Who is better - men or women: comparison. Why strong women choose weak men

First of all, it is worth noting that there are fewer and fewer men on the planet. Mother nature took care of men in advance and created a certain “reserve” for them: on average, 106 boys were always born for 100 girls. However, in recent decades, the trend has changed: boys have become a little less common. Moreover, the risk of being born prematurely (before 37 weeks of pregnancy) in boys is 66% higher than in girls, and the chance of dying before the age of one year in boys is 30% higher.

As they get older, the boys face new challenges. They are much more prone to various neurological diseases. Autism in them is 5 times more common than in girls, and asthma is more common among boys. Why is this happening? It turns out that all difficulties begin even during fetal development: in men, it is more complicated than in women. In addition, genes play a significant role, as well as the level and balance of hormones.

The transformation of a group of cells into a child lasts as long as 9 months, and during this time the body of the fetus is very vulnerable. The female gender for humans is the "default gender": in the womb, we all have female organs (which is why men have nipples). What follows is a complex transformation from female to male that takes place inside the womb. This path is full of dangers. When the first portion of testosterone is formed in the fetal body at the eighth week, male-type brain changes occur. Some cells die, and in some areas (for example, those responsible for sexual and aggressive behavior), the number of neurons increases. The female reproductive system turns into a more complex male, testicular and prostate tissues develop. Thus, to "create" a man, more cells and tissues are needed; that is why the probability of errors is so great, besides, this explains the sensitivity of the male body to many harmful substances.

Until 2001, many homes were treated with chlorpyrifos, an insecticide that was subsequently banned. Scientists have found that this chemical negatively affects the intrauterine development of the fetus. However, boys had a much greater decline in mental abilities than girls. Phthalates, substances used in the manufacture of toys, have also been shown to be harmful to pregnant women. Their children subsequently experienced behavioral disturbances, aggression, and attention deficits. Again, these problems were more pronounced among boys. All these harmful substances act like the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone. They disrupt the normal balance of hormones and, accordingly, the process of fetal development, but it affects men the most.

Among other things, the male combination of chromosomes - XY - is itself very vulnerable. The female version of XX provides protection: if there is a genetic defect in one of the X chromosomes, then there is always a second X chromosome that will take over all the functions. Men only have one X chromosome, so they don't have a healthy copy of the faulty gene.

We definitely have to accept the fact that men also have their weaknesses. And this is another reason to look for new means of protection from the harmful effects of the environment, because the health of all future generations depends on the health of men.

Man or woman: who is stronger?

Men are physiologically stronger than women, and I want to immediately conclude that they are stronger than women in everything. But it was not there.

1. The female sex adapts more easily to environmental conditions because it bears the main burden of reproducing offspring and nature does not experiment on it
2. Society understands how serious women's burdens are and helps women to endure them.
3. A woman is ahead of a man in development, so her development is more superficial, but it gives girls a real advantage in competition with boys, similar to the advantage that a student gets who starts school a year later than his peers.
4. The stronger a man seems, the weaker he is inside. Men hide behind a mask of courage and strength, hiding their nature.
5. A woman can envy a man for his ability to play his own game, to invent the rules himself, to be a pioneer, since it is believed that this role is unnatural for a woman (it is intended for a man by evolution).
6. Men believe that in sex they can take over. But think a little. After all, a woman still rules. If she, for example, did not want sex, then it will not happen. Naturally, if he does not take it by force. Men are angry with this arrangement of things, but it's still true.

In the 21st century, the representatives of the weaker sex will compete on equal terms with the strong and even win, according to the English magazine Nature. The precedent, however, already exists. In the first official boxing match between a woman and a man, American Margaret McGregor defeated Chinese-Canadian Lee Chou.

Those who watched what was happening in the ring, however, asked with concern: "Where is the sport heading?" Is it really possible to expect rivalry between ladies and gentlemen on a wrestling mat or a treadmill after the artificial border between amateur and professional athletes has disappeared? Will special tests confirming the sex of an athlete turn out to be useless?

It has long been no surprise for a man helping ladies in track and field training, when, like a mechanical "hare", he runs ahead, dictating the pace. Joint trainings of judoists and judokas have also become commonplace. In the tables of records for some sports, women literally step on the heels of men. The strong sex surprisingly quickly loses its advantage. At the Sydney 2000 Olympics, the outstanding American athlete Marion Jones ran the hundred meters only 0.88 seconds "slower" than her compatriot Maurice Greene.

Two American physiologists compared the world achievements of women and men in running. It turned out that athletes improve their results much faster. If this trend continues, then in the first half of the new century the records will equalize. The fastest way to do this is in a marathon. By the way, in the pre-war years, the best result in the marathon run for men exceeded the women's record by an hour. In 1999, the difference was only 15 minutes (for men - 2 hours 05.42 minutes, for women - 2 hours 20.43 minutes). In about 30 years, the records in the 400 and 800 meters, as well as in the one and a half kilometer run, will almost equal.

Even in swimming and triathlon, women's results will come close to men's. Ladies feel much better in the water thanks to the fatty layer, which, in particular, serves as a kind of thermal insulation. It was this circumstance that allowed the American Lynn Cox to be the first in the world to swim from Alaska to Chukotka through the Bering Strait. For 16 whole years, Penny Dean held the record, who managed to cross the English Channel alone.

Women also use their energy reserves more efficiently when running long distances. David Spici, who led a group of South African scientists, decided to conduct an experiment: he asked marathon runners of both sexes to compete in a distance that was twice as long as a regular marathon. That is, twice 42 kilometers 195 meters. And women were out of competition.

In some types of athletics, primarily in running, women's results are noticeably progressing. American scientists have found that the average speed of men at distances longer than 200 meters increases every 10 years by only 7 meters per minute. At the same time, women manage to accelerate by an average of 14-19 meters. In other words, they improve running results twice as fast. As for the marathon, the results of the fairer sex grow as much as 4 times faster than that of men.

In many boxing clubs, the ladies refuse to compete with each other. Give them men! This gives the ladies in boxing gloves confidence. In the ring, women do not want to appear in protective helmets, which, they say, ruin their hair. They don't wear bibs either. It is believed that they restrict movement like corsets that have long gone out of fashion. Women boxers have already developed their own style. When they enter the ring, it's like a beast possesses them. They often throw illegal punches, emotions splash out over the edge, - says Cathy Perrotel, a former champion, now a boxing instructor.

In a word, sportswomen become, so to speak, more masculine. More and more tall, broad-shouldered, the difference between the waist and hips decreases. Perhaps this is another signal that soon gender in sports will no longer be of decisive importance. Most likely, some figures from the International Olympic Committee will breathe a sigh of relief that now they will not have to worry about determining with the help of tests whether an athlete enters the start or an athlete?

In connection with this, the authoritative Polish magazine Vprost told the story of the famous runner Eva Klobukowska. In 1967, a Polish athlete broke the 100m world record. But someone from the International Federation doubted: Klobukovskaya, who is a woman or a man? They tried and judged for a long time and in the end the record was not recognized. And only after 23 years (!) the result of the analysis was invalidated. But the story itself and its backstage - like something - so far have remained shrouded in mystery.

When the International Olympic Committee, and after it the international federations for individual sports, announced that they would determine the gender of athletes, many athletes ended their careers. However, there were voices that such studies are not only inhumane, but do not correspond in any way with the law and the medical code (keep the results of the analysis in strict confidence). The Norwegians and the French, among others, opposed the tests regarding the gender of the athletes. The French did it on the eve of the Winter Olympics in Albertville.

Will it really happen that the records of women and men will ever be so close that sex tests will go into oblivion? And although there is no end to scientists who are ready to swear that the heirs of Marion Jones will beat the results of the world's best sprinter Usain Bolt to date on the treadmill, the decisive majority argue that this is unlikely. “If I saw such a race on television, I would immediately think that this is a montage,” says Dariusz Blahnio from the Institute of Physiology of the Warsaw Academy of Physical Education. “The more favorable proportions indicate that nothing threatens the leading position of men in most sports disciplines muscle mass in relation to total body weight. Even the most intense training does not give the ladies testosterone - the male sex hormone responsible for muscle development. "

True, the American Colette Dowling, a writer and specialist in female psychology, watching the lives of athletes, only strengthened her conviction that women do not need concessions. In her latest book, The Myth of Weakness, she analyzes the results of physiological, biological and other studies and concludes that women can successfully compete with men. She calls for an end once and for all to the traditional view that women are the weak half of humanity. And he tries to convince the reader that the difference between a man and a woman is not in muscle mass, but in culture and stereotypes. And if a woman finally realizes this, then she will throw off her weakness from her shoulders and may well defeat men at the next Olympic Games. Colette Dowling suggests that results be determined according to height and weight.

Doesn't this mean that the time gained in the 400-meter race by Beijing Olympic champion Christine Ohuruogu is much more valuable than the result of overseas sprinter Lashawn Merritt just because the British athlete is shorter and smaller in figure?

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The question is not correct at all! I will give you the answer right away - Man! Only a man is able to give himself altruistically and free of charge all his strength, in the name of his family, woman, home, children. A woman has no skills, abilities to give Love or give anything at all!

The woman only takes! To understand the hidden meanings of expressions, words, phrases and mechanisms of behavior of women, their strengths and weaknesses of character, you need to understand that a woman is an order of magnitude freer than a man because she not endowed with the energy of Love at all! She has no ability give yourself completely to a man. She will always demand something in return - in other words, money, for sex. A prostitute! After reading you probably think - the author went crazy? Noooo! This is reality!

Loving a woman is simply not given by God! Love means - give a piece of yourself, your abilities, disinterestedly, for free! Remember - a woman is very insidious and two-faced and you do not have the tools to prove your case or defend your rights. What a woman calls Love is most often a surge of emotions, falling in love. Can a female ant in an anthill love all ants? I assure you - this is not a rough comparison, but that's exactly what it is!

A man's love is to give, true, real. A woman's love can only be taken from a man and transmitted to children. Women call it Relationships.

A woman is not able to love a man for a long time. The love of a woman automatically passes to the children in the form of sacrificial love. She is interested in a man only as a breadwinner, or as a way to please her and the child. This is a simple, banal free use in the name of posterity. Although it's already good! A man acts as a breadwinner, a slave! Read the structure of the Matriarchal State -

For a man, a close relationship is always to give Love, to give yourself and your abilities, to give strength, skill, skills, money, etc. For a woman, such a relationship is always just “sex” and a little gratitude to the man - pussy.

To put it more harshly - find Loch and use it for free, periodically stimulating adrenaline injection into the brain after sex. In the event of a divorce, this little pleasure, for a man, ends with a complete weaning of everything that he has! For what?

A woman came up with for herself a disgusting word and a definition of the concept “Love is sex.” Exactly - this word and definition for her is understandable and close. To understand that Love in essence - to give absolutely free, altruistically - women cannot by definition.

Love and the ability to sacrifice, in women, is manifested only during the period of Passion, which lasts a maximum of 3 years, in order for the child to rise.

For a woman, it is important that they love only her and give to her. Only then, she will be able to profitably “sell” consent, she can give away her intimacy a little or caress her physically, and she can be encouraging with encouraging phrases to inspire a man.

For a woman, the main thing in life is comfort and pleasure, which men can provide her with. They understand this at the level of animal instinct. Recall an example - a uterus in an anthill. Worker ants plow, the uterus sits in one place and gives birth only to larvae.

Many women, at the same time, are trying to get rid of this “domestic slavery”! Having got rid of slavery, the woman jumps into the car and flies to another massage parlor, manicure, pedicure, hairdo, lift, lift... swimming pool! Getting pleasure and joy.

Namely, the entire behavioral philosophy of a woman is aimed at achieving comfort and pleasure. Women can and achieve comfort and pleasure in various ways and means. This is flattery, tantrums, persuasion, some ability to cook, tinted appearance and other manipulations. Thousands of fictitious methods of manipulating and controlling a man - holding, stimulating, harassing, tantrums and crying, scandals and sex, tears and laughter. Even a woman "starts" a child in order to keep a successful man nearby.

In terms of aggressive behavior, an active search for a husband, a slave to whom you can cling, the most terrible beast is a divorcee with a trailer. Why are there so many utterly sick women and terrible morally? The answer is they always have! God created them that way.

Women are divorced, I want to ask - what do we catch? The bait has long been not the first freshness! Come to the mirror! Man? Married? Pipisechka speculate is no longer possible?! Why do you need a strong man? Looking for the next sucker? Free slave? Hiding behind the words Sexism - women splatter with false phrases, attack when they are told the truth.

Declaring her so-called independence, education, self-sufficiency, showing off a position or an apartment, a car - a woman actually becomes right hand with a man degrades to the level of a hard worker. From the Woman of the Goddess, helpless and beautiful - to a servant, a driver, a cook, a janitor, a nurse, a nanny, a secretary, a director! The degradation associated with feminism is evident! Why does a man need such a woman? Whom to love and give? The second definitely a man does not need a horse! This is a democratic system with politics - Glasnost, permissiveness, anarchy and destruction.

Jumping into the car, the woman calls it - to be mobile! No woman - this is degradation! Feminism is one of the aggressive ways for women to quickly degrade to the level of a “worker ant”. Get - what you have achieved. Loneliness, fear and degradation - this is the future of women! What's next? She will not give and share! She doesn't know how to show love!

This aggressive behavioral philosophy of a woman is not capable of being a support and support for his realization, and he leaves. Most often, a woman betrays him, considering him a weak link.

In justification of women, only one thing can be said, that this is a natural evolutionary step of mankind, in the conditions of the development of its species, an increase in the birth rate, taking into account the stop of extermination wars. Destructive wars have always been a new coil and cog in human evolution. Today, when the nuclear project has completely stopped its own extermination, we are talking about the independent degradation of the species and the extinction of people, as in this experiment:

Another reason, people have become much more fond of money, there are no more maxims such as Love, Loyalty, Conscience, Honor. There is only money and they gobbled up everyone and everything.

Very often in the questionnaires, women write - “one-time meetings and sex without obligations are not interesting”

I would like to ask - do you know the definition of What is Love? The offer of true love is sex without obligation. The inability to give a piece of yourself, while absolutely free, speaks of closeness and the inability to love. One phrase - and clearly you are ready to give? Or do you only have Relations - "pussy against goods."

Not a single normal, strong, real man - need not , but we need a real girl with basic concepts, without a car and ambitions, ready to give birth to several children, to be faithful in the final choice, able to love, forgive, believe and wait, who will become a muse, a source of energy and an incentive for an ambitious man who dreams of conquering the World!

Be sure to read the set of rules for a real man:

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Nature divided people into men and women so that they complement each other. Psychology, physiology, worldview and social role of men and women have significant differences. Of course, in some ways women are stronger than the representatives of the "stronger sex". Let's try to figure out what exactly.

The strength of a woman is in her beauty. This is recognized by all the arts and all the peoples of the world. Beauty is a terrible force! This is the main weapon of a woman in the eternal cycle of life.

The competition of the sexes is natural and logical, but it is not an end in itself. Of course, a woman can surpass many men in physical strength, but not everyone likes bodybuilding princesses. This image of a woman is for especially sophisticated connoisseurs ...

Although they say that the best chefs are men, but for the most part it is women who run the kitchen, cook and feed children and households. Of course, it can be recognized that here they are stronger than men.

Nature has rewarded women with the divine gift of procreation. Motherhood is the great mission of a woman; and the man here clearly feels left out and bypassed.

Women often outperform men in academics. Girls still in school are more likely to be excellent students than mischievous boys, thanks to diligence, diligence and self-discipline - qualities that are also usually more developed in women than in men.

Natural cleanliness and accuracy is vital for a woman. New person must come into this world and grow up in purity! Therefore, women always clean their homes better and cleaner than men.

A woman has more erogenous zones than a man. A woman is able to make love longer than any man. A woman is able to experience more vivid emotions from sex than a man. We can say that in sex women are stronger.

Ownership of one's body, natural flexibility in women is higher than in men. Women's plasticity delights the representatives of the stronger sex. This is due to the peculiarities of the female skeleton and the whole structure of the woman's body. The body of a woman must be plastic and elastic for the great mission of bearing a child and subsequent childbirth.

Women are more sensual and more sensitive to beauty, they perceive beauty more sensitively and vividly than men. It is no coincidence that as a rule all women love flowers ...

Women are better than men capable of doing painstaking work that requires a lot of concentration and concentration. Women are better able to embroider, knit, correctly and accurately assemble tiny details of microcircuits than men.

Never try to prove anything to anyone. Just live your life, perfect those of yours best qualities and the talents that nature has given you. And you will be ahead.

Girls and boys, let's live together! Let's not compare who is stronger in what, but let's just love each other! And we will be happy.

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It is believed that the strength of beautiful ladies lies precisely in the weakness that men show towards them. Starting a relationship with a representative of the opposite sex, women skillfully manage their soul mates, in every possible way direct them in the right direction, using their little girlish tricks. Having power over strong man, a woman can fully control any situation.

What is male weakness?

According to experts in the field of psychology, men are the least adaptive and resistant to various stressful situations and life changes. Guys have a hard time adjusting to the environment. They are accustomed to mistakenly believe that the whole world revolves around their person, and any disobedience can cause panic. Women by nature have a maternal instinct, which helps them to respond more steadfastly to any changes, difficult circumstances, and also to deal with any, even the most extreme, troubles.

It is more difficult for men to get used to a new environment. They constantly feel responsible for their soul mate and offspring. A heavy burden falls on the head of the family, so any financial difficulties can lead to depression.

In addition, some representatives of the stronger sex, returning home after a hard day's work, try to relax a little, sit comfortably in front of the TV and immerse themselves in their own thoughts. The result of this is female discontent, reproaches and everyday problems, which also knock a man out of his usual rut and undermine his conceit.

The weakness of some guys is the lack of their own point of view about certain things. This problem occurs for various reasons. This may be the upbringing in a family where the mother suppressed the father and her child, or male relaxation. The second reason concerns those representatives of the stronger sex who are tired of swimming against the current, lowered their hands and completely surrendered themselves to submission to their soulmate. The third reason for male weakness can be considered indecisiveness. Guys who are not able to make a responsible decision quickly and on time, most often miss the moment and opportunity, derailing their lives. The fourth reason is excessive sensuality. Too emotional men also have weakness, from time to time being exposed to excessive emotions.
