Why do you need to use a nourishing cream to care for the skin of your hands and face in winter? So necessary in winter: my “Nourishment and Protection” hand creams, Nivea.

Ecology of health and beauty: With the onset of cold weather, you want to protect your skin with a good nourishing cream. What do you expect from a winter hand cream?..

With the onset of cold weather, you want to protect your skin with a good nourishing cream. What do you expect from a winter hand cream? As a rule, a denser, perhaps even greasy texture, a long-lasting effect of hydration, nutrition... and, of course, a pleasant aroma.

We placed 8 different hand creams on a shelf in our cozy office and actively used them. After all, during the working day, especially with the start of the heating season, you constantly want to moisturize your hands.

And after two weeks of such testing, we collected all our impressions.

Anariti hand cream

The texture is light and absorbs quite well. The result is like a good nourishing cream.

We would recommend using it at night. But! There is one significant drawback that we all noted - a bright perfume aroma. It will be quite difficult to sleep with this. You immediately get the feeling that this cream is intended for those who are in favor.

The scent is long lasting and can only be washed off with soap. Of course, there are no complaints about the composition - everything is good.

Hand and nail cream NoniCare

This cream smells of citruses, gentle and pleasant. It moisturizes your hands very well, and this feeling of moisture does not leave throughout the day. A little sticky, but absorbs quickly. This is not to say that it is super nutritious; it is comfortable to use until severe cold sets in and when the skin on your hands is more normal than too dry. As a bonus, the cream also strengthens the nails, but to notice the effect, you need to use it longer.

Biokosma hand creams

Two wonderful creams - with calendula and citrus. The aroma is unusual, but light and is not noticeable after application. Both nourish well, calendula also soothes the skin if the hands have already become chapped. Pleasant natural composition, dense texture, long-lasting feeling of protecting the skin of your hands.

Speick hand creams

Here we also have a sweet couple - one of the creams, by the way, is marked with the Oko-test icon with a sehr gut rating! I want to use a moisturizer throughout the day, but the soft cream from the Active series feels like a medicinal cream. It even has a medicinal-herbal aroma.

Of course, this may seem unusual to those who are accustomed to more perfume-like scents, but the effect is beyond praise. For those who suffer from cracked, flaky and very dry skin, this cream will be a real salvation.

Hand and nail cream Dr. Nona

The cream has a very specific aroma, but you quickly get used to it. It moisturizes instantly, I especially want to use it after washing my hands - it removes that feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin. The cream softens the skin very well; it can even be used to lubricate rough areas, for example, where the elbow is. I definitely want to have one of these in my arsenal.

Dr Konopka’s hand cream

This cream immediately found its fans. Delicate creamy aroma, pleasant texture, absorbs quickly and nourishes very well. One of those creams that you don’t need to use too often, because one or two times is enough to nourish the skin.

You can definitely use it in winter without fear! By the way, we first became acquainted with this brand thanks to this cream, and we are very glad that the first acquaintance went so well!

Pretty Garden Hand Oil

But these two hard butters are for lovers of fatty and super-nutritious textures! Both smell candy-floral-pleasant, “I Love It” and “An Unforgettable Night.” They, of course, take longer to absorb than the usual hand cream, but such nutrition and hydration can only be achieved from oil!

Using them during the working day is not very convenient - you can leave spots somewhere on the paper while the oil is absorbed. But they are ideal for the night or as a hand mask. The skin is soft, inflammation has been relieved, everything is healing well. For winter they are needed more than ever, especially for very dry skin!

So, which cream to choose for the winter? It's up to you to decide, but we enjoyed using all these brands, and each cream had its own fan. Moisturize, nourish and protect your skin, and, of course, don’t forget about warm mittens in winter. published

Even if the temperature outside is above zero, weather forecasters still promise that real frosts will come soon... How can you protect the delicate skin of your hands from the burning cold? No, mittens do not count, because they do not have nutritional, moisturizing and caring properties. There is only one way out - choose a truly effective winter hand cream. Our review will help you with this!

Nourishing hand balm with shea butter, L "Occitane

Delicate, light, moderately dense cream from the famous French brand of natural cosmetics provides intense nutrition and hydration, forming a protective film on the skin, thereby protecting the skin of the hands even from severe frost. But this does not mean that you can ignore warm gloves and mittens - additional protection has never hurt anyone. This cream contains concentrated shea butter, enriched with allantoin, glycerin and vitamins. The smell is unobtrusive, pleasant, cozy and creamy, similar to that of a child. The balm is absorbed quite quickly, without leaving an unpleasant feeling of grease, instantly moisturizes the skin, making it soft, silky and smooth, fights flaking, dryness and cracks, which are traditional companions of frost.

An excellent winter cream designed specifically for hand skin, which is often exposed to aggressive environmental influences. It contains niacinamide, glycerin and other nutrients that create a protective indelible barrier, accelerate cell regeneration, smooth out flaking and deeply nourish the skin. Regular use of the cream guarantees an amazing effect: the skin stops turning red in the cold, winter eczema goes away, which many confuse with an allergy to cold (this, by the way, does not happen), hands become well-groomed, smooth and soft. The texture of the product is also quite pleasant - it is quickly absorbed, leaves no residue and is absolutely not sticky.

Straight from Latvia, this lotion has conquered more than one beautiful maiden. Delicate texture, sweet and sour aroma of northern berries, instant absorption, deep hydration and a reasonable price - 5 out of 5! It also saves quite well from winter frosts, creating a thin film on the surface of the skin that is neither visible nor felt on the hands, but actually works, relieving dryness, cracks and flaking. After applying the product, you immediately feel comfortable: you don’t want to blot your skin with a napkin to remove excess oil, and you don’t need to apply anything additional. In addition to cranberry extract, the lotion contains juniper and sweet almond essential oils, as well as solid shea butter. Does not cause allergies, does not contain parabens or fragrances.

The creators of pharmaceutical cosmetics, like no one else, know what components need to be added in order for the cream to truly protect the skin from frost. Active ingredients include Avene thermal water, cold cream, glycerin and other nutrients. The product has a fairly dense consistency, but is quickly absorbed and does not create a feeling of heaviness. The product has proven effective for severe dryness, contact dermatitis and eczema. Cold cream quickly soothes and restores the skin, making it soft and moisturized, eliminating the feeling of tightness and flaking. Another pleasant point is the lack of smell. At all. So the intrusive aroma will not irritate your sense of smell, especially in cases where you simply need to concentrate.

The Russian brand Mahash knows a lot about good protective hand creams. The product consists of 95% natural ingredients, therefore it is completely safe and most effective. The smell, however, is specific - a pronounced coconut, although some may not catch it at all, since menthol interrupts everything. The cream copes well with dry, damaged and cracked skin from frost. By the way, advanced beauty maniacs use this product not only for the skin of their hands, but also to moisturize rough heels, knees, elbows and other places on the skin where special care is needed. Just a couple of days of active use, and the skin feels like new: soft and super moisturized, like a baby’s bottom.

Kiehl’s cosmetologists have worked hard and developed such a miracle cream, which in its protective ability can be compared with the warmest mittens you can find. The product restores even the roughest and driest skin of the hands, retains moisture for a long time and acts from the inside. No stickiness, greasy or heavy film. The cream is absorbed in a matter of seconds, creates a protective barrier and will not allow even the most severe frost to break through its protection, reaching the delicate skin of the hands.

A legendary paste with an incredible aroma, which, after opening the jar, you definitely want to spread on bread instead of butter or Nutella. The product is still made according to a secret recipe from the 13th century, the ingredients in it have not changed for eight centuries!!! The paste is quite thick, pleasant sand color. Upon contact with the skin, it instantly melts before our eyes, providing it with deep nutrition and hydration. It shows its miraculous properties perfectly if applied to chapped and dry hands. Moreover, the effect of the paste is not at all apparently cosmetic: unlike other similar products, it actually restores damaged skin, preserving the result for a long time.

The skin of the face and hands are the first to take on the cold breath of winter - no matter how much clothing you put on, these parts of the body cannot be completely protected from the wind, snow, and frost. The warmest season of the year is the most comfortable for all living beings. What happens to the skin during the winter months? It turns out that as the temperature approaches zero, humidity disappears in the air and the amount of oxygen decreases. Dry air begins to dehydrate the skin, robbing the cells of moisture. The skin tries to protect itself by thickening the stratum corneum. The renewal of the cellular structures of the epidermis slows down, the productivity of the sebaceous glands decreases - at sub-zero temperatures the body seems to fall asleep. Let's add here the effect of external stimuli in the form of cold wind, ice crystals of snow pellets. The result is dry, rough skin, a rougher appearance, and red spots. The skin becomes less elastic, easily wounded, and prone to inflammation. There is a threat of loss of tone and the appearance of unnecessary wrinkles ahead of time.

Preparing your skin for winter in the fall

Since winter hardships lie ahead, let's take care of our skin in advance. Having been enriched with ultraviolet light and vitamins over the summer, by autumn it should look smooth, elastic and soft. If something is wrong, we take measures before the onset of frost and cold weather. If the skin is dehydrated, intensively moisturize it with lotions and serums. Are the sebaceous glands working at half capacity? We use rich cream. Have you noticed signs of skin aging - dullness, unevenness? Let's remember vitamin creams and creams with “anti-aging” ingredients.

Do you need moisturizer in winter?

For many years, both women and cosmetologists have been discussing whether it is possible or not to use moisturizer in winter. Some categorically say “no” and believe that the water molecules contained in such a cream, crystallizing in the cold, have a detrimental effect on the skin tissue. Others claim the opposite: the basis of moisturizing creams is not moisture, but substances that prevent it from evaporating from the surface of the skin, and, therefore, there is nothing there to turn into ice crystals. In addition, due to its 36.6 ° C, the human body cannot allow anything applied to the skin to freeze, even in cold weather.

Let everyone decide for themselves which side to believe. One thing is indisputably clear: the skin dries out in winter and needs additional moisture, it needs to be moisturized. In order not to experiment on yourself, it is best to do this, for example, in the evening, and not immediately before going outside. This remark especially applies to gels that create a cooling effect, as well as scrubs and masks.

Cream No. 1 - nourishing

As soon as the thermometer outside the window begins to show values ​​below zero degrees, the skin needs nourishing cream and protection. Frost dries out the skin, and a rich, nourishing cream will protect it from overdrying and frostbite. If you don’t have a special cream for winter conditions on hand, any night cream will do temporarily - it’s richer and more nutritious than day cream. Special “winter” creams have only their own texture. They seem to envelop the skin and thereby relieve the feeling of discomfort from the aggressive effects of cold. Acids, Omega 6, magnesium and vitamin C contained in nourishing creams preserve the vitality of the skin and its radiant beauty.

What about acne? Perhaps a rich nourishing cream will contribute to even greater blockage of the sebaceous ducts and an increase in the number of acne? Acne can actually worsen in winter, but the reason for this is reduced immunity, thickening of the skin as a reaction to cold weather. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen measures to cleanse the skin and do procedures no later than 3-5 hours before leaving the door, but the protection from frosty air and wind is still the same - a nourishing cream.

In winter, our skin experiences problems not only because of difficult weather. Frost, cold wind, temperature changes really do not have the best effect on her condition. But the situation is aggravated by changes in the functioning of the body as a whole. An absolutely natural process in winter is a slowdown in metabolism. For this reason, the skin does not receive enough nutrients and vitamins that it needs. All these factors together form a very sad picture: our skin dries and withers. Hands especially suffer during this period. In addition to all of the above, their condition is worsened by frequent washing with aggressive detergents, and, even worse, exposure to household chemicals. Hands become rough and rough, cuticles become dry, nails become brittle. In addition to dry skin, microcracks are a common occurrence in winter, which cause discomfort and pain, and can also cause the development of skin diseases.

What does proper hand care consist of in winter?

A number of simple rules, the observance of which is accessible to everyone, will help your hands look attractive even in difficult winter times:

  • When it's cold, you should never forget to wear gloves. They will not only protect your hands from chapping and cracks, but will also prevent the occurrence of cold allergies, which are extremely difficult to cope with later;
  • You should wash your hands only in warm water, not cold or hot. In winter, regular soap should be replaced with cream soap or balm containing soothing and moisturizing ingredients. It is not recommended to go outside immediately after washing your hands. In addition, you should not use a dryer after washing. If you don’t have a towel, just dry your hands with a napkin;
  • If you categorically refuse to wear rubber gloves when doing household work using chemicals, lubricate your hands with a special cream based on Vaseline or silicone, which will form a protective barrier against the effects of acids and alkalis;
  • In winter, the skin dries faster, so you need to help it get rid of dead cells, and this should be done with the help of a peeling procedure. It is optimal to do it 2 times a week. In winter, it is better to exfoliate at night or 3-4 hours before going outside;
  • In winter, the main attention should be paid to nourishing the skin of the hands: baths based on herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, flax), wraps with essential oils (cocoa oil, olive oil, mint, lavender, peach and grape seeds), hand masks ( green tea, honey, castor oil). It is enough to perform one mask and one bath per week.

Women take incredible care of their facial skin - they visit a cosmetologist, use various masks and a whole arsenal of cosmetics. But the skin of the hands is sometimes undeservedly forgotten - but it is this area that can demonstrate age and all the shortcomings of care. In addition, the skin of the hands is constantly exposed to negative influences - wind, cold water, household chemicals. You can't do without food and protection.

Main properties of nourishing and protective creams

In summer, the skin of your hands is at risk of dehydration, and in winter, the number of negative factors increases significantly - this includes dryness inside apartments due to centralized heating, cold, and wind. In both cases, the use of protective equipment will not hurt.

Protective and nourishing creams are especially needed in winter

While nourishing creams enrich the skin with beneficial microelements and vitamins, protective creams form an additional hydrolipidic film on the surface, which helps maintain normal moisture balance and ensures the functioning of cells in all weather conditions.

Types of creams. Hand creams are classified into daytime And night. Those designed for use during the day are characterized by a light structure and rapid absorption, but night ones are richer, greasy, and are designed for application before bedtime.

What is included in the creams?

Nourishing and protective creams are formulas that contain one or more of the following components:

  • Glycerin - fixes moisture inside cells.
  • Paraffin - provides softening.
  • Lanolin - nourishes the skin.
  • Alpha-bisabolol, allantoin - eliminate irritation.
  • Tea tree oil - for anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Panthenol - acts as a healing substance.
  • Vitamins, natural oils - for smooth and healthy skin.
  • Urea is a moisturizing component.
  • Vitamin B5 - provides a regenerating effect.

Applying a protective cream creates a protective film on the skin

Nourishing products are a real salvation for dry and irritated skin, while protective products form a soft “glove” and are less comfortable to wear, as they take a relatively long time to be absorbed.

Review of popular products

Both among budget and luxury cosmetics, you can find an option that will certainly settle on your dressing table. So let's get started.

  1. Dolce Milk - “Milk and Grapes”

    Non-greasy and very light texture, pleasant aroma, truly reminiscent of grapes. It is very easy to apply, does not require rubbing, and is absorbed just as quickly. Convenient if you need express hand care, for example, at work. It not only protects, but also nourishes the skin of the hands, since the composition contains urea and glycerin - components that complement each other.

  2. Dolce Milk: approximate price for 50 ml - 200 rubles.

  3. Velvet Handles – “Nutritious”

    This hand cream is concentrated and thick. Its rich formula provides long-lasting care. The main components are shea butter and glycerin. The product is good to apply at night, as a caring mask.

  4. Velvet Handles “Nutritional”: approximate price for 80 ml - 100 rubles.

  5. Weleda Citrus Hand and Nagelcreme

    An indispensable hand product from. Used when hand skin needs to be restored after work. Deeply nourishes the skin, makes it soft and tender, eliminates the feeling of roughness and dryness. Includes:

    • almond oil;
    • rosemary extract;
    • tricolor violet extract;
    • soothing ingredients - chamomile and calendula;
    • aromatic citrus essential oils.

    Weleda Citrus: approximate price for 50 ml - 500 rubles.

    Can be used for hand massage or night masks. Apply the cream and put on soft gloves on top - this will be the best cosmetic procedure for skin prone to dryness and damage.

  6. The body shop – Hemp Hand Protector

    This cream is one of the most famous products from The body shop brand. This popularity is ensured by its special composition with hemp oil. The smell is very intense - some users even note its intrusiveness, claiming that the product is not suitable for daytime use. The aroma of the woody group is indeed very pronounced, but the cream attracts not with its smell, but with its excellent protective properties - it can eliminate all the problems of hands exposed to the cold, literally with one application.

    Hemp Hand Protector from Body Shop: approximate price for 100 ml - 700 rub.

    However, it takes quite a long time to be absorbed, but after application it forms a strong protective barrier that prevents the delicate skin of your hands from interacting with hard water and dry cold air. Experts recommend applying it before bed, wearing gloves on top.

  7. Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Concentrated Hand Cream

    This product does not contain any perfumes, and therefore is considered hypoallergenic and can be used for those who have hypersensitive skin or immunity to strong aromas. It has a thick texture but is easy to apply. Manufacturers claim that this product contains 39% glycerin, which allows moisturizing components to penetrate deep into the skin up to the 10th layer of the epidermis.

  8. Nitrogene “Norwegian formula”: approximate price for 50 ml - 250 rubles.

  9. Hand cream-oil Organic Shop Organic babassu&lemon

    The product is very thick, greasy and oily, which fully corresponds to the name. It takes a long time to absorb, but forms a high-quality protective film. The composition also contains glycerin, which provides a surface moisturizing effect.

  10. Organic babassu & lemon: approximate price for 75 ml - 100 rub.

  11. Decleor Beaute Des Mains Nourishing And Soothing Hand Cream

    The formula of this nourishing hand cream contains plant extracts and essential oils. It contains cypress oil, shea butter, a vitamin complex - vitamins E and B5, plant extracts - bearberry, mignonette, parsley.

    Dekleor hand care cream: approximate price for 50 ml - 1200 rub.

    The texture of the product is non-greasy and light, which provides:

    • moisturizing and nourishing dry hand skin;
    • light healing effect;
    • restoration of nail structure and strengthening.
  12. Cream “Winter” from Faberlic

    This protective cream is indispensable for hand skin care in winter frosts. The basis of the formula is shea butter (karite) and raspberry seed oil, as well as cocoa butter and an oxygen complex. All of these components work together to provide your hands with:

    • increased blood circulation in the upper layer of skin;
    • protection against dryness and flaking;
    • launching cell regeneration processes;
    • strengthening natural collagen synthesis;
    • skin nutrition;
    • healing of minor injuries;
    • hydration and restoration.

    Hand cream “Winter” from Faberlic: price for 50 ml - 100 rub.

    This cream should be applied to dry hands immediately before going outside.

  13. Sally Hansen 18 hour protective Hand Creme

    A relatively inexpensive cream with protective and caring properties. The manufacturer claims that the protective effect will last 18 hours - but only if you do not wash your hands during this entire period.

    The product is used sparingly, has a pleasant consistency to apply, as well as an easily perceptible pleasant citrus aroma. It will not be able to cure or restore hands damaged by cold or wind, but it forms a reliable protective film that will really last from wash to wash.

    18-hour hand cream: approximate price for 100 ml - 400 rub.

    The product contains valuable oils - shea and grape seeds, as well as multivitamins, which provides nutritional and protective effects.


It is impossible to clearly determine which nourishing hand cream is better. After all, someone won’t like the smell, someone won’t like the price, and someone will prefer a light texture to an oily one. However, no matter what cream you choose, do not forget to use it regularly - your hands will certainly reward you with an attractive appearance and velvety skin.
