Interesting birthday ideas. Category "games and contests for birthday"

The host asks questions about the birthday man, and the guests answer. The fastest and smartest guest, who gave the most correct answers about the hero of the occasion, deserves a prize. sample questions: favorite fruit of the birthday boy? birth weight? what position does he hold? what movie do you like? and so on.

Unique congratulations

Each guest in turn gets up and congratulates the birthday man on his birthday, inserting a certain word into his speech, which will be given for forfeits. Words should be interesting and complex, not used in Everyday life, for example, transformer, collider and so on. And if the company allows, then instead of words, you can prepare forfeits not with one word, but with whole sentences, for example, Argentina beckons a black man, the Boar fell and his paw on its side. It will be very funny and fun to listen to congratulations with a special accent.

Spell Description

In a circle, the guests call one word each, characterizing the birthday man by the order of the letters in his name. For example, Irina. The first guest - and, playful, the second - p, luxurious, the third - and, interesting, the fourth - n, unusual, the fifth - a, artistic, and the sixth starts again with the first letter of the name, i.e. - and, and so on until the last guest. Who stumbles - flies out of the game. The most resourceful guest wins a prize.

Exclusive among guests

Guests receive sheets and pens. The facilitator in turn sets the task, for example, write your favorite fruit. The guests write their favorite fruit on the leaves and take turns calling it, whoever has the same fruit written on the leaf, he gets up, and the guest who named this fruit, and the guest who repeated it, leave. Guests who fail to match continue the game. The facilitator sets the task: write your favorite non-alcoholic drink, and the game continues along the same chain. The guests who stay until the end and who do not have matches with anyone are considered the most exclusive and receive prizes.
Task examples:
Favorite vegetable; favorite color; favorite direction in music; favorite time of the year; favorite flower; Darling gem and so on.

We collect the birthday boy in parts

You will need a large sheet of paper or whatman paper and a marker. Each guest gets up in turn, they blindfold him and bring him to the drawing paper, naming a certain part of the body of the birthday man, which he must draw, for example, eyes, the second participant - the hips, the third - ears, the fourth - fingers, the fifth - the navel, and so on. . The result is a fun and interesting portrait.


It would seem a simple and unpretentious contest, but it is addictive and will be able to cheer up even the saddest guest at the holiday. Each participant is provided with soap bubbles, which can be bought at any market or children's store. The task of each of the participants is to blow the biggest soap bubble. Each participant has 5 attempts. Who will inflate the most-presame big soap bubble, he will receive a prize, for example, a pack of bubblegum.

Sushi in Russian

3-4 people participate. Each participant is given Chinese sticks, with which the rivals must transfer sweets from one vase to another as quickly as possible. Whoever completes the sushi task the fastest will receive a prize, such as a jar of soy sauce or a tube of wasabi.

Symbolism for the birthday

Guests are divided into several teams. Each team is given a large sheet of paper and markers or pens. Everyone is given 5-10 minutes to imagine and complete the task. And the task is this: you need to come up with a flag and rowing for the birthday man, depict them accordingly and explain the meaning, as well as compose a short hymn in a few lines. For the most fun interesting option the team will receive a prize and gratitude from the birthday boy.

Clap the song

Each of the guests chooses a card from the general pile of cards on which songs known to everyone are written. Then each guest in turn must clap their song, and the rest of the guests must guess it. Song titles are chosen depending on the contingent of guests.

Steam locomotive guests

This competition is best held before the start of the celebration or before the next seating of guests at the table. The main engine is the birthday boy, he drives up to each of the guests and asks any question about himself, for example, what is my eye color or what is my favorite season. If the guest correctly answers the question - he joins the composition, if not - then he remains on the sidelines. The assembled composition is invited to the table, and those guests who could not correctly answer the questions of the birthday man-carriage fulfill the wish of the birthday man in turn so that they can sit down at the table.

I have a difficult relationship with birthdays. I don’t like to “cover the clearing” at work and banal congratulations on the wall in Vkontakte, but I always try to organize something unusual for my friends on my birthday. I must admit that sometimes there is no time, sometimes insanely lazy, sometimes I want to spit on everything and say that “I don’t want to order, I’d better organize a holiday on any other day just like that”, and sometimes they just don’t go to my head original ideas and even Pinterest does not save.

1. Role play

It was at the institute. We celebrated a birthday with my classmate, somehow magically pushed about thirty people into my three-room, but small apartment and arranged (don’t laugh!) role play. In theory, a role-playing game could be taken ready-made, but we decided to come up with the whole plot on our own. The script was not particularly intriguing, but each of the guests received a description of their role (there was an elderly millionaire, young hunters for his inheritance, a Greenpeace fan and a lover of furs) and had to fulfill their goals. We, as birthday girls and authors of the story, played the role of journalists, filmed it all on camera and interviewed the participants in the events on a rolling pin instead of a microphone. The alcohol was strong and it was clearly enough. The heroes of the drama (and not all of the guests were familiar with each other) quickly dispersed through the rooms and got to know each other. I remember that even the defender of animals made friends with the lady in the fur collar.

2. Quest

If the budget allows, then you can already invite professionals to host an interesting game, which I did in 2010. Once again, the end of May was approaching, and once again I puzzled over how to arrange such an interesting game for my friends on my birthday. This time I did not come up with the script myself, but ordered the organization and conduct of a pro quest. We all reincarnated as actors, actresses, screenwriters who came to the hotel for testing and further filming of the film, but our task was to find the killer of the director. In parallel, we still somehow managed to take part in the auditions for the role main character movie. Great pastime: on the one hand, a great opportunity to be at the table (well, you understand me), on the other hand, to move your brains and participate in the action, but without jumping in bags.

If you want to order a quest, I recommend contacting the guys from Questime. Their representative offices are located in many cities of Russia, as well as in Kyiv, Astana and even New York. I personally know the founders. They are passionate about what they do, so I highly recommend it.

3. Party at the Jolly Roger

It was 2007, the day before my birthday, another film from the series about the pirates of the Caribbean came out in Russian cinemas. To this topic, I decided to time the theme of the celebration. The evening began with a joint trip to the cinema, and then we sat down small company in the restaurant "Jolly Roger" with the appropriate interior, which I had previously found. It was a long time ago, but if I remember correctly, in addition to the feast itself, I organized a mafia game, which I remade in a pirate style with black marks, a ship's doctor and a cabin boy. There were also small gifts for the participants - some simple souvenir with images of the Pirates of the Caribbean.

My friend and I are at the cinema for the Pirates of the Caribbean premiere.

4. Costume party

The idea is simple - everyone comes in costumes. You can turn this idea around in any way you like: say that the theme is not important, the main thing is that the suit should fit (my friends in such a situation quickly played free, kicked dandelions in the yard and came in wreaths) or set a specific theme for reincarnation.

My friend was throwing an American style party for her birthday. Aside from the stylized clothes she asked guests to wear, the theme of the party was kept alive by the menu - awesome homemade burgers and chips.

But another friend of mine decided to arrange a trip to karaoke for her birthday (and no, I do not agree that this is banal!). All invitees had to transform into some kind of musical hero (you could choose at least Beethoven, at least Lady Gaga). It just so happened that both of my friends celebrated their birthdays with different companies, but on the same day. So I became an American Britney Spears. True, everyone confused me with a Japanese schoolgirl.

5. Every hunter wants to know

In 2012, the theme of my birthday was a rainbow. No, a law against propaganda had not yet been passed, so I invited seven invited friends to choose one color from the rainbow and choose clothes and accessories of this color (although, of course, you could stir up something in the style of Snow White and the seven dwarfs). The idea was to go so beautiful and colorful to nature and take a good picture (). My girlfriend is a very good photographer and gave me a photo shoot, and bought all sorts of colored accessories and donuts. By the way, I also gave each guest an envelope with colored Skittles (try the rainbow!) and hairpins with a flower of the chosen color.

Colorful donuts were also accessories at the party, but not for long.

I love good parties. When the basis interesting idea and a little bit of organization, simple gatherings turn into interesting event which is remembered. That is why, I was very happy to receive an invitation from my sister for her birthday. The holiday was in the format of a picnic in the park (summer after all!), and the sister chose a marine theme as a basis, inspired by the Day of the Navy. We are so crazy in my family, we cannot do without a concept.

Organizing an interesting party with a twist is not so difficult, especially if you follow the standard algorithm. True, often in the hustle and bustle of everyday life it is difficult even to force yourself to make a holiday for yourself (hope that someone will organize a holiday for you, unfortunately). My sister's seaside picnic inspired me to structure my approach to party planning so that all that's left now is to check things off the list nicely and say "check" like Monica Geller.

1. Make a list of invitees (and even manage not to accidentally forget anyone)

For such cases, I have a list in notes in Outlook. After all, from year to year we invite almost the same people to events such as birthdays. With such a file, you don’t have to make a list again: add new acquaintances, remove those who have parted or dropped out of the circle of friends - and voila! Check!

2. Come up with a theme

The most difficult and most interesting task. To come up cool theme something to inspire. On a specific day (for example, Day Navy), or the venue (White Party of the White Nights with a walk through the night summer St. Petersburg), or even the number of participants (I came up with the theme of the birthday of all the colors of the rainbow when I realized that I would have seven guests). I wrote about the ideas that I used for my birthdays. I allow you to roam without hesitation.

3. Announce the dress code

As a rule, after the theme is thought up, it is already easy to understand what the dress code will be. Lately I love to help the invitees (at this moment, the slippers of my girlfriends fly at me, who this year, because of my crazy ideas, ran around the shops in search of white dresses), and as inspiration, I prepare an approximate selection of outfits.

4. Prepare a wish list

Perhaps, almost more than anything in the world, I love surprises ... from people who know me well and know what gifts I will like. My sister gave me a KINFOLK magazine this year with a house theme that wasn't even on the wish list (well, you know how excited I was anyway). But a pre-prepared wish list is essential if you don't want to end up inundated with my-size flipper-style gifts. I used to use the Mywishlist service, which I created, in my opinion, back in the time of active use of LiveJournal, since then it has not changed and is still stuck somewhere in the mid-2000s, although the wishes of lilacs, peonies and more cannot become outdated . Pinterest is everything. I have a wish board here, which I am slowly but surely filling out.

5. Decide on the place of action

To you or to me? Well, you get the idea. Picnic and boating, walking around the city at night with the launch of balloons, cooking master class in the culinary studio, pajama party home or home gatherings. One of my girlfriends decided to celebrate her 30th birthday in Georgia (invitations were sent out almost a year before (!)). Much will depend on the overall theme (and sometimes the setting will dictate the theme). Do not delay with this matter, otherwise you will be sitting like me at a cookie-making master class in the large hall of the restaurant, and nasty kids will scurry around and beg from you air balloons that were given to you.

6. Send an invitation

No matter how obvious this step was, I have had cases when I sent out an invitation at 11 pm on the eve of my birthday itself (does not apply only to aircraft). For people like me, salvation is a Facebook invitation service (hey, is there really someone else who doesn’t have a Facebook page? okay, I duplicated the information with text messages for such individuals of a rare endangered species). Why are Facebook invites better than email invites? Because you can add information there (the same wish list, dress code, action address) as it becomes available. This, by the way, also perfectly stirs up the interest of the public, which means it lengthens the holiday. I also have a dream to have a party with real invitations sent by mail, but apparently I can't wait until I have a ring on my finger.

7. Prepare decor

Here, of course, the master is my sister. Only she can eat 20 jars of applesauce on the eve of her birthday in order to arrange them as drinking glasses. I usually limit myself to something simple. The white party is a huge bunch of white and silver balloons. Rainbow party - colorful donuts and lollipops.

8. Think about who will be photographing

Did I already say that I love taking pictures? I like taking pictures of myself! Photos are important, important, important. Consider who will take on this role. If there is no person with hands from the right place, then he can hire a photographer (after all, unfortunately, a birthday is only once a year), well, or Instax is in a hurry to help - it's always fun. Oh, and one more thing, don't forget to take a picture of the food before it disappears.

9. Prepare gifts for guests

This is soooo cute! Well, really, think about whether you can give something small but pleasant to your guests. I honestly admit that I only had one time for such a feat. For my rainbow-themed birthday, I gave each guest an envelope with Skittles (try the rainbow!) and a hairclip with a flower in the rainbow color the guest chose.

On the eve of your birthday and you still do not know how to celebrate it enchantingly? Check out some ideas to inspire the most memorable birthday party ever!

Idea No. 1: Home-style, or a theme party

The most traditional option. If you have a large enough apartment, many friends and relatives that you want to see at the holiday, you have organizational skills, then this is undoubtedly your option. However, it must be taken into account that you will first have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen to prepare treats, and after the holiday, devote a day to cleaning the apartment. To make your preparation easier, you can order meals at a restaurant and ask family and friends to help you prepare. You do not want boring feasts with conversations about the weather and breaking news politics and sports? Then impress your guests and organize a theme party by preparing games and entertainment, decorating the place of celebration and preparing small gifts for guests.


- make a masquerade ball. Invite guests to dress up as fairy-tale characters. The outfits themselves will create an original atmosphere of the holiday, and if you also make a small script with contests, the holiday will be remembered by you and your guests for a long time;

- prepare treats according to the recipes of the cuisine of a particular country: China, Japan, India, Greece. Complete the holiday with interior decorations in the style of this country and ethnic music. Meet and accommodate guests in the same tradition;

- write your own script with contests. Subordinate it to one idea: the plot of a book known to all guests, an event in history or in your common life, a country that you have visited or want to visit. When drawing up contests, keep in mind that everyone should win in the end;

Host a unique themed party. For example, "Dandies", "We are from the USSR", Hawaiian party, color (black / white party), oriental, etc. Fantasy has no limits! Don't forget to set a dress code and prepare contests, games and quizzes. Be sure to buy small prizes, let everyone leave with a small gift and remember your birthday with warmth in their souls!

Idea number 2: For restaurants, for restaurants ...

Restaurants, cafes, nightclubs are great places to celebrate a birthday with a small company. By choosing one of these establishments, you save yourself from two problems: preparing treats and preparing entertainment program. However, it should be noted that this option is associated with additional costs if you pay for the party yourself. If your friends will pay every man for himself, then this issue should be discussed in advance.

You can also go to a sports complex (bowling, billiards, swimming pool, etc.), a casino, a karaoke club or an amusement park! Yes, anywhere ... Another good "female" option is to go with friends to the SPA-salon.


– attract a professional presenter for the show program, he will entertain all the guests with exciting contests and will not let anyone get bored! Invite artists, dancers, magicians ... And you can also agree with friends - for sure, one of them dances, sings or plays some musical instrument;

- invite a cartoonist to the event. Let him quietly sit nearby and draw funny cartoons to your friends. At the end of the party, all guests will receive their portraits, laugh and go home, charged with positive;

- use an operator. After all, it is a sin not to capture the most bright moments! Then all your friends can make gift discs and remember many pleasant moments. Consider a professional photographer as well.

Idea number 3: All in nature!

Mountains, rivers, forests, fields... This celebration option is more suitable for those who were born in the warm season. However, if you and your friends are not afraid of the cold, then it is quite possible to go to nature in the winter. The main treat in this case can be meat fried on a fire or a delicious fragrant shish kebab. Just do not forget to interrupt the meal with outdoor games. Choose a theme and come up with suitable entertainment, and then the outdoor event will not be a banal alcohol-barbecue picnic, but a bright, memorable holiday.


- go to the lake. Beautiful landscapes, clean invigorating air - what else do you need for happiness?! Book a cozy cottage or a small house and "hang out" there with friends to the fullest;

- to go to a country house or to the country. Prepare delicious treats, alcoholic drinks, contests, quizzes... and full speed ahead!;

- go to the ski base. Just don't forget to ask your friends for their opinion, someone may not like this idea. But if nature lovers and healthy lifestyle life, then your choice will be clearly supported;

- go to an open skating rink. Even if there are newcomers to this business in your company, there will be a reason to learn. As a rule, there is a cafe on the rink where you can have a snack, drink coffee and relax. But just in case, take a thermos of tea or coffee and sandwiches with you.

Idea number 4: Dreams come true, or the Wizard himself!

Why not on this day do what you dreamed of for many years, but could not decide? Together with a company of good old friends, you can go horseback riding or play football. And you can finally gather your courage and jump with a parachute or fly a hang glider. And then, sitting over a glass of wine or a mug of beer, exchange impressions and emotions. Be sure that you will not forget this day soon! Think carefully, remember all your innermost desires, make a list and be sure to fulfill one of your “wants”!

- do something extraordinary. Maybe even crazy or a little childish! If you're afraid of heights, take the funicular. If you don't like depth, swim underwater. If you think you can't sing, feel free to go to a karaoke bar. If you are afraid to go to the dance floor, go to a nightclub with your friends!;
- quit all your business and give up on a tourist voucher to warmer climes! And you will have a rest, and celebrate the holiday exotically ... True, this option is more suitable for lovers or couples;

- go to Paris, if finances can afford it. It is impossible not to fall in love with France, and a birthday in Paris is impossible not to like. No special menu or decorations are needed here - Paris will say everything for you!

Idea #5: Kill the birthday boy!

Are you tired of gray everyday life and gloomy days? Do you want to plunge into the world of adventure? Paintball is what you need! This game - great idea for a birthday, it will allow guests to truly relax and return to childhood! And then you can have a great party!


- come up with an interesting one before the game holiday script, give roles / names to all “fighters”, reward the most enduring and “punish” (give some interesting funny task) the losers;

- organize a small table there - enough light snacks with drinks and a small cake. Or maybe a little champagne, so that it “gave” to the head before the battle ...;

- at the end of the game, continue the "military style" and at the party itself - spend interesting contests and relay races, give the guests comic nominations and titles!

Preparing for a birthday party can be exciting, but it can also be quite stressful. Good holiday is made up of many elements, and the responsibility for making it a success lies with you. Here are some win-win tips for organizing an amazing holiday, where no one gets bored and everyone walks from the heart. It is important that You enjoy the preparation process!


Part 1

Decide on the place and time of the party

    Choose a date for the celebration. The sooner you decide on the date, the sooner you can move on to the next stages of planning the celebration.

    Choose a time to receive guests. The most appropriate time depends on the personality and age of the birthday person.

    • If you are throwing a party for a child, then either late morning or lunch time will do. This is the most convenient for parents.
    • It is better to plan a holiday for an adult in the evening.
  1. Decide on a budget for the celebration. It’s easy to spend a lot of money preparing for the holiday, so be sure to calculate the amount in advance and stick to it.

    • Think over the general budget, including absolutely all expenses for the celebration. The holiday budget can range from a few thousand rubles to several tens of thousands, so be realistic about how much you are willing to spend.
    • List separately all items of expenditure (invitations, festive table, preparation and decoration of the room, place of celebration) and determine the amount of each of them.
  2. Make a list of invitees. There are several reasons why this is worth doing.

    • The guest list ensures that you don't forget to invite anyone.
    • It will help you decide on the location of the party. If the list of invitees consists of 12 people, then you can celebrate the birthday in home environment if you like. However, for 50 people it is better to choose another place.
    • The list of invitees will help to avoid an unpleasant situation when people appear at the birthday party whom the birthday person does not want to see.
    • Knowing the number of guests, you can calculate the required amount of food and drinks for everyone if the birthday takes place at home, or order a table or hall in a restaurant for the exact number of people.
  3. Choose a place where you will celebrate your birthday. You must know the person well in order to decide on the venue for the holiday for him.

    • Take note of the wishes of the birthday man. If he wants a solemn, elegant setting, choose the appropriate place. If he prefers to celebrate in a narrow circle of friends, be guided by this option.
    • To save money, you can organize a holiday at home.
    • Planning a major event to be attended a large number of guests, do not forget to make reservations in advance in the restaurant. Most restaurants can easily seat around 25 people.
    • You can also arrange a party or reserve banqueting hall. This is a more expensive option, but this way you can invite a lot more people.
    • Review your guest list and think about where you can accommodate those overnight guests. Give them all the comfort they need. If guests include people with disabilities, such as those in wheelchairs, find out if there is access for them in the places where the party itself and the guests are planned to be accommodated.

    Part 2

    Plan the details of the celebration carefully
    1. Decide if the holiday will be dedicated to a theme. Theme party in honor of a birthday is a great idea, but it can be more expensive: think about what you will have to buy for it.

      • Weigh all the pros and cons, taking into account the opinion of the birthday man. Does he want a themed birthday?
      • Take into account the age of the hero of the occasion. Is this a holiday for an adult or a child? Choose a topic that is age appropriate. For example, for children, a topic related to a children's film, series or cartoon, circus, children's book or carnival is suitable. For adults, topics such as a black and white party, a casino, the fashion of a certain period (for example, the twenties or eighties), a famous movie or TV series are suitable.
    2. Purchase and send out invitations. After you have completed the previous steps, take on the invitations that you need to send out to all the guests on the list.

      Plan your holiday table. Depending on the theme of the holiday, you have a large selection of options.

      Figure out exactly what you will be responsible for in terms of treats. Depending on the location of the celebration, you may or may not be responsible for preparing and serving meals.

      Think about how to decorate the room, and collect everything you need. This is one of the most exciting stages in organizing a holiday!

      Choose entertainment for the holiday. This stage may include different kinds fun.

      Choose what's for dessert. For a birthday party, this is the most important thing!

      • Usually you can't do without a birthday cake, especially if the birthday boy is a child. Decide whether you will bake the cake yourself or buy it from a candy store.
      • Find out what the birthday person's favorite cake is, and also take into account if any of the guests are allergic to the ingredients. For an allergic person, purchase another dessert in advance.
      • If the birthday boy doesn't want a cake, let him have whatever dessert he wants! A great substitute for a birthday cake would be mini cupcakes, brownies, sweet pies, cookies or ice cream.
    3. Make a backup plan in case bad weather if the party is outdoors. Prepare a fallback indoors and consider how and when to notify guests.
