Wishes miss the guy. A letter to a beloved man that you miss him a lot

For me, separation from you is the most intolerable and unbearable time. After all, when you are somewhere not with me, I immediately feel uncomfortable. There is a feeling of fear without you. I want my beloved, so that you and I will always be together. After all, you can’t even imagine how much I miss you. I want time to pass unnoticed when we are apart, and pass very slowly when we are together! I miss you so much when you're not around. After all, all my thoughts are only about you. Only that soon I will meet you and my heart will stop beating like this without you. Every moment without you is another torture for me, and for my heart! I want you not to leave, because my heart is attached to you, so much that nothing can be changed.

Beloved, my dear man! There is probably nothing more precious to me than the time when we are together! There is nothing more beautiful than your touch, there is nothing more fabulous than your voice! I want to say that every day when I don't see you, my head and my thoughts only think about you. My eyes are looking for you in unfamiliar silhouettes. And start to burn brighter when I see you near. I want time to enter into our position, and help us go faster without each other and enjoy the infinity of time when we are together. My soul is so attached to you that it already considers your soul as a half of its own. I miss you always dear. And time without you is torture for me.

I have never enjoyed spending time with anyone so much. I seem to forget about time in general, and think only of you. All my thoughts are always with you and about you. My heart does not beat so rhythmically without you. I want to tell you dear that there is no more dear and beloved person for me than you! Even in everything, all my thoughts, only about you. Only for you, I want to wake up in the morning to see the color of my beloved eyes and a radiant smile. So that later, throughout everything, to be there, and do everything for your happiness! Do everything to make you the most smiling person on earth! I feel so good when you are just next to me. Even when we are both silent, I feel something related between us, something intimate! I always miss you.

You know, when I heard the expression “I miss you 60 seconds a minute”, before you, I thought, well, how can you always think of only one person! How can you love someone more than yourself! But after meeting you, everything changed immediately. I instantly understood this expression and the fact that without a loved one, one second can seem like the longest time, without which the heart begins to stop. Without which, the day is not a day, and at night all thoughts are only about you! I love you always miss you, and I can not imagine how you can live without you! How can you wake up without you! How can I love you less life. I want you to always smile, my love. I want time not to be so cruel to us. And gave us more time to be together! It seems to me that you are for me that soul mate that people are looking for a whole life, and sometimes they never find it. So I'm very lucky to have you!

I will miss you even when you are in the next room. After all, I always miss you. We don't have enough time to be together. Your gentle touches are not enough for me. And you are always enough for me. I miss you always and everywhere. After all, you are the very, most beloved and dearest person for me! My heart is grieving without you. And I want you and me to be always inseparable! After all, missing you is so unbearable. I can't bear to wait, but when the meeting time comes, my feelings are indescribable. I am always waiting for you and my heart is waiting with me! Let every minute last for me an eternity, but then, how sweet are the minutes of the meeting. Darling, I miss you so much.

Probably, when I miss you, beloved, then nature seems to feel it. Because it is clear that even the sun begins to shine not so brightly. It seems to feel my sadness for you. It doesn't seem to be as bright! So, my love, if you see that the sun begins to shine not so bright and beautiful, it means that I miss you. It seems to me that there is no more on earth native person for me. My soul feels the connection between us. And this means that without you, she feels very bad. I want you and me to be together as often as possible! So that those minutes that we spend together last as long as possible! Know that I always miss you my dearest

You know, darling, when you are not around, I feel so bad without you, so lonely and uncomfortable. My heart is so attached to you that I don’t even want to think what will happen to him. Maybe my heart can't take it if you're not around. That's why I always miss you. Sometimes, even when we are together, but just in different rooms! I want our little happiness with you called love to last forever. And we didn't dare destroy anything there. Have you heard the term soul mates? So it seems to me that our souls, even before our birth with you, found each other. And we decided to be together forever. I miss.

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Writing beautiful sms miss and love in your own words is not so easy. All standard verbal constructions seem banal and uninteresting, and coming up with something original is a big problem. But do not rush to despair. Even if nothing works out, don't give up. Our site has a huge collection of url=http://website/pozhelaniya/lyublyu-skuchayu/] similar SMS messages, which can be used both as templates and as ready-to-send options.

All presented are distinguished by the originality of the content and the beauty of the style. Such messages are guaranteed to please your soulmate and give her a lot of positive emotions. A sincere smile, warm feelings overflowing the soul and unforgettable impressions - this is what our SMS will give to your dear person.

Browse the available options, choose the most interesting ones and send them to your significant other. The scheme is extremely simple, and not taking advantage of the opportunity will be very reckless on your part. Do not be silent about your feelings - express them every day, every hour and in all ways available to you. Speak, write, send the best sms miss and love in your own words.

I dream of the touch of your tender lips, of the sweet passion of your embrace, I want to touch your velvet skin and surrender to you to the drop...

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I always miss you madly, my love. I remember your tender hands, passionate lips, your soul-stirring, penetrating look. Most of all, in such moments, I want to be next to you, to hug you tightly, and not let go anywhere.

My life has completely changed since I met you my love. You gave me wings of happiness. You are so reliable, so gentle, so considerate. You just have an angelic personality. I dreamed about such a guy all the time, you are my ideal. When we are near, the whole world is in bright, colorful colors, And when you leave, everything becomes gray and dull. And now, I miss you very much, I'm sad, and I look forward to counting the minutes until we meet. I love you, my only one, come back soon.

The most secret thing I have now is my feelings for you. They are fresh as spring shoots. And I keep them from possible bad weather.

My soul is freezing and pounding without you at the crossroads of daily parting... Darling, I miss you very much and want to see you...

I really miss you, my beloved man, and I don’t need beautiful words. I just want you to know how much I love you and take care of yourself. Think of me and smile - we'll see you soon.

I love you! I love your every kiss, every breath. I remember every touch. I don't want to forget about it, not even for a second. every moment spent next to you is happiness for me! The happiness that you give me.

Like winter air, you are useful and necessary to saturate my life with the oxygen of love.

Boredom tightens the noose around my neck with every minute by a centimeter. Darling, bring scissors, cut it with our meeting and your kiss.

I need you like air needs you to breathe. Like food - to eat you. Like a dream to rest, like a goal to dream.

Love works wonders. This is the strongest feeling that makes us change for the better. When I met you, I experienced it myself, I don't recognize myself. You are the most tender, sweetest, most beautiful girl in the world. For you, I'm ready for the most incredible things. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. I just can't imagine how I could live and breathe without you before. Today you left, and I already miss you. I know our separation is not long, but still I'm sad without you, come back soon.

The world seems iridescent and colorful when you are next to me. You gave me happiness, you gave me love. You are the most tender, the most beautiful, the most beautiful girl in the world. When you are around, everything around is fragrant, and when you are not around, everything seems empty and dull. I understand that you have such a job, but I still can’t get used to when you leave. I miss you every minute, I miss you every second. Nothing pleases me without you, come back soon, my sun, I love you so much.

Fate gave me the most beautiful girl in the world. I am extremely happy that you are next to me, my baby. When we are together, time flies by a second, and when apart, it drags on slowly, like a caravan of camels in the desert. Now we are in different cities, for a week now we have not seen each other. I miss you very much, my love, and I can't wait for you to arrive. Even good, sunny weather does not please me, everything is gray when you are not with me. Come soon, my joy, I'm so sad without you.

I am the happiest person in the world, because next to me you are my angel. Every minute spent with you is a huge reward for me. You are the girl of my dreams, my soulmate, my destiny. I adore you, love you, breathe you. You are the best on the planet. I want to be always only with you, and I try to do everything possible for this. But for several days now I have been on a business trip, and I miss you madly. All my thoughts are only about you, my love. I look forward to our meeting.

My sweetest, most beautiful, kindest girl in the world. I love you more than life. Every minute spent with you is a great joy for me. You are my brightest star that lights my way, my sun that gives me warmth. How good it is to be with you together, to kiss your sweet lips, to listen to your cheerful sonorous laugh. But today I am not in the mood at all, because you are not around, my beloved. I miss you like a nightingale misses the summer, like dry land misses the rain. I look forward to our meeting so that we can be together again.

The world seems to me the most beautiful and brightest when next to me is an angel like you, my joy. I breathe and live you, my love. I feel so calm and comfortable when you are next to me. Today we parted with you, even if not for long, but I already miss you, my joy. I'm so lonely without you, I'm not in the mood at all. Come back soon, I'm looking forward to seeing you. May luck accompany you in everything, may your dream come true. I love you, and I want to be only with you, my dear, and the most tender.

When you are in love, happiness makes you want to fly. Such a wonderful feeling, how love makes us kinder and better. When you are near, my love, the days fly by like lightning, and when you are not there, everything around seems so empty and gray. I miss you very much, come, my dear, I'm looking forward to seeing you. These three days feel like an eternity to me. I'm sad without you, and I always remember our meeting. I love you and look forward to our date. May you be lucky in everything, my charm. Good luck and good mood.

You are near, and everything is fine, and I am so grateful to fate that she gave me you, my love. Every day spent with you is a reward for me. You inspire me, make me better. I want you and I to never part, but the circumstances are such that you often go on a business trip. And then I consider myself the most unhappy person. And now there is emptiness in my soul, because you left. I miss you and look forward to our meeting. Come soon, my sunshine.

Even the most rainy, nasty weather seems beautiful if you are near, my beloved. And the sunny, warm weather does not please me today, because you are not with me, my princess. I miss you every minute, and only memories of you ignite a spark of warmth in my soul. Come back soon, my joy, and fill this world with joy and light. Always be by my side, because we are so good together. I count every minute until we meet. Let my love be a guardian for you on the way.

You study in another city and come home only on weekends. This is a huge test for our love. I'm looking forward to the weekend to meet you. After all, there is no more beautiful girl in the world, and kinder to you, my beloved. I believe that very soon we will be together, and then there will be no reason for sadness. You are the most important person on earth for me, I love you, and I will endure all separations, just to be with you. Let the separation be not long, but our happiness is great and beautiful.

It's great to know that you have a girlfriend you can trust with your secrets. Beloved, I adore you, and I want to be always next to you. I understand that you have such a job, and I will patiently wait for our meeting. I feel so sad without you, without your smile, without your ringing laugh. I'm waiting for you, and I count every minute until our date. Be always with me, my joy. May luck accompany you, and a good angel keep you from all troubles. I'm waiting for you, and I want to see the happiest.

Fate made me just a royal gift, giving you, my sun. You are the dearest and most beloved person. With you, I feel so good and comfortable. But today, and the sun does not shine so brightly, and the birds do not chirp so cheerfully, because you are not around, my beloved. You left, and I can only be sad and look forward to you. I miss you, my sunshine, and I don't want to part with you even for a single minute. Come back soon, my joy, and give me your beautiful love.

I don't want to part with you, my love, but life is life. There are different situations who dictate the rules to us. You left, and I again miss you, remembering the warmth and affection that you gave me. I look forward to our meeting, and I count the days and minutes that bring me closer to a date with you, my one and only. May a lucky star illuminate your path, may luck follow you like a shadow, may all your wishes come true. I miss you, my love, and I wait, I wait, I wait.

You are beautiful, no doubt. I so want us to always be with you side by side. You are the most important person in the world to me. When you are around, everything is in the brightest colors, and when you are not around, everything becomes cold and gray. I so want to never part with you, but life is life. You went away for a few days, and my soul is already empty. I miss you so much, my baby. Come soon, I'm looking forward to seeing you. May only good luck accompany you, and my love protects you from everything bad.

My sun, my most beloved girl in the world, you are my joy and joy. I just love you and I want to be with you every day. But, unfortunately, I have such a job that I have to leave for a while. If you knew how I suffer without you all the days. To endure parting with you is simply unbearable. I miss you my love and can't wait to see you. I remember our kisses and I just can't wait to see you again my angel. I'm sad without you, because I just can't live without you.

Every day spent with you is a reward for me, and every minute without you is pure torment. Our parting leaves a painful scar on my heart. You leave to study, and I again have to look forward to the weekend. You are a ray of happiness for me, you are my light in the window, my most beloved girl in the world. I really want you to be happy, and I will do everything for this. I count every minute, every second until we meet with you. I'm sad without you, my kindest, most tender, most desirable.

Honey, how lucky I am in life with you, my most beautiful girl in the world. Only with you, I feel like the happiest person. Only you give me affection and tenderness. Your lips, like honey, beckon again and again. When you and I are together, the days fly by like a fast bird. And when we part, time seems to stop. I love you very much, and that's why I miss you every minute. I'm sad when you're not with me. So, let's, if possible, never part, my love.

Beloved, all my life I will thank fate for the fact that I have you, my sun. I so want to take your hand and walk with you side by side all my life. But life has its own laws, and sometimes we still have to part, albeit not for long, but this is also separation. When you leave, I feel sad that same day. I just can't find my place. I really don't like such trials of love, it's just painful. Come soon, my sun, I miss you, and I look forward to.

Today I am not in the mood at all, because I left, and I endure our parting excruciatingly painfully. I'm so used to it that since the time we met, we've always been side by side. And today, it feels like half of me is left. I miss you very much, my joy. You are the most precious thing I have. I love you and I want to always be with you. Come soon, my joy, I'm so lonely without you. Why does love send us such trials? I'm counting the days when we'll be together again.

Thank fate for introducing me to you. When I'm next to you, I just fly with happiness. You are the most gentle, kindest, sweetest girl in the world. Your eyes, your smile just enchant me. I'm so lucky to have you, I sometimes even envy myself. I feel so sad when you are not by my side. Let our parting be very short, but still, I'm sad without you. I miss in these moments your sonorous laughter, your sweet lips. Come back soon, because you know that I always miss and worry about you.

All my life I will be grateful to fate for giving me you. You are my most beloved girl, you are my light in the window, my most tender ray of warmth. Only with you I will be happy. I am fascinated by your gentle voice, your ringing laugh, your beautiful eyes. I always look forward to our meeting, and miss you. For me, separation is simply unbearable, I can’t find a place for myself while you are not with me. I am ready to fulfill your most cherished desire, if only to never part again.

The main thing in life is love, and I was convinced of this when I met you, my charm. You are the girl of my dreams, my angel, my ideal. Only with you, I feel like the happiest person on earth, only you give me energy and self-confidence. When we part, even for the shortest time, I miss you very much. You are half of my heart, and the heart does not know how to beat half. I love you, my joy, and I want to be with you every minute, my best and most beloved girl.

How glad I am that I have you, my kindest, best, most gentle and best girl on the whole planet. You make my life colorful and bright. I don’t need anything else in life, if only you were next to me, my joy. And those moments when we are apart from you seem to me a cold, gray eternity. You are just an angel in the flesh, you inspire me with your love. I love you, I breathe and live only for you, my sun. I will do everything to make you the happiest, my one and only.

Beloved, you give me love and happiness, you surround me with tenderness, affection and love. I'm just in seventh heaven with happiness when next to you. And when we are apart, even the sunniest weather seems cloudy and cold to me. I miss you every minute. I love you and want to be with you all my life. You are my soulmate, my destiny. I am very lucky to have you in my life, my joy. Sometimes I even envy myself, and all my life I will thank fate for such a priceless gift.

All that I have in life is you, my sun, you are the joy of my every day, you are half of my heart. Next to you, I feel like the happiest guy. You, like a fairy princess, shine with beauty. I am ready to listen to your gentle voice and ringing laughter for days. And if we part, even for a short time, I miss you very much, the whole world is not nice to me. I love you, and I want to be always only with you, to fulfill all your whims, my princess. Be always so gentle, affectionate and sweet.

My sweet, kind, gentle and most beloved girl in the world, I can’t even believe that a chance meeting grew into such strong feelings as love. I can’t even imagine life without you, and when we are separated for good for a short time, I miss you, my joy. Be always so beautiful and unique. Sometimes it seems to me that I am sleeping, and I have the sweetest dream, and therefore I am afraid to wake up. But, thank God, it's all real, and I'm extremely happy. My most cherished dream is that you are always next to me, my sun.

You are my soulmate, you are the girl of my dreams, my ideal. I fell in love with you at first sight, and I always want to be only with you, my only one. A sea of ​​compliments, I'm ready to give you every day, just be with me, I just can't stand separation, although they say that separation makes love stronger and stronger, but this is not about me. I always look forward to our meeting. You are my light in the window, my warm ray of happiness, my heartbeat. I love you with the purest and brightest love, my angel.

Love is the brightest, purest feeling. Each of us becomes happy when in love or in love. You have made me the happiest person in the whole world. I love, and my love becomes stronger and stronger each time. When you are near, everything around sings, and when we part for a very short time, there is emptiness and sadness in my heart. And now, I feel so alone, because you are not around, my love. I miss you and look forward to our meeting.

Words I miss my girlfriend: In verse | Short | Postcards

Wishes miss you on the phone

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For me, separation from you is the most intolerable and unbearable time. After all, when you are somewhere not with me, I immediately feel uncomfortable. There is a feeling of fear without you. I want my beloved, so that you and I will always be together. After all, you can’t even imagine how much I miss you. I want time to pass unnoticed when we are apart, and pass very slowly when we are together! I miss you so much when you're not around. After all, all my thoughts are only about you. Only that soon I will meet you and my heart will stop beating like this without you. Every moment without you is another torture for me, and for my heart! I want you not to leave, because my heart is attached to you, so much that nothing can be changed.

Beloved, my dear man! There is probably nothing more precious to me than the time when we are together! There is nothing more beautiful than your touch, there is nothing more fabulous than your voice! I want to say that every day when I don't see you, my head and my thoughts only think about you. My eyes are looking for you in unfamiliar silhouettes. And start to burn brighter when I see you near. I want time to enter into our position, and help us go faster without each other and enjoy the infinity of time when we are together. My soul is so attached to you that it already considers your soul as a half of its own. I miss you always dear. And time without you is torture for me.

I have never enjoyed spending time with anyone so much. I seem to forget about time in general, and think only of you. All my thoughts are always with you and about you. My heart does not beat so rhythmically without you. I want to tell you dear that there is no more dear and beloved person for me than you! Even in everything, all my thoughts, only about you. Only for you, I want to wake up in the morning to see the color of my beloved eyes and a radiant smile. So that later, throughout everything, to be there, and do everything for your happiness! Do everything to make you the most smiling person on earth! I feel so good when you are just next to me. Even when we are both silent, I feel something related between us, something intimate! I always miss you.

You know, when I heard the expression “I miss you 60 seconds a minute”, before you, I thought, well, how can you always think of only one person! How can you love someone more than yourself! But after meeting you, everything changed immediately. I instantly understood this expression and the fact that without a loved one, one second can seem like the longest time, without which the heart begins to stop. Without which, the day is not a day, and at night all thoughts are only about you! I love you always miss you, and I can not imagine how you can live without you! How can you wake up without you! How can you love less than life. I want you to always smile, my love. I want time not to be so cruel to us. And gave us more time to be together! It seems to me that you are for me that soul mate that people are looking for a whole life, and sometimes they never find it. So I'm very lucky to have you!

I will miss you even when you are in the next room. After all, I always miss you. We don't have enough time to be together. Your gentle touches are not enough for me. And you are always enough for me. I miss you always and everywhere. After all, you are the very, most beloved and dearest person for me! My heart is grieving without you. And I want you and me to be always inseparable! After all, missing you is so unbearable. I can't bear to wait, but when the meeting time comes, my feelings are indescribable. I am always waiting for you and my heart is waiting with me! Let every minute last for me an eternity, but then, how sweet are the minutes of the meeting. Darling, I miss you so much.

Probably, when I miss you, beloved, then nature seems to feel it. Because it is clear that even the sun begins to shine not so brightly. It seems to feel my sadness for you. It doesn't seem to be as bright! So, my love, if you see that the sun begins to shine not so bright and beautiful, it means that I miss you. It seems to me that there is no more dear person on earth for me. My soul feels the connection between us. And this means that without you, she feels very bad. I want you and me to be together as often as possible! So that those minutes that we spend together last as long as possible! Know that I always miss you my most beloved.

You know, darling, when you are not around, I feel so bad without you, so lonely and uncomfortable. My heart is so attached to you that I don’t even want to think what will happen to him. Maybe my heart can't take it if you're not around. That's why I always miss you. Sometimes, even when we are together, but just in different rooms! I want our little happiness with you called love to last forever. And we didn't dare destroy anything there. Have you heard the term soul mates? So it seems to me that our souls, even before our birth with you, found each other. And we decided to be together forever. I miss.

I miss my boyfriend: Poems | SMS

SMS to your girlfriend is beautiful, touching, affectionate words to tears. Reading these lines, take right now in your hands mobile phone and write to your beloved girl about how much you love her, how beautiful, wonderful, good she is. This will help you pull her out of the routine of everyday life and make her think about you. After such a message, any girl cannot be indifferent to your personality.

I want to smell your body, hear the silence of your thoughts. Honey, I'm sad without you.

I want to breathe in the scent of your hair, look into your shining eyes, touch your tender lips.

I do not require something supernatural ... I just want you to be there .... Always..

I kiss ... I love ... I miss ... your silence is painful for me ... You are my most precious pearl, which is at the bottom of the sea and is not available to me ...

On the way to your heart, no obstacles will stop me. I love you and am happy at the thought that one day you will forever be mine!

I need you like air and water, without you there is no life, but emptiness ...

You are more beautiful than a rose, generous and kind, only you own me.

You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for whom I live and breathe. I love you and will love you forever!

You are perfect in everything and always for me! I've dreamed of this all my life!

You are a "miracle" created by the universe. My heart skips a beat in admiration.

Your insanely beautiful green eyes, I can’t forget, they pierce my heart like fire.

No one will ever compare to you, you are the only one like that! The most-most beautiful, tender, affectionate and desired by me!

You are my perfection, infinitely desirable and always chic, I love you madly! Too bad I figured it out too late...

Dear, you are so far away! Disappeared as soon as she appeared. Only longing remained in my heart ... I love you, my dear.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than your smile and the sparkle of your eyes! I want to be with you right now!

Our marriage has officially tied us together in a knot that we cannot and do not want to untie.

My love for you is like the sound of a falling waterfall. The same loud, noisy, clean and endless.

My favorite baby, kitten, sun, bunny. You are far away and sad to me, please come back to me as soon as possible.

My ideal of unearthly beauty, I am forever fascinated by you!

I miss your hands, I miss your eyes, I miss your body. I miss you, my love!

I feel uncomfortable without you again, I fall asleep with the thought of you ....

Sweet, smart, smart. You have so much charm and unpredictability. I'm just crazy about you.

Beloved, you are a bright ray of sunshine in my soul. We will overcome all adversity together.

When I am away from you, the whole world is a desert in which I am alone and abandoned! You are the only essence of my whole life! (So ​​Napoleon wrote to his Josephine)

How nice, dear, to be in love with you, and to walk dreamy, inspired!

How hard it is to wait a long time, I want to hug you and never let you go!

You lit a fire in my heart, and I don’t know what’s wrong with me ... I fell in love with you like a boy, I want to be only with you!

My girl, I have an incredibly great and wonderful feeling for you.

Together with you, love, happiness, and meaning came into my life. You are the most important thing in my life.

“Until I knew you, I didn’t know what happiness is…”

You are such a harmonious combination of intelligence, dignity and beauty.

Even rose petals can't compare to the tenderness of your lips.

I live by you, my dear, I need you, I want to hug you as soon as possible!

Winter in the heart, pain in the soul. I miss you so much!

Like an asterisk, you illuminate my path, for me you have always been and will be the most beautiful woman.

The understanding came to me that my past, present and future converge on one person - you. I love and will love forever only you.

I lie in bed and miss you, I want you so dear. I want to hug, kiss, I want to hug you.

I love you the way you are. My kisses and hugs to you in this sms.

The world is so big, but I need only you, from such a big land.

I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile! Though howling like a wolf, how I want to hug you and kiss you for a long, long time!

My day without you is empty, it makes no sense. I can't imagine my life without you.

My little angel. I feel bad without you. The world around is not happy, the mood is falling ...

My love for you will last forever...

My baby, I miss you! I can't sleep tonight. Darling, I don't forget you! I look forward to it and miss it!

Nature is not happy, the weather is not outside ... depression covers and the heart languishes ...

We recently broke up and I'm already sad. I so want to hear the voice of my beloved, well, at least a text message, send me, my dear.

Night without you is not night, day without you is not day. Hurry come back to me, I live without you like a shadow.

Everything is colorful and bright with you, you filled my life with yourself, my heart belongs only to you.

I can't imagine my life without you anymore. I will make you the happiest person in this world!

You are not here and I am offended, in my soul there is sadness and longing, my beloved ... I love you madly, and I miss you very much!

You are in my destiny, in thoughts and words.

You are far away, the only one. But I remember the tenderness of your skin, which is like velvet, I want to love you, touch your lips with my lips, I miss you very much.

You make my world change and make me smile.

You are miss charm, I am captivated by your smile, "Queen of my dreams"

You are my sunshine - with your warmth you melted the ice in my heart.

You are just a Goddess! Insanely beautiful! And very gentle!

You are like an angel. Go crazy with beauty!

I love you every second, minute, hour, day and night. We found each other among a million. I don't want to lose you, I want to take care of you, I just want us to be together.

I look forward to our next meeting to tell you how much I love you!

I want to always be with you, protect you, and love.

This article contains SMS to your beloved girl beautiful, tender words, statements that move you to tears. You can also write SMS to your beloved girl in your own words. SMS messages are short, romantic, tender, loving, diversify your relationship and will definitely bring a smile to her heart.

Confessions to a girl C Good morning beloved Good night I miss my beloved I miss my wife Apologies to my beloved Love girl

Beloved, madly missing you, I realized that there is no dearer than a little man, and I am grateful for this to our separation. She showed me how to cherish every moment next to you, how to love you and pamper you immensely!

Every minute my thoughts rush to you alone. To say that I miss is to convey only a hundredth of my longing. Everything looks gray without you. My sweetest dreams are dreams of our upcoming meeting.

My dear, I miss you! I want to touch you, feel the warmth and tenderness of your velvet skin, kiss you and never part for such a long time.

Roses are beautiful, but you are more beautiful, the sun is great, but you are brighter, butterflies are very fragile, but you are softer, the ocean is huge, but my love is greater. I miss you the most!

Probably, time has stopped, and the distance separating us is not decreasing. And I'm still waiting even more, my love, for our meeting, I'm waiting for your eyes, in which I'm ready to drown, your smile, brighter than sunlight, I'm waiting for you, because I miss you and love you.

I dream of a new date, choking in anguish. The world without you is bleak. I madly and desperately miss your native gentle voice, your clear eyes. I am depressed and almost crushed. Deliver me from this unbearable sadness.

The night without you has lost its sleep, the day without you has lost its end. Breathing without you has lost its ease, words are confused and play hide and seek with thoughts. Odorless flowers, melodies without a soul, a black and white world... a touch of sadness over everything... Fix it all, my desired happiness, my colorful and beloved world.

I miss, my dear and beloved, so much that sometimes it is difficult to breathe. I want to run to you and fall into a gentle embrace, smell your hair, feel your warmth.

If fate brings two people together, uniting their hearts with love, then why send them a test of separation afterward. Probably, in order for them to understand: in this world there is someone whose presence is necessary, like air. Without you, my love, I'm just unbearable!

While I wait for our meeting, as if centuries pass, not hours. Come back, I'm really waiting for you - my priceless, most wonderful, magnificent, beloved and simply irreplaceable girl!

Darling! Save me from the threads of gray loneliness, fill my life with new meaning. After all, without you it is sad and painful. The world of color loses when you leave, and becomes colorful at each of our meetings.

Darling! The stars grow dim without you, the sun hides behind the clouds, the wind gets angry and bends the trees. Even nature feels how lonely I am without you. Perhaps this is the main confirmation of my love.

You are a young sorceress who captured me with her spell unearthly beauty. I miss every second, I remember your eyes, smile, movements. You are a fairy sent to me from heaven by kind angels!

Depressedly I go to work, I go back without mood. Nothing is interesting without you. Come back, make my life bright, return joy, laughter, surprise, delight and warmth to it!

Your eyes are like dew drops, your hair is soft silk, your lips are sweet honey, and your soul is sublime, like an angel's. I miss my queen everywhere and always! I want to be around!

Alina Ogonyok


The subject of the collection: short sms I miss my beloved man in my own words. The taste of your lips is sweet, you are beautiful! I love you very much and want you! There is no one like you in the world, my only and beloved.

Live, love, play. Buy the whole world, then give it back. And remember only one thing, how much I love you!

Sending my favorite boyfriend on the planet a million kisses, a hundred hugs and a thousand words "miss you"!

I'm lonely without you, and in my soul there is longing, I want to be with you, my beloved, dear!

You are my favorite ray of light, even sweeter than candy. Softer than velvet and plush, I really need you in my life!

I have two Suns in my life, and it’s impossible for me to lose them, it’s you and your love.

Again you are far away, again it is not easy for me. Again I miss you very much, I love you and wait!

I miss you kitty, I want to cuddle and hug, my dear!

I don’t hide my feelings, and I don’t keep silent about my love for you! You are the best I know! I want to see you soon!

I love you, miss you, my dear! Take me always with you!

Honey, I've already started talking to a chair and having breakfast with a kettle. Miss you. I love you!

You are the most wonderful, and the whole world is crazy about you! It seems to me that I own real happiness! Love you.

Do not search perfect girl. I'm home.

But there are no chance meetings ... This is either a test or a punishment or a gift of fate.

You are my incentive to do something, I adore you, you excite me again and again, and excite my blood!

He is one of a kind and is drawn to him with all his soul. And no one else will be like him ...

I love you like an angel of God, I love you like the light of dawn, I will always love you, only you love me!

Write what you love, write what you expect and then you will return my smile.

I've been around for so long, but I just noticed her now...

You are priceless, precious! My only hero! Dear heart, beloved! Most best guy my.

You are my life, my ray of light. I love you! So strong, so crazy! You are my whole life, I simply cannot live without you, you are the best!

Don't love anyone and everyone will like you.

You are in every second of my life... I breathe you... I live you... you are my love!

Do you remember I kissed you yesterday? … Look, you are so delicious…

Let the wind whisper softly to you, you are dearer to me than anyone in the world!

You are my one and only! One such favorite! One for the whole world! I want to be with you!

I love flowers, I love fields, but most of all I love you!

And it’s weak to love me for nothing, just like that…?!

An invitation to flirt is written with the eyes.

0My mischievous tongue wants to play with you, wants to go into your mouth and get a little bit! I love you very much! I love you my cat, your back and tummy

I love as tenderly as a wave of sea sand.

And I don't need much to be happy, only you are near

I miss this night so much, unfortunately you are not with me. And only one thought comes to my mind to meet you as soon as possible!

I want to hug, kiss, please and just be there! smack!

There is only one thing in my thoughts: when I see you, I will throw myself on and kiss you!

When you are far away, I feel that you need me as much as I need you.

If I became a snowflake, I could fly to you! Melt in your breath, die in your palm!

My life is in your heartbeat.

You have become for me like a cube of milk chocolate. So delicious and you are never enough. I love you very much!

I love you like clouds wind I love you, my cat I only need you

Love is when "suddenly" becomes "forever".

Why aren't you by my side now? I would give anything for one minute to be with you! Missed you crazy!

I can't sleep, I want to look at you! It's good that the distance between us is temporary,

You are somewhere there, I am somewhere here, but there are feelings between us. And you know, and I know that we can't live without each other!

Everyone is looking for their ideal, and I found you. Love you.

You are the most precious and desirable thing for me. Without you, I can not breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness, I love you very much!

You make me sick ... and I will be sick for another 9 months for sure ...

I need your gentle touch so much, the warmth of your hands is so important to me Touch and warm. And in return, get my endless love for you. I love you.

I love, kiss, hug and only dream of you! Your eyes confuse me, they promise love and affection!

I'm not jealous, I guard my happiness. I just love you very much.

I dream of flying with you together to the ends of the world, where only we will be! I want to be with you hours a day! I love and miss you so much...

I love you very much! I miss my beloved so much!

If you kiss me on the nose and make a wish, then it will definitely come true ...

But sometimes you want to return to childhood, when we did not know what love is!

I want to fall asleep in your arms, and I want to be with you in a dream. I want to wake up together, next to you, and be alone with you.

My love for you is limitless. You can make me the happiest if you just say that you love me.

Fall asleep and whisper your name is real love that lives in my heart.

I am writing to you - Hello, and I put an end to it, and I don’t know what else to write, I want to say so much, but the main thing is that I miss you very much!

I lie in bed and miss you, I want you so much, I want to hug, kiss, hug you. I adore you!

I really want you to be with me always, to be like that teddy bear that I hugged in my crib every night as a child!

I said goodbye to my head and began to live with my heart!

Waiting for us to walk together again and chat about everything in the world! I love you very much!

Please do not be silent, write me an answer as soon as possible. You are loved the most in the world, my best on the planet!

My love for you is limitless. You are still there, and I already miss you.

Without you, my heart misses, without you, my heart hurts, I don’t know how to continue to live, because I will never forget you!

Drop everything and rush to me as soon as possible, I missed you so much that I'm ready to tear you apart, don't say anything, just come!

Being crazy in love is okay...

Darling, I miss you... Your jokes, kisses, touches are so lacking. When we meet, I will kiss you!

Love is a fairy tale... Love is a dream... Love is a caress... Love is he...

It's easy to say I love, not everyone is able to feel ...

How can there be a blizzard without snow? Can people live without each other?

I love and wait for you, I wait and remember, I dream, I miss you again and I wait again ... And so every day!

No more strength, I so want to see you! Rather, take me to our paradise!

Maybe you will see me in a dream!

If you don't call today, I'll call. And not to you!

From your smile, violins play in my soul, I want to fly, laugh and not part with you!

After all, you can not fall in love with the ideal.

I only need you And when I hear your name - the soul flies away, I love you

I can't live without you, I don't want to live without you, it's impossible and impossible for me to be without you, because I miss you so much!

There is a wonderful joke in the world, from which the blood is agitated, but the heart is either sweet or bitter. And this joke is called Love for you.

I write accurately, I love hard. I will remember forever, and love heartily! I love you!

And I don’t know why I need you ... I just need you and that’s it!

You are my angel and star, I love you always. Let the whole wide world know you are more expensive in the world! - A short SMS to my beloved man I miss my own words.

I miss so much,
That's why I'm writing to you...
And though it's not pretty
But I'll be the first to tell

What is very sad at night
I go to bed alone.
The bed is empty without you
My bed is cold...

I miss you unbearably
And I remember you.
How happy I was with you
Now I'm just not myself!

* * *

I'm just exhausted,
We can't wait to meet you.
Separation is not serious...
I want you to be near!

With you, I was all right,
Whatever we do together...
Come back to your bunny
And let's have fun again!

Missing you is torture
I've had enough of this boredom!
When you're not around I melt
See you in minutes.

Hurry up to hug
And no more parting!
Shorten the distance to me
Habitual give me attention!

I miss you already...
How long have we not seen each other?
How not to think about you?
Do you expect me to be offended?

Beautiful poems for a man I miss

I miss my dear
I look forward to meeting you!
Time is taking so long
I'm already on pins and needles...

You gave me so much
We had so much fun with you.
Now I miss you
And I'm waiting for a meeting, losing strength ...

I want to see you again
Longing has already consumed my brain.
Just to hug you
For a moment, I wanted to...

I can't find a place
So dull days without you.
Not to mention nights...
Do you want to see me?

I really miss you
Your smile is needed...
I miss you a lot
Not even sleep at night.

Let's end this torment
See you again.
I want to hold your hand
And see your burning eyes!

Poems for a man I miss you from a distance

Distance hurts
Time doesn't heal anything.
I miss those days
Where it was so cool for us.

I miss you a lot
According to those confessions beautiful,
What was said in my ear
For the kindness that you gave me.

I want to hug you soon
And never let go.
Let's not part anymore
I can't handle it!

I'm alone without you for now
I love you from afar.
Experiencing inattention
From your eyes at a distance.

I miss so much
Less during the day than at night.
With darkness coming
I feel cold

On an empty bed
I'm barely holding on.
Come back
Bring back the holidays!

Overcame sadness, melancholy,
The strength to control yourself
There just isn't any...
Where are you, my joy?

At a distance of separation
Not a test, but an ordeal.
She crushes my soul
A sediment of bitterness at the bottom ...

Come back and add sweets
I'm so exhausted, can you imagine?
And there is almost no strength left.
In separation, the heart beats quieter.

Poems to a man I miss you short

I miss you very much
And so I'll tell you:
You are what I need
Come back and I'll prove it!

Very bored without you
Not slightly, but strongly.
I don't see your eyes
So unbearable...

It's very hard to be bored
Returns are hard to come by.
A lump in the throat, eyes in tears.
I look forward to seeing you back soon!

My most beautiful
So unbearable
live at a distance
without your attention...

Forces are just running out.
Nothing happens,
While you're not around
Joy for my soul.

You are far from me
I can't hug you.
It's hard to bear.
Shorten the distance!

I miss you.
You are not in vain in my destiny -
This is a great sign from above.
I breathe while you breathe.

We are separated from you
And doomed to be bored.
But I'm waiting in separation meeting
And I count every night...

Poems for a man I miss you sms

I miss you,
very unusual for me
Be at a distance
without your attention.

Boredom hurts the soul
Straight to pieces.
Separation from you is a pain.
I miss you very much!

I'm going crazy, I'm bored
I don't notice around
Literally no one...
I'm waiting for your arrival.

It's dangerous for me to be bored
With such a passionate nature.
How is a man supposed to know
Women can't be bored!

Come back soon
I miss you very much...
Stop hurting your heart
Let him warm up...

I miss you, do you miss me?
You've been away for a long time
But it's time to do as it was -

choose beautiful sms written by their own in simple words. Any of you will be able to convey in one short message to your beloved man the whole gamut of feelings that you yourself experience. It may be tender boredom, or it may be a feeling of love. On your choice!

But, there important points. If you want your beloved man to really miss you, then you should not “bombard” him with a bunch of SMS. One or two is enough.

Short SMS to your beloved man. "I miss you" in your own words

  • Where are you now, my beloved? This is your Juliet, who misses her Romeo at the window.
  • Even the sun on a winter day does not please me when you are not around. I miss you very much!
  • Without you, my love, the rainbow is dim. I miss you like a migratory bird beyond my native land!
  • Every day in which you are not near is like torture for me. I miss you, I love you and I love you!
  • Now it's pouring rain, and he makes me longing for you. When will we meet? I missed you a lot!
  • If you are not next to me, then tears well up in my eyes. I miss the person dearest to my heart!
  • Every moment of separation from you is a real torture for me. Insanely miss!
  • Every hour I think about you, remembering how happy we were together. I miss you and look forward to seeing you!
  • You devote so much time to your work, and I understand this, but I can’t help my feelings - I miss you incredibly!

You're far away and I don't have fun

The whole body seems to be in a state of hangover,

My dear, I miss you so much

That I count every minute goodbye!

  • Your passionate goodbye kiss still burns my lips. I miss you, I'm waiting and all my thoughts are only about you!
  • Let this short SMS give you the power of my "miss"!
  • I listen to every step outside the door, because I wildly missed my boy!
  • I missed you so much that I'm ready to run towards my beloved man!
  • I hope that being apart, you also miss me, my half of my heart!
  • I miss and dream of being in your strong arms again.
  • Every minute I live brings me closer to you. Darling, I miss you unbearably, being apart!
  • Missed your voice. Maybe call?
  • I am very sad and lonely. Nothing makes you happy when you're not around. I miss you wildly!
  • Today I had a dream that we were together. Now I miss it even more!
  • I forget about female pride when you are not around, and I am ready to follow my love to the ends of the world. I miss you very much!
  • As the Earth is waiting for awakening after winter, so am I for our meeting. Terribly bored!
  • Where can I get the strength to survive the separation from you? I miss you, I miss you!
  • My love for you is so strong that I miss you madly when I don’t see you even a little!
  • You are to me like the sun is to a flower. Miss and love!
  • I miss you to tears, my beloved husband!

When will you return to our world of love where we were so happy? I miss and wait!

  • Separation from you tears my soul to pieces! I miss you painfully and painfully!
  • Since the last time we saw each other, winter has come in my soul. I miss you and look forward to spring!
  • I am without you, like a sailboat without a sea wave. I miss you a lot too!
  • I miss! Looking for your sweet smile everywhere, but alas!
  • Without you, I'm like an angel without wings. I miss you and I don't know how to live without you.
  • I miss you and I want to feel your unshaven hair on my cheek.
  • Expensive! The more distance between us, the more I miss you.
  • Let this SMS be an invisible thread that will connect us in separation. I miss you and feel like the loneliest in the world!
  • I still love and miss you so much! Your baby.
  • Not a single healer can dispel my longing for you - I miss you terribly!
  • There is no day or night for me when you are not around. When will we see you?

Beautiful SMS to your beloved man. "Miss and love"

In order to convey to your chosen one, in addition to the feeling of love, also your affectionate and, simply connect two SMS from different sections of the article. And that “rainbow” of feelings that you yourself experience will definitely reach your man.

  • From love to you in my veins the blood freezes, so you prepare the rings!
  • My love for you has no size and this feeling is eternal!
  • I thank fate for sending you to me.
  • You made me the happiest woman in the world! I love you to butterflies in my stomach!
  • I love you every second of my life!
  • Darling! You are the valve of my heart! You are the pupils of my eyes! You are the blood in my veins!
  • When I met you, I got the meaning of life. Thank you for being there, my love!
  • I am very interested in you, warm, cozy, calm and my heart wants to love!
  • I love you, and let everyone envy me!
  • I finally understood the reason for my accelerated heartbeat - this is love for you!
  • Your kind smile makes me the happiest, and loving you is like soaring under the clouds!
  • The most wonderful feeling settled in my heart the day I met you, my love!
  • With you, I learned where the seventh heaven is and what love tastes like!
  • I think about you indecently often, and only your name sounds in my head, my love!
  • My heart burns with a hot flame of love, and I want to give you this wonderful feeling every day!
  • I can no longer suffer and I want to say these words to you - I love you!
  • Every minute spent next to you is heavenly pleasure for me. I love you all!
  • You excite my mind, and I understand that I have no chance of freedom - my heart is in your captivity!
  • I do not believe in chance - I love you and you are my destiny!
  • When I met you, the world around shone with colorful colors and this is love!
  • I am the happiest in the world, because I love you and enjoy life!
  • You are like Diesel jeans to me, the same favorite!)
  • I've become addicted... to loving you! Hope it's mutual.

You are the whole world for me!

And even more than an idol.

I love you very much

And my feeling is one hundred percent stable!

  • Imagine, I fell in love with the one who is reading this SMS now)
  • Today I dreamed about my love, which moved into reality. Her choice fell on you)
  • My embarrassed look says one thing - I love you!
  • My love for you will dry up when all the oceans on Earth dry up.
  • I can't sleep that night without you by my side, my love!
  • The most secret corner of my soul keeps the name of a loved one and it's you - the one about which all the dreams and dreams!
  • Being next to you, I do not feel the ground under my feet, because love for you inspires me!
  • My power of love for you can melt the thickest ice, and I am very happy that I experience such sublime feelings!
  • You are my only swan, whom I have been waiting for all my life, and now we will swim together on the river of love!

I go to bed and hope that today I will dream of my love. Will you come to me in a dream?)

  • The door to my world of love is open only to you alone!
  • Today I woke up in the morning from the sound of a woodpecker, but then I realized that it was my heart that was beating from love for you!)
  • Cupid's arrow pointed me to you, and I do not mind such a choice!
  • Love for you is reflected in a bright gleam in my eyes, and I am extremely happy about this!
  • You are the King (Prince) in my castle of Love, within the walls of which magical melodies of the most beautiful feeling on Earth are heard.
