!
Where to get such words -
Sing great life in them,
To put all the feelings in the verse?
Away - illness, boredom, sadness;
Happiness - in children, let grandchildren!
You call everyone to the holiday
Strength, wisdom, love!!!

65 - we will trump today,
65 - we will invite everyone,
65 - fun we will celebrate
65 - and, of course, wish.
You are responsible and selfless,
Brilliant and simple
You are humane and playful,
It's all just you.
Be happy always
Let no leapfrog
Won't lead you astray
And it will help you find what you are looking for.

Time rushes by a swift shadow
And don't stop him.
Happy birthday!
Glorious age - 65!
What's gone with the rain and snow
You don't regret it.
Smile to friends, colleagues
And celebrate your anniversary.
Start the day with a smile again
And join the rhythm in the morning!
Be lucky, be healthy
Energetic and cheerful!

65th - special anniversary -
Day of grown-up female beauty.
The beginning of life - joyful and new.
The flowering of desires, happiness and dreams.

We wish you, luxurious bright lady,
Do not lose enthusiasm, zeal and brilliance,
Celebrate with your best friends
Praise children and understand grandchildren.

We wish you love, health, happiness
And many warm, bright years of life.
Less angry and not upset.
And it's good to celebrate the anniversary!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
sixty and a half years
You walked through the alley of life,
On the road of obstacles and victories.

And today is wise and reliable,
For relatives, you are advice and a stronghold,
The person you can
Rely - he will not let you down.

Be successful and tireless
Let the smile never leave your face.
Be healthy, cheerful and loved,
Long rejoice dear hearts!

Happy anniversary! I wish you to remain beautiful and amazing, cheerful and open, good-natured and sensitive, wonderful and cheerful at 65. Let every day be happy, let every guest give a smile, let every year make you only more beautiful and cheerful. I wish you to start writing the 66th chapter of your life with the same enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the heart. Health to you and all the best.

It's eighteen again
Don't keep up with the years.
Well, let sixty-five
You can be silent about this.

Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you happiness, joy.
Let the youthful enthusiasm burn
Famously dominating the soul.

May health be strong
And strikes the target's eye aptly.
Life has just begun
Enjoy it to your heart's content!

Congratulations on your anniversary
At 65 we wish you
Don't notice your age
Like an old lady, don't grumble!

Just enjoy life
Every year, day by day
To say to myself:
"How young I am!"

Full of energy and strength
And it's hard for us to believe
You are sixty five
And all doors are open!

You can do everything, you have experience,
And there's no reason to be bored
And for any problem you
Don't give up.

We wish you on your anniversary
Health and good luck.
Let your life flow like a stream
The soul sings, does not cry.

Let's not say age!
Let it remain a little secret.
But all congratulations, lush roses
Today was given to you not by chance.

Beautiful lines in beautiful postcards
Verbally decorate your anniversary.
Gratitude sounds openly in those lines,
And the admiration of the guests pours from the lips.

Wishes sound, toasts pour in,
And the glasses laugh cheerfully with a ringing sound.
Let's not talk about age today!
The soul is young - and that's a lot!

Happy birthday, we sincerely congratulate
So that health grows stronger every day,
We wish you joy, sincere smiles,
So that worries are always nothing!

On this beautiful day, so that the sun shines,
So that fate gives only smiles, laughter,
And when you looked out your window,
A native was coming to visit you.

I still wish you good health
In our life there is nothing more important than him,
Let everything be fine, I dream about it,
To be a little, but everything.

Let it be this anniversary
Everything is the way you wanted it
Soul sings like a nightingale
After all, there is no limit to happiness in the heart!

I wish at sixty five
You are warm, kind, lucky,
And everything you could wish for
Let it be fulfilled on your birthday!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we all wish you good health.
Beauty - as in twenty-five,
Shine bright sun.

Let no one know
How old are you.
And the soul does not fade -
There is no place for longing in life!

And let it be noisy
Always in your house.
Never let them forget
Neither relatives nor friends.

You have a holiday today
Or rather, an anniversary.
You are so beautiful today!
All more beautiful and brighter.

Lots of happiness and smiles
This day is around you.
Even numbers on postcards
Smile lovingly.

Let luck smile
Happiness will live nearby
The sun shines brightly,
To give you rays.

Happy Birthday -
You are sixty five years old!
Happiness, joy, luck,
Our joy and our light!

Or a birthday for everyone: a woman and a man on their 50th birthday, 55th birthday, 60th birthday, and so on ... Funny ditties for an anniversary or birthday will perfectly cheer up the hero of the day or the hero of the day, decorate the holiday and help to present gifts in an interesting way. To make ditties for a round anniversary date appropriate for the holiday, choose the texts of ditties in such a way that among them there are no ditties with obscenities, or vulgar ditties. After all, among the guests there will be not only adults, but also children! Have a wonderful atmosphere for your anniversary!

Anniversary ditties for a man

1. We will sing ditties
And let's go to the squat,
Anniversary like it
Well, we'll be famous!

2. I'm ditties for the anniversary
I've been writing all week!
And now I'll sing them to you
Do not judge how I can!

3. Anniversary, anniversary,
Come to me soon!
Anniversaries are not afraid!
I will rejuvenate again!

4. To the young hero of the day
Girls build eyes
Look at him,
Well, what kind of grandfather is he?

5. This anniversary year
I'm getting fifty.
I decided not to be bored
I'm going to look for my wife!

6. Our hero of the day is sad,
He has a sad look
Don't be sad, dear
You are still young!

7. Oh, now the table is rich,
Meaningful treats
Feed us, hero of the day,
Do me a favor!

8. Ah, ditties are good,
Anniversary for the soul,
You give up on everything,
Age, right, golden!

9. Anniversary, anniversary,
Our hero of the day is young,
Be healthy and don't be sad
Love your wife!

10. In this jubilee year,
Only luck awaits you
Hang out with your friends
Us boys.

11. All relatives gathered,
The celebration is yours!
Oh, we walk until the morning,
To white heat!

12. Today is your day
your birth
It is named round date
In honor of the belly rounding!

13. The hero of the day is young,
The girls are following you!
Don't furrow your eyebrows
And keep the girls warm!

Ditties for the anniversary of a woman

1. Ah, ditties are good,
I will sing them from the heart.
Sing along with me
Praise the jubilee!

2. They say, they say
That grow old at fifty
Bullshit, bullshit
When the soul is young!

3. Your anniversary has come,
Don't regret mistakes.
Think only of the good
About the young cavalier!

4. Such a beautiful woman,
I won't even give you thirty
Behind her a noisy crowd
Grooms walk briskly!

5. The anniversary will come suddenly,
Don't be sad, friend!
We will cry, we will sing,
And let's start life again!

6. Come dance
Anniversary with us
You are our beauty
So what, that grandmother!

If you need more ditties for the anniversary, then the ditties are further categorized by date:

50 years

At fifty, at fifty
It's only begining,
And girlish beauty
It just shows up!

Don't be sad that 50
But experience and charge,
You can do everything, you know
Fulfill your dreams!

At 50, please don't sour
You are not a grandmother at all,
You are a beautiful girl
Smile to everyone!

55 years

Two fives - yes!
Years well spent!
Now come on, keep it up
Fulfill all ideas!

You have retired
And left things
Rest now like a king!
Well, don't forget us!

to deal with nonsense
The hero of the day does not want
He is a business man
And very solid!

Fifty and five again
We have a reason to fire!
Anniversary year will pass
Anniversary lucky!

Chastushki for the anniversary of 55 years for a woman comic

1. We respect you
Our hero of the day
Live a day without you
Even impossible.

2. Two fives - it doesn't matter,
This age is bullshit
My neighbor is one hundred and five
Try to beat her!

3. You are so beautiful today
And the hair is just class!
And men's eyes are burning,
They will take you away, the hour is not even.

4. Let from today
Life will start sweet
You will have skin
As smooth as a baby.

5. May health and good luck
Do not pass by
Two fives for luck
You always carry with you.

6. You are a great specialist
By my work
Ready to move mountains
In any weather.

7. You are cultured and diligent,
And self-confident
You're probably not afraid
Any work on Earth.

8. Fifty and five is not much
By the clock of the universe
You are still at the threshold
Life is very long.

9. Let health not fail
And love comes to your house.
Grandchildren please and children,
And our gift in an envelope!

60 years

At sixty do not hang your nose,
And work like a locomotive!
Always be on the move
And never sour!

At 60, 60...
Anniversaries do not sit
The head is shaking -
Anniversary runs!

(chastushka to the hero of the day in connection with retirement):

In the garden, in the garden,
Anniversary 60,
Still young, like
Get back!

65 years old

That's what hit you
Sixty and five now
Hands to feet - and forward!
To work, to the garden!

Sixty plus five, believe me
Anniversary is coming.
Dry your tears, pull yourself up
Do something you need!

Anniversaries happen once
Sixty and five.. Atas!
Just don't panic
Pamper yourself better!

70 years old

We will sing ditties
At the age of seventy
Wait for us in thirty years
For your century!

75 years old

Our dear hero of the day,
You are not old at all!
You are seventy + five
Cucumber you again!

80 years old

You are eighty years old
You are not a grandfather yet!
You are young at heart
And the character is golden!

85 years old

You are eighty five
Wipe your tears again
Do not grieve, but dance,
Sing ditties for the soul!

90 years old

Ninety - respect
This age is not easy!
And I wish you health
On your golden anniversary!

95 years old

Ninety-five for you
Smile at your destiny
We'll be back in five years
For your centenary!

100 years

Anniversary exactly one hundred!
You and I are lucky!
We love you with all our heart
For your good deeds!

Ditties for the anniversary of the pope for 55 years (to order)

Exercise: Grandchildren (8 and 10 years old) will congratulate grandfather on his 55th birthday, but I wanted to dress them up as the grandfather of the hero of the day and his wife - grandmother, and as if they sing ditties about each other. (4 ditties from each).

A little about the hero of the day: Yurik (as his wife calls him) is a fisherman, an avid hunter. Tanker in the army. After school, he studied in the city of Sasovo as a pilot - he ran away and did not finish his studies. He worked as a driver on a Kamaz in LMMS, then as a fuel truck driver. Niva car. They live in the village of Kriusha. He built a bathhouse, a greenhouse, a gazebo. Often lies in the hospital with kidney stones. Mustache all my life.

Wife Tanya. Nurse at the Kriushinsky hospital (three days later). Two grandchildren. Daughter. Son-in-law. Matchmakers. Knows how to knit, bakes pies, bakes mined meat. She herself is from the village of Malinovka (I brought her from there after the wedding), where relatives now live. This year on September 27 to retire (will also be 55 years old)

Anniversary ditties

Yura sings:

1.) I brought it from Malinovka
I am my own bride.
Instantly Tanya will knit a scarf
And knead the dough!

Tanya sings:

1.) Fishing and hunting
Yurika is always on the hunt.
Yura rushes into the forest on the Niva, -
The game itself runs to him!

Yura sings:

2.) Kidney stones, that's the trouble,
How to be, Tanyusha?
Are you a super nurse?
In the village of Kriusha.

Tanya sings:

2.) Yuri, I will give you advice,
There is no use for stones!
Go to the sea more often
Get better pearls!

(Or alternatively:
Get rid of the stones
Drink some water, don't be sorry.
Go to the sanatorium
Get rid of pain.)

Yura sings:

3.) My sweet wife,
Game baked today.
Guests licked their fingers
They even ate bones with meat!

Tanya sings:

3.) Yurik flew to Sasovo,
Chased sparrows in the sky.
Yura thought: “Not mine!”
And he ran away. Well, my!

Yura sings:

4.) Come on over me, Tanya,
Stop smiling!
Soon we will be 55,
Celebrate with you!

Tanya sings:

4.) Yurik, dear, don't be angry,
Celebrate your anniversary.
I love you all my life
And I adore the mustache!

We also write ditties to order about your hero of the day. Deadline 1 day.


We have no doubts, friends,
What ditties should be sung!
Once came to the birthday -
There is nothing to sit in silence!

How old are you, I don't know
And why should I know
Candles on a huge cake
You can take and count!

Steamboats, steamboats.
Oh you steamboats.
Let them go back now
My friend, your years.

Games, contests, gifts
Birthday is not in vain!
Today is a holiday for you -
Red day of the calendar!

Oh, what our years -
We are alive by nature!
What should we look for in the passport?
We'd better sing songs!

We haven't eaten for ten days
And did not drink eight,
We eat everything at the table
Please ask for more!

But, figs to you! It wasn't there -
So the hostess fed
That we can't dance yet
We can only sing ditties!

The chef makes meatballs
The horse makes manure.
I came for my birthday
But he didn't bring a gift!

The phone does not stop
From calls and sms.
birthday raises
To the person of interest!

Coal is needed to
Maintain combustion.
And friends are needed for
To drink at a birthday party!

We came for a birthday
Sing and have fun
To lift your spirits
And forget a little.

Who is closest to the bottle?
Pour on the birthday girl (ku)!
We drink to your health
And you drink to your friends!

We were all invited to the restaurant
Birthday was celebrated.
Would also note
Yes, health is nothing ...

I ate and drank
Almost gave birth!
I will eat and drink more
To redeem a gift.

Do not grieve if on your birthday
You can't eat anymore.
You're quietly jam
Put it in your pocket!

Ditties from the hero of the day

Hello dear guests,
A feast awaits you all,
Eat, drink as much as you like
For my health.

Oh thank you mommy
She gave birth to me in July!
Gather men
Go to the forest with me for barbecue.

Fifty or twenty-five
What's the difference?
Equally men
I fall in love with myself!

Congratulatory ditties with wishes

There is a mare on the mountain,
There is a harrow under the mountain.
Happy Birthday!
Pour more wine!

The ship sails along the Volga,
A motorboat on the Ob.
Happy birthday
And we wish you love!

We all came from mountains
And cool berezhka.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

I wish everyone a cutie
And you are a fashion model.
If the key is forgotten at home,
That will crawl through the gap under the door.

Be happy, safe
And live a long life
Our beloved, our dear,
The best person!

There's a picture on the wall
The picture shows a sailboat.
May you need less
There will be a syringe and a thermometer.

Galoshes float on the river
Four in a row.
May you have all the horoscopes
They promise only joy.

So that the heart does not hurt
Didn't get dizzy
Rest boldly today
And drop your business!

We wish you a birthday
So that fate does not bypass
Donated a lot of money
And gave you a wife!

Forty years - what a date
Only lived half a life.
We want to live richly
To want and be able to.

On your birthday we wish
Lots of happiness and love!
If you need to drink vodka,
You just call us!

On your birthday we wish
For everything to come true.
Enough strength to work
Left for love.

Garden near the house
In the garden beds ...
Birthday dear.
Be always in order!

Birthday boy, take care
Body, soul, nerves.
Let them rustle in your pocket
Dollars and euros!

I publicize:
Wish I want love
Well, and sex, in particular!

Don't know how to entertain guests, surprise at the 50th anniversary? Invite them to sing funny ditties. Laughter, smiles and good mood provided for the holiday. Choose among our fun and funny ditties the most suitable.

Now you can wish a happy birthday in any way. But cheerful songs and ditties remain predominant.
On the resource This holiday, we have collected all the most sonorous ditties for the anniversary of 50 years for a woman, cool and classic options.

We are ditties for the anniversary
Written for two weeks
Now let's sing them to you
And to your dear guests!

Ditties on the motif "Ditlets of grandmothers hedgehogs"

We came for the anniversary
Pour us a glass
We will sing and dance.
Congratulations to our ___.

Stretch congratulations,
Let us all wave
Take instructions
Our jubilee.

We wish you warmth
And to make her dream come true.
And also great love.
We wish in a crowd.

So that the heart does not hurt
So that the skin does not age,
So that trouble does not torment
Our ____ never.

Stretch congratulations,
Let us all wave
Take instructions
Our jubilee.

We wished everything
Haven't forgotten anything.
And now it's time to walk
Celebrate your anniversary!

As you know, almost all ditties are sung to one motive, so it will not be difficult for anyone to substitute words for the desired tune. Only more mischief and fun in the mood. Chastushki with an anniversary of 50 years to a woman - good musical congratulations. It will not leave indifferent either you, or the guests, or the hero of the day.

What is an anniversary?
It's just a bright day
We came to congratulate you
I didn't have to be discouraged.

You meet guests
Feed them, pour them
To not get angry
And they invited you.

We wish everything
What is stored in the mind
Never and no one
To not be ashamed.

Be healthy and happy
Many, many, many years.
So that you do not know sorrows
Our very close friend.

We wandered around the world
Passed all the shores
You have accumulated happiness
And good luck two bags.

Brought you love
Full suitcases.
You take a gift
So that we don't get it.

_______ has a birthday
The holiday is wonderful
Because we are all ditties
They sang so hard.

Anniversary dear,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
You are young at heart
Don't look at the years.

You are your energy
You will also conquer space.
Well, pour us quickly
Why are you sitting quietly?

She poured us a cup,
Thank you.
And now let's continue
We sing beautiful songs.

We wish from the bottom of our hearts
Good health,
Never be sad
Resume feasts.

At your table by the river,
Let the treats flow.
And then it will be better
All congratulations here.

So let's get started now
______ praise,
After all, the door opened for us
For congratulations.

You are good today
It can be seen that the soul sings
So go dance
And help us sing along.

You are sociable, diligent,
Do not give yourself rest.
For you, probably
Everything is possible on earth!

Don't let your friends let you down
They always come into the house for tea,
Let the grandchildren, children please,
And a gift in an envelope!

Our ____ gorgeous,
You won't give thirty in appearance,
And behind her so stubborn
Grooms go by the crowd!

And your anniversary is not a problem,
He only counts the years
We will survive it
Tomorrow we will start a new journey!

We sing here from the heart.
You quickly take them
And hug us tight.

We wish a bunch of butterflies
There were, just in case.
So that in your pocket two thousand,
Lost there at the bottom.

So that you don't look for them
And the others instantly got it,
We will add a friend
A couple million.

So that the car is under the window,
Didn't fade, didn't rust
Together with my man,
You rush to the Seychelles.

Sunbathe in Bali
Don't worry about work.
Won't disappear anywhere
Will be waiting for you at home.

We wish you an anniversary
So that you don't feel sad
And from famous couturiers
She wore all the coats.

To a house with three floors,
Destiny gave you.
And it had a lot of kids
Sweet candies.

promotion at work
Give our congratulations
humble subordinates,
In the boss of lovers.

We wanted a lot
What is interesting, choose
And do it faster
Bring desire into life.

We will help you in everything
And we will always support
Let's increase the state
And keep from trouble.

Congratulations soon
Our ____ accept,
And your friends, guests,
Surprise and entertain.

Well, we'll sit down at the table,
We eat and drink there
If suddenly you ask us,
We'll sing you an encore.

Anniversary, anniversary
Pour on the hero of the day,
Let him drink everything to the bottom
He has another hundred years to live.

And let him treat his friends
Let it pay attention
And then his friends
Will always be faithful.

Congratulations on your anniversary
We wish you happiness, joy
Good health to you
We wish you at the feast.

Never lose heart
A century with a loved one to while away.
And so that the children do not hesitate,
The grandson was awarded.

We wish the hero of the day
To work faster
Well, summer holidays are hotter,
Yes, stormier than the night.

For the husband to give flowers,
And he carried it in his arms.
Pleased with surprises
Put up with whims.

Don't forget about your friends
You invite them to visit
Pleased to you
Helped sometimes

We congratulated you
Even though they've always done it.
Now it's time to shut up
Sit down and pour.

Under the words of each ditty, you can pick up a special attribute, as a staged gift. If the song is sung about a bag, then you can arrange it in beautiful paper a simple bag and donate, and so on.

But, of course, your congratulations will be the most original!

March 13, 2017 .
