Is it possible to dye your hair during your period? Is it possible to dye your hair during menstruation: what are the dangers of the procedure during this period?

Each representative of the fair half of humanity takes care of her appearance, and the healthy appearance of hair plays one of the main roles in the whole image. Women pay key attention to hair color: everyone wants it to shine and have an even tone. As you know, during the menstrual cycle, the female body is subject to hormonal changes. In this regard, many people are interested in whether it is possible to dye their hair during menstruation. Let's talk about this today.

Why can't you dye your hair during menstruation?

The opinions of practicing doctors, hairdressers and stylists differ on this issue. Doctors believe that dyeing hair during menstrual bleeding is strictly prohibited. How do doctors motivate their point of view? As practice shows, the first two days of menstruation in women are extremely painful. It is during the period of detachment and release of the epithelium from the uterus that hormonal changes occur in the body, which also affect the hair structure.

As you know, hair contains a coloring pigment - melanin. So, according to practicing obstetricians-gynecologists and trichologists, during hormonal changes during menstrual bleeding, this substance can behave extremely unpredictably, and instead of the desired rich raven-wing color, you risk getting a spotty or dull shade.

Also, treating specialists pay attention to the fact that during the entire menstrual cycle, representatives of the fair sex experience changes in the circulatory system. During the dyeing procedure, the hair may not receive the required amount of blood, which will provoke an incorrect chemical reaction (when the dye comes into contact with the hair).

Obstetricians and gynecologists warn women against dyeing their hair during menstrual bleeding, as unforeseen consequences may occur, in particular:

  • the curls will be colored unevenly or incompletely;
  • as a result of this procedure, the hair structure will change, and the curls will become brittle and devoid of vitality;
  • instead of the expected result, you can get an extremely undesirable tone, for example, when dyeing all the colors of blonde, you often get a greenish (marsh) tint;
  • dyeing curls during menstrual bleeding can cause excessive hair loss, which will entail long-term treatment;
  • Chemical odors can make a woman feel nauseous or reflexively vomit, and generally make her feel worse.

It is not necessary that after dyeing during menstrual bleeding you will have such consequences. Each female body reacts differently, so, as they say, if you don’t try, you won’t know. According to statistics, approximately 1% of 100% of the fair sex faces a similar problem.

Of course, the opinion of hairdressers on this matter runs counter to the recommendations of treating specialists. They believe that you can dye your hair whenever you want, the only exception being the first day of your menstrual bleeding. This is due to its pain and poor health: a woman may not tolerate the smell of paint because it contains a lot of chemicals.

Read also:

  • Is it possible to dye your hair while breastfeeding, and how to do it correctly?

In addition, qualified stylists give some practical tips on how to color your hair during your period:

  • The woman must definitely warn the specialist that she is now in a specific phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • It is best to use a dye that does not contain ammonia;
  • there is no need to radically change your image: these days it is advisable to dye your hair in tones close to natural, otherwise you may get a very unexpected effect;
  • When the dye is left on the hair, it is better to wrap it up or warm it up thoroughly (you can use a special dryer).

If, nevertheless, you cannot reschedule your hair coloring procedure to another date in accordance with your menstrual cycle, then you need to protect yourself as much as possible. Remember, hair coloring should bring you only positive emotions, and not additional health problems.

Before you head to the beauty salon, here are some practical tips:

  • dye your hair on the 3-4th day of menstrual bleeding;
  • be sure to warn your stylist about your natural state;
  • choose only natural shades, it’s better not to experiment these days;
  • try to choose an original coloring technique, for example, coloring or highlighting;
  • Be sure to use protective products, as the hair will be greatly weakened and susceptible to loss.

After dyeing, try not to heat-treat your hair immediately. Talk to your hairdresser, he may advise you to use safe, natural dye. It is best to give preference to dyes that do not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. It is not advisable to lighten your hair these days, as the result may not meet your expectations.

If you nevertheless decide to dye your hair during menstrual bleeding, then you should choose only natural shades. Experts do not recommend making any drastic changes these days. Upon completion of the painting procedure, do not rush home immediately, take a walk in the fresh air - the smell of paint should disappear.

If you want to dye your hair during your period and at the same time maintain its natural shine and strength, then use natural dyes, in particular henna or basma. You can also use a color toner or shampoo. Many girls dye their hair using folk remedies. For example, cinnamon powder and lemon juice will allow you to lighten your curls by 1-2 tones.

Since ancient times, the period of bearing a child has been surrounded by a lot of precautions and superstitions: do not cut your hair, do not touch your face with your hands, do not paint your nails. Most fears have no basis, and today’s women, with the onset of pregnancy, take even more careful care of their appearance and do not refuse to visit beauty salons.

When going to the hairdresser, expectant mothers are concerned about whether it is possible to dye their hair during pregnancy, and this has nothing to do with prejudice. The problem is how safe the procedure is for the well-being of the woman and her fetus.

Superstitions about why you can’t cut and dye your hair during pregnancy come from old times. Our grandmothers considered hair to be a kind of amulet, in modern terms – a carrier of “karmic” information. Therefore, any manipulations with strands, and especially haircuts during the birth and gestation of a baby, were perceived as interference in “subtle matters”: “cutting hair means shortening the child’s life.”

This fear also has a pseudoscientific explanation: trimmed hair begins to actively grow and thereby draw on vitamins and minerals from the mother’s body. As a result, the fetus experiences nutritional deficiencies. From the point of view of doctors, this approach does not stand up to criticism: all the mechanisms of the pregnant body are aimed at preserving and developing the child, and the building material for hair, nails and other “minor” needs of the mother is synthesized according to the residual principle.

Doctors' opinions on hair coloring during pregnancy are divided: some do not consider it necessary to limit hairdressing procedures in any way, others advocate reasonable precautions, at least in the first trimester, during the formation of organs and systems of the embryo.

At the end of the 90s. last century, American scientists expressed concern that some ingredients in permanent dyes have a carcinogenic effect and triple the risk of cancer in women who regularly dye their hair. Later, alarming information appeared for expectant mothers: researchers suspected a connection between the use of permanent dyes during pregnancy and the development of neuroblastoma in the child. Further experiments did not confirm either the first or the second hypothesis. To date, all charges of serious consequences against hair dye have been dropped, but the risk of teratogenic effects cannot be completely ruled out.

The ability of harmful substances to penetrate into the blood through the hair and scalp, and then into the fetus, is somewhat exaggerated. Even if toxic elements circulate through the maternal vessels, the placenta does not allow them into the baby’s bloodstream. The danger is posed by the first 12 weeks from the moment of conception, while the main protective organ of pregnancy, the placenta, has not yet formed. During this period, even the most loyal gynecologists recommend refraining from permanent dyeing and using ammonia-free and natural dyes.

Permanent paints contain aggressive chemicals that come into contact with the skin and respiratory tract:

  • ammonia - has a strong-smelling toxic fumes that cause headaches, lacrimation, nausea, and can lead to fainting;
  • hydrogen peroxide – in high concentrations it can cause burns and an allergic reaction;
  • resorcinol – irritates the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx, provokes a severe cough, suppresses the immune system;
  • paraphenylenediamine – leads to inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

How to dye hair for pregnant women?

Pregnant women at any stage should avoid products containing ammonia. Before painting, be sure to do an allergy test. Even the usual dye can cause an inadequate reaction, since due to a hormonal surge the structure and sensitivity of the skin, hair and mucous membranes change.

What dye to dye your hair during pregnancy? As an alternative to persistent ammonia products, tinted shampoos, tonics and mousses are suitable. They do not penetrate the keratin core and tint the hair superficially. Tint products are quickly washed off, but they are harmless and do not affect the well-being of the expectant mother or the health of the baby.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, pay attention to natural dyes. Natural pigments are safe, but they have disadvantages:

  • instability;
  • it is difficult to get the desired shade;
  • possible unpleasant odor;
  • Individual reactions to plant components cannot be ruled out.

The most popular plant dyes are henna and basma. They provide fairly bright and stable colors and have a beneficial effect on hair growth and structure. Many women prefer these herbs of Indian and Iranian origin, refusing to use chemicals.

If you decide to dye your hair with henna for the first time during pregnancy, try it on a separate strand first. The final result depends on the natural color and structure, and due to the “hormonal storm” in a pregnant woman, it is completely difficult to predict. Keep in mind that after henna you cannot apply regular dye until the first one is completely washed off or cut off.

How to dye your hair during pregnancy

From the point of view of hairdressers, hair coloring during pregnancy is a real lottery. The result can be surprising: from “failed” paint to a completely unexpected shade. Raging hormones are to blame for this. In addition to a skin allergy test, be sure to apply the product to a strand of hair to avoid unexpected effects.

At the hairdresser, be sure to warn the hairdresser about your interesting situation. He will try to reduce the contact of “chemicals” with the scalp. Sign up for the procedure in the morning, while the air in the salon is not saturated with vapors from previous dyeing.

To paint at home, buy a gentle product after carefully studying the packaging. It should not contain ammonia, phenylenediamine, aminophenol and other harmful substances. Perform the procedures in a well-ventilated area, protect your hands with gloves and your respiratory tract with a mask. Follow the instructions and do not leave the product on your hair for longer than the recommended time.

Don't forget about these precautions:

Hair coloring with folk remedies

If you decide to give up chemical dyes during pregnancy, try giving your hair a tint using herbal remedies:

Unlike permanent dyes, natural dyes act gently, improve hair condition, and eliminate dandruff. To get a rich color, repeat the procedure several times, and then maintain the shade regularly.

Watch the video: Is it possible to dye your hair during pregnancy?

Watch the video: Is it harmful to paint your nails and hair during pregnancy?

Most modern women are not subject to superstitions during pregnancy, and in matters of health they rely on the recommendations of specialists. Since the harm from hair coloring or its absence has not been 100% proven, the final decision remains at the discretion of the expectant mother. Here's what participants in a women's online forum think.

The question of whether pregnant women can dye their hair interests many mothers who are used to taking care of themselves. Maintaining a beautiful and radiant color is pleasant and easy under normal conditions, but during pregnancy, choosing an effective and, most importantly, safe product can become a real problem. Let's try to figure out whether pregnant women can dye and cut their hair and what to pay attention to before a beauty procedure.

Hazardous components

With the exception of natural henna and basma, all store-bought hair dyes contain aggressive components. Some of them can cause undesirable consequences when dyeing hair for pregnant women. Among the harmful elements:

  • R-phenylenediamine - this compound changes color when oxidized, thanks to it the shade on the hair lasts longer. The component, which is found in 75% of inexpensive and salon paints, can cause allergies and is toxic to the lungs, liver, immunity and nervous system;
  • persulfates - similar compounds with ammonium, sodium and potassium can irritate and damage the skin; with frequent exposure, asthma and lung diseases develop;
  • resorcinol - this component provokes hormonal changes that lead to fertility disorders, excess weight gain and hypothyroidism;
  • hydrogen peroxide - a traditional component of lightening and blonde dyes affects the lungs, digestive and nervous systems;
  • ammonia - a well-known additive that strongly irritates the skin, causes redness of the eyes, makes breathing difficult, and with prolonged use of ammonia dyes, the hair becomes dry and dull;
  • lead acetate is a typical component of paints with dark shades, toxic to the brain and the entire nervous system;
  • formaldehyde is one of the most dangerous components for pregnant women, causing fetal development defects;
  • ethanol is dangerous for the respiratory system, easily overcomes the fetoplacental barrier and causes enormous harm to the fetus.

The consequences of exposure to harmful substances from cosmetics are unlikely to be pronounced with a single use of a particular beauty product. However, those who are wondering whether pregnant women can dye their hair should weigh the risks and benefits.

Chemicals in paint can really be dangerous.

<Покраска волос при беременности: мнение врачей

Experts have different opinions on whether pregnant women can dye their hair. Doctors of the “old school” do not recommend using such aggressive chemicals as paints, citing the fact that there are no products with an absolutely safe composition. The second nuance is the unpredictable reaction of the body even to a familiar remedy. Suppression of the immune system during pregnancy, increased sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes, a higher risk of allergic reactions - all this can be caused even by expensive professional hair dye for pregnant women.

The second group of doctors is more loyal to beauty procedures. All hazardous substances included in the formula of hair products come into contact mainly with the skin and penetrate through it in negligible quantities. Moreover, it is unlikely that a woman will dye her hair during pregnancy more than once every 1-2 months. Such single contacts with “chemicals,” provided that high-quality products are used, are unlikely to harm the child or the expectant mother.

It is definitely recommended to avoid permanent coloring, lightening or washing with potent compounds in the first trimester. Until the 12-14th week, the formation of all body systems and organs of the baby continues, and during this period the placenta is still being built and put into operation. In the second trimester, it will serve as a reliable barrier from negative external influences, including paint components. Another “contraindication” for hair coloring during pregnancy is toxicosis: strong chemical odors can only aggravate it.

Hair coloring is not dangerous for the fetus if you choose a quality product and the right time

Pregnancy and hair dye: the result can be unpredictable

Anyone who dyed their hair during pregnancy recommends not neglecting “testing” the color. The fact is that under the influence of hormones the whole body changes: even familiar and high-quality paint can lie unevenly, and the final shade will differ from what was expected. To make sure that the result will not be a reason for disappointment, you need to color a small and inconspicuous strand and evaluate how the color “lays down”, whether the gray hair is covered or the shade has grown out.

The ideal option is to consult with a hairdresser in the salon about what kind of dye you can dye your hair for pregnant women. A hairdresser, even with average experience, will tell you which composition is best suited for a specific hair type, condition of the strands and the desired aesthetic effect.

FAQ: 6 main questions about pregnancy and hair coloring

Hair dyeing during pregnancy will give the desired result and will not be dangerous for mother and baby if you carefully choose the products, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and do not neglect the opinion of experts.

What kind of paint can you wear during pregnancy?

There is no definite answer to this question, and you need to choose a tinting agent taking into account individual wishes, timing, hair condition and overall health. It is best to choose paint together with the master. The fact is that seemingly harmless ammonia-free paints from the store may turn out to be of lower quality than ammonia-free paints from a salon. In some cases, it will be possible to completely abandon permanent color in favor of gentle temporary coloring. If you still have to choose a hair dye yourself, you need to carefully study the composition of the products you like. It is better to avoid products containing P-phenylenediamine, dihydroxybenzene and aminophenol - they are the most toxic.

You can enjoy beautiful hair color during pregnancy

Is it possible to wear henna during pregnancy?

Henna dyeing during pregnancy can be the best solution for brown-haired, brunette and redheads. Henna is a powder made from the stems, leaves and shoots of Lawsonia, which grows in hot climates. This plant has long been known for its healing properties, and regular application of firming and toning henna masks provides:

  • healing the scalp and improving its nutrition;
  • rapid hair growth;
  • strengthening the roots, smoothing the hair structure;
  • protection against split ends;
  • lasting shine, which becomes even more pronounced when rinsing hair with water and lemon juice.

The most important advantage of dyeing hair during pregnancy with such a natural product is 100% safety. In extremely rare cases, due to individual intolerance to lawsonia oils, minor skin irritation may occur. Even with regular use of henna, there is no threat to either the expectant mother or the fetus, even if the coloring is carried out in the first trimester.

Henna is a safe dye that comes in many beautiful shades.

With henna you can get different shades from intense copper to light golden. For a cool and dark color, basma - another natural pigment in powder - or strong coffee are added to the henna paste. There is also colorless henna, which adds shine and reveals the beauty of the natural hair color.

If you decide to dye your hair with henna during pregnancy, you need to take into account that due to the oil base and other components, henna is permanently fixed inside the hair. For this reason, it may be difficult to use permanent paint within 6-12 months from the last application of a natural mask. Before classic coloring, be sure to warn the artist that you have used henna.

Is it possible to tint your hair during pregnancy?

Tinting balms last significantly less during pregnancy compared to hair dye. Usually the tint is washed off after 3-6 uses of shampoo. The advantage of this method of changing hair color is safety for mother and baby, avoidance of damage and drying of strands, and lower risk of allergic reactions. Moreover, the temporary color will not spoil the “native” shade; if you get tired of it, you can easily choose a different tone.

Tinted shampoo during pregnancy is easy to use independently and at home, simply following the recommendations from the instructions. As in the case of permanent paint, it is worth checking in advance what shade you will get and how the product applies on a small, inconspicuous strand. It is worth remembering that even temporary paints - balms, crayons, color sprays - stain skin, clothes, various surfaces of furniture and plumbing fixtures, so the expectant mother must wear gloves before applying and cover her shoulders with a towel.

Tinted balms do not damage hair

Can pregnant women get their hair cut and dyed?

If in the matter of hair coloring during pregnancy the decision depends on the safety of the chosen product, then in the case of haircuts, many people also begin to worry about superstitions. According to ancient traditions, a woman’s hair contains the strength of her, her husband and her children. That is why the thickness of the braid and the beauty of the curls were always appreciated during the bride's viewing. By cutting her hair, the woman deprived herself of energy, and the pregnant woman took it away from the baby in the womb. According to legend, a haircut during pregnancy could provoke a miscarriage, the birth of a child with poor health, and a decrease in his life expectancy.

There is no medical confirmation that hair length is in any way connected with the intrauterine development of the fetus, childbirth and the growth of the child in the future. According to “folk legends,” the ban on cutting and dyeing hair during pregnancy is nothing more than a superstition. But if the expectant mother is inclined to believe omens, she should really hold off on experimenting with her appearance - for the sake of her own peace of mind, which directly affects the course of bearing the child.

Haircut does not affect the development of the baby in any way

Is it possible to wash your hair during pregnancy?

While expecting a child, any woman wants to be beautiful and well-groomed. Sometimes an outdated or unfortunate hair color interferes with this, and the expectant mother decides to get rid of it. For this purpose, a special beauty procedure is provided - pickling. It is performed with special formulations that contain oxidizing agents and other active components. Deep pickling also allows you to remove intense black pigment, but with a high probability the condition of the hair will worsen after such exposure. Surface wash is more gentle, but is only suitable for shades close to your own color or in preparation for re-painting.

The formula for decapitation products can hardly be called completely safe, but if the procedure is carried out one-time in the salon with a high-quality and modern product, there is no need to worry about the course of pregnancy and the development of the child. As an alternative solution, you can use a homemade remover. The mixture for it is made from kefir, salt and vegetable oil, for example, olive, strengthening burdock or castor. This mask will not completely remove the color, but will make the pigment less intense, especially if you repeat it several times.

Is hair bleaching dangerous?

Lightening, like hair coloring during pregnancy, is best left for the second trimester, when the baby is protected by the fetoplacental barrier. If the procedure is carried out in a salon using professional products, you do not have to worry about any threats. The main thing is to inform the hairdresser about your “interesting situation” and test the effect of the lightener on a separate strand in advance. The main problem with bleaching, as well as dyeing, the hair of expectant mothers is the unpredictable final tone: it can turn out yellowish or with a green tint, and you will have to tint in addition to lightening.

Fluctuations in a woman’s hormonal levels affect her body’s response to external stimuli. Sensitivity increases, changes in thermoregulation and blood circulation occur. As a result: a number of usual actions are temporarily unavailable: tanning, hair removal, nail extensions, and hair coloring become unsafe on critical days.

Why you shouldn't dye your hair during your period

Whoever introduced such a ban, which looks absolutely far-fetched in the eyes of a rational person, there is some truth in it. The processes occurring in the female body when menstruation begins are too complex to predict their outcome. Added to this is the unpredictability of the chemical reaction of the dye, and even a specialist cannot predict the result of the meeting of two factors.

Why is hair coloring during menstruation often prohibited? Doctors and hairdressers mention the possibility of the following negative consequences:

  • The pigment does not apply evenly. This is especially true for tinting blondes. Getting a distinct green tint or striped pattern by coloring your hair during your period is as easy as shelling pears.
  • Lack of durability: The paint may not set at all, and after washing it off, you will not see any color change.
  • Deterioration in hair quality after dyeing, up to hair loss.
  • Allergic skin reaction to the chemical composition of the dye.
  • Feeling unwell – migraine, nausea, weakness, dizziness. Hormone fluctuations affect sensitivity to odors, so ammonia paints become a real test.

Who can dye their hair during menstruation?

The prohibition on carrying out such a procedure when menstruation begins is not an immutable rule for all women. No hairdresser or doctor will tell you whether you can have coloring done without knowing the individual characteristics of your body. The same applies to physical activity at this time, visits to the solarium, sauna, or cosmetologist's office. Experts recommend focusing on the following points:

  • If your hair is prone to hair loss or has dry, brittle ends, it is better to refrain from dyeing. Henna should not be used either.
  • Girls with thin but smooth hair can undergo the procedure, but use gentle dye.
  • If you do not experience any deterioration in your health during menstruation, there are no contraindications to hair coloring.

Hair coloring during menstruation

All possible undesirable consequences of such a risky procedure, as already mentioned, will not necessarily occur in your case: the likelihood of them occurring is low. However, in case of prolonged deliberation about whether it is possible for you to dye your hair during your period, it is better to refrain from taking a careless step. In case of urgent need, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • Try to use only proven paint, otherwise, if unsuccessful, you will not be able to understand what gave such a result.
  • When can you dye your hair during your period? From the third day, or by avoiding this on the first - then the likelihood of an unsatisfactory result will be lower.
  • If possible, use henna and other herbal coloring compounds.
  • Is it possible to dye your hair during your period if you want to completely change the color? It's better to wait until your period is over.
  • Feeling very unwell? Avoid painting - the strong smell and impact on the blood circulation can cause an even more obvious deterioration in your health.

Video: is it possible to dye your hair during menstruation?

Any representative of the fair sex tries to look perfect, often changing her style, dyeing her luxurious hair in different colors. But the female body is unique in its structure and releases an unfertilized egg every month. Because of this, many girls are interested in whether it is possible to dye their hair during menstruation. Some experts say that it is not recommended to dye your hair during menstruation. On the other hand, there is no exact information whether it is possible to dye your hair. Therefore, it’s worth understanding the nuances of why you can’t dye your hair when you’re on your period.

The effect of menstruation on hair

Many experts involved in dyeing and modeling women's hairstyles note that some girls should not dye their hair during monthly vaginal bleeding. This process of releasing an unfertilized egg from the female body adversely affects not only the color that appears, but also the structure of the curls as a whole.

There are the following factors why you should not dye your hair during menstruation:

  1. The paint does not apply evenly, leaving unpainted areas of the hairline, or there is no coloring along the entire length of the curls. Repainting is allowed only after 28 days (4 weeks). Therefore, during this period you will have to wash partially dyed curls often and with great effort. Carrying out the painting process earlier will result in a deterioration in structure and quality.
  2. During menstruation, blood circulation in the skin is disrupted and the hair loses its normal structure. They become fragile, thin, and begin to fall out due to lack of blood entering the follicles. The hair becomes faded, lifeless, and density is lost. To achieve the lost form, you will have to undergo special therapy and use medications.
  3. Curls contain the main substance responsible for the color of curls. During premenstrual syndrome (PMS), you should not dye your hair, especially blonde. Melanin may react abnormally and instead of the desired blonde, you will end up with a green-haired mermaid beauty.

In addition, there are cases when after a perm the result is completely absent - the reaction does not appear. After such a procedure, severe loss of part of the hair for no apparent reason is possible. The scalp is also affected by the dye, which can cause dandruff or flaking of the skin.

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Thus, it is not recommended to expose your own mane to any impact during monthly discharge. The results may not please the fairer sex much.

Opinions of specialist stylists

Modern hairdressers do not consider the problem of coloring curls during menstrual flow to be significant. All identified defects are successfully corrected and normalized in the process of everyday life.

If a client decides to hold an event and comes to get a haircut during her period, the hairdresser should be aware of this nuance. A trained specialist, having good skills in working with the fairer sex during regulation, can apply precautions and improve the application of paint on weakened curls.

  • It's better not to change the color completely. For hair on critical days, you can carry out a refreshing procedure, dye the roots and tidy up the ends.
  • It is recommended to use paints that do not contain aggressive substances (ammonia). Such products allow a softer and gentler effect on the structure of curls.
  • Before menstruation, when dyeing hair, the temperature of the head changes, so during the procedure it should be insulated: wrap yourself in a warm, dry towel or provoke a greenhouse effect while the dye is exposed by covering the head with oilcloth. You can also use a hairdryer if necessary.
  • After cutting or coloring, treat the surface of the curls with a moisturizing mask or soak in a strengthening balm.

Experienced specialists leave the choice to the woman. She independently decides whether to do her hair, lighten her hair or perform other procedures on critical days. It is worth remembering that the result that was originally intended is not always obtained, and the point is not in the qualifications of the master, but in the condition of the hairline.

Doctors' opinion

Almost all medical experts do not recommend dyeing hair during menstruation. There is no strict ban on holding the event, but no one can guarantee a positive effect.

The first days of the regula are characterized by painful sensations. There is no need to overload the body during this period. Going to a beauty salon or seeing a professional at home for painting is an exhausting process. To do this, you will have to stay in one position for a long time. This will negatively affect the general condition, causing stagnation of blood in the pelvic area.

During menstruation, curls undergo changes that occur due to lack of blood supply. Hormonal levels are also disrupted, resulting in unfavorable processes with melanin. He may not react to any impact in a standard way. As a result, dyed hair will show a not entirely normal color and previously unusual spotting along the entire length of the curls.

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A fairly compelling argument from doctors why it is not recommended to trim curls is the weakening and significant fragility of the latter. The haircut produced these days will not have the same volume and structure that is usually inherent in this or that type of curls.

After the monthly bleeding ends and the former structure returns to the hairline, the resulting effect from the haircut will not justify the initial delight.

In addition, you should not carry out the procedure due to increased sensitivity of the skin. Experts have determined on what day of your period you can dye your hair or perm it - this is 3-4 days after the start of discharge. This is possible thanks to the gradual restoration of normal blood circulation and nutrition of the scalp.

The blood supply to the skin is disrupted during this period. In certain areas of the upper layers of the epidermis, a slow process of blood movement through the vessels is noted. The result is the absence of any effect from the dyeing or perm manipulations performed.

Based on examinations of women during menstruation, specialists identified a pattern in obtaining undesirable results. Therefore, it is better to postpone all hair manipulations until a more favorable moment.

What procedures can be done and what cannot be done

Monthly bleeding in women is not a death sentence. These days, you can carry out a number of other procedures that do not have a harmful effect on your hair.

The following activities are identified that have a beneficial effect on the structure and quality of the hairstyle:

  1. Be sure to moisturize your curls well with toning products.
  2. There is no need to do full coloring; you can highlight your hair. If the paint doesn't adhere to a certain area, it's easy to fix.
  3. It is recommended to use only natural dyes that have a positive effect on the hair.
  4. You need to use either a warm towel or a special polyethylene cap for heating.

On critical days, it is not forbidden to tint the hair at the roots or around the perimeter. You can dye your hair during menstruation only at the end of the release of an unfertilized egg.

You can radically cut your hair during your period, but it is better not to carry out this procedure. Brittle and fragile hair will prevent the hairdresser from reproducing the required haircut. Therefore, before sitting down in the hairdresser’s chair, it is worth warning about the onset of the first days of monthly menstruation.
