Kindness is a quality that instills faith in people and a better future! Good begets good Demonstration of kindness in everyday life.

Participated in many seminars on dietetics, healing. He studied the methods of alternative medicine at the "Help Yourself" foundation, took training courses at the International Association of Alternative Medicine and Postgraduate Education.

He is confident that his knowledge and experience will be useful to those who do not want to give up before the danger of illness. Modern man himself or with the help of doctors is able to overcome all painful phenomena in his body!

The main and first step to healing the body from various ailments is to cleanse the body. There are many methods for cleansing the body, and each of the people must choose their own method. To wake healing powers faith in God, your knowledge and will will help you. Then you will stay healthy for many years!

The reviewers of the publication of the book "Be Healthy" were: Doctor of Medical Sciences Golubovskaya O.A., Surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences Eliseev O.I., Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Cardiology of the National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, Lyzogub V.G., Professor Troyan T.F. Classical medicine sided with Man, and his healing with the help of his own healing powers!

Recently, F. Pshenichny continues to participate in veteran international swimming competitions, improves in martial arts. In addition, he develops diets for athletes and just people who value their health.

He is the vice-president of the National SAMBO Federation of Ukraine, the founder and honorary president of the International Arashi-Do Federation, the champion and winner of the competitions of the international movement of swimming veterans under the International Swimming Federation "FINA" and the Ukrainian association of swimming clubs "Masters".

Left: Avor with multiple world boxing champion V.V. Klitschko.

Photos provided by F. Pshenichny.

For the Lotos Publishing House, the theme of the all-round development of a person is the main one. Therefore, we can offer you more books with similar topics: "Eternal", "The Way of the Dancing Soul".

And yet, you ask: "Why is it free?". Because true love is not a blind and even more so not a manic passion. Not evaluative love, which determines the presence of certain external signs of beauty or intelligence, and then gives out pleasures according to the price list. This love is the acceptance of another as he is, with all its advantages and disadvantages. Real love allows you to see your loved one the way he wants to be and helps to do everything to make him become that way!

Actually, this question becomes urgent for a person who finds himself in a difficult situation. Where his usual ideas about life values ​​collapse ... You can very easily test yourself. What is your purpose and meaning of life “from the heart”? Or are they for self-justification, and their own reassurance? What feeling do you wake up with? Do you feel the joy of a new day? The arrival of new opportunities for self-realization in life?

To make it easy and understandable for you, we will not use abstract reasoning. And instead of considering the meaning of being as a whole, let's turn to the simple, modern man. This question becomes the main one for a person who finds himself in a difficult situation. Where his usual ideas about life values ​​collapse.

But let's start from the beginning - from childhood. Are you interested in understanding how the purpose and meaning of human life are formed? At first, the child naturally takes everything from the parents and the meaning of life too. He, of course, does not know this word, he feels everything. No matter how perfect the parents are, for the child their meaning of life is the “start”. Life changes, and the abilities of the little person differ from the abilities of the parents. Therefore, at first the question of the meaning of life is not raised, it is simple and understandable as breathing. Especially if a person has Creative skills. He creates and does not understand the purposes and meanings of life, they are intuitively clear and understandable to him.

There are more categories successful people or people who think that they know everything about life and waste time on “nonsense” is pointless. But if the meaning of life received from parents is called into question. Or this meaning is impossible to realize. Then ask yourself the question: “Why live?” - and perhaps from idle reflection it will become vital! This issue is not primarily about human survival. Its main motive is self-realization, an inner feeling of joy, necessity and importance.

You can easily test yourself. What is your purpose and meaning of life “from the heart”? Or are they for self-justification, and their own reassurance? What feeling do you wake up with? Do you feel the joy of a new day? The arrival of new opportunities for self-realization in life?

It's just that many "smart" people consider this issue purely speculatively, without taking into account the huge reserves of their subconscious. You can rely on your developed intuition, ignoring simple logic. And you need to harmonize your mind and intuition so that they complement each other.

As an example, I highly recommend the amazingly deep exposition of a life crisis and the search for the meaning of life in the book by V. Chepovoy "Crossroads". A successful entrepreneur falls seriously ill and realizes how illusory his life plans were. Death is near, and a person begins to understand again how and why to live! After reading this book, you will be able to better understand your life. What is the main thing in it, and what is a mirage in which you used to believe!

You may be interested in similar articles and books. Where simply and with examples, the authors show how to recover, find yourself in life: "Eternal", "The Way of the Dancing Soul", "Sensei",.

We all want happiness. But here's the problem, we imagine it differently. And our happiness is often seen differently by our parents and relatives. Therefore, there are many conflicts on this issue. It is important to clarify this situation, how to be happy, not breaking, but restoring peace with your family and friends. Usually two options are known: we take care of our loved ones and forget about our happiness, or vice versa, we think only about our happiness and relations with our loved ones cool down. Simply and with examples beats this situationI. Tonevitsky in the book "The Way of the Dancing Soul".

After many years of illness, one of the relatives in the family decides to recover forever. And now there are a lot of self-healing systems. When all you need is patience and willpower in carrying out cleansing procedures, fasting, etc. It would seem that relatives should only be happy. But everything changes in a person: the daily routine, attitude towards people and life in general. And more than a person's worldview than his health practices, strain his loved ones.

Add to this the dependence of the patient on the family and the feeling of self-importance by relatives. Relatives who understand that they could not get out of such a situation - willpower would not be enough. They feel their inferiority, which does not allow them to rejoice at the success of the former patient. Relatives, who understand that they could do the same, sincerely rejoice at the recovery of a relative. A similar situation of relations with loved ones develops in other spheres of life.

And so, we saw why relatives react to a person who wants to change his life: to recover, become happy, etc. It is equally important to understand how we respond in such situations.

Example from the book:

The author had his own affairs planned for the weekend. The wife's parents call and ask him to come help at the dacha. Here is the point of choice. Igor was not at a loss, although he wanted to explain "who is the boss in the house." He told his family that he appreciated and respected them. Wants to help them and can come, for example, next week. Just confidence in your decision and respect for the requests of relatives! The author would have looked for good reason to refuse, was nervous and worried that he was letting people down! This time he was calm and the relatives were not offended by the refusal. At the same time, Igor helped his wife with cleaning the apartment, because. was able to do his job.

Summarize. If you understand what you need for happiness, then you don’t need to sacrifice it, justifying yourself with household and other concerns. The secret is the flexibility of planning your day! You also need to take care of your loved ones, without sacrificing your happiness. Then instead of tension and conflicts - in the past, you will enhance your happiness and share it by helping your loved ones and other people! You can be an example to others in a harmonious combination of the interests of your own and other people! And then gradually, your personal happiness will be inseparable from the happiness of the people around you.

If you liked excerpts from the book by I. Tonevitsky "The Way of the Dancing Soul", you can also read similar articles.

Later, continuation of this article...

Yusef was not like his peers and even brothers. He was very silent and did not take part in noisy children's amusements. From childhood, people noticed piety in him. He remembered his father poorly, but he loved his mother very much. Father's fate was tragic. One day he was called to an army camp at a church. And after that no one saw him. A couple of years later, Yusef's mother remarried. The stepfather became the first mentor for the boy.

Let's start with the biography of the saint. He was born in 1828 in Lebanon. Yusef's mother, Brigitte, was a deeply religious woman. The mother had two brothers, Christian hermits. The brothers visited their sister and probably influenced their impressionable nephew with their stories.

It is known that Brigitte was strict and could not be distracted when she prayed to God. People remember that the entire Maklouf family was very pious. The Holy Virgin Mary was especially revered. They observed fasts and went to the local church. The family lived like all local peasants. But still she stood out for her diligence, asceticism and religiosity.

Yusef was not like his peers and even brothers. He was very silent and did not take part in noisy children's amusements. From childhood, people noticed piety in him. He remembered his father poorly, but he loved his mother very much. Father's fate was tragic. One day he was called to an army camp at a church. And after that no one saw him. A couple of years later, Yusef's mother remarried. The stepfather became the first mentor for the boy.

As a boy, he found a secluded grotto in the mountains and often prayed to God there. For which the surrounding children called him "Saint". At the age of 23 he came to the monastery of St. Maron. Withstood the difficult work of monasticism. After 6 years, he was ordained to the priesthood. And then 23 years was a hermit. He died on November 24, 1898.

It was a harsh winter and Sharbel's body, wrapped in a rough cloth, was laid in a cave, blocking the entrance. And so, with a multitude of witnesses, they open the cave. And it turns out that the body of the saint lies in a coffin. It seems that he is sleeping. All clothes are saturated with fragrant pink ichor oozing from the body. Since then, it is believed that everything the saint touches is sacred. Moreover, there are many similar descriptions in books about him. Many people are healed just by looking at his photo or holding the photo next to them! In the photo on the left is the imperishable body of St. Charbel. In this form, the body of the saint has been for 120 years. If you want to know more about the phenomenon of St. Charbel, then A. Bayukansky wrote two more books:

Out of print A new book about health! Review to candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Eliseev Oleg Ivanovich

F.F. Wheat is a unique person. Most people stop when they feel the results of their achievements. And what is important, Fedor Fedorovich himself went through troubles, which was considered an incurable disease. And now, knowing from my own experience what kind of trials and suffering it is in a serious illness, it helps other people to recover. It's not even about recovery. It is more important that a person understands the causes of his disease. The author of the book "Be healthy", when compiling the book, relied on folk ways treatment. And last but not least, considers the causes and prevention of diseases.

The understanding of health, like evolution, does not stand still. Therefore, the example of F. Pshenichny, who did not dwell on his merits and experience, is very important and interesting. A wide range of knowledge and experience of the author allow him to approach not only individually to each person, but also multidimensionally.

My work is treatment and I know how complicated medicine has become. If the patient does not want to get well, it is impossible to help him! And for the patient to understand, he needs to simple words and the language of the soul to explain what is happening to him. It pleases when a person understands that part of the responsibility for his illness lies with him. Then begins the process of knowing yourself, admitting your mistakes. I wish the readers of this book good luck on the path of self-knowledge. Whatever the richest experience and knowledge you have, let them not be an obstacle in new ways and opportunities for knowing yourself, life and improving its quality!

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Eliseev Oleg Ivanovich.

Review of the head of the department. infectious diseases NMU named after A.A. Bogomolets,
Doctor of Medical Sciences O.A. Golubovskaya

How can one explain the increased interest in alternative medicine today? A crisis in public health care? Partly yes. But knowledge about the nature of diseases, the interaction of various factors that cause this or that pathology is very imperfect and is based on our rather primitive idea. This is due, on the one hand, to the imperfection of knowledge about the nature of man, his potential, on the other hand, the imperfection of any field of knowledge, including medical ones.

For example, about 5 thousand viruses are known to modern virology, and only 70% have been studied! The remaining 30% is studied by science, but their role in the nature of the occurrence of diseases in humans and animals is unknown.

In addition, it is believed that to date, only about 15% of the living microorganisms on Earth have been characterized. We learn about new discoveries every day. And interestingly, many of them confirm the experience traditional healers. Those. alternative medicine is truly an inexhaustible storehouse of new ideas for both scientists and sufferers.

Now in the book market great amount sources of medical advice. Compassion for people "drowning" in this abundance was the reason for the creation of this book. F. F. Pshenichny made an easy-to-use selection of recipes and gave information about original health concepts. The systems of foreign and domestic sources, Tibetan and Oriental medicine, made it possible to write simply and clearly about cleansing the body.

The author of the book "Be Healthy" pays special attention to the individual selection of recommended remedies. He managed to show the integrity and relationship between spiritual and physical food. The book tells about the inextricable connection between the spiritual and the physical in a person, in his earthly life and the main postulate of medicine, so relevant in our time, “Noli nocere” (Do no harm) runs like a red thread.

I want to add, be careful with any recommendations for improving your body. Remember about attention and prudent consistency in carrying out any wellness procedures.

Head of department infectious diseases NMUnamed after A.A. Bogomolets, doctor of medical sciences O.A. Golubovskaya.

In addition to eating delicious food and looking beautiful for the holiday, we want something special! Some highlight. Now is the time of mass production and mass consumption. It's getting harder and harder to find something out of the ordinary. There is less and less variety around, so interesting creative ideas and solutions are becoming more valuable. We would like to offer you one of such solutions. Glowing balls are beautiful on their own, but more importantly, you can make them yourself at minimal cost.

The balls themselves are a wonderful holiday decoration. They are of various colors and shapes and sizes. Now you will have a real opportunity to surprise all your guests and friends!

You will need:

  1. Balloons
  2. 5-10 pcs. LEDs
  3. 5-10 pcs. batteries
  4. Scotch

For Assembly glowing element place the "legs" of the LED on either side of the battery. It should light up right away. If this does not happen, then turn the battery over (reverse polarity). Secure the LED to the battery with adhesive tape. Do the same for all remaining LEDs. You should get 5-10 pieces. glowing LEDs

Take a balloon and put one glowing LED into it

It remains only to inflate the balloons with air and you're done!

If you want your Balloons soared in the air, then fill them with helium

Depending on the type of LED and battery, the balls will delight you with their glow for 24-48 hours. Enough for any holiday

(Vitrage- French glazing) - decorative glass products that combine the functions that bright saturated pictures perform in rooms with the transparency of window and other openings, thanks to which the rooms are filled with light.

Eat technology fusing baking in the oven, again, it will be expensive for yourself if. There is also a film stained-glass window, this is already simpler, the film is glued on the glass according to, again, the sketch, then the outline is glued in the form of a lead tape. Visually almost indistinguishable from the classic. Also in Rus', we enjoyed success at the beginning of the development of this art, a painted stained-glass window. That is, everything was painted with paints on glass. Each type of stained-glass window has its pros and cons. For example, Classic, due to its decent weight, is not recommended to be used on the ceiling as a backlight, it can bend over time and become unusable. Well, however, let's finish this topic and move on to what we actually strived for. We will go the other way, which does not require special capital investments, but we will get a stained-glass window that will delight us and our loved ones with its beauty.

And so what we will need for making stained glass
1) This is, of course, the desire to do this business, without the desire to go anywhere.
2) At least the slightest skills in drawing, however, if there is no such gift, it’s not scary. You can print a finished sketch of the stained glass window you like.
4) Glass, which can be taken for free, now many people change double-glazed windows for plastic windows, and the old glass is simply exposed to the street.
5) Nitro putty
6) Glue BF-2, this is the main component that will delight our eyes.

7) Aniline dyes

The entire stained glass manufacturing process can be divided into two main operations: drawing a contour on glass or a mirror, let's call it BRAWLING, and painting the contoured areas FILLING.

Prepare the horizontal plane

You can make a simple table with adjustable legs. We will drill 6 holes in the tabletop of an ordinary table (four in the corners, two in the middle and one more in the center of the tabletop, insert the studs into these holes. All this is necessary for ease of installation in a horizontal position according to the level ... However, it is possible without it. For example, I manage without it. But we will follow the technology and there everyone will decide for himself to retreat from it or not to retreat.

Now let's get to the STRETCH

Before starting, we put everything on the level, put our sketch on it glass. Degreasing glass with conventional detergents and wipe it dry.) We will make a funtik from a bottle of stationery glue (you can use another flexible bottle).

In order to we did not stain the glass with our hand and so that the hand slides better on glass put on a glove.

Drawing curved lines will not cause difficulties, but with straight lines you will have to practice. But we are diligent, so we can do it!Now about the pastes for broach ..... Two types of pastes are recommended: NTs-008 nitro putty and paste made on the basis of BMK-5. I will say right away that I could not find either one or the other. Paste based on NTs-008 is opaque. Paste based on BMK-5 is transparent and can be dyed in any color. BMK-5 can mainly be used for additional decor when making panels. The quality of the paste is determined by its viscosity and density. It should not spontaneously flow out of the pounder and lie on the glass almost in the form of the letter *P* or a parallelepiped. This refers to the section of the applied paste, its cross section. The thickness of the lines is approximately 1-1.5 mm. However, for an amateur. Putty NTs-008 is usually ready for use, but if it is too thick, then dilute it with a solvent of 649,648,647 acetone. In general, which is more accessible. On the basis of BMK-5, the paste is prepared a little differently. In a liter jar, pour half the BMK-5 powder into one of the solvents to a level slightly above the powder. We close hermetically and after 24 hours, if shaken periodically, then earlier, the paste is ready with BMK paste, the contour comes out as in the photo on the right.

We fill the contoured areas with the help of the same pounder, just insert the tip from the ballpoint pen paste with the ball previously removed into its nose. It is removed easily with a needle. The amount of the composition to be poured is determined empirically. Too much pouring should not be better shaded with the spout of the fungus on uncoated areas of the glass. Insufficient quantity deteriorates the structure of the coating. If necessary, make smooth transitions one color into another, we pour the composition of one color next to the other and the border is shaded with the help of an ordinary student's pen or a sharpened stick, but not with a brush .. This must be done quickly before the composition has time to grab. otherwise, the structure of the coating will be violated.

Now it's time to start making a mixture for pouring. We take BF-2 glue and stir it one by one in a sealed bottle with solvent649. Shake thoroughly and let stand. So that the bubbles come out ... The composition is ready. Let's check it on a piece of glass by pouring a little ... In a few minutes it will begin to crystallize. If the structure of the crystals is large, add a small amount of solvent, if it is small, then glue. The ratio of glue and solvent can be changed to achieve the desired structure. To give the composition of one color or another, add alcohol-fat-soluble dyes. Aniline dyes. As a rule, powder dye is enough literally on the tip of a knife. The composition described is glossy. To get a matte finish, you can add a little varnish NTs-222 or NTs228. When pouring a stained-glass window, the panel should be in a horizontal position for at least 5-6 hours, then it can be removed from the table and placed vertically. Full drying 48 hours.

The cost of a stained-glass window made in this way is not difficult to calculate. Glass can be found for free. glue penny solvent is also not expensive. And the pleasure from the result knows no bounds. This panel took about 150 grams of this composition. Size is about 50/90 cm inside the lamp backlight 2 pieces of luminescent. It turned out to be an excellent lamp in the hallway that has been hanging for 5 years now - it pleases the eye.

Kindness is a defensive reaction of humor to the tragic senselessness of fate.
S. Maugham

Kindness is the only garment that never wears out.
N. Chamfort

Kindness is what the deaf can hear and the blind can see...
Mark Twain

Kindness is a language that the dumb can speak and the deaf can hear.
C. Bowie

Kindness, devotion, sincerity - these are the virtues of a friend.

Only good deeds are prudent, only the one who is kind is reasonable, and exactly insofar as he is kind.
Nikolay Chernyshevsky

Material mercy is good only when it is a sacrifice. Only then does the recipient of a material gift also receive a spiritual gift.
L. Tolstoy

The movement towards the good of mankind is made not by tormentors, but by martyrs.
L. Tolstoy

Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand good, our life is nothing but striving for good.
L. Tolstoy

The good that you do from the heart, you always do to yourself.
L. Tolstoy

How many people think that they have, while these are just weak nerves.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

If you make decisions according to your heart, it will end in heart disease.
Harvey McKay

A fool cannot be kind; He doesn't have enough brains for that.
François La Rochefoucauld

We are kind to others in order to please ourselves more.
George Sand

The good ones cannot create: they are always the beginning of the end.

A man of infinite goodness can hope to be crucified in the end.
Phil Bosmans

It is not enough to be kind, you must also be tactful.
A. Amiel

The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil side by side in it.
O. Balzac

Kindness is not the opposite of firmness, even harshness, when life calls for it. Love itself sometimes obliges you to be firm and tough, not to be afraid of the suffering that the struggle for what you love brings with it.
I. Berdyaev

I know of no other sign of superiority other than kindness.
L. Beethoven

In the relationship of developing a sense of goodness, it is most difficult to create any rules.
V. Bekhterev

Giving a kind word to a person in trouble is often as important as switching the switch on a railroad track in time: only one inch separates disaster from smooth and safe movement through life.
G. Beecher

When the concepts of goodness, truth and beauty became available to me, I recognized that they are worthy to dominate the feelings and will of man.
M. Braddon

Good and evil are two rivers that have mixed their waters so well that it is impossible to separate them.
P. Buast

Of all the virtues and virtues of the soul, the greatest virtue is kindness.
F. Bacon

A good deed never goes to waste. He who sows courtesy reaps friendship; he who plants kindness reaps the harvest of love; grace poured out on a grateful soul has never been fruitless, and gratitude usually brings reward.
Basil the Great

To love good, one must hate evil with all one's heart.
W. Wolf

Doing good is easier than being kind.
J. Wolfrom

Kindness is better than beauty.
G. Heine

Many bad ones and few good ones.

Good and evil are names denoting our inclinations or dislikes.
T. Hobbes

Kindness is a quality, the excess of which does not harm.
D. Galsworthy

We are good-natured, as we say about ourselves. But when you take a closer look at Russian good nature, you see it very similar to Asian indifference.
M. Gorky

Kindness is so often clumsy
Foggy, sluggish, half,
What is getting worse everywhere
And people blame evil innocently.
I. Huberman

Good is dull and boring,
And a lean look, and walks sideways,
And evil is plentiful and bizarre,
With taste, smell and juice.
I. Huberman

Good is available to everyone and everything from the hand,
Nothing is alien or strange to goodness,
The neighborhood of goodness is so great
That evil resides in them unchecked.
I. Huberman

In the inner world of man, kindness is the sun.
V. Hugo

It is not possible to do good to everyone, but in relation to everyone it is possible to show goodwill.
J. Guyot

Good morals are the reward of an honest man.
G. Derzhavin

A good adviser can bring a person back to life, he instills courage in the weak-hearted and awakens in the human mind the ability to act in the right way.
D. Defoe

You can't judge anyone
Until the soul is turned to good.
A. Jami

If everything that is said about good and evil is true, then my whole life is one continuous crime.
D. Gibran

Truly good is he who is one with all who are thought to be evil.
D. Gibran

Good people are like the stars, the luminaries of the age in which they live, illuminating their times.
B. Johnson

Good advice never comes too late.
B. Johnson

Who wants to be useful, he literally hands tied can do a lot of good.
F. Dostoevsky

When the good done to us does not touch our heart, it touches and irritates our vanity.
D. Girardin

We must value even the mere appearance of goodness in other people, because from this game of pretense by which they earn respect for themselves - perhaps undeserved - something perhaps more serious may eventually arise.
I. Kant

Only a joyful heart can find pleasure in goodness.
I. Kant

A little hate purifies kindness.
J. Renard

Good and evil are in the world in the same amount. From this follows the necessary balance of good and evil in nature, the balance that determines its harmony.
J. Robinet

Kindness is not a science, it is an action.
R. Rollan

The most beautiful music of the soul is kindness.
R. Rollan

There is no bad without good.

One good deed is worth more than a hundred good sermons.

It is bad for those who do no good to anyone.

Good is beauty in action.
J. J. Rousseau

The kindness expressed to us by any person binds us to him.
J. J. Rousseau

Only the good done by man remains, and thanks to it, life is worth something.
J. J. Rousseau

Finding kindness and kindness
You will change your husband.
G. Sacks

A good example in a circle returns to the one who gave it, as bad examples fall on the head of the instigators of evil.
Seneca the Younger

The one who does good to another does the most good to himself - not in the sense that he will be rewarded for this, but in the sense that the consciousness of the good done already gives great joy.
Seneca the Younger

He who is truly kind must also be able to be truly evil when he encounters evil, otherwise his kindness is called good-heartedness and is worth little in terms of its social value.
K. Simonov

Good people should be trusted by word and reason, not by oath. Socrates
We loved people not so much for the good they did us, but for the good we did them.
L. Stern

Kindness and modesty are two qualities that should never tire a person.
R. Stevenson

A good deed is always done with effort, but when the effort is repeated several times, the same deed becomes a habit.
L. Tolstoy

Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every business.
L. Tolstoy

Only those who do good live.
L. Tolstoy

What a necessary spice to everything - kindness. Most best qualities without kindness they are worth nothing, and the worst vices are easily forgiven.
L. Tolstoy

Our good qualities harm us more in life than bad ones.
L. Tolstoy

There is nothing worse than feigned kindness. Pretense of kindness repels more than outright malice.
L. Tolstoy

Good by decree is not good.
I. Turgenev

When Good is powerless, it is Evil.
O. Wilde

When we are happy, we are always kind; but when we are kind, we are not always happy.
O. Wilde

If a person does not develop an interest in the good, then he will not travel long on the good road.
K. Ushinsky

Kindness can often cause harm, so when you want to do good, think carefully.
Hong Zicheng

Kindness is born out of love, anger is born out of hatred.

Between good people - everything is good.

Good is he who does good for others; angry - who does evil to others. Now let's combine these simple truths and in the conclusion we get: “A person is kind when, in order to please himself, he must do something pleasant to others; he is evil when he is forced to derive pleasure from causing trouble to others.
N. Chernyshevsky

Kindness is like a superlative degree of good, it is like a very useful good.
N. Chernyshevsky

Whom everyone is pleased with does not do anything good, because good is impossible without offending evil.
N. Chernyshevsky

A kind person is ashamed even in front of a dog.
A. Chekhov

If I manage to do a good deed and it becomes known, I feel not rewarded, but punished.
N. Chamfort

He who intends to do good should not expect people to remove all stones from his path; he is obliged to calmly accept his lot even if new ones are heaped upon him. These difficulties can be overcome only by such a force, which, when confronted with them, is spiritually enlightened and strengthened. Anger is a waste of energy.
A. Schweitzer

A good desire excuses a bad execution.
W. Shakespeare

Kindness in a woman, not seductive looks will win my love.
W. Shakespeare

Only he can passionately love goodness who is able with all his heart to hate evil uncompromisingly.
F. Schiller

Good nature is the most common virtue, but kindness is the rarest virtue.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

How much wisdom is needed to never lose kindness!
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Kindness must not be devoid of a certain firmness, otherwise it is not kindness. When love is preached, in which there is too much whimpering and tearfulness, hatred must be taught in opposition.
R. Emerson

The reward for a good deed is in its very accomplishment.
R. Emerson

How much kindness is in a person, so much life is in him.
R. Emerson

He who does good to a friend does good to himself.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Kindness is the agreement of will with conscience.

A good done by an enemy is as difficult to forget as it is hard to remember a good done by a friend. For good we pay good only to the enemy; for evil we avenge both the enemy and the friend.
V. Klyuchevsky

A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil.
V. Klyuchevsky

Since the world opened by God was good. The current one - no, he will have to die, and the reason for the badness of this world is the fall of people. The world is not evil in itself, it has become so because of our malice. Therefore, the more truly good people there are in this world, the better the world will be. He, of course, is still doomed, but it depends on us how quickly the imperfect world will turn into a perfect hell. At the very least, Christians are called upon to be a brake on the processes of degradation of the world, because the matter of faith is to realize the desired and expected Kingdom of Christ (paradise) on earth by personal efforts. To be carried out as an act of personal will, faith and personal deed, because "faith without works is dead"...

Xirrigated -Tolike a good apple

Everyone, in the circumstances offered by life, does what he can. And if it doesn't, then either cannot, does not know how, or does not want, orwhat is required is generally foundbeyond his comprehension. Therefore, it is absurd to demand from another: be the way I think is right. 1) If we ourselves are really correct (righteous), then we must share righteousness with others, nottheirclaims. To love is to say to another: be happy, and not to demand: make me happy! And often it happens like this: there is not enough intelligence to understand one's neighbor, but there is always enough self-conceit to condemn the misunderstood. And, of course, if I don’t understand someone, then he is guilty of this, not me ...

A person (including myself) is too weak, because righteousness is always the Lord in us, and He is love. Give love to another and you will never go wrong, because giving love,myou increasemthe degree of integrity of another, oneself and the world as a whole. 2) The Lord lives in general (because "he who is guilty of one thing is guilty of everything" -fornot intact) and He himself cares for others when we serve him and our neighbor. Wholeness itself observes the righteousness of its parts. Parts should not follow other parts - it is enough to listen to the voice of the Whole - that is, the voice of the Shepherd of Christ, who commands to love your neighbor, and not to judge. To love - that is, to serve the good of another, to be ready to become a support for anyone in need in a difficult situation.

The need of others, heartfelt participation in it, gives grace and the most accurate answers to existential questions. Complicity(it is -happiness)generates a ray of truth that illuminates everything around- to the very depths. Sympathy for the other includes a dimension of truth in the soul, so that through sincere and active participation in the other one can know God, because He hastens to meet anyone who is concerned about others. This is what it means to be a good person.

Xgood is an equal (not flawed, not spoiled) personand therefore happy. Like a good apple. One should not consider a person a good person only because he smiles sweetly in this moment, because in a different situation, this same person can cause not only pain, but also harm, and unconsciously - not knowing what he is doing, if he has not become completely himself, if he has not grown up to his fullness in Christ, if he is accidental in the sense that he acts not consciously, but situationally ( "They don't know what they're doing"). You should also not consider a person a bad person just because he is not smiling at you now ...

Those who do evil often do not even understand that they are cruel. Does not see. People are especially cruel when they think that they are standing "for the truth", not realizing how much work is needed just to understand what is the truth, where the truth is, and so on. He grabs the first truth that comes to his mind and creates a lot of lies under its cover (because he is not intact). And integrity can only be gained by loving others, serving others, accepting others in God.

Happiness is something to share

So, good man- this is a person equal to himself (like a good apple), and therefore a happy person. A happiness is something that should be shared, otherwise you can become a bad person. In general, something good, something everyone needs, if it is available, appeals to its owner: share it with those who do not have it. And you must obey, without fail - to be happy.

Possible questions:

1) What do you mean? Happiness is a very personal moment, and not everyone is able to share it, because it is so different...

Divide - a claim, a requirement for another, and when you share- give, don't demand(starting from the needs of another). Whatever happiness is, it must be shared. If you are rich, find those whom you can help, who need help: rich in money - help with money, rich in spirit - warm others with your soul, spiritually - sow the seeds of the spirit (here it should be recalled that the spiritually rich is the poor in spirit, because he is rich not in himself, but in Christ).

Let's take a concrete example as follows. You good family, happiness in the house, and there is a lonely girlfriend. Don't forget about it during the holidays. It is not necessary to call her to you (lonely people sometimes do not like this, they become even more lonely - in comparison), but find warmth, time, words, a gift. Every specific case requires a specific, non-schematic solution. The only thing that can be said at all is that there are no schemes, only live participation, live attention, live interaction.

2) What does “a person equal to himself” mean: one who realizes his abilities and desires to the maximum or, on the contrary, restrains them within some limits?

A simple example: will a car filled with expensive wine run? No. And filled with cheap gasoline - it will go. Because filled with gasoline, he is equal to himself, while filled with good 1 gasoline, he can use all his “talents” as productively as possible.

3) Not everyone is ready to accept you, your happiness that you share. People often refuse what is given to them by life now, today. And so misunderstanding occurs, and instead of warm emotions of accepting someone else's happiness, other people feel anger, sadness and despondency...

Of course, it's not easy. The question can be reduced to understanding what to give, when, how and why. After all, we often want to "suck in" ourselves, or want to use another for selfish purposes (it's nice to give). That's the thing, you need hear the need of another, and already from this hearing to act, and hearing to the selfish ear and sight is in principle inaccessible. Pure attention to the other, not distorted by self-interest, only gives a chance to truly carry out the act of giving. That is, darena must be precededcardiacMeeting. But even here there are no guarantees that everything will be smooth. Anything happens. It is important to be pure in intentions, because everything worthy itself, as it were, sticks in layers only to purity...

One disinterestedness is not enough

However, disinterestedness alone is not enough, it has no positive content 2 . Selflessness (denial of self-interest) needs a positive addition in the form of the fulfillment of any of the life-affirming principles (creativity) 3 . It is imperative to create something (internal or external) - who is interested in what and within their strength.

natural dturnover- not good, kindness still needs to be converted into good. It's not so easy, and not everyone knows how... Sometimes kindness brings bad results (when incorrectly applied to the circumstances of life). Or it remains barren, which is also not good. Kindness- advance, welcome- salary for work.

The life process is an amazing converter, some even manage to turn their emptiness into goodness with its help. And the great ones, like alchemists, are able to turn evil towards good, embedding it into a network of good relations (for this, such a network must exist).

It is in this sense that our social principle should be built into good social relations, we must produce together not only some goods, but also good. After all, few people are capable of doing good deeds on their own. And experience shows that in our spontaneous social impulses we tend to commit self-destructive actions for the same reason: kindness is not kindness. Not skillfully (or, conversely, skillfully - in the case of political technologists), kindness can easily be converted into evil by misdirecting it.

A naturally good person can be drawn into evil deeds and made into an instrument of evil so that he does not even notice it. Or, rather, when he notices, the evil deed will have already been done.

The people are not a crowd of people

It is the same with the human community: in order to be a people, it is not enough just to exist, one must also take the trouble to realize oneself spiritually. At St. John Chrysostom has a good idea that the people are saints (from among the people), and not a crowd of people.

The crowd is a beast, we know it well, the crowd is inhuman and irresponsible.

If we imagine that a people is a kind of single organism in which individual people are its cells (ie, parts of a single whole), then general suspicion will seem strange when looking at another. Imagine what would happen to our body if our cells did not do their job, serving the good of the whole, but constantly suspected each other of some kind of dishonesty, disloyalty, or, conversely, loyalty to the wrong thing.

And what about our cells? Loving the whole in every single part of that whole(and with each individual cell, the whole will sort itself out 4). To love is to contribute to the good. This is how we should treat each other, and not look out for enemies. If we are not our own enemies...

And let's not talk about the head, which should think about the benefits of the whole and take care of the well-being of healthy, not cancerous cells. It is obvious.

And it is just as obvious how abnormal the world in which we live and which we have created. This is what the biblical words mean, that the world lies in evil. “We know that we are from God and that the whole world lies in evil” (1 John 5:19).

And what is the West to us, by and large? He is only true to himself, it is worthy of respect. Are we true to ourselves? Without the consent of the world to lawlessness, the West would not be able to do anything bad. As one American journalist says, America does it "because it can""Oneither- doing, not talking...».

Fear of offending others

Watching the excitement around the elections, seeing how people quarrel with old friends on the basis of the elections, watching the great joy or great grief in people, I always remember the famous aphorism of Kozma Prutkov:

If you read the inscription "buffalo" on the cage of an elephant, do not believe your eyes.

Topical words. They should be put on like glasses and look at everything through this aphorism. Of course, you won’t discover the truth that way, but maybe even passions will diminish from scratch. Still, all is not as it seems.

Rudeness has become the norm - that's our first trouble. I watched a bad scene in the store, after which I wanted to remind myself and others that there is no truth in the world that would allow humiliating another person. Be a thousand times right, but do not dare to offend a person (right or not - it does not matter). Fear of offending others- this is a good fear, it is akin to the fear of God. It is the fear of offending, and not getting offended. The most terrible thing is to offend the unrequited, the one who cannot stand up for himself - the poor, the weak, the small ... Or, say, the boss, who is also not in an equal position with you (many are behind him, and his burden is different). I'm not talking about servility, not about lust for power or a caste approach (God forbid to think so!). I speak only about respect for another person, without which there is neither the other nor me. We both disappear into the filth of pride when we forget about it. important rule- to honor the face of God in man, regardless of anything. And if so, then respect for a person extends to enemies. 5 Again, this is not about respect for a crime, crime, or some other vile thing, but about respect for a person. “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.”(Matthew 5:44).

To bless is to give a person a whole person (Christ). These are not emotions and gestures, but the structuring of tissues - strength and action.

Trust in God makes a person careless in relation to himself, because no one can love him as much as God. Therefore, a believer in God can afford the luxury of generosity. Likewise, self-satisfaction is easily supplanted by a childish love for God, which only teaches a person the right love, free from passions, that gives strength to love even enemies in Christ.

B be a light to everyone who is not light for you -
that is the answer. The only answer is 6 .

1 Good for him, but not in the sense that meets his “wants” (like “I want to be the queen of the sea”), but in the sense of the mechanism that is available (and therefore the idea about it).

2 This idea must be thought through to the end - perhaps the liberated opportunities give some positive content of their own, which is not taken into account here.

3 This is what is meant when they say "a good man- not a profession." True, the profession is related only to external doing, and it can also be internal.- "a career in the impossible", in the words of Goethe ("The meaning of the earthly path is a career in the impossible").According to Plato, "everything that causes the transition from non-existence to being is creativity."

4 “If you want to be kind, be strict with yourself and do not kill others with your strictness. Be strict with yourself, but God looks after others” (Monk Simeon of Athos).

5 ABOUThere is the well-known good attitude of the victorious Russians towards the defeated enemy.

This morning as usual for work. I got on the bus. Every day we have a lot of people in transport, and, as always, just to grab the handrail somewhere. Stop, let's go. The bus is packed... After a few stops, a seat in front of me was vacated. On the left is a woman, on the right is a boy. The woman offered to sit down - thanked, but refused. The guy is still worth it. I turn back, there the girl is also going standing, offered her, said "thank you" and took her place. Moreover, when I heard how she uttered this simple word measuredly and clearly, I realized that she was a little surprised by this simple sentence.

A little more time later, the guy who was standing to my right, apparently dropped something on the floor and just in the place where that girl was sitting. She picked up and gave the guy a lighter. He answered her: "Thank you!".

In general, it also turned out to be interesting. I got on the tram, I went up to the conductor girl for a ticket. A little later, a girl approaches the conductor with a smile, again says this simple word "thank you" for something, and begins to actively show her some application on the phone. Then he gets off at the stop. Well, while we were driving further, at the next stop, the woman, leaving the car, just silently smiled at the conductor. From such events somehow immediately inside it became warmer and lighter ...

And I want to tell all of us: let's smile very often and not only because we ourselves are warm and light inside, but also sincerely rejoice that this light is manifested in those around us as a result of common good intentions and deeds ... As Igor Mikhailovich Danilov said in the program "Behold is coming: "People, let's love each other! Let's be people worthy of being people!"

P.S. In the development of the theme of the road I will add a short story from my life. Once upon a time, a friend went to Italy to relax, and he didn’t sit in a hotel in one place, but rented a car and traveled all over the country and even captured several more countries. So upon arrival, he told me that he was pleasantly surprised. In Italy itself, drivers, when they let each other through, thank the one who missed with a welcoming gesture of the hand, in the common people with “five”. I myself saw my friend at home already driving after the trip, as he also thanked the one who missed. After that, he himself also made it a rule that when I am on the road, like a pedestrian, they let me through, no matter where (at a pedestrian crossing or somewhere else), I thank the drivers with the same gesture. After all, no one owes us anything.

Sometimes people's own failures and blessings, which seem to receive them undeservedly, induce some to think that success is due to the level of arrogance and cunning of a person, that morality is a relic of the past that hinders prosperity in worldly life. And while many may agree with this, they only see one side of the coin. Actually true good people richly rewarded by Allah both in this world and in the next world. In the Quran He says:

(surah al-Zumar, "Crowds", verse 10)

But it is important to know the meaning of the word "good". Because every society, culture has its own idea of ​​good and evil. As in a parable. An Indian is asked what is good and evil. And he replies: “If I take his boat from a neighbor, then this is good. But if he takes mine, then it's evil." However, there are general notions, such as being polite, helping those in need, being patient and caring, that are regarded as good almost everywhere. Allah Almighty gives us a more precise definition in the Quran:

“Piety does not consist in turning your faces to the east and west. But pious is the one who believed in Allah, in the Last Day, in angels, in Scripture, in the prophets, who distributed property, despite his love for him, relatives, orphans, the poor, travelers and those who ask, spent it on the release of slaves, performed prayer, paid zakat, observed agreements after their conclusion, showed patience in need, during illness and during battle. These are the ones that are true. Such are the God-fearing"(Sura Al Bakara, The Cow, verse 177)

According to this verse, the fear of the Almighty is considered good, the remembrance of Him, the Day of Judgment, as well as good treatment of others, are considered good deeds. Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with them both) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Fear Allah wherever you are, follow a bad deed with a good deed that will erase the bad, and adhere to good manners in dealing with people”(Tirmidhi) The Almighty states in the Qur'an that He loves those who do good according to their religion, those who fear Allah and that they will be rewarded with reciprocal (but greater) good:

“Allah has given them a reward in this world and an excellent reward in Last life. For Allah loves those who do good.”(Sura Al Imran, The Family of Imran, verse 148) Another verse says:

“Those who have done good in this world will be rewarded with good. And the Last Abode will be even better. How beautiful is the Abode of the God-fearing!”(Surah An-Nahl, The Bees, verse 30)

It is intended for those who do good, can make concessions, striving for the pleasure of Allah. The Almighty gives such people joyful news regarding their worldly and eternal life, the news of an increase in their well-being, both spiritual and material. Prophets are examples of such well-being. For example, the prophet Suleiman, who was given the kingdom, power, which the Almighty did not grant to anyone except him. Prophet Yusuf, peace be upon him, who received possession of the treasures of Egypt. The Almighty mentions the blessings sent down by Him in relation to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the verse:

“And (did He not) find you (O Muhammad) poor and then enrich you (giving you a large family and victories, as well as contentment and patience)?”(Sura "ad-Duha", "Morning", ayat 8)

The Almighty grants these blessings not only to the prophets or the righteous of previous generations - He rewards good for the good of everyone, at any time:

“Believing men and women who have done righteousness, We will certainly give a beautiful life and reward for the best of what they did”(Surah an-Nahl, "Bees", verse 97)

But the believer first of all strives for the blessings of the next life. Examples of this were the first Muslims who left their property, families, relatives for the sake of religion. Soon the Almighty endowed them with power and wealth, but this only increased their gratitude to Allah.

The Almighty increases the reward for those who do good

The Almighty says in the Quran:

“Whoever comes with a good deed will receive a tenfold reward. And whoever comes with an evil deed, he will receive only an appropriate reward, and they will not be treated unfairly.(Sura "al An'am", "Cattle", ayat 160)

In Sura An-Nisa (Women): “Allah does not commit injustice even the weight of a speck of dust, and if the deed turns out to be good, then He will multiply it and bestow a great reward from Himself”(verse 40) The most striking manifestation of the generosity of Allah is that He, multiplying good deeds, rewards for them in the next life, the blessings of which last forever.

“For those who do good, the Best (Paradise) is prepared, and more will be added to them (they will have the opportunity to look at the Face of Allah). There will be neither dust nor humiliation on their faces. They are the inhabitants of Paradise, in which they will abide forever.”(Sura Yunus, verse 20) Eternal bliss for good deeds in worldly life, promised by the Almighty, is the most striking indicator of His mercy and generosity to His servants.
