Why you shouldn't bite your nails. What does the habit of biting your nails lead to? Why a person should not bite his nails and hangnails

– an involuntary reaction of the body to stress in the presence of certain psychological prerequisites and characteristics of the human nervous system. ? Understanding the reasons why you should not bite your nails helps you overcome the bad habit.

Despite the fact that the habit of biting nails mainly applies to children, a significant percentage of adults balance their current psychological state in this way. Typically, an adult bites his nails when he is nervous or thinking hard about an important issue. In such cases, it is advisable to switch attention to performing other actions; in a stressful situation, sedatives can help. Onychophagia is based on psychological and neurological problems, and if a person is unable to get rid of this habit on his own, he should consult a psychologist or neurologist for a course of appropriate therapy.

The habit of biting your nails is fraught with a whole range of problems. First of all, we are talking about infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Even after washing hands, entire colonies of pathogenic bacteria and microbes remain under a person’s nails. In the process of biting nails, they enter the oral cavity and then the stomach. In the presence of a favorable environment, the infection begins to develop rapidly and causes digestive upset. This significantly weakens a person’s defenses, provokes the development or exacerbation of other diseases, leads to dehydration of the body and overload of the cardiovascular system.

People who bite their fingernails usually do not think about how dirty they are because they act unconsciously, without controlling the beginning of the process. For this reason, both adults and children risk harming their bodies by swallowing any chemicals, for example, small particles of synthetic detergents or cleaning products.

The consequences of nail biting can also affect the condition of the hands. By biting your nails, you can quite easily damage the nail plate, which is why it practically stops growing or continues the growth process already deformed. Using teeth instead of manicure tools, a person often damages the cuticle and pulls out hangnails by the roots. As a result, open wounds are formed, which serve as gateways for the penetration of all kinds of infections. The periungual space becomes inflamed, purulent foci may occur and surgical intervention may be required. In simpler cases, the thin skin around the nail becomes highly sensitive and constantly damaged.

Psychology also explains the habit of gnawing the skin on the fingers that accompanies onychophagia. As a result of such actions, the hands look very untidy, and their appearance evokes negative emotions among others. This may be the reason for poor socialization of children in a group of peers, and a reason for refusing to provide certain types of work to an adult.

Of course, in most cases, people have a good idea of ​​why they should not bite their nails. But not everyone is ready to make certain efforts to get rid of a bad and unsafe habit. Overcoming the body’s habitual reaction to stress is a multi-stage process, the main part of which is finding and overcoming the underlying causes of the emergence and development of this habit.

Habit of biting nails Occurs in children around the age of 4 years. Researchers have not fully figured out what underlies it. Some experts regard this phenomenon as a reaction to stress, others are sure that it is a sign of mental problems, and still others claim that this habit is inherited.

Be that as it may, you need to get rid of the harmful craving to constantly keep your hands in your mouth immediately. We counted 9 consequences of nail biting habit that will make anyone think.

Habit of biting nails

1. Under the nails there is a whole breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria and fungi. Next time, raising your hands to your mouth, imagine how this cheerful brethren moves into your body.

2. In addition to bacteria and fungi, there may also be worm eggs under the nails...

3. When biting your nail plate, you can damage your tooth enamel. Even a case of jaw displacement has been reported.

4. By biting your nails, you can injure your gums and tongue mucosa and immediately infect the wound. Staphylococci from under the nails will work on development stomatitis in the mouth.

5. Information for ladies: biting varnished nails is doubly harmful. Most varnishes contain formaldehyde- a toxic substance used to treat corpses in the morgue. Brrr...

6. As a result of nail biting, the nail bed is destroyed. Over time, the nail becomes irreversibly shortened and can turn into a stump sticking out of the finger.

7. Bruises form in the corners of the nails, which are immediately attacked by bacteria.

And a cat at least once each of us had. To get rid of it, you need to drink some water. Others say that sudden fear is a great remedy for this disease. However, first things first.

The whole point lies in the so-called vagus nerve, which connects the central nervous system with many internal organs of a person. This nerve passes from the chest to the abdominal cavity, while being closely adjacent to the esophagus. Together with the esophagus, it passes through a small opening that is present in the diaphragm, a septum that separates the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity, which consists of muscles and tendons.

The center where hiccups originate should be considered to be precisely that narrow hole in the diaphragm. When we quickly swallow pieces of food, practically without chewing them, they enter the esophagus and injure the same vagus nerve - it becomes irritated and pressed. However, it can be injured due to fright, overeating, the body being in an uncomfortable position, as well as from cold (the latter often happens in infants). Since nerve compression can have a detrimental effect on the functionality of many internal organs, our body instantly reacts to this by sending a signal to the central nervous system, which activates the phrenic nerve, which is responsible for contracting the diaphragm.

What do we end up with? The pulsating activity of the phrenic nerve, thanks to the efforts of which the diaphragm contracts, and it does this with sharp and powerful movements. This process is called hiccups, which is also accompanied by a sound that appears due to the sharp closing of the glottis. Unfortunately, hiccups are an involuntary reflex that a person cannot control.

The best way to get rid of hiccups is to simply forget about them and after a few minutes they will disappear on their own. Another option is to drink some water, but you need to do this in small sips and not breathe. You can also simply take a deep breath of air and hold your breath for a while. Another simple way is to stretch well. But you shouldn’t scare a person - who knows, what if he has problems with the nervous system?

Why do my eyes water?

There are many factors that can cause watery eyes. For example, allergies, overwork, some kind of inflammatory process... If this happens to you, it is quite possible that increased tearfulness is some kind of signal about disorders in the body.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the lack of vitamin B2 and potassium. This is determined by the following symptoms: antipathy to light, frequent consumption of caffeine-containing drinks (tea and coffee), salt, diuretics and sleeping pills, in addition, constant mental and physical overstrain of the body. Also, a person gets tired quickly, drowsiness appears, the limbs often get cold, and the legs even cramp. Most often, potassium deficiency occurs in pregnant girls and this is somewhat normal. But how can one bring the state of health back to normal in this case? Include oranges, bananas, cucumbers, baked potatoes, legumes, as well as melon and watermelon in your diet.

Very often, the eyes become watery due to overstrain, which is associated with constant work at the monitor. In general, it is not recommended to sit at a computer for more than 2-3 hours a day, but if for some reason you cannot do this, be sure to give your eyes a rest, at least a few minutes per hour.

In women, this can happen due to cosmetics. And even expensive mascaras, pencils and powders may often not suit you, since each person is individual. In order to determine whether cosmetics are to blame, stop using them for a while. Has there been an improvement? If yes, forget about this company and start looking for new cosmetics. The best choice would be those that contain no preservatives or their proportion is minimal.

Do you wear contact lenses? Also a popular factor is increased tear production. To find out whether the exact reason is in them, do not use them for a while. If your condition improves without them, then contact your doctor to re-check your vision and possibly change your lenses to different ones.

Why does my tongue hurt?

Do you remember how, in early childhood, our parents took us to the doctor, who checked the condition of our tongue with the usual “Say ah-ah...”? This is a mandatory part of a medical examination and the current time is no exception. Why do doctors need this? The fact is that this part of our body can tell a specialist about some internal diseases. Which ones?

A change in the color of the tongue may symbolize anemia, lack of oxygen or jaundice.
. Plaque indicates the use of alcohol, antibiotics, or simple dehydration.
. Trembling is a clear sign of some neurological diseases, sclerosis or active thyroid function.
. Deviation to one side indicates a stroke that could occur to a person.
. An enlarged tongue may indicate problems with the thyroid gland or increased function of the pituitary gland, a cerebral appendage located on the lower surface of the brain in a bone pocket.

But in fact, there are many more reasons and not all of them are related to problems in the body. For example, the cause of pain may be damage to the tissue of the tongue or oral cavity. Moreover, sometimes painful lesions appear for no reason at all - these are viral sores that can cause fatigue, stress, or even decreased immunity. Pain may appear due to a lack of any element in the body, for example, iron. If pain appears when walking quickly and stops after you rest, then the problem lies in the cardiovascular system. Don't forget about smoking, which irritates the tongue.

If this organ located in the oral cavity constantly hurts, you should not wait until the pain goes away on its own - you need to visit a doctor. Only after a thorough examination can he say what the true cause of the discomfort is and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Why do sweets make your teeth hurt?

As you know, any sweet product contains sugar. Although it is necessary for our body in small proportions, it simultaneously has a detrimental effect on the teeth, destroying the enamel and the layer underneath it called dentin. As a result, microscopic cracks are formed, into which pathogenic bacteria inevitably enter, resulting in a person developing caries. If you continue to eat sweets, caries will only develop.

As for pain when eating a cake, pie, candy or chocolate bar, it may appear due to the presence of microcracks in the tooth, or its increased sensitivity - there is a possibility that tubules leading to the nerve have opened somewhere on the surface of your tooth. When you chew a chocolate bar, the pressure on the tubules is transferred to the dental nerve, causing it to hurt. In any case, you need to see a dentist who will make an accurate diagnosis.

If the problem is caries, then there is also no need to wait for the weather by the sea - you need to get rid of caries and put a filling.

In order to avoid such situations, be sure to monitor your oral hygiene. How exactly? For example, after every meal, including various sweets, use a toothbrush or dental floss. But chewing gum does not help much in this regard - it is not able to completely clean your mouth.

If you do not pay attention to the pain, then the same caries can progress and go into much more severe stages, for example, periodontitis. Do you need it?

Why shouldn't you bite your nails?

According to statistics, every tenth person on our planet bites their nails. Of course, this figure may depend on various factors, including place of residence, age or gender of the person. For example, in the West, this disease, which, by the way, is called onychophagia, mostly affects women, while in our country it affects men.

Why some people engage in this activity is still not known for certain. Doctors consider the most common cause to be neurosis, anxiety, anxiety, and lack of self-confidence. Doctors are also confident that mentally ill people bite their nails, although it is formally impossible to determine the extent of the disease. On the other hand, many children like to put everything they can into their mouths, including their own fingers. Some of them manage to start biting their nails, which often becomes a habit. Are children also mentally ill? We don't think so.

Be that as it may, getting rid of this bad habit is not so difficult. Firstly, do not forget to cut your nails so that their tips do not “tempt” you. Secondly, during times of boredom or when you simply have nothing to do, find something to do - for example, read a book or play a computer game. Thirdly, purchase a special varnish at the pharmacy that is applied to the nails. As soon as you put your finger in your mouth, you will feel a disgusting bitterness, as a result of which you will immediately give up this dirty activity.

Well, now about the main thing. The main problem when “biting off” your own nails is the likelihood of infection with infectious diseases, as well as pests, such as helminths. Moreover, the latter often contribute to the development of other dangerous diseases, including hepatitis. In addition, the nails themselves will look disgusting in this case, which is especially true for girls. In general, this habit does not bring anything good.

Why does it itch in the anus?

Sometimes we start to itch something, for example, an ear, and after scratching it we forget about it. However, in some cases, scabies does not want to go away. Now we are talking about itching in the anus.

So, what are the factors that cause this type of itching? It should be noted here that this can be a very different syndrome, ranging from a slight feeling of skin irritation in the anus, to a severe burning sensation, as a result of which a person feels very unwell.

Causes of anal itching:
. First of all, it is necessary to consider banal hygienic care, which could be insufficient, or, on the contrary, excessive.
. Irritation from detergents, soaps, powders, deodorants, synthetic and simply tight clothing.
. High physical activity, hot weather, high human weight.
. Skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen, eczema, allergies to certain types of ointments.
. Diseases of the rectum: anal fissures, tumors, hemorrhoids, proctosigmoiditis, fistulas.
. Some types of infections, such as Candida fungus.
. Chronic vaginitis.
. Worm diseases.

The itching can be either minor or severe, which causes terrible sensations that make it difficult to sit and difficult to sleep. Men are somewhat less fortunate in this regard - itching in the anus is often combined with itching on the scrotum. In order to get rid of scabies, you must first eliminate excessive hygiene and also stop itching in the anal area. Sometimes similar symptoms can be observed during stressful situations, so you need to calm down by taking some kind of sedative. Be sure to replace synthetic underwear with natural cotton (especially for girls who prefer to wear thongs. Use only good toilet paper so that it does not contain impurities that can cause itching. In addition, it is recommended to avoid eating chocolate at this time , meat broths, alcoholic beverages, coffee, egg whites.

Why do stretch marks appear?

The older you get, the higher the likelihood of stretch marks appearing in women (men, of course, also have them, but in smaller quantities, and the stronger sex does not pay much attention to them). Where do they come from? They arise due to mechanical damage to the skin when it is stretched beyond measure. The body, as it were, “sews up” those very breaks with connective tissue, which initially contains blood capillaries. However, over time, this tissue loses water and its elasticity, and the capillaries die, so the stretch marks acquire an unsightly pale color, very noticeable against the color of the skin. By the way, they cannot tan, just like scars - there is no melanin in this tissue.

Most often, pregnant women suffer from this disease. But here everything is clear - rapid weight gain in a short time does its job. However, what is much more interesting is that people who are rapidly losing weight also experience stretch marks. Why do they do this, since body weight falls and does not rise? The fact is that with “rapid” weight loss, the blood supply to the skin deteriorates, which leads to a loss of elasticity of the first subcutaneous layer. As a result, in the area of ​​wrinkles, the skin breaks down, connective tissue with capillaries appears there and...

In addition, stretch marks can appear due to hormonal problems and can even be inherited! Moreover, age often plays virtually no role. Let's say even more - doctors say that the maximum risk of developing stretch marks corresponds to 15-25 years, when the body grows, and young skin does not keep up with it, which is why it begins to slowly tear. Moreover, after 40 years they practically do not exist, but another problem appears - wrinkles. However, the worst thing is that it is almost impossible to protect yourself from stretch marks, however, if you do not allow sudden fluctuations in weight, then who knows, maybe you will be the one to do it. Will you try it?

Why does hair split?

Unfortunately, split ends of hair are very difficult to hide from prying eyes, unless you can make a bun on your head. But only few girls decide to take such a step, preferring to walk with their hair down. Some people simply don’t notice this problem on their head or don’t want to notice it, but in this case, any hairstyle created even by an excellent hairdresser will look at least careless due to split ends.

As soon as we finally noticed this problem, we immediately begin to frantically buy all the hair care products - after all, the manufacturer of each of them promises to improve the structure of our hair without harming it. In fact, in 99% of cases these are just promises and the drugs simply do not work. There is a completely logical explanation for this. The fact is that when the ends are split (that is, they are divided into several even smaller hairs and now resemble a broom in appearance), it becomes impossible to glue them together. And then there is no other choice but to go to the nearest hairdresser and remove the ends.

Why are they splitting hairs? The main reason is the impact on them of all kinds of chemicals, including those used in dyeing. All procedures using “chemistry” over time destroy the structure of your hair, simultaneously depriving it of nutrients, vitamins and moisture. It is noteworthy that the hairstyle suffers most from the use of inexpensive cosmetics, which are both of poor quality and contain a large amount of chemicals. Therefore, experts advise giving preference to well-known brands.

By the way, the problem may worsen if you do not notice split ends - over time, the hair will begin to split not only at the ends, but also in the middle. It is advisable to get rid of them at the hairdresser, and not on your own, and a specialist will probably recommend cutting with hot scissors, since during this procedure the hair seems to be slightly sealed.

After this, you need to purchase a comb made only from natural materials that will not tangle or tear your hair. For example, a ceramic comb would be an excellent choice. In cold weather, it is better to make a bun and put it under a hat or hood to protect your hair from environmental influences and possible electrification with woolen items. And, of course, do not forget to make special oil masks once a week or two - as a preventative measure.

Why does thrush appear?

Every woman encounters thrush in her life - there are no exceptions. Pregnant women are especially susceptible to this disease, who are often embarrassed to tell their doctor about this problem and ask questions on thematic forums. But in vain, there is no need to be ashamed of this disease.

The medical name for thrush is candidiasis. The reason for its appearance is a fungus of the genus Candida, which can be found in the body of any woman, because it, like many other microorganisms, is involved in some metabolic processes. The largest accumulation of fungus can be found in the vagina, as well as on the skin or in the mouth. Usually Candida does not make itself felt, but under some circumstances it becomes aggressive, which brings a lot of trouble to its owners. By the way, thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease. In addition, most often it appears not because of sexual intercourse, but for a number of other reasons.

Scientists are still arguing about the reasons for the appearance of thrush, because under approximately the same circumstances, some women have it, while others do not. However, doctors have identified the most popular factors in the development of this not very pleasant infection: pregnancy, use of antibiotics, weak immune system, taking birth control pills, diabetes, infections and diseases that are sexually transmitted.

Thus, although antibiotics destroy harmful bacteria in the body, useful ones often die along with them - for example, lactic acid bacilli, which control the growth of yeast fungi. These are a kind of natural guards that protect against candidiasis. This is especially true for those women who are prone to thrush - they need to take antibiotics as carefully as possible.

As for pregnant women, they are prone to developing thrush during this difficult period due to changes in the hormonal balance in the body, since certain hormones can change the acidic environment in the vagina to alkaline, which promotes the growth of fungi. Similar symptoms appear with diabetes.

But the latest tests by scientists have aroused considerable interest among the public. The fact is that some women who are often susceptible to vaginal yeast infections also suffer from spring allergies to certain pollens. It turned out that a small percentage of women are allergic to the Candida fungus, so in the spring it is almost impossible to get rid of the disease in the usual way. If you have similar symptoms, it is advisable for you to visit not only a gynecologist, but also an allergist.

A very important point - the detection of Candida fungus in the body does not mean that you have thrush, because, as we wrote above, every woman has it. It is necessary to treat diseases only when abnormalities in tests and corresponding symptoms appear.

Why can't you sleep in a bra?

Each organism is individual. Take women, for example. One prefers to be blonde, the other likes to dye her hair dark. One likes men with strong character, while the other adores romantics. One prefers to go to bed in just panties, and the second still does not take off her bra at night. The latter, as it turns out, is better to do. Why?

It's one thing for a woman to wear a bra all day, but quite another for her to leave it on even when she goes on a night out. The fact is that this item of clothing not only keeps the skin of the mammary glands in tension all night, but also puts quite serious pressure on the breasts themselves. As an example, we can take a balloon that is squeezed by a hand. The stronger the compression, the greater the pressure on the air inside the ball. This happens when a girl turns over in her sleep. In addition, a bra constricts blood flow during sleep, which can be detrimental to a woman's health. In what sense, you ask?

But in what way - as the results of studies by American scientists say, those ladies who prefer to rest at night in a bra significantly increase the risk of developing breast cancer. Moreover, girls who prefer to wear this piece of underwear for 10 hours a day or more are also more likely to get this terrible disease.

No, we don’t encourage you not to wear a bra at all, but you should avoid wearing one at night. However, the choice is yours, dear women.

Nail biting is a bad habit that occurs in people of all age groups. Due to this, many young people suffer from this bad habit.

Over time, it becomes a practice, and the person biting his nails is not aware of it. Causes may include frustration, stress, loneliness, anxiety and boredom. There could be other reasons as well.

The habit of biting your nails leads to damage to them, as well as damage to the cuticle. Let's look at the problem itself, what it is and how to stop biting your nails.

Nail biting (also onychophagia): severe biting of fingernails and/or toes.
The bad habit begins in childhood, increases during adolescence and decreases with age, although it can continue throughout adulthood.

The increase in cases of onychophagia in adolescents is explained by the difficulty of transition phases(adolescence) during this period of time, when the personality is just being formed and physical changes occur, as well as the feeling of instability that is associated with these phases.

REFERENCE. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, nail biting is classified as "obsessive-compulsive and related disorders." The 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases classifies onychophagia as “Other conditioned behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood or adolescence,” such as thumb sucking, nose picking, etc.

Why do people bite their nails

Nail biting – what is the name of the habit? Disease characterized by an irresistible desire bite your nails and burrs, called onychophagia.

Nail biting is an underrated habit, and its exact cause is controversial. Causes of onychophagia include psychological, acquired, or familial factors, although it is unknown whether family factors are associated with the problem, such as nail-biting habits in other family members or a genetic predisposition.

Onychophagia can sometimes affect people who are psychologically stable, but it is usually a sign of loss of control over difficult tasks. The main psychological factors that are associated with this behavior are stress, nervousness, anxiety and depressed or bad mood.

Interesting: The bad habit of biting nails is most common among children whose parents also did it, and even when the parents stopped the bad habit before the birth of their children. If a child bites his nails, it can be a hereditary manifestation.

Actually, Nail biting has been identified as a coping mechanism for stress, and patients whose habit has been described as an addiction may experience greater stress when trying to abstain from onygophagy.

On the other hand, lack of stimulation (low activity, boredom) can also be a trigger for nail biting. Hunger and low self-esteem are known to be possible causes of this bad habit.

Onychophagia is considered an automatic, unintentional behavior. In adulthood, researchers suspect that alternatives to nail biting are smoking or chewing gum. One theory is that onychophagia is a continuation of the habit of thumb sucking. Conclusion: biting your nails is a bad habit.

Why do children and teenagers bite their nails?

A child bites his nails for some reason: curiosity, boredom, stress relief, habit or imitation. That's why they bite their nails. Onychophagia is one of the most common of the group of “nervous habits”. These include things like thumb sucking, nose picking, hair twisting or pulling, and teeth grinding.

IMPORTANT. Growing up can make children and teens anxious, and many of these stresses and pressures are invisible to parents. If a child bites moderately (not hurting himself) and unconsciously (while watching TV, for example), or if he tends to bite in response to specific situations (such as performances or tests), this is just his way of coping with minor stress.. In these cases, there is no need to worry.

Most likely, the child will stop without assistance. If onychophagia continues longer than desired, or if it is an uncontrollable habit, there are simple ways to stop your child from biting his nails, which we will look at shortly.
In the meantime, a few photos - what happens when you bite your nails.

Is biting your nails bad? Causes and risks

Although nail biting is not life-threatening, the habit has many negative consequences.

There are tons of germs that are under our nails that are not embedded in our skin. When you bite your nails and break your skin, you give germs access to your body. Eventually you get an infection. Oh!

ATTENTION. In some cases, infections that occur due to nail biting are so bad and painful that they need to be treated with surgery. A bad habit can even lead to warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).
Onychophagia can cause bacterial infections, colds(or worse) toxic poisoning(the chemicals in gel polishes, which are very popular today, are especially dangerous), painful hangnails, fungal growths and damaged teeth(teeth may even move out of their correct position, become misshapen, wear out prematurely, or weaken over time).

Unsightly and ingrown nails are logical consequences of onygophagy.

Those who have this bad habit unconsciously broadcast their problems to others. Regardless of whether the stereotype is true, most people bite their nails to seek comfort or relief from a negative emotional state such as suffering, shame, anxiety or boredom.

In a sense a bad habit makes a person attack himself, Since onychophagia is associated with stress, anxiety, bad mood, etc., when someone bites their nails in public, they expose feelings of shame and self-loathing.

The point is to stay away from the bad habit, and we will talk more about the reasons to stop onychophagia.

Treatment or how to stop a bad habit

  1. Make sure that nails were cut short(biting won't be as tempting).
  2. Apply bitter tasting nail polish.
  3. Get regular manicures: spending money but making your fingers look attractive will make you not want to bite them. Alternatively, apply stickers or wear gloves to prevent biting.
  4. Replace a bad habit with a good one: When someone feels like they are biting their nails, they should try playing with a stress ball or some other device that is used for this purpose. This will help keep your hands busy and away from your mouth.
  5. Identify triggers: Triggers are “triggers” - mechanisms that start a bad habit. These could be physical triggers such as having hangnails or other triggers such as boredom, stress or anxiety. By figuring out what causes nail biting, you can understand how to avoid these situations and develop a plan to stop. Just knowing when we are prone to biting can help solve the problem.
  6. Try to gradually stop onychophagia: some doctors recommend gradually getting rid of the bad habit. You might first try to stop biting one set of nails, such as your thumbnail. Once successful, you can do this with your little finger, your index finger, or even your whole hand. The goal is to get to the point where you no longer bite any of your nails.

What you can do and what it is better not to do if such a problem arises in a child

If a child bites his nails, what to do - there are several ways to solve the problem. First, understand why the child bites his nails, and then choose a solution.

IMPORTANT. You can't punish a child. Find out the cause of the concern (if this is why your child constantly bites his nails) and talk to him about the problem and treatment. We need to help the child to understand the habit and that it is bad.

Offer a replacement activity or two, such as giving your child hand gum or smart play dough to play with instead of going back to biting his nails.
, or you can find some other alternative at your discretion.

Besides, try some relaxation techniques when your child feels the urge to bite his nails– for example, deep breathing or clenching and releasing fists.

Make sure your child has plenty of opportunities to run and play.– outside, if possible – burn off tension and nervous energy.

Some children find arts and crafts projects e An effective way to keep your hands busy and relax at the same time.

For other children it will be useful learning to play a musical instrument. The main thing is to try, try and try again.

Home and folk methods - how to stop biting your nails

BITTER PUMPKIN. She is well known bitter taste and nutritional value. Take one bitter gourd and make a good paste. Then use either the paste or the juice. Apply on your nails and leave for a while. This process will definitely help. The bitter taste will keep your fingers away from your mouth.

CUT YOUR NAILS. Nails are the main cause of onychophagia. Trim your nails regularly so that their length is short.

Garlic can be found in every kitchen as it is used in different types of dishes. The strong aroma of garlic and its pungent taste will help get rid of the bad habit of biting your nails.

Garlic is antiseptic in nature, so it will help you avoid infections and also strengthen your nails. Take garlic cloves and rub them on your nails. Then let it dry. The pungent taste of garlic will help you avoid harmful practices.

VARNISH COATING. Use bitter nail polish(easy to find and buy) - an excellent remedy for nail biting. The varnish can be cooked on different types of vegetables to make it taste bitter. Just use this polish and keep it dry.

The bitter taste of nails will help you avoid a bad habit.

AZADIRACHTA INDICA OIL . Azadirachta indica oil is very bitter in taste and contains antiseptic properties. This particular oil is used to avoid nail biting habit. When using it, all kinds of infections are also avoided. Take a small amount of oil and apply it on your nails using a cotton ball. Then leave for a while to let the oil dry.

GLOVES. Wearing gloves can help relieve nail biting problems. Most people unknowingly commit harmful actions, and therefore using gloves will help get rid of onychophagia. Take gloves and wear them regularly. Wear for several months until the bad habit disappears.

By using artificial nails (for girls, of course, like stickers), you can avoid the usual harmful practice.

Artificial nails will properly cover the original nails, protecting them from the bad habit.

PATCH. A patch is applied to cover them and keep them away from harmful activities. Take a few patches and place them on your nails. It can be one of the best motivators to get rid of a problem. Apply a fresh patch or bandages when the previous ones are worn out or torn for various reasons.

RUBBER. Use the rubber band trick(thin rubber band). Take one rubber band and put it on your wrist. Every time you bite your nails, secure your wrist with a rubber band. The rubber band will hurt suddenly and train the brain so that you don't perform the habit again. This is the best psychological preparation of the mind to avoid onychophagia.

Stories of those who managed to get rid of the habit of biting their nails

PECULIARITIES. We are all different, one way will help some, another will help others. This also applies to onygophagy. These 3 real stories of those who managed to get rid of the habit of biting their nails are further proof of this.

“I also bit my nails for many years, now I have beautiful, well-groomed hands, I overcame myself, But: I developed the habit of biting the inside of my cheeks and biting my lips. that is, habits replace themselves, apparently you need to seek inner peace, then the habits themselves will disappear.” Olga Barteneva, housewife.

“I’ve been gnawing since childhood, for many years... and I didn’t just gnab, but simply ate... this is such a habit... I forced myself to grow it several times, but I could hold out for a month at most... I developed the habit of clenching my hands into fists and hiding my fingers ..and nothing helped either..then I once saw a girl on the subway with the same hands and was horrified..in the end I forced myself not to put my fingers to my mouth and started taking care of my nails (it’s nice when my hands are well-groomed) , paint with bright varnish, gradually regained my shape and forced myself not to hide my fingers... and I finally stopped this habit) so the main thing is to get over it for the first few months, just honestly get over it) and then you won’t even want to…” Svetlana Grishchenko, office manager.

“I am 16 years old, and the habit of biting my nails began at the age of 6, when my parents divorced (stress), I bit my nails for 5 years!!! I want to say that bitter varnish is nonsense... I judge by myself... when I got older (9-10 years old) I was ashamed, but I couldn’t do anything. I stopped biting at the age of 12. Once I saw a woman’s nails and asked my mother, “What’s wrong with them?” Mom replied, “The woman also bit her nails and this is the result!” and I thought! In general, until the child himself understands that biting his nails is terribly ugly, it is useless to wean him!!! I stopped biting my nails in time, because the shape of my nails is constantly deformed, now I have very good and beautiful nails, and I no longer have this habit!” Tatyana Oborina, student.

Useful video

What happens if you bite your nails:

Why you really shouldn't bite your nails:

How to stop biting your nails

To forget about the problem and stop biting your nails, follow these simple tips:

  • avoid stress or change your attitude towards problems;
  • make sure that your fingers are well-groomed and beautiful, so that it would be a pity to spoil them;
  • you need to stop every attempt at onychophobia on your own;
  • Carry scissors and a nail file with you. If a hangnail appears or a nail breaks, it will be easy to fix without gnawing;

As a last resort, use bitter varnish, garlic or another method described in our article. The main thing is not to give up, try, try and try again and remember that it will take some time. Good luck!

The habit of biting nails is a very common phenomenon among both adults and children. Statistics say that approximately 10% of the population suffers from it. Scientifically this is called onychophagy. Some people start biting their nails in a stressful situation, others do it all their lives under any circumstances, because they are unsure of themselves.

Experts believe that this habit is a sign of mental illness, in some cases even OCD. It is also believed that girls bite their nails more often than boys.

Why is the habit of biting your nails dangerous?

Apart from the fact that if a person bites his nails, he experiences emotional stress, it also means that he is unable to cope with difficulties and problems. The need to throw out negative emotions is expressed in the fact that a person begins to bite his nails as a type of auto-aggression, that is, aggression directed at himself. The panic attacks that may accompany this action can only make the situation worse.

In addition, the nails of people suffering from this disorder look simply terrible. And deformation of the nail plate leads to the fact that inflammatory processes can begin, since the same microbes get into bleeding wounds on the hands.

How to get rid of onychophagia?

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's hands were tied behind his back to wean him from this shameful habit. Modern medicine is more humane, so experts are trying to help people find out the reason for the habit on a psychological level, and also advise painting their nails with a special bitter varnish. Children often smear mustard on their fingers. Grown-up girls can grow their nails and no longer want to bite the gel.

However, the most important thing is to figure out why you bite your nails? What worries you, causes aggression or an excited nervous state? Having understood yourself, you can gradually wean yourself from this bad habit in the future.
