A dress that changes color. Neurologists tried to explain the phenomenon of black and blue dress

Scottish singer Caitlin McNeill posted a photo of the dress on Tumblr asking: What color is the dress? White and gold or black and blue?

People's opinions are divided: some believe that the color of the dress is blue and black, others - white and gold.

Celebrities added fuel to the fire :) So Taylor Swift tweeted that the dress is blue and black:

Kim Kardashian (Kim Kardashian) and Kanye West (Kanye West) consider: white with gold and black with blue, respectively:

Photographer Hope Taylor(Hope Taylor) helped sort this out with Adobe Lightroom.

If you make the color of the image "warm", then the dress looks like white and gold, if the color is "cold", then the dress will turn blue and black:

Considering the lighting conditions in which the original photograph was taken, the color debate has a clear answer: dress color blue and black.

The phenomenon of different color perception is interesting. There are versions that this may be due to a number of factors, including the person's age, lighting, background color, etc.

And here is how this dress looks in the store:

The Amazon online store also confirmed the black Blue colour dresses:

The excitement around this dress was so great that the LEGO company decided to reconcile the parties: choose the color you like best :)

P.S. In the photo of Caitlin McNeil, I see white and gold. Light blue/pale blue and gold to be exact :)

UPD 04/03/2015: In the meantime, information has appeared on PzFeed that it is possible to place a pre-order for TheDress iPhone case. Issue price $17. World has gone mad:)

Image caption Blue or white - that is the question

This dress has split the internet in two. "Blue and black or white and gold?" Kim Kardashian summed up the essence of the dispute on Twitter. How can we look at the same dress and see it so differently?

The answer to this question lies in the effect of sunlight on our color perception.

When we see something with our own eyes, we rarely have doubts about the authenticity of what we see. In the meantime, mistakes happen. If you think that this dress is white and gold, you are absolutely wrong.

"What color is this dress? I see white and gold. Kanye is black and blue. Who's colorblind?" Kardashian tweeted.

Commentators were not slow to start an argument in the comments. Actress Julianne Moore sees white and gold, while singer Taylor Swift and singer Justin Bieber sees blue and black.

Expert opinion

We asked BBC Photo Editor Emma Lynch to help sort it out.

Image copyright Adobe Twitter

After computer analysis of the image, she gave a definite answer: the dress is blue. By increasing the tone, but without adding other colors, it becomes obvious that the dress is blue and not white.

This conclusion is confirmed by applying tools that show the color coding of each pixel. Various shades of blue are shown everywhere.

How it all started

The same is said by the person who initially distributed the picture that caused so much controversy.

Kathleen McNeil plays in a folk band that performed at a wedding in Scotland. The mother of the bride bought the same dress for the wedding, showed the photo to the newlyweds, and an argument immediately broke out.

Kathleen McNeil confirms that the dress is made by Roman Originals. It is sold in several colors, but white and gold are not among them.

Why do we see color differently?

According to the computer technology website Wired.com, the disagreement will be explained by how the human eye filters out the effect of daylight.

The same color can appear rose-red at dawn, blue-white during the day, and red at sunset. But the brain corrects for sunlight and can identify a different color as "real".

Therefore, some people see a blue dress, but their brain believes that this is an optical illusion, but in reality the dress is white. Others attribute the blue color to the dress itself.

This brain ability has evolved over thousands of years, but something about photographing a dress revealed individual differences in color perception.

For many days the whole world has plunged into one big dispute: what color is the dress - blue and black or white and gold?

It all started with the fact that the Scottish singer Caitlin McNeil, under the nickname Swiked, posted a simple photo of a dress on Tumblr. In the caption, the girl explained that she and her friends could not understand what color it was:
- People, help! Is this dress white and gold or blue and black? My friends and I can't agree. And it drives us crazy!

And after a few hours, millions of people were divided into two camps: some claimed that the outfit was blue and black (#blacknblue), while others - that it was white and gold (#goldandwhite). The color of the dress even got its own hashtag #TheDress, which topped the top trends in the world.

But even after the girl confirmed that it was indeed blue with black stripes, the debate on the network did not stop.

Even the stars argued on Twitter:

Kim Kardashian:

What color is this dress? I see white with gold, and Kanye saw blue with black. So what color is it?

Taylor Swift:

I don't understand this debate about the color of the dress. I'm scared already. PS: it's blue and black!

What does the #goldandwhite team think?

Looking at the picture, people who thought the dress was white and gold most likely paid attention to the background. Taking bright backlight for sunlight, they decided that the dress was in the shade, which means that its light areas should change tone towards a bluish tint.
What does the blue-black team (#blacknblue) think?

"Blue-blacks", on the other hand, look at the light areas of the dress out of context and clearly state that they are bluish or blue, while instead of the "golden" fragments in the picture, they see black, keeping in mind the effect when due to bright light under at a certain angle, black becomes rusty brown or even golden.

Thus, an amazing construction is obtained, in which one conflicting side defends its direct observations, and the other - forecasts.

Experts explain that such a different perception is due to the structure of the eye of each person, as well as the calibration of the monitor on which he looks at this dress, and the lighting of the room in which he is located. At the same time, experts unanimously say that such a discrepancy in colors is extremely rare.

This is physics. In other words, in the case of photography, people take the light in the background for sunlight and conclude that the dress is in the shade, which means that its light areas should become bluish. So, there is no pure white color, however, our brain thinks out for us the whiteness of the snow or the dress.

Others do not take into account the light in the background and see a blue dress. They call gold fragments black, because they remember that if you look at a black object in the bright sun, you can see gold.

Ophthalmologists in their own way explained the reason for what is happening:

Your retina is made up of "rods" and "cones" that convert light stimuli into nerve stimulation. They convert the signal differently. The wands are more sensitive to light, see shadows, and work better in the dark. "Cones" are sensitive to color, but less sensitive to light. That is, in low light conditions, you see more "rods" than "cones".

The dress appears blue/black or white/gold depending on whether your eye has more "rods" or "cones" and the lighting conditions in the room. (This is made possible by the different colors that mix around you.) Different people have different "rod" and "cone" remnants - those with color blindness are the first to suffer.

But the "rods" are also very sensitive to light. The rods detect color using a pigment called rhodopsin, which is very sensitive to low light but flares out and is destroyed at higher light levels. And it should take about 45 minutes to readjust (how your eyes take time to adjust to the night, in other words). In principle, if you look at a dress in bright light and see one color, then if you go into a dark room for half an hour and return, the dress will quite possibly change color.

Scotland News. The photo of this dress literally blew up the Internet. Thousands of people around the world are arguing about the color of the dress in the photo posted on the social network.

The photo was posted a day ago by Scottish singer Kathleen MacNeil.

Kathleen McNeil, singer:
Two of my close friends are about to get married. And the mother of the bride sent her a photo of this dress. When the bride showed the dress to the groom, they argued over its color.

And rushed. The picture, along with the hashtag #TheDress, topped the top trends of American Twitter. Stars of the first magnitude argue about the color of the dress. Jimmy Fallon, Julianne Moore, Kim Kardashian see the dress as white and gold, while Taylor Swift, James Franco, Kanye West see it as black and blue.

Taylor Swift, singer
I don't understand why this strange dress gets so much attention, and I feel like there's some kind of trick here. I'm scared and confused.P.S. It is blue and black.

Julianne Moore, actress:
Guys, what's wrong with you! It is white and blue. It is obvious!

In fact, the dress is blue and black. After the international community started a dispute about the color of the product, it was swept away from the shelves of online stores in a matter of hours.

Why does everyone see the dress differently, ophthalmologists tried to explain. The dress is seen as blue-black or white-gold depending on the lighting conditions in the room.

In addition, a person is able to distinguish colors thanks to visual receptors, namely special cone cells that process the incoming signal, process it into an impulse and send it further along the optic nerve to the brain.

Jay Neitz, neuroscientist at the University of Washington:
Our visual system is accustomed to reject information about the light source and draw information about the actual reflected light. I have been studying individual color vision for 30 years and in this case I see the most differences in individual perceptions of all that I have seen.

Ophthalmologists assure: a different perception of the color of a dress does not mean that you have problems with your eyes or, God forbid, with your psyche.

There is a scientific explanation for why people see different colors in the same picture. This is an optical illusion. Objects reflect light at different wavelengths or in different colors, And human brain determines the color by reflected light. Objects around can also reflect color and affect perception. In this photo, there are many other colors around and they mix, and the brain cannot immediately determine the color of the dress.

If, say, a person looks at a dress in bright light, then leaves for half an hour in a dark room and returns, then most likely the color of the dress will change for him.

However, if you increase the brightness of the smartphone or monitor screen, you can see how the dress changes color from white-gold to blue-black.

Optical illusion is creatively used by artists. For example, drawings created using the "anamorphosis" technique look like meaningless or surreal abstractions. But it is worth putting a shiny metal cylinder in a certain place - and the picture, reflected in it, takes on a clear realistic outline. See for yourself. Photo and

We expose! So what color is the dress? March 1st, 2015

This photo of the dress has become a real bone of contention. She divided the arguing into two groups - those who see him as white and gold, and those who are sure that the dress is blue and black. At first glance, this photo is hard to understand why there is so much hype around it. Are there many similar photos on the Internet? But since it started ... Here's what they write:

And they even go further in their assumptions: The unremarkable photo caused a lot of controversy on the Internet around the world. And all because most users see a white-golden dress in the picture, and people with mental disabilities see a blue-black dress.

Let's finally find out what color this damn dress is ...

One small photo plunged all netizens into a state of panic. People go crazy with despair and cannot find a place for themselves. It doesn’t fit in their heads why different people see this picture differently!

Here's what people are saying in the comments:

Blue and black from the beginning. Then it began to seem that it was blue with dark gold. It seems to me that the whole point is in the features of the monitor screens of different people. In fact, how many monitors, so many people will see different shades of this dress. I always have the same crap with my work: people on the monitor see the fabric in such a shade, and when you bring it in, it seems to them that this is not the fabric at all.

It `s Magic! my wife and I saw it clearly white with gold in the morning, then I sat at the monitor and it turned blue and black. I even thought “what a stupid joke, they took the photo and changed it.” and the wife continues to see white and gold

We argued with Rebzem because of this dress)))) She says that it is white with gold, but I can see that it is blue with bronze))

Yes, well, some kind of nonsense. For the sake of interestingly interviewed all the tenants of the apartment, all as one stated that the dress was blue with black and gold (brown-green, but these are subtleties) stripes. I tried to change the brightness of the screen, contrast, even connected another monitor, meditated, convinced, shouted, but white didn’t come out of blue. Some trick here.

I see that my co-workers don't work a damn thing. Two people approached me with this question during working hours, I briefly upset them with white and sand. Now I'm having lunch and I stumble upon a full-blown paranoia in the internet. Those who see black (oh mein gad) are psychos. A banal distortion of colors by an nedophotic, a wretched iso with all the consequences. I didn’t read the comments - I don’t want to know how many schizos are around))

What nonsense!!! Now I see white and gold. Although more recently I saw blue and black

So what's really there:

The dress is black and blue and Roman Originals confirmed this.
Official confirmation from Twitter.
