Manufacturers of equipment for concrete rings. Equipment for the production of concrete rings: technical description, features of operation and production process

There are two main technologies for the manufacture of concrete rings - this is the manufacture of rings by vibrocasting and the manufacture of rings by vibrocompression. Each of the technologies has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Production of reinforced concrete rings by vibrocasting

The manufacturing technology of reinforced concrete rings, using the vibrocasting method, is extremely simple and does not require any special knowledge. For full-fledged work, the efforts of 2-3 people and 4-5 hours of working time per shift are enough. The minimum requirements for starting work are the presence of a site (polygon) for pouring molds and a source of electric current of 220 volts.

Requirements for the site (polygon):

The site should be flat and preferably with a hard surface, preferably asphalt or concrete. It can be limited to dirt, but there will be problems in rainy weather. The size of the site directly depends on the number of products (on the number of molds for the manufacture of reinforced concrete rings) poured in 3 working days and on what kind of concrete is planned to be used (imported or home-made). With a slight cost savings, in the case of using homemade concrete, it is still recommended to use commercially produced concrete. This will allow, if necessary, to carry out quality control of finished products and issue quality certificates for finished products to the client. For example, if 10 - 15 molds are used for pouring reinforced concrete rings, then the optimal size of the site will be approximately 20 x 50m.


1. Reinforcing cages for reinforced concrete rings and covers are being prepared.

2. They are lubricated with grease (any available oil is used from a special "emulsol" to mining) and the forms of reinforced concrete rings are assembled at the pouring site.
3. The reinforcing cages are installed and the molds are finally centered.
4. Concrete is poured into the molds. If imported concrete is used, then pouring takes place immediately from the mixer truck into molds, which significantly reduces labor costs and saves time.
5. The poured concrete is compacted with an internal vibrator and finally leveled in the molds.
6. Depending on the weather conditions, if there is a high probability of rain in the next 3-4 hours, the molds of the lids and bottoms are covered with polyethylene film, in order to avoid erosion of the top layer of concrete.
7. After some exposure of the finished products in the molds, the formwork is stripped. Usually the molds are dismantled the next morning, but if necessary, if the work is carried out in two shifts, the molds can be dismantled after the concrete "stands" and holds its shape (usually after 5-6 hours, at an air temperature of 20 degrees). To speed up the setting of concrete, various chemical additives to concrete can be used. To increase the strength of finished products, fiber, metal or plastic can be added to concrete. After stripping, the molds are transferred to a new location and assembled for the next cycle.

Finished products (subject to the observance of the concrete manufacturing technology and the conformity of the concrete to the declared brand) can be lifted and sold within a day after pouring. For the delivery of finished rings to the client, automanipulators "I load it myself, I drive it myself" are used, delivery is paid by the client.
Production of reinforced concrete rings by vibrocompression

The vibrocompression method is somewhat more complicated and more technologically advanced than the vibrocasting method.

In this case, in addition to forms, additional equipment is required.

Minimum list:

1. Forced concrete mixer.
2. Lifting mechanism (beam crane, gantry crane, etc.)
3. Warehouse for cement.

Site requirements:

Site requirements are the same as in vibrocasting, but it is additionally desirable to have a canopy over the entire site to protect freshly molded products from direct sun and precipitation.


1. The shape of the ring, lubricated with oil, is installed at the place of product molding.
2. A metal frame is installed in the mold.
3. The form is filled with concrete (the maximum possible density), when filling, the vibrators installed on the form are periodically turned on for a more uniform shrinkage of the mixture.
4. After the process of concrete setting has begun, the mold is stripped, the inner part of the mold is removed with the help of a crane, then the outer one.
5. The form is washed, lubricated and transferred to the place of pouring the next ring.

Which method of making concrete rings to choose?

As mentioned above, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.
So, for example, when manufacturing by vibrocasting, there is no need for lifting mechanisms and it is possible to work on imported concrete, but a large number of molds are required for work, the pouring process itself takes much less time than the manufacture of the same number of rings by vibrocompression.

When making rings by vibrocompression, it is not required a large number forms (only 1 piece of each type is needed) and there is an opportunity to get additional profit from the production of your own concrete.

Watch the video about the production of concrete rings

The idea to organize our own production of reinforced concrete rings is quite promising. The demand for such products is high due to their wide range of applications. A relatively small amount of initial capital is another indisputable advantage of this business. We tell you where concrete rings are used, how they are made, how much the equipment for them costs and what distribution channels are.

Reinforced concrete rings are used in construction for the construction of a sewerage system, including storm water, drainage systems and other pipelines. They are optimally suited for residential and non-residential premises, one-story private houses and apartment complexes. Their quality characteristics are extremely advantageous. Such products do not lose strength even in sub-zero temperatures, their service life is measured in decades.

They are of low cost. They are relatively easy to install, they do not need fixation. The laying speed is high. Such products come in different diameters and different strengths, which greatly increases the range of their application. Not subject to corrosion (reinforcement is protected by concrete). Weight from 44 kg to 1500 kg. All rings must comply with state standards.

Concrete concrete rings are widely used in the construction of sewers and other pipelines

Production of reinforced concrete rings

Before organizing the production of reinforced concrete rings, you should understand their classification. As a rule, such products are divided into categories depending on the purpose, although they can also be classified according to the material of manufacture or size. There are so-called standard sizes - standardized designations for the diameter of the rings of the most popular sizes. It is not uncommon for customers to require custom dimensions or additional holes in the design.

  • wall (for the construction of capital facilities);
  • auxiliary (usually non-standard sizes and with additional holes for mounting necks).

Prefabricated models stand out separately - more frost-resistant, anti-corrosion, fire-resistant. They have only one drawback. This is a lot of weight. A separate category is represented by rings with a bottom. It is waterproof and sealed. These are necessary for the arrangement of sewers. The bottom protects the structure from leakage and groundwater, and the soil from toxic waste.


The manufacture of concrete rings is a rather laborious process, although it does not require a lot of equipment. The main difficulty lies in big weight items to be transported and stored. Also, the production will require a spacious flat area.

Equipment for the production of reinforced concrete rings:

  • concrete mixer;
  • forms;
  • vibroplatform or vibropress;
  • lifting crane;
  • loader;
  • drying/steaming chamber.

In addition, auxiliary tools and materials will be required: galvanized buckets, shovels, plastic wrap.

Making concrete rings with your own hands is theoretically possible, but too complicated and unproductive. Trying to make such products at home is only for personal use, they will not be able to compete with the quality and quantity of industrial products.

Preparing the mixture

The production technology begins with the manufacture of a mixture for a future product. The composition of sand, cement and crushed stone is considered optimal in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. Water is added to the solution, in the amount necessary for uniform mixing. It is poured in portions so as not to spoil the concrete. The mixture is prepared in a concrete mixer, since it is impossible to manually stir the mass to the required conditions.

To prepare the mixture, you need to use only quality materials and strictly adhere to the rules of manufacture. Errors such as poor mixing will result in poor product quality. The wrong ratio of the components of the mixture, excess or lack of water will make the product brittle.

In the manufacture of the ring, the concrete mixture is poured into a special mold.


The strength of the concrete ring is provided by the iron reinforcement inside. It is made of BP steel mesh, which is tied into a ring and placed inside the mold before the mixture is poured. Obviously, the height of the reinforcement should be less than the height of the finished ring. If the mesh is pressed to the edge of the mold, that is, to the paradise of the finished product, it will begin to rust. To prevent this, "Asterisk" limiters are put on the wire.

Where can I get ring molds? The easiest option is to buy molds, especially since there are many great deals on the market. The prices are very different. One platform can cost from 9,000 to 100,000 rubles. When the reinforcement is ready, you can start pouring the concrete mixture.

Manufacture of lined rings

Lining is the lining of the metal reinforcement of the ring with refractory, chemically resistant and heat-insulating materials. The manufacturing process uses a polymer ring with anchor ribs, which becomes one with the concrete. This is a very reliable option for connecting materials that cannot be achieved in other ways. The production of lined rings is possible on most models of equipment.

Advantages of lined reinforced concrete rings:

  • do not react with the environment;
  • no deposits on the walls of the ring;
  • resistant to aggressive alkaline, toxic and acidic environments;
  • the tightness of the welded seams contributes to the protection against soil erosion;
  • can be operated for no more than 50 years.

Using a vibroform

Concrete rings are made using a vibroform. When the reinforcement is laid, the concrete mixture is delivered to the form. To do this, use a trolley or a portable bunker. To unload it, you will need a beam crane or other lifting mechanism. The vibrators are turned on, and the mixture is manually assembled inside the mold.

You can buy a vibroform an average of 75,000 rubles. Vibration lasts only 2-3 minutes, in the upper part the concrete is leveled with a trowel. First, the core is removed, then the outer shell. This also requires a crane. Before transporting the product to the place of storage, you need to give it time to harden and gain a certain strength.

The use of a vibropress

Vibropress significantly simplifies the production of reinforced concrete rings. In a stationary vibropress, the supply of concrete mixture is mechanized according to the type of conveyor. The concrete mixture is usually laid by hand, although a special spreader can lay the mixture without human intervention. The spreader ensures uniform and fast concrete placement. After the ring is formed, the core and mold are ejected automatically.

A vibropress is more expensive than forms, therefore it actually automates all the work. The cost starts from 600 thousand rubles, for more powerful machines - it goes over 2 million. On the other hand, this equipment greatly simplifies and speeds up the work of the enterprise.

Rings can be stored outdoors, stacked into each other - it will not hurt them in any way

Steaming concrete rings

The formed product must be steamed. This is necessary to increase the rate of hydration of the binders. The steamed product will be stronger than that frozen at normal temperature. In addition, it can be transported to the warehouse faster.

Steaming takes place in a drying chamber, the temperature in which rises gradually. If concrete is placed in high temperature immediately, without preheating, cracks form in it. This will damage the product and result in loss. The chamber gradually warms up to 90 degrees, and then also slowly cools down. Enough interesting option The steam chamber, which saves space, is a mobile model. It can be folded and unfolded. Ideal for small businesses with limited space.

Financial calculations

Start-up costs depend on the volume of production and the technologies used. Purely manual production without automation can be opened for 100 thousand rubles: to purchase molds, tools and raw materials. It won’t be possible to produce much in this way, but on the other hand, it is possible to raise funds for automated equipment. An automatic line with a vibropress will cost about 3 million rubles, with a vibroform 2 times cheaper, within 1.5 million rubles. Their productivity, and hence the payback will be many times higher.

The drying chamber will produce better, more durable materials. Regular expenses include raw materials (concrete mix and reinforcement), as well as utility bills.

For production, you will need to rent a room of at least 100 sq.m with a flat floor.

The cost of one finished material, depending on the diameter, strength and model (for example, with or without a bottom), starts from 1 thousand rubles. Up to 20 products are made per shift, even in manual production, that is, they earn at least 20 thousand rubles. You can work in small teams of 3-4 people in several shifts, then the profit will be greater.

Warehouse for reinforced concrete rings

One of the advantages of the business on reinforced concrete rings is the ability to store them in any conditions. These products do not require a specific temperature and can be stored indoors or outdoors. The finished ring is not harmed by heat or cold, and the huge weight protects them from theft.

Therefore, if there is no possibility to equip a special warehouse, you can store finished rings on the street without any problems. To save space, the rings are stacked on top of each other. Tiered storage also does not harm them. In addition, to save space, smaller diameter products can be folded into larger rings.

Reinforced concrete rings can even be produced by hand, without special equipment.

Sales of products

Concrete concrete rings are widely used in construction, so there will be no problems with their sale. The target group of buyers will be construction companies, as well as individuals who purchase 1-2 products for individual construction.

In the first stages of work, it is advisable to invest a little money in advertising, as well as write and call potential customers directly. This way you can find regular customers. The ideal option would be to conclude contracts for the supply of a certain batch of products: this is how the company guarantees sales.


Concrete rings are widely used in modern construction for the construction of sewers and other pipelines. High-quality products are distinguished by durability, reliability and service life of about 50 years. The production of such rings promises many prospects. You can start with handmade. During the first year of operation, it is quite possible to raise funds for the automation of the line.

  • Implementation of cast iron rings

If you want to organize a business related to production and at the same time you have a sharply limited capital, you can try to open a mini-enterprise for the production of reinforced concrete rings. There are many pluses: the absence of serious requirements for the premises, the ease of mastering the technology, the low entrance ticket, the almost empty market niche. However, for all its attractiveness, this business is highly dependent on the situation in the construction market. For this reason, when opening a business, it is important to correctly assess the current demand and development opportunities for the future ...

Characteristics of reinforced concrete rings

Reinforced concrete rings are widely used in the construction of wells for various purposes, ventilation shafts, bridges and so on. Rings are made in various diameters, and their design allows you to create a comfortable grip between the elements. Due to this, the use of reinforced concrete rings is very convenient and economically justified. Therefore, the demand for this material has a positive trend.

Reinforced concrete is a combination of steel and concrete. Steel bars that are used as reinforcement (from 4 to 10 mm) cope well with tension, and durable concrete tolerates compressive loads well.

How much money is needed to open a mini-production of reinforced concrete rings

It is enough to invest no more than 100 thousand rubles. To do this, you will need to purchase the following equipment:

Such investments will be quite enough for the production of reinforced concrete rings of the most running diameter of 1.5 m. If you want to produce a wider range of products, then you will need to purchase the appropriate molds, for example for rings with a diameter of 1m and 2m.

What equipment to choose for the production of reinforced concrete rings

Other equipment and production inventory include zinc buckets, shovels, plastic wrap, a device for lifting heavy products.

The purchase of a drying chamber slightly increases the cost of starting a business, due to which the process of solidification of blocks is reduced several times. Of course, these are not mandatory costs, since concrete rings normally "grab" in the fresh air. But if we are talking about large production volumes and high urgency of order fulfillment, then a camera is indispensable.

It is also worth noting that a horizontal flat platform is required for normal production. If production is opened indoors, then the ceiling height must be at least four and a half meters.

Production technology of reinforced concrete rings

Schematically, the production process of reinforced concrete rings is as follows.

Organizational moments

To organize a mini-production, it is enough to involve only 5-6 people: a couple of handymen, a couple of loaders and a moulder. To increase labor motivation, it is necessary to establish piecework wages for them.

Which taxation system to choose

The organizational and legal form can be individual entrepreneurship, taxation system- USN (15% of profit).

How much can you earn in the manufacture of reinforced concrete rings

The cost of production of reinforced concrete rings is about 1000 rubles. The market price for the sale of rings is on average 2,100 rubles. Profit from one sold product is about 1100 rubles. Minus taxes and equipment depreciation, net profit will be at least 1,000 rubles.

In one shift, two workers can produce about 20 reinforced concrete rings, about 400 products per month. Theoretically, if all manufactured products are sold, then in one month you can earn more than 300 thousand rubles. In this case, the equipment pays off in less than a month.

Implementation of cast iron rings

Undoubtedly, the most important issue in the organization of this business is the sale of products. The main distribution channels can be distinguished:

  1. Sales of finished products to construction companies through the supply department;
  2. Sales of products directly from the place of production to individuals;
  3. Search for clients by placing ads on the Internet and in other media.

Related video:

The main stages of organizing a business for the production of reinforced concrete rings

The process of creating your own company, regardless of the direction of activity, begins with studying the situation on the market that interests you. You need to know your competitors, their strengths/weaknesses, study the factors that affect supply and demand, figure out how to get your target audience interested in buying rings from you, etc. The following stages of organizing a precast concrete manufacturing business include:

  • Preparing a preliminary business plan.
  • Registration of sole proprietorship or LLC.
  • Solving legal issues.
  • Search for premises and staff.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Conclusion of contracts with suppliers of raw materials.

When dealing with the above issues, do not forget about the advertising campaign. Use all possible methods for these purposes: create your own website, negotiate with representatives of local television and radio companies, prepare information about your products for print media and thematic web resources.

What documents are needed for the production of reinforced concrete rings

To create and develop a company for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products, the following documents are required:

  • Certificate of registration of LLC or IP.
  • Conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection and labor protection institutions.
  • Certificates for raw materials.
  • Contracts with suppliers and wholesale buyers.
  • Papers confirming compliance with the technology for the production of reinforced concrete rings.
  • Agreements for garbage collection, pest control, etc.

The above list of documents is basic, in each individual case there may be additions (for example, permission from local authorities). One of the advantages of this direction commercial activities is the fact that for the production of reinforced concrete products it is not necessary to obtain licenses or special permits.

OKVED for an enterprise specializing in the manufacture of reinforced concrete rings

The organizer of the business for the production of concrete goods, even at the stage of registration of the company, must select the appropriate codes, according to the all-Russian classifier of types of activity. For a company that produces reinforced concrete products, these are: OKVED 26.61 (production of concrete products) and OKVED 51.53.24 (sales of building materials).

For such a process as the production of concrete rings, the following types of equipment are used: a lifting mechanism in the form of a forklift or a beam crane, a concrete mixer, an ordinary form or a form with vibrating equipment.

Production technology of concrete rings

On a metal pallet or a flat surface, the outer part of the mold is installed for pouring. A welded frame is lowered into it, having a reinforcing character in the form of a grid. During the implementation of such an operation as the production of concrete rings, for the device of the lock, a rubber converter is installed on the bottom of the mold. During the manufacture of concrete rings, using technological openings, it is necessary to use the installation of special production opening formers.

After that, the installation of the inner part of the formwork is carried out, and then the core. The formwork is fixed with metal pins. The calculation of the quantitative composition of the components necessary for the manufacture of a concrete mixture of the required grade, in a process such as the production of concrete rings, is carried out using a specific table. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the amount of water is commensurate with the moisture content of the sand.

In order to improve the mobility of the concrete mixture, it is necessary to use a special plasticizer. In addition, it is necessary to add plasticizing air-entraining additives to the concrete solution. However, hydrophobic additives are acceptable. With the help of these additives, wall blocks are often made from cellular concrete.

In the production of concrete rings in molds that are equipped with a vibrating device, it is possible to increase the amount of water and crushed stone fraction. The supply of ready-made concrete into the casting mold, in fulfilling the technological standards of such a process as the production of concrete rings, is carried out with the help of a shovel. It is also allowed to use the simplest mechanisms in the form of small belt conveyors.

After filling out the form, the vibrating device is turned on for a couple of minutes. Thanks to the work of the vibrator, the concrete mixture is compacted. In the process of this, if necessary, the form is supplemented with concrete. Upon completion of the pouring process, smoothing and leveling of the upper end part of the ring is carried out using a trowel.

After all these processes, it is necessary to remove the fingers that strengthen the shape. The inserts that form openings in the rings are also removed. Next, using volumetric equipment, it is necessary to remove the core from the mold. Then the outer part of the mold is taken out. This part is immediately installed in place of pouring another product. The entire cycle of operations associated with the manufacture of the next ring is carried out in a similar way. In the process of making rings in forms equipped with vibrators, it is better to have steaming chambers for finished products.

Since well rings can be various types, so they can be used to install wells for various purposes. Thanks to a special design that provides high-quality adhesion of elements, as well as a variety of diameters, the cost-effectiveness and convenience of using concrete rings are ensured.

Equipment for the production of concrete rings

Equipment necessary for the production of concrete well rings:

Lifting device in the form of a loader or beam crane;

Vibroform or just a form for concrete rings;

Concrete mixer.

Installation outer ring vibroforms are made on a flat surface or a metal pallet. A reinforcing frame is laid in the pallet. In the case when the production of concrete rings involves the manufacture of products with a lock, it is necessary to install a rubber lower void former. The inner core is installed and fixed with metal fingers. During the manufacture of rings with openings, it is necessary to install opening formers.

Equipment for the production of concrete rings: technical description, features of operation and production process

There are two ways to get concrete rings into the household: buy or make your own hands. The first option is undoubtedly easier, but also more expensive. The second will save money, but requires the availability of appropriate equipment, which we will talk about in this article.

Photo - mold for the production of reinforced concrete rings

General provisions

What are concrete rings for?

Application area

  • Water wells and wells. Providing water to the suburban area is one of the primary tasks. Connecting the city water supply in most cases is impossible, so you have to go underground. At the same time, it is most effective and simple to create a completely entire shaft or only a caisson from concrete rings.

A caisson for a well made of concrete rings is the optimal solution

  • Septic tanks. Again the problem of absence central system pushes for the arrangement of an individual storage of human waste. A country toilet made of concrete rings or a sewer well will do the job perfectly.

A drain pit made of concrete rings will ensure the conservation and filtration of wastewater

  • Laying of communication networks. Reinforced concrete tunnels will protect electrical or heating network from any aggressive environmental influences.


Due to what qualities is the use of cement rings so beneficial in the arrangement of the structures listed above?

  • Moisture resistance. This is one of the main requirements, since in most cases constant contact with liquids is expected, which not every building material can withstand.
  • Strength. Reinforced concrete has sufficient resistance to mechanical pressure to withstand subsidence and any other physical impact perfectly.
  • Convenient sizes of concrete rings. For example, the most common products have a meter diameter and almost the same height, which is very convenient both during the installation of the well and during its operation.

The volume of concrete rings is always selected according to the convenience of their use.

  • Affordable price. Especially in the case of hand-made production, the details of which we will analyze later.
  • Durability. Resistance to rotting, corrosion, temperature changes and pest attacks guarantees a long service life.

Manufacturing process

The production of concrete rings begins with preparatory work.

Required equipment

To begin with, we assemble equipment for the manufacture of concrete rings:

Sample vibrator for concrete

In more detail, you should dwell on the workpiece.

Ring mold

This is the most important equipment for concrete rings, without which everything else is useless. And you can either buy it ready-made or build it yourself.

Such a blank consists of the following elements:

  1. Metal or plastic circles equal to the outer and inner diameters of the poured ring. When hand-made, sections of pipes or barrels, as well as thin curved sheets of tin or polyvinyl chloride, fastened together by door canopies or other connecting elements, will fit in this capacity. In the most hopeless situation, you can lay out the desired contours from the boards.

Purchased forms for greater ease of use can be divided into component parts

  1. Cone-shaped "cap" for the central glass. It will allow the solution poured from above to drain into the right direction.

Conical lid

Tip: if the production of concrete rings takes place in the open air, then it is recommended to add special covers to the structure that cover the solution. This will prevent the ingress of various debris into it.

Manufacturing technology

The operating instructions for the listed equipment are as follows:

  1. We set the form on a solid, even and moisture-resistant base.

Cement screed is the ideal platform for pouring rings

  1. We create a frame from reinforcement by twisting steel bars with soft wire.

Tip: be sure to bring a few metal loops around the perimeter of the ring up beyond the fill. A cable will cling to them during transportation, and they will also prevent products from sliding during installation.

  1. We mix the solution in a concrete mixer. For this we need the following ingredients:

400 grade cement

  1. We lay concrete in layers of twenty centimeters, carefully tamping with a metal rod.
  2. After the mold is completely filled, we turn on the vibration unit to maximize the compaction of the mixture and fill all the pores with it.
  3. Add concrete if necessary.
  4. After two weeks, we remove the formwork for the concrete product by removing the central part first, and then the outer one.
  5. We transport the structure to the place of installation.

Transportation of the finished concrete product

The installation of concrete rings is carried out manually using a winch with a tripod, which we leave from production work, and a shovel:

  1. We dig a hole under the first ring and install it.

Pit for the installation of the first reinforced concrete product

  1. Then we dig already inside it, deepening twenty centimeters.
  2. Then we take out the soil directly from under the structure, leaving small earthen supports.
  3. We knock out the remaining soil, after which the concrete ring settles.
  4. Using this method, we create a mine of the required size. It is noteworthy that concrete fences during the entire procedure will protect you from a possible collapse of the earth.

Digging inside a well


Reinforced concrete rings greatly simplify the arrangement of wells and septic tanks, guaranteeing their reliability and durability. To make such products at home, you will need special equipment, among which a special form for pouring occupies a special place. It is noteworthy that it can also be made independently from barrels or pipes of suitable diameters.

Procurement between production cycles

The video in this article will provide you with an additional amount of visual information on the topic to study. Making and operating well rings on your own will allow you to significantly save the family budget.

Equipment for the production of concrete rings: what is needed and the technology for the production of material:

Concrete rings are often used to build a drinking water well or septic tank. And such products are also used in the mass construction of tunnels for various communications.

You can buy them at the store or make your own. In addition, you can open your own mini-factory for the manufacture of such products. Naturally, you will need to properly purchase equipment for the production of concrete rings.

Business Benefits

You must first understand what the merit of the case presented is. So, among them are the following:

  • high profitability;
  • quick payback;
  • use of affordable materials;
  • a small number of machines;
  • high strength of the product;
  • environmental friendliness of the product.

Naturally, the presented elements can have a large diameter and weight, but in some cases they cannot be replaced, so there will always be a demand for this building material.

What are the products shown made from?

Before you buy equipment for the production of concrete rings, you need to figure out what raw materials will be required. For work you need:

  • cement (preferably high quality - grade M-500 and higher);
  • water;
  • sand (of course, it must be clean);
  • various additives that give the product certain properties (frost resistance, lack of reaction of components with liquid, increased strength).

If necessary, you can additionally use reinforcement and crushed stone.

What machines are needed for the job?

Now you can figure out what equipment for the production of concrete rings you need to purchase. So, for work you will need:

  • concrete mixer or large mixer (it all depends on the size of the production);
  • forklift (beam crane), which is used for loading and unloading operations;
  • vibroform for the production of concrete rings;
  • tape for feeding the mixture;
  • tray for the form (if provided).

Vibroform is a special collapsible device, which is a welded structure made of cylindrical metal.

Ring production technology

Now let's see how exactly the process proceeds. So, to begin with, we prepare all the equipment for the production of concrete rings. Often the lines are sold already automated, so you only need to keep an eye on the work.

Now you need to prepare a concrete solution. To do this, you need to mix water, cement, sand, plasticizers in certain proportions. This should be done carefully. You can also add other ingredients. Next, a specially made metal reinforced frame is inserted into the mold.

In order for the element to then easily separate from the mold for the production of concrete rings, there must be a rubber gasket on its bottom. If you are making an element that is intended to drain water, then you will need to use special opening or hole formers.

It should be noted that when using a vibroform, the mixture must be fed manually. Then the equipment turns on for a few minutes. The device of such a device is very simple. It consists of an outer formwork, a core with a smaller diameter, a vibrating platform and a cover.

After the form has already compacted the concrete, it is necessary to form the surface of the future product. That is, the joint must be aligned. After completing the entire procedure, the mold is simply disassembled and installed for the manufacture of the next element. Please note that products produced by the vibration method must be well steamed in a special chamber.

Features of manufacturing a product using formwork

In some cases, the submitted element must be so large that you won't be able to use any form. In this case, formwork will have to be done. To do this, you need to build something like a form. That is, you need to install an outer cylinder and an inner one. The distance between the walls is equal to the thickness of the future ring.

Inside the mold, the surface should be smeared with clay. Naturally, the surface on which the cylinder will be installed must be flat. Both parts of the form must be well fixed and fastened together.

Formwork can be made from steel sheets or plastic. In this case, the first option is more durable. That's all, the formwork for the production of concrete rings is ready. Further, it will only be necessary to disassemble it after the solution has solidified.

It should be noted that such a business, with good promotion and quality work, pays off quite quickly. At the same time, at first you can buy used equipment, as you expand your business, just change it.

That's all the features of the production of concrete rings. Success!

Manufacturing technology of concrete rings

Table of contents:

Overview of equipment for the manufacture of reinforced concrete rings

For the manufacture of well reinforced concrete rings, a vibroform or a vibropress is used:

The vibroform consists of two separate formworks: the outer shell and the core. Vibrators are fixed on the outer shell, which perform surface vibration compaction of the semi-dry concrete mixture loaded into the vibroform. Vibroform is mobile. In the process of forming the rings, both formworks of the vibroform are alternately rearranged by a beam crane. The place of molding the next ring is constantly shifting, which creates certain inconveniences with the delivery of the prepared concrete mix from the mixing unit, especially if the molding of the next ring of reinforced concrete is carried out at a distance from the concrete mixer.

Vibropress - stationary equipment. It is usually supplied complete with a concrete paver and a forced-type concrete mixer (or immediately a concrete plant). In order to minimize time losses in the manufacture of reinforced concrete rings, beforehand, before the start of installation work, an optimal plan for the placement of equipment is developed, with reference to the production facility. This service is free for our customers.

A vibropress has two significant advantages compared to a vibroform, which directly affect the quality of produced reinforced concrete rings:

  • Powerful pressing with a hydraulic punch (hydraulic cylinder) fixed on the rotary beam of the vibropress;
  • High-quality vibrocompaction of the concrete mixture, in which vibration of different frequencies alternately affects the coarse and fine fractions of the aggregate.
Additionally, at the moment of molding the product, the vibropress rubs the surface of the ring and forms a strong lock on the end. In a vibroform, such a lock can only be rubbed by hand and has an exclusively decorative character. Reinforced concrete rings made in a vibropress have better strength characteristics and a smooth outer surface compared to rings made in a vibroform.

Wall concrete rings CS with a groove have an advantage in the market of reinforced concrete products, compared with products without the possibility of seam connection with each other. The presence of a lock on the well rings is beneficial primarily to installers and end customers. The tongue-and-groove connection at the ends of the rings, during installation, gives them stability, prevents displacement and allows you to achieve a more airtight seam at the joints between the rings, which is important when installing ordinary water wells. The ends of concrete rings with a quarter, at the stage of installation work, are smeared cement mortar. This prevents groundwater from entering the well.

Preparation of hard concrete mix

Rigid concrete mixture Zh-3 is used to form well rings. Concrete class B15 (Grade M200). The composition of the mixture must be selected by the concrete production technologist. Approximate ratio per 1 cubic meter of the finished mixture:

  • cement PC500D0 - 230 kg:
  • sand with a fineness modulus of 1.5-2.3 (medium grain size) - 900 kg;
  • crushed stone fraction 5-10 mm - 1100 kg;
  • plasticizer C-3 - 1.6 kg;
  • water - 120 liters (with sand moisture content 4%)

If the sand is wet, the amount of water must be reduced.

Reinforcement of well rings

To give concrete rings additional strength, at the molding stage, the products are reinforced. Reinforcement is laid before filling the form of a vibropress or vibroform with a concrete mixture. As a rule, a VR mesh with a cell of 200x200mm and a diameter of 4mm is used for reinforcement. Before laying in the form, the reinforcing mesh is knitted into a ring. The height of the reinforcing ring must be less than the height of the finished product. The reinforcement can be pressed with a concrete mixture against the mold wall, which in the future will inevitably lead to corrosion and destruction. To prevent this from happening, special plastic centralizers are put on the wire, called “Asterisk” reinforcement clamps.

Production of lined concrete rings

For the manufacture of lined concrete rings, before molding, a special, pre-prepared ring made of a polymer sheet with anchor ribs is put on the core of the vibropress mold. Thanks to the ribs, the plastic sheet, after molding, will be securely held inside the concrete ring. Rings lined with reinforced concrete polymer sheet do not react with alkali, acid or oil products.

After installing the shell and core of the vibroform at the place of molding, reinforcement is placed in the mold. The concrete mixture is delivered to the vibroform by a mechanized concrete cart or a portable bunker. With the help of a beam crane, the trolley or bunker is lifted and the mixture is unloaded onto the core of the vibroform. After that, manually, with the vibrators turned on, the mixture is placed into the mold. Demoulding can be carried out immediately, immediately after the completion of molding.

Manufacture of the well ring begins with the preparation of the reinforcing cage, which is placed in a vibroform prepared for molding.

The mixture is unloaded onto the core of the vibroform from a sliding gate portable hopper.

The rest of the mixture is laid and leveled manually using a trowel.

After the completion of the vibrocompaction process, which lasts a couple of minutes, the formwork is immediately stripped. First, the core of the vibroform is removed.

Then the outer shell is removed

The finished product remains to gain the strength necessary for transportation at the place of its molding.

Production of reinforced concrete rings in a vibropress

Unlike a vibroform, a stationary vibropress allows you to mechanize the supply of the concrete mixture using an inclined belt conveyor or a concrete spreader with a spreader. The concrete mixture fed by the conveyor must be placed into the mold manually. The spreader of the concrete paver puts the concrete mixture into the form of the vibropress without the participation of workers.

We offer several ways of supplying and laying the concrete mixture into the form of a vibropress: a sliding gate portable hopper, a mechanized trolley, an inclined rotary conveyor for concrete, a concrete spreader with a spreader. Consider the most effective method laying the concrete mixture into the form of a vibropress - a concrete paver with a BR-20 spreader.

The removable outer shell, together with the molding pallet, is installed in the vibropress. Reinforcement is laid in the form of the vibropress.

The spreader of the concrete paver is brought to the form
Conveyor, from the stacker bunker, the mixture is fed and unloaded onto the vibropress mold core. The spreader, rotating, evenly lays the concrete mixture into the mold.
After the mixture is placed into the mold, the spreader is moved aside so as not to interfere with the work of the rotary beam with the vibropress punch.
The rotary beam of the vibropress is installed above the mold and the process of vibrocompression of the ring begins. An eccentric gearbox causes the vibropress trowel ring to make rotary movements.
After completion of molding, the beam is moved away from the mold of the vibropress. The form, together with the molding pallet, on which the finished concrete ring is held, is removed from the vibropress.
The form is moved by a beam crane and placed on the floor. To release the pallet with the ring, all the locks are opened along the perimeter of the mold, after which the mold is removed from the ring, another pallet is installed in it and returned back to the vibropress.

The supply of the mixture from the concrete mixer is carried out by a portable hopper. The concrete mix is ​​placed into the vibropress mold by hand.

Steaming well rings after molding is a rather important stage in the production of reinforced concrete products. Its essence lies in the fact that with increasing temperature, the rate of hydration of binders increases. The product quickly gains stripping strength, upon reaching which it is possible to remove it from the pallet and safely transport it to the storage place. Steamed reinforced concrete products are stronger than products that have not undergone heat-moisture treatment (HMW).

Reinforced concrete rings are placed in the curing chamber immediately after molding. The chamber is closed and the temperature in it is increased, and this happens gradually, not more than 20-25°C/hour. This stage is called the warm-up stage. With a sharp rise in temperature during heating, excessive stresses arise in the concrete, which lead to the formation of cracks, as a result of marriage and losses. The main process of concrete steaming occurs at a temperature of 70-90°C, followed by a slow cooling stage.

Steaming chambers, depending on the principle of operation, are divided into periodic and continuous. Sliding (mobile) steaming chambers have an interesting design. When folded, the sliding steaming chamber practically does not take up space.

Reinforced concrete rings can be stored until shipment in both open and closed warehouses. In order to save storage space, products can be displayed in several rows, in addition, reinforced concrete rings of a smaller diameter can be placed in rings of a larger diameter.
