Benzoic acid application in cosmetology. Acids in cosmetology

Today, when every second young lady tirelessly reads the composition of the beauty products in her cosmetic bag, and the Mast-have of such a person is a maximum of natural ingredients in a minimum volume, it is impossible not to talk about various improvers, dyes, and preservatives.

To keep your favorite cosmetic product in good condition, to prevent the growth of bacteria (and your favorite cosmetics, which come into contact with the skin of the face and body, are a favorable environment for harmful carriers), experienced manufacturers add many preservatives. And it would be nice if this scientific miracle were natural and healthy, but, alas, not always. The pursuit of large production volumes (and, accordingly, fabulous profits) pushes giant cosmetics magnates to all sorts of chemical tricks. Let's take a more detailed and precise look.

General characteristics of Benzoic acid

Benzoic acid (Benzoid Acid - C 7 H 6 O 2 (or C 6 H 5 COOH)) is benzoic acid, as well as its numerous esters, which feel great in essential oils, in balms, a derivative of benzoic resin.

Benzoic acid was first obtained in the 16th century from dew incense by sublimation. After 3 centuries, the scientist Justus von Liebig was able to identify the structure of benzoic acid. Then, in the 19th century, together with other German chemists, he managed to establish many similarities between the properties of benzoic acid and hippuric acid. Already in the 20th century, benzoic acid began to be actively used as a food preservative in the manufacture of various food products. The basis for this was some beneficial properties of the acid, namely antimicrobial and antifungal.

Benzoic acid is currently produced by oxidation of toluene using catalysts. Somewhat earlier, it was obtained from phthalic acid or benzotrichloride, but it was decided to abandon this method due to the high cost, and the technological process was too complicated. In addition, the acid can be found naturally in some berries, such as cranberries, raspberries or lingonberries, as well as in tea, anise, cherry tree and acacia bark.

Benzoic acid is a white crystalline substance. In its shape, it resembles thin long leaves or needles that shine when exposed to sunlight or lamp light. It easily dissolves in various substances, be it ordinary water, fat or alcohol. In addition, benzoic acid tends to melt and go into a gaseous state. This happens at a heating temperature of 122 degrees Celsius.

Benzoates (esters and salts of benzoic acid) are actively used in the food industry as food preservatives (for example: E-210, E-211, E-212, E-213). This is due to the ease and easy availability of preservative production. Their main advantage is the inhibition of the growth of certain types of fungi, yeasts and bacteria. Within the framework of the legislation, the use of this acid is permissible - 0.05 to 0.1%. And no more.

Application of beneficial properties of Benzoic acid

  • In cosmetics

For cosmetic purposes, C 7 H 6 O 2 is almost always produced synthetically. The main role of the additive is as a preservative, suppressing the growth of bacteria, increasing the shelf life of the product. But according to international standards, the manufacturer is required to indicate only 40% of all the ingredients that make up your perfume jar in your cosmetic bag. And, most likely, they will warn you about benzoic acid in the composition, but rather distantly - without indicating an explicit percentage.

If we talk about which cosmetic products use benzoic acid, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is creams, lotions and scrubs for problem skin. Having the property of actively fighting germs, the acid in these cosmetics will help get rid of acne and redness on the face and other parts of the body. It is also used to whiten skin, remove age spots and freckles.

  • In the food industry

The food industry uses the antimicrobial property of benzoic acid. So you can see it in products such as sauces, ketchup, canned berries and vegetables, fish products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

  • In medicine

Benzoic acid actively fights fungus and various microbes, so it is often used in medicine in the manufacture of drugs for the treatment of skin fungus and some lichen diseases.

Harm of Benzoic acid

As is known, benzoic acid has a carcinogenic effect, which, if it enters the human body, can cause a severe allergic reaction. Acid can also trigger asthma attacks.

So how do you find a way out? Absolutely not using cosmetics? Nowadays this is impossible - the aggressive environment and constant stress dictate their conditions. Or maybe every day you can “mix” yourself a cocktail of eggs, cucumbers, sour cream and other things? Perhaps, but not everyone has enough free time and basic endurance to “handicraft” like this. There is only one way out - try to protect yourself (your body and face) from numerous preservative aggressors, perhaps replacing part of your regular products with products marked “Organic or BIO”.

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There is not a single cosmetic medicine to help the skin of the face, hands, or hair that does not contain cosmetic acids.

The use of cosmetic acids in medicinal cosmetics

In the branches of medicine involved in cosmetic treatment, the following types of acids are used:

Salicylic(applicable for eliminating acne, pimples; the acid has an exfoliating and antibacterial effect; disarms the fat produced by the sweat glands; helps restore the cells of the outer covering of the human body).

Alpha Lipoly(this is a powerful element of natural origin; it maintains the normal water and fat balance of the skin).

Lemon(found in lemon, kiwi, lime, grapefruit, orange, pineapple, papaya; thanks to its action, the surface of the skin brightens; promotes metabolism; cleanses and destroys bacteria from the epidermis; activates the creation of a substance that gives elasticity and a fresh, healthy appearance to the skin) .

Orotovaya(normalizes metabolism in the skin; restores the synthesis of proteins and nucleic compounds to its previous healthy state; component of cosmetic preparations intended for aging skin).

Benzoinaya(this is an excellent remedy for fighting bacteria; it is this ingredient that cosmetic products for skin with excessive oil production, acne and pimples contain).

Amber(a nourishing composition for the face and neck, to which succinic acid is added, will become an excellent life-giving elixir for aging skin; such a composition will nourish it with useful substances, make the outer skin smooth, light; hair masks, in which the main source of life-giving power is succinic acid, bring the hairs into a qualitatively better order; the hair becomes thick, shiny, easy to style and comb, and does not become dirty or greasy for a long time).

Azelaic(streamlines the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation; the effect of azelaine is enhanced in tandem with other acids - lactic, lipoic, and citric; exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the skin with this acid can be carried out periodically).

No less effective acids

Ascorbic(removes toxins from the skin, thereby healing it; prevents wrinkles from appearing on the skin; fights spots on the outer cover).

Stearic(necessary for cosmetic medicines in order to make them thicker in consistency; this chemical is also added to ointments as an element, providing an emulsion; acid in ointments and lotions improves the barrier properties of the skin in case of adverse weather conditions).

Palmitic(contains a lot of fat; therefore, it is included in cosmetic ointments for dry skin and in ointments designed to protect against chapping of the face and hands in the winter).

Glycolic(eliminates non-viable and hardened skin cells; provides excellent assistance in the fight against pimples and acne, dehydrates and makes pores narrow, and also makes the front of the human head even in color).

Almond(as you know, almonds contain a large amount of oil; soften skin cells, give the skin a light tint, and cleanse the skin of excess fat).

Dairy(it can be found in fermented milk products, blueberries, stratoflower, maple syrup, apples, tomato juice, grapes); intensively fills the skin with moisture and cleanses it).

Apple(found in apples and tomatoes; this acid frees the skin from impurities, stimulates and renews cells, maximizing cellular changes in the human body).

Wine(found in ripe grapes, aged wine, oranges; frees the skin from impurities, fills it with moisture and makes it lighter).

In what cases should you not perform procedures with cosmetic acids?

  • Malignant tumors or suspected cancer.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Progressive inflammatory process.
  • Problems with the circulatory system, blood incoagulability.
  • Cosmetic techniques done the day before.
  • Predisposition to allergies.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the device.
  • Age up to 25 years.

Science has made great strides over the past decades, making new discoveries, including in the field of cosmetic medicine. New types of cosmetic acids aimed at maintaining the health of our skin are being actively researched and studied. But women, plunging into the endless stream of more and more new cosmetic products, must choose exactly what will really help make their skin beautiful, smooth, and soft! Take care of your health, listen to what cosmetologists advise you and be beautiful, healthy and always young!

There is no smoke without fire! Let's take a critical look together at which points the author of the list was wrong and at which points he was right. Write your reasons in the comments!

the list is sorted according to the Russian alphabet.

If the labels on the packaging are in English, see.

Not all ingredients on the list are harmful to your health; please read the explanations for the specific ingredient.

Unfamiliar words:

Carcinogenic(cancer – cancer) – dangerous and toxic substances that cause malignant tumors.

Mutagenic– dangerous substances that produce changes inside cells at the genetic level, i.e. change the structure of cells.

1,2-Dichloroethene, Acetylene dichloride, sim-Dichlorethylene – Dioform.

Used in many toothpastes and other teeth whiteners. Damages tooth enamel.

Alkylphenol ethoxylate – Alkyl-phenol-ethoxylades.

Reduces male sperm count by mimicking the effects of estrogen. Widely used in shampoos.

Alcohol, Alcohol – Alcohol.

Acts as a vehicle and prevents foaming. Dries quickly. Synthetic alcohol (as opposed to microbiological) is a toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic substance that causes adverse reactions in the body.

Albumin - Albumin.

Albumin is the main ingredient in facial skin tightening formulations. Advertised as an anti-wrinkle product. The formula contains bovine serum albumin (bovine serum albumin) and dries to coat wrinkles with a film, making them less noticeable. Has a negative effect on the skin.

The last time a serious case was brought against customer complaints was in the 60s. Both of these drugs were wrinkle removers. The composition contained bovine serum albumin, which when dried, formed a film over wrinkles and made them less visible...

Alpha hydroxy acids, Alpha Hydrax Acids – AHA’s.

Old cells are exfoliated from the surface of the skin, after which only fresh young cells remain on it. The skin looks young and less wrinkled. By removing the outer layer of dead cells, we are also removing the first and most important protective layer of the skin. In this case, harmful environmental factors that contribute to skin aging penetrate it faster and deeper. As a result, the skin ages prematurely.

Aluminum – Aluminum.

Used as a color additive in cosmetics, especially eye shadow, as well as in deodorants and antiperspirants. Harmful.

Flavors – Fragrances..

Aromatic additives for most cosmetic preparations. They contain up to 1000 synthetic substances, most of which are carcinogenic. May cause headaches, dizziness, allergic rashes, skin discoloration, severe coughing and vomiting, and skin irritation. Clinical observation proves that aromas can affect the central nervous system, and cause depression, irritability, etc.

Acetamide, acetic acid amide – Acetamide MEA.

Used in lipsticks and blushes to retain moisture. It is a toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic substance.

Benzene, Aromatic hydrocarbon – Benzene.

Benzene is a bone marrow poison. In combination with other components, it is widely used in cosmetics. It is a toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic substance.

Bentonite - Bentonite.

Bentonite – 1. Highly plastic clay, 2. A grade of bleaching clay. This is a natural mineral that is used in masks, powder and other cosmetics. It differs from regular clay in that it forms a gel when mixed with liquid. Bentonite is supposed to be able to draw out toxins.
This is a porous clay that quickly absorbs moisture from the skin. Forms gas-tight films.
Intensively retains toxins and carbon dioxide, preventing the skin from breathing and releasing waste products. Suffocates the skin, stopping the access of oxygen. Bentonite particles may have sharp edges and scratch your skin. Comedogenic. Experiments on mice showed high toxicity.

Biotin, vitamin H, vitamin B7, coenzyme R – Biotin (Vitamin H).

Biotin (vitamin H) is an exotic ingredient touted as essential and beneficial for skin and hair care. A deficiency of this vitamin has been linked to oily skin and baldness in rats and other experimental animals. However, human hair is different from animal hair. Biotin deficiency is extremely rare, and therefore can be considered a completely useless additive in cosmetic preparations. Moreover, the molecular weight of biotin is too large for it to penetrate the skin.

Bronopol, 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol, BNPD -Bronopol.

Forms nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic. Chanel's most expensive cosmetic line uses this ingredient. Even stores that specialize in natural cosmetics sell products containing bronopol, although there are many other natural substitutes. Very dangerous.

Butylhydroxyanisole, E320 – Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA).

Butylhydroxytoluene, Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT).

Antioxidant, widely used not only in cosmetics, but also in the food industry. It is quickly absorbed into the skin and remains in tissues for a long time. Carcinogen.

Gamma-Hexachlorane – Lindane, hexachlorocyclohexane.

A pesticide used in agriculture. Trade names Kwell, linden, Bio-Well, GBH, G-well, Kildane, Kwildane, Scabene and Thionex. Add to creams, lotions and shampoos. Carcinogenic. Causes skin cancer. Very toxic to the nervous system. Damages the brain.

Hyaluronic acid, hyaluronate, hyaluronan – Hyaluronic acids.

This is the “last squeak” in the cosmetics industry. It happens that cosmetic companies use only a small amount of this acid in their products, as long as the ingredient is mentioned in the composition on the sticker. It doesn't do your skin any good.

Glycerin (conditionally beneficial), 1,2,3-trihydroxypropane, 1,2,3-propanetriol – Glycerine.

Advertised as a beneficial moisturizer. It is a clear, syrupy liquid obtained by chemically combining water and fat. Water separates fat into smaller components - glycerol and fatty acids. This improves the penetrating ability of creams and lotions and prevents them from losing moisture through evaporation. Glycerin is the basis of all fats. In general, fat is glycerol + fatty acids. Glycerin is valued in cosmetology for its moisturizing and moisture-retaining properties. Moisturizing effect - glycerin molecules are surrounded by water molecules (since glycerin has three hydrostrong groups) and, entering the skin along with water, retains moisture.

But if you use a large percentage of glycerin - 40-50%, a harmful substance is formed as a by-product (it is this harm that they talk about). Studies have shown that when air humidity is below 65%, glycerin sucks water from the skin to its full depth and holds it on the surface, instead of taking moisture from the air. Thus, it makes dry skin even drier.

Dimethylamine - Dimethylamine..


Dioxane, diethylene dioxide – 1,2-Dioxane –ethoxylated alcohols, 1,4–dioxane, polysorbates, and laureths.

Found in shampoos, conditioners, facial cleansing lotions, creams, soaps, and various household cleaning products. They easily penetrate both the skin and the air into the body. Strong carcinogen. Causes cancer of the nasal septum and destroys the liver.

Dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzo-1,4-dioxins – Dioxins..

500,000 times more carcinogenic than DDT. Used to whiten paper. There are facts that confirm the presence of dioxins in milk and other dairy products that are packaged in cardboard boxes, since the paper was bleached using this substance.

Disodium EDTA - Disodium EDTA.

Dangerous carcinogen, may contain ethylene oxide and/or dixane.

DEA, Diethanolamine – diethanolamine, 2,2′-Iminodiethanol 2,2′-Dihydroxydiethylamine, DEA;
MEA, Monoethanolamine - Monoethanolamine (MEA);
TEA, Triethanolamine – Triethanolamine, TEA,
as well as others: Cocamide DEA –
Cocamide DEA, Diethanolamide;
DEA-Cetyl phosphate - DEA Cetyl phosphate;
DEA Oleth-3 phosphate - DEA-olef-3 phosphate,
Myristamide DEA;
Stearamide MEA – Stearamide MEA;
Cocamide MEA - Cocamide MEA,
Lauramide DEA - Loramide DEA,
Linoleamide MEA - Linoleamide MEA, a mixture of linoleic acid ethanolamides;
Oleamide DEA – Oleamide DEA;
TEA-Lauryl Sulfate - TEA lauryl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate.)

They are used as emulsifiers and foaming agents in cleansing lotions for facial skin, shampoos, body and bath lotions, soaps, etc. Ethanolamines irritate the eyes, skin and mucous membranes and cause dermatitis. Diethanolamine easily penetrates the skin and settles in various organs, especially the brain. Animal tests have shown that the substance may be toxic to the kidneys, liver, brain, spinal cord, bone marrow and skin. These substances are carcinogenic.

Animal fat – Tallow (animal fat).

Animal fat: beef, pork. In cosmetics it promotes the growth of bacterial colonies.

Isopropyl alcohol, propanol-2, isopropanol, dimethylcarbinol, IPA - Isopropyl Alcohol (SD-40).

Causes cancer of the mouth, tongue and throat. Used as a cleaning agent, as well as in cosmetics, perfumes, and mouth rinses. Symptoms of poisoning are headache, nosebleeds, dizziness.

Imidazolidinyl urea – Imidazolidinyl Urea.

After parabens, it is the most commonly used preservative in cosmetics. A colorless, tasteless, odorless substance. Added to powder, baby shampoos, colognes, eye shadows, hair tonics and lotions.
Causes dermatitis. At high temperatures it releases formaldehyde, which is very toxic.

Coal tar, Coal tar – Coal Tar.

Used in anti-dandruff shampoos. Usually carried on labels under the names: FD, FDC or coloring FD&C.
Coal tar can cause serious illnesses such as allergic reactions, asthma attacks, fatigue, nervousness, headaches, nausea, poor concentration, and cancer.

Carbomer, carbopol, 934, 940, 941, 960, 961 C – Carbomer.

Used as a thickener and stabilizer in creams, toothpastes, eye cosmetics, and bath products. Artificial emulsifier. May cause allergies and eye inflammation.

Quaternium-15 – Quaternium-15.

Used in cosmetics as a preservative and antimicrobial agent. Forms formaldehyde, which is very toxic. Causes dermatitis.

Cocamide DEA, diethanolamide, NN-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amide of coconut oil - Cocamide DEA.

Mainly present in shampoos. Contains nitrosamines, which are known carcinogens.

Cocamidopropyl Betaine.

Used in shampoos in combination with other surfactants (surfactants). Synthetic substance. Causes irritation to eyelids.

Collagen (not to be confused with plant liquid-soluble collagen), fibrillar protein – Collagen.

Collagen is a protein that is a major part of the structural network of our skin. It is believed that with age it begins to break down, and the skin becomes thin and flabby. Some companies insist that collagen can improve the skin's own collagen structure. Others say that it is absorbed by the epidermis and moisturizes the skin.

Collagen is an insoluble fibrous protein whose molecule is too large to penetrate the skin. Used in many cosmetic preparations. It is obtained from animal skin or ground chicken legs.

Using collagen is potentially harmful for the following reasons:

1. The large size of collagen molecules prevents its penetration into the skin. Instead of being beneficial, it settles on the surface of the skin, clogging pores and preventing water evaporation just like industrial oil. Forms a film on the skin under which the skin can suffocate. It's about the same as playing tennis with a soccer ball. (The molecular weight of any ingredient must be 3000 to penetrate the skin, 800 into the cell and 75 to enter the blood. The molecular weight of the components of most cosmetic products and shampoos is 10,000).

2. Collagen, used in cosmetics, is obtained by scraping from the hides of cattle or from the underside of the paws of birds. Even if it penetrates the skin, its molecular composition and biochemistry are different from human ones, and it cannot be used by the skin.

Lanolin, wool wax, animal wax – Lanolin.

Advertising experts have found that the words “contains lanolin” (it is advertised as a beneficial moisturizer) help sell products, and therefore began to claim that “it can penetrate the skin like no other oil,” although there is not enough scientific evidence for this confirmations. Studies have found that lanolin causes increased skin sensitivity and even allergic rashes. There is a high content of pesticides, sometimes up to 50-60%. Very harmful to the skin: it clogs pores and does not allow the skin to breathe. Possibly carcinogenic.

Ammonium laureth sulphate (ALS).

Penetrates easily into the skin. Found in hair care products and bubble baths. It is a toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic substance.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate – SLES.

An ingredient similar in properties to SLS (an ester chain added). Contained in 90% of shampoos and conditioners. It is very cheap and thickens when salt is added. Produces a lot of foam and gives the illusion that it is thick, concentrated and expensive. This is a rather weak detergent. SLES reacts with other ingredients and forms dioxins in addition to nitrates. They corrode the hair follicle and slow down hair growth. It quickly penetrates the body and settles in the eyes, brain, and liver. It is eliminated from the body very slowly. May cause blindness and cataracts. Carcinogenic. Irritates skin and eyes, causing hair loss and dandruff. Causes serious allergic reactions. Very drying to the skin and scalp.

Used as a wetting agent in the textile industry.

Sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium dodecyl sulfate, sodium salt of lauryl sulfonic acid - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate -SLS.

It is an inexpensive cleanser derived from coconut oil and is widely used in cosmetic cleansers, shampoos, bath and shower gels, bath foamers, etc. This is perhaps the most dangerous ingredient in hair and skin care products.

In industry, SLS is used for cleaning garage floors, engine degreasers, car washes, etc. It is a very corrosive agent (although it does remove surface grease).

Sodium lauryl sulfate is used in clinics around the world as a skin irritability test in the following way: researchers use this drug to cause skin irritation in animals and humans, and then treat with different drugs.

Recent studies at the University of Georgia Medical College have shown that SLS penetrates into the eyes, brain, heart, liver, etc. and lingers there. This is especially dangerous for children, in whose tissues it accumulates in high concentrations. These studies also show that SLS changes the protein composition of children's eye cells and delays the normal development of these children and causes cataracts.

Sodium lauryl sulfate cleanses by oxidation, leaving an irritating film on the body's skin and hair. May promote hair loss and dandruff by acting on hair follicles. Hair dries out, becomes brittle and splits at the ends.

Another problem. Sodium lauryl sulfate reacts with many ingredients in cosmetics to form nitrosamines (nitrates). These nitrates enter the blood in large quantities when using shampoos and gels, taking baths and using cleansers. If you wash your hair once with shampoo that contains SLS, it means saturating your body with a huge amount of nitrates, which are quickly distributed in the blood throughout the body. It's the same as eating a kilogram of ham filled with the same nitrates. Carcinogenic. The molecular weight of SLS is 40 (substances with a molecular weight of 75 or less quickly penetrate the blood).

Many companies often disguise their SLS products as natural by stating “derived from coconuts.”

Liposomes (not to be confused with phytoliposomes) – Liposomes (Nanosphenes or Micellization).

They are considered a radical anti-aging remedy. According to one of the latest theories, cell aging is accompanied by a thickening of the cell membrane. Liposomes are tiny bags of fat and thymus hormone extract suspended in a gel. It is assumed that they, merging with cells, revitalize them and add moisture. However, recent scientific research does not confirm these assumptions. The cell membranes of old and young cells are identical.
Thus, moisturizers with liposomes are another expensive scam.

Loramide Day - Lauramide DEA.

Lauric Acid is usually obtained from coconut or bay oil and is used to foam and thicken various cosmetic preparations. It is used as a base for soap production as it creates good foam. In addition, it is used in dishwashing detergents due to its ability to remove fats.
In a cosmetic formula, it reacts with other components to produce nitrosamines, known carcinogens. Dries hair, skin and scalp. Causes itching and allergic reactions.

Methylchloroisothiazolinone, commercial name Kathon CG, abbreviations: CMIT, CMI, MCI - preservative - Methyl Chloroisothiazolinine.

Carcinogenic, toxic and mutagenic.

Sodium oleate sulfate – Sodium Oleth Sulfate.

Sodium pyrrolidone carbonate – Sodium PCA (NAPCA).

Obtained synthetically, it can seriously dry out the skin and cause allergies.

Orthophosphoric acid, phosphoric acid – Phosphoric acid.

Inorganic product. In high concentrations it is very toxic to the skin.

Para-aminobenzoic acid, bacterial vitamin H1, vitamin B10 – Paba (p-aminobenzoic acid).

A water-soluble vitamin from the vitamin B complex. Widely used in sunscreen ingredients. May be phototoxic and cause contact dermatitis and eczema.

Parabens - Parabens.

Trade name: butylparaben, ethylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben. In cosmetics they are used as preservatives. Causes dermatitis and allergies. May cause breast cancer.

Para-Phenylenediamine Dyes..

Hair dyes: dark or brown colors. Carcinogenic when oxidized. They cause various types of cancer - non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Jacqueline Kennedy dyed her hair black every two weeks. She died of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Petrolatum - Petrolatum.

Fat, a petrochemical product - petrolatum - has the same harmful properties as technical oil. By retaining fluid, it prevents the release of toxins and waste and interferes with the penetration of oxygen.

Polysorbates, ethoxylated sorbitans, nonionic surfactants – Polysorbate-n (20-85).

Used as an emulsifier. Causes skin irritation and contact dermatitis. Toxic.

Polyelectrolyte – Polyquaternium.

It is a toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic substance.

Polyethylene glycol, PEG, macrogol, polyethylene oxide, PEO – PEG (4-200).

Abbreviation for polyethylene glycol, polyoxethylene, polygocol, polyether glycol. Cause allergic reactions on the skin and eczema. Contains dangerous levels of the highly toxic substance dioxane.

Propylene glycol, 1,2-propylene glycol - Propylene Glycol.

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) – Butylene Glycol (BG) – Thylene Glycol (EG). The most used as a transport (after water) agent in a cosmetic formula. Propylene glycol is a petroleum derivative, a sweet, caustic liquid.

In skin care cosmetics and shampoos it is stated as a product that can retain moisture in the skin. Actually draws moisture out of the skin. Degreases and dries the skin. Irritating to eyes. It is cheaper than glycerin, but causes more allergic reactions). It is believed to give the skin a youthful appearance. Its proponents are conducting research to prove that propylene glycol is a safe and effective ingredient. However, scientists believe that it is harmful to the skin for the following reasons:

1. In industry, it is used as antifreeze in water cooling systems and as brake fluid. It gives a smooth, oily feel to the skin, but this is achieved by displacing components important to skin health.

2. By binding the liquid, propylene glycol at the same time displaces water. The skin cannot use it; it functions with water, not antifreeze.

3. MSDS data for propylene glycol indicate that skin contact may cause liver impairment and kidney damage. In cosmetics, a typical composition includes 10-20% propylene glycol (note that propylene glycol is usually one of the first in the list of ingredients of preparations, which indicates its high concentration).

4. In January 1991, the American Academy of Dermatology published a clinical review regarding the association of dermatitis with propylene glycol. The report proved that propylene glycol causes a large number of reactions and is a major skin irritant even in low concentrations.

Research shows that this substance is mutagenic. Quickly penetrates the skin, destroys cellular proteins and settles in the body.

Propyl stearamid, Tetrasodium salt EDTA – Stearamidopropyl Tetrasodium EDTA.

Forms nitrosamines in cosmetics. Nitrosamines are known carcinogens.

Styrene C8H8, phenylethylene, vinylbenzene – Styrene Monomer.

Carcinogenic, toxic, mutagenic. Irritates skin and mucous membranes.


Obtained from magnesium silicate. There is a belief that talc is dangerous and toxic and should not be used on children because it can cause lung cancer. According to other sources, this only applies to talc mixtures containing lead.

Technical oil, Petroleum (mineral) oils – Mineral Oil (heavy and light).
This ingredient is derived from petroleum. It is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons separated from gasoline. Used in industry for lubrication and as a solvent liquid. When used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, technical oil forms a water-repellent film and locks moisture into the skin. It is believed that by retaining moisture in the skin, you can make it softer, smoother and look younger. The truth is that a film of industrial oil retains not only water, but also toxins, carbon dioxide, waste and life products; it prevents the penetration of oxygen. Skin is a living, breathing organ that needs oxygen. And when toxins accumulate in the skin and oxygen does not penetrate, the skin becomes unhealthy.

Studies have shown that saturating the skin with fluid retained by an oil film slows down cell growth and development. The new skin cell migrates to the surface where it is exfoliated and washed away. This process takes 20 days for young people and up to 70 days for older people. During this migration from the lower layers of the skin to the surface, the cell changes both structurally and in composition. These changes are necessary for the skin to remain healthy and act as a barrier and protector of the body.

When the skin is sealed and the ducts are overfilled with a large amount of excess fluid, saturated with toxins and waste, the vital functions of the skin are disrupted. Cells stop developing normally and their growth slows down. Immature cells rise to the surface and cannot perform a barrier function. Such skin easily cracks and dries out, becoming irritable and sensitive. Due to slower growth, the skin becomes weaker and thinner. Natural repair and self-defense mechanisms are weakened and harmful elements of the environment affect the skin faster and easier. In short, the skin quickly wrinkles, becomes thinner and more sensitive, and is easily irritated. The skin's youthful appearance and glow disappear as it declines in health. In fact, liquid is the only remedy for improving dry skin, but improper moisturizing methods are very harmful and cause premature aging rather than rejuvenation. Dr. T. G. Randolf, an allergist, discovered that this ingredient causes petrochemical allergization. Allergic reactions can be very serious, leading to arthritis, migraines, hyperkinesis, epilepsy and diabetes. When taken orally, technical oil binds fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and, preventing their absorption, removes them from the body. And, although only a very small amount can penetrate the skin, this trend is so dangerous that Adelle Davis in her “Let's Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy” says that she personally “beware of using technical oil even in baby oils, cold creams and other cosmetic products.” drugs"

Industrial oil tends to dissolve natural sebum and increases dehydration. It is recognized as the most common cause of acne and various rashes in women who use cosmetics containing technical oil. It was discovered that during the production of technical oils, they contain carcinogens, and in strong concentrations.

Tyrosine (alpha-amino-beta-(p-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid) – Tyrosine.

Some tanning lotions contain tyrosine. Rest assured that this will definitely be reflected in the advertising of the cosmetic product - an amino acid that enhances melanization (tanning) of the skin. But melanization is an internal process and spreading lotion on the skin cannot affect it. In the same way, you can rub yourself with food to satisfy your hunger.

Manufacturers' claims about the effectiveness of tanning enhancers remain unconfirmed. Recent independent studies have not confirmed these claims. It is doubtful that tyrosine can penetrate the skin to such a depth as to affect the process of melanization.

Triclosan - Triclosan.

The latest achievement in antibacterial chemistry. Used in cleaning products and detergents for household needs, as well as in cosmetics.
Triclosan is a chlorophenol, a class of known carcinogenic chemicals. Irritating to skin. Very toxic to the entire body.
It has a negative effect on the liver, kidneys, lungs, brain, can cause paralysis, and reduces sexual function.

Triethylamine – Triethanolamine (Trolamine, TEA).

Causes serious dermatitis on the skin of the face, making it sensitive and allergic. Usually in cosmetics it regulates the pH balance. May contain nitrosamines, which are highly carcinogenic.

Toluene, methylbenzene – Toluene (toluol).

Obtained from petroleum products. Reminds me of benzene. Toxic. May cause anemia. Damages the liver. Irritates skin and mucous membranes.

Humidifiers – Humectants.

Most moisturizers contain humectants. It is believed that they attract moisture from the air. In fact, they draw moisture from the skin. Humectants including propylene glycol and glycerin act as humectants in humid environments. If you are in dry places, such as an airplane cabin or a well-heated room, they, on the contrary, draw moisture from the skin.

FDS – FDC-n (FD&C).

Available in various colors. Some are skin irritants, others are strong carcinogens. It is believed that the levels of acceptable safe use of these products for each color category have not yet been established.

Phenoxyethanol - Phenoxyethanol..

Causes serious allergic reactions. Trade name – Arosol, Dowanol EPH, Phenyl Cellosolve, Phenoxethol, Phenoxetol and Phenonip.

Formalin DMDM, aqueous solution: 40% formaldehyde, 8% methyl alcohol and 52% water - Hydantoin DMDM..

May cause dermatitis. As a preservative, it can form formaldehyde, which is a dangerous carcinogen.

Phthalates, salts of phthalic acid – Phthalates.

Dibutyl Phthalate – Diethyl Phthalate – Dimethyl Phthalate. Phthalates are very widely used in cosmetics and perfumes. Interestingly, environmental laws regulate and control the use of phthalates as they are considered toxic.
Cosmetic products don't even have warnings about their high toxicity.
They destroy the liver and kidneys, are very dangerous for the fetus, and reduce the amount of sperm.

Fluoride, fluorine compound – Fluoride.

Dangerous chemical element. It is especially dangerous in toothpaste. Scientists associate this element with the occurrence of dental deformities, arthritis, and allergic manifestations.

Fluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons – Fluorocarbons.

Commonly used in hair sprays. Toxic to the respiratory tract.

Formaldehyde, methanal, formic aldehyde, formic acid aldehyde - Formaldehyde.

Used in nail polish, soap, cosmetics and shampoos. Causes serious irritation of the mucous membrane. Trade name: DMDM ​​hydantoin or MDM hydantion.
Very toxic to skin. Known carcinogen. Two substances from the formaldehyde family are used as preservatives in cosmetics: DMDM ​​(Dimethylol Dimethol Hydantoin) and Imidazolidinyl Urea. Toxic. Causes contact dermatitis.

Sodium cyanide, sodium cyanide, NaCN - sodium salt of hydrocyanic acid - Sodium Cyanide.

It is a toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic substance.

Placenta extracts – Placental Extract – Placenta.

Placenta extract is dangerous because if all sanitary requirements were not met upon receipt, it can cause very serious diseases. Is it worth risking your health?!

Elastin (not to be confused with Cross-Linked Elastin) – Elastin.

Another ingredient touted as beneficial for skin and hair care. This substance makes up the structure that holds skin cells in place. It is believed that as we age, elastin molecules break down and thus form wrinkles. In order to restore the skin, many cosmetic companies introduce elastin into their preparations.

Like collagen, elastin is derived from cattle, and it also forms a suffocating film on the skin due to its high molecular weight. Elastin cannot penetrate the skin and, even when injected, does not perform its functions due to its inappropriate molecular structure, because Human elastin has a different structure than animal elastin.

Only one type of cross-linked elastin is capable of penetrating and compatible with human skin. This form of elastin is called desmosine or isodesmosine.

Ethylene glycol, glycol, 1,2-dioxyethane, ethanediol-1,2 – Glycols.

They are used as humectants (substances designed to retain moisture in the skin). They can be of both animal and plant origin. It is also produced synthetically. Diethylene glycol and carbitol are toxic. Ethylene glycol causes bladder cancer. All glycols are toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic.

Natural cosmetic

Natural cosmetics can confidently be called, for example, that cream or mask that you made yourself from the natural products, plants, and herbs you have.

As for purchased industrial “natural cosmetics”, they will only be more or less natural, which, in principle, is not bad. But sometimes they can simply lie.

There are no legal definitions for the word “natural” that you see everywhere. The chemical definition of the word "organic" means that the compound simply contains carbon.

In cosmetics, the word “natural” can mean whatever the manufacturer wishes. There are no legal obligations associated with this term. Often “natural cosmetics” is just an advertising gimmick.

There are no clear criteria for what a “natural” product can and cannot contain. Cosmetic preparations called “natural” may contain preservatives, dyes and any other ingredients that cannot be called natural.

Thus, the products of the cosmetic industry majority firms do not give the consumer what he expects. The benefits of such cosmetics are, rather, psychological than the real one.

If the packaging is written in English, see .


1. Begoin, Paula Blue Eyeshadow Should Still Be Legal, Beginning Press, 1988.
2. Brumberg, Elaine Take Care of Your Skin, Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. ,1989.
3. Chase, Deborah The New Medically-Based No-Nonsense Beauty Book, Henry Holt & Co., 1989.
4. Friend, Tim "USA Today", 4-10-90.
5. Green, Dr. Kaith Detergent Penetration Into Young and Adult Eyes Department of Opthamology, Medical College of GA, Augusta, GA.
6. Hampton, Aubrey Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients Organica Press.
7. Metarasso, Dr. Seth L. “Faking It” – Muscle & Fitness, November, 1990.
8. Valmy, Christine & Vons Ulrich, Elise “Mid-Air Skin Care” – Entepreneurial Woman, July/August 1990.
9. Winter, Ruth A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, Crown Publishers, Inc., 1989.
10. Wright, Camille S. Shampoo Report, Images International, Inc., 1989.
11. Phyto-Cosmetics (

Now look:

If you honor you, you won’t want to live like this! If everything is so criminally dangerous, then how is all this allowed? Criminals, as you know, should be in prison, but it turns out that by literally killing ignorant citizens, they earn huge sums of money?! How long can you make fun of us? Breathing is dangerous, eating is dangerous, and all cosmetics are filled with deadly substances, all poisons, carcinogens, mutagens and toxins! Where should we go?!!

What to do now, it’s scary to live... So Faberlic and all the dietary supplements from this company that support health are complete garbage?..

Useful article. Therefore, now I try to use natural cosmetics. Or no longer use it at all. For example, shampoo, which you can’t refuse, I take Dabur http:// / I've only washed my hair with it for two years now. And during this time my hair became thicker and I never had dandruff. If they climb, it’s just a little bit, barely noticeable. So it makes sense to use natural remedies. You need to look for them, carefully read the label and decipher each ingredient. Fortunately, this is now easy to do using the Internet.

Alcohol - there are 2 main ways to produce ethanol (i.e. alcohol) - microbiological (alcoholic fermentation) and synthetic (ethylene hydration) and only the second is carcinogenic /

Another question is, why is silicon dioxide a carcinogen? If I remember my chemistry lessons correctly, this is ordinary sand. I would be grateful for clarifications, because... I use this table as a guide when choosing all cosmetics and household products. Thank you for it.

I will assume that silicon dioxide is a carcinogen if it is constantly inhaled in the form of dust or powder.

I agree with the previous author. Lists of harmful components are copied from site to site. Compiled by uneducated people, so read carefully the composition of your cosmetics and consult with professionals. There are a lot of materials on the Internet, if you want, you can find everything. I wish everyone good luck in finding something truly useful and safe cosmetics.

An illiterate article written by illiterate people! Really read the chemistry first and then draw your conclusions. Entire scientific groups conduct research and produce professional products to preserve youth! Why is it necessary to invest huge amounts of money in scientific developments if everyone remained beautiful after rubbing their skin with a cucumber from the garden? Rave!

There may be errors in the article, but you are also mistaken. Preserving youth is very controversial! Money is invested not to prolong your youth, but for other purposes. And you’re in vain laughing about the cucumber...

I have been making soap for a long time, I make it according to old recipes, however, I replaced animal fats with vegetable fats, we use it ourselves, we give it to friends and relatives. My regular clients: Hare Krishnas, raw foodists, Anastasievites and just people who value their health. I can offer it to you too. Of course, there is nothing to replace toothpaste with, but the shampoo soap that I prepare is a very decent alternative to store-bought soap. Contact us [email protected] Skype: svyatoyar2 By the way, my soap has undergone all kinds of research, its safety has been fully confirmed, there is a certificate.

Hello! I am a distributor of the BIOSEA company and I invite you to this company! BIOSEA is a French cosmetics company that gives you a lot of opportunities to maintain health and beauty, while being successful, realizing your potential, and gaining financial independence. BIOSEA products do not contain any synthetic ingredients that pose a threat to human health, such as parabens, phthalates, silicones, artificial flavors and colors, and GMOs. Join us! To do this you need to register for free. Contact me: my whatsapp 89878206052 or write to my email address [email protected]

The author put on one list, on the same level, serious poisons such as alcohols, formaldehyde (in which corpses are preserved), and substances from which harm can only occur under an incredible combination of circumstances, such as clay, which may be contaminated with something, and such as a month wash it off the skin... and then some kind of trouble may happen!))) Or oil, for example, if you heat the skin to 300 degrees Celsius for 2 hours, then carcinogens will appear in the oil!))) Although if the face heated to 300 degrees, then carcinogens will be of little concern!)))

As a chemist, I declare that the article is completely illiterate. There are so many bloggers who don’t know much about anything, but are willing to teach others! And other illiterate people listen to them and become saturated with all sorts of bullshit.

While I was reading it, I almost fell out of my chair laughing! Selected nonsense.

Completely illiterate article!

There are a lot of parabens now. If you see the following names on the label: methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben, then these are also all parabens. Why are they allowed into cosmetics? These are very effective preservatives, they kill bacteria and prevent the formation of fungus in a cosmetic product, which can cause damage to the skin. But what’s not to like about parabens lately? These preservatives are made from benzoic acid (a substance that many plants contain), and this acid causes hormonal imbalances as well as cancer.

It sounds scary, you will agree. But there is also good news. Although benzoic acid is a substance with very high estrogenic activity (which causes changes at the hormonal level), it can only become dangerous for humans in very large doses. In cosmetics, the concentrations of parabens are not so high that they can cause hormonal problems. In addition, if most plants contain this substance, then, you see, almost all natural plant foods become dangerous. But for some reason no one talks about this. As for the idea that parabens cause cancer, the scientific community has recently debunked studies that found a connection between parabens and oncology. The Scientific Committee of the European Union recently issued clarifications on the use of parabens in cosmetics. It states that "the health effects of parabens contained in , can be considered negligible." The committee concluded that only about 1% of parabens contained in cosmetics can enter our bodies. This is an insignificant amount that cannot cause fatal destruction.

The only concerns that remain are whether there really aren’t that many parabens in the cream. This issue is resolved this way: in the list of ingredients of the product, parabens should be at the very end of the list, this means that they are in low concentrations. If parabens are closer to the top of the list, this is a reason to think about it.

And one more circumstance. The cream cannot be completely without preservatives. And the insignificant impact of parabens on the body and skin is much less dangerous than the impact of bacteria, fungus and infections that can appear in a cream without preservatives.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
This component has good cleansing properties. And the main complaints about SLS are that it irritates the skin, causes hair loss and even cancer. Are they justified?

Sodium lauryl sulfate is indeed a very skin irritant. This has been proven by scientists. And when they want to show how irritating a substance they're studying is, they often compare the numbers to the SLS. Products with sodium lauryl sulfate cause a negative skin reaction and therefore can only be present in rinse-off products. The permissible concentration of a substance in cosmetics that will not cause changes on the skin is no more than 1%. Although, is it worth the risk? Nowadays, quite a few other cleansing components that are less irritating have been invented. By the way, other sodium sulfates are less irritating to the skin and are much gentler and safer.

As for other claims about SLS, there is no evidence or scientific research that this ingredient can cause (hair loss) or cancer.

Mineral oil
Proponents of natural cosmetics believe that this ingredient should be avoided at all costs, since mineral oils are derived from petroleum. What's dangerous about this?

In fact, the claim that mineral oils are not natural is a little dubious. After all, the oil from which they are obtained is a completely natural substance. In addition, mineral oils do not mean that you will put pure oil on your face. These are different things!

It is also worth saying that there are several types of petroleum products. And the one used in cosmetics is safe. There is no evidence that mineral oils cause cancer. What mineral oils can do for the skin is create a good protective barrier that prevents irritation and slows down moisture loss. And the only negative point is that mineral oils can provoke the appearance of acne, since they somewhat clog the pores. Although at the same time they sufficiently moisturize the skin and make it soft.

Silicones are used very often in cosmetics. This, in fact, is the saving ingredient that ensures products glide well over the skin and makes the texture of cosmetics soft and silky. Silicones are often listed on labels under the names dimethicone and cyclomethicone. In addition, silicones form a protective barrier for the skin, keeping it hydrated. But it is precisely because of this protective barrier that silicones began to be called a comedogenic ingredient, and all criticism of silicones relates to these properties.

However, it is not comedogenic! It really forms a protective barrier that not only blocks the penetration of some cosmetic ingredients into the skin, but also dirt, by the way. Most people perceive silicones and do not react in any way to their content in cosmetics. And only some irritation is a possible side effect. Otherwise, silicone in cosmetics is not dangerous.

Vaseline (Petrolatum or Vaseline) has its bad reputation, like mineral oils, mainly due to the fact that it is a derivative of petroleum. And the European Union has banned most petroleum products in cosmetics because they cause cancer.

However, most likely, this ban does not apply to Vaseline, since there are a sufficient number of creams from European manufacturers containing Vaseline. As for the connection between Vaseline and cancer, I could not find any serious and scientific evidence for this. Vaseline is still a good moisturizer and probably the most affordable moisturizer. It also reduces skin inflammation and even often heals.

Propylene glycol
Propylene Glycol is needed in cosmetics as a moisturizing component. It can draw moisture from the environment and deliver it to the skin. It also helps deliver other active ingredients found in creams and serums into the skin. Why do we now sometimes hear about the bad reputation of this “magic” ingredient?

Opponents of propylene glycol say that it is dangerous because it causes problems with the liver, kidneys, and also provokes cancer. But again it’s worth thinking about, is this so?

Indeed, propylene glycol is essentially antifreeze, a product that is harmful to health and causes cancer. But the only antifreeze that is said to be harmful is propylene glycol in 100% concentration. And in cosmetics this component is contained in tiny doses (usually less than 5%). Such concentrations are not dangerous. You will also be reassured by the fact that propylene glycol is not on the list of carcinogenic substances registered by the European Parliament.

Talc (or hydrous magnesium silicate) is a mineral used in cosmetic products to enhance the appearance of the product. It also has moisture-absorbing properties.

In 1990, a study was published that suggested a link between talc and ovarian cancer (although researchers then said that the experiments were not conclusive and tests would continue). In general, it turns out that talc can really still be called a not fully studied ingredient for internal organs, so if you have concerns, then do not use intimate hygiene products containing talc. Although, it may be worth being more careful when using any cosmetic products with talc.
