At the funeral, a child was born to the pregnant deceased. Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery (at a funeral, at a wake)

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to go to the cemetery?

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery? This question is quite burning. Someone says that under no circumstances should pregnant women “contact” with the dead, others argue that expectant mothers simply cannot look at all this action. The second reason seems to be quite weighty, since severe stress can even lead to the loss of a child. However, this is a double-edged sword.

We are all different, each of us has our own attitude to death. Some women do not doubt at all whether it is possible for a pregnant woman to go to the cemetery to the grave loved one, since it brings many, on the contrary, peace, and not stress and a depressive state.

You can also answer the question "is it possible for pregnant women to go to a funeral." If you do not want to go or are afraid, fear for your condition, then it is not worth the risk. If you understand that you won’t be able to forgive yourself, if you don’t see your loved one on their last journey, then you shouldn’t listen to various prejudices. Moreover, even the clergy believe that interesting position- this is not a "contraindication" to visiting cemeteries, going to wakes and funerals, and there is no "negative energy" there. It is also not true that the baby, being in the womb, is not protected in any way, does not have a guardian angel, and therefore is defenseless against "dark forces".

If you don't want to go for any reason, then don't be afraid to be judged. you have very good reason To stay home. You can say goodbye to the dead and mentally, go to church and light a candle. A funeral is a rather difficult event, but almost everyone says yes about whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to a wake. Thus, you honor the memory of the deceased and support his relatives. But before that, do not forget to lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment, a large crowd of people = airborne infections. And this harmless medicine is a good prophylactic against various viruses. Take care of your baby, "caught up"

Pregnancy is one of the most important events for every woman. Inside it, life was born and develops. This is the continuation of the human race. And a mother who is carrying a fetus needs to be extremely careful and attentive to everything. She needs to monitor her diet, health, emotions and experiences. Pregnant women believe in signs and try to clearly follow everything that folk wisdom advises. They do not cut their hair, fearing that this will somehow affect the unborn baby. They try to stay away from unpleasant people so that they do not jinx it. But what about visiting a pregnant cemetery, funerals and commemorations? We will understand and analyze.

Superstitions and prohibitions

The fact that a pregnant woman is forbidden to go to a cemetery and attend a funeral is considered by some to be a simple superstition and does not betray any significance to this. Others believe that there is no place among the dead. There are also people who argue that everything is possible during pregnancy, as long as the psyche allows. After all, everything connected with death is very hard to endure and causes experiences that are contraindicated for a woman in position. So why shouldn't pregnant women go to the cemetery?

There are many opinions, but not everyone knows the correct answer to this question. Clergymen, healers and specialists involved in magic answer this question in the same way. A pregnant woman has no place in a cemetery and funerals.

Opinions and arguments

To answer the question of why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery, let's reason. To begin with, we propose to discuss how ministers of the Church and traditional healers, mages and wizards.

People say that he does not immediately leave his earthly body and place of residence. She has been with relatives for some time and, roughly speaking, is looking for a way to stay. Those who are fond of magic are sure that a soul that has flown out after death can move into a new body and continue its stay in the world of the living. She cannot complete her migration into a born person. But the developing life in the womb is what suits her. Thus, it can be assumed why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. Another (not his) soul can fly into the body of an unborn child.

As for visiting the cemetery, magicians also do not advise pregnant women to go there. The souls of the dead are buried there. So, again, some of them will want to move. The second reason is also related to witchcraft and answers the question of why pregnant women should not go to the cemetery. A woman in a position is very sensitive to the evil eye, it is easy for her. The cemetery at all times was considered the most powerful place for magical rituals. This is where all the negativity comes in. And if each person is protected by a guardian angel, then the baby in the womb still has no protection from human malice.

Churchmen also respond negatively to the question of whether pregnant women can enter the cemetery. Their arguments are more plausible and understandable. The cemetery has a special atmosphere. Tears are shed here, people mourn for their departed loved ones. And extra negative emotions and experiences can have a bad effect on you.

Pregnancy and wake

It is better not to visit the cemetery of a pregnant woman. But to commemorate the deceased is a righteous deed. You should not even think about whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to a wake. It all depends on the woman herself, who carries a baby under her heart. If she can endure this atmosphere, then it is necessary. Of course, without drinking alcohol.

Short conclusions

From all that has been said, each person will draw his own conclusions. To believe or not in the signs associated with a funeral and a visit to a pregnant cemetery is a purely individual decision. One thing is clear: life and death have their own territory. Where the dead rest is no place for the living and the unborn. Even without believing in magic and sorcery, maybe it's not worth the risk? All of a sudden folk beliefs are the only true ones? Is it possible to expose your baby to danger even before birth?

Recently buried a colleague with former job and one employee came in position to the ceremony, and then to the wake. Older women from the team explained to her that it is undesirable for a pregnant woman to come to the funeral. Eventually future mom felt unwell and was taken home. Fortunately, everything ended well for her, and in this article we will find out the reasons why pregnant women should not come to funerals and be in the cemetery.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors listened to wise people and tried to prevent the presence of a pregnant woman in the burial places and even at the wake. The answer to the question lies on the surface: there is an energy of death, grief, grief and mourning in the cemetery.

Popular superstitions

Mourning woman on funeral with red rose standing at casket or coffin

  • It is believed that a child in the womb does not yet have its own personal guardian angel, but only one for two with the mother. Therefore, his energy is completely defenseless. The stay of the expectant mother among the graves endangers the successful development of the fetus.
  • Even a small amount of time spent by a pregnant woman among crying people, a mourning ceremony and next to the deceased can harm her and her unborn child.
  • At the same time, one should not be afraid of the burial place itself. Death is a natural process, just the energy of the cemetery is opposite to the energy of life.
  • In addition, the cemetery is often made magical rituals, and what is not dangerous for an adult can be deadly for an unborn baby. Negativity and evil, and the very gloomy atmosphere of the funeral, not only upset the pregnant woman herself, but also take away the strength of the baby, very badly affect his health.

Many superstitions are also associated with paganism or oriental knowledge, which have nothing to do with Christianity. But still, there is some truth. If only because any funeral is a huge stress that can even cause premature birth and complications in pregnant women.

The opinion of the priests

They have different arguments. It is believed that there is nothing wrong with going to a funeral ceremony. In the Christian faith, it is customary to honor the ancestors and dead people and see them off on their last journey.

  1. The church does not believe that there is negative energy in funerals and commemorations. They generally do not consider this event from the point of view of energy influence and interchange between the living and the world of the dead.
  2. In Christianity, it is important to come and honor the memory of a dead person. You can then go to the wake. Only everything should be on a voluntary basis and on the condition that the woman feels physically well.
  3. The Church believes that there are evil forces, but only people who have sinned and have a weak spirit and an unclean conscience are subject to their influence. In the cemetery, the soul departs and prepares to stand before God's judgment.
  4. Priests advise to listen to the expectant mother to her internal state and intuition. If it becomes scary and unpleasant, then better hike set aside for the grave.
  5. If the situation is such that it is necessary to be present, then it is advisable to mentally try to prepare for the event and go to church first, as well as tune in to a more or less calm state and perception of what is happening.
  6. If the physical condition of the pregnant woman leaves much to be desired or the last dates, it is difficult to walk, and even more so to stand for a long time near the grave among people, then the priests do not recommend going to the ceremony, but limiting themselves to going to the temple, where it is quite possible to read a prayer for repose and put a candle.

How to behave at a funeral if you have to go

Situations in our time are different. Therefore, the need to say goodbye to a dear person is fully justified. It is only important to follow certain rules when visiting the cemetery.

Signs at a funeral for pregnant women

  • It is undesirable to walk in a position for the funeral and the burial itself, to stand near the grave and just be on the territory of the cemetery.
  • If a woman comes close to the deceased, then the baby will be born pale and weak.
  • Evil spirits can not only take away an unborn baby, his soul, but also move into him.
  • It is dangerous to step on a grave or a wreath. The consequences can be very terrible for the child and mother, because dead and living energy mix.
  • Serious illnesses that subsequently manifest themselves in the child are not excluded. After all, he is absolutely defenseless against negativity. At the same time, doctors will not be able to do anything, and sometimes they will not even be able to make a correct diagnosis.
  • However, you can come to the wake, sit and remember all the good things about the deceased person. The main thing is not to stress yourself and not to succumb to the general state of grief and tears. It is clear that there are no positive emotions at the funeral procession, but it is very desirable to maintain a state of balance.
  • You don't have to worry about what other people think. Smart people they will not condemn and understand that a woman carrying a child should not be nervous and be in a stressful situation at any time.
  • A particular danger during direct contact between a pregnant woman and a deceased person. It is believed that the deceased and unborn children are on another energy plane and the world of spirits can take the unborn child with them.
  • It is preferable to come to the churchyard after the coffin is buried. At this time, people no longer show so much emotion. Most are ready to go to the wake.

It is not recommended to go to the cemetery on Easter or on memorial days, when there are a lot of people. A pregnant woman can be accidentally pushed, especially since there are a lot of drunk people. She can also be intimidated. It is better to visit the grave of a loved one on a weekday, lay flowers, then put a candle in the temple and pray for the soul.

For big church holidays also not advised to go to the churchyard. Light energy will not save you from negativity. On the contrary, on such days, witches and sorcerers wait and look out for a victim. It may well be her future mother. The negative can also wait behind the fence of the cemetery if it is damaged.

It is strictly forbidden for a woman in a position to eat or drink anything in the cemetery. This is unhygienic and, again, the energy of food is mixed with the energy of the dead, then enters the body.

Previously, a woman in a position must decide for herself whether she should go or not. And also talk to a doctor or psychologist if a loved one has died. Particularly sensitive and women with an unstable emotional state categorically cannot go to such events.

Rules of conduct in the cemetery

  1. Wear closed shoes on your feet. If you come in sandals, then grab shoe covers or put bags on your feet. The earth from the graves should not remain on the soles, and even more so you cannot bring it into the house.
  2. You can only walk with closed legs: in trousers or long skirt. A scarf should be put on the head so that the hair does not fall on the grave. Often sorcerers damage such hairs and even specially collect them.
  3. You can not take rags, brooms, etc. from the house to the cemetery. Buy everything specifically for this place.
  4. You need to enter and exit only at one entrance, that is, as you came, go the same way.
  5. Nothing can be taken into the house, as well as using water from a source in a cemetery for drinking or washing. It is better to bring everything with you and also clean up, do not leave garbage.
  6. You can not laugh out loud or cry at the grave. Be humble and humble. The cemetery is not a place for the manifestation of loud emotions.
  7. You can not categorically raise a trifle in the cemetery and any objects. It can be a magical lining or a ransom for evil spirits.
  8. If something not valuable falls out of your pocket, then do not pick it up. If the item is of considerable value (keys to the house or car), then put candy instead of this item.
  9. You can’t drink alcohol near the graves - by doing this you feed the demons that circle around the buried alcoholics and dependent people. Subsequently, you can get a mental illness, the origin of which you simply will not know.


  • Esotericists oppose visiting a cemetery by a pregnant woman, because there is dead energy and many evil spirits and restless souls. Their presence is incompatible with the state of a woman in position.
  • The church sees nothing wrong with the presence of a woman during pregnancy in a cemetery. The main thing is that she feels good. You need to go in a calm state and with God in your soul.
  • Each woman should make her own choice, but the risk is very high for mother and baby, because both of them have weakened energy protection. It is better not to put your health and the life of the child in danger. You can go to the grave of a loved one after the birth of the baby.
  • An important rule: dead energy pulls living energy, so draw conclusions in advance and take care of yourself. It is very important to know the rules of presence in the cemetery and not to sin. And also follow the rules clearly and strictly so as not to pick up damage, negativity, or simply not to gain dead energy. And then get sick, harm yourself and your unborn child.
  • Remember that a cemetery is a special place, and ignorance of the laws is no excuse.

There is an opinion that pregnant women should not go to cemeteries in general and to funerals in particular. The reasons for this ban are various.

In general, there are two reasons why pregnant women shouldn't go to funerals:

  • emotional experiences and psychological discomfort;
  • superstitions and omens.

Stress after attending a funeral

It is quite understandable that the expectant mother wants to go to the funeral in order to say goodbye to a loved one and see him off on his last journey. If such a desire is really present, and you are sure that you can cope with your emotions, then attending a funeral will not make you feel worse. It is only recommended not to be present at the burial itself, since the emotional state of the people around you is extremely unstable at this moment. Come to the house when the deceased is still there, and then take part in the memorial dinner.

However, hormonal restructuring of the body in pregnant women still affects the perception of the world and reality. Expectant mothers are more vulnerable and emotional, any little thing can upset them. So do not overestimate your strength and go to the funeral just for the sake of decency.

If your mental condition worsens, depression may develop after attending the funeral. And just a stressful situation, which any funeral is considered to be, will not benefit the baby. Strong feelings and excitement can affect the health of the baby or even lead to termination of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that strong emotions lead to uterine tone, which is highly undesirable.

Folk omens

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, a whole flurry of all kinds of prohibitions falls upon her, which cannot always be explained from a rational point of view. However, our ancestors were sure that the unborn child should be protected in every possible way.

As for the bans on attending funerals, according to signs, this is considered harmful due to bad energy cemeteries and the dead. In the old days, it was believed that a baby in the womb does not yet “walk under God”, and, therefore, does not have his protection. Therefore, you need to refrain from visiting potentially dangerous places.

It is also believed that unborn children are very much influenced by dark forces, so any contact with the dead is undesirable. There is another superstition: dead people and children, while still living in the womb, are as if in the same dimension, at the same energy level. Therefore, it is believed that a connection may form between them, and in the worst cases, the deceased may want to take the child with him.

If you follow all the signs and superstitions regarding pregnant women, then you can simply lose your common sense. Significant interpretation will not exist, so it is hardly worth paying much attention to them.

What do the priests say?

The clergy see no obstacles to attending funerals and cemeteries by pregnant women, but they do not consider it obligatory either. You have a very good reason not to attend a funeral. However, the priests say that there is no "negative energy" in the cemetery. It is also a misconception that one cannot attend a funeral, since the unborn child does not have his own guardian angel.

If you think that you can’t stand this event, then it’s better to just go to the temple and light a candle, order a prayer service for the repose, and read prayers. If you want to support the relatives of the deceased, go to the wake, to the church, but the funeral process itself, clogging the coffin lid and lowering it into the ground, the funeral procession is, nevertheless, not a sight for pregnant women.

It has long been the custom that women carrying a baby were forbidden to be at the funeral, but why pregnant women should not go to funerals and cemeteries, no one can say for sure. There are many beliefs and interpretations of this, and whether or not to listen to them is the decision of the woman herself.

Church opinion

The clergy have always been unanimous, not understanding why it is believed that pregnant women should not be present at the funeral, because these are just idle fictions. The child is still in the womb protected by the mother's guardian angel, and nothing threatens him.

It is believed that a cemetery is a place like any other, and there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that a pregnant woman wants to say goodbye to a dear deceased relative. This means that if a woman is a true believer, then you should not pay attention to all kinds of signs, but follow the dictates of your heart.

Signs why pregnant women should not go to funerals

There are different opinions about why a woman during the period of bearing a baby should refuse to participate in the funeral procession. The most basic thing is that the theoretical possibility of the world of the dead to take away an unstable, unprotected soul has not yet been born baby to yourself.

It is believed that until the moment of baptism, the baby's soul is very susceptible to all sorts of negative influences from the outside, whether it be otherworldly forces or the human eye. It is for this reason that a pregnant woman cannot be present at the funeral of even a loved one. It is better to go to church and order and read prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

In addition, old people believe that in the hustle and bustle of the cemetery, not only relatives and friends of the deceased, but also those who are on a short footing with dark forces quietly come to the cemetery. It is at these moments that a strong one can be directed at a person, and a mother with a child in her womb is a very vulnerable target.

Not only popular superstitions can serve as a reason not to come to the funeral, even to a loved one. After all, it is affection and love for the deceased that can do a disservice to a woman in position. Real warnings for pregnant women going to a funeral An oppressive atmosphere, crying, moaning over the deceased in the most negative way can affect the already unbalanced psyche of a pregnant woman.

Various factors can shake the mental health of a woman at the time of bearing a baby, and the death of a loved one is a very serious reason for this. That is why you should say goodbye to the deceased in your thoughts, ask him for forgiveness, which he will undoubtedly accept and go to church to light a candle for the repose.
