Control point of the complex "mandate" (r-zzok). The main performance characteristics and composition of the hardware data exchange equipment (AOD) Telegraph device mouth 7m instruction

Reference data on the content of precious metals in: PTA-80. The data is provided from open sources: product passports, formularies, technical literature, technical reference books. The content of precious metals (Precious metals): gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (PGM - palladium, etc.) per 1 piece in grams. Gold: 1.94 Silver: 22.3 Platinum: 0 PGM: 0 Note:


Reference data on the content of precious metals in: PTA-80. The data is provided from open sources: product passports, formularies, technical literature, technical reference books. The content of precious metals (Precious metals): gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (PGM - palladium, etc.) per 1 piece in grams. Gold: 3.967 Silver: 37.842 Platinum: 0 pgm: 0.042 Note: […]


Reference data on the content of precious metals in: RTA-7M. The data is provided from open sources: product passports, formularies, technical literature, technical reference books. The content of precious metals (Precious metals): gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (PGM - palladium, etc.) per 1 piece in grams. Gold: 5.5767 Silver: 25.998 Platinum: 0 PGM: 0 Note: […]


Reference data on the content of precious metals in: PTA-80. The data is provided from open sources: product passports, formularies, technical literature, technical reference books. The content of precious metals (Precious metals): gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (PGM - palladium, etc.) per 1 piece in grams. Gold: 8.127 Silver: 19 Platinum: 0 PGM: 0 Note: […]


Reference data on the content of precious metals in: RTA-80-01. The data is provided from open sources: product passports, formularies, technical literature, technical reference books. The content of precious metals (Precious metals): gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (PGM - palladium, etc.) per 1 piece in grams. Gold: 2.271 Silver: 25.022 Platinum: 0.007 PGM: 0.002 Note: […]


Reference data on the content of precious metals in: РТА8-5. The data is provided from open sources: product passports, formularies, technical literature, technical reference books. The content of precious metals (Precious metals): gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (PGM - palladium, etc.) per 1 piece in grams. Gold: 0 Silver: 22.43 Platinum: 0 PGM: 0 Note: […]


Reference data on the content of precious metals in: STA-M67. The data is provided from open sources: product passports, formularies, technical literature, technical reference books. The content of precious metals (Precious metals): gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (PGM - palladium, etc.) per 1 piece in grams. Gold: 0 Silver: 0.86 Platinum: 0 PGM: 0 Note:


Reference data on the content of precious metals in: STA-M-67. The data is provided from open sources: product passports, formularies, technical literature, technical reference books. The content of precious metals (Precious metals): gold, silver, platinum and platinum group metals (PGM - palladium, etc.) per 1 piece in grams. Gold: 0 Silver: 0.538 Platinum: 0 PGM: 0 Note: […]

RTA-7M precious metals in him. The content of precious metals in the RTA-7M telegraph device based on technical forms. Secondary precious metals in the RTA-7M device: Gold: 1.939 grams. Silver: 22.299 grams. Platinum: 0.

007 grams. MPG: 0.002.

According to: List of devices and equipment containing metals RD 52. 19. 282-90. Secondary precious metals in the RTA-7M device: Gold: 6.

4973 grams. Silver: 18.6777 grams. Platinum: 0.5373 grams. According to: From the lists of the LenVMB communications service. Secondary precious metals in the PTA-7 device: Gold: 10.14 grams.

Telegraph apparatus, RTA-7b, 0.3688814, 1.7033446, 0. Telegraph apparatus Telegraph apparatus, RTA - 7M, 6.4973, 18.6777, 0.5373. Apparatus. The development of telegraph equipment continued in the direction of telegraph channels in the telephone channel with a frequency spectrum of 0.3-2.7 kHz. automated start-stop apparatus RTA-60 ("Rioni"), which has become. Password recovery instructions will be sent to the specified email address. Technical description and instruction manual. 1985 Size: 424, 7 Kb РТА -6. Roll telegraph apparatus. TO and IE. Size: 3.5 Mb. 166.7 million rubles (2012), RAS. Number of employees. 1666 (2013). Parent company. Russian Electronics JSC · Website · · Coordinates: 54° 30′07″ s. sh. 36°17′53″ E  / 54.502° N sh. 36.298° E e. / 54.502 electronic telegraph devices, using one of these devices РТА -80. There is a T-100 connection in the instructions. Oleg, they do just that: on the device that prints the most, that is, for reception they put T-100, RTA - 7, T-67 it is convenient to connect through the telegraph shield on the terminals of which.

The Kaluga plant of telegraph equipment has been leading its history since 1962, the rolled electromechanical apparatus RTA - 7 (7B), and then RTA - 7M.

Silver: 52.01 grams. Platinum: 0 grams. MPG: 0 grams. According to: From the lists of the CC LenVO. Secondary precious metals in the RTA-7M device: Gold: 5.57 grams. Silver: 25.9 grams. Platinum: 0 grams.

MPG: 0 grams. According to: List of devices, elements, parts, etc. If you want to see the contents of the entire article, click on one of these buttons.

Control room P-236TK

Basic equipment:

Equipment T-230-06 - 4 k.

Block BGO-M - 1 k.

Block BAK-40F1 - 1 unit

Remote control PT-M - 4 k.

Shield PASCH-M1 - 4 units

Hardware provides:

Direct service TF connection

Gross weight - 13500 kg

Crew = up to 14 people

Control room P-245-K

Basic equipment:

UCHF device

Telegraph channel switching unit (BTG-40M)

Block of reserve telegraph channels (BRTG-20U)

Control device for direct-printing links (KU-BP)

Telegraph concentrator (KTG-10J)

Remote telegraph operator (PT-M)

Group equipment block (BGO-M)

Channel State Data Transmission Unit (CDU)

Scoreboard (TO-64)

Device ETI-69

Telegraph apparatus (LTA-8)

Telegraph apparatus (RTA-7M)

Hardware provides:

All hardware equipment

Control room P-245-KM is a cross of telegraph channels and is intended for:


A) Basic equipment:

UKCH device - 2 k.

Tonal telegraphy equipment:

P-327-2 - 8 units

P-327-3 - 4 k.

P-327-12 - 5 k.

Transition device P-327-PU6 - 2 k.

Telephone intercom P-327-TPU-3 k.

PDU-TG remote control - 2 units

Block of transitional devices (BPU) - 1 k.

Stand (SKK) - 1 k.

Channel status data reception unit (BPDSK) - 1 k.

Electronic switchboard (KA-36) - 1 unit

SUS-3M system - 1 set.

Specialized electrical device (P-115A) - 1 k.

Unified video monitoring device (1VK-40) - 1 k.

Control room P-232-1K

Block UVK АВС-0102 - 1 unit

Block UVK ABC-1306 - 1 unit

Block UVK AVS-1313 - 1 unit

Hardware provides:

21) Hardware P-328TK-1

Hardware provides:

switching on each set of T-230-3M1 and T-208

any telegraph channel introduced or formed by P-327;

Simultaneous encryption of up to 4 telegraph channels

Simultaneous pairing with 2 ACS

Reliability and imitation security of telegraphic information

Inclusion of 2 reserve channels on calling devices;

Conducting telegraph exchange through start-stop exits

Switching to any equipment T-206, T-260-06 of any introduced impulse channel;

Receiving and sending call signals on the 2nd res. TG channels;

The work of the service TGA in one of the modes.

Formation in each of the 2 introduced KFC 2 or 3 TG channels using P-327-2 and P-327-3 and switching these TG channels to T-206-Zm1 and T-208 with their own equipment or issuing 2 TG channels to other TG hardware;

Direct TF and GGS

Direct SS TF

SS TF with hardware US and PU subscribers

Duplex GGS between the body and the control room cabin

Transport base:- KAMAZ - 4310 (body KB 1.4320D).

R cons. main equipment = 2.8 kVA

R cons. total = 8.2 kVA

Gross weight - 15100 kg

Crew = 7 people

Dimensions 8000mm x 2550mm x 3542mm

Control room P-328-TK designed to provide secure telegraph communication via telegraph (low-speed) and impulse (medium-speed) channels of the US of the control points of the OK and AC.


Basic equipment:

Equipment Т-2О6-ЗМ - 4 sets.

UZO-ZMT device - 1 set.

Linear switching unit (BLK-M1) - 1 set.

Telegraph communication switching unit (BKTS) - 2 sets.

Terminal equipment status sensor (DSEA) - 2 sets.

Line output prefix (PLV-2) - 2 sets.

Block AB-481 - 2 sets.

Tonal telegraphy equipment P-327-2 - 2 sets.

Telegraph apparatus (LTA-8) - 10 sets.

Device ETI-69 - 1 set.

Block of group association (BGO-M) - 1 set.

Remote telegraph operator PT-M - 2 sets.


Hardware provides:

1. Reception of 8 TG channels through cross-connection control rooms or directly from channel-forming control rooms and their switching

2. Reception of 4 TG channels from radio stations of receiving machines and their switching

3. Reception of 2 PM channels, their switching to P-327-2 equipment

4. Simultaneous work in a secret mode on 4 TG channels

7. Measurement of characteristics of TG channels

8. Conducting official telegraph conversations on TG channels using official TG devices.

9. Organization of direct GGS and telephone communication with interacting hardware RS.

10. Conducting office negotiations through the automatic telephone exchange of internal communication.

12. Conducting simplex radio communication on the spot and on the move with hardware US using the R-105M radio station.

Control room P-236TK- the control room with terminal telegraph devices is designed to receive start-stop outputs of T-206-3M1 and T-230-06 classification equipment to terminal telegraph devices, provide direct-printing exchange, organize transit connections and circular communication.

The control room is part of the telegraph center of the field communication center KP (ZKP) OK (VS). When providing secure communications, it is used in conjunction with the control rooms P-238TK, P-238TK-1, P-244TN, P-242TN.


Basic equipment:

Equipment T-230-06 - 4 k.

Telegraph switchboard (TG-15/10M1) - 1 k.

Block of circular communications (BTsS-10M) - 1 k.

Block BGO-M - 1 k.

Block BAK-40F1 - 1 unit

Remote control PT-M - 4 k.

Telegraph apparatus (LTA-8) - 8 k.

Shield PASCH-M1 - 4 units

Hardware provides:

Organization of TG communication via pulse channels (C1-I) using T-230-06;

Maintenance of TG exchange via connected TG 15/10M1 start-stop outputs. -

Direct service TF connection

Direct service GGS with 4 RM from windows.

Duplex GGS from the body from the cab with UPA-2, simplex GGS r / communication through R-105M on the spot and on the move.

Power supply: - from 2 autonomous, galvanically unconnected 3F - 380 V, 220 V; R cons. total = 11.1 kVA

Transport base: URAL-43203 (body K 2.4320)

Gross weight - 13500 kg

Crew = up to 14 people

Control room P-245-K is a cross of telegraph channels and is intended for:

management of the US telegraph center;

receiving and switching PM channels to voice-frequency telegraphy equipment, as well as receiving and switching the rest of PM channels to hardware TFCs;

formation and distribution of telegraph channels by hardware communications;

monitoring the quality of channels (automatically or manually with the help of devices);

formation of up to 10 telegraph connections.

Basic equipment:

UKCH device - 1 k.

Tonal telegraphy equipment:

P-327-2 - 8 units

P-327-3 - 2 K.

P-327-12 - 2 K.

Telegraph channel switching unit (BTG-40M) - 2 k.

Block of reserve telegraph channels (BRTG-20U) - 1 k.

Control device for direct-printing connections (KU-BP) - 1 k.

Telegraph concentrator (KTG-10J) - 1 k.

Transition device P-327-PU6 - 1 k.

Remote telegraphist (PT-M) - 2 k.

Block of group equipment (BGO-M) - 1 unit

Channel state data transmission unit (BPDSK) - 1 k.

Scoreboard (TO-64) - 1 k.

Device ETI-69 - 2 k.

Telegraph apparatus (LTA-8) - 1 office

Telegraph apparatus (RTA-7M) - 1 office

Hardware provides:

Reception of 20 PM channels at UCHF and switching of 14 of them for secondary multiplexing to P-327 equipment;

Switching of 8 telephone channels formed from the remnants of the CFC spectrum compressed by P-327-2 equipment to the control rooms of the telephone center

Formation with the help of P-327 equipment up to 46 telegraph channels and their transmission to BTG-40m units

Switching of 70 telegraph channels to connecting lines from telegraph control rooms

Measurement and quality control of telegraph channels

All hardware equipment mounted in the body of KB.4320 mounted on the chassis of a URAL-43203 vehicle.

The power consumed by the control room at a mains voltage of 380 V does not exceed 9.8 kVA.

The total weight of the control room is no more than 11340 kg.

The control room crew - 7 people.

Hardware room dimensions, mm: length-8260, width-2550, height-3384

Control room P-245-KM is a cross of telegraph channels and is intended for:

Management of the US telegraph center;

Reception and switching of tone frequency channels to tone telegraphy equipment;

Formation, reception and switching of telegraph channels to hardware communication centers;

Monitoring the quality of channels (automatically or manually with the help of instruments);

Automated processing and documentation of information on the state of communications and voice-frequency telegraphy equipment and the issuance of this information to the control center of the communication center.


The hardware kit P-245-KM includes:

A) Basic equipment:

UCHF device

Tonal telegraphy equipment:

Transition device P-327-PU6

Telephone intercom P-327-TPU

PDU-TG remote control -

Block of transitional devices (BPU) .

Cabinet (SKK) -

Channel State Data Receiving Unit (BPDSK) -

Electronic switch (KA-36) -

SUS-3M system -

Specialized electrical device (P-115A)

Unified video monitoring device (1VK-40)

Control room P-232-1K is designed for receiving, processing, recording and delivering telegraph correspondence to the addressees of the control center, to separate receiving machines and hardware communication centers.

Equipment for collecting, displaying and documenting information on the passage of telegraph messages:

Block UVK АВС-0102 - 1 unit

Block UVK ABC-1306 - 1 unit

Block UVK AVS-1313 - 1 unit

Asynchronous concentrator KA-36 - 1 k.

Table-sign indicator RIN-609 - 3 k.

Telegraph apparatus RTA-7m - 2 k.

Photoreader FS-1501 - 1 set

Tape perforator PL-150 - 1 set

Basic performance data Hardware provides:

1. Connecting up to 10 advanced terminal telegraph control rooms

3. Connecting the hardware P249k

4. Collection and generalization of data on the passage of signals and telegraph messages and the transfer of this information to the control room P-249k.

5. Reception from the control room P-249k of information about the state of telegraph communications.

6. Automatic countdown of the control periods for the passage of signals and telegraph messages.

11. Connection of subscriber lines from telephone exchanges of long-distance and internal communication.

13. Service radio communication using 5 selective frequencies and one circular call frequency.

9)cabling- this is the most important component of the process of deploying mobile and stationary US equipment

It includes:

1. Intra-node connection of elements, hardware, stations of the RS among themselves;

2 . Equipment of subscriber networks at PU;

3 . Equipment for remote control lines with transmitters and transmission channels from remote RES;

4. Hardware power network hardware.

Components of CCP cabling: equipment for transmission lines of channels from remote RES, connection of elements and hardware to each other.

To solve these problems, transmission system equipment is used, as well as long-distance field cables, radio relay stations, light field cables and intra-nodal cables.

As channel transmission systems, the equipment of the Topaz and Azur complexes is used, which is installed in the OPM, ADU, in nodal transmission complexes or in hardware seals.

The cable is laid on the surface of the earth:

cable layer;

in a bunker way from a car platform or using carts;

manually using a trolley.

The procedure for laying intra-nodal trunk lines is determined by the head of the RS. The following laying order will be typical:

between hardware different elements:

a cable is laid to the cross hardware control rooms from other hardware control systems;

from hardware TG ZAS to receiving machines of the radio center;

from receiving machines and individual machines of the radio center to the hardware TF ZAS;

from hardware CKS (GKO) to hardware TF ZAS or TG ZAS and crosses of telegraph (P-245K) and TLF (P-246K) channels.

from hardware control elements of the US to the hardware control of the US.

between hardware inside elements (centers):

at the receiving center - from the receiving machines of radio stations and individual receiving machines to the radio control room;

at the transmitting radio center - from radio transmitters, radio stations to hardware remote control (radio transmitting nodes);

in groups of channel formation, taken out of the PU, - from radio relay, tropospheric stations, - to hardware transmission channels;

at the telephone center - from the hardware TF ZAS to the TLF station ZAS, to the hardware of the cross-country station of the TLF channels, from the STL of the long-distance and internal communication station to the hardware cross-country of the TLF channels;

at the TLG center - from the hardware TG ZAS to the hardware of the cross-country telegraph channels.

Subscriber communication networks, which are part of the secondary networks, are a set of terminal subscriber devices installed at the workplaces of officials of the control point, subscriber lines and switching devices.

At present, in accordance with the "Communication Manual of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus" and deployed secondary networks at the launchers of the formations of the Ground Forces, the following subscriber networks should be equipped:

TLF station of long-distance classified communication;

TLF station of open (unclassified) communication;

mode automatic TLF of the station (TLF of the intercom station);

a center for automation of command and control of troops (forces);

operational loud-speaking communication;

telegraph classified communications;

video telephone connection.

Distribution (Subscriber) networks are equipped at stationary control centers by the forces and means of stationary communication centers:

TLF of a secret communication station;

regime automatic TLF station;

complex, including open networks of TLF of a long-distance communication station, internal exchange, installations of operational (dispatching) TLF (loud-speaking) communication, intra-object notification, clocking.

The following factors influence the capacity, structure and branching of subscriber distribution networks:

the number and type of terminal devices for individual use installed at the workplaces of officials of the control point;

the degree of dispersal of the elements of the control point on the ground;

the introduction of devices for collective use, including call centers;

fulfillment of the requirements of the governing documents for the creation of a unified subscriber network of TLFs for classified communications;

the capabilities of the terminal hardware RS for the removal of terminal devices;

the degree of equipment of staff vehicles of mobile launchers with means of communication;

staffing of the RS serving this point of control with personnel and communication equipment.

Into the subscriber network of the TLF station of the distant The secret communication of a mobile launcher includes the following elements:

terminal telephone sets installed at the workplaces of officials of the control point (phone rooms) of the P-171, AT-3031 type;

Subscriber lines deployed by ATGM cable, PRK with a capacity of 20x2, 10x2 and 5x2, light field cable P-274M:

P-252M1, P-252M2 telephone exchanges, as well as P-209 (P-209I) switches in P-244TM (P-244TN) control rooms;

cable equipment, consisting of introductory shields, distribution and adapter sleeves.

The subscriber network of the TLF of an unclassified communication station includes:

telephone sets such as TAN-68, TAN-72;

Subscriber lines with field cables such as PRK, ATGM and P-274;

switching devices equipped in control rooms P-178-1 (P-178-II), P-225M.

A subscriber network of a regime automatic TLF station will be deployed at the PU of the associations, designed to exchange secret information of officials of the administration without the use of classification equipment.

Main operational and technical capabilities

topological structures

technical equipment unmasking signs

organizational structures



ergonomics and medical and technical requirements

energy intensity and consumption of consumables

The basic principles for constructing CS as complex systems include the following:

Correspondence of their operational and technical capabilities to the needs of the control and communication system.

structural organization.

Organizational and technical unity of the US for various purposes.

Separation of forces and means of communication centers.

Step by step development.

Combination of centralized and decentralized governance

B. B. BORISOV, Head of the Department of the Central Communications Station of the Ministry of Railways

At present, electronic telegraph devices RTA-80 and F1100 are being introduced on the telegraph network of railway transport (the first is domestic production, the second is the GDR). In them, a significant part of the functions are performed by electronic circuits and nodes.

Electronic telegraph devices have a number of features and advantages compared to electromechanical devices STA-M67 and T63, higher reliability due to the absence of mechanical components, better performance in terms of the corrective power of the receiver and the magnitude of transmitter distortion, a quick transition from one telegraphy speed to another, a block design of all nodes interconnected by electrical wires, a significantly lower level of acoustic noise.

RTA-80 is the main domestic electronic telegraph device, which, in terms of its performance, is at the level of the best world samples. It is designed to transmit and receive information in telegraph communication systems and data transmission at a speed of 50 and 100 baud.

Technical characteristics of the device. Automated electronic roll telegraph RTA-80 can be used at public telegraph communication centers, subscriber telegraph, in data transmission systems, information collection and processing. The device operates on the 5-element international code MTK-2 and is compatible with any domestic and foreign telegraph devices operating on this code.

It is based on a block principle based on modern technology using microcircuits, large integrated circuits, stepper motors, mosaic printing and photo-reading.

The RTA-80 device allows you to dial a number from the keyboard, repeatedly transmit the same message, play an unlimited number of copies, accumulate up to 1024 characters of information in the buffer memory, simultaneously receive information from the communication channel to the buffer drive and prepare information in the "for yourself" mode and others. It has three registers: digital, Russian and Latin. The device switches to any of these registers with the corresponding code combinations "CIF", "RUS", "LAT". The technical data of the RTA-80 device are given below.

Telegraphy speed, Baud 50, 100 Edge distortions introduced by the transmitter, no more than, % ... 2 Corrective ability of the receiver for edge distortions, no less than, %......... 45

Correcting ability for crushing, not less than, % .... 7

Number of characters per line.....69

Number of copies to be printed no more than ......................3

Roll width, mm...... 208, 210, 215

Perforated tape width, mm... . 17.5

Ink ribbon width, mm 13

Ready time after switching on, no more than, s ........ 1

The capacity of the answering machine, characters. . . 20

Power consumption from the network, no more than, V-A ......... 220

Operating temperature range, С...........+5. ..+40

Overall dimensions (with automation device), mm..... 565X602X201

Weight (with automation device), kg......................25

Structural diagram of the device

RTA-80 is shown in fig. 1. Its main nodes are: keyboard (KLV), transmitter (TX), receiver (PRM), mosaic printer (PU), transmitter (TRM) and reperforator (RPF) set-top boxes, input (USLin) and output (USLout) devices interfacing with the line, a ringing device (VU), an answering machine (AO), a storage device (ZU), a master oscillator (ZG) and a power supply unit (BP).

Information from the feeder can be entered into the transmitter both from the keyboard and from the transmitter attachment. In addition, information can be entered into the transmitter from a memory device, where it comes from the keyboard. When preparing information in the memory, the possibility of correcting errors is provided.

Information is printed on perforated tape, as well as on T63 and STA-M67 devices.

To coordinate the speed of the operator's work on the keyboard and the speed of the transmitter, a buffer storage BN1 with a capacity of 64 characters is used. Similar buffer accumulators are included at the input of the BN2 printing device and the BNZ reperforator attachment. Accumulator BN2 serves to accumulate characters during the return of the PU print head to the beginning of the line, and BNZ - to accumulate characters at the moment of acceleration of the reperforator engine.

When operating the PTA-80 with an automatic telegraph switching station, a VU ringing device is used with keys to call, hang up and switch the device into the “pull” mode. In this case, dialing is carried out using the keypad on the digital register.

For automatic transmission of the conditional name of the subscriber station (auto answer) to the communication channel, an answering machine AO ​​is used, which forms a text of up to 20 characters.

The keyboard of the RTA-80 apparatus is intended for manual input by the operator of information into the transmitter and storage device. In addition, on the KLV, when working on an automated telegraph network, you can dial subscriber numbers. A four-row three-register keyboard is used. The keys of the first row are used to transfer digital information; keys of the second, third and fourth rows - for the transmission of alphabetic information and punctuation marks. In addition, there are service keys: in the first row - carriage return, in the second - line feed, new line and the combination "Who's there?", in the fourth - the register keys "LAT", "RUS" and "CIF". In total, the keyboard includes 49 keys, including a key for an extended transmission of the “Space” combination.

A feature of the keyboard of the PTA 80 device is the electrical blocking of the keys of the digital register when working on the letter register and the keys of the letter register when working on the digital register. Keys of service combinations are open on all registers.

The keyboard of the device consists of mechanical and electronic parts. The mechanical part (Fig. 2) is a set of 49 key switches 4 installed on board 3. The electronic part of the keyboard is made on integrated circuits 5 and is located on one printed circuit board 2. Connector 1 is used to connect the keyboard to the apparatus circuit.

Key switches (Fig. 3) are made in the form of separate modules, the main parts of which are housing 4 and stem B with a key 6 rigidly fixed on it. A permanent magnet 3 is installed in the recess of the stem, in close proximity to which there is a magnetically controlled sealed contact (reed switch) 2. Spring 1 serves to return the key to its original position after it is released.

When the key 6 is pressed together with it, compressing the spring 1, the rod 5 and the permanent magnet 3 move down. Contact 2 closes under the influence of the magnetic field, which is a signal to start the encoder located on the electronic part of the keyboard. The rod and magnet are returned to their original position by spring 1.

The electronic part of the keyboard (Fig. 4) consists of a key matrix (KLM), an encoder (Sh), a buffer storage (BN), a service combination decoder (DSK), a register automaton (AR) and a blocking circuit (SB). The operating modes of the keyboard and transmitter nodes are coordinated according to the Fgt signals coming from the master oscillator.

PC key switches are installed at the intersection of vertical U1...U12 and horizontal X1...X8 busbars, forming a KLM key matrix. The electrical part of each PC contains, in addition to the reed switch D, the diode D. The cathode of the diode is connected to one of the contacts of the reed switch. The anode of the diode and the second contact of the reed switch are connected to a strictly defined intersection point of the X and Y buses.

At the signal of the key switch. The corresponding code combination of the 5-element MTK-2 code is formed in the encoder Ш in the PC. This combination enters in the form of a parallel code into the BN buffer drive, with the help of which the speed of the operator is consistent with the speed of the transmitter.

The service combination decoder generates pulses for controlling the operation of the SB and AR. The blocking circuit is activated in the event that a key of a non-working key is pressed by mistake. this moment register.

The device's transceiver is a block in which the Rx receiver and the Tx transmitter are structurally combined. The block diagram of the PRM-TX block is shown in fig. 5.

From the blocks of the KLV keyboard, the TPM transmitter or the memory storage device, the 5-element code combinations enter the transmitter in a parallel way. Here they are converted into a sequence of MTK-2 code signals with the addition of start and stop signals. In this case, the duration of the signals will be determined by the telegraphy speed, which can be 50 or 100 baud. The generated combination is transmitted in a serial way through the output interface device with the CONTROL line to the communication channel.

The receiver of the device performs a function inverse to the function of the transmitter: it receives 5-element code combinations from the line in a serial way and transmits them in a parallel way without start and stop signals to the PU printer and the RPF reperforator attachment.

The main devices of the receiver and transmitter are the distributors for receiving and transmitting, performing functions similar to the functions of the distribution clutch of the transmitter and the stacking clutch of the receiver of electromechanical devices STA-M67 and T63. Distributors are built on flip-flops. The synchronous and in-phase operation of the distributors is controlled by the clock signals coming from the CG master oscillator, which acts as a drive.

Consider the principle of operation of the reception distributor. Its functional diagram is shown in Fig. 6, a, the timing diagram of work - in fig. 6b.

The receive distributor includes five triggers (corresponding to the number of code signals in the combination). The direct output of each flip-flop is connected to the D input of the subsequent flip-flop, with the output of the last flip-flop connected to the D input of the first. The inputs from all triggers of the distributor are paralleled. The distributor operation cycle consists of two sequential operations - writing code combinations in a serial way and reading them in a parallel way.

According to the reset input signal with a logic 0 level coming from the PU or RPF circuit, at the direct output of the first recording trigger there is a signal with a logic level of 1, and at the direct outputs of the remaining triggers - signals with a logic 0 level. time t0 in Fig. 6, b) and before the appearance of the first input signal (time ti) a signal with a logic level of 1 arrives at Output 1 and input D of trigger 2. At the inputs D of the remaining triggers, a signal with a logic level of 0. On the front the first incoming signal from the direct output of trigger 1 to trigger 2 is overwritten by 1, on the edge of the next incoming signal, this 1 is overwritten from the output of trigger 2 to trigger 3, etc.

The principle of operation of the transmission distributor is to write code combinations coming in parallel from the KLV keyboard, TRM transmitter or memory storage device, and read them in a serial way. The transmit distributor, like the receive distributor, is built on flip-flops, but unlike the latter, it has 5 inputs and 1 output.

The RTA-80 device provides for transmission to the communication channel and reception from it of both single-pole (mode I) and two-pole (mode II) signals. The choice of one or another mode of operation is carried out by setting the corresponding blocks CONDITIONAL and CONDITIONAL. The ability to work with bipolar signals eliminates the need to install a transitional matching device between the device and the communication channel.

The PU printer provides printing of information using a single-color ink ribbon 13 mm wide on a roll of paper with a width of 208 to 215 mm up to 69 characters per line. The PU uses a mosaic printing method, the essence of which is the formation of characters from individual dots obtained as a result of hitting the ink ribbon printing needles. The imprinted sign does not consist of a continuous print, but is visually perceived as a solid one. The formation of each sign occurs strictly within the 7X9 matrix (7 horizontal and 9 vertical lines). The use of a mosaic printing method greatly simplifies the mechanical part of the PTA 80 device in comparison with the T63 device, which significantly increases the reliability of the PTA-80 device as a whole.

The print head (Fig. 7) consists of a body, seven electromagnets 2 with anchors 3 and seven printing needles 4. When an electrical signal enters the winding of any of the electromagnets 2, the armature 2 moves with a printing needle 4 Needle 4, oriented by guide 6, strikes on the ink ribbon 7 and on the paper roll 8, a dot print is obtained. Under the action of spring 5, the anchor with the printing needle returns to its original position.

In the process of forming a character, the print head moves relative to the paper roll 8. When printing one character, this movement is 9 steps.

Structural diagram of PU is shown in fig. 8 The control panel includes a control panel (CP), a buffer drive (BN), a character generator (GZN), a print head amplifier (USPG), a print head (PG), a character generator control device (UGZN), a service combination decoder (DSK), line feed control circuit (UPS), carriage return control circuit (UPC), line feed stepper motor switches (KShDPS) and carriage return (KShDPK). In addition, there are amplifiers for line feed stepper motors.

(USSHDPS) and carriage return USSHDPK), stepper motors for line feed and carriage return (SHDPK), a printhead position sensor unit (DU), an audio signal control circuit (USS) and an audio signal emitter (IZS).

The printer works as follows. Five-element code combinations of signals are transmitted in a parallel way from the transceiver unit PRM-TX to the BN drive. The latter stores the received information at times when a line feed and a carriage return are performed. From the BN, the code combinations enter the character generator (GZN), where signals are generated that control the operation of the electromagnets of the print head (PG). Electromagnets are triggered, while consuming current up to 0.8 A. To compensate for the current consumption of electromagnets at the time of their operation, the USPG print head amplifiers. included between the GZN and SG, amplify the control signals.

Thus, in the GZN, 5-element code combinations are converted into PG control signals. As a result of the operation of the SG electromagnets, an imprint of the sign is formed on paper in accordance with the incoming code combination of signals.

Station devices include BMK local control units and BCC centralized control unit. All this equipment is mounted on electrical interlocking cabinets.

On fig. 1 shows a diagram of a BPDL block with one switching set and its connection to the winding of the signal transformer T2. The switching unit contains a rectifier bridge assembled on diodes VD1 ... VD4 of type D226, a small-sized reed relay G of type RES-55 with a rear contact included in the control circuit of the triac VS. The control circuit of the triac VS includes zener diodes VD5 and VD6, which are necessary for the operation of control devices for double-filament lamps.

The switching block works as follows. With a working main filament OH of a double-filament DNL lamp, the current flows from the secondary winding of the signal transformer T2 through the primary winding T1 and the main filament of the OH-O lamp. At the same time, e is induced in the secondary winding of the transformer T1. d.s. The voltage rectified through the diodes VD1 ... VD4 from the secondary winding of the transformer T1 is fed through the smoothing filter CR2 to the winding of the reed relay G.

With a good main OH thread, the winding of the reed relay G is continuously energized and therefore the control circuit of the triac VS is broken by the contact of this relay. The triac VS is closed and the current does not flow through the backup PH thread. In the event of a burnout of the main thread or in case of damage that leads to the cessation of the flow of current through the main thread, the reed relay G will de-energize, which will turn on the contact 11-13 of this relay of the triac control circuit VS. The triac will open and turn on the backup filament of the DNL double-filament lamp.

Thus, when the main thread burns out, the BPDL unit automatically switches power to the backup thread of the DNL traffic light.

As can be seen from the one shown in Fig. 1 of the diagram, the BPDL unit does not contain additional power sources. It meets the requirements of train traffic safety, since any damage to its elements does not lead to a more permissive traffic light indication, as well as false switching on of traffic lights. This is due to the fact that the voltage supply to the primary winding of the transformer T2 is carried out from the EC post by the relay contacts, which provide the choice of a traffic light lamp. Therefore, the inclusion of traffic light lamps is determined by the operation of selective relays of the I reliability class.

It should also be noted that the main filament of the lamp is connected through the primary winding of the transformer T1, which contains 40 turns of wire with a diameter of 1.16 mm. In this case, the voltage drop on this winding does not exceed 1 V, which is less than 10% of the lamp voltage. Thus, the inclusion in the circuit of the main thread of the lamp of the winding of the transformer T1 practically does not affect the operating mode of the lamp. Switching the main thread to the reserve one in the BPDL unit is carried out within 15 ... .

To control the integrity of the main threads of traffic light lamps, control devices can be used that contain BMK local control units for each traffic light and one BCC centralized control unit for a group of traffic lights. Each of these blocks is mounted in the NMSh relay case. On fig. 2 shows a diagram of the inclusion of local control units BMK and their linkage with the BCC for output traffic lights of electrical interlocking devices.

As can be seen from the above diagram, the signal blocks of traffic lights of type BII are powered from the power supply OHS-PHS through fuses and BMK-blocks. This method of constructing control circuits eliminates the possibility of false switching on of traffic light lamps in case of any malfunctions in the circuits. With the help of one such block, all lamps of one traffic light can be controlled.

On fig. 3 shows a diagram of the BMK local control unit. The unit has a VD4 LED, which indicates a malfunction of the main thread. However, the presence of a light indicator in the BMK unit is an insufficient condition for the timely detection of failures in traffic light lamps. Indeed, at stations where there is no round-the-clock duty of signaling electricians, it is required to transfer information about the burnout of traffic lights to the station duty officer in a timely manner to ensure more prompt elimination of this malfunction. Taking into account the specifics of the operation of the BMC block, it is necessary that such information be stored in the BCC block. The latter should receive from each BMK unit using the control circuit information about the burnout of the main threads of the traffic light lamps and ensure the transfer of this information to the chipboard or the electrician on duty in the form of a generalized malfunction. It should be noted that the BCC block can be installed not only on the entire station, but, if necessary, on separate groups of traffic lights.

Experience in the operation of semiconductor equipment has shown that with short-term impulse overvoltages in the supply network, failures of these devices are observed. In this regard, the BMK and BCC units can be powered from one frequency converter installed at the station (see Fig. 2). In this case, a stable supply voltage and protection against short-term switching processes in the supply network are provided.

Along with the indicated advantage, the proposed scheme for switching on two-filament traffic light lamps, in comparison with the standard solution, provides significant savings in cable, relay-contact equipment, and signal transformers ST.

Let us consider in more detail the principle of operation of the BMK local control unit (see Fig. 3). The input device of the block is made on the transformer T1, in which the windings L1 and L2 are connected in opposite directions and contain the same number of turns. Capacitors C1 and C2 provide tuning of the corresponding circuits to a frequency of 250 Hz of the fifth harmonic of the mains.

When the main thread of a traffic light lamp is working, the voltage on it is sinusoidal. In this case, the voltages on the windings L1 and L2 of the transformer T1 (see Fig. 3) are equal and oppositely directed, therefore e. e., arising on the secondary winding L3, is close to zero. When the backup thread is turned on, the current flowing through it has a non-sinusoidal shape. This is due to the fact that two zener diodes VD5 and VD6 are included in the control circuit of the triac VS (see Fig. 1), which create a delay phase -f in each half-wave of the alternating current to turn on the triac. The appearance of the delay phase is caused by the following phenomena. Until the harmonic-changing voltage at the control input of the triac reaches the breakdown voltage of the zener diode Tsgt, the triac control current until the breakdown of the zener diode is zero, and then abruptly changes to the value of the triggering current of the triac.

The spectral composition of the non-sinusoidal current flowing through the reserve thread contains the fifth harmonic of the supply network, the appearance of which is a sign of switching to the reserve thread. The selection of the fifth harmonic is carried out due to a significant increase in the voltage on the circuit Cl L2 of the transformer T1 (see Fig. 3), tuned to resonance at the fifth harmonic. In this case, a voltage difference arises on the windings L1 and L2 and, as a result, e. d.s. on the secondary winding L3. This e. d.s. causes a current with a frequency of 250 Hz, opening transistors VT1, VT2 and VT3.

When the UTZ transistor is opened, the VD4 LED goes out, which fixes the failure of the main filament of the lamp. Simultaneously with the opening of the transistor VT3, the current flowing in its collector circuit will turn on the VD3 optocoupler, and a control signal is formed in the BCC.

For more accurate operation of the BMK block, stabistors VD1 and VD2 are included in the base circuit of the transistor VT1, which provide the threshold properties of the block. The threshold voltage can be adjusted by the number of stabistors connected in series using external jumpers of the block.

As mentioned earlier, the BMK unit detects a break in the main thread of a traffic light lamp only in a burning state, but when another lamp with a working main thread is turned on at a given traffic light, the control disappears. This circumstance makes it difficult to fix a malfunction of the main filament of the lamp. The specified operational drawback is eliminated by the centralized control unit, which detects, by a signal from the BMC, the presence of a break in the main thread of any lamp of controlled traffic lights. Moreover, the fact of failure to a group of controlled traffic lights is recorded without specifying a specific place of damage. The BCC centralized control block is connected to the BMK block in accordance with the diagram shown in fig. 2. All local control units are connected by outputs 6, 7 of the same name into a parallel circuit and connected to the BCC input. In this case, the maximum possible number (about 50) of connected blocks is determined by the value of the difference in resistance of the receiving part of the VD5 optocoupler (see Fig. 3) in the unlit and illuminated states.

Consider the principle of operation of the BCC block, the scheme of which is shown in fig. 4. The block consists of a multivibrator made on transistors VT2 and VT3, an auxiliary transistor VT1, as well as two keys assembled on transistors VT4 and VT5. The latching relay FR is included in the collector circuit of the transistor VT5. In the base circuit of each of the transistor switches VT4 and VT5, respectively, zener diodes VD1 and VD2 are included, which provide the threshold properties of these switches.

Storing information about the burnout of the main thread of one of the lamps of controlled traffic lights is provided by self-blocking of the FR relay when it is triggered by the collector circuit of the transistor VT5. The contacts of the same relay turn on the signaling on the chipboard panel about a malfunction of one of the lamps in the controlled group of traffic lights.

In the diagrams shown in fig. 5, the operation of the BCC block is considered when the main filament of the lamp burns out and in case of accidental failures in the operation of the BMC or BPDL blocks,

When the main thread burns out at the time to, the transistor - VT3 of the BMK block (see Fig. 3) will open, and its collector current, shown in Fig. 5, a, will be equal to 1k saturation. As a result, the emitting part of the VD3 optocoupler of the BMK block (see Fig. 3) will continuously transmit light energy to its receiving part, made in the form of a photothyristor. Considering that the photothyristor is supplied with voltage - power is pulsed - from the multivibrator of the BCC unit, the transistor VT4 (see Fig. 4) will open and close synchronously with the operation of the auxiliary transistor VT1, powered by the multivibrator.

Thus, in the time intervals -13; U-15; t6-t7, when the transistor VT1 is open, the transistor VT4 opens and the capacitor G3 is charged. When the stabilization voltage of the zener diode VD2 is reached on the capacitor SZ, the transistor VT5 opens, then the FR relay is activated and self-blocking through its own contact 11-12. The charge of the SZ capacitor occurs after about 2-3 cycles of the multivibrator. By adjusting the duration of the multivibrator cycle or the time constant of the charge of the capacitor SZ, you can set the required delay time for the operation of the BCC block.

In case of accidental failures in the operation of the BPDL or BMK units, the optocoupler VD3 of the BMK unit may be switched on for a short time (in Fig. 5, b current pulses 1i). As can be seen from fig. 5, b, if the optocoupler is turned on at time intervals t1-t2 or t3-t4, then the transistor VT4 (see Fig. 4). is constantly in the closed state and the capacitor C3 is not charged. When an interference pulse enters the time interval t6-t7, when the transistor VT1 is open, the capacitor C3 is charged to a voltage whose value is less than the stabilization voltage VD2, so the transistor VT5 remains closed and the FR relay is not energized. Thus, the centralized control unit has a time selector for protection against impulse noise and random failures in the operation of switching and control devices for double-filament traffic light lamps.

Operational tests of prototypes of devices for switching and controlling double-filament lamps in existing traffic lights have shown their stable operation.

Usage: in terminal devices of telecode communication, in particular in telegraph devices. The essence of the invention: to increase the depth of the search for a defect in the telegraph apparatus and expand its functionality in a telegraph apparatus containing an input unit 7 (keyboard, transmitter) connected to the inputs of the transmitter 6, the transmitter output is connected to the input of the communication line, the input of the receiver is connected to the output of the communication line 2, and its outputs are connected to the inputs of the display unit 1 (printer, display), additionally introduced are the first and second switches 4, 5, modulo two adder 9, RS flip-flop 10, address counter 11, read-only memory (ROM) 12 and indicator 13. 1 ill.

The invention relates to telegraphy, namely to telegraph devices. Known telegraph apparatus PTA-80, containing an input device (keyboard, transmitter) connected to the inputs of the transmitter, the output of the transmitter is connected to the input of the communication line, the input of the receiver is connected to the output of the communication line, and its outputs are connected to the inputs of the display device (printer, display) . The disadvantage of this apparatus is that when checking "on itself" the input of the transmitter with the help of the input device is fed test effects. Closest to the invention is the PTA-7 telegraph apparatus, containing an input device (keyboard, transmitter) connected to the transmitter waters, the output of which is connected to the input of the communication line, to the output of which the input of the receiver is connected, and its outputs are connected to the inputs of the display device (printer , display). However, when checking "on yourself", the tests generated by the input device make it possible to determine the malfunction of the telegraph apparatus as a whole. The drawing shows a block diagram of the proposed temperature apparatus. The telegraph set includes a display unit 1, a receiver 2, forming the receiving part 3 of the telegraph set, the first and second switches 4, 5, a transmitter 6 and an input unit 7, forming the transmitting part 8 of the telegraph set, a modulo two adder 9, an RS flip-flop 10, address counter 11, read-only memory (ROM) 12, indicator 13. The telegraph apparatus operates as follows. In the main mode of operation, which consists in the transmission and reception of telecode information, the contacts of the first and second switches 4, 5 are in the left position (see drawing). At this time, at the setting output of the transmitter 6, a setting signal is generated, by which the RS flip-flop 10 and the address counter 11 are set to their initial state. In the self-diagnosis mode, switches 4 and 5 are set to the right position and the setting signal is removed from the R-input of the RS flip-flop 10 and the address counter 11. At the information output of the transmitter 6, bits of the serial code transmitted to the communication line are formed. The very first bit of the information pulse received from the output of the transmitter 6 to the V-input of the address counter 11 allows the receipt of clock pulses from the clock output of the transmitter 6 to the C-input of the address counter 11. The pulses from the outputs of the address counter 11 are fed to the address inputs of the ROM 12. Reference the information pulses read from the ROM 12 are fed to the first input of the adder 9 and through the closed elements of the first switch 4 to the information input of the receiver 2. The second input of the adder 19 receives information from the output of the transmitter 6. Thus, the reference information read from the ROM 12 is compared with the information coming from the output of the transmitter 6. "single" state. The indicator 13 will register the signal "DEFECT". At the output of the display device 1, in the event of a malfunction of the receiving part of the telegraph apparatus, information will appear that uniquely corresponds to the input of the input block 7. In the event of a malfunction of the receiving part 3 of the telegraph apparatus, the output information at its output differs from the input filed at the input of the input block 7. Therefore, the consumer has the opportunity not only to determine the malfunction of the telegraph apparatus, but also to specifically indicate which part of the telegraph apparatus is faulty: transmitting or receiving. This increases the depth of the defect search by 50%. In addition, in the event of a malfunction of the receiving or transmitting part (separately) of the telegraph apparatus, the consumer can only transmit or only receive information. This expands by 50% the functionality of a generally faulty telegraph machine.


TELEGRAPH APPARATUS, containing a series-connected input unit and a transmitter, a series-connected receiver and a display unit, characterized in that the first and second switches, a modulo two adder, an RS flip-flop, an address counter, a read-only memory (ROM) and an indicator are introduced, moreover the common contact of the first switch is connected to the information input of the receiver, the first contact is connected to the output of the communication line, and the second contact is connected to the first input of the adder modulo two and the output of the ROM, the first contact of the second switch is connected to the input of the communication line, the second contact is connected to the second input of the adder modulo two, and the common contact is connected to the output of the transmitter and the V-input of the address counter, the setting output of the transmitter is connected to the R-input of the RS-trigger and the R-input of the address counter, the clock output of the transmitter is connected to the C-input of the address counter, the outputs of which are bit by bit connected to the address inputs of the ROM, the output of the modulo two adder is connected to the S-input of the RS flip-flop, the output of which is connected to the input of the indicator.
