The subconscious can do anything! The subconscious - what is it? How to use the subconscious? Secrets of the human brain What does it mean on a subconscious level.

How does the subconscious manifest itself? For example, a person develops some topic of interest to him. He collects information, thinks, but cannot bring his thoughts to their logical conclusion, because something does not converge. At the same time, subtle bodies react to the mental concentration of a person and begin to “ring”. The human sensitive channel (the communication channel controlled by the human sensitive body) stretches out and begins to vibrate. This vibration attracts to the channel of a person a certain block in the Unconscious level of the EIS, which is responsible for the topic of the problem he is developing. From this block, explanatory information enters directly into the egregor of Consciousness, and from the egregor of Consciousness flows into the brain.

It is the existence of the EIS that explains the well-known fact that some discoveries were made at the same time by different people in different places the globe. Also, quite often, some new discoveries came to scientists on a whim, and sometimes even in a dream. History knows many such facts. For example, the story of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, which was created by a Russian scientist, is well known. DI. Mendeleev. The story goes that he saw this table in a dream. A striking fact, but simultaneously with it and independently of it, the same table was published by Lothar Meyer. Chemist Kekule saw in a dream the formula of benzene, over which he struggled for a long time.

Connection to the general field of the Unconscious can only be temporary (by flashes). Constant attachment to the Unconscious is the essence of madness. Connecting a person to the EIS without negative consequences is possible only with a well-developed egregor of Consciousness.

What can be the negative consequences of connecting to the Unconscious? There are one-time inclusions. A person received some information, and this information helped him solve the problem of his loved one, for example, to help him heal. Suppose a person received information in a dream. The delight of the opportunity that appeared completely deprived the person of self-criticism and criticality, and he began to regularly rely on his dreams and organized an extensive healing practice. And there is no more inclusion. Went to bloom obscurantism And quackery.

Or some utopian, unrealistic ideas begin to take hold of a person. But here it is necessary to understand that negative effect from connections is possible at overestimated ambition and low self-criticism.

A person, being on Earth, is constantly connected to the egregor of Consciousness. Switching from this egregor is possible only to the egregor of the Teaching and only for strictly defined periods of time. Egregor of the Doctrine is the idea of ​​a person. His idea concept. The concept may be philosophical, may be religious in nature.

If a person normally interacts with his Egregor of Consciousness, then he spends his incarnation in motion, periodically renewing the energy of the egregor of Consciousness at the expense of the energy of the egregor of the Teaching. If a person has not developed the egregor of the Teaching, then his channel of communication with the Egregor of Consciousness turns out to be in a free-suspended state for some time. In this state, he begins to cling to anyone near the target. energy vampirism or the communication channel is thrown into the general field of the Unconscious.

If the compartments of Mind and Intellect are poorly developed, then the connection of the channel to the Unconscious gives birth to those people who begin to hear something, see something, receive some constituent parts of information. At the same time, due to the weak development of the compartments of Reason and Intellect, the negative egregore of Consciousness is turned on. It makes a person either prudent charlatan manipulator, or a person who is in constant illusions. As a result, a person begins to focus on false information or substitute concepts, which leads to the inclusion Sub-Law of the True and False Word.

Painless connection to the EIS of the Earth must be preceded by hard work of the human mind and intellect. This will create a good filling of the compartments of Mind, Intellect and Memory in the egregor of Consciousness. If the potential of these components is not enough, then the negative egregor of Consciousness is connected. In this case, the power of all negative human egregors increases five times. A person begins to live, focusing on substitute concepts.

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The subconscious plays an important role in human life. Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to learn how to control the subconscious, because often it is the subconscious desires and needs that are the root cause of the actions and actions of the individual. It is generally accepted that the subconscious is a dark and unexplored psychological structure that hides the hidden fears and desires of a person. Research in this area has been going on for quite a long time, and significant progress has been made in the study of the human subconscious. From the material of this article, you will learn what the subconscious is, what is its role in a person’s life, and whether a person can independently control the subconscious.

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The structure of the human psyche

To learn how to control the subconscious, you need to understand the very definition of this term. For the first time, the method of structural division of the psyche was proposed in the 19th century by Sigmund Freud. It was the word "subconscious" that was found in Freud's early works, but over time, the master of psychoanalysis completely replaced it with the term "unconscious".

According to the theory of Dr. Freud, the human psyche consists of three stages: the unconscious level (preconscious), the subconscious and the level of consciousness itself. All three of these components are interconnected and continuously function together. The subconscious controls a person at the level of primitive instincts and needs. In his further works, Sigmund Freud used terminology: the subconscious acquired in the Freudian teachings the name “It” or “Id” (located on the unconscious level of the psyche), “Ego” or “I” - this is how consciousness was defined (the location can be both conscious and and preconscious levels), and the term "SuperEgo" ("Superego") showed not innate, but acquired properties of the psyche.

  1. "It" is a subconscious non-verbal matter, which is a fundamental factor in the manifestation of emotions and actions of a person. The subconscious mind is embedded in the psyche of the individual from birth, responsible for primitive needs, such as sleep or food. Also, the concept includes the manifestation of sexual desire (libido) and aggression. The impulses caused by the subconscious part of the psyche do not depend on the efforts of a person, they cannot be suppressed, but they serve for emotional discharge.
  2. "SuperEgo" is acquired and developed throughout life, in contrast to "It", which is an innate element of the human psyche. It is formed in the process of education and development of the personality. "SuperEgo" is responsible for behavioral habits, observance of moral principles.
  3. The ego is responsible for conscious decision making. Of the three components of the psyche, it is the "Ego" that is associated with the real world, obeys the existing principles and laws of society. The purpose of "Ego" is control over primitive instincts, as well as the preservation of human life and health. In essence, "Ego" is a connecting element between the inner world of the individual and the environment.

As a result, we get an interconnected chain: superconsciousness "SuperEgo" (morality, morality, conscience) - consciousness "Ego" (connection with reality, control over instincts) - subconscious "Id" or unconscious "It" (primal instincts, secret desires).

What is the subconscious

What is the subconscious? In simple terms, these are our unconscious desires, instincts, which sometimes we ourselves are not aware of. It is the subconscious processes that are the prerequisites for all life decisions and actions. "Id" according to Freud is the programming of a person, the main energy center is located in the subconscious. All the thoughts that arise in our head are programmed by subconscious processes.

Subconscious- this is the true essence of the individual, his emotions, desires and intentions. This term is used to denote mental processes that occur regardless of conscious display and control. In cognitive psychology, this is the name given to the warehouse of automatic thoughts and repressed emotions of a person. To control the subconscious means to be able to regulate your thinking, to avoid depressive states that arise as a result of unsatisfied needs.

If we consider this element of the psyche from the point of view of esotericism, then this is a set of five chakras of the spinal column, which are responsible for thinking, managing emotional processes and regulating energy flows. According to esoteric judgments, the subconscious can do everything, by controlling its energy of desires, a person is able to reach the highest point of development.

Synonyms can conditionally be called intuitive skills or even a mental reflex.

The principle of operation of subconscious processes

“The first step to a new life is surprisingly simple: you just need to follow the flow of your thoughts and direct them accordingly ... Always be aware of what you are thinking about. Today's thoughts create your future."

John Kehoe, from The Subconscious Can Do Anything!

Inside each person there is a huge store of energy and all the necessary resources to fulfill the desired, you just need to learn how to use your inner treasures. The key to all this lies precisely in the human subconscious. To manage your subconscious means to use all the inherent internal resources of the psyche.

Thanks to this component of the human psyche, the formulations accumulated there, certain attitudes are unconsciously created that predetermine the further course of events in a person’s life, as well as personal growth. Consider an example: if an individual constantly says to himself: “I am poor and unhappy,” then in the subconscious mind this is formed as the setting “I want to be poor and unhappy.” It is natural that a person will build all his further actions in such a way as to translate this subconscious thought into reality. That is, the subconscious works according to the principle: what we think about is what we get. And if you learn to control the subconscious, namely to filter your way of thinking, then in return you can get the opportunity to control your life, direct it in the right successful direction. Purified from negative images, a perfect brain will find a way to control the subconscious.

The surrounding world, with all its symbols and unknown secrets, is too complex a structure to be able to understand it, guided only by consciousness and the ability to analyze visible facts. One of the subconscious functions is the accumulation and further filtering of minor details. For example, you are taking a normal walk down the street. Your thoughts are busy thinking about everyday life issues - family, life, work. Passing by a poster of a touring theatre, you don't even look at it, you don't pay the slightest attention. But the next day, when your wife asks how you will spend Sunday evening, the idea of ​​​​seeing a new play instantly appears in your head. Where does this information come from? The subconscious mind, having caught the fleeting information, helpfully suggested the answer to you. This is a banal and most elementary example, showing only the tip of the iceberg of all the work of subconscious processes. The conclusion follows from this - in order to control the subconscious and pump it through full program, to begin with, reshape your thinking by setting it in a positive way.

Elimination of subconscious garbage

What is in this part of the psyche, what is it filled with? Absolutely everything you have ever seen, heard, done or dreamed of. Any even fleeting thought did not go unnoticed and left its mark in your subconscious. Specifically, the following can be distinguished:

  • template actions. Basically, relate to physiology - how to properly hold a spoon or screw in a light bulb.
  • Memories. The most emotional memories are the most firmly rooted, such as first love or stress during exams.
  • non-existent images. Werewolves, hobbits, gremlins - and other fantasies your subconscious has ever fished out of books or movies.
  • Labels with which we manage images. It's like a game of association - when a certain image appears in the head, the brain immediately gives us an associative label. For example, a snake is a danger, matches are a burn.
  • Verbal constructs for managing shortcuts.

All this diverse set, continuously interacting with each other, determines our mood, thoughts and actions. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the connection between subconscious images and your actions in order to learn how to control the subconscious in the future. Let's take spiders for example. They are in the figurative arsenal of absolutely every person, since everyone has seen them, everyone knows them. If you are not an arachnophobe, then spiders in your subconscious mind play absolutely no role in your life, but if the fear of these creatures prevents you from living, then you need to start working with images. It is impossible to eliminate anything from the subconscious archive, but it is easy to set the right direction.

by the most the easy way there will be a simple statement repeated many times, "I'm not afraid of spiders", the most important thing is to believe in it yourself. Recall the scene from the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets where the students fought their fears by turning them into something comical. This is a typical example of how you can overcome your subconscious fears with the help of imaginative thinking.

Methods to control the subconscious

The subconscious is replete with new ideas, solutions, answers. Don't limit yourself. Open this treasure trove and take everything that is most dynamic, original and full of life. These ideas and solutions exist within you right now.

John Kehoe

When asked whether it is possible to control your subconscious, psychologists come to the unanimous conclusion that this is not only possible, but also necessary for mental health and further successful development of the individual. True, it will not be possible to completely subjugate subconscious processes, but everyone is quite capable of finding a profitable method of interaction.

So how do you manage your subconscious mind? Here are some effective ways:

  1. Before you start working on yourself, you need to abstract from all negative thoughts and emotions. Meditation can help with this.
  2. Learn to think exclusively in a positive way. Do not allow yourself any negative wording.
  3. Gain absolute confidence in yourself. Only a person who says to himself “I can do it!” is able to succeed.
  4. When sending requests to your subconscious, do not expect an instant result. Learn to be patient.
  5. Specify your desires, get rid of meaningless useless words.
  6. If you cannot formulate your request in words, use figurative thinking, connect fantasy. Visualization of desires should be not only specific and clear, but also bright and detailed.
  7. Don't delay. Procrastination will not help you in how to control the subconscious mind. Unfinished business accumulate dead weight and take the place of new fresh ideas.
  8. Try to live the way you want, and not according to a given pattern. Only you know what is best for you.
  9. Get ready for success, wait for it and it will not be slow to appear in your life.
  10. Do not litter your head with television and computer garbage. Change the muttering of the announcer and advertising to silence and fresh air.

Like all the problems that exist in life, positive changes are initially in our heads. You should not look for a solution in the outside world, on the Internet or guided by the advice of loved ones. Look inside yourself first, that is where all the answers you are interested in are located. Learn to control the power of your subconscious, become the master of your destiny, because success and harmony are already in you, just give them the opportunity to come out.

It is known that Consciousness is the field in which the comprehension of the events takes place. " What is the Subconscious?- I asked this question to the Teacher and received knowledge, in my opinion, very important for all people living on Earth now.

When it is said about the expansion of the Consciousness of a person who changes his views on the world, under the influence of certain knowledge (in this case, spiritual knowledge), it is about the expansion of the interaction between God and man. Three energy centers contribute to this action. They are also the gates to the holy of holies of every person - the Subconscious, the place of his connection with God inside the physical body.

As a result of the work of a person with his centers (chakras), the third eye (6th center) opens more and more, through which the Subconscious receives Divine energy directly. The Subconscious Mind needs a lot of energy to work. The more energy in a person, accepted by his sacral centers, the tighter his connection with the Divine world, even during his life on Earth, the more he will be able to approach the True Man, the ideal Personality, created initially by God. According to the plan of the Lord, a Person living in a material body on Earth must have Divine capabilities.

He must be a Personality performing a specific task: to cultivate in himself the powerful energy of love - the Soul, which will belong only to her and, at the same time, will be part of a powerful multifaceted Divine Constellation of the same Souls - Personalities.

A person who, having completed his task in the material world, will continue to live in the world of the Immortals, or again, at his own request, will go down to the school of the Earth, but in order to help other people embark on the path Immortality Personality.

Immortality, as you know, is defined quality of human consciousness- The Divinely pure Consciousness of a person remains with him, and does not disappear, as happens during ordinary death. The departure of a person from the material world in his Consciousness is - Immortality of the Personality.Immortality of the Personality - this is the Diploma that a person receives after graduating from the school of life on Earth, having gone through an endless circle of deaths and births in the material world.

Subconscious helps a person to change his Consciousness and become Immortal. This is home the role of the Subconscious in the earthly life of a person.

The Subconscious Itself is always Immortal, because It does not belong to man, but is the “patrimony” of God.

The subconscious is the field given to a person God(as opposed to Consciousness) immediately at birth. It is located in the center of the head, surrounds the region of the brain stem (the center of sleep and wakefulness) and connects a person with God. The subconscious is not fixed by any devices, but plays a very important role in the lives of people living in the material world, as it determines the work of the body, the entire physical system - a person. (But the possibilities don't end there.)

The subconscious awakens gradually, like the whole being of a child who got into a new world for him from a comfortable mother's womb. And with His help, according to the Individual Healthy Body Program, gradually the power of work of all systems and organs of the body of the newborn is turned on. This "slowness" gives the baby the opportunity to calmly, without overstrain, which would explode the baby from the inside, to adapt to the new conditions of life in earthly space.

The subconscious mind controls the processes that are unconscious to a person.. They happen by themselves and are planned outside the human personality, by God. Although the centers themselves, in which the leading role of the brain is observed, are perfectly visible to people of various faiths and even atheists. They are responsible for the work of systems that take place inside the human body, without his participation: the intake and digestion of food, breathing, blood supply to the body, with the help of a rhythmic heartbeat, and so on.

The Subconscious Field is surrounded by space filled with energies various vibrations that he acquires along with the growth of his Consciousness. The closer they are to the Divine, the better is the work of the centers of the brain that regulate the performance of the functions of each system, each organ; controlling their correct contact with each other, in accordance with the Individual Healthy Body Program.

In adulthood, the Individual Healthy Body Program is 100 percent included. But, unfortunately, for almost everyone it is blocked by the karma of Past incarnations and cannot regulate the work of all body systems. In addition, along with the growth of a person's Consciousness, the space around the field of the Subconscious acquires a characteristic environment with energies that a person has approved in his Consciousness. They can be both positive and negative. Both those and other vibrations, being near the Subconscious, do not come into contact with it, do not affect it. But it is not Divine vibrations that are obstacles that do not give Him the opportunity to turn on with the help of the Lord, direct it into the Consciousness of a person and keep the Divine Program of a Healthy Body constantly in working condition. As a result, there is a certain deviation of the physical state of the body from the norm, that is, a disease.

This again shows the importance pure field of Consciousness cleanliness person Soul fields and purity space near subconscious person.

Energy pollution can also be removed with the help of the Subconscious. The fact is that in addition to managing the work of the brain at the level of the subconscious, known to all literate people, the Subconscious mind bears a huge responsibility for the spiritual growth and energy purity of a person. It takes the most direct part in this process, acting as a link between the material and the non-material. But all this happens at an unconscious level, at the level of intuition. A person does not know how and does not have the right to command his Subconscious until the person will acquire a new ability - to enter into contact with the Consciousness of the Subconscious, at will.

This requires the subconscious turn on. The carrier of the Subconscious itself cannot turn it on on its own, cannot independently reach It from the body, “from below”. The inclusion of the Subconsciousness of a person can be done only by the Lord and only at the request of the person himself. At the same time, the personality must possess a Fiery body, already having constant connection with the Fiery World! It is necessary to turn to God, “up”, being in a special, meditative state and ask: "Lord, please turn on my Subconscious" - inhale and exhale this request. With the permission of the Lord, in the Divine flow, this thought form will return through the sixth center (third eye) to the Subconscious and turn it on to work with the Consciousness of the individual. That is, an opportunity will open up - to manage the Subconsciousness with the help of the Consciousness of the person himself, new opportunities for working at the level of the Subconsciousness will open up.

Turning to God with this request, a person, thereby, gives permission to the Lord to bring the Subconscious to a new, higher level of his interaction with him.

At first, this action must be repeated constantly, once a day or before starting a certain work using the Subconscious. Until it happens moment(which a person learns about with the help of his specific communication with God), when the Subconscious will always be stably turned on. This usually happens within a month.

A person's thought, at this level of spiritual development, can enter the field of his Subconscious, but selectively , because It accepts, absorbs into itself only divinely pure vibrations, approved, permitted by the Lord.

The Subconscious does not react at all to the thoughts of other people.

Sometimes representatives of Black Magic pollute a person with the help of various methods, but even for them the area of ​​the Subconscious will never be reached.

Hypnosis also does not touch the Subconscious.

A person, by the power of his thought, can influence another person if he does not have the protective ability to leave, on an unconscious level or consciously, from such an impact. You can hypnotize a person from a distance if he knows about it and is ready for it. (In principle, distance does not matter to the hypnotist, as he works with his infinitely free thought.) But hypnosis affects the cerebral cortex and never approaches the Subconscious. Any influence of the thought of one person on another occurs only at the level of the cerebral cortex. If the hypnotist works without permission, then he still needs, at least for a short time, live contact. In this case, the hypnotist will be able to influence a person anywhere, since he "put" his "key" on him, and while he will work, the effect will occur. Usually it lasts from several minutes to two days, without updating the contact. It is impossible to hypnotize a person on TV.

Telepathically it is impossible to influence the Subconscious.

Telepathy is based on the ability to read thought-images that have gone beyond the Consciousness and Subconsciousness of a person. Of course, the very ability to telepathy is closely related to the development of a person's Consciousness and Subconsciousness. With telepathy, there is no penetration into the human Personality without its permission - there is no violation of the Cosmic Law of Nonviolence against the Personality.

The subconscious does not grow throughout life, unlike Consciousness. It, like the Emotional and Mental body, can increase, but not in size, but in fullness of energy, then again acquire its former shape or even become smaller in volume due to the lost energy. If the accumulated Subconscious at the time of death of a person has not lost its strength, then at birth in a new body it retains its energy fullness.

The subconscious is not a single field, but a partTriunity - Soul, Fiery body, Subconsciousness. Each part of this Trinity performs at the same time its personal function.

Soul- Mudra, she distinguishes good from evil. Its main task is to move a person to development, spiritual and energetic. In addition, She carries the Individual Program of a Healthy Body, which the Lord, with an open Subconscious, can harmonize, turning into a True - Divine Program of a Healthy Body. At the request of a person, the Program can move into his Consciousness in order to manage, on a conscious and unconscious level, the processes occurring in the human body, together with the Subconscious.

Body Fiery- conceals in itself the talents-achievements of a person for all incarnations - Programs that were once mastered by the Personality with the help of a certain work on oneself. They are revealed gradually and are closely connected with the divine Transfiguration of man. In addition, It nourishes the Soul and Subconscious of a person with its energy.

Subconscious- "holds the key" to the Individual Healthy Body Program. It contains many other Programs. All the Programs contained in It, unlike the Fiery body, were not introduced by man into His field in Past incarnations, but were given by God from the very beginning and are connected with the Divine activity of the personality on Earth. Each person has them in their Individual DNA, but not everyone has them in the same quantity and composition. In the Individual DNA of the Subconscious, there are only those Programs that a person has not yet mastered and has not translated into the Fiery body. In principle, everything is one common field Soul - Fiery body, Subconsciousness - Consciousness. Subconsciousness and Consciousness are the same chain as the Soul and the Fiery body. All the distinctions that are now being discussed are conditional and given only in order to better understand the processes that occur in a person at this level.

The subconscious has the right to use for its actions the energy of the Soul and the Fiery body, respectively, and those Programs-developments that are in the Fiery body.

It Itself consists of vibrations of the world of Love and Asceticism or the Fiery world.

Filling the Subconscious with energy can be controlled, if you concentrate the power of your own thought and with the help of the Consciousness (specially) ask the Fiery body to direct the energy of the Fiery world into the Subconscious. The action will take place through the area of ​​the Third eye. Follow (feel) this process at the level of intuition or with the help of clairvoyance, clairaudience.

Appeal to the Fiery Body: “Fire Body, please do me an invaluable service, direct a branch from your energy channel, which connects you with the Fiery World, to my Subconscious and fill it with this energy to 100 percent.”

It must be borne in mind that the recharge of the Subconscious goes quite slowly. Approximately 7-10 percent a day, so you need to work days. ten, to fully restore the energy of the field of your Subconscious. In the future, it is necessary to take into account the factor that after a powerful release of His energy for a certain work, It can again “de-energize”. In this case, the person will feel discomfort, weakness.

In order for the field of the Subconscious to recover on its own, it is necessary to not work for a day (or more) with its help. Otherwise, you can lose superpowers, and sometimes your own health.

Those who have been given the Holy Spirit to help can restore the field of the Subconscious much faster (within a few seconds) by turning to Him with a request: "Holy Spirit, please help my Subconscious to recover" - inhale and exhale this request. The Holy Spirit brings Him to the level of the world of Love and Asceticism - and the filling happens instantly.

The included, completely filled field of the Subconscious makes it possible to use one's energy for various, unusual things in the physical world. But for this it is necessary to learn how to control the concentration of the power of one's own thought on certain tasks set for oneself. And fulfill them with the support of the Higher powers. After a person learns to concentrate on small things, the experience gained will help him develop himself further without the help of the Lord, but always under His protection, if he himself wants it.

When a person goes to conscious work with the Subconscious, it greatly simplifies the implementation and speeds up the time of his work to restore his health, physical and energy. It is cleared from many types of information pollution: Present tense, Past tense and Intrauterine information pollution.

With the help of the energy of his Subconscious, he can remove from himself, from a child or an adult, information about the Intrauterine curse or, simply, Curse of the present day. It must be taken into account that this uses a lot of energy from the field of the Subconscious, don't forget to restore it! Without the help of the Subconscious, these types of curses can only be removed by the carriers themselves. (A child from the Intrauterine Curse can be cleansed by the mother). In this case, any member of the family can free their relatives from this energy pollution by asking: “God help me. I, with the help of my Subconscious, remove the Intrauterine curse (curse) from my grandson (can be any family member),” and read the prayer “Our Father”. During the reading of the prayer, purification takes place.

The Subconscious plays the role of Consciousness during the life of a person in the Parallel Worlds,after death. Together with the Soul, It helps to preserve the individuality of a person, as it has a Program that includes all the good developments legitimized by the human Consciousness during life on Earth. For example, the ability to think logically and remember what is happening; knowledge that a person receives from life experience, but only that knowledge that helps the intellectual and spiritual development of the Personality, including those obtained from works of art, if they allow a person, through living the fate of heroes, to understand the important truths of earthly life that make life meaningful . The concept of love, friendship, self-sacrifice, the difference between good and evil forever remain in the subconscious of a person, they leave with him and come back to the material world. At the same time, a person does not realize where he got this knowledge from, he just always has it. A person feels them, although they are in the corresponding Program of the Subconscious, which is not able to feel and analyze them itself. In this case, everything happens not at the level of thought and awareness, but at the level of intuition, at the level of the Soul, which is part of the trinity described above. Man through his Soul feels what he is doing right and what is not. True, only the person who wants to hear Her voice.

In the worlds of Others, the Subconsciousness of a person can appear during his life on earth. This phenomenon is called meditation. Meditation is a borderline state between dream and reality. With sleep, it is united by the departure from the physical world of the Earth. The reality is that the subconscious of a person is actually in the Other World and the events in this case are realized, since the Subconscious, as a link, opens and lets in a flow of energy-information into the Consciousness of a person, or Itself goes beyond the limits of the human body without interrupting the connection with it. In this case, It plays the role of Consciousness - a field in which metaphysical events are reflected, expressed through images that a person in this case (unlike most dreams) remembers. Sleep prediction is meditation in a dream and then sleep again. People usually remember this dream because the Subconscious mind took part in it.

The subconscious can (with or without the Soul) completely leave the body and travel throughout the Earth and the Universe. Transfer everything that he sees into the Consciousness of a person, which always remains in the physical body. We can say that a person in this case has two Consciousnesses - one directly above the head and the other (let's say) at the other end of the Galaxy.

When people say that they are traveling in their Consciousness, they are right, but you are now more aware of the process that occurs during meditation.

The subconscious mind plays a big role inclinical death. About this phenomenon, now much is said on earth. People remember events that happened to them. Remember their feelings. There is something in common (flight, tunnel, light and regret that you have to return to your heavy sick body), there are also fundamental differences. And still, memory about otherworldly experience - it's rather exception than the rule for those who have experienced clinical death. Most people do not remember anything or remember only about the events that took place on the ground (flying under the ceiling, their body below, people). Some people remember some horrors - in this case, karmic pollution plays a role, due to which the soul sees the Lower World. There are other reasons for this type of journey to the other side of life.

The phenomenon of memory of metaphysical events depends on the degree of filling the Subconsciousness of a person with the energy of the Fiery World (40-100 percent), acquired or received from birth. It is this state that gives some people the opportunity to calmly “sleep” during clinical death, while others receive information from their Subconsciousness, which is absorbed by the Human Consciousness and remembered, stored in the brain, so that later it can be reproduced as a memory.

If the Subconscious has little energy, the human Soul, together with It, remains in the human body. And the event that has taken place does not give him any food for thought, after he is again included in life. In the future, he lives the same way as he lived before.

Those people whose Subconscious was normal, according to the degree of charge, do not remember anything. But also those who brought material information about Volume not everyone in the world remembers, since their memory is selective and the vision of That life is also selective. A lot depends on quality The human mind, that is from the installations through which he sees everything.

The fact is that the Subtle World uses to transmit information through the Subconsciousness only those images that are calmly perceived by the individual Consciousness of a person. By the way, an atheist can be born with a fairly well-filled Subconscious and get otherworldly experience. But thanks to the settings available in the Consciousness, atheists and believers see different things. In principle, they see the same thing, but from a different angle, because seen perceives (decodes) their Consciousness, ready for certain perception of the received information. Consciousness in this case is also a window through which a person evaluates the world, in this case the Other world.

A person who has realized his journey to the Other World returns to our dimension not in the state in which he left for clinical death. He starts another life already with the Subconsciousness turned on, completely filled with new possibilities.

With the help of the subconscious, minimally expending His energy, can attract various energy flows going to earth.

healing stream d gives you the opportunity to help yourself and people to cleanse, heal and charge the systems of the physical body with the energy of the Divine and the Earthly Divine energy. In its work, this flow is guided by the information that it receives from the Individual DNA of a person about what his health should be like. It gradually removes all impurities, reminds each cell and group of cells how to work correctly and fills them with energy for this work. With the help of the Healing Stream, it is possible to completely restore the functioning of the human body to the level that is recorded in its Individual DNA, turn on Individual Healthy Body Program. But the Healing Stream does not harmonize the Program itself. This can only be done with the help of the Lord.

The flow of energy that controls gravityearth, helps a person to "lift" heavy objects that are beyond human awareness, to move them in Space and even in Time. In this case, the energy will go not to the physical lifting of gravity, but to regulate the force of gravity of the Earth.

If the Personality does not have skills in this action, then in the coming incarnation one can learn how to do it. When the Subconscious has a 100% ability to take energy from the Fiery World and always be completely filled, classes can begin with small exercises related to lifting certain things, very light ones. After a person has learned to control weightless objects, it is easy to learn to control the weight of his own body and even give it movement, no matter how much it weighs; feel the state of flight on physical plane. After all, it is the Subconscious, initially knowing about the force of gravity and the danger of its loss for all living on earth, that does not give a person the opportunity to fly until a person learns to control the Earth's gravity in relation to his body.

You can share your individual achievements with each other and help each other acquire new ones.

But much, of course, depends on the permission of the Lord, because this action is dangerous for a person's life.

There are streams that make it possible to travel in Time and Space, streams of energy used for teleportation, streams that open travel channels to other Galaxies in a short time, and others.

The subconscious is a pantry of Programs and Energy for their execution. When the Lord gives the “keys” to the Subconscious to the person himself, then the person, at his own discretion, can independently dispose of all this wealth, and the Law of Non-Violence against the Personality is observed. But it must be borne in mind that in this case, personality errors can be larger and responsibility for them too. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to ask the Lord to continue his knowledge, especially at first, until a person learns to own his treasure - an open Subconscious and manage his wealth Right, until he learns to hear his intuition, his Soul.

The subconscious mind is complete various Programs.

It contains the Divine Program being essence such a Cosmic Unit as Man. This - One Divine Human DNA, including all, recognized and not recognized at the current moment of time, abilities-Programs of the Personality. This - Divine Matrix, which contains all ideal properties, inherent to Man on planet Earth. She neverNotis changing!

In addition to the True (Divine) Human DNA, there is a Single Individual DNA in the SubconsciousPersonalities which includes many Programs.

Healthy Human Body Program (Single DNA of the Physical BodyHuman). Healthy Human Body Program carries the changes that the child adopted from the parents, including hereditary diseases. She can always change depending on the conditions of life that a person creates for himself; from his actions and his work on himself. Suppose, if a person changed his karma, having worked with Repentance and Forgiveness, his Unified Individual DNA (SID) also changed in better side. Because as a result of the decrease in information and energy pollution, the information in the DNA of the body itself has changed, there has been an improvement in the interaction between the DNA of cells and in the DNA of cellular systems. The whole body has moved to a new level of work.

The included Healthy Body Program (HRT) of a person works constantly, imperceptibly. Daily restores all functions and interactions in the human physical body. Her work can be seen if we analyze the well-being of a person in stages.

First stage- there is no deterioration in the condition compared to what it was always.

Second phase- there is a noticeable improvement in the condition.

Third stage- there is the maximum possible stabilization of the functions of organs and their interaction with each other. That is, the person becomes practically healthy. And this condition improves more and more, at any age.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account certain errors in food, sleep and work, which a person is used to and does not want to part with them. They can create a situation in which he may again feel a temporary deterioration in health.

self-regulation program which constantly maintains the purity of the connection of various body systems and the energy of the Divine Healthy Body Program, ensuring the stabilization and improvement of human health. This Program is very important, because the Program of the Healthy Body, turned on by the Subconscious, works independently, constantly until the Subtle bodies are "littered" again, and then the systems of the physical body. It is very similar to a slowly "decaying" pendulum, as a result of various resistances of the polluted body.

After the True Program of a Healthy Body enters the Consciousness of a person, it is very important, with the help of the Lord, to turn on the program of self-regulation.

And yet, the more often a person listens to his body and does not overload it unnecessarily, the better he will feel.

The True Program of a Healthy Body can be activated not only through the Subconscious. If the field of the Soul and all the Subtle bodies of a person are pure, then, turning to God, we can turn on the True Program of a Healthy Body with the help of our Soul (see Practice). In principle, as you know: the Subconscious, the Soul and the Fiery body are the links of one chain - the connection of a person with the Divine Beginning of All That Is, with God.

A single Individual DNA includes 5 Divine DNA (Programs) of a person, which help with healing, and not only.

Working with the Unified Individual DNA of the Human Physical Body (Health Program) with the help of Consciousness and Subconsciousness is a future method of restoring the Personality's health that does not require any additional influences.

Healing Program is also located in the Single Individual DNA. Turned on with the help of the Subconscious, it alone, without the Healing Stream, will help a person to remove any kind of information pollution from his body or from the body of a patient; problems that interfere with the coordinated work of organs, and include the Healthy Body Program. But if you send a healing stream into this Program, then its power will increase millions of times. The Healing Program can be worked when the Individual Healing Flow is not yet given. There are people to whom He is given from birth.

Healing with the help of your Subconscious is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. You can learn more about all the "pitfalls" of this type of activity from a special section of the article on the Subconscious, dedicated to Healing.

In the Subconscious there is a Program that contains the best energies - character traits of people- appreciation, caring, diligence, ability to love, etc.

Eat Talent Program which are perceived by people as supernatural. Thanks to the Subconscious, one can have clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairvoyance without being aware of how it happens. With the help of the Subconscious, you can fly, teleport, read thoughts from a distance, see the Past and the Future. To carry out many unthinkable things at the present time on Earth. The quality of these deeds will depend on the fullness of the Subconscious with energy, and on the moment when the own Consciousness of a person who has received a certain life experience legitimizes their existence.

The program of interaction between the Consciousness and the Subconscious is the most significant. It is she who gives a person the opportunity to work with all types of Programs embedded in the field of the Subconscious, in His Individual Unified DNA. Creates special conditions for conscious work with the Subconscious.

The man himself asked, the Lord fulfilled his request - he opened the possibility for his Subconscious to make contact with his Consciousness. Within a month, this connection of Consciousness and Subconsciousness was strengthened with the help of the Lord, every day and stabilized. After that, he had the opportunity to go to new the level of relations between his Consciousness and Subconsciousness - to an independent level of communication. This happens when a person lives in accordance with the Cosmic laws.

A person cannot remake his Subconscious, change its structure. Subconscious never "inscribes" the thoughts and ideas of a person on his own, does not give power over himself directly. But at the same time, the Subconsciousness, open to the Consciousness of a person, makes it possible to draw from it what he wants to build his life, without restrictions. He has the right to take everything from it, at his discretion, and use it as he sees fit for any of His treasure (Program). There are many Programs in the Human Subconscious (as you already know). People with a powerful Subconscious can independently work with individual Programs that are in it, with the help of their Consciousness. They exist for this, so that a person at a certain period of life could use them, introduce them into life, with the help of the powerful power of thought, which he owns, thanks to a fully charged Subconsciousness.

The 100% charged Subconsciousness can independently, at the conscious request of a person, enter the Program of the Future and change its content.

In the Program of the Future, which is sent to a person by the Spirits of Ancestors, according to the developments of his Past incarnations and the Going One, far from the entire canvas of Time is filled with events. But the person himself cannot manage it with his thought and fill the free space with new desires, since the vibrations of his thought can never reach the vibrations of the Fiery World, with the help of which desires (situations) are recorded. Consistent with the karma of a person, they are brought into the fabric of the Future Time, with the help of the creative energies of the Fiery World, the Spirits of the Ancestors or other Higher powers. Let us remember that everything that exists on Earth was once programmed in the Fiery World: forests, rivers, seas, mountains, and deserts - everything that exists on Earth. The structures associated with human life were first of all programmed in the Fiery World, then accepted by talented people and materialized on Earth, and so on.

A person with increased energy in the Subconscious, with the included Program for the interaction of the Consciousness and the Subconscious , can achieve that his positive thought-desire enters the Subconscious. It will write it into a certain Program, let's say in The program for the implementation of the plan. Then the Subconscious will introduce this Program into the near Future, that is, it will independently create a situation in which the desired, within the framework of this Program, will quickly come true.

This will happen if a person clearly and specifically, with the smallest details, has defined his Future event, constantly thinks about its realization.

Suppose a writer wants to see the implementation of his new book in many countries, but even has no idea who to turn to with this problem, since the alleged publishers and sellers live far away and there is no real way out for them. With the help of the subconscious, you can work with Program for the implementation of the plan(there is such a separate Program) and within its framework clearly describe your desire (it can be anything). Let's say: “My Subconscious, I appeal to you with love and ask you to add to the Program of my near Future - the Program for the implementation of the Planned. I want my book to appear in print and be distributed in all countries where there are people who know Russian.” At the same time, you can not even guess how and when this will happen, but you can clearly see what you want - the book quickly goes to the reader from store shelves in all countries of the world. And you need to “see” this every day until your dream comes true. Fall asleep and wake up with this thought. The result will not be slow to tell.

In the Program of your Near Future, if you work with the help of your Subconscious, you can only invest his Future. With family members, you can work with the help of the Spirits of the Ancestors. They will bring what they want situation in that near future, which will allow his karma.

For people who do not have an energy-intensive Subconscious, the Recording of events that are not included in the near Future can also happen, but much more slowly (once in 100), since it will be recorded on the canvas of the Past, and not the Future Time. And for this It must be cleared of the information that it has, through suffering or through the conscious cleansing of the Previous incarnation with the help of the Lord.

With the help of the Subconscious - the desired situation fits directly into the Program for the Near Future, in 21 days, which is constantly being introduced into the fabric of the running Time. This does not take into account modern karmic pollution. (If the karma of previous incarnations is not removed, the Fiery body is not connected with the Fiery world, the Lord will not open the Subconscious for contact with the Human Consciousness).

Open Subconscious is a very big responsibilityand test for man. Before asking for the inclusion and 100% filling of the Subconscious, you need to weigh your strength very well, honestly analyze your views on life, your emotional perception of the world.

The subconscious is the domain of God, but not God. It does not help a person to accept correct solution, does not lead him through life, even if a person asks Him about it. Opening the possibility of conscious interaction with the Subconscious, the Lord shows that he expands his confidence to a person who is capable of much and hopes that he will justify him, that is, will not harm himself and others.

The included Subconsciousness can powerfully help the individual, at the level of the energy of God, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God. But the work of one's own Subconsciousness without relying on Divine guidance or guidance by the Spirits of the Ancestors is fraught with serious consequences, up to the death of the carrier of the energetically increased Subconsciousness. Therefore, it is no coincidence that until the beginning of the third millennium, it was considered quite normal that people were born and lived until the end of their lives with the Subconscious mind, which was in working order by 20-40 percent and looked like a deflated balloon. Not only did it not receive additional energy for a certain work, but it did not even have its usual form, determined by God. We can say that in this case, the Subconscious was 80 percent safely asleep, it was turned off from life. For many, it still sleeps.

The subconscious does not have the ability to analyze and does not separate good from evil, despite the fact that it has great energy and various capabilities. Therefore, for competent and safe work with the help of the Subconscious, it is necessary to have an extended, pure consciousness, able to see the truth of life events and correctly evaluate their desires, thoughts and actions.

At the moment of the transformation of the Subconscious with the help of the Lord, the person, of course, fully corresponds to the ongoing action. But then he can change his views and character traits, lose control over his thoughts and actions, even if he is at a fairly high level of his Spiritual development. In this case, he is not immune from mistakes, for which he will be responsible according to strict Cosmic laws.

A person who from birth has a powerful, energetically, Subconsciousness, has the power of power over people with a less energetically filled Subconsciousness. The most common mistake of such a person is that she begins to use the power given to her not for the benefit of herself and other people, but only For myself. If Consciousness is not expanded, and a person does not see the true values ​​of this world, then he gives rise to primitive thoughts, which, although cannot enter the subconscious, but, nevertheless, the power that a well-charged Subconscious mind gives to thoughts helps in their implementation. In this case, having lost control over his desires, intoxicated by the possibilities of his personality, he can bring himself to a state of absurdity, that is, building yourself magnificent Future on the “bones” of other people, he will create a situation that will destroy him. That's why confession moral and ethical norms of man and Cosmic laws, in this case it is vital. It will save the Personality from many mistakes.

The very Subconsciousness of a person is always Divinely pure. But its structure is such that, interacting with the Consciousness, It can react to any ideas and thoughts that a person bears and seeks to put into practice, up to the murder of other people or himself.

As mentioned above, the Subconscious can independently enter the Near Future and turn on additional program, in which the carrier of this Subconsciousness placed his plan, independently.

Suppose the subconscious has Life Saving Program. The Consciousness screams that it is being threatened, and the 100% charged Subconsciousness turns on the Life Saving Program, that is, it includes in the ongoing Future Program the plan that allows a person to survive without realizing that Consciousness legitimized the decision of a person for the sake of his life to kill other people.

In the Subconscious there is a Program for a prosperous material standard of human life, at which it is most convenient to preserve the health of the physical body. It is included in the Subconscious Consciousness of a person when he is preoccupied with this issue. It is carried out in the Future Time Program, carrying a plan invented by man on its tail. Without analysis - is he good or bad, good or evil, not realizing - What this situation can bring: economic harm to other people and even death, or, conversely, it will improve the well-being of not only the person himself, but also raise the general well-being of people associated with him.

Any Program located in the Subconscious is always Divine and as such is transmitted by the Subconscious to the Program of the Future. The fact that facilities, to materialize this program chooses myself a person, and they are not analyzed by his Subconscious, which makes changes in the future of the individual independently, with creates a situation in which people who have a great Subconscious, bear great responsibility for their own future and others. Only the feeling of love can save them from mistakes, which, unfortunately, the Subconscious cannot convey, although it itself consists of the fiery energies of love.

People with a powerful Subconscious may not be kind .

People born with non-divine character traits can have a Subconscious mind filled with energy by 50 percent or more, thanks to past incarnations. If they grow up in an environment that develops these traits, society will have talented villains in its midst. People who have filled their Subconscious to 100 percent in the ongoing incarnation can also fall and commit cleverly thought-out crimes for their own benefit.

That's why people with a powerful Subconscious can be geniuses for good and geniuses for evil.

Now more and more often children appear on Earth, with increased energy of the Subconscious. They are called indigo children. These are children whose aura - the rainbow is dominated by color indigo.

They are born with a feeling of love for people but others can increase or extinguish this love. The result of upbringing, which will manifest itself, in this case, will be more tangible by society than the one that it received from people with the usual level of energy of the Subconscious.

In order to live, we need some knowledge about the world. The more complete this knowledge is, the easier and freer it is to live. A person who knows how to drive a car is freer than someone who cannot. And the one who can't, depends on the one who can.

Any knowledge influences behavior. If you do not know how to become a master of sports, then you will not become one. Even if you have excellent physical data. But no knowledge - no results. You have been taught to tie your shoelaces. Now you are independent of the laces. But you have not been taught how to work with a computer, which means that you depend on those who can. You have not been taught to communicate with people - it means that you are dependent on those people who know how to communicate with you.

It is often said that money brings freedom. But money gives only indirect freedom, because it still forces you to hire those who know something and can do it. But it is far from a fact that craftsmen, even for money, will try especially hard for you. What is the point of quickly fixing or curing something for you? On the contrary, it is much better to slightly alleviate your lot, make you dependent, and then extract money from you for years.

Knowledge gives absolute freedom. You know what you need and you get exactly what you need. All our lives we have to learn. Settled on new job. Enrolled in courses. We bought a new cell phone, fotik, jeep. All this requires new knowledge. When we do something for the first time, we are learning. Therefore, with each new page in your life, you have a choice: become dependent on others or open up new spaces for yourself. The ability to learn allows you to overcome obstacles and go where you want. Once you've stopped in front of a high wall, you must learn to find the door in the wall. And if there is no door, make a breach. Spiritual freedom is the realization that the wheel of your life is in your hands.

But why do some grasp everything on the fly, while others stand stubbornly and look at the new gates? The soul loves to learn and learn something new. You just need to help her with this. It is very difficult to study consciousness. The gate of consciousness is so narrow that only one thought can pass through it, and even that one can get stuck if a big one gets caught. So you have to pore over boring manuals, trying to drag gnarly phrases through a resisting consciousness.

And the gates of the subconscious are wide open and always ready for new knowledge. But, as a rule, any riff-raff climbs through these gates, interfering with the passage of the necessary knowledge. How to learn to learn subconscious?

The subconscious loves to learn. As soon as you were told a joke, you instantly remembered it and are immediately ready to tell others. But if you were told Lagrange's formula for finite increments, then you not only cannot retell it the first time, but even after an hour of cramming you cannot remember it. And the reason is not at all that the formula is very complicated. After all, Lagrange himself understood it.

The reason is that the subconscious mind sees this formula for the first time and does not let it pass through its gates. So you have to drag it through the gate of consciousness. And she doesn't climb. Even if you shove it, it won't help much. As soon as you fall asleep, the subconscious, scattering a bunch of daytime impressions during the night, will find the unfortunate Lagrange and throw him far into the dungeons of memory. And in the morning you will forget what you spent two hours of hard effort on the day before.

But the subconscious is not to blame. The subconscious has a principle. It only lets through the gates those it knows. And leaves in memory what is similar to everyday experience. The subconscious does not perceive what was not in the previous experience. If he does not know Lagrange, or finite increments, or derivatives, then he will never miss them. And if he encounters them in memory, he will immediately erase them. Therefore, one must understand the main principle of subconscious learning. If you need to subconsciously understand something new, then you must first get a sensory experience of this new one.

To understand means to feel. And if we seriously wanted to understand this ill-fated formula, then we need:

Get to know Lagrange himself. Who is he? What did you do?
to understand why Lagrange suddenly thought about this problem;
try to solve this problem yourself.

And only after that to trace in detail the course of Lagrange's thoughts. Now these thoughts will fall on plowed soil, so they will easily take root and sprout.

And if we need to learn a completely new and unusual business for us: grow cacti; train a chimpanzee; control the spacecraft; then you need to remember the rule of quick subconscious understanding of the situation.

A person perceives a new situation much easier if he first encountered it in a light version. Arriving at a new place of work or study, first look around, listen, smell. Walk around the room, inspect various objects, maps on the walls, posters. Twist the aids in your hands, press the buttons, twist the handles. Stroke the cactus on the thorns, the chimpanzee on the fur, and the astronaut on the spacesuit. Feel prickly, rough or smooth.

At this moment, the subconscious perceives all new information with monstrous speed and puts it on the shelves of memory. Do not try to immediately successfully operate in the new conditions. Try something small first. Deal with her. Learn to handle.

We saw a new device - first find the power button. This is something familiar and familiar that is in all devices. Turned on and off. And then again. Don't move on until you succeed.

Tunnel of Consciousness

How do you know if you are really learning from the subconscious? To do this, you need to listen to yourself. Consciousness is like a pipe. When you look at life through a tube, you see only a tiny speck of reality. And the subconscious mind looks at life holistically, perceiving the whole reality at once.

If the subconscious takes internal affairs and disconnect from reality, then the effect of the canalization of consciousness will occur. You focused on one little thing. At that moment you stopped living. Life in all its fullness, sounds, colors and smells passes by, and you do not notice it.

Your soul is torn into two parts: consciousness and subconsciousness. This condition is extremely harmful from the point of view of learning. Everything that you now see and study will not be deposited in your memory. The subconscious will throw it out as soon as it sees it.

Often people say: “It’s hard for me to study. I'm dumb!" At the same time, this same person has a lot of skills that he does not pay attention to. A lot of people play the guitar without knowing the notes or chord names. If you like to strum the guitar, then you will learn how to play it.

Desire gives ability

If you like to communicate with girls, then you will learn how to do it. The most stupid installation is in the phrase "It's too difficult." This phrase immediately kills the desire to learn. But there is nothing complicated in the world. From the atom to the cosmos, life is subject to uniform and very simple laws. That electrons fly around the nucleus, that planets fly around the sun. And we sit on one of the planets and think: "Something is too difficult for me." There is only one complex thing in the world - our own brain. His possibilities are endless. For him, any problem is like a sand fortress for a tank.

foundation of knowledge

Once we see a blurry reality, we are helpless before life. A broken crane, a failed computer, a stalled engine become an insurmountable obstacle for us. We can open the cover, remove the cover, lift the hood. But we will see only a hodgepodge of pipes, wires and pieces of iron. And we can only look at them and scold our worthlessness, ineptitude and stupidity.

Previously, the word "scoundrel" meant "not a scoundrel", that is, useless. The question is, can you become good? That is, suitable even where? A lot of people stop growing. Their views of the world are primitive and erroneous. They cannot navigate life. Their outlook is poor, gray and limited. They are easily deceived by various preachers and are ready to follow any new leader. They pick up gossip easily. But sometimes such people come across a person who brings new knowledge and tries to teach something new.

The simplest thing that a person does in such a case is he rebels against knowledge. The lower, more stupid and undeveloped a person is, the more actively he struggles with knowledge. But what is our consciousness? This is consciousness. The totality of our knowledge about the world.

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The subconscious is in psychology the processes of the psyche that are not controlled by consciousness. That is, this word refers to the area of ​​the psyche responsible for the acceptance and processing of information entering the brain and is responsible for unconditional reflection. Freud's early work also uses the concept of the subconscious in psychoanalysis. He noticed that it is it that processes and is responsible for the processes of ousting information from consciousness, mainly that part of them that is not approved by society. Also, this concept was used in cognitive psychology as a definition of the part of the brain responsible for fast memory and automatic thought processes. It is believed that the subconscious processes and stores the information to which a person attaches great emotional significance.

The power of the subconscious

It is important for every person to make his life happy, joyful, filled with various kinds of pleasures. Everyone dreams of interesting and prestigious jobs, true friends and love forever. All people are different, but they are united by the desire to live happily. But, basically, life is not what you dreamed of as a child, work is not like that, and everything around you does not go as you would like.

The author of the famous book "The Power of the Subconscious" by the name of Joe Dispenz claims that all human actions depend on his brain. All thoughts, actions and feelings, abilities and behavior are controlled by this organ. He is responsible for the personality, and for the character, and for the intellect, as well as for the ability to make decisions. Therefore, physical strength, intelligence, wealth and other conditions necessary for happy life depend on the health of the brain. And it is on the violation of its functioning that poverty, dissatisfaction with what is happening, illness and success of a person depend. Therefore, it is very important to know how to use the subconscious mind.

brain dysfunction

In addition to trauma, negative thinking and programs laid down by a person in the past can also cause dysfunction of the brain. In most cases, problems in life arise due to the fact that a person cannot perceive the messages of his subconscious. Most of the signals sent by the brain, the individual perceives distorted. For psychologists and physiologists of all times, it still remains a mystery how it works and what secrets of the human brain are hidden from modern science. A person in itself is a perfect system, a well-coordinated mechanism, for the management of which a rather complex system is responsible. Naturally, in comparison with some animals, a person loses to them in strength, smell, speed, and so on.

But all things considered, humans did not become extinct as a species just because of the operation of this complex mechanism. And that is why it is sometimes important to test the subconscious mind, checking whether it works normally or interferes with us. Thanks to thought processes, highly developed speech, rich imagination and the ability to make decisions, people have reached a high level of development and conquered the world. The ability to interact, the presence of individual qualities and skills helped people become who they are now.

Based on this, we can safely say that it is the brain that is the unique mechanism that allows people to survive under any conditions. Many scientists have studied the functioning of this organ for a long time, and they managed to find out that different mechanisms are responsible for its work. For example, to the question of what intuition is, there are many answers. And in psychology, it is a special method of the subconscious to warn the consciousness of danger.

For example, Pavlov defined a person as a set of habits that are constantly changing depending on the situation. According to Ukhtomsky, habits appear according to the dominant principle. And in the end it became known that the process that controls the human consciousness is the subconscious.

Habits and the subconscious

In psychology, habits are called dynamic stereotypes, which directly affect the formation of a person's character. In the case of an animal, habits arise in him during training, in a person - during education. Stereotypes do not arise by themselves, because for this it is necessary to reinforce the action with emotions. Moreover, their occurrence can be influenced not only by positive factors, but also by negative ones. As a positive impact, praise most often occurs, and as a negative - insult or humiliation. Sometimes habits arise spontaneously, in which case the person is not even aware of their existence. To determine them, you can take a subconscious test from a psychologist.

In general, it is not easy to change or eliminate a stereotype. In the process of change, a person will experience a stressful state, discomfort. But returning to the usual norms will bring satisfaction and a sense of security. The point is that stereotypes are a self-preservation mechanism. The safety of actions is reinforced due to the fact that the brain develops habits based on actions that do not lead to negative consequences. Therefore, any new accepted framework of behavior, even if they are beneficial, causes stress in a person.

Any change in behavior is negatively perceived by the subconscious, which is why it is sometimes so difficult for people to get rid of negative addictions. The brain perceives this unambiguously, any change can destroy the existing way of life, and, accordingly, carries a danger. And he does not divide changes into positive and negative, any change is a threat to him.

The dominant and the subconscious are attitudes and habits

Dominance and predominance are also an essential principle of the functioning of the brain. The dominant is considered to be the concentration of the brain on the most significant reaction at a certain moment, when other functions fade into the background. This is the same instinct of self-preservation, because the brain begins to work on a task that is significant for a person. For example, if a person is hungry, then he can no longer concentrate on work or something else. But if at this moment some bright emotional event occurs in the life of an individual, then his consciousness will concentrate on a new dominant source.

The main characteristic of the dominant is the suppression of all other sources. Any human need can become dominant, no matter whether it is physical or moral. Having needs is natural, but there is always a risk that a person will become fixated on one thing. And then his life will directly depend on the satisfaction of this dominant need.

The most dangerous are dominants without a logical conclusion. For example, if a person strives to become the richest or most beautiful, then this goal is initially impossible. Always in the field of view of the individual will be a person who has achieved more in this than he does. And the impact of this desire will end only when the need is fully satisfied. And in a situation where the dominant cannot be stopped, the individual begins to pursue only one goal, which can lead to neurosis and other mental health disorders.

The difference between the conscious and the subconscious

The subconscious determines human behavior, says Vygotsky. It is unconsciously that habits and their dominants are formed in a person. That is, the main function of the subconscious is to create conditions for the survival of the individual. In turn, consciousness is a receiver of messages from the subconscious, but it is not always possible for it to correctly interpret its signals. Unconsciously human instincts are regulated, but consciously the brain tries to justify them. It is also worth noting that the subconscious mind perceives emotional reactions, and the conscious mind perceives verbal ones. This is the difference between such concepts as consciousness and subconsciousness of a person.

The differences between these two concepts also lie in their functionality. Consciousness helps a person to survive in society, but the subconscious mind is responsible for life in general. Man has two instincts: social and biological. Moreover, the goals of both of them may be opposite. That is, for example, for many people, success in the social sphere is more important than the very preservation of their lives. And the emotions and goals processed by the subconscious mind are perceived vaguely and incomprehensibly in most cases. In addition, human illusions are often the cause of problems.

And the most dangerous of them is happiness. Almost everyone dreams of happy relationship and so on, but no one can really explain this feeling. For each concept of happiness individually. And in an attempt to achieve this state, many begin to dominate the receipt of material wealth and recognition in society. But in reality they are pursuing an illusion. Thus, they spend their lives looking for something that cannot be achieved. After all, happiness is a real-time emotion that depends on the environment and circumstances, and you cannot create it with material goods. Also often people are enslaved by illusions of suffering and danger.

It is thoughts and feelings that the subconscious mind contains, and they are the main components of success. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly. After all, it saves all the thoughts of a person, regardless of what they are. That is, the subconscious mind absorbs all positive and negative judgments, and it doesn’t matter if they are false or not.

It reacts by expressing the emotions and behavior of the person. Therefore, in order to coexist normally with the world and be in harmony with oneself, it is necessary to give the subconscious more positive thoughts. This reduces stress levels and allows you to more confidently achieve goals, develop and feel happy.

Working with the subconscious

The subconscious is an amazing part of the human psyche, which carries a huge potential. With its help, you can carry out your healing, develop, change the surrounding reality and improve your life. If you do not know how to work with it, then a destructive effect is quite possible. That is, by working incorrectly with the subconscious, a person creates many problems for himself in life, lowering the level of its quality. It is the subconscious mind that programs our actions, emotions and ideas.

Installations and where they come from

Human behavior directly depends on the settings that are programmed in the unconscious part of the brain. Most often, people create them themselves by suppressing strong emotions, accepting fears and anxieties, and also because of destructive thinking. In addition, the lion's share of programs in the subconscious mind is laid down by parents, educators and other significant adults who inspire the child from childhood what should be and how. Most often, children live with the same subconscious attitudes as their parents. The society in which the individual is located also plays a significant role in the appearance of attitudes. Due to the development of advertising and mass media great amount destructive programs enters the consciousness of people in the modern world. Very often, the media use NLP in creating videos and special code phrases for the subconscious. This allows a person to put information into the brain so that it does not lend itself to consciousness and rational weighing.

Almost ninety percent of a happy life depends on the correct control of the subconscious. It is necessary to analyze existing attitudes, eliminate unnecessary ones and lay new ones that will accompany the correct way of achieving truly important goals.

How to work with the subconscious

The very first thing to do is analyze at a deep level internal state how much a person understands his aspirations and real tasks inside. And you also need to turn off the so-called "autopilot" in the subconscious. To understand why this or that thought or feeling arises, you can use the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist. But you can do it yourself.

In order to achieve success in working with the subconscious on your own, you need to:

  • To understand what needs and fears consciousness does not let pass from the unconscious.
  • Identify obsessive thoughts that daily torment a person and do not allow him to move on calmly.
  • Realize the desires and faith of consciousness.
  • Realize and learn the reactions of consciousness to any changes in previously laid down subconscious programs.

How to control the subconscious

The main tasks that the subconscious mind performs are to ensure happiness, security and comfort. The activity of this part of the brain is aimed at protecting the human psyche from suffering, pain, difficulties, as well as satisfying its needs. But this mechanism works correctly only if a person has learned to control it and has known the meaning and essence of its work. But most often the subconscious mind is at odds with the consciousness, preventing a person from developing and achieving his goals. Imperceptibly, it affects a person's plans, making adjustments depending on existing stereotypes, depriving the individual of strength and a positive attitude. In addition, the subconscious has the ability to control the brain and body.

To learn how to control the subconscious, you can use meditation, creativity and gratitude. Here you need to learn to consciously perceive your desires at all levels, including visual and auditory. If the subconscious mind contains positive thoughts, feelings, they receive a response from the Universe, and in most cases materialize. Offenders should be taken positively, thanked for the experience, and the like.

Thanks to meditation, a person receives answers to his questions, can find and eliminate attitudes and blocks that cause stress, anxiety and depressive states. It makes no difference which way the individual chooses to achieve the goal. The most important thing is a sincere desire to change your own life for the better.

In addition, it is important to understand how to remove the negative that has fallen into the subconscious, this is a very important process, because it accumulates in it every day. One method is to visualize the process. A person should sit in a comfortable position in a calm environment and mentally imagine how the negative leaves the head, like streams of water. An important factor is a sincere belief that all subconscious images are real.

In addition, you need to control the spoken words. It has long been known that the word is a real weapon, especially if it is backed up by emotion. And many people say things that harm themselves without even realizing it. Psychologists recommend following every spoken word for seven days. Moreover, it is important not to allow foul language in relation to yourself and others. This will help to make the words of an assistant, not an enemy. You should also get rid of negative manifestations, avoid quarrels. It is worth knowing that by aggression a person lays negative programs in the subconscious, thereby attracting bad events and failures to himself.

The subconscious mind can do anything - John Kehoe

Back in the seventies of the last century, a certain John Kehoe decided to explore how the brain, the human subconscious, works through solitude. He deliberately deprived himself of the benefits of civilization and plunged into the study of scientific and spiritual sources. His goal was to understand how to develop the power of the subconscious. After much work and attempts to understand the sources, he wrote a book in which he tried to convey to people as much as possible everything that he managed to understand.

The book was aimed at discovering the ways and techniques of control to achieve a change in life for the better. And so it was designed special technique subconscious control. For greater understanding by readers of the book, he cited examples from famous successful personalities, explaining how they achieved their goals. He developed several ways to learn to understand your subconscious.

First way

It is about visualization. That is, in order to understand how to open the subconscious, a person must play certain situations in his head that have not yet occurred in his life in order to achieve the correct movement from the unconscious to the planned plans. In other words, a person must imagine that he already does or has what he wants to acquire. For example, the goal of a person is to become more self-confident. In the subconscious, he must imagine that he is already like that, boldly gets to know people, speaks in public, performs actions that require courage and confidence.

In other words, any situations, and how easily the individual copes with them, despite the fact that in reality this causes him anxiety, a sense of danger and discomfort. These are the main secrets of the subconscious. You need to do this in three steps. First, clearly understand what goal a person wants to achieve. Secondly, you need to distract yourself from everything vital, sit comfortably and relax, both in body and soul. Thirdly, you need to imagine a new reality for at least five minutes as if all this had already happened. The main thing in all this is to be purposeful and carry out the procedure until the result appears. But it will not come immediately, and this should be remembered.

Second way

The second way to control the subconscious, according to Kehoe, is confidence in the development of a successful personality. To achieve what you want, you need to take five steps and understand all levels of the subconscious. First, the individual must believe that he will succeed. You can do this by convincing yourself of four things: that the world is full of riches, all aspects of life contain many opportunities, there is always a place for satisfaction and joy in life, a person’s success depends only on himself.

Secondly, you need to find abundance here and now. Each person is surrounded by various blessings. You just need to find them. A person should look for that sphere where he will see an abundance of necessary and desirable goods.

Thirdly, you need to independently program yourself for success. That is, to teach yourself to see success in everything, and at the same time feel a sense of joy from observing it, and it doesn’t matter whether it is an individual’s personal success or someone else’s. It is also worth understanding what intuition is and listening to it.

Fourth, you need to improve yourself and engage in self-development. To do this, you can use any available sources, including books, trainings, lectures and courses.

Fifth, you need to associate yourself with others successful people. And it doesn’t matter if they are real people or fictional characters from books, films, your personal fantasy.

The most important thing is to understand that the human brain, due to the way it is arranged, does not distinguish between the real events and thoughts of the individual. This axiom will help you achieve your goal and get what you want. But you need not only to know, but also to apply it correctly in practice, using various tools for this. IN real life to engage in self-development and begin to be interested in the power of the human subconscious are forced by negative factors. Only pain, loss and other stresses can push him to major changes in his own life. While everything is calm, the person remains in the comfort zone, not wanting to change anything. Only painstaking work, awareness of actions and a sincere desire to achieve results can lead to positive changes in life. Nothing comes easy, and this should not be forgotten.
