In the first months of pregnancy at. The first month of pregnancy - do's and don'ts

1 month of pregnancy is the most crucial. Right now, the whole body is preparing for changes and preparation for the development of pregnancy in the following months.

After maturation, the egg is released into the fallopian tube, where it meets the sperm, as a result of which a new life is born. During this time, the uterus manages to become covered with a network of blood vessels, preparing to receive a fertilized egg - a zygote. On the way to the uterus, the zygote already begins active division; upon reaching the uterine cavity, the fetus already has 32 cells. After the zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus, a woman is considered pregnant.

Main characteristics In the first month From this period
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By the middle of the 2nd week, the fetus’s nervous system develops, after which its formation into the spinal cord and brain continues. By the 3rd week, the fetus resembles a hollow ball with a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm. During the 4th week, limbs and the rudiments of many internal organs are formed. The fetus develops into an embryo about 4 mm long. The photo shows different periods of fetal development over 1 month.

The expectant mother's hormonal levels change, her body is completely rebuilt. When the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, a woman may feel a nagging pain in the abdominal area, as during menstruation. The uterus begins to enlarge. During physical activity, uterine cramps are possible. And the ligaments and discs that support it soften, and lumbar pain occurs. In the first month, the pain is not constant and goes away on its own.

Symptoms of 1 month are:

  • severe fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea accompanied by vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • increased frequency of urination;
  • change in taste preferences.

What happens in the body

The onset of pregnancy is characterized by the following main signs:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • increase in basal temperature;
  • toxicosis;
  • engorgement and filling of the mammary glands;
  • an increase in the quantity and change in the structure of secretions.

The main symptom is the absence of menstruation

Let's look at each of them separately.

  1. The first sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. During the first month, especially during the period of attachment of the fetus to the uterus, spotting is possible. However, a delay in menstruation may not be associated with pregnancy at all, but may be a consequence of some illness or stress.
  2. Under the influence of progesterone, the basal temperature of a pregnant woman rises above 370C. Some people feel hot. This phenomenon is short-lived. You just need to be careful and not confuse pregnancy with signs of an incipient disease.
  3. Many women experience nausea in the 1st month of pregnancy, but in different ways. Mild toxicosis occurs in almost everyone. By consulting with a gynecologist, you can prevent unpleasant attacks. You need to eat food in small portions and drink enough liquid. Severe toxicosis is very rare. Severe vomiting, dizziness, low blood pressure, weakness are reasons to immediately consult a doctor, who will prescribe the necessary treatment in a hospital.
  4. In preparation for the birth of the baby, the expectant mother's breasts swell and enlarge. There is a feeling of fullness in the mammary glands. Some people may even leak colostrum from their breasts.
  5. Due to hormonal changes, an increase in discharge is possible - it should be transparent and odorless.

In the first month, mild pain in the lower abdomen accompanied by tingling is quite possible.

During the first month of pregnancy, rare discomfort or pain localized in the lower abdomen or sides is possible. Short-term mild pain occurs due to the restructuring of the female body and should not frighten the expectant mother. If the pain is severe and prolonged, you should definitely see a gynecologist.

The cause of severe pain may be inflammatory processes that cause increased uterine tone and the subsequent threat of miscarriage. To maintain the pregnancy, you will have to go to the hospital.

The size of the abdomen does not change during this period. In the photo you can see what women's bellies look like in the first month. It is impossible to visually determine pregnancy by looking at the abdomen.

Carrying out an ultrasound

It is possible to accurately establish pregnancy only with the help of an ultrasound. The sensor allows you to register pregnancy at 3 weeks from the moment of conception, determine its exact duration and identify possible pathologies in the early stages for their timely treatment. In the ultrasound photo you can see the development of the embryo during the first month.

Ultrasound examination is completely safe for a pregnant woman and fetus. After a positive diagnosis, the woman is registered.


  • general and biochemical blood tests to determine the Rh factor and sugar levels;
  • testing for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis.

From this period, the expectant mother should monitor the food she eats

In case of different Rhesus levels, the blood of the parents is analyzed for the presence of anti-Rhesus bodies. After this, urine tests, vaginal smears, and hormone tests are taken.

What is allowed and what is prohibited

Pregnancy is quite vulnerable in the first month of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman needs to know what she can consume and do, and what she absolutely cannot do.

The first trimester of pregnancy is based on a healthy, balanced diet, where folic acid occupies a special place. Systematic consumption of liver, green peas, cabbage, lettuce, parsley, apples, pears, watermelons, melons, tangerines, and oranges is necessary.Store-bought sauces, semi-finished products, any fast food dish, carbonated drinks, smoked foods, foods high in salt, tonic drinks, strong tea, coffee.
Lean meat veal, beef, poultry - boiled, steamed, baked.Fatty meats, confectionery products
Low-fat fish varieties.Some types of fish, raw fish products (sushi) - there is a danger of infection with various parasites.
Various porridges made with milk, with the addition of butter and dried fruits.Unboiled milk, raw eggs.
A large number of fruits and vegetables without restrictions.Herbal teas – you should use herbal teas with great caution, some of which can cause miscarriage.
Walking in the fresh air, light physical activity, gymnastics for pregnant women, breathing exercises. As recommended by the doctor - swimming, yoga.Alcohol - drinking drinks containing ethanol can cause congenital deformities, physical underdevelopment or abnormal development of the internal organs of the fetus.
Smoking – the carbon monoxide content in cigarette smoke leads to oxygen starvation of mother and baby, developmental delays, placental abruption, and even premature birth.
Medicines, especially antibiotics, vasoconstrictor nasal drops, aspirin - it is necessary to read the instructions for the drug, which indicate the rules for its use during pregnancy.
Lifting heavy objects, especially with uterine hypertonicity.
X-ray exposure.
Exercises in strength, injury-prone, active sports.
Work pressures, stressful situations.

I would like to note that every young and attractive woman who is actively sexually active should be aware of the existence of certain shortcomings of most modern contraceptives. We decided to talk about the fact that literally none of the contraceptive drugs existing on the market today, unfortunately, can guarantee you 100% protection against an unplanned and not always desired pregnancy.

This is probably why we thought it was very important that young ladies knew all the main signs of pregnancy, and in the very first month. This is necessary in order to be able to subsequently predict upcoming events and understand how best to behave in the current situation.

So, the very first and, probably, the most obvious symptom of a possible pregnancy is considered to be the absence of the expected menstruation on time. However, as you understand, the situation cannot be so simple, and this sign definitely does not guarantee pregnancy. This sign only allows one to suspect pregnancy.

But the fact is that sometimes, under certain conditions, bleeding does occur, but their nature and intensity differ significantly. It should be understood that spotting that appears after a previously observed delay in menstruation may well be the main sign of a threatened miscarriage.

Moreover, the whole unpleasantness of such a situation lies precisely in the fact that the overwhelming majority of young women simply do not consider it necessary to pay any attention to such phenomena. As a result, women in such situations are in no hurry to consult a gynecologist and lose their pregnancy. Although we note that sometimes in such situations even a full-fledged ultrasound examination may well show you absolutely nothing.

Let's move on - the second and no less obvious sign of the possible birth of a new life in you is a positive pregnancy test result. At the same time, you can buy the test itself with extraordinary ease at almost any pharmacy nearest to you.

The most important thing in this case is that it is possible to fully diagnose the onset of a new pregnancy in the comfort of your home and, moreover, already in the very first month of pregnancy. Actually, this is why a woman does not have to urgently run and make an appointment with her own gynecologist, or hastily do an ultrasound, being at such an early and insignificant period.

The main advantage of such home testing can also be considered that banal test strips have a relatively low cost and are available to almost every woman. For the earliest possible diagnosis of pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend using tests that have a sensitivity of 20, since such tests will respond better to the lowest concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine.

In some cases, the second line on certain types of tests may not look entirely clear, but in most cases, this will nevertheless indicate the onset of a new pregnancy.

A real symptom that pregnancy has finally occurred may well be the indisputable fact that the woman’s uterus has increased somewhat in size. But as you understand, only an experienced gynecologist can most accurately assess the real position of a woman’s uterus, as well as its new shape. It is also worth noting that in the first days after the onset of a missed period, changes in the size of the uterus are extremely difficult to see. However, after a couple of weeks, real changes in the size of the female uterus will be more noticeable and will leave no doubts in the doctor’s mind.

Well, one more indicator - you are definitely pregnant if, during an ultrasound, the doctor can see a perfectly fertilized egg, comfortably located in the uterus. Note that intrauterine pregnancy can easily be seen on the simplest ultrasound examination literally one or maximum two weeks after the noticed delay, or rather absence of menstruation. It must be said that doctors themselves still do not recommend doing an ultrasound examination at such an early stage, except in the most extreme cases dangerous to health. With such a study, if there is such an opportunity, it would be better to wait a little, say, until the 12th week.

The next sign of pregnancy can be considered the fact that extremely unpleasant toxicosis most often appears in the first month. However, some women may experience nausea and malaise already in the third week of pregnancy.

We also note that in the early stages of the current pregnancy, a significant aversion to strictly defined strong odors may well appear, and this is primary. A woman may feel sick from some previously loved foods and previously hated drinks.

You should pay attention to the fact that the body of each specific pregnant woman will react completely differently to everything that happens around her. Actually, toxicosis in this case may well be of very different severity and intensity. Some women suffer from morning sickness, some from early vomiting, and some women may simply experience some discomfort due to very mild, barely noticeable nausea.

And the last method for determining pregnancy is measuring basal temperature. It should be said that until numerous ultrasound devices were installed in domestic medical institutions, doctors actively used simple but accurate measurements of the so-called basal temperature to identify real signs of pregnancy.

This technique is outrageously simple and understandable. If a woman is still pregnant, then already in the very early stages the doctor will note a noticeable increase in her basal temperature to at least 37, or even 37.2 degrees. Naturally, in order for these temperature indicators to be as accurate as possible, the necessary rules for measuring such temperatures should be strictly observed.

To do this, it will be better to prepare everything in advance in the evening. It is more logical to take measurements in the morning, and after deep normal sleep. Note that an error can easily occur if, at the time of measuring basal temperature, certain inflammatory processes are observed in your body, which usually cause an increase in overall body temperature.

Real changes in a woman's hormonal background can also cause another symptom of the appearance of a new pregnant woman - this, of course, is the appearance of frequent urination. So think about it, if you have begun to run to the toilet much more often than usual to relieve yourself to the toilet, then it is definitely worth paying attention to whether you are pregnant.

It should be said that after the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may also observe certain changes and incomprehensible excessive swelling in her mammary glands. Sometimes with this symptom, even slight breast tenderness is possible; often the breasts can change in size. As a rule, you can talk about pregnancy if your breasts become significantly larger and their nipples darken no less noticeably.

Finally, let’s say that pregnancy is, although quite difficult, a very pleasant and exciting stage of life for every young woman. We would like every woman to remember during this period that from conception a little man has already formed in her womb and will soon be born. It is important that the woman understands that it is she who decides the fate of this little lump and that her decisions and behavior determine how successful the life of this baby will be.

Signs of pregnancy in the first month: how to recognize? Expectant mothers usually find out about their pregnancy only after their menstruation has been delayed. Therefore, the first month of the birth of a new life passes almost unnoticed. But there are obvious and not so obvious signs that allow us to understand that this has already happened.

A pregnant woman's body begins to send signals about the birth of a new life almost immediately after the completion of the conception process - implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. It is important that the expectant mother is able to recognize them, because this will allow her to reconsider her lifestyle in order to create the most comfortable conditions for the healthy development of the fetus.
The guidelines for determining a woman’s new position are the signs of the first month of pregnancy.

Sign 1: increased appetite
Many expectant mothers experience an increase in appetite, and then, when nausea occurs, a decrease. There may also be an addiction to certain foods: sweet, salty, meat, etc.

Sign 2: early toxicosis
This uncomfortable state begins around the 5-6th week of pregnancy. Most often, the expectant mother worries in the morning in the form of mild nausea or periodic vomiting. The most severe cases of toxicosis occur throughout the day.

Sign 3: increased fatigue
At the beginning of pregnancy, the body begins to prepare for bearing a child and the amount of progesterone increases. This causes increased fatigue, a desire to go to bed earlier and apathy. But by the end of the first trimester, the hormonal background changes and the amount of estrogen begins to predominate in it, which gives vigor.

Sign 4: blood vessels overflowing
The increased blood volume during pregnancy can make the capillaries just below the skin's surface more visible. They protrude outward and become more noticeable. Pregnant women with a pale complexion may even notice redness of the skin on the palms and face.

Varicose veins during pregnancy are facilitated by a weakening of the tone of the veins under the influence of progesterone, as well as weight gain, which makes it more difficult for the muscles and veins to push blood up the veins.

Sign 5: change in the condition of the mammary glands
In most pregnant women, noticeable changes in breast condition begin in the second week. The mammary glands swell and their volume can increase dramatically. The skin around the nipples darkens.

Sign 6: Frequent urge to urinate
Hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy contribute to significant blood flow to the pelvic organs. This is reflected in changes in the functioning of the kidneys and bladder: active kidney function contributes to more frequent urination.
And such a reason for increased urination as an increase in the volume of the uterus, as a result of which it puts pressure on the bladder, begins to play a role from the second trimester of pregnancy, that is, from the 12th week.

Sign 7: reaction to odors
Almost from the first week of pregnancy, all odors are perceived more acutely. A radical change in preferences is also possible, when previously loved aromas will cause attacks of nausea.

Sign 8: increased body temperature
The body may react to the onset of pregnancy in the first weeks with a slight increase in temperature - up to 37.2 degrees - and malaise. These symptoms can easily be mistaken for an incipient cold. Do not rush to treat an imaginary illness, because the reason for the increase in temperature is the active production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone.

Double health care

The coincidence of more than one harbinger of successful conception should be a reason to check using a pregnancy test or examination by a gynecologist. After all, the sooner the expectant mother learns about the new situation, the more attentive she will become to her health.

In the 1st month of pregnancy, a woman should:

  • undergo an examination of the heart, lungs, chest, abdominal cavity, external genitalia, vagina and cervix, and pelvic organs;
  • measure body height and weight, blood pressure (this indicator is under the supervision of a doctor);
  • visit a phlebologist.

Expert: Irina Isaeva, obstetrician-gynecologist
Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

Photos used in this material belong to

Wow! I am pregnant!

This important event has arrived. Maybe this is a surprise, or maybe the result of long-standing expectations and efforts. The woman leads the same usual way of life, works and rests, but in reality everything is completely different...

Changes in the body in the first month of pregnancy

The baby is still so small that the pregnancy cannot be seen outwardly yet. The figure does not undergo any changes, the tummy is not rounded, the weight remains at the same level. But internal changes have already been launched and are working at full capacity.

Perhaps the woman noticed a slight increase in heart rate and breathing, which indicates an acceleration of blood flow and metabolic processes throughout the body - a high-alert mode. Many mothers say that they felt some changes in the body even before the delay of menstruation.

A third of pregnant women report unpleasant, slightly painful sensations in the breasts, increased sensitivity, and an increase in size due to swelling. Some mothers describe atypical sensations in the lower abdomen.

During the - weeks of pregnancy, slight, spotting bleeding may appear, which should not cause concern, as it indicates the transplantation of the baby into the wall of the uterus.

Common tastes and habits may also change. For example, your favorite dishes cause disgust, the smell of coffee makes you want to close your nose, and perfume has become so disgusting that the expectant mother is surprised how she put up with all this before. There may be a constant feeling of hunger, a desire to eat something inedible, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

The nausea and vomiting that most mothers associate with the early stages of pregnancy are not yet present.

A large percentage of expectant mothers complain of very rapid fatigue and decreased performance, as well as constant drowsiness and fatigue.

If a woman has been wanting to have a baby for a very long time, then it is at this time that she experiences the greatest psychological stress. Constantly wondering if it worked this time or not? These shocks are not only harmful to the baby, but can also destroy him.

Baby's body at 1 month

In the first month, the embryo resembles a tadpole rather than a human. Its dimensions are very small, a grain of rice is even larger. Over the next two weeks, the spinal cord, spine, heart and esophagus, some large vessels, and the rudiments of future limbs will begin to form.

The baby received his entire stock of genes from his parents through the DNA of the egg and sperm. Each of the 23 chromosomes of these germ cells brought the baby more than 2000 different genes, which will determine the future color of eyes and hair, height and blood type, musical abilities, habits and character.

The sex of the unborn baby depends on the “main” father’s chromosome of the sperm – the Y chromosome. If there is one, then a boy will be born; if instead there is an X chromosome in the sperm set, then the birth of a daughter should be expected.

- a responsible process, as a result of which a fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube towards the uterus, while continuing to actively divide and grow. First, it reaches the inner wall of the uterus and tightly attaches to it (this process is called implantation). A very close connection is established with the mother and her body.

- the time of laying the foundation of all future organs and systems, differentiation of cells and tissues occurs. The process of formation of the child’s cardiovascular system has already begun. The heart is initially single-chambered; it will acquire the main features of an adult’s heart only after 5 weeks. The anlage of the nervous system, formed in the second week, is transformed into the dorsal and head sections, which in the future will form the baby’s central nervous system.

The fourth week is the time when eye sockets appear, i.e. places of formation of the visual organs. The development of arms and legs also becomes very active, and the formation of the child’s internal organs accelerates.

By the end of the first month, the embryo has a “growth” of 4 mm.

Registration: first conversation with a gynecologist

Typically, the initial appointment lasts three times longer than a regular visit to a doctor at the antenatal clinic, because there is so much to tell, so much to ask, many prescriptions and measurements to make. The doctor will collect an anamnesis of life and illness from the newly-made expectant mother in order to correctly and timely assess the risk of complications and do everything possible for the successful course of pregnancy and the health of the baby.

The scheme for examining a woman during pregnancy is, as a rule, standard; it changes only in special cases. The main goal of the first visit to the doctor is to make an accurate diagnosis, that is, to confirm pregnancy if it exists.

To do this, he must find out the date of the last menstruation, ask about the woman’s possible symptoms and feelings, and the result of a pregnancy test, if one was carried out at home. Having found out the date of the last menstruation, the gynecologist will determine the approximate date of birth using a special technique.

The next stage of the examination is a gynecological examination in a chair, during which the condition of the cervix, the size of the uterus and its consistency are assessed. The degree of enlargement of the uterus can also be used to judge the approximate duration of pregnancy. The doctor can also diagnose complications.

The first month is the richest in all kinds of violations and failures. Thus, our body will maintain only a healthy and viable pregnancy. Often, incorrect development is detrimental to the embryo, and it, unfortunately, is forced to die, because “mistakes” at such early stages are, as a rule, incompatible with life. In the worst case scenario, the pregnancy will be terminated without the woman even knowing about it. Symptoms may include unusual menstruation with a deviation of a couple of days.

We should dwell in more detail on other very serious complications:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. Occurs when the embryo is implanted not into the wall of the uterus, but into the mucous membrane of the tube, abdominal cavity, ovary, etc. There are no conditions for the life and development of the embryo; by the end of the first month it dies, and the pregnancy is terminated, and is accompanied by dangerous complications for the woman (bleeding, shock). Need emergency surgery.
  • Corpus luteum cyst. At the site of formation of the corpus luteum of the ovary, a pathological formation appears - a cyst. The danger lies in the possibility of its rupture and severe bleeding. As a rule, it goes away on its own by mid-pregnancy. Treatment, if necessary, is also surgical, but the pregnancy can be saved.

Analyzes: General and biochemical blood tests, urine tests, for HIV, syphilis, herpes, rubella, toxocariasis. Consultations with an ophthalmologist, surgeon and therapist, neurologist and ENT doctor are also necessary. The rest of the appointments are made by the doctor individually.

Specialist appointments

Vitamins are the companion of any pregnant woman throughout her long and difficult journey. The main one is . Deficiency in the early stages is very dangerous, and there is a high probability of developing serious complications. Vitamin E is also necessary, which is important for the baby.

Iodine is also required. But you can’t take any medications yourself; only a doctor can make prescriptions!

Usually, the first month without pathology does not require medical supervision.
