Quotes about feelings. Quotes about feelings Brief phrases about feelings that cannot be expressed

To trust unreasonable sensations is a property of coarse souls.
Heraclitus of Ephesus

Often pretending to be in love falls in love in earnest and, starting with pretense, ends seriously. All the more condescendingly should you women treat those who pretend to be lovers - the former imaginary lover will turn into a real one.

It's nice to be loved and appreciated.
Cicero Mark Tullius

If the feelings are not true, then our whole mind will be false.
Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Car)

Master the passions, otherwise the passions will take possession of you.

Distance increases charm.
Tacitus Publius Cornelius

... Whoever subdued his feelings, steadfastly of that consciousness.
"Bhagavad Gita"

The heart changes so fast - you can't keep track.

Human feelings are often more aroused or softened by examples than by words.
Pierre Abelard

Our will is not above the feeling,
She has no control over time.
We see that we are loved
Only when we lose love
Lope de Bega

There are no more poisonous vessels
For the feeling of a mortal man,
Than those female eyes.
Lope de Vega

To see and feel is to be, to think, to live.
William Shakespeare

The fewer words, the more feelings there will be.
William Shakespeare

Human sensitivity to trifles and insensitivity to the essential - what a terrible perversion!
Blaise Pascal

Although reason, by the will of Providence, should control our feelings, in two decisive moments of earthly existence, feelings nevertheless take precedence over reason. Such is, firstly, the desire to reproduce their own kind - no sane person would ever marry if he listened to the voice of reason, and, secondly, the fear of death, which also contradicts common sense: if a person did not succumb to feelings, he would hate life and would like it to end as soon as possible or never to begin.
Jonathan Swift

Most foolish man in the world experiences the same feelings as the most intelligent.
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Sentimental people are the most senseless of mortals...
Thomas Carlyle

Straightforwardness adorns all the feelings it accompanies.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Whenever I see women, and even men, blindly attracted to someone, I stop believing in their ability to feel deeply. This rule has never failed me.
Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Feeling awakens thought in us - everyone agrees on this; but far from everyone will agree with the fact that a thought awakens a feeling, but this is no less correct!
Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

Too subtle sensitivity is a true misfortune.
Carl Julius Weber

A feeling held captive by a crude practical need has only a limited meaning.
Karl Marx

To be sensual is to be suffering.
Karl Marx

It is only thanks to the richness of the human being that is developed in objects, and partly for the first time is generated, the richness of subjective human sensibility: the musical ear, which feels the beauty of the shape of the eyes - in short, such feelings that are capable of human pleasures ...
Karl Marx

... It is necessary ... to humanize the feelings of a person ... to create a human feeling that corresponds to all the richness of human and natural essence.
Karl Marx

You have to feel strongly for others to feel.
Niccolo Paganini

Feeling is fire, thought is oil.

Feeling in itself does not yet constitute poetry; the feeling must be born of the idea and express the idea. Meaningless feelings are the lot of animals; they humiliate the person.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

It is known that a fiery feeling is expressed briefly, but strongly.
Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin

Only then is the feeling purified when it comes into contact with the highest beauty, with the beauty of the ideal.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Nothing excites mental activity to such an extent, does not force one to discover new aspects of objects and phenomena, as conscious sympathies or antipathies.
Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

Nothing - neither words, nor thoughts, nor even our actions express ourselves and our attitude to the world so clearly and truly as our feelings: they hear the character of not a separate thought, not a separate decision, but the whole content of our soul and its structure. .
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

There are people who create their hearts with their minds, others create their minds with their hearts: the latter are more successful than the former, because there is much more intelligence in feeling than in the reason of feelings.
Petr Yakovlevich Chaadaev

Every thought born of a moral idea is a feeling.
Pierre Simon Ballanche

Feeling is a moral force that instinctively, without the help of reason, passes judgment on everything that lives ...
Pierre Simon Ballanche

A person needs to experience strong feelings in order to develop noble qualities that would expand the circle of his life.
Honore de Balzac

A person who is prone to elevated feelings usually deceives himself and others.
Erich Maria Remarque

To feel means to understand and comprehend.
Miguel de Unamuno

I think with feeling and I feel with thought.
Miguel de Unamuno

It is very difficult to force yourself to speak. The hardest thing is to force yourself to be silent. It's even harder to force yourself to think. But the hardest thing is to make yourself feel.
Khal il Gibran Gibran

There are feelings that replenish and obscure the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of feelings.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

I can't stand it when I'm told what I should experience, because then I myself seem to be blind, although I can understand what is being said.
Max Frisch

The best person is the one who lives mainly by his own thoughts and other people's feelings, the worst kind of person is the one who lives by other people's thoughts and his own feelings. Of the various combinations of these four foundations, the motives of activity - all the differences in people. People who live only by their feelings are animals.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

What we do, we could do without the participation of feelings - feelings only accompany our actions.
Alfred Adler

Harmonious emotion means a complex of mutually reinforcing emotions.
Alfred North Whitehead

We don't feel the same way about everyone.
Karl Raimund Popper

Every feeling tends to turn into lust or aversion.
Wilhelm Dilthey

Our feelings for the most part merge into general states in which the individual components become indistinguishable.
Wilhelm Dilthey

Flat natures give themselves up to impressions, allowing one to crowd out the other.
Wilhelm Dilthey

Feelings meet us in life constantly in concrete mergers.
Wilhelm Dilthey

Feelings provide raw material.
Georg Simmel

Every experience has its own temporality.
Edmund Husserl

The sensing organ is at the same time the understanding organ.
Oswald Spengler

Feeling is life, not thought, and when this life finds expression, not yet restrained by thought, then poetry is obtained.
Benedetto Croce

Many say they don't need exciting experiences, but we'll take the liberty of stating that most people are actively looking for them.
Eric Bern

The whole life of feeling consists only of superstition.
Émile Durkheim

Impulses and emotions do not explain anything, they always result: either from the power of the body, or from the weakness of the spirit.
Claude Levi-Strauss

Feelings deceive, they are limited in space and in various possibilities.
Jean Francois Lyotard

The sense-consciousness persists.
Gilles Deleuze

The mind enlightens the senses.

The feeling of distinguishing good from evil is just a feeling.

It is those passions, the nature of which we misunderstand, that dominate us the most. And the weakest of all are feelings, the origin of which we understand.

Flat natures give themselves up to impressions, allowing one to crowd out the other.

Light feelings often last a very long time. It is easy for the insensitive to be hard.

Human feelings are often more aroused or softened by examples than by words.

Nothing prevents the manifestation sincere feelings as false conventions.

In thunderstorms, in storms, in the coldness of life, in case of heavy losses and when you are sad, seeming smiling and simple is the highest art in the world.

Short sayings about feelings

Whoever felt, is disturbed by the ghost of irretrievable days: he no longer has charms, that serpent of memories, that repentance gnaws ...

Never regret what made you smile.

Cruelty to animals is one of the means of destroying moral sensibility.

Instructive short sayings about feelings

The feeling of high satisfaction knows no sense of proportion.

The fewer words, the more feelings there will be.

Contempt is a mask that hides insignificance, sometimes mental poverty: contempt is a sign of a lack of kindness, intelligence and understanding of people.

The most painful thing we can do to people who love us is come back to leave.

A timid person is pushed around by any rogue.

To avoid stress, avoid everything that excites you; spend more time with your wife.

He endured grief like a real man: he poisoned his wife's life with them.

Only that which is selfless is noble.

We always prudently cover up the secret feeling of our own guilt with hatred, which makes it easier to attribute guilt to another.

Without "human emotions" there has never been, is not and cannot be a human search for truth.

Feelings are dirt hiding the truth.

There are feelings that replenish and obscure the mind, and there is a mind that cools the movement of feelings.

Cool short sayings about feelings

Mastery over one's passions is a property of the highest greatness of the spirit. This sublimity itself protects the spirit from base influences alien to it. No supreme power than power over oneself, over one's passions, than victory over their willfulness.

Some people, seeing the humiliation of their enemies, are filled with self-confidence and, without noticing it themselves, go to death.

Always say what you feel and do what you think.

Every feeling has its own gestures, intonations, facial expressions, peculiar only to it.

Whoever has not experienced excitement from the barely audible breathing of a sleeping young woman will not understand what tenderness is.

Grass, which is managed, is called a lawn, which is not managed - weeds.

Shyness disappears in proportion to the size of the roof.

No one can be held back during the day by what happened at night.

If you hit in rage, you will usually miss.

Straightforwardness adorns all the feelings it accompanies.

It is not what is that causes in us a feeling of impatience and suffering, but that it is not what it should be.

Lack of confidence likes to show constant energy.

Whoever does not love cannot hate; whoever admires nothing cannot despise; who does not deify anything, cannot curse Carl Ludwig Berne (Berne)

The more obstacles a feeling has and the less time it has, the stronger it is. So, saying goodbye on the platform, they do not know what to say. But when the departing people have already entered the cars, when nothing is heard anymore and there are seconds left before the train leaves, everyone immediately remembers the right words, they begin to shout something to each other and make some signs with their hands.

The worst thing about an inferiority complex is that it usually affects the wrong people.

How nice it is to fall into hopeless despair. This gives the right to sulk the whole world.

How hard on yourself!

Various short sayings about feelings

To have sympathy for the disadvantaged is much easier. It is much more difficult to have sympathy for a thought.

If no one knows why we smile, and no one knows why we cry. If no one knows why we are born, and no one knows why we die ... If we move towards the abyss, where we will cease to be, if the night before us is mute and silent ... Let's, let's at least love! Maybe even though it won't be in vain...

What we call despair is often just annoyance at unfulfilled hopes.

Suspicion is a virtue rather than a vice, since it is like a dog that guards but does not bite.

Gratitude is not always eloquent.

Strong feelings - long suffering.

Sentimentality must be distinguished from sensitivity. A sentimental person can be extremely cruel in private. a feeling person is never cruel.

Justice exists.

If you are able to wonder, all is not lost.

Indifference, the true plague of our age.

Powerless anger - blows to the heart.

You can't explain it, you can feel it.

There is nothing more permanent in the world than impermanence.

You only need to repent once, no one takes poison twice.

Feelings provide raw material.

It is good to be prudent, but in this case there is no place for human feelings.

Sentimental people stir up their feeling for so long that it finally foams. Then they imagine that their heart is full, that their feeling is overflowing, but all this is nothing more than air.

funny short quotes about feelings

The slightest pain in the little finger worries us more than the murder of millions of our neighbors.

A clairvoyant does not need observation.

Don't take it for granted means: be amazed at this as well as at other things that excite you.

The output of feelings is a terrible vomiting.

Cruelty is the product of an evil mind and often a cowardly heart.

Sensual perceptions of objects of the material world, first of all, awaken the forces of the soul sleeping in a person and make them act; being the beginning of all activity of thinking, sensations are also the beginning of all our concepts and thoughts. Without sensory perceptions, thinking and cognition of the material world is impossible.

Feelings are the strongest of sensations.

When the senses are blunted, the passions are sharpened.

Only fools laugh at the feelings of another person.

The trained and the senses are more sophisticated.

The one who relies on his senses is like a blind man who boldly walks down the street: he can easily fall into a pit and break his neck.

Love is a fairy tale! Love is kindness! Love is a fountain of feelings! And if she is unrequited, then well, her ...!

By controlling your feelings, you control your destiny.

The most annoying feeling is the feeling of reality...

Feelings should not be shouted all over the world. It is enough to say “thank you” to one person!

I have a couple of huge closets and chests full of feelings for you. But they are locked with a key, and this key is in my pocket.

The beauty of people is measured by the depth of their feelings...

A smart man is never overly happy, he thinks about tomorrow.

If a person is dear to you, you need to grab him and hold him tightly in your hands ... Otherwise, one day you will turn around, but there is no one ...

No matter how skillfully the food is drawn, it cannot satisfy hunger ...

Yesterday I fell asleep in my son's room... In the morning I look at the phone... SMS from my husband: 1.20-Darling, where are you??? 3.20-Where the fuck are you??? 3.30-Found it! Sleep, sleep, my love!!!

All existing feelings, both positive and negative, have a place to be. Without one, we will not understand the sweetness of the other, because they are intertwined with each other, like twigs in a basket, they hold on to each other ...

My friend, I am always by your side. Even if you don't notice me. I hug you with the wind, kiss you with the rain, warm you with a ray of sunshine. And I love ... all the people who meet on your life path.

And I would stick my nose into your shoulder! And I would gently touch your eyes with my lips! And I would take your hand and into the blue! And you're not here, but I'm still waiting and waiting!

Each person is a slave of his feelings and will master.

You cannot replace love with love, but when feelings disappear, we renounce one love for another.

Someone else's scarlet sail can be a red rag for someone.

Having quarreled, thinking that "not for long", you can lose each other forever ...

You - your whole soul inside out ... You - your whole self ... and without a trace ... And you keep repeating the same thing: it’s not that, not that, not that ... So figure out what you need? And don't stick your nose where you don't need to be...

- Honey, are your feelings for me all dead?
-Why all? The feeling of hunger remains. Pour borscht!

Tears are a very powerful river of life, bringing with them renewal and purification…

One day, there comes a moment when something clicks, and you begin to look at everything with completely different eyes.

God grant health, strength and patience to those who are now worse than me ...

Distance means so much when you are not sure of your feelings - do they love you and do you love? separation makes it possible to understand this.

May you have pleasant dreams - drop your nightmares! Sort everything: what turns out to be a nightmare - throw it away!

I understand closed people, in our time it is difficult to trust, but it is hard to live without trust ...

One-sided feeling is voluntary slavery.

Before giving someone your feelings... check the conditions of their storage...

We hold back our emotions, embarrassed to speak sweet words, but in vain ...

Just your presence drives me crazy and deprives me of clarity of thought ...

Addiction to someone or something rejects the arguments of reason and tries in every possible way to justify itself.

I don't play with other people's feelings. But I play along well with those who begin to play with my feelings.

This is the best joke of life, to connect the soul with one person, and fate with another.

Holy science - to hear each other ... Aphorisms about feelings, quotes about feelings

And now I give birth: small arms, legs ... I smile and fall asleep ... feelings cannot be expressed in words, how nice it is when you see your baby for the first time)

To become a mystery to a man, it is enough just to learn how to be a woman.

You don’t doubt the power of my feelings, even my blanket at night is dreaming of your duvet cover ...

Feelings are built - on feelings, but what else, and we get sick of others, which more often defeats us ...

I want to plunge into a fairy tale with you. It's easy to enter the world of holiday lights. Wake up in your arms at 5 in the morning and think: “There are no relatives of you”

A man does not need to be told - you are the only one, it must be argued - you are the best.

How much pain is placed in the human soul, so much joy is placed. Running away from pain does not create a place for happiness.

This is where people live! Mind, not feelings...

When moving the arrow, specify the time ... Otherwise, love can pass you by)))

Sometimes feelings are right, but people can be wrong.

If it’s comfortable to just be silent with a person, then you are close in state of mind, and this is not enough ...

I want to see what you feel...

I know for sure, as long as the spring of love is alive, you do not live in vain ...

Once I breathed fresh air, I never wanted to return to the stuffy cell of the hard-forgotten past.

Negativity drives out reason, reason drives out sympathy.

The way to the heart of a woman, men are always looking in the wrong place ... and they find it!

People have learned to think - weighing everything and calculating ... but for some reason we are less and less like people ... Apparently because we have forgotten how to feel.

It's so weird to miss someone you don't know...

Now, I hope you will understand my long-term cry of the soul, it seems that I am again “in flight”, love is not in a hurry to smile at me with a wedding ...

Human sensitivity to trifles and insensitivity to the essential - what a terrible perversion.

Reason without feeling is the property of a machine, feelings without reason are the property of cattle.

A person with false feelings has the same false soul.

Nothing is wasted and nothing is wasted. If I found it, I need it for some reason.

Love is always noticed ... but not always accepted ...

There would be much less tears and broken destinies in the world if people did not confuse the concepts of "desire" and "love".

We care so much about people's feelings that we don't notice how we put on masks. The heavier the soul, the more ideal the mask. Oh how I love masks! But madly in love with people dear to me ...

When God wants to break a man's heart, he gives him more intelligence.

Feelings have nothing to do with reason. And no matter how smart you are, you can be offended.

Do not destroy what has been built for more than one day ... Do not hurt the one you value ... Learn to trust and not lie ... And you will be the happiest and most beloved person in the Universe!

It's so easy for me with you ... and it's so hard around you ...)))

Feelings are like a burden for those who have not yet abandoned them, but also joy when they are fulfilled - a destiny!

It is human nature to think rationally and act illogically.

If you want something from a person, say it out loud, because we are all far from psychics

Why, when you feel bad, no one notices, but if you feel good, then this makes them suspicious ...

We so rarely write about how good we are. And so often we look for sympathy - when cats scratch to the soul ...

Coldness of mind is sobriety over a warm heart.

No matter how many times in life we ​​have to go through crashes and see our hearts break, we still have to believe and love ...

Aphorisms about feelings, quotes about feelings

Love? This is the shortest way from one heart to another: a straight line.
Bedel 30

I missed you very much - a phrase that warms the soul even on the coldest day. 33

Even after 100 failed attempts, do not despair, because 101 can change your life. 60

Love is just not enough. She has happiness, but she wants heaven, she has heaven - she wants heaven. O lovers! All this is in your love. Just try to find. Victor Marie Hugo 14

Love is a wise invention of nature: the one who loves easily does what he must. Wilhelm Schwebel 35

Love conquers everything, and we will submit to its power. Virgil 8

Love one another, but don't turn love into chains. Let it rather be an exciting sea between the shores of your souls. Gibran Khalil 24

Before devoting oneself to love, a person must make sure that he possesses wisdom, patience and the ability to forgive, otherwise jealousy, pettiness and resentment will destroy all emerging feelings. 40

Love is born with a smile, grows with a kiss and dies with a tear. 37

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Age cannot protect us from love, but love, to some extent, protects us from age. 27

Love is life. When we lose love, we lose life. 49

I fell in love with him as people fall asleep. Slowly at first, then immediately. John Green 40

Sex can only be truly amazing when paired with falling in love or love. Everything else is fitness. 45

Love has a special taste and smell. This feeling is incomparable. It makes your head spin sweetly, breathe freely with a full chest, and everything seems exceptional. 31

Perhaps the whole point of this life is to be needed by at least someone. After all, if no one thinks about you, then it’s like you don’t exist ... 30

You need to have something in common in order to understand each other, and something different in order to love each other. Paul Geraldi 17

Better to yearn for someone you love than to live with someone you hate. 31

What is love? - asked the little boy.
- Yesterday I gave my jacket to the girl, she put it on, and it was warm for me, - he answered. 32

Where love reigns, the impossible becomes possible. 7

If the fire is not extinguished, the tree will burn. Therefore, the fire, loving the tree, must go. Even if leaving for the fire means losing food and dying. I leave you because I love you. Where do you live? 12

Love is not a light bulb, you can't turn it off. Castle 12

You took a step and I took a step. Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). Love. Freedom. Loneliness 19

I wanted him to experience the same thing that I experienced next to him - this is an amazing combination of calmness, depravity and miracle. I wanted him to know that once I tried it, I was hopelessly addicted. Jodi Picoult. fragile soul 30

Love is something worth fighting for, fighting and biting. And after that, having received pleasure and joy for having conquered her, just truly appreciate this feeling. 13

The human heart is a musical instrument, it contains great music. She is asleep, but she is here, waiting for the right moment to ignite, to be expressed, to be sung, to be danced. And this moment arises through love. Without love, a person will never know what kind of music he carried in his heart. What do i do? (Dechire) 18
