Parent meeting for parents of the preparatory group "Kindergarten and parents are equal partners" ("Children and parents at the school start"). material (preparatory group) on the topic


Date: October 2014

Target: establishing partnerships with the family of each pupil on the issue of preparing for school.
1. Establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, create an atmosphere of common interests and emotional mutual support.

2 . To increase the literacy of parents in the field of developmental pedagogy, to awaken their interest and desire to participate in the upbringing and development of their child.
3. To instill in parents the habit of being interested in teachers in the process of child development in various activities.

Conduct form: consultation
Literature on the topic of the meeting;
Multimedia equipment for performances by teachers and parents;
reminder for parents
Members: speech therapist, senior educator, group educators, parents.
Preliminary work:
Excursion of children to school;
Questionnaire "Child's readiness for school".
Exhibition of methodological literature on the topic of the meeting, workbooks, products of productive activities;
Preparing parents for a speech on the exchange of experience in family education.

Meeting progress:

Nevteeva S.V. Here it comes - Last year before your child enters school. In any family, this year is filled not only with pleasant worries and expectations, but with a mass of unusual problems and anxieties. Of course, you are full of desire that your baby not only study well, but also remain healthy, successful person. It depends on how we deal responsibly with this issue during this year. “There is still a whole year before school!” - we often hear from you, and we answer “There is only one year before school”, how much more needs to be done, in time, if we want the child to learn easily and be healthy at the same time. Every family, sending a child to school for the first time, wants the child to study well and behave perfectly.

But, as you know, not all children study well and not all are conscientious about their duties. In many ways, the reason depends on the insufficient preparation of the child for school.

Before you and before us now is an important, responsible task - to prepare the child for school.


Yes, because at school from the very first day a child encounters many difficulties.

For him it will start new life, the first worries, responsibilities will appear:

a) independently dress, wash;

b) listen carefully and hear;

c) correctly speak and understand what is said to him;

d) sit quietly for 45 minutes;

d) be careful;

e) be able to do homework independently.

It is very important from the first days to arouse the child's interest in school, to instill in him the desire to complete each task as best as possible, to work hard and perseveringly.

Note that if a student's learning is successful, then he studies willingly and vice versa, failure causes a reluctance to study, go to school, fear of difficulties. This failure weakens the already weak will of the child. We adults know by ourselves what a great stimulus in work is success, how it inspires us, how we want to work more.

To prepare children well for schooling means, as some parents think, to teach children to read and write. But it's not! Reading and writing will be taught at school by teachers - specialists who know the methodology. It is important to prepare the child for school physically and psychologically, socially. How to do this, we will tell you at today's meeting.

From the first days, the school will present the child with "rules for students" that he must comply with.

Therefore, you, parents, should now pay serious attention to their upbringing:

a) obedience

b) restraint;

c) polite attitude towards people;

d) the ability to behave culturally in the society of children and adults.

Stydova O.N. will tell you how to form these qualities:

In order to cultivate obedience in a child, it is necessary to systematically, day after day, without raising the tone, without losing patience, to get the child to fulfill all the requirements of adults with one word, if the child does not succeed, you need to show him, teach him, but do not scold or shout. If we entrust some business, it is necessary for the child to bring it to the end, to control it. No word "I do not want and I will not".


I. Tolya, coming home from school, almost never knows what the teacher explained, what she asked for at home. And often mom has to cope with other kids.

II. Mom calls Lenya home. "Lenya! Go home!". And he's playing relentlessly. "Lenya! Are you listening or not?" And Lenya is still imperturbable, as if what was said applies to him. And only when he hears menacing: “Well, well! Just come and you will! He turns his head "well - now! I hear!

These are Leni, Toli, in the class they don’t react in any way to the words of the teacher, doing something else that is not related to the lesson. They do not get textbooks on time, do not open them for desired page, do not hear explanations, do not know how to perform this or that exercise. Solve examples, do not hear and homework. Sometimes such a student is genuinely surprised: “I didn’t hear what you said,” he says. He did not hear, not because he did not want to, but because he was not taught to listen, hear and immediately follow the instructions of adults with one word. If the child is often distracted, then you need to attract his attention, and then give instructions: “Listen to what I say.”

An example of restraint:

Lena came home from school upset. At school, her teacher punished her. According to her, she did nothing wrong, only when they solved the examples, she could not resist and loudly said as much as she could. Why couldn't she control her impulses?

Children preschool age mobile, restless. Therefore, it is important before school to develop in them the habit of restraint, the ability to inhibit feelings, desire, if they are contrary to the interests of others.


The mother inspires the child: “While the grandmother is sleeping, you play calmly, do not knock, speak in a whisper.” Very often, children enter into a conversation with adults, teach them restraint. Yes, because from early childhood, her parents paid little attention to her behavior, did not stop her when she interrupted the speech of the speakers, intervened. By this, we brought up discipline, a general culture of behavior, self-control.

These qualities will be required not only in school for successful learning, but also in life, in the family.

If you want your child to be polite, modest, respectful with adults and children, it is not enough for him to say "Be polite", "Behave modestly, decently."

He may not understand these words "politeness, modesty, respectfulness."

He may not even know their meaning.

He needs to instill the rules of courtesy:

  1. Greet, say goodbye to adults, relatives, neighbors, in the garden, in in public places;
  2. Apologize, thank for the service;
  3. Address all adults as "you";
  4. Respect the work of adults: when entering the premises, wipe your feet, do not spoil your clothes, clean up your clothes, toys, books;
  5. Do not interfere in the conversation of adults;
  6. Do not make noise if someone is resting or sick at home or with neighbors;
  7. Do not run, jump, or shout in public places;
  8. Be polite on the street: speak quietly, do not attract the attention of others;
  9. To give thanks for the food, to render a feasible service to adults, to offer a chair, to give way, to skip forward an adult.

You must know:

Strongest the right way teaching politeness in children is a good example of the parents themselves. First of all, adults themselves need to be polite to each other.

Do not pull him unnecessarily, do not punish in the presence of strangers. baby heart very sensitive and vulnerable, it is important that at an early age the child’s heart does not have scars from undeserved insults, from disappointment in people he trusts

Do not allow persuasion and begging. The child must know the word is impossible, and obey it.

Do not forget:

Praise and condemnation are powerful educational tools. But you need to praise carefully, otherwise conceit may develop.

Watch your actions and words.

Don't take it out on the children, restrain yourself.

By your own behavior, show your children examples of modesty, honesty, goodwill towards people.

Then it will be possible to say with confidence that you will bring up in your child all the qualities that he will need at school and in life.

I said this about the role of parents in preparing children for school.

All educational work of the kindergarten is aimed at the comprehensive preparation of the child for schooling.

Kindergarten fosters interest in school, the desire to learn.

In kindergarten they bring up: independence, diligence, discipline, neatness, a sense of friendship, camaraderie.

Children receive knowledge mother tongue, mathematics, modeling, drawing.

Children are taught to listen carefully, to understand adults, to be diligent, attentive in the classroom.

In conclusion, I can cite the words of Ushinsky.

“Do not think that you bring up a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How you dress, how you talk to other people and about other people, how you are happy or sad, how you treat friends and enemies, how you laugh, read the newspaper - all this is of great importance for a child. The slightest changes the child sees and feels.

Nevteeva S.V. : Currently, there is a large selection of literature on sale with specially selected texts and tasks, thanks to which the child will be able to develop speech skills.

1.Story by picture. The child is shown a picture, he must clearly name everything that is shown on it, answer the questions of an adult, and then make up a short story based on the picture. The picture should be plot and like the child. The more questions you can ask, the better. Starting from the age of three, a child should gradually learn complex conjunctions, adverbs and interrogative words ("if then", "because", "because of", "which", "because", "where", "to whom", " whom", "how much", "why", "why", "how", "to", "in what", "although", etc.).

2. Learning poetry contributes to the development of intonational expressiveness. At first, the adult reads the text several times, trying to arrange the intonational shades as correctly as possible so that the child likes the poem and can similarly reproduce it. You can ask the child to play the poem a little louder, quieter, faster, slower.

3. Reading at night plays an important role in the development of a child's speech, he learns new words, turns, develops speech hearing. Remember to keep your pronunciation crisp, clear and expressive. Lullabies and nursery rhymes also enrich the child's vocabulary, they are easier to remember.

4. Sayings and tongue twisters contribute to the improvement of diction and the development of the speech apparatus. Even a child with a developed speech, repeating tongue twisters will only benefit.

5. Guessing riddles forms the ability to analyze and generalize, teaches children to draw conclusions, develops creative thinking. Do not forget to explain the riddles to the child, explaining that, for example, “thousand clothes” are cabbage leaves. If the child guesses riddles with difficulty, then help him. For example, guess a riddle and show a few pictures, among which he can choose a hidden object. As an option for playing riddles - guessing literary characters: describe the hero of a fairy tale, lay out books and the child chooses the right one.

The level of speech development and the development of the muscles of the fingers are closely related to each other. . If the development of finger movements corresponds to age, then speech development is within the normal range. If the development of the fingers lags behind, then speech development is also delayed.

That is why the training of the child's fingers not only prepares the hand for writing, but also contributes to the development of his speech, increasing the level of intelligence. Will tell about it Avdeeva I.N.:

- Difficulties in writing are connected, first of all, not with the writing of the elements itself, but with the unpreparedness of children for this activity. When learning to write, the development of fine motor skills plays an important role. How better baby knows how to make, draw, cut, the easier he masters the skills of writing. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the development of motor skills: teach the baby to sculpt figures from plasticine, string beads on a string, make applications, and assemble a mosaic. It is very good if the child is engaged in sewing. Drawing classes are also useful, especially coloring. In preparation for school, children learn to sit at the table correctly, place a notebook in front of them, and hold a pen. Under the guidance of the teacher, we try to draw elements of letters in the air above the notebook. This exercise promotes the development of coordination of movements. Initial writing skills - mastering the directions of pen movement: drawing lines up, down, right, left. Children draw patterns on the cells and paint over them with colored pencils. A simple and effective way to prepare your hand for writing is to trace pictures along dotted lines. Children really like these tasks, because. train the small muscles of the hand, make its movements strong and coordinated.

Here are some development exercises fine motor skills hands:

1. Exercises with a pencil

  • Put the pencil on the table. The child gently rotates the pencil with his thumb and forefinger with each hand separately.
  • With one hand, the child holds a pencil, and with the index and middle fingers of the other hand “goes along the pencil”.
  • Pencil rolling. The pencil is held in the palms of both hands and rolled between them. Remember how they roll the well-known "sausage" from the dough.

2. Exercises with beads

  • A variety of stringing develops the hand very well. To string everything is possible: buttons, beads, horns and pasta, drying, etc. When performing such a task, it is important that the child not only correctly threads the thread into the holes of the beads, but also follows a certain sequence of stringing the beads.
  • Shifting beads with tweezers.

You will need: tweezers, a cup with beads, an empty cup.

The child takes the tweezers and, carefully grabbing the beads from the cup, transfers them to another dish.

The exercise can be made more difficult by transferring the beads into a container with cells. When the form is filled, with the help of tweezers, the beads are transferred back to the cup. There should be exactly as many beads as there are cells in the form.

In addition to training the coordination of the fingers, this exercise develops concentration and trains internal control.

3. Exercises with plasticine

Plasticine is a great material for classes. Sculpting is very good for the development of fine motor skills.

To begin with, it is useful to simply crush the plasticine in your hands, roll it out in different ways: with a sausage or a ball.

Note! A child with weak tone in the arms and shoulder girdle will very quickly begin to use body weight to knead plasticine - he will lean with his whole body. Rolling the ball between the palms, the little student will try to fix his elbows on the table, otherwise he will quickly get tired. In this case, do not perform exercises with plasticine at the table, but put the child on a stool in front of you and show him the actions: roll the ball between the palms, do it in front of you, above your head, squeeze this ball between the palms, roll the sausage between the palms, squeeze it between palms, etc.

The basics of mathematical knowledge necessary for future first-graders are also received by children in the classroom. They study numbers, learn to count up to 10, both forward and backward, solve simple problems.

Teaching a child to count, as well as reading and writing, is carried out in a playful way.

A number is an abstract concept, so we start by learning a simple account. At first, the child masters the concepts of "many", "few", "one", "several", as well as "more", "less" and "equally". For better memory use visual pictures.

Also, future students get acquainted with geometric shapes, learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, as well as compare two objects in size.

Count with him how many apples are in the basket, how many spoons are on the table, etc. When reading fairy tales with numerals, take a few circles or sticks and let the child count the characters as they read. Ask him to come up with a fairy tale and count the characters. Thus, the child develops the basics of mathematical skills.

Nevteeva S.V. :The new conditions in which the first-grader finds himself require a response from him - new forms of behavior, certain efforts and skills. The course of the adaptation period and the subsequent development of the student depends on how ready the child is for schooling.

It is clear that a child who has come to school having learned to read, with well-developed skills of polite behavior, and sufficiently developed physically, will endure the stresses of the adaptation period of the first school days much easier. Therefore, it is important to organize the preparation and upbringing of children in the family in such a way as to minimize physical and mental complications in the state of the child's health, which may occur during the period of adaptation to school.

Changing the child's lifestyle upon admission to the first grade leads to new stresses on his physical and emotional state. Adaptation of the child to new conditions of life is inevitable. But parents are able to make this process as painless as possible.

Therefore, parents can be advised: do not prioritize only the purely practical training of the child. Remember the importance of social skills: the ability to communicate, make friends, defend your interests.

Speech of the educator Gashchuk T.I.

School readiness is assessed on present stage development of psychology as a complex characteristic of the child, which reveals the levels of development of psychological qualities, which are the most important prerequisites for normal inclusion in a new social environment and for the formation of educational activities.
Physiological readiness of the child for school.
This aspect means that the child must be physically ready for school. That is, the state of his health should allow him to successfully complete the educational program. Physiological readiness implies the development of fine motor skills (fingers), coordination of movement. The child must know in which hand and how to hold the pen. And also, when a child enters the first grade, he must know, observe and understand the importance of observing basic hygiene standards: the correct posture at the table, posture, etc.
Psychological readiness of the child for school.
The psychological aspect includes three components: intellectual readiness, personal and social, emotional-volitional.
1. Intellectual readiness to school means:
- by the first grade, the child should have a stock of certain knowledge (we will talk about them below);
- he must navigate in space, that is, know how to get to school and back, to the store, and so on;
- the child should strive to acquire new knowledge, that is, he should be inquisitive;
- development of memory, speech, thinking should be age-appropriate.
2. Personal and social readiness implies the following:
- the child must be sociable, that is, be able to communicate with peers and adults; aggression should not be shown in communication, and when quarreling with another child, he should be able to evaluate and look for a way out of a problem situation; the child must understand and recognize the authority of adults;
- tolerance; this means that the child must adequately respond to constructive comments from adults and peers;
- moral development, the child must understand what is good and what is bad;
- the child must accept the task set by the teacher, listening carefully, clarifying unclear points, and after completing it, he must adequately evaluate his work, admit his mistakes, if any.
3. Emotional-volitional readiness child to school involves:
- understanding by the child why he goes to school, the importance of learning;
- interest in learning and acquiring new knowledge;
- the ability of the child to perform a task that he does not quite like, but this is required by the curriculum;
- perseverance - the ability to listen carefully to an adult for a certain time and perform tasks without being distracted by extraneous objects and affairs.
4. Cognitive readiness child to school.
This aspect means that the future first grader must have a certain set of knowledge and skills that will be needed for successful schooling. So, what should a child of six or seven years old know and be able to do?
1) Attention.
. Do something without distraction for twenty to thirty minutes.
. Find similarities and differences between objects, pictures.
. To be able to perform work according to a model, for example, accurately reproduce a pattern on your sheet of paper, copy human movements, and so on.
. It is easy to play mindfulness games where quick reaction is required. For example, name a living creature, but discuss the rules before the game: if a child hears a pet, then he should clap his hands, if it is wild, knock his feet, if a bird, wave his hands.
2) Mathematics.
. Numbers from 0 to 10.
. Count up from 1 to 10 and count down from 10 to 1.
. Arithmetic signs: "", "", "=".
. Dividing a circle, a square in half, four parts.
. Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper: “to the right, to the left, above, below, above, below, behind, etc.
3) Memory.
. Memorization of 10-12 pictures.
. Telling rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, fairy tales, etc. from memory.
. Retelling of the text from 4-5 sentences.
4) Thinking.
. Finish the sentence, for example, “The river is wide, but the stream ...”, “The soup is hot, but the compote ...”, etc.
. Find an extra word from a group of words, for example, “table, chair, bed, boots, armchair”, “fox, bear, wolf, dog, hare”, etc.
. Determine the sequence of events, so that first, and what - then.
. Find inconsistencies in drawings, verses-fictions.
. Putting together puzzles without the help of an adult.
. Fold out of paper together with an adult, a simple object: a boat, a boat.
5) Fine motor skills.
. It is correct to hold a pen, pencil, brush in your hand and adjust the force of their pressure when writing and drawing.
. Color objects and hatch them without going beyond the outline.
. Cut with scissors along the line drawn on the paper.
. Run applications.
6) Speech.
. Make sentences from several words, for example, cat, yard, go, sunbeam, play.
. Understand and explain the meaning of proverbs.
. Compose a coherent story based on a picture and a series of pictures.
. Expressively recite poems with the correct intonation.
. Distinguish letters and sounds in words.
7) The world around.
. Know the basic colors, domestic and wild animals, birds, trees, mushrooms, flowers, vegetables, fruits and so on.
. Name the seasons, natural phenomena, migratory and wintering birds, months, days of the week, your last name, first name and patronymic, the names of your parents and their place of work, your city, address, what professions are.
Speech by a teacher-speech therapist / Sharapova O.A. /
The main task of educators and parents in preparing children for school is precisely the development of the child's speech.
If a child confuses sounds in pronunciation, he will confuse them in writing. He also mixes words that differ only in these sounds: varnish - cancer, heat - ball,
glad - a row, a gap - a goal, etc. That is why great attention should be paid to the development of phonemic processes. A phoneme (sound) is the smallest meaningful part of a word. We draw your attention to the fact that you do not confuse the sound and the letter!

1. Sounds we hear and pronounce;

2. we denote the sounds of speech in writing with letters;

3. letters we write, see and read.

We recommend that preschoolers who cannot read call letters like sounds, without an overtone [E]: not “be”, “ve”, but [b] [c].
One letter can represent different sounds (hard or soft).
The ability to distinguish between phonemes is the basis of the basics: understanding the speech of another person, and controlling your own speech, and literate writing in the future.
In parallel with the correction of sound pronunciation, the speech therapist implements the following tasks:
development of articulatory, fine and general motor skills;
formation of phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills;
vocabulary enrichment;
formation of the grammatical structure of speech;
development of coherent speech;
literacy training.
Reading is the initial step in the school teaching of the native language.
But before you start reading, you need to teach the child to listen to what sounds words consist of, to teach the sound analysis of words, that is, to name in order the sounds that they consist of.
It is very important to teach a child to consciously isolate sounds from a word, to determine the place of a sound in a word, for successful preparation for schooling.
In order to solve this problem, we offer games to distinguish sound from a number of vowel sounds, syllables and words, for example: “Grabs”, “Catch the sound”,
“Pick the word on the contrary”, “Continue the word”,
In literacy classes, we teach children to characterize vowels and consonants, and learn to designate them on cards, the vowel in red, the hard consonant in blue, the soft consonant in green. I offer you word parsing schemes. Especially for you, we have developed a scheme for acquaintance with the sounds of speech and a scheme for their analysis. Simultaneously with the sound analysis of the word, we use the letter spelling. The game "Cryptors" helps us with this.

Kurlaeva I.I., a parent of the preparatory group, will share her experience in preparing children at home.: I wanted to tell the main points of interaction with the child at home in the process of preparing the child for school. The main condition is the constant cooperation of the child with other family members.

The next condition successful upbringing and development is the development of the child's ability to overcome difficulties. It is important to teach children to finish what they started. Many parents understand how important it is to make the child want to learn, so they tell the child about the school, about the teachers and about the knowledge acquired at school. All this causes a desire to learn, creates a positive attitude towards school. Next, you need to prepare the preschooler for the inevitable difficulties in learning. The awareness of the surmountability of these difficulties helps the child to correctly relate to his possible failures. We must understand that the main importance in preparing a child for school is his own activity. Therefore, our role in preparing a child for schooling should not be limited to verbal instructions; we lead, encourage, organize classes, games, child's feasible work.

Another necessary condition for preparing for school and the comprehensive development of the child (physical, mental, moral) is the experience of success. We create for the child such conditions of activity in which he will definitely meet with success. But, success must be real, and praise deserved.

When raising and teaching a child, one should not turn classes into something boring, unloved, imposed by adults and not needed by the child himself. Communication with parents, including joint activities, should give the child pleasure and joy. Therefore, it is very important that we know about the passion of children. Any joint activity is the unity of a child and an adult into one whole. Engage with children always, at any time, answer questions, craft, draw. Satisfy their curiosity, experiment at home, in nature, in the kitchen.

I would like to talk about the evening reading of books, we have this evening ritual, without which children do not fall asleep. You know the child and his need to be read to, even if he has already learned to read on his own, must be satisfied. After reading, we talk about what and how each child understood. This teaches the child to analyze the essence of what he read, to educate the child morally, and in addition, to teach coherent, consistent speech, to consolidate new words in the dictionary. After all, the more perfect the child's speech, the more successful his schooling will be. Also, in shaping the culture of children's speech, the example of parents is of great importance. When preparing for school, it is important to teach the child to compare, contrast, draw conclusions and generalizations. To do this, a preschooler must learn to listen carefully to a book, an adult's story, to correctly and consistently express his thoughts, to correctly build sentences.

Don't forget about the game. The development of thinking and speech largely depends on the level of development of the game, so let your child play enough in preschool childhood. And how children love it when we play with them!

Thus, as a result of our efforts, our child studies successfully in elementary school, participates in various activities, and goes in for sports.

Leading:So, there is not much time left before school. Use the ego in such a way that your child will have fewer problems at school during this difficult period for him.

The general orientation of children in the world around them and the assessment of the stock of everyday knowledge in future first-graders is made according to the answers to the following questions
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. What are your parents' names?
4. Where do they work and by whom?
5. What is the name of the city where you live?
6. What river flows in our village?
7. State your home address.
8. Do you have a sister, brother?
9. How old is she (he)?
10. How much is she (he) younger (older) than you?
11. What animals do you know? Which of them are wild, domestic?
12. At what time of the year do leaves appear on trees, and at what time do they fall?
13. What is the name of the time of the day when you wake up, have dinner, get ready for bed?
14. How many seasons do you know?
15. How many months are there in a year and what are they called?
16. Where is the right (left) hand?
17. Read the poem.
18. Knowledge of mathematics:
- count to 10 (20) and back
- comparison of groups of objects by number (more - less)
- solving addition and subtraction problems

10 tips for parents to protect their children

  • Teach them never to talk to strangers when you're not around.
  • Teach them never to open the door to anyone unless there is an adult at home.
  • Teach them never to give information about themselves and their family over the phone or say that they are home alone.
  • Teach them never to get into a car with anyone unless you and your child have made prior arrangements to do so.
  • Teach them, from an early age, that they have the right to say "NO" to any adult.
  • Teach them that they should always let you know where they are going when they are about to return and call you on the phone if their plans suddenly change.
  • Teach them, if they sense danger, to run as fast as they can.
  • Teach them to avoid deserted places.
  • Set the boundaries of the neighborhoods in which they can walk.
  • Remember that strict adherence to the "curfew" (the time the child returns home) is one of the most effective ways protect yourself from the dangers that children are exposed to late at night

Scenario of a parent meeting with parents of a group preparatory to school on the topic: “A child on the threshold of school”

Author: Askarova Ilmira Rashitovna, senior educator of the joint venture "Kindergarten" Laysan "GBOU secondary school with. New Usmanovo
Description of work: I offer you a script for a parent meeting on the topic: "A child on the threshold of school." This material will be useful to senior educators, educators of the group preparatory to school, as well as parents of preschool graduates.
Target: Increasing the competence of parents on the psychological, pedagogical and social preparation of the child for schooling. Improving the system of joint activities of the family and preschool institutions aimed at preparing children for schooling.
1. Involve parents in the process of defining the concept of “Child ready for school”.
2. Optimization of the efforts of the family and the preschool organization to prepare the child for systematic schooling.
Preliminary work:
1. Preparation of invitations for parents of pupils of the preparatory group for school.
2. Preparation of memos for the parents of pupils.
3. Questioning of parents of pupils.
4. Conducting a survey with children "Do I want to go to school."
5. Parent Survey: What questions would you like to ask at the parent meeting.
6. Exhibition of literature and didactic aids preparing children for school.

Event progress.

Hello dear parents. We invited you for mutual communication, exchange of experience, feelings, feelings. Your children will soon be seven years old, preschool childhood will end and a new important stage of personality formation will begin with strict systematic training, with a five-point assessment of success. Each of you is experiencing and now I would like to determine the degree of your concern about the upcoming schooling.
There are cards on your tables. Hold up a card in a color that reflects how anxious you are about the upcoming school life child (black - strong, blue - moderate, green - absent).
Question to those who raised the black card: On whom or what does normalization depend on in order to improve your well-being?
Discussion questions:
1. What do you think will ensure the child's success in school?
2. What contributes most to the desire to learn?
Choose the top five things that make a child ready for school. Rank them in order of importance.
- physical health;
- developed intellect;
- the ability to communicate and the ability to interact with peers and adults;
- ability to count and read;
- endurance and performance;
- accuracy and discipline;
- good memory and attention;

Initiative, will and ability to act independently.
So, let's talk about the readiness of the child for school. The first one is personal. In other words, this is the child's attitude to school, to learning activities, to himself. In psychology, there is such a concept - motivation - an incentive to act, the reason why a person acts this way and not otherwise. Your children answered the question “Do I want to go to school?” Children's answers are considered. The correct answer is that a child who is attracted to school not by its external side (uniform, portfolio, textbooks, notebooks) is ready for schooling, but by the opportunity to acquire new knowledge.
Moving on to the next aspect - emotional and volitional readiness. It is very important in children to develop emotional stability, but equally important is willpower. The child should have a complex of volitional qualities, without which he will not be able to fulfill the teacher's tasks for a long time, not be distracted in the lesson, and bring the matter to the end. Consider the situation and think about whether the mother is doing the right thing. Six-year-old Anton is an active boy. He does not like games and activities that require attention, perseverance. And now I drew a picture, without trying, although I can draw better. Mom, seeing the drawing, says: "Well done." And Anton, rejoicing at the fact that he was praised, again draws a drawing no better than before. Mom continues to praise him, thinking about his shortcomings. If only he was busy with something. Parents are discussing. Strong-willed readiness of the future first grader should be given serious attention. After all, hard work awaits him, he will need the ability to do not only what he wants, but what is required. By the end of preschool age, the child is able to set a goal, make a decision, outline a plan of action, execute, implement it, show a certain effort in the process of overcoming an obstacle, evaluate the result of his volitional action. It happens that a child makes an effort of will to receive a reward, this technique can sometimes be used, but not abused.
Another equally important readiness – intellectual. I suggest you consider and arrange in order of importance the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a future first grader.
- ability to analyze;
- the ability to compose a story from a picture;
- broad outlook;
- ability to read;
- the ability to establish causal relationships;
- the ability to draw conclusions;
- large vocabulary;
- ability to read;
- ability to generalize;
- ability to solve arithmetic problems;
Before the start of our meeting, you prepared the questions that interest you. Now we will try to understand them and answer these questions.
1. How often and how much time should I spend preparing for school at home?
No more than 30 minutes, with short breaks, 2-3 times a week.
2. Is it necessary to teach a child to read?
If the child has a desire to add syllables, do not forbid. It is advisable to focus on the following tasks: determining the position of a sound in a word, dividing words into syllables, determining softness, sonority of sounds, etc. d.
3. The child does not show initiative to study at home, what should I do?
Offer your child a small amount of classes - no more than 5 minutes. Conduct all classes in a playful way: add syllables and words from pasta, count bubble, solve problems using real objects, fruits and vegetables, write letters to fairy tale characters. Encourage independence, non-standard thinking of the child. Help to hold a pencil, a pen correctly.
4. What benefits are better to choose for homework?
We advise you to choose author's manuals, decorated with drawings, with large print, clearly stated tasks for the development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, with fun tasks, puzzles, prescriptions. In addition, in our hallway, in the “Getting Ready for School” corner, you can always find information, tasks, games that you can play at home.
Summing up the results of the parent meeting.
At home, you should continue to prepare your child for school, but without overloading him. Two exercises, fun tasks, an element graphic dictation. After a short lesson, act out a situation that can happen to your child, discuss it, help draw the right conclusions.
You can suggest at the end of the meeting to use the technique " Helpful advice».
Each participant in the meeting receives a card in which he writes advice to the teacher or other participants in the meeting. Advice can be given in a humorous, aphoristic form.
Distribution of reminders.

Wishes to parents in the process of preparing a child for school

Engage with your child systematically (2-3 times a week), it is advisable to conduct classes at the same time.
The duration of each lesson for children 6-7 years old is no more than 30 minutes.
It is better to draw (write), read, paint, sculpt, cut, glue at the table. You can practice for 10-15 minutes at the table, 10-15 minutes - on the rug. This allows you to change your posture, relieves muscle tension.
Do not exercise with your child if he is not feeling well or is actively withdrawing from activities.
Start the session with your favorite or easy-to-do activities. This gives the child self-confidence.
Calmly, without irritation, treat the difficulties and failures of the child. Do not scold, do not shame the child for failures.
Encourage your child if something doesn't work out. Be patient and explain anything you don't understand.
Be sure to find something to praise your child for during each session.
Do not force the child to repeat the tasks that do not work out many times. In such cases, you should return to similar, but simpler tasks.

Memo for parents on preparing children for school

Avoid heavy loads on the child (several circles, sections and other activities).
Do not scare the child with school (“Here you go to school, they will show you there!”, “They will teach you how to behave!” And so on.).
Do not allow drastic changes in the child's life: in the internal structure of the house, the daily routine, the cancellation of any previously present entertainment of the child, communication with former friends, and so on. (during the transition from kindergarten to school).
In order to reduce difficulties in preparing lessons, when the child will already attend school - in advance (in preparatory group) prepare the child for them: regularly, at about the same time, do some activity (drawing, modeling, designing, educational games, etc.). This will develop perseverance, the habit of purposeful pursuits and, most importantly, voluntary behavior.
Optimize your parent-child relationship: it is necessary that the child grows up in an atmosphere of love, respect, and respect for his individual characteristics. Interest in his affairs and activities, confidence in his achievements; at the same time - exactingness and consistency in educational influences on the part of adults.
Also help to optimize the child's relationship with peers: if the child has difficulties in relations with them, you need to find out the reason and help the child gain confidence in the peer group.
Constantly expand and enrich the child's individual experience: the more varied the child's experience, the more varied his activities and the greater the basis for active independent action, therefore. He has more opportunities to test his abilities and expand his ideas about himself (museums, theaters, circus, zoo; poems, fairy tales, children's songs, cartoons, children's films, etc.).
Contribute to the development of the ability to analyze the child's own experiences and the results of their actions and deeds: always positively evaluating the child's personality, it is necessary to evaluate the results of his actions together with him, to compare with the model. Find the causes of difficulties and errors and ways to correct them. At the same time, it is important to form in the child the confidence that he will cope with difficulties, achieve good success, he will succeed.
Think about what else your child may need and put it into practice, and if in doubt, come to the specialists and consult, even if it seems to you that it is not worth it.
Draft decision of the parent meeting
1. Combine the efforts of the family and the kindergarten in preparing children for school.
2. Contribute to the formation of the child's motivational readiness for school. Organize an excursion to the school with the children, visiting exhibitions in order to broaden their horizons, get acquainted with the school, the work of a teacher.
3. Play with children home games aimed at preparing for school
4. Take part with children in educational, aesthetic and sports activities.
Used Books:
1. Pavlov I.V. I want to learn! Parents about the psychological preparation of the child for school. St. Petersburg, Speech 2008.
2. Plotnikova N.V. How to teach a preschooler effective communication and positive self-esteem "I want and I can", St. Petersburg, 2011.
3. Rogov E. I. Handbook of a practical psychologist in education. M., 1996
4. Kurazheva N.Yu., Kozlova I.A. "Adventures of future first-graders" - St. Petersburg, 2007
5. Chibisova M.Yu., Pilipko N.V. "Psychologist at the parent meeting, M. Genesis, 2009

Parent meeting in the preparatory group.

Goals : expanding contact between educators and parents ; modeling of interaction prospects for a new academic year; improvement of pedagogical culture parents.

Tasks: introduce parents with the tasks and age characteristics of educational work, the tasks of a preschool institution for the new academic year; update the personal data of the families of pupils; teach parents observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace.

Conduct form: meeting.

Participants: educators, parents.

Implementation plan

1. Introductory part. Congratulation parents with the start of the school year.

2. Speech by the educator " Age features children 6-7 years old

3. Introducing parents

4. Viewing the presentation followed by a discussion on "Preparing children for school"

5. Miscellaneous.

Meeting progress:

parents come in, seated randomly. Everyone has a felt-tip pen, an autumn leaf, a questionnaire on the table.

Music is played, helping to relieve fatigue, setting up to work together. The tables are arranged in a semicircle. On the easel - a painted tree, on round table prepared suitcase.

1. Introduction

Educator. Good evening, dear parents ! We are very glad to see you in our cozy group ! Today we have a holiday. Try to guess which one. Our children were 6-7 years old, they moved tokindergarten preparatory group! Let's pass on our wishes to them.

Game "Wish"

Parents stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball around in a circle.

You roll, funny ball

Quick, quick hand.

Who has a funny ball

That wish will tell us.

2. Speech of the educator: "Age characteristics of children 6-7 years old"

Your child is 5-7 years old. He turned into a visionary that even Andersen would envy. The kid is ready to turn his fantasies into reality all day long. He believes in miracles and sees them everywhere. This is a very creative, exciting period in your child's life. It depends only on you that his non-standard logical thinking and imagination do not fade away, develop. Let there be a place in your house for both computer games and fairy tales invented by your children. Good luck to you!

motor skills

Between the ages of five and six, your child makes even greater advances in motor skills and strength. The speed of movements continues to increase, their coordination noticeably improves. Now he can already perform 2-3 types of motor skills simultaneously : run, catch the ball, dance. The child loves to run and compete. He can play sports games on the street for more than an hour, run up to 200 m. He learns to skate, ski, roller skate, if he has not yet learned how, he can easily master swimming.

emotional development

The child already has their own ideas about beauty. Some enjoy listening to classical music. The kid learns to throw out part of the emotions in his favorite activities (drawing, dancing, games, etc., and strive to manage them, tries to restrain and hide his feelings(But it may not always work out for him.)The hardest thing for children to manage is their fear. Babies may dream scary dreams. He learns new concepts : birth, death, illness, disaster, and they are very worried about him.

social development

From the age of five, the child already clearly knows his gender and does not want to change it even in games. At this age, in the upbringing of a boy, a very important place is given to the father, and for girls - to the mother. Dads teach their sons to be masculine, mothers teach their daughters to be feminine. Only those qualities laid down in childhood harmoniously come into adulthood. The baby is laid ideas about the role of the opposite sex in life. The daughter comprehends the role of a man through the behavior of her father, and the boys - the role of a woman, through communication with their mother. At this age, you should already be told in a form accessible to the baby about how he was born . The child has grown to understand such a secret. It would be more correct if you cut it for him at home, otherwise the children in the yard will do it. After five years, relationships with peers become friendly. The first friends appear, usually of the same sex. He spends most of his time with them. There is some distance from parents . The child can already painlessly endure a short separation from loved ones.

intellectual development

By the age of six, a child can already not only distinguish between animals, but divide them into wild and domestic. Can combine objects according to various characteristics, find similarities and differences between them. After five years, the baby is interested not only in the names of objects, but also in what they are made of. He has his own idea of ​​the physical phenomena surrounding him, can explain what electricity is, a magnet. The child is very well oriented in space : on the street, in acquaintances

premises, houses. Knows where to buy toys, food, medicines. He is trying to learn the alphabet and learn to read by syllables, and also continues to improve the letter in block letters. Can count (sometimes up to a hundred, add and subtract within ten.

Behavioral Features

The child already has his own opinion about everything. Can explain who and why he likes or dislikes. He is observant. He is very interested in everything that happens around him. He seeks to find the causes and connections between various phenomena. The baby becomes very independent. If he wants to learn something, he can engage in a new activity that is interesting for him for more than half an hour. But switch it to different types activities purposefully still very difficult. The child applies his new knowledge in games, invents the plots of games himself, easily masters complex toys - a designer, a computer). By the age of six, he masters most of the necessary skills and improves them right before your eyes - he becomes more accurate, looks after his appearance - hair, clothes, helps you with the housework.

creative development

Peak creative development child. He creates without getting tired, barely waking up, turning a simple tulip into an unusual scarlet flower, building houses for aliens. He is very attracted to painting, he can look at paintings and paints for a long time. With pleasure he draws himself, tries to copy something from the picture and invent his own plot. At the age of five, a child expresses his feelings in relation to what he draws with different colors. It is believed that children's drawings are the key to the inner world of the baby. Now he already draws a person as he really is, detailing a face with eyes so that he can see, with ears to hear, a mouth to speak and a nose to smell. The drawn man has a neck. It already has clothes, shoes and other details of clothing. The more the picture resembles a real person, the more developed your child is and the betterprepared at school.

Game "Bragging". Parents write with a felt-tip pen on an autumn leaf any quality or skill of their child(n-r-my daughter Masha is the best at tying her shoelaces).

Features of the educational process inpreparatory group.

3. Teacher's message(App attached)

The teacher tellsparents about daily routine, educational programs, according to which the pedagogical process is carried out, the tasks of education and training, about the main activities and types of children's activities(network of classes).

Familiarization of parents with the goals and objectives of MADOU for the new academic year.

Game "Suitcase" . (You will need a pre-cut briefcase from whatman paper and markers in two colors).

I ask you to add to this portfolio those qualities that you think are necessary for each of us in communicating with your children. What would you like to change, add, wish each of the teachers. (Parents write qualities, For example : kindness, attention, etc.)

4. Viewing the presentation "On preparing children for school"

5. Miscellaneous

Election of a new compositionparent committee

Job regulated by the document "Regulations on parental committee of the municipal preschool educational institution.

It should be briefly recalledparents about its functions.

Parents proposed to discuss the candidates. Parental votes are counted, the results are announced, the personal composition is discussedgroup parent committee. Direct voting parental committee is approved

Discussion of a joint project with parents "In the world of professions"

Question about the organization of the construction of the slide

Organization High school prom children

Question about fitness

What help can parents provide?

Development of a draft decision of the parent meeting.

Target: to help parents of children who are at the school start, to navigate the main difficulties that a first grader may face, and possible ways to prevent a child's maladaptation at school.


1. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "The tasks of educating and educating children 6-7 years old."

2. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. Exercise "Parade of opinions" on the topic: "Preparing children for school"

3. Speech by the teacher Borovkova S.V. Crisis 7 years.

4. Speeches of the teacher Borovkova S.V. "Advice to parents of future first-graders."

5. Memo for parents of future schoolchildren (Appendix 1).

6. Miscellaneous.



Parent meeting for preschool parents

"Kindergarten and parents are equal partners"

("Children and parents at the school start").

Target: to help parents of children who are at the school start, to navigate the main difficulties that a first grader may face, and possible ways to prevent a child's maladaptation at school.


2. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. Exercise "Parade of opinions" on the topic: "Preparing children for school"

3. Speech by the teacher Borovkova S.V. Crisis 7 years.

4. Speeches of the teacher Borovkova S.V. "Advice to parents of future first-graders."

5. Memo for parents of future schoolchildren (Appendix 1).

6. Miscellaneous.

Meeting progress:

Hello, we are glad to see you in our garden! We want to congratulate you

dear parents with the transition to the preparatory group for school.

We invite you to play a little and rally our team.

Exercise "Match"

Purpose: Team building.

Content: Stand shoulder to shoulder (two teams). Now we will give you matches that can be held with only one finger. Your task is to reach the finish line together without dropping the match. If at least one match falls, then the whole team returns to the start. You need to make a circle around each chair. How exactly to hold the matches is up to you. The main condition is to hold with one finger. Well done, take your seats.

Answer the questions:

Was this exercise easy to complete?

What prevented you from reaching the finish line?

1. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "The tasks of educating and educating children 6-7 years old."

2. Speech by the teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "Preparing Children for School".

2. Exercise "Parade of Opinions"

Target: Activate the meeting participants in the discussion of the proposed topic"Preparing Children for School".

This year will fly by very quickly, and your kids, as it seems, will go to first grade. And our task is to help the children prepare for school.

A) “What benefits are better to choose for preparing for school? »

Currently, there are many manuals, we advise you to choose author's manuals, decorated with drawings, with large print, clearly stated tasks for the development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, with fun tasks, puzzles, copybooks.

Give your child a certain time to complete each task, teach him to control time with the help of an hourglass. Encourage correctly completed tasks, tactfully point out mistakes and help correct them.

B) "How much time should I spend preparing for school at home?"

No more than 20-30 minutes, if you see that the child is tired, there is no mood to study further, switch the activity to the game, let the child study on his own.

C) “If the child categorically refuses to study at home, what should I do?”

Offer your child a small amount of classes - no more than 5 minutes.

Conduct all classes in a playful way: add syllables and words from pasta, count soap bubbles, solve problems using real objects, fruits and vegetables, write letters to fairy-tale characters.

Be sure to answer them in block letters to encourage your child to read. Encourage independence, non-standard thinking of the child. Help to hold a pencil, a pen correctly.

D) “If a child constantly requires new tasks and is ready to do a lot, is it worth limiting him?”

If the child does not show signs of fatigue, does not get upset because some task does not work out, perceives learning as an attractive activity -Strict boundaries for classes should not be set.

Try to switch the child from one activity to another, offer a variety of situations that may happen at school, ask what he will do if:

He will offend someone;

Someone will offend him;

Something will hurt him;

He will lose some thing;

He will not understand how to complete the task, etc.

E) “Is it necessary to talk with the child on the topic“ School ”?”

Even if the child has the necessary stock of knowledge, skills, abilities, level of intellectual, volitional development, it will be difficult for him to learn if there is no social position of the student, i.e. the desire of the child to become a schoolboy. Not only to understand, but also to accept the importance of schooling, respect for the teacher, schoolmates.

A conscious attitude to school is associated with the expansion and deepening of ideas about learning activities, with the creation of an emotional relationship. Tell your child about your favorite teachers, read stories about school, watch movies. This will create a positive attitude towards school.

E) Why is it difficult for a child to control his behavior?

Because his will is not developed enough. Managed should be not only external behavior, but also the mental activity of the child: attention, memory, thinking. The child needs to be able to observe, listen, remember, achieve the task. For the development of will in preschoolers, it is necessary to help him establish relationships between the purpose of actions and their motives.

G) "What is the difference between the relationship in the "child-teacher" system in kindergarten and school?"

When a child enters school, the system of relations in interpersonal communication changes. Relationships become businesslike. Whereas in kindergarten they were more emotional, personal and individual. At school, the child is assessed on the basis of completed tasks. It is important to gradually prepare the child for the system of new relationships at school.

G) "Could there be restrictions on watching TV for a preschooler?"

The child should not watch all TV shows. Restrictions must be imposed unconditionally. And stick to relatively decision. It must also be remembered that a child perceives a film differently than an adult. Therefore, it is better to watch the program with the child and discuss the impressions of what they saw.

H) "Why do all children unequally master reading, writing?"

Not all children develop reading and writing skills equally quickly.

There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that the child has insufficiently developed speech, phonemic hearing in particular.

By the end of preschool age, the child should be able to produce a sound analysis of words.

You can teach him using interesting games, for example, cut strips of colored paper different color and size and with their help to teach the child to build a word model. Then the child, as it were, "sees" the speech. It is important that he tells what he is doing. It is useful to choose entertaining material: puzzles, bingo, pictures, according to which you can consistently tell about what you saw. Developing the child's speech, it is important to remember the absurdities, shifters, fables. They are very popular with preschoolers. They significantly improve the child's speech, which at an older age becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking.

3. Speech of the Educator Borovkova S.V. Crisis 7 years.

The crisis of 7 years usually coincides with the period in a child's life when he goes to school.

This is a crisis of self-regulation, reminiscent of the crisis of 1 year.

The child begins to regulate his behavior by rules. Previously complaisant, he suddenly begins to make claims for attention to himself, the behavior becomes pretentious.

On the one hand, a demonstrative naivety appears in his behavior, which is annoying, since it is intuitively perceived by others as insincerity.

On the other hand, it seems overly adult: it imposes norms on others.

Any older preschooler claims to be respected, to be treated as an adult. If the need for respect is not satisfied, then it will not be possible to build a relationship with this person on the basis of understanding (“I am open to understanding if I am sure that I am respected”).

Dear parents, be patient, be attentive to your children and just love them!

4. Speech by the teacher Borovkova S.V. "Advice to parents of future first graders."

Help your child acquire information that will allow him not to get lost in society.

Teach your child to keep their belongings in order.

Do not scare your child with difficulties and failures at school.

Teach your child the right way to deal with failure.

Help your child gain a sense of self-confidence.

Teach your child to be independent.

Teach your child to feel and be surprised, encourage his curiosity.

Strive to make every moment of communication with the child useful.

Annex 1

Memo for parents, future students

In the field of speech development and readiness for literacy, it is necessary:

Be able to clearly pronounce all the sounds of speech;

To be able to distinguish sounds in words intonation;

To be able to isolate a given sound in a stream of speech;

Be able to determine the place of sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end);

Be able to pronounce words in syllables;

Be able to make sentences of 3-5 words;

Be able to name in a sentence only the 2nd word, only the 3rd word, only the 4th word, etc.;

Be able to use generalizing concepts (bear, fox, wolf are animals);

Be able to compose a story from a picture (for example, “At the zoo”, “At the playground”, “Rest at sea”, “For mushrooms”, etc.);

Be able to make several sentences: about the subject;

Distinguish genres fiction(fairy tale, story, poem, fable);

Be able to consistently convey the content of a fairy tale.

The child must have developed elementarymathematical representations:

Know the numbers from 0 to 10;

Be able to name the previous and subsequent number relative to any number within the first ten;

Know the signs +, -, =, ;

Be able to compare the numbers of the first ten (for example, 7 is less than 8, 5 > 4, 6 = 6);

Be able to correlate the number and the number of objects;

Be able to measure with a ruler;

Be able to compose and solve problems in one action for addition and subtraction;

Know the names of the shapes: triangle, square, circle, trapezoid, oval, rectangle;

Be able to compare objects by color, size, shape;

To be able to operate with the concepts: “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, “earlier”, “later”, “for”, “between”, navigate on the sheet.

In area ideas about the environment:

Be able to distinguish appearance plants common in our area (for example, spruce, birch, oak, sunflower, chamomile) and name their distinguishing features;

Be able to distinguish between wild and domestic animals and their cubs (squirrel, hare, goat, cow)

Be able to distinguish birds by their appearance (for example, a woodpecker, a crow, a sparrow);

Have an idea about the seasonal signs of nature (for example, autumn - yellow and red leaves, on trees, withering grass, harvesting);

Know the names of 1-3 indoor plants;

5-6 insects, edible and non-edible mushrooms.

Know the names of all days of the week, seasons, months.

Besides, A child entering the 1st grade should know:

In what country does he live, in what city, his home address;

Your name, patronymic, surname;

Your age (preferably date of birth);

Surname, name, patronymic of parents, their profession;

Call the rules of conduct in public places and on the street.

Parent meeting in the preparatory group. Topic: "In a year - first-grader"

Target: Enrichment of educational experience, knowledge of parents on the readiness of the child to study at school.
1. To acquaint parents with the characteristics of psychological and pedagogical readiness;
2. To promote mutual emotional disposition between the participants; to unite all participants of successive communication;
3. Contribute to the optimization of parent-child relationships, the development of the psychological culture of parents
Materials and manuals: Multimedia projector, ball, matches, memos with recommendations for parents.

Meeting progress:

Educator: Hello, we are glad to see you in our garden! We would like to congratulate you, dear parents, on the transition to the preparatory group for school.
This year will fly by very quickly, and your kids, as it seems, will go to first grade. And our task is to help the children prepare for school. How to do this, we will try to figure it out today.
Exercise - visualization "First time in first class":
On the slide-show screen are photos of children who came in the first grade to the music.
caregiver: Try to close your eyes and imagine the following events that I will tell you about. Where does it all begin? From the excitement of parents, which is transmitted to the child long before September 1. From the expectation of something, perhaps still incomprehensible to him, but pleasant, because he already has a portfolio, school supplies are collected, he is waiting in the wings on a hanger Nice dress or
pressed shirt. And it pulls at the child's heart, instilling curiosity and anxiety in it. And then the long-awaited day came, when he tried on his shoulders a briefcase, not yet filled with books, in his hands a bouquet, next to him native person whom he trusts. But what is this - a school yard, where there are many unfamiliar faces, someone smiles at him, but these are strangers ... In the eyes
confusion appears, it’s good that a dear person is holding the hand! Building on a ruler, you have to go somewhere, mom says that everything will be fine ... Aunt, she is with me now. This is a teacher. Here are the huge walls of the school, some room is my class, I now have a place at the desk, a neighbor, what is his name, and that girl over there ... Now open your eyes, you are here again in this room, and we are with you Now we are approximately, but far from such a situation. Many of us are strangers, perhaps experiencing different feelings from being here and now. And to become closer friend friend, I suggest we all get to know each other, because the name of a person is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.
Exercise "Names"
Purpose: Establishing contact between participants. Creating a friendly atmosphere.
Content: Now we will let this toy in the circle of our acquaintance. Whoever has it in his hands, he calls the name of the neighbor, and then his own name. I'll start: "My name is Anna Sergeevna." The one who accepts the toy should say: "Your name is Anna Sergeevna, and I ..."
Educator: We met. And now we invite you to play a little more and rally our team.
Exercise "Match"
Purpose: Team building
Stand shoulder to shoulder (two teams). Now we will give you matches that can be held with only one finger. Your task is to reach the finish line together without dropping the match. If at least one match falls, then the whole team returns to the start. You need to make a circle around each chair. How exactly to hold the matches is up to you. The main condition is to hold with one finger. Well done, get on your
Answer the questions:

Was this exercise easy to complete?
- What prevented you from reaching the finish line?
This exercise is aimed at uniting our team.
Exercise "Parade of Opinions"
Purpose: To activate the meeting participants in the discussion of the proposed topic
The facilitator asks the question: "In your opinion, what is the manifestation of unpreparedness for schooling?" (the statements of the parents are written on the board)
Sample answers:
Unpreparedness for schooling is most often manifested in the fact that
The child cannot concentrate, is often distracted, cannot join the general mode of work;
The child has poor development of coherent speech and mental abilities, does not know how to ask questions, compare objects, highlight the main thing;
The child shows little initiative; gravitates toward stereotyped actions and decisions, has difficulty communicating with peers and adults.
We have school teachers present, do you agree with these statements? (speech by school teachers)
Teacher's speech:
Readiness to study at school is the most important result of education and training in preschool and family. Entering school is a turning point in a child's life, associated with a change in the usual daily routine, relationships with others, when learning activities take center stage.
The modern school requires from children not so much any knowledge and skills as more complex forms of mental activity, greater ability to control their behavior, greater efficiency. Parents need to know that there are two concepts: pedagogical readiness and psychological readiness. Pedagogical readiness for schooling refers to the initial skills of counting, writing and reading. Parents are mainly guided by these parameters of readiness for school, which is not entirely correct. There are other aspects that cannot be ignored.
It often happens that a child can write, count, read, but does not know how to be in a large team for a long time or does not know how to follow the requirements of a new adult (teacher). Parents in this case are perplexed:
"How so!" It seemed to them that the child came to school prepared, and then suddenly - the teacher's complaints. Or, after some time, the child refuses to go to school, saying that he is tired, does not like it, it is boring, difficult, etc. This is the other side of school readiness - the psychological one.
The psychological readiness of a child for school includes the following components:
1. physical readiness.
2. intellectual readiness.
3. social and personal.
4. motivational.
Physical readiness implies the maturity of the body, its functional systems. Schooling involves quite a lot of workloads. Therefore, in order to avoid unwanted deviations, the appearance of various kinds of diseases, this type of readiness is determined. Intellectual readiness includes the knowledge base of the child, the presence of special skills and skills (ability to compare,
generalize, analyze, classify the information received, have a sufficiently high level of development of the second signal system, in other words, speech perception). Mental skills can also be expressed in the ability to read, count. However, experts say that a child who reads and even knows how to write is not necessarily well prepared for school. Much more important to teach
preschooler competent retelling, the ability to reason and think logically.
Social and personal readiness.
It refers to the attitude of the child to us work and cooperation with other people, in particular adults who have taken on the role of teachers-mentors.
Having this component of readiness, the child can be attentive for 30-40 minutes, can work in a team. Having become accustomed to certain requirements, the manner of communication of teachers, children begin to demonstrate higher and more stable learning results.
Motivational readiness suggests a reasonable desire to go to school. In psychology, there are different motives for a child's readiness for school: playful, cognitive, social. A child with a play motive ("There are a lot of guys, and you can play with them") is not ready for school.
Cognitive motive characterized by the fact that the child wants to learn something new,
interesting. According to experts, this is the most optimal motive, having which, the child will be successful in the first grade and during the period of study in elementary school.
social motive characterized by the fact that the child wants to acquire a new
social status: to become a schoolboy, to have a portfolio, textbooks, school supplies, your own workplace. But one should not start from the fact that only the cognitive motive is the most basic, and if the child does not have this motive, then he cannot go to school. By the way, teachers elementary school are focused on the game motive and in many respects their activities, and the learning process is carried out using game forms.
Parents also need to pay attention to the following point. At the initial stage of schooling, the weakest link in mental regulation is the control of the fulfillment of the task assigned to it, distractibility to extraneous stimuli. "Science to control yourself" often
seems to be an impossible task for a child, since the anatomical and functional readiness of the frontal parts of the brain, which are responsible for this activity, is just taking shape by the age of seven.
The ability to slow down high motor activity, so characteristic of children, and the ability to maintain the necessary working posture are also very important. And for the development of writing and drawing, the development of small muscles of the hand and coordination of the movements of the fingers are necessary. "Immature" children often become underachievers. And often this failure in school stretches for several years. But if "school maturity" only caused children to lag behind in their studies, then this problem would remain pedagogical. Meanwhile, these children, especially those who, at the cost of excessive effort, try to fulfill the requirements of the school, suffer from health: they get sick more often, many develop neurosis, fear of school and unwillingness to study. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to predict the child's readiness for learning even before entering school and the systematic joint work of teachers and parents to form children's readiness for schooling, which includes the following components:
1. Development of the concept of classes as an important activity for the acquisition of knowledge. Based on this idea, the child actively behaves in the classroom (carefully performs tasks, pays attention to the words of the teacher)
2. Development of perseverance, responsibility, independence, diligence.
The formation of these qualities is manifested in the desire to acquire knowledge, skills, to make sufficient efforts for this.
3. Raising the experience of working in a team and a positive attitude towards peers; mastering ways of actively influencing peers as participants in common activities (the ability to provide assistance, fairly evaluate the results of peer work, tactfully note shortcomings).
4. Formation of skills of organized behavior, learning activities in a team environment. The presence of these skills significantly affects the overall process of the moral formation of the child's personality, makes him more independent in the choice of activities, games, and activities of interest.
So, let's summarize: What does the concept of "Child ready for school" (parents' statement) include?
physical health.
The presence of a motive for learning (cognitive and social).
Formation of arbitrariness of behavior: the ability to consciously subordinate one's actions to the rule, the requirement of an adult, the ability to listen carefully, and independently accurately perform tasks, the ability to cooperate with peers and adults).
The formation of the intellectual sphere (the ability to analyze, generalize, compare, highlight essential features; the ability to reason; a sufficient level of development of speech perception)
What can parents do to prepare their child for school? First of all
create conditions: play, communicate with the child, make certain demands that are common in the family and achieve their fulfillment, form an objective image of the school in children, instill in the child an emotionally calm, positive attitude towards school, arouse interest in educational activities: visit a museum, buy illustrated encyclopedias, etc. to develop the child's self-confidence.
