Seven signs that you are destined to be together by God. How to understand your partner is Fate or just an Episode of life If it’s fate, then we will meet again

It's hard to describe. But for a very long time, I felt as if some vital part of me was missing. I woke up and tossed and turned, trying to wake up from another dream in which you met me. I lay there and thought about everything I had done wrong.

The sweater you gave me sat untouched in the closet, but I never intended to throw it away. Your favorite book was gathering dust on the shelf. Our photographs began to fade over time, just like us.

Over the years, I have brought many other guys to the place that used to be ours. But I always asked you never to sit at the table where we sat on our first date.

There was still food that made me think of you because you were the one who convinced me to try it for the first time.

There was still the beer that I drank with you in my head because it was your favorite.

Your name stopped being mentioned in conversations. People stopped asking about you. Everyone but me.

And every birthday I thought about whether to write or call you, but I was afraid of what I would hear in response. I was afraid to find out that you didn't miss me at all.

But the truth is that when you left, you took a part of me with you.

You didn't know that I prayed for you every Sunday, asking God to bring you back. Every year I still sent you a card or wrote another letter, hoping that you would answer. And people asked me why I keep trying, and I look at the quote I wrote on my wall.

“When someone is in your heart, they never really leave. He can come back to you even in the most unwanted times.”

How many letters have I written to you? One per year for the last 5 years.

5 years. 5 years, and I still looked at my reflection and saw you there. I saw the parts of myself that you helped me shape within myself, because of your love, because of what you taught me, because of what you meant to me. The truth is that you have become a part of me.

But then this happened. Your name flashed on my phone screen, just like I always wanted. It was joy, fear, disbelief that you were back.

The small talk turned into plans. I looked at myself in the mirror 15 times while getting ready to meet you. There were a million questions in my head, but the answers were no longer important. The main thing is that we were together again.

There were a lot of skeptical words from the outside, but I didn’t pay attention to them. I only needed you.

And when I saw you among dozens of faces in a noisy cafe, I felt whole again, as if I was no longer missing something, as if I had found what I was missing.

I took your hand and hugged you to me, because I finally got the only thing I wanted all these 5 years, and my heart became whole again.

Because you were more than just someone I loved. It was you who taught me that love does not dissolve over time. You taught me that love is strong enough to overcome time, circumstances and separation. You gave me faith, blind faith. And despite doubts and questions, I did not give up. Although many could not understand it, and sometimes I myself could not understand it, I never stopped believing that you would find your way back to me.

Now I look at you and people say that I have become happier. The truth is that I am happiest when you are next to me.

You live according to your own trajectory, you have your own plans and nothing should foreshadow changes, as you think. And then suddenly - you literally come across him, you see his eyes, his smile, his beautiful, beautiful face. At the same time, you are not ready for this at all, you simply have no idea what to do and how to behave.

You don’t sleep at night, eat very little, and those around you slowly begin to notice that something strange is happening to you. And now, finally, your best friend suddenly notices that you are not talking to her and your look is somehow dull... “Yes, you’re in love!” - she says. Yes, something really happened.

I want to be close to him!

These events are shrouded in mystery. is always accompanied by the strongest desire to always be close to a loved one, never to part with him under any circumstances, to be with him day and night, no matter how he looks, under any conditions. This is truly real destiny. But ?

It’s difficult to just pick up and let go of a loved one; you want to hug him, press him to your heart, warm him with your love, give him a piece of yourself. This desire should be so huge that it becomes more important than all other desires, a single goal appears in life - therefore, it’s time to start a family, everything for this is already available.

We have a strong and mature relationship!

There is nothing more unifying than giving complete freedom to your significant other. When you are completely trusted in everything, it creates real freedom in a relationship. This is how full responsibility appears before your loved one and real strong relationships are built that no everyday storm can undermine!

Any fateful meeting of man and woman characterized by a serious approach to creating a family. From the very first day, the feeling is in the air that this is “my husband” and this is “my wife,” and mature relationships are never built in any other way.

Every day we get to know each other in a new way!

More fateful meeting has the side effect that this is only the first meeting in a series of subsequent meetings! You reveal and reveal your love, it appears before you in new and new forms, it never ceases to surprise you, constantly inspiring you with its incredible and close nature.

How does the fateful meeting take place? Day after day we meet each other, we love each other, we cannot live even a minute without each other, because, having met once, we are unable to break our strong union. Endlessly opening everything and discovering yourself in another person, it’s as if you are sprouting a beautiful picturesque tree in him, and soon it will bear fruit... True happiness!

Signs of a fateful meeting

  • it always happens at the moment when we are least prepared for it. Fateful meeting will never happen according to our order or desire. And we are always unprepared for the fact that we will meet our fate today.
  • One of the clearest signs is that you cannot restrain yourself and immediately say: “I love you.” These words themselves come out of your lips, as if a nightingale singing its nightingale song, you sing to your loved one that you have met him and can no longer live without him.
  • you do not claim that this person necessarily belongs to you, on the contrary, you allow him or her to live freely and easily, move freely, be what exactly this person wants, you will not impose anything on your soul mate, never.
  • you are interested in everything, because this person inspires and inspires you, he creates a special atmosphere of hope and trust. And, of course, you believe him as yourself, you are like a little child who reaches out his hands to his mother, you reach out with your whole being to your loved one, giving your heart without a trace.
  • meeting destined by fate, causes the feeling of a slowly exploding bomb, when there is only one image of a loved one in your head, this happens to everyone differently, but in one form or another it happens to almost everyone. A fateful meeting is like a small revolution, when almost everything in our lives begins to change, and we ourselves cease to be who we were before.

How to find your soul mate?

For many years, we have been waiting and waiting for the moment when we will meet that same soulmate who will be the one and only, for the sake of whom we will want to perform feats and miracles. But she still doesn’t appear, she doesn’t come. It even happens that a person has already been married several times, but has never met his soul mate.

And yet we must continue to look for it. Because every person has his own soulmate, no one can live without her... you need to meet her at least once in your life to be a full-fledged person.

To fateful meeting of man and woman took place, you need to honestly tell yourself who you are or who you are, what you do in life, what you want. What do you strive for, what do you dream about? Your soulmate is a continuation of you, it cannot be different, it is impossible.

Therefore, you need to look for yourself. Look for yourself in this life. Do what you want to do. Set goals and achieve your goals. In the process of your journey, you will meet like-minded people, among whom will be your soul mate, the missing second part of your self, you will immediately understand when you meet, because it will be fateful meeting two people united by common goals, a common dream and a common hope!

In contact with

Incredible facts

There are signs that indicate your relationship has a future.

When we are in love, everything around us seems fabulous and amazing.

But after the first wave of obsession with each other passes, many involuntarily ask questions: Is this the right person? How compatible are we? Is he or she my soulmate? And can we live our whole lives together?

Read also:Secrets of love: How to win the heart of a man according to his zodiac sign

These signs are not always obvious.

Here are 5 sure signs that you are made for each other.

Will we be together

1.You allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Vulnerability is a rather dangerous path, but without it it is difficult to build sincere relationships. You need to allow yourself to be vulnerable if you want to open up to another person.

Becoming vulnerable means trusting your partner completely. Essentially you are telling him, "Here is my heart. I trust it to you. Please don't betray me."

The best relationships are those where both partners can easily allow themselves to be vulnerable with each other.

2. You deeply respect each other.

Each of us has our own dreams, principles, values, feelings and opinions. You never belittle your partner and respect each other, allowing each of you to grow and develop.

You respect each other's desire for personal space and time. You do not use verbal abuse that may hurt another's feelings. Respect for a person's dignity is important to you, and you will not do anything that could tarnish your partner's personality.

You truly believe that your partner is a wonderful person, and there is no room for disrespect in your relationship.

3. You are not jealous.

Jealousy is not a problem in your relationship because you are both mature individuals who know your worth.

You have no uncertainty about what place you occupy in your partner's life, because you can openly communicate with each other and discuss literally any topic.

When there are no lies in a relationship, there is no room for insecurity.

Relationships between men and women

4. Your relationship brings joy.

Physical beauty fades over time, but a good sense of humor only gets better with age.

If your relationship is filled with joy and laughter, this is always a good sign. This means you can still make each other happy even after you've been with each other for a long time.

The ability to bring joy into your life together is an important part of any long-term relationship.

5. You push each other to be better.

It is very important for a couple to grow together. If you're in a relationship where each of you encourages your partner to be a better person, you're meant to be together.

You help each other achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. In such relationships, not only do you change as a person, but the relationship itself is always dynamic and interesting to both of you.

My story started like this.....

It was September 7, 2008. It was my friend's birthday. We celebrated outdoors. Closer to night, we began to get ready to go home. And then a guy came to meet one of my friends. He was with his friend - they worked together. I didn't even pay attention to him. Because It was a birthday, we were having fun)))

As a result, we somehow got into conversation and danced MEDLYAK to the song by gr. BUTYRKA - “HEAVEN”. That's it, we went home. I don’t even remember whether we said goodbye or not. The next day, I naturally forgot about this meeting. (By the way, I didn’t even know his name). My girlfriend and I were going for a walk, and a guy with a strange nickname Lord of the dark was added to my Asya, and it was written there that he loves ROCK. I read it and realized that I don’t have such friends. I started wondering who it could be. Nothing came to mind. He began to tell how we met, how we slow danced to the song “heaven”. But I couldn’t remember this, for a clear reason))))))))))) In the end, I realized who he was. But I had a hard time imagining what he looked like. We just corresponded on ICQ for a while, then we decided to meet. It was such a warm autumn evening... you could feel romance in the air. We met and went for a walk in the park. (although before that he was waiting for me for probably an hour and a half). We talked about everything and we felt so good together, it was so easy!

He asked me to meet, and at first I tormented him a little, although I immediately knew the answer. And then one of our evenings...he invited me to the park, gave me a rose. He hugged and kissed me the whole evening. Then he asked me again if I agreed to be his girlfriend? To which I immediately answered - YES! He hugged me, spun me around and said that he was very happy. This is how our relationship began. At that time, I was a 2nd year medical student. I asked him about his past relationships. He replied that there was a girl, also from honey, only she was studying in the 1st year. Well, I somehow didn’t give importance to his former relationships.

Then my birthday comes. He comes to me with a huge bouquet of flowers and a big pink teddy bear, just as I wanted. We celebrated with all our friends. Everything was great. I was so happy. Then I took his phone number and decided to look at his telephone directory. Why? I do not know! And I found such an inscription there - FAVORITE... but it wasn’t my phone number. He explained that it was his ex’s number, he just hadn’t deleted it yet. We had a fight about it, he left. The next day in the morning he started calling me , I didn't pick up the phone. In the evening I decided to talk to him. We made peace. But everything was not as good as it seemed....

We met, everything was almost fine. His ex constantly texted and called him. We argued, I cried. I made scandals for him. The end of December - I just got sick. On the 23rd, I came to work with my beloved. He was extraordinarily handsome. And he told me that he was going to a friend’s birthday party today, and their whole company would be there. I say well loved. When you come home from your birthday, call me, I’ll be waiting. With these words I went home. And my soul was oh so restless. I couldn't find a place for myself all evening. Intuition said that something was wrong. I went to bed all nervous... I went into ICQ and there was my beloved. I was so glad that he was already home. BUT...... He writes to me - we need to break up.... I cheated on you.... I couldn’t believe it. How is that possible? My favorite? My best...I begged you to come back, that I would forgive everything. But he said that he did not break up with his ex, that all this time he was playing a double game. Everything collapsed.....But there were 8 days left until the New Year. And we wanted to celebrate together..But alas......

I became even more ill, problems began in my studies, and I was almost kicked out of the medical school. I became indifferent to life. I was constantly silent and crying. Nobody knew how to help me. I completely lost myself......

After a couple of months, I began to come to my senses, but I couldn’t forget him. In the summer, as usual, I went to the village and forgot myself there. And in the end I got into an accident, which resulted in a spinal fracture. I spent a month in the hospital and did not study. Having gotten a little stronger, I went back to school. and while walking with a friend in the park, we met there him whom I loved so much... he was with a friend and brother. I saw him and my heart began to beat wildly. Once again we started talking. the same on ICQ. Our communication grew into something more. But my previous experience scared me.

As a result, we began to live together. I understood that I couldn’t lose him again. I was constantly afraid of losing him. He said that he loved and that he didn’t need anyone.

This year on September 7th it will be 3 years since we have known each other. On April 9, 2010 we had a wedding. I AM THE HAPPIEST WOMAN! As my grandmother said, it means it’s fate! And I believe that he is my life, my destiny! And now we have a little happiness - daughter Sonechka. He always dreamed of a daughter, and I gave him this little creature. I don’t regret anything, because my beloved is nearby. And maybe that test that took place 2 years ago was needed for something... Although it’s difficult to understand why.

This is the story of our family!
