How to make a helicopter from an eggplant. A woman's world

Both in schools and in preschool institutions, teachers try to make crafts with children on all holidays as gifts for parents or simply to implement creative ideas. On Victory Day or February 23, military equipment most often becomes the object of creativity. Crafts are made from a variety of materials, and exhibitions and competitions for the best product are organized. When such a homework assignment is given, parents are at a loss as to how to help their child, not make mistakes, and complete the task perfectly.

The article gives several different options for making simple crafts of military equipment with your own hands. The description of the work and attached photographs will help you quickly understand the principle of the product. Examples are given of the manufacture of tanks and airplanes, helicopters and cars made from paper and corrugated cardboard, waste material and origami folding. We hope that this material will help schoolchildren and parents of children to complete the teacher’s assignment and receive positive feedback at the exhibition.

Cardboard airplane

For such a simple craft of military equipment, you will need a sheet of colored thick cardboard, PVA glue, scissors and an empty box of matches. Along the length of the A4 sheet, cut out two identical rectangles the width of a matchbox. These will be the wings of the aircraft. The corners are rounded off with scissors. The screw is glued crosswise from two thin rounded strips of equal length. Apply glue to the boxes and attach the wings with the central parts. You can leave it like that, it will turn out to be a corn shell, or you can, as in the photo below, fasten the wings at the edges.

The body is also assembled from 2 strips, and the tail has a loop on top, glued to the edges. The box can be wrapped in colored paper. If you make a craft from green cardboard and attach red stars to the edges of the wings with an appliqué, you will get a craft of military equipment. Can be taken to the exhibition.

Airplane made from scrap material

To perform the next version of the plane, you will need two round wooden sticks, which were left over after eating ice cream or examining the throat with a disposable instrument at the doctor. For the body, take a wooden clothespin, and for the tail, use a smaller stick, for example, for stirring coffee in a machine. If it's too long, cut it and round the edges (you can get dad to do this job).

Attach the parts to each other either with transparent superglue "Crystal" or with a glue gun. After drying, the military equipment craft is painted with gouache, and then the surface can be additionally coated with acrylic varnish.

Helicopter made of plastic

To create a plastic helicopter, prepare one small juice or water container with a wide screw-on lid, three cocktail straws with an accordion for bending the top, a ball suitable in size for the bottle, a bead, scissors, an awl, stapler with paper clips and good glue (preferably a glue gun).

The photo above clearly shows the step-by-step process of making military equipment with your own hands. In kindergarten, such a helicopter can be given to a child even to play with friends. Having made such an aircraft together with their parents, the child will treat it more carefully, since he put effort into its creation.

Commander's jeep made of paper

By folding paper using the origami method, you can make a variant of crafting military equipment for the garden. Following the step-by-step drawing, you need to act in the order of the numbers. To work, take a sheet of A4 paper and fold one of the corners diagonally to form an even square. The excess strip on the side is cut off with scissors.

To assemble the initial figure shown in Figure 1, you need to bend the square in half from top to bottom and left to right, then repeat the procedure again, only this time making diagonal folds. It remains to bend the triangles formed on the sides inward on both sides. The resulting figure will be the initial one when folding origami. Then they act exactly according to the picture above.

After production, the jeep is painted with pencils, wax crayons or paints. It is better to do the craft together with an older preschooler, as it requires constant supervision. The folds must be carefully ironed so that the work looks neat.

How to make a tank from corrugated paper

An excellent piece of military equipment for kindergarten would be a tank made of thick corrugated paper. If you are familiar with quilling techniques, you can easily cope with such a simple task. Beginners can be reassured that they will succeed the first time too. We take any three colors of wavy paper, you can use the data on the sample below, it is interesting to choose the colors of a military tank - green, marsh, sand. In any case, the tracks of the car are made black.

To twist rolls of paper, you need to use some kind of rod for convenience. This can be either a special quilling hook with a slot at the end for inserting paper, or any substitute, such as a toothpick, a ballpoint pen, or a wooden skewer. Wheels of different sizes are wound, reducing the diameter towards the edges of the caterpillar. The edge is attached to the last turn using PVA. The created parts are fastened together and wrapped in two layers of black corrugated paper. In order for both tracks to have a base, you need to place a cylinder twisted from a wide strip in the center between them, on which the turret with the cannon will subsequently be located.

To attach a long barrel, it is best to use a glue gun or insert a rod, such as a piece of wire or a toothpick, into the body of the tower. The tank serves only the function of a craft, it is inconvenient to play with it, since the wheels do not rotate, and children prefer mobile toys.

Airplane made from a plastic bottle

Having packaging cardboard, green plastic bottles and a glue gun, you can make another craft option for an exhibition in a kindergarten or elementary school. If you don’t have toys, such an airplane can be made in a few minutes in nature or in the country.

Two oval holes are cut out in the container on opposite sides, and corrugated cardboard rolled into a tube is inserted into it. These will be the wings. For the tail, three cuts are made in the neck. The nose of the plane can be made from the remaining cover by gluing it to the bottom with a glue gun.

The article gives the simplest options for vehicle crafts that can be decorated like military vehicles, adding emblems, stars, and painting them in suitable colors. Happy creations!

Kids really like to play with toys made with their own hands with the help of adults. Such toys remind them of pleasant moments of joint creativity and allow them to fully enjoy its fruits.

Both boys and girls are of great interest in toys in the form. They can be used in any game, allowing your heroes to move to any destination. As a rule, any child has several, and even. Therefore, we propose to make a not quite familiar type of transport - a helicopter. A DIY craft made from an egg carriage will be feasible even for small children, and any child will enjoy it.

All you need for the job is a cardboard egg carriage, paints, scissors, glue, strips of thick cardboard and a stationery nail.

Let's get started.

First of all, in order for us to get a helicopter craft, we cut out the body of the helicopter and its tail from the egg carriage with our own hands. The body will be one of the cells, and the tail will be the partition between them.

At the same time, we cut off the bottom of one of the remaining cells - this will be a continuation of the helicopter body.

We paint the helicopter parts in bright colors. We draw doors and windows on the body.

We make a recess in the bottom of the cell that we cut off, using a simple pencil.

We glue the helicopter parts together using PVA or office glue.

While the glue dries, cut out two identical strips from cardboard - these will be the propeller blades.

Use a nail to attach the blades to the top of the helicopter.

A homemade helicopter can be made from absolutely any waste material. Before work, think about what parts the craft consists of, how many elements will be needed, and how the individual parts will be attached together. You can make a simple static figurine, for example, for an exhibition in a school or kindergarten, but if you try, it will be interesting to create a helicopter with moving parts - wheels and a propeller.

To create a homemade helicopter, you can use wooden blocks, wire, cardboard, plastic bottles or detergent containers, corrugated cardboard packaging or egg cells. The main thing is to recreate all the components of this type of transport. This is a round or elongated body; at the bottom you can make either wheels or two skid chassis. Above the roof of the housing there is always a rotating propeller of 3 or 4 blades. An elongated tail with a small vertical propeller is made on the rear side of the helicopter.

In the article we will consider several options for making a homemade helicopter and airplane from a variety of materials. The photographs presented will help you reproduce a similar structure at home, because the difficulty in the work lies only in attaching the structural elements to each other. Here you need to use strong glue or wire. You will find out more details further in the article.

To create a wire helicopter, you can use either regular thin wire or sheathed material. The option of a combination of both looks interesting, for example, the body and tail section are twisted from wire in a bright colored shell, and all other elements are made from ordinary aluminum or copper wire, as in the main photo in the article.

To work, you will need a coil of wire and pliers with rounded edges for fastening the parts with coils. Such a helicopter can be made for an exhibition at school or as a model for a shelf. This option is not entirely suitable for a child to play with, since nothing moves in it, and children like brighter and dynamic toys.

We use cardboard packaging for eggs

Such homemade helicopters can be made with children of senior preschool age in kindergarten during manual labor classes. The blanks for the body and tail can be cut by the teacher. To attach the screw, you will need to cut two strips from cardboard; you will also need a bolt and nut, a plastic bottle cap, gouache paints for decoration, thick PVA glue or a glue gun.

The educator or teacher tells the children in detail how to make a homemade helicopter before class. First of all, the tail is glued to the body and the bottle cap on top. It is best if a hole is made on it with an awl. Older children will be able to do this on their own on a wooden board.

Then cut out two identical strips of yellow double-sided cardboard along the lines under the ruler, and make a hole in the center for the bolt. Before connecting the parts, it is advisable to paint the helicopter with paints, drawing the windshield and painting the body. Once dry, you can attach the screw to the top by inserting the bolt and tightening it tightly with a nut from the bottom.

Option from a plastic container

Even kids can make such a simple homemade helicopter under the guidance of adults. You will need a liter container of any color, 3 or 4 plastic bottle caps, several wooden ice cream sticks to create a propeller and ski runners. If desired, you can decorate the craft with bright tape, paints, or gluing small details - flowers, letters or geometric shapes.

Take a close look at the finished work in the photo above. Making a craft is very simple. Use superglue or a glue gun to attach one lid on top and two on the bottom. Prepare the popsicle sticks in advance by painting them with gouache paints in different bright colors. Attach them to the top cover, positioning them like a snowflake. From below, two parallel sticks will serve as “skis” for the helicopter. All that remains is to decorate the model as desired with different elements or paints.

You can assemble a homemade helicopter with your own hands from just wooden ice cream sticks. It is best to first draw its diagram on a sheet of paper, calculating how many sticks will be needed for a particular part. You can achieve the required size of the parts using strong scissors or a hacksaw. To prevent the edges from becoming shaggy, sand them with sandpaper.

Connections are made with a glue gun, and moving parts are held on by screws.

Wooden models

If you have the skills of a carpenter, then you can make a child or an airplane from wooden planks or leftover plywood. You will need a jigsaw and a grinder.

Options for making models depend on your skills and imagination. There won't be much material, you can glue the craft together from individual planks.

The article presents crafts of helicopters and airplanes from various materials that can be made at home with children. Teach children to manual labor, the ability to imagine and plan work. Making homemade toys is interesting for all children, especially boys. After all, how nice it is to brag to your friends that you made a toy yourself.

Every day we purchase many goods packaged in plastic bottles, and after use we throw them in the trash. Why not give this material a second life? After all, many creative craftsmen make simply original things from them: plastic, shelves, dumbbells, masks, garden crafts and so on.

For work you will need materials: Plastic bottle, tennis ball, three cocktail straws, one thumbtack, stapler, scissors.

How to make a helicopter with your own hands. Master Class

In the lid of the bottle, in the center, using scissors, using drilling movements, make a hole with a diameter like a cocktail tube. If the lid is too thick and difficult to drill, you can use a hot nail, then you can make a hole in a matter of seconds.

Cut off the top of the bottle along the notch. If you don’t have such a notch, first draw it on the bottle with a marker so as not to cut it crookedly. This part will be the basis of the helicopter. Cut another strip from the bottom of the bottle and cut it in half

We cut the cocktail tubes into pieces, as shown in the photo. You should end up with three bent tubes and two straight ones.

We place two straight tubes on top of each other in the center and pierce them with a thumbtack. This will be a helicopter propeller.

In order to make the tail of the helicopter, insert one of the bent tubes into the prepared hole of the bottle cap.

To make skis, we connect two bent tubes in the center with a prepared strip using a stationery stapler. We attach the resulting skis with a stapler to the cut edge of the bottle. We attach the propeller to the top. Insert a tennis ball into the cut edge of the bottle.

Our DIY plastic bottle helicopter is ready. As you can see, making it was not at all difficult and we used a minimum of materials in production. And how much joy such a toy will bring to your child, and this joy will be doubly if this toy is made by him independently.

I hope you enjoyed the master class? And there are other handmade children's crafts from plastic bottles ahead of you. Stay tuned. Good luck in your creativity!

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You can make various crafts using plastic bottles. This time we will look at how you can make a helicopter from a plastic bottle.

To create a helicopter we will need:


  • Stapler
  • Scissors


  • Small plastic bottle
  • Ping pong ball
  • Drink straws - 3 pcs.
  • Safety pin or button

Step-by-step instruction:

1. When all the tools and materials are prepared, we begin assembling the helicopter from a plastic bottle. First, we make a hole in the middle of the lid, such that a drinking straw fits into it.

3. We take the tubes and cut small straight pieces from them.

4. It's time to make ski stands, a propeller and a tail for our product. To do this, take two straight tubes, connect them and fasten them with a safety pin or button. Insert part of a cocktail tube with a bend into the hole in the lid. This way we will form the tail for the helicopter.

6. We attach the skis with brackets to the body of the helicopter from a bottle.

7. We take a ping pong ball, insert it into the hole of the bottle and we have a cabin. If the ball does not hold well, you can attach it with glue. We fix the screw on top.

Our plastic bottle helicopter is ready!
