Craft product birthday bank of luck and good mood food products. Comic and funny DIY gift ideas

If you want more happiness in your life, try a very simple method that I have been using successfully for the past three years. It is called "Jar of Happiness", and its authorship is attributed to the writer Elizabeth Gilbert.

The idea is simple: you write down your victories, happy moments, compliments, successes on a piece of paper every day (in principle, you choose the frequency yourself) and put these pieces of paper in a jar. Then you yourself choose the day when you pull them all out and read them. Personally, I like to read them on the last day of the year to feel some kind of milestone, but you can do it on your birthday or on any other day when you feel especially sad and you need a reminder of something good and positive.

Decorate your Jar of Happiness and display it prominently. If you do not want to "advertise your happiness", then take an old coffee can and hide it in a secluded corner. The choice is yours.

What can be put in there?

Yes, whatever! You can throw there "lucky" tickets, memorabilia, found coins - it's up to you. When I first got myself a Bank of Happiness, I always indicated the date on my notes, so that later I would more accurately recall the day and period of my life. Having a physical collection to store and read makes it more efficient - it's not writing on your phone. In addition, your jar is a great reminder to put a little bit of happiness in it all the time. If you miss a day, don't worry - just don't forget about this sweet and pleasant ritual that immediately sets you up for positive.

My first Happiness Jar dates back to January 2015. I was so inspired by this idea that I completed it in just six months. And I, being an adherent of the rules, did nothing more with her, because it was, as it were, not New Year, for which I planned to open a jar. When 2015 came to an end, I forgot about the bank, and I was not in the mood to explore my happiness. Therefore, please do not turn a pleasant and funny ritual into a routine process with some obligations.

I also like to add fire to any ritual, so after reading all my notes, I burn them on New Year's Eve. This is just my personal preference! You can add any additional actions - if you don’t like the “bank”, get yourself an Aquarium of Happiness. The container doesn't even have to be personal: create a family jar, add notes and items to it, then read and review monthly, quarterly, or whenever you need motivation. Finally, turn the jar into a time capsule and don't read its contents for years. Remember that only you set the rules for your own happiness!

It is unique and very useful gift!!!

What is the gift idea: we will fill a beautiful glass jar with all sorts of useful things: nuts and dried fruits, add some candy (you'll find out later why) and add magic instruction in which we will talk about magical properties each ingredient.
You will get a gift full of vitamins for the soul and body, improving memory, well-being and mood at the same time, attracting good luck and much more))

So let's get started!

Dried apricots, raisins, nuts, meat grinder, honey, lemon

They will attract success in business, well, and a million money!

It is from this that we will build on to fill our magic jar)))

Ingredient properties:

Cashew- from the word cash (cash) - so that money is always carried in the right amount.
Dried apricots - for courage. And in a state of courage, everything is easy and simple!

Hazelnut- has a calming effect: relieves mental anguish, reduces the beat of the heart))

Pine nuts - get rid of the rush

lollipops- as you know, in order for the problem to resolve itself, you need to take a candy in your mouth. Say out loud: "Problem (angina, resentment, failure)! Get ready for resorption!"
After that, you can suck the lollipop with pleasure, saying: "The lollipop will resolve, then the problem (angina, resentment, failure) and the end"

Walnuts- attract success

dried bananas- protect from deceit, thieves and fog

Seeds(cleaned) - you will click all the problems and puzzles like seeds. Guaranteed!

Almond- gives prowess, vivacity and visual acuity. (After all, the nut itself has the shape of an eye, which of course is no coincidence!)

AND dried pineapple- so that everything is just class! I think the idea is clear to you: buy nuts, come up with magical justifications for their magical action, put them in a jar, write instructions (in verse, prose, whatever you want) and give!
The most wonderful handmade gift for all occasions is obtained.

By the way: you can also give magic tea to such a gift
For maximum effect!

Tea with good emotions, invented by Today was fun:

"For centuries, people have known that wisdom and advice, love and support, news and gossip - all this is most easily obtained over a cup of good tea. Tea and philosophy go together so naturally that it was obvious to combine them in one."

Here is what is written on the packaging of "Love Love Tea" tea (which you can also make yourself):

1. Boil water

2. Warm your favorite kettle with boiling water.

3. Add 1 tablespoon of tea for yourself and one for love.

4. Pour in boiling water. Let the tea steep for 5 minutes while you think deeply about love. Think how simple love itself is and how difficult it is to find. How love does not happen to us, and at the same time it is already there. Remind yourself what a unique and perfect person you really are.
Be kind to yourself. Without being generous to ourselves, we cannot be generous in our love for others.

Love yourself if you want to be loved. Love is a gift that is given to you and that you can give.

This is your Life Force. It's love that takes us further than we think we can go.

To feel this power, bring love into your life. And remember, the more you give, the more you get.

5. Stir and drink.

6. Love.

Original entry and comments on

Have you ever received medicine as a gift? No? Is this the wrong gift? Isn't that tactful? And if it is not a simple medicine, but a special one? Have you heard of happiness pills? Not yet? Lost a lot! This is a great way to cheer up the hero of the occasion,
pleasant surprise for loved one, a wonderful appendage to any gift, even as a main present they will be good. Especially on holidays where it is customary to give sweets - March 8, Valentine's Day, etc.
This is a wonderful gift that has a guaranteed and pronounced effect, which will be reflected on the face of the donee immediately upon delivery. At the same time, it is not at all difficult to make it with your own hands.

Stage one

What will be needed? First, the pills themselves. Any small sweets of a suitable size and cheerful colors will perfectly cope with their role: chocolate dragees like M&Ms, chewy marmalade, sugar balls, nuts in chocolate or yogurt, soft caramel or creamy toffee - everything will do, even any small sweets in bright enough wrappers. If the recipient has his own preferences, of course, it is better to take them into account, because the medicine should cheer you up!

You can make not pills, but a potion, which is quite suitable for jam, jam, syrup and even compote!
Second, the packaging! Ideally, a beautiful jar with a lid (if our “medicine” is liquid, then the lid needs to be airtight), which is easiest to look for in the bins, there will definitely be some pretty jar!
Pour the "medicine" into the jar, screw the lid. What's next?

Stage two

Now you need paper and imagination. And also a ribbon, a curly hole puncher or curly scissors.
The first thing to do is the label. On paper, using a printer, we print beautifully the name of the drug “Vitamins of Happiness”, “Potion of Smiles”, “Pills of Love”, “Pills Have a good mood" etc. The red cross and the pharmacy snake cannot be left aside either! We cut out the finished label with curly scissors and glue it on the jar with our own hands.
Well, and most importantly - instructions for use! It must be compiled and printed on a printer, because what kind of medicine is without instructions?

It must contain all the required sections:
1. name of the medicine;
2. description of the drug;
3. composition;
4. indications for use;
5. contraindications;
6. method of administration and dosage;
7. release form;
8. storage conditions.
As a result of a flight of fancy, the following document may turn out.

The name of the drug. "Pills of Happiness"
Description of the drug. "Pills of Happiness" - a drug of the latest generation! Produced by the most fun and happy pharmacologists as part of a program to spread affordable happiness among people.
Influencing extremely carefully, actively struggles with sadness, despondency, depression and bad mood.

Compound. Each tablet of happiness contains: 10% don't care, 22% fun, 30% mood enhancer, 15% sadness banisher, 23% smile.
Indications for use. Recommended for use as the main medicinal product in situations of a chronic lack of smiling, a critical decrease in the level of endorphins in the blood, and in other happiness-deficient conditions.
Method of application and dose.1 tablet 2 times a day. In acute states of happiness deficiency, the dose can be increased to 3 tablets per day. When taking medicine, remember one happy occasion for each dose.
Contraindications. Not detected.
Release form. Unique. The tablets are generously hand packaged in a glass jar with a lid.
The drug is released without a prescription.
Storage conditions. Store at room temperature in a place accessible at any time of the day.

If there is no printer, then everything mentioned will have to be beautifully written by hand, but the work is worth it.
The finished instruction is folded and tied with a ribbon to the neck of the jar. All! The gift is ready!

Happiness Pills: Advanced

Now we can talk about particulars.
1. Bank and cover.

They can be further decorated with your own hands. For example, to write to the bank acrylic paints, decorate with decoupage, knit or sew a beautiful case. The lid can also be made more "medicinal" by drawing a red cross or making a polymer clay decoration.

2. Instead of a jar, you can make a real medicine box.

To do this, you will need cardboard, a color printer and a little time to draw a suitable image in the design program for the design of the box. For a sample, you can take a box from any medicine. You can put sweets in the box in the same way, or you can put marshmallow rolled into rolls, leaf marmalade or candied fruit. In general, everything that will not rattle and get enough sleep from the box will do.
3. If you have little time left, you can, on the contrary, simplify the whole process and put ordinary vitamin C dragees instead of sweets, and take a jar with baby food. And follow the simple steps described in this video tutorial.

4. If you wish, you can also make “pills” with your own hands.

The simplest and most obvious is to melt the chocolate bar and pour it into figured molds for ice or cookies. After traveling for a couple of hours in the freezer, happiness in sweets will be 100%. Another easy option is crushed dried fruit sweets. Prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs and dates are crushed in equal proportions, rolled into small balls and rolled in cocoa or coconut flakes so that they do not stick together with each other. The instructions for use will also have to be changed, since the shelf life of such sweets still does not exceed a month, and it is better to store them in the refrigerator.
Pills of happiness - a unique gift! This is not just a way to give all the same sweets. The form of packaging and delivery turns them into a real antidepressant that can make the most inveterate melancholic smile. Give friends and family happiness and smiles, especially since it's so easy!

What is the gift idea? we will fill a beautiful glass jar with all sorts of useful things: nuts and dried fruits, add some lollipops (you will find out later why) and add magic instruction, in which we will talk about the magical properties of each ingredient.
You will get a gift full of vitamins for the soul and body, improving memory, well-being and mood at the same time, attracting good luck and much more))

A small digression for those who hear about simorone for the first time:

Quote: "What is not here: No no black, no white, no gray magic, no extrasensory perception and healing, no folk divination, conspiracies and secret words, no divination and mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids, no religious postulates and calls to join brotherhoods of any color, no yoga, witchcraft, mysticism, astrology and all sorts of secret doctrines. There are no stories about terrible Karma and retribution for everything unknown to anyone, and there is also no guide to visiting free cheese from the notorious mousetrap.

Everything works fine without it!" Read more

So let's get started!
As Lissy Moussa wrote in her book of magical recipes:

Dried apricots, raisins, nuts,
meat grinder, honey, lemon
attract success in business,
Well, a million dollars!

It is from this that we will build on to fill our magic jar))
Ingredient Properties:

Cashew- from the word cash(cash) - so that money is always carried in the right amount.
Dried apricots- for courage. And in a state of courage, everything is easy and simple!

Hazelnut - has a calming effect: relieves mental anguish, reduces the beat of the heart))

Pine nuts- get rid of haste

lollipops- as you know, in order for the problem to resolve itself, you need to take a candy in your mouth. Say out loud: "Problem (angina, resentment, failure)! Get ready for resorption!"
After that, you can suck the lollipop with pleasure, saying: "The lollipop will resolve, then the problem (angina, resentment, failure) and the end"

Walnuts- attract success

dried bananas- protect from deceit, thieves and fog

Seeds(cleaned) - you will click all the problems and puzzles like seeds. Guaranteed!

Almond- gives prowess, vivacity and visual acuity. (After all, the nut itself has the shape of an eye, which of course is no coincidence!)

And dried pineapple- so that everything was just class!

To enhance the effect of each nut, you can put in an amount that is a multiple of 27. Or add 27 pieces of dark chocolate (in foil), for example.
Why 27 ?
On this occasion, I will quote again Lissy Mussu: "27 is an ordinary, unremarkable number. So it was agreed once upon a time that it was magical, and they began to consider it magical. And it turned out to be so. You know the law of a yacht: "As you call a yacht, so it will float!". Then they wrote the rationale for the magic of this number - in fact. Therefore, if someone likes 16 or 34, or any other, declare it magical, it will become it!"

I think the idea is clear to you: buy nuts, come up with magical justifications for their magical action, put them in a jar, write instructions (in verse, prose, whatever you want) and give!
The most wonderful handmade gift for all occasions is obtained

By the way: you can also give magic tea to such a gift
For maximum effect!

Good luck, dear wizards!

Your Tanya

UPDATE: about others interesting gifts in the bank
about other gifts that bring good luck

Gifts with a joke are more than gifts. This is not a one-time thing that was presented, laughed at and forgotten. Such gifts should please constantly or for quite a long time.

The popularity of stores that offer funny gifts is high. But there everything has already been reviewed a thousand times, bought and donated, and therefore it is not interesting. It is best to make such a gift with your own hands. And you don't have to be a jack-of-all-trades. A little accuracy, fantasy, humor, and from the simplest sweets and a glass jar you will make a good surprise for your friends or loved ones.

We present you 5 interesting comic ideas. Funny and easy to do. Everyone can do.

Hammer plus acorn plus the simplest pacifier. It is not necessary to give a real hammer. It is enough to buy a toy instrument. An acorn can be replaced with any large seed (for example, pumpkin). Put all three items in a beautiful box. You can glue silk ribbons inside and tie objects. So it will be more beautiful.

Make some colorful confetti with a hole puncher and put a little bit into the box. You can make an inscription on the box: “A set of a real man” or “To a master with golden hands”.

The joke is kind, sweet and funny. No matter who you give it to, everyone will be happy. And if the hammer is real, then the gift will be useful.

Good mood bag

What an amazing certificate you can make using scrapbooking!

The main assistants in the process of preparing a gift with your own hands are your imagination and sense of humor. Jokes should not cross the norms of ethics. Let everything be a little naive, with childish spontaneity. To make such joke gifts You don't have to wait for a specific holiday. Please your loved ones or work colleagues, make them laugh, cheer them up on a normal weekday. Pleasant and funny little things made with your own hands will not leave anyone indifferent. Let all your joke gifts turn out to be fun, interesting and long-lasting!
