What to wish the most beautiful girl. SMS and short birthday greetings to a girl

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello, friends! With the lady of the heart do not want to part for a second. And if you have to spend some time without your beloved, then you are already trying to make this parting as romantic and pleasant as possible.

So every time you have to give all the best to the maximum, saying goodbye to the young lady in the evening. How to wish a girl good night so that in the morning she would first want to write to you? Do I need to compose “poems in stone” for this, or can I come up with something simpler?

Each man in love has his own thoughts on how exactly a beautiful farewell to a young lady should be.

Someone considers it necessary to come up with some insanely long and breathtakingly romantic confessions every time. Well, you know, in the spirit of the vociferous Caucasian toasts with a subtle philosophical note. Like “Once upon a time there was a very lonely man. He was so unhappy that nothing could please him. Blah blah blah.

And then he met a beautiful beauty. And his life was filled with meaning and happiness. Blah blah blah. Looking forward to a new day to see you. Blah blah blah. Until tomorrow, the light of my eyes! Someone, on the contrary, is limited to the unpretentious "Quiet noki, smack!".

It seems that both the first and the second are too much. In the first case - too long, tedious and pretentious. In the second - too sparingly on emotions. Well, let's try to find a middle ground then. I offer several, in my opinion, adequate options.

Option 1. Simple, but with all my heart.

You know, it seems to me that good night wishes to the girl you like should be, first of all, sincere and kind. Everything else is not so important.

Therefore, it is not necessary to bother with something mega-genius, extraordinary. It is enough just to wish something good and say about your feelings. So, we start with “Good night!”, And then, for example:

  • May the morning be sunny and joyful! Let tomorrow meet a lot good people and many useful things will be done. I love you, kiss and hug you tightly!
  • May your health improve in the morning, and you will get better! I'm with you! Don't worry, my girl!
  • May all difficulties and sorrows remain in today, and tomorrow will be already bright, joyful and successful! So long, Katya!
  • Good dreams! Sweet dreams! Let the new day please you with pleasant meetings and positive emotions!
  • I propose to dream of each other so as not to part for a moment!) Kiss, gently hug, see you tomorrow!
  • Run to sleep so that Saturday comes faster, and we meet!
  • Another day has passed without you. I miss you very much and look forward to seeing you, my only and most beloved Nastya!
  • All day I thought only about you, remembered your gentle smile, shining green eyes and blond curls. It is a pity that there is no opportunity to be near. I hope I can hug you soon, dear!

In my opinion, this is the most normal and still quite male way say goodbye to the lady of the heart before going to bed. Nothing superfluous, no excessive cuteness. Everything is quite concise, but at the same time sincere and with feeling.

Plus, you can show that you know how she lives, because of what she is worried about, what she wants. And such attention is always very nice. Well, at the same time tell about your emotions, women also appreciate it very, very highly.

Of course, I gave the wording as an example. If you are not yet at that stage of the relationship to talk about hugs and call her “native”, then, of course, you do not need to write this. Do, so to speak, "adjustment for the client."

If this farewell option is not enough for you, and you want something more intricate, then you can, in principle, use the universal “weapon” of any man. What? Yes, with your sense of humor, of course!

Option 2. As a joke.

If everything is in order with irony and fantasy, then you can wish her pleasant dreams with some in an unusual way. Something like that:

  • Let you dream of pink fluffy rabbits playing football on a green lawn. Tell me about the bill in the morning.
  • Let that little Danish dwarf with an umbrella come to you and show bright positive dreams. Otherwise, your Kolya will come to this Olya for a showdown!
  • They say there was a guy named Peter who, without any tickets, flew to some cool distant country, and even took friends with him. Imagine, they cooked up all the cases right in a dream. So go to bed, I'll heal up for you somewhere around 2-3 am - let's go to Paris!
  • I announce boarding for a night flight to the intergalactic Realm of Dreams! You have a round trip ticket. Before departure, do not forget to put on cozy pajamas, take a pillow and a blanket with you. A fabulous country awaits you, where the impossible is possible. So feel free to dream about anything. Have a nice trip, and see you in the morning on Earth!

Think, general principle did you understand. Take some well-known fact or come up with something yourself and relate it to the theme of going to bed. It should turn out to be quite good and interesting. You can come up with something new every evening, if your imagination allows.

And it will be even more fun if she tries to surprise you with such wishes. You can even make it your little tradition. A trifle, but, as they say, nice.

Perhaps it will be easier to understand how to write good night wishes to a girl you like and know what exactly she wants to hear from you after reading. You will find many valuable considerations on the topic of psychological differences between different sexes, as well as examples from the life of real people. .

Well, as always, you can ask me questions that interest you. To do this, use the commenting function of publications. I will answer everyone. Well, with the newsletter subscription function, you will always be aware of the release of fresh articles. I highly recommend.

With that, let me say goodbye. See you soon! Have a wonderful relationship with your loved ones and good dreams. Yours, Yuri Okunev.

My dear, dear
Beloved and unearthly!
It's good that you are mine
I love you alone!

I found you in the spring
My heart felt good.
You beckoned for yourself
Now I'm completely yours!

I only dream of you
You have become the closest and dearest.
After all, I loved you from the heart,
You descended into this world from the clouds!

Forever captivated by your beauty
And I really like your soft character.
I will love you to the end
You won't regret choosing me!

I can talk about you for hours
What a blessing to be able to love you!
You inspire, give joy and peace,
I always want to breathe next to you!

I want to protect you from all the fuss,
And I know for sure that I only need you.
And I will make your life sweet
So that you know how much I love you!

I'll drown in your eyes, can I?
It's impossible for me without you
It's hard for me to breathe without you
I just want to conquer you!

I want to talk to you about love
And only you I write poems,
I want to hug and kiss you
And never lose you.

And once again I will say in my ear,
That I love you more than life
You are my life, my princess
I will do everything for you!

You are like heaven to me,
Where marvelous flowers grow.
I can't look away
From incomparable beauty.

I want to take care and love
my beautiful always
And I will worship
You, heavenly star.

You are the best, you know it
You always surprise me
And you amaze with beauty
I'm basically blinded by you.

You are the girl of my desires
You just cover me
The whole world is ready for your feet
And I will never give.

I will love you alone
And I'll wash the dishes at home
I will give you warmth
And give compliments!

I love you with unearthly love
You stole my peace forever!
And I can't help myself
I need you like the sun and the surf.

With you I become the best, I become strong,
And I'm not afraid of these changes.
I want to do everything for you
So that you are happy!

Every meeting with you
Fills me with happiness
I have known love itself
In your tender arms.

I'm ready to share with you
Every minute of life
Give all your tenderness
Without a trace, disinterestedly.

I love to hold
Your trembling hands
Kiss on the lips for a long time
To a bitter moment of separation

Pull it off as long as possible
Soak your lips warmly.
I love you more and more
I can't find a better one.

I don't even want to imagine
How would my life be now?
If it were not given to know
The taste of love that turned your head.

I give my heart to you
As recognition and loyalty,
There are no words for how much I love you
Hug, touch you with tenderness.

For me, you are the best in the world,
For me, you are not more beautiful.
Infinitely glad that you are only my lady,
I am the happiest person!

I love you my dear
I will never hurt your feelings.
You gave me the keys to my heart
And made me rich!

My love is extraordinary
She gives me a lot of strength
I found her by accident
But her soul sings!

I feel comfortable and at ease with her.
And her dreams come true
Suddenly and every minute!
My love is of course you!

I need you like a bird in the sky
And just like a flower needs water.
I've never been so happy
I want it to be like this forever.

I love a gentle smile
Your loving eyes
I know it's not a mistake
I want to be with you forever.

You have a beautiful smile,
You have happy eyes.
I must be a goldfish
He asked me to give you.

You came from a beautiful fairy tale
And I only got one.
I know that there is no more beautiful you in the world.
I love you very much.

The most delicate color of your favorite eyes
Doesn't give me rest at night...
And in my head dozens of phrases:
How I want to be with you!

Two hearts beat in unison
I breathe in yours.
I'm glad it's not all a dream!
Thank you for every day!

Your gaze can drive you crazy
He is like a fiery flower.
Like a red rose bloom.
You are my passion. But not vice.

Your eyes are like the sea
Bottomless deep and good...
All the time spent with you
All the time is like a holiday for the soul.

I can't live the night without you
With you, only the light of day is dear to me.
You know the heart of my lock,
I was able to open it without a key.

Darling! I can not imagine,
How lonely I was before you...
Now my duty is to glorify you in verse!
Pour my love into a stream of poetry!

You are beautiful - like an early morning dawn,
You are so sweet and kind
I tell others about this all the time.
I'm just crazy about you!
You are like a ray of sunshine,
All my path that bound us with fate,
And you always understand me
I want to see you like this
Sweet, kind, very responsive.
You are absolutely good for everyone,
Regardless of the days and nights.
You help everyone, and also
My love, my sun.
How much I love you
I respect you, I'm serious.
And I will keep our love!

When I see you, my heart beats
The smile faded
Only my voice touches you
Gently embrace only the eyes.

I'm fascinated by you alone
I am taken prisoner by you alone
And as if all chained to you,
I am quiet, sad and humble.

Loving you is a blessing
My dream, my reward!
You are a ray of light in the dark
My compass is in the lunar void.

I love you, I live for you.
And I ask only one thing -
Give me affection and dreams
After all, we were created for love!

You are like an angel's feather:
Light, clean, elusive.
I'm definitely lucky
My other half!

You decorate my life
With one touch
How much I love you
I appreciate this moment!

It's not for you that I'm a star,
I'll get a scarlet flower!
I will find you among thousands
'Cause I'm lonely without you.

My dear, gentle sun,
With you, I'm not afraid of even the darkness!
Suddenly madness touches the mind,
You drive me crazy, honey!

I love you and understand again
That there is no other like this on earth!
With you I don't even need heaven
After all, you made my life colorful!

You are my life, my air and my light,
I love you so much, you know that?
There is simply no more beautiful you in the world,
Be warmed by love, like the sun!

May your soul always sing
After all, you and I are forever two halves!
You are my realest dream
And I'm ready to blow the dust off you!

A person does not need much from life: the main thing is to be loved and not forgotten to talk about it. If men are not so sensitive to such nuances, then women dream about it without exception. Are you firmly convinced that a man is not supposed to talk? But even the most brutal of men can master a couple of caressing phrases a day! It’s easy to make it pleasant for your beloved: affectionately wish her good morning, good night, and then even the hardest day will become a dream for her. We'll show you how to do it in a non-trivial way.

What could be more pleasant than to hear in the morning not only the nasty trill of a persistent alarm clock, but also the caressing voice of a loved one! Arranged, which grew into a romantic night? Wake up your sweetheart with gentle words!

Here are your options how to say hello to a girl

1. Good morning, beloved, beloved, precious, most tender. I want to tell you more, but I'm too afraid that you'll be late.
2. Here the brightest sun woke up, my ray, my light.
3. All the bunnies are already on the lawn, and my bunny is still basking in the crib.
4. My morning could not become good until I saw your wonderful eyes.
5. It's time to wake up, because only you can make this world more beautiful.
6. My baby, get up quickly from a warm bed and run into my no less warm embrace.
7. The night sky can show off the stars as much as you like, but the morning will always win, just by showing your sleepy eyes.
8. It is easy to dispel the darkness of the night, it is enough just to wake up my bright angel.
9. My lalyapusichka, wake up quickly and come to me, I don’t sleep a single minute alone.
10. May this day become as kind as your heart, as outstanding as your beauty, as sincere as my attitude towards you.
11. For me, the day does not begin until I see your happy smile.
12. I love you so much that I want to give you the whole world. Get out of bed and look out the window: busy streets, hurrying cars, bright rays - all this is just for you.
13. If I could carry you in my arms all the time, then you wouldn't have to get out of bed and go about your own business.
14. I asked the sunbeams to wake you up properly. Do you feel their gentle touch? That's how I would kiss you all.
15 . How happy I am that I have you, otherwise, why would I need to wake up.
16. My Sonya, get up soon, because today is your happiest day.

Affectionate Good Night Wishes

At the end of another weekday or weekend, you can affectionately wish the girl good night with these phrases:

1. Sleep sweetly, my hare, may you dream of warm climes, fabulous and only good stories.
2. Now it's time for you to finally rest. Sleep tight, snoring with pleasure.
3. The darkness of the night enveloped the sky like you your favorite blanket. You will definitely feel warm and well today, what more could I want?
4. Good night to you, my love. You will be lulled by the quiet rustle of night leaves, the whisper of the moon and my thoughts about you.
5. Do you know what I'll be doing while you sleep? I will try to get into your dreams, become a part of your dreams, your Universe.
6. Sleep, kitten, and I will protect your sleep, like a true treasure.
7. Your eyes are tired. Cover them with fluffy eyelashes, snuggle up on a soft pillow and let yourself be carried away into a wonderful world of dreams where everything is possible.
8. How I want to be the first to say “good morning” to you, wake you up with a gentle kiss, watch you wake up.
9. Curl up and imagine that I am hugging you, close your eyes and feel how I stroke your head, smile slyly and fall asleep, because now you know what I would like.
10. The birds are sleeping, the sun is sleeping, one of my princesses is not yet in bed. Go to sleep!
11. My night will fly by very quickly, because I always look forward to the morning, which will bring me your sparkling laughter and an unforgettable smile.
12. It's time for you to rest, gain strength, and tomorrow I will tell you how wonderful the night and the bright stars are.
13 . Fall asleep with a sweet smile on your lips, knowing that you are loved, desired, the only one for me, that you are the mistress of my heart.
14. The thought that we are looking at the same moon does not leave me. Sleep, remembering that even apart we are always so close.
15. The sooner you wake up, the sooner I will see you. Sleep, kitty, don't make me wait too long.

With such affectionate wishes, it is more pleasant to sleep, and it is easier to wake up, especially if they are said from the heart. Do you agree? Write what affectionate wishes you use, we are interested in any ideas!

And also read about: TOP 50 options for every taste!

WITH Good morning and have a nice day! And even though our city is not Paris, I am sure that you will conquer everyone today! 18

Today I wish you a smile, beauty to shine! May fate help you realize all your plans! 28

May the day be cool, may it bring a lot of success and new ideas, may everything succeed and a wonderful life will definitely begin today! 23

May this day be good! May it bring happiness, I wish you not to be bored, but to be cheerful, live and dance! 23

Smile! Happiness is near! To reach him! You just have to smile, and everything will come by itself! 31

Let there be only wonderful moments today, compliments sound non-stop, and every new turn in life leads you to good luck! 14

May this day bring good luck, because you, my love, mean a lot to me! 17

May today bring good luck, fill your life with happiness! 9

Dear, let today be joyful and cool, beautiful and in this life not at all in vain, but good, kind, bright, very cool and noticeable! 20

Let the sun smile at you! I wish that everything today is desirable and possible! If only everything worked out that day, and of course it came true right away! 10

May work be a joy, a good day be sweet. Let them let you go home early, because your hero is waiting for you! 14

Have a nice day, hope everything goes well! Let the impossible become possible! I put a talisman for your luck in these lines! 14

Hello! Have a good day! I wish you a mood with honey, or maybe with jam, in a word, I wish you this day with a wonderful mood! 16

May you be lucky in everything! You will meet good luck today, I say, no doubt!) 9

I wish you the most wonderful and beautiful day, and of course, hello from me! 13

Have a good day! good times! Great achievements, and my compliments! 12

May the day undoubtedly bring good luck, and all around - a smile and happiness in addition! 15

May the weather be clear, the mood be beautiful, the sun share warmth, the world respond with goodness, all problems disappear,
pleasure - increases, and slowly, without worries, a new day leads to happiness! 9

So that you don’t get bored all day without me, let me kiss you even in a letter! 17

May your day be fantastic! And simple, and harmonious, concise and uncomplicated! 10

You smile at the sun, my love, and let this day be good! Let it please you with unique warmth and give a lot of bright, bright feelings! 12

May this day be the kindest, most cheerful and successful in the series of your happy days! 10

May this day be beautiful and all dreams come true. May the sun shine on you everywhere and flowers smile! 13
