Mom's prom dress. Dresses for moms for school graduation Do parents need to go to the last call

I want to say a word from my parents
About our kind and dear teachers.
Thank you very much,
We have tears in our eyes!

May you work long and calmly,
Let the students love you very much,
And they pay you, as you deserve it,
After all, for children you are like lighthouses!

We wish you good luck and patience.
We love you and thank you all
And we consider you the best of the best,
At least we part with you for good!

Such an exciting and sad day
Our kids have grown up so fast.
Recently, children were led to the first grade,
Today, the door to adulthood has been opened!

Thank you school and teachers
For wise, hard work.
You instilled good in the students
And they did not beat off the hunt for knowledge!

So let happiness smile on everyone:
For us, for the children, and for our beloved school.
Let's bless our children now
And let's release it into the expanses of life!

So ten years have passed. How much was both sad and funny in them. And for some reason it all seems to me that in fact only one day has passed. So rich and stormy, but only one. Just yesterday, you, our children, were very young, with bows, ties and briefcases, going to your first lesson. And today you are standing in front of us almost already adults, so serious and a little sad. I want to turn to you, dear teachers. A low bow to you for your patience, for your skills, for loving our children and being their wise mentors. We wish you to release more than one generation of the same wonderful guys as you did ours. And let our children have an easy way of life. And may warm memories of these wonderful events always live in the hearts of our children. school years!

Our dear children
Today you are already graduates,
We wish you that the stars were brighter
On your life path.

So that you do not doubt your abilities,
To try to achieve goals
To live in a perfect, bright world,
So that you do not meet troubles at all.

We also wish, dear, patience,
Good luck, happiness, to find your destiny.
Throw you away regret
And believe in your bright dreams!

"Thank you" from the parents we want to say
Principal, teachers, all staff.
You helped us raise our children,
Unlock hidden potential.

We wish you good health
Patience, success and talented students.
Congratulations on the last call to everyone,
Parents, teachers, graduates!

Oh, how fresh the memories are -
The first call, a swarm of peanuts.
And the first homework
Above them tears in three streams at times ...
You have grown. All doors are closed.
Last call. And rush forward
you life train. Let dreams come true!
Let the guys, you are always lucky
In studies, in friendship, in new endeavors,
In love, of course. Well, graduates
You have baggage - acquired knowledge,
And you already without a parental hand
Carry it, multiply it diligently,
Without making greasy blots.
We will definitely help you with advice.
Let everything work out! We really believe in you!

Here is the school diary,
And today is a farewell solo
The last call will ring for you.
Goodbye dear school!

Walking this path step by step,
You have grown and formed
Before something sometimes shaded,
Something you comprehended jokingly.

Our lovely graduates
An exciting, new world awaits you.
But, in a hurry to open secrets,
Try not to forget the basics.

Our glorious teachers
Thank you for your hard work and patience.
You are on the school ship
Raised another generation.

And today, raising the sails,
Turning to their horizons,
Look into each other's eyes
Smile to each other, saying goodbye!

This holiday with sadness a little ...
On the big stepping road,
Graduate, never forget
Visit your teacher.

Thank you for your help and support.
For the fact that, in spite of and through stress,
From little boys and girls
You raised princes and princesses.

Thank you for your care and concern
For wisdom, for skills, love,
For restraint, patience and manners.
For what everyone understands without words.

More recently with tears of happiness
You, little ones, we led to the first class.
Now proudly stand before us -
Not children already, but graduates.

And we wish you an easier way
Find yourself and always be yourself
Go forward in life without being shy
And with a proudly raised head to the sky.

The last bell rang.
School, kids, it's time to say goodbye.
How childhood passed unnoticed
It's time for you to knock on the door of the adult world.

Confidence, courage to dare!
After all, how beautiful your next stage is.
Go ahead guys! Never give up!
Only the one who walks can master the difficult road.

We are grateful to all teachers
Director - for your tireless work.
We hope the graduates will glorify you
With his talent, bright, multifaceted.

Our dear children,
The bell rang for you
And now he invites you
Life for an adult is your lesson.

We wish you good luck
Strength to move forward
So that goodness and justice
You met on the way.

Let hope live in the hearts
And never goes out.
Well, we will always support
We will always be there!

I was not ready for such pressure from the parent committee and the school. In January, at a class meeting, we were told: “We need to come up with something unusual for the holiday, the children must remember this day.” And I don't mind at all that the day is remembered. Then, in winter, the last call to me (and to many parents in our class) was presented as a harmless scene at a school concert and a cheerful tea party in the class. And I thought: how great, the guys will spend the last day of study at the native walls of the school, talk enough, play board games ...

But how naive I was - I thought that there would be a scene and a tea party, but it turned out to be a real nightmare.

Endless discussions of flowers and gifts

Already at the first meeting after the new year, some parents too zealously began to discuss gifts. First, we decided to buy all the teachers a big bouquet roses, then agreed on a more modest proposal, but the physicist, physical education teacher and computer scientist were left out of work - the only male teachers. It was decided to give them bottles of cognac. Then one of the parents said that it was ugly to give teachers alcohol. We went over a dozen options: from a car air freshener with some soothing smell (it's a nervous job!) to some kind of master classes like skydiving.

The latter, however, we also quickly brushed aside, since this would hardly suit older teachers.

I don't remember what time I got home after parent meeting, but we still haven’t decided what to present to teachers. It took four more “gatherings” for the exhausted parents to agree to flowers and certificates for a cosmetics store for women and grocery baskets for men.

I was no longer present at the last meetings, I only watched with horror the correspondence in the parent chat. It seemed to go on 24/7 and there were so many messages that I had to turn off notifications for two weeks. Tell me, why, why all these gifts? Maybe I don't want to encourage anyone at all. Maybe half of the teachers constantly humiliated and bullied my child, and now I have to make offerings with a sugary smile. Fu, disgusting!

Why should a teacher receive flowers and money in an envelope for his work, but I don't?

And I still don't touch this. financial question. Not all parents who gave money for tutors and courses for a whole year have extra money for gifts and a holiday.

Concert preparation

The second moment that just pissed me off was the preparation of the concert by the children.

It would be nice to rehearse one or two numbers, but no. Teachers and some parents came up with an hour and a half concert with original songs and dances. And this meant only one thing: the children spent part of their precious time, which they could devote to preparing for the Unified State Examination, on learning the words to concert songs. You can not refuse - they will not understand. And I also didn’t want to swear at the end of my studies.

My son would be sitting at the test simulators now, and he disappears at rehearsals four times a week. As if preparing to enter the theater school ...

Parents' speech

And finally, the third, final chord of preparation - the performance of the parents at the concert. The fact that we, adults, also have to prepare some number for the last call, became known two weeks ago.

It's good that this will all be over soon. It remains to survive the exams and graduation, and then ... Then four more years of a quiet life await me. After all, my daughter is only in the seventh grade.


I remember, like recently,
With briefcases and with Primers,
Walking to school for the first time
They dreamed about their future.
Squeezing my hand tightly
My little one was so worried
And tears fell from my eyes
All the toys were left at home.
Time flew by so fast
And here you are all graduates,
This is how our kids have grown up.
You will become students.
So tall, so beautiful
Everyone has long had their dreams,
You made your plans
Are you ready for adulthood?
But, you know, for us you are the same
You are the same kids, kids,
We have hope in our hearts
That you stop growing.
Kids, we all wish you
Heights, conquer all peaks,
We want you to find happiness
And now, your last bell rings.
There will be no more lessons
You will sit at the desk for the last time,
But, you definitely won’t forget the school,
You will keep the moments in your hearts.
Well, what about our dear children,
We wish you a good journey
You are beautiful, talented and magnificent,
Let not sadness disturb your soul!

School, dear, dear,
How sad to leave
So many years of memories
We will keep in our hearts.

Goodbye dear school
You were like a home to our children,
Raised them, trained them
To adult and big life.

Thanks a lot teachers
For what you taught our children
Not only read, write and count,
But also to be a person in this World!

So many years have passed, and everything seems like only yesterday, our timid and blushing kids went to first grade. Now it's time to say goodbye to school and your favorite teachers, but don't be sad, everything is just beginning and all your expectations will be justified. Life will be whatever you want, it all depends on you, your perseverance and desire. Do not give up in the face of difficulties, and everything will work out! I would like to say a special thank you to your school parents- to your esteemed teachers, for their support, cordiality, wisdom and patience!

I remember how I led you
Hand in hand in first class
How much worried
You are at school for the first time.

As in the first line
I looked at you...
And it's school time
It flew by so fast!

character now
I see manifestation:
Confident attitude
And someone to become aspiration.

I, son, are like a mother to you
I will only say one thing:
Whatever your path
I will support you.

On a May day, the school gathered us
We celebrate the last call
Putting aside worries and deeds,
We heartily congratulate the children,
And for us, parents, now,
This day will be remembered forever
Teachers, we honor you all,
We are eternally grateful to you!

Last call
rang for you
Becoming a point in the school story,
The time has come to step over the threshold
You sons and daughters.
The school has collected knowledge baggage for you,
You will need it on the way
We want to choose our own paths
And they deserve to be passed.
Last call -
Start in adult life
Have a nice journey
Fly forward, invisibly with you
The parents will go.

We are gathered here today
Let's look at the children together
And it's hard to know
What girls, what guys.

Here our children waved,
What can I say - graduates!
And for the last time today
Hear school bells.

Let fate only care for them
Let life not be boring
And always kept in the heart
This school spring!

You children grew up so fast
The bell rings for the last time
But remember, like yesterday, as if,
We brought you to the first class.

Let the doors be open
You in happiness, joy and dream,
We wish you good luck
And appease fate with laughter.

Let there, behind the school gate,
Fortune and success await you,
May all wishes come true
And there will be less interference.

You are rooting for our children
Sometimes stronger than all of us.
You warm them with kindness and care.
The verse doesn't convey that much.

Parents are friendly to you, bowing,
Thanks for the year they say.
We are happy that teachers
They burn with their hearts for the guys.

Today our children have become
Graduates in their native school,
And the way has opened before you
Successful, joyful and new!

Parents want to congratulate
Say how pleased we are with you
Though sometimes it wasn't easy
We are proud of our graduates.

Bow to you low, teachers,
You spared no effort
Worried about all the children
We were helped and cared for.

Thanks to our main school,
Painfully dear to your walls,
Let it fill up faster
Cheerful laughter of first-graders!

Today our children will close the school doors,
And say goodbye to their teachers
You were kids, how quickly you matured,
We wish you success in your adult life.

Sometimes it will be difficult, but do not be discouraged,
Go slowly through life with a smile
But don't forget about your parents
And go to school - after all, you are always welcome there!

My son has his last call. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the deadline. The feeling that this deadline is mine. Not his. Well, that's right, I need it to make him look decent - white shirt, suit, boots, socks (black!).

He doesn't care about any of this. He is fun and wonderful. His deadlines will come a little later: May 28, June 1, June 6 and beyond - graduation. USE. Fear and horror. through which to pass. And get out. Preferably a winner. Okay, let not the winner, but the winner of the second tier. Okay, maybe not a winner at all, but for sure - with minimal losses.

It will be necessary not to forget to say about it: that in which case - God is with him, with the exam. I have already laid straws, telling about my deuce in philosophy, which I got slapped at the institute for the answer on the topic "Marxist-Leninist doctrine." Who now, besides me, remembers that teaching?

Deadline tomorrow. We were preparing yesterday. They barely found new black socks - they all came across some unthinkable colors. Unpacked new white shirt. The suit was previously updated at the dry cleaners. They chose a tie - finally, the burgundy silk bow tie, which he was presented with about three years ago, found a use for itself.

Got dressed. The jacket (without a reminder) is fastened with only one top button. The arrows on the trousers are perfectly straight and sharp (of course - I ironed them myself). Looks in the mirror. Laden. Built. Handsome. A smile on his face from ear to ear. With a gesture of Andrei Mironov, he throws back his bangs and gallantly offers me his arm bent at the elbow. And with the words: "Oh, okay, it's impossible for me to get hot. Is that all? Can I get dressed normally?" runs off to his room.

I’m getting ready too, for the hundredth time I promise myself not to cry tomorrow. And I will not.

All grandmothers have been notified and, of course, they will come. Dad will also be, agreed, moved the meeting at work. When our child went to first grade, we also all saw him off together. He was so solemn then. No, I will not remember how he went to first grade, how small he was, and how huge his backpack was. Where did that baby go? Okay, I promised not to cry.

Tomorrow is the deadline. (To be more precise, already today - well, what decent mother sleeps at night before the last call of her son or daughter?) I, probably, like all mothers of graduates, will pray and ask the Lord for them all. For our sons and daughters. For graduates, students, schoolchildren, kids. For everyone. May they be healthy. Let them live in a divine way, in conscience, in peace and harmony. May their dreams come true. Let us, their parents, have a reason to be proud of them. God bless them!

Deadline in the morning. I think I have waterproof mascara lying around somewhere. Yes, and we still need to find valerian. I promised myself not to cry.

Tomorrow the last bell will ring in schools. This day can be deservedly called a holiday of the outgoing childhood, farewell to a certain stage of life and a meeting with an unknown future. In order to make the last call one of the most colorful and highlights for the entire school life, take advantage of our ideas.

So, website tells how to make the holiday unforgettable.

1. Girls can wear a line from the times of the Soviet Union: a short dark dress with a white collar and a white apron, and also tie white bows on their heads. Young men of all times wear strict suits on this day.

2. Be sure not to forget to say "thank you" to the teacher. It is necessary to sincerely thank the teachers for the knowledge invested in you and, of course, a piece of the soul. They will be extremely pleased, especially since they certainly deserve kind words.

3. Give parting words to first-graders. After all, today's graduates solemnly introduced them to the school as their future shift, and now the time has come to wish the kids success in their future studies.

4. Prepare a holiday concert. Sing a song about last call, dance the school waltz. Let this be a rehearsal before prom.

5. It has already become traditional to bathe in the fountain. Therefore, do not change this tradition and take a dip in the nearest city fountain. After all, even law enforcement turn a blind eye to this on a day like this.

6. Write a wish on the graduation ribbon. As a rule, all graduates put on a special ribbon for the last bell. But in order for the ribbon to become not only a decoration and a kind of identifier, but also a memorable souvenir, it can be used as a material on which we recommend writing wishes to your classmates.

7. If you have sympathy among classmates, the last call is exactly the time when you can talk about your feelings. What if they are mutual?

8. In the evening, you can launch sky lanterns after writing your wishes and dreams on them. It will look insanely beautiful and it will also bring your class together even more.

9. Another idea to make the day unforgettable is to create a "time capsule". To do this, take a bottle, a jar, a box in which everyone should put some of their own thing (small). And you can also put a disk with a video recording of your school days and wishes to things. Then close the container and bury it. In 20 years, get together and dig up a "valuable artifact." You'll see, it's going to be a lot of fun.

10. Well, and finally, what needs to be done is to meet the dawn on the embankment. This is also the tradition of the last call.

Step with confidence into your future, where you have to start a new life filled with interesting events! Have a fun and unforgettable Last Call!
