Clay boy. Children's fairy tales online Russian folk tale "Clay guy" and a young reader

There lived an old man and an old woman. They didn't have children.

The old woman says:
- Old man, mold a boy out of clay, as if there will be a son. The old man molded a boy out of clay.

They put it on the stove to dry. The guy dried up and began to ask for food:

- Give me, grandmother, a tub of milk and a crumb of bread. The old woman brought it to him, and he ate everything and again asks:
- I am hungry! I am hungry!

And he ate all the bread from the old man and the old woman, drank all the milk, and again shouts:
- I am hungry! I am hungry!

There is nothing more to give him. The clay guy jumped off the stove and ate a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club - and went into the street.

The bull is walking towards. Clay guy says to him:

- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club - and I'll eat you, bull!
Yes, he ate a bull.

Goes on. Towards woodcutters with axes. Clay guy and says:
- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club, a bull with horns - and I will eat you all!
And ate woodcutters with axes.

Goes on. Men with braids and women with rakes will meet him. The clay boy tells them:
- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes - and I will eat you all!
He ate men with braids and women with rakes and went on.

Clay guy met a goat and says:

- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes, men with scythes, women with a rake - and you goat, eat!
And the goat says to him:
- Yes, you do not work, stand down the hill, and I will stand on the hill, run up and into your mouth and jump.
The Clay Guy stood down the hill, and the goat fled from the mountain and hit his belly with his horns! This is where the Clay Guy crumbled.

And a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes, men with scythes, and women with a rake came out of the belly.

The goat delivered them all.

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "Clay guy" and a young reader

There is not a single person who, having learned to read, would begin to enjoy this wonderful activity from an adult book. The pages of fairy tales became the first self-read pages. There are special collections that help young readers navigate. There are many pictures in the books, which are primarily considered by the kids. Many texts of fairy tales contain instructive meaning. To figure out how to raise a little person, you need to consider specific example. The tale "The Clay Guy" is simple and interesting. This is an example of Russian folklore. So, the children sat down, the story begins.

Summary of the tale

Grandfather and grandmother lived and lived. They lived all their lives without small kids. The old woman asks her old man:
- You would go, grandfather, you would blind at least a clay boy. Here we will have a son. The old man did everything as the woman ordered. Any product made of clay must be thoroughly dried, sometimes tempered in fire. They put the boy on the Russian stove, he dried up on the hot stove, and got hungry:

- Oh, woman, I would like a tub of milk and a crumb of bread!

(Is it really necessary to ask for something? This is impolite! You need to pronounce your speech in a calm quiet voice, add the word “please”).

They fed, and he again for his own, again demands food.

He drank all the milk that was on the farm, and the grain supply was reduced. There is nothing to eat. The boy, without thinking twice, ate the grandmother, did not disdain the spinning wheel, ate the grandfather, and swallowed it together with the stick - he did not choke.

The boy went, went out the gate, he met a bull:

- “I ate five humpbacked bread, five tubs of milk, a spinning wheel and a grandmother, with a grandfather's stick, now I'll take care of you!”. He said - and for sure, the bull fit in it! Lumberjacks were caught on the road, and ax handles with sharp blades stick out behind the belt. The guy talked, opened up:

- “I ate bread, drank milk - everything is not enough! He swallowed his grandmother and grandfather - not enough! The bull by the horns - and there again, I didn’t eat enough! And here I am just hired by you! And so he did, no one spared. The men waved their scythes, the women threw rakes at him, but it was not there. A goat walked along the road. The boy boasts that he ate everything in the district, he also did not pardon everyone he met. Oh, and there were many! And he also threatened to eat the goat.

(You can't be a boastful person, you don't need to threaten other people).

The goat did not remain silent, offered his help so that he would not bother himself in vain, and would not waste his strength. All the guy will have to do is go down the hill and stand there, and the goat will run to the very top, accelerate well, and right into the mouth of the Clay guy and fall. The gullible, greedy, empty-headed guy did everything as the goat told him. And the horned one ran up well, with all his strength hit his horns exactly in the stomach. And the guy was made of clay, so he shattered into small pieces, so the goat saved everyone.

(The goat did not just become a savior, he was smart and used cunning).

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...

Such children's fairy tales with their content help in fostering a sense of rejection of gluttony, unrestraint. You have to be grateful to your parents. Be smart, always try to save other people and animals in trouble. Be bold.

Read the Russian folk tale "The Clay Boy" online for free and without registration.

There lived an old man and an old woman. They didn't have children. The old woman says:

Old man, mold a boy out of clay, as if there will be a son.

The old man molded a boy out of clay. They put it on the stove to dry. The guy dried up and began to ask for food:

Give me, grandma, a tub of milk and a crumb of bread.

The old woman brought it to him, and he ate everything and again asks:

I am hungry! I am hungry!

And he ate all the bread from the old man and the old woman, drank all the milk, and again shouts:

I am hungry! I am hungry!

There is nothing more to give him. The clay guy jumped off the stove and ate a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick - and went into the street.

A bull is walking towards him, the clay guy says to him:

I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club - and I'll eat you, bull!

I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns - and I will eat you all!

And ate woodcutters with axes.

I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes - and I will eat you all!

He ate men with braids and women with rakes and went on. Clay guy met a goat and says:

I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes, men with scythes, women with a rake - and I'll eat you, goat!

And the goat says to him:

Yes, don’t bother, stand down the hill, and I will stand on the hill, run up into your mouth and jump.

The Clay Guy stood down the hill, and the goat fled from the mountain and hit his belly with his horns! This is where the Clay Guy crumbled.

And a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes, men with scythes, and women with a rake came out of the belly.

The goat delivered them all.

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Summary: An amazing story about how one goat helped all the people from the village become free. Russian tells about it folk tale Clay boy. The old man and the old woman had no children of their own. Grandma asks her old grandpa to cut a guy out of clay. The old man made a clay guy and put it on a warm oven to dry. A guy made of clay eats in turn everyone he sees on his way, grandfather, grandmother, a big bull, many woodcutters, all men, along with women, whom he sees together with scythes and pitchforks. Whomever he saw he ate, at the end a goat comes across his field of vision. A quick-witted goat offers his fellow traveler such a game. He asks him to stand under a high mountain and open his mouth wide so that the goat from all over the run jumps right into his mouth. The greedy glutton listens to him and does everything at his request. As soon as he opens his mouth, the goat butts him with a running start and bites his horns right into his fat belly. All his captives, whom he ate, are released, this is a grandfather, a woman, a bull and woodcutters. Thus, with the help of a goat, all the inhabitants of a large village become free and happy. You can read the fairy tale Clay Boy online on this page. You can listen to it on audio if you wish. Write after reading your suggestions, reviews and comments.

The text of the fairy tale Clay guy

There lived an old man and an old woman. They didn't have children.

The old woman says:

- Old man, mold a boy out of clay, as if there will be an owl.

The old man molded a boy out of clay. They put it on the stove to dry. The guy dried up and began to ask for food:

- Give me, grandmother, a tub of milk and a crumb of bread.

The old woman brought it to him, and he ate everything and again asks:

- I am hungry! I am hungry!

And he ate all the bread from the old man and the old woman, drank all the milk, and again shouts:

- I am hungry! I am hungry!

There is nothing more to give him. The clay guy jumped off the stove and ate a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club - and went into the street.

The bull is walking towards. Clay guy says to him:

- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club - and I'll eat you, bull!

Clay guy and says:

- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club, a bull with horns - and I will eat you all!

And ate woodcutters with axes.

The clay boy tells them:

- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes - and I will eat you all!

He ate men with braids and women with rakes and went on.

Clay guy met a goat and says:

- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes, men with scythes, women with a rake - and I'll eat you, goat!

And the goat says to him:

- Yes, you do not work, stand down the hill, and I will stand on the hill, run up and into your mouth and jump.

The Clay Guy stood down the hill, and the goat ran up the mountain and hit his belly with his horns! This is where the Clay Guy crumbled.

And a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes, men with scythes, and women with a rake came out of the belly.

The goat delivered them all.

Watch the fairy tale Clay guy listen online

Dear friend, we want to believe that reading the fairy tale "The Clay Boy" will be interesting and exciting for you. Thanks to the developed children's imagination, they quickly revive the colorful pictures of the world around them in their imagination and fill in the gaps with their visual images. A person's worldview is formed gradually, and such works are extremely important and instructive for our young readers. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they "breathe life" into creation and the events taking place in it. Probably due to the inviolability of human qualities in time, all morality, morality and issues remain relevant at all times and epochs. And a thought comes, followed by a desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, to win the love of a modest and wise princess. The dialogues of the characters often evoke tenderness, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. The fairy tale "The Clay Boy" is definitely worth reading for free online, there is a lot of kindness, love and chastity in it, which is useful for educating a young individual.

Well, there were an old man and an old woman. They didn't have children.
The old woman says:
- Old man, mold a boy out of clay, as if there will be an owl.
The old man molded a boy out of clay. They put it on the stove to dry. The guy dried up and began to ask for food:
- Give me, grandmother, a tub of milk and a crumb of bread.
The old woman brought it to him, and he ate everything and again asks:
- I am hungry! I am hungry!
And he ate all the bread from the old man and the old woman, drank all the milk, and again shouts:
- I am hungry! I am hungry!
There is nothing more to give him. The clay guy jumped off the stove and ate a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club - and went into the street.
The bull is walking towards. Clay guy says to him:
- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club - and I'll eat you, bull!
Yes, he ate a bull.
Goes on. Towards woodcutters with axes.
Clay guy and says:
- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club, a bull with horns - and I will eat you all!
And ate woodcutters with axes.
Goes on. Men with braids and women with rakes will meet him.
The clay boy tells them:
- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes - and I will eat you all!
He ate men with braids and women with rakes and went on.
Clay guy met a goat and says:
- I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes, men with scythes, women with a rake - and I'll eat you, goat!
And the goat says to him:
- Yes, you do not work, stand down the hill, and I will stand on the hill, run up and into your mouth and jump.
The Clay Guy stood down the hill, and the goat ran up the mountain and hit his belly with his horns! This is where the Clay Guy crumbled.
And a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes, men with scythes, and women with a rake came out of the belly.
The goat delivered them all.


There lived an old man and an old woman. They didn't have children. The old woman says:

Old man, mold a boy out of clay, as if there will be a son.

The old man molded a boy out of clay. They put it on the stove to dry. The guy dried up and began to ask for food:

Give me, grandma, a tub of milk and a crumb of bread.

The old woman brought it to him, and he ate everything and again asks:

I am hungry! I am hungry!

And he ate all the bread from the old man and the old woman, drank all the milk, and again shouts:

I am hungry! I am hungry!

There is nothing more to give him. The clay guy jumped off the stove and ate a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick - and went into the street.

A bull is walking towards him, the clay guy says to him:

I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a club - and I'll eat you, bull!

I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns - and I will eat you all!

And ate woodcutters with axes.

I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes - and I will eat you all!

He ate men with braids and women with rakes and went on. Clay guy met a goat and says:

I ate five crumbs of bread, five tubs of milk, a grandmother with a spinning wheel, a grandfather with a stick, a bull with horns, woodcutters with axes, men with scythes, women with a rake - and I'll eat you, goat!

And the goat says to him:

Yes, don’t bother, stand down the hill, and I will stand on the hill, run up into your mouth and jump.

The Clay Guy stood down the hill, and the goat fled from the mountain and hit his belly with his horns! This is where the Clay Guy crumbled.
