Runes for weight loss: rejuvenation of the body using the runic formula. Rune of beauty Berkan Stav runes for rejuvenation and beauty

Disclaimer for bets on rejuvenation and healing.

1. Let, with its power, this becoming destroy all obstacles and obstacles on the path to my recovery, renewal and rejuvenation, and also remove all internal blocks that interfere with my recovery, rejuvenation, harmonization and restoration of my body as a whole.

2. Let, with its power, this becoming renew, heal, restore my body, gradually leading it to rejuvenation, harmonization, hormonal, physical, mental and biochemical balance and restoration of my body as a whole.

3. Let, with its power, this becoming heal, renew, restore, heal and rejuvenate my skin, completely remove all pimples, blackheads, pustules, blemishes, redness, scars, warts, growths, wen, wrinkles from my skin, completely restore and normalizes the function of the fatty glands of my skin, ensures its elasticity, firmness, freshness, beautiful color, beauty and youth, restoring all its normal functions and rejuvenates it in general, and also cleanses me of damage, complementary foods, solders, transfers and harmful witchcraft influences with the aim of causing me or transferring to me all kinds of skin diseases, acne, ugliness, old age and returns all witchcraft back to the sorcerers and customers.

4. Let, with its power, this becoming restore, heal and rejuvenate my hair on my head, ensure its normal growth, health, strength, strength, thickness, shine, gradually bringing it to the same state as it was in my life.. .-th years.

5. Let, with its power, this becoming heal, heal and rejuvenate my fingernails and toenails, renew and strengthen them, ensure their good growth, give them strength, strength, health, shine, beautiful color, beautiful appearance, length, beauty and health in general.

6. Let, with its power, this becoming, gently and harmoniously, heal, heal and rejuvenate my eyes, completely restore my vision to 100%.

7. Let, with its power, this becoming, gently and harmoniously, heal, heal and rejuvenate my hearing, completely restore my hearing by 100%.

8. Let, with its power, this becoming, gently and harmoniously, heal, heal and rejuvenate my immune system, strengthen my immunity, cleanse my blood, enriching it with oxygen, heal and completely relieve me from allergies and allergic reactions of any nature, of any nature and origin.

10. Let, with its power, this given, gently and harmoniously, heal, heal and rejuvenate my vascular system, restore the elasticity of my blood vessels, completely heal and relieve me of varicose veins, from all vascular cones, phlebitis, petechea on the legs and on my body, rejuvenating and restoring my vascular system as a whole.

11. Let, with its power, this given becoming, gently and harmoniously, heal, heal and rejuvenate my musculoskeletal system, all my bones and joints, heal them, relieve me of pain in the joints, in the spine, in the arms, legs and lower back , heals and strengthens my entire musculoskeletal system, and also completely relieves me of arthritis, gives me strength, endurance, restores and rejuvenates my musculoskeletal system as a whole.

12. Let, with its power, given by becoming, gently and harmoniously for me, treat my hormonal system, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc., eliminate all the causes and diseases that caused and are causing me obesity and exhaustion , provides me with normalization of appetite and proper metabolism - metabolism, a beautiful and proportional body, gradually reducing/increasing my weight to... kilograms, gently and harmoniously heals and rejuvenates me as a whole, normalizes my hormonal balance, cleanses me of damage, complementary foods, solders, shifts and witchcraft influences harmful to me in order to cause me gluttony and obesity / complete exhaustion, and also returns all witchcraft back to the sorcerers and customers.

13. Let, with its power, given by becoming, gently and harmoniously for me, heal my nervous system, eliminate all the causes and diseases that cause me migraines, tinnitus, palpitations, panic, fear, insomnia, depression, aggression, etc. . and other deviations and neuropsychological diseases and provides me with healthy sleep, good rest, high productivity, discipline and an active life at all levels of my life and activity.

14. Let, with its power, this given becoming, gently and harmoniously for me, heal, heal and restore my urinary-excretory system, treat all diseases, ensure the correct and good function of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra, restore and rejuvenate my urine - the excretory system as a whole.

15. Let, with its power, this one, having become gently and harmoniously for me, heals, heals and restores my reproductive system, treats all diseases (list - infertility, cysts/polycystic diseases, inflammation, fibroids, myomas, etc., impotence, epididymitis and etc., ensures the correct and good function of all my genital organs, restores my libido, renews and rejuvenates my reproductive system as a whole, providing me with a normal, healthy, regular and enjoyable sex life, and also cleanses me of spoilage, complementary foods, solders, transfers and witchcraft influences harmful to me in order to cause or transfer to me diseases of the reproductive system and returns all witchcraft back to the sorcerers and customers.

16. Let, with its power, this given becoming, gently and harmoniously for me, heal all my diseases known to me and hidden from me, of any nature, of any character and origin, gradually renew and restore my body, ensure its complete restoration, harmonization, internal and its external rejuvenation.

17. Let this becoming work softly, harmoniously, easily and comfortably for me, painlessly, without harm to my mental and physical health, well-being, wealth and property, gradually restoring my body and all its systems to complete rejuvenation, filling me with health, positive energy, physical and vital forces.

18. From the moment of activation, let this station work under the auspices and protection of the Gods, in complete harmony with other stations activated for my benefit and protection and without interference with their work.

19. I activate this runic by becoming the power of Odin’s name and my breath, it begins its action right now and will instantly stop its work when it is burned with gratitude.

20. Strength, health and youth are for me, and illness and old age are for all my enemies. Let it be so!

Runes are magical symbols that are used in one or another difficult life situation. They are used to protect home and property, as well as people from illness and adversity. But many women successfully use runes for weight loss. However, not every symbol can be used without certain preparation and knowledge of staves and their application to the body. Otherwise, the result may be completely unpredictable.

Features of the use of runes

Since ancient times, runic symbols have been considered something mysterious and extremely mystical. After all, there is an ancient legend that the great Scandinavian god Odin received symbols during meditation and great insight far from the whole world. Since then, they have been used to attract the right event into a person’s life or to protect him from something.

Most often, runes are drawn on wooden or stone tablets, as well as on one’s own body. If the symbol was depicted on a tree or stone, then the amulet had to be constantly worn on the person’s body.

It is customary to attach special power to staves or runograms, which are created specifically for each specific case. Such staves can be depicted on any object that must be endowed with magical powers or must protect a person:

  • on the door of a house or apartment;
  • on the baby's crib;
  • on a wallet or coin;
  • on clothes or shoes.

If runes are used to lose weight, then they should be applied directly to the human body or on paper, which will be constantly next to those who want to lose weight. To apply symbols, you need to buy a separate blue or red marker, which will not be used for any other purpose. It is also not worth giving it to anyone.

Symbols must be depicted in such a way that no one close to them can see them. The most common places to do this are the inner thighs, arms, or abdomen. If you want to gain beauty and a slim figure, you should apply symbols to your stomach.

Rules for applying runes

In order for the runes to take effect, they must be applied correctly to the body. There are a number of rules that must be followed:

  • symbols should not be applied in mirror image;
  • they must be applied in such a way that others cannot see them;
  • all symbols are depicted in a form in which higher powers can read them.

The best option would be to depict runic symbols in the abdomen. This place belongs to the area where the lower chakras are located and is responsible for the carnal and base desires of a person. If you apply a runic script on your stomach, then You can get the following positive effects:

  • lose extra pounds;
  • increase beauty and attractiveness;
  • adjust some character traits, making him more flexible and soft;
  • protect yourself from negative energy from the outside.

Most often, runic symbols are applied in one line or column. It is important to determine in advance the duration of each sign. If the inscribed symbols are erased, and the result that was intended is not obtained, you need to circle the runes again. Only after the result has been achieved - weight loss - can the symbols be washed off. But you should not hope that after removing the inscription it loses its effect. For several more days after removal, the symbols will continue to have their effect on the human body.

But not every person will decide to draw strange signs on their body, so you can use a sheet of red paper. The rune of beauty and youth is written on it, after which the piece of paper should always be with the person who plans to lose excess weight. After the runes have the desired effect, the piece of paper must be given to fire or water with gratitude for the work done.

There are many formulas that are used for weight loss, but most often they use this formula for weight loss, proven and strongest - Uruz + Dagaz + person’s name + Laguz + Kenaz + Isa. This formula is considered the most effective.

Most often, the inscription on the stomach is done from right to left. As esotericists and knowledgeable people say, symbols can be applied not only to this area, but also to the palm of the left hand. On it, letters should be written from the wrist to the fingers. Each rune must be traced daily. But the main thing in writing a runescript is to correctly rewrite each character without turning it over. Otherwise, a person can expect a disastrous result. And the smallest thing in this case will be gaining a few extra pounds.

Use of symbols in different countries

Most often, runes of Scandinavian origin are used to lose weight. They are considered the most ancient and effective, because Odin is a Scandinavian god, and it was he who first brought runes to people.

Most often, the following formulas are used to acquire female beauty and confidence:

But not only the Scandinavians have runes - they are also found in Slavic mythology and writing. In order to rejuvenate the male or female body, as well as get rid of excess weight, use the Rtsy rune. This sign helps to spread the law of Svarog and achieve unity of body and spirit.

Gaining excess weight is a problem not only of a physiological nature, but also of a person’s mental balance.

The main effect of the Rtsy rune is to bring chaos into balance, and it directs a person to the true path of health and balance.

Runic staves and their meaning

Knowing how to correctly apply runes to the body, you can achieve rejuvenation of the body and increase the number of beautiful and confident people in the world. But not all formulas are effective. Today in the world of magic it is customary to use the following staves:

Each of these formulas should be used in individual cases and strictly under the supervision of a specialist in rune magic. It is possible to select a runic pattern on your own, but only if a person is completely confident in his own abilities and that he can cope with the consequences of their use.

But there are also runic staves that help restore the body’s strength, rejuvenate it and make a person more attractive to others. There is no point in writing symbols. It is enough to know how to write runes correctly and where to place the symbol for it to start working.

Most often, a glyph or symbol such as Berkana is used for this. It helps relieve fatigue from the body and achieve your goals.

You need to draw this rune on your shoulder and hide it under your clothes so that no one around you can see it and ruin your mood with envy. After all, it is impossible to explain for what purposes the symbol is applied even to the closest people.

The Uruz and Kano runes will help make the skin more elastic and a person more attractive to others. They are a kind of love potion for everyone. But they should only be used as a last resort. After all, runes are magic, and it must be taken very seriously.

Rejuvenation apples (eternal life, youth and beauty)
author Nooma

Northumbrian runes
Eoh - eternal life
Bjork - eternal youth
Doug is in the prime of his strength, health and beauty

“This Russian Federation gives me eternal life and eternal youth in the prime of life, health and beauty.”

Feta (rejuvenation)
author Nooma
Хв (Slavic initial letter, not specified) - returns youth and beauty to the object
Soulo - youth and beauty (duplicate Xv)
Raido - returns (duplicate Xv)
which the subject had at such and such an age
Turisaz - and destroys the aging process of appearance and the body as a whole
Yera - constantly

“This Russian Federation makes me young and beautiful” (for young people) or “This Russian Federation makes me as young and beautiful as when I was so many years old” (for older ones).

You can apply it to the body, to a cucumber, to cream, to make a talisman.
There is an effect, the appearance really becomes younger and more beautiful.
Unfortunately, it is cleared of negativity by purges, since it blocks aging (which is perceived by them as closing roads or something similar). But perhaps this is my isolated case, since lately I have been cleaning myself a lot from everything.

Draw them in red on one part of the body.
You can also apply it on a photo or on a tube of cream with a disclaimer or read it visually.

Eternal youth


This is eternal youth...........
Everything is banally simple, Perthro rebirth, Hagalaz cleansing, Berkano growth, development, Ehwaz process engine...............
This is a palindrome, I use this principle very often in my work, it works like a clock...
palindromes work in all directions from top to bottom from left to right, as well as diagonally

Apply on a photo or on a tube of cream or simply on a piece of paper with data, I always stipulate “...until the result”

Based on practical experience in using Polyndrome Vech Mol orig. I advise you to use it no more than 5-7 days a month... you can specify the specific effect on certain areas of the body... the improved one is more predictable and its effect is less extreme...

You can wear the new eternal youth all the time... and not be afraid to look extremely younger))))....
Hagalases- cleansing from obsolete self
Perth- degeneration of the internal body
Evazy- process engine.

Tours- clear purpose of action, direction in the right direction
Hagalases- cleansing from obsolete self
Perth- degeneration of the internal body
Berkana- growth of new cells, flexibility, elasticity
Evazy- process engine.
Kano- obtaining health, radiance of health, attractiveness..
What's the best way to make a talisman on an apple tree?
It’s better to use the second option in communication and spell it out correctly... so that the action is clearly directed... to choose more radically the first, gently and without stress then the second..

Starting the change process
Purification, Revival
Up to 25 years of age
With a slender body and smooth skin
Aging programs are destroyed
Cleanses the body and consciousness
Attractiveness is reborn
Sexuality, flexibility, youth!

Runic Stav "Steps to youth"
author lov_ushka
Dagaz - Ignuz- go to a different state. Inguz- in general - steps, so here is the Winz step, i.e. back to the past.
Next come the dots - the number of years (in this case 5 pieces), the transition step by step five years ago.
ground floor:
Berkana- flowering of female beauty
WITHovilo- energy of beauty and health (specify everything you need)
Isa- freezing processes (aging, fatness, think of something yourself)
Inguz- getting to the level you need and consolidating there.
Secondary rune - yera- obtaining the desired result.

Eihwaz (1)– tightens and gives blood flow to the muscles;
Eihwaz (2)– activates the work and elasticity of connective tissues;
Eihwaz (3)– restores skin turgor;
Laguz lane mirror– removal from the old state of the body. Both in physics and psychosomatics;
Laguz– removal of what prevents the body from reaching a new state specified in the task;
Thurisaz mirror– elimination of fears and past conditions of the operator;
Thurisaz– prohibition of the operator returning to the old state of the body;
Nauthiz mirror– consciously forcing the body to change;
Nauthiz– the body’s need for change;
Ingwaz– the gift of rebirth on the physical plane;
Kenaz– internal change at the psychosomatic level;
Sol (ex.)– gives energy to the stave;
Madr (ex.)– regeneration and restoration.

Quote: Such a small but effective enhancer for the cream that we use for the face against wrinkles.

I used a picture from the company of my favorite cream, which I applied to.

I will not say that using this stav, you will not need Botox or it will replace any plastic procedure.

No, this is not true, but what a pity that there is still no such panacea.

Its action is based on enhancing the action of the cream. That is, the cream penetrates deeper, nourishes more and, naturally, the result is visible.

The face looks fresher and more toned, fatigue is not visible (you know those bags under the eyes and sagging cheeks - I’m actually surprised where everything comes from!)

One thing I can say with confidence, after the effect of the condition for a week, I stopped using foundation - there was no longer a need.

(For skeptics, I have been using creams from this company for 10-15 years, so I am familiar with the main capabilities of the cream firsthand)

Having become, I stipulated the runes, specifically indicating the action of each rune. She added that its effect begins at the moment of contact with the skin of the face; at other times, the runes accumulate their energy. I applied it directly to the jar, so that when I picked it up I could see the skin itself. Every time I say, “Well, let’s get younger!”

She activated it with her breath, plus she clarified that the words “getting younger” will work as a switch for the runes.


Each of us dreams of looking attractive in the eyes of others, but most often, of course, female representatives think about this. Agree that at least once in our lives it has occurred to us all to lose a couple of extra pounds before an important holiday or the start of the beach season. We fill the refrigerator with healthy foods, study the latest effective diets, but few people know that runic formulas for weight loss can help in such a situation. Let's figure out how they work.

Is it possible to lose weight with the help of runes?

This question is perhaps one of the most popular among those who practice working with ancient symbols - runes. If the secret signs inherited to humanity from the Scandinavian god Odin are capable of changing reality, attracting love, happiness and wealth into our lives, then why not use them to enhance our external beauty?

Many people know that runic formulas for weight loss really work. If you go to thematic forums where practicing runologists share their experiences, you will see many positive reviews about the work of such staves. And what could be better proof of effectiveness than the opinions of people who have tried weight loss techniques using runes in practice?

Of course, runes will not be able to magically transform a young lady weighing a hundred kilograms into a slender woman in a couple of days, since their effect is soft and gradual. But these ancient signs are capable of influencing metabolism, loss of appetite, removal of waste and toxins from the body, craving for proper and healthy food, and most importantly, a person’s desire to lose weight. Therefore, when using runes, weight will decrease - albeit slowly, but surely, and this, from the point of view of doctors, is the safest for health.

What runes are used in weight loss formulas?

There are a huge number of working formulas for weight loss, but in most good proven runic formulas for weight loss, the following signs are most often found.

  • Hagalaz, as a destructive symbol, successfully works to destroy the causes of obesity and the breakdown of fatty tissue in the body. We can say that it destroys barriers and obstacles that interfere with a person’s slimness
  • Berkana protects women's beauty and health, which is why it is often used in weight loss regimens for women
  • Yera rewards for successful work, helps desires come true, and therefore gives fruitful results to those who really make every effort to achieve what they want
  • Soulu strengthens a person’s motivation and helps him see the situation more clearly. We can say that someone losing weight under the influence of this rune begins to understand what exactly he needs to do in order to lose extra pounds. The Kenaz rune works in a similar way.
  • Mannaz, as a symbol of independence and freedom, can naturally reduce a person’s appetite. Fehu is also responsible for normalizing appetite, which at the same time nourishes a person with the energy of nature, allowing him to maintain good spirits and good mood
  • Uruz in runic formulas for weight loss helps the body remain fit and beautiful after losing extra pounds
  • Isa is able to “freeze” old processes, making room for new ones, therefore, if something goes wrong in your body, the rune will “slow down” what interferes with weight loss and force the helping factors to “awaken”
  • Laguz can enhance the desired effect, so its use in such settings is also desirable
  • Vunyo is luck, beauty and success. And the synthesis of these three concepts is what we are trying to achieve when we go on a diet and start caring for our body.
  • Nautiz and Dagaz are responsible for rejuvenation, which is also important for a person who wants to look better

Features of applying runic symbols for weight loss

If runic staves are usually applied to a photograph of an object, then in matters of losing weight it is better to use your own body. Although a formula applied to a photo will also work, it is preferable to draw the marks directly onto your skin.

The most optimal place for the formula is the stomach, since this part of the body is responsible for our bodily desires. In addition, the stomach is always under clothes and questions from curious people can be avoided.

Those who are categorically against the image of runes on the body are recommended to draw a “weight loss” script on a sheet of paper, which they will always need to carry with them. You can also create a runic amulet with the desired design, the main thing is to remember that when the desired effect occurs, the amulet will need to be destroyed.

Runic formulas for weight loss and rejuvenation can be drawn both in a line and in a column.

Attention! The main thing is not to apply runic formulas while standing in front of a mirror. Mirror images of runes will have a completely different effect, so it’s better to practice applying runes correctly in advance so that you don’t have to redraw them several times

Horizontal ligature should be depicted from left to right, vertical - from top to bottom. It is best to use a red marker, however, blue and black colors are also not prohibited, the main thing is not to use this marker for other purposes.

There is another way of applying staves for weight loss, although it is used quite rarely. In this version, runic script is drawn on the left palm from the wrist towards the fingers.

The unpopularity of this method can be explained by the fact that the stave applied to this part of the body cannot be turned over, so during its operation you will have to carefully monitor the position of your hand, which, you see, is very inconvenient.

When drawing runes, you need to “intend” them - i.e. think about what function and what effect they should bring to you.

Note! Only runic formulas for weight loss with a reservation will work, so after depicting the runes you need to “specify” them

You can refer to each specific stav rune and say out loud how it will act. However, many people use the clause of the whole formula, without dividing it into individual signs: they simply pronounce the general task of the stav.

Which method to choose is up to you, since this does not affect the effectiveness of runic writing. It is important not only to mention the purpose of the formula, but also how it will be activated, as well as its validity period. The period can be specific, for example, one month, or until a specific goal is achieved, for example, losing ten kilograms.

The final stage is. During the reservation, you had to say exactly how you would activate the runes. You can do this in any way you like: breath, blood, the forces of all the elements or any one of them. The main thing is to activate exactly as you indicated during the reservation.

After activation, the formula begins its work.

When the becoming has done its job, i.e. its validity period will pass or the desired effect that you indicated during the reservation will occur - the formula will need to be destroyed. Usually it is simply erased from the body, or burned by fire if you put symbols on paper or an amulet.

If for some reason the spell did not work or did not work at full strength, then the ritual can be repeated: to do this, you need to circle the runes again and again specify and activate them.

Proven weight loss bets

Runic formulas for weight loss, good and proven, which we have collected for you, have already proven their effectiveness more than once. Try them for yourself. If one of the formulas does not work for some reason, try another after destroying it. However, some staves do not conflict with each other and may well act “together”, the only thing is that you should not apply them to the body at the same time: it is better to leave one on yourself, and use the other in a “paper” version.

Betting on losing weight while normalizing metabolism

This formula is suitable for those who are overweight due to metabolic problems.

It uses the following order of runes: Yera, Soulu, Hagalaz, Soulu, Yera.

  • Hagalaz will actively burn fat reserves
  • Yera - control the normal functioning of all organs
  • Soulu - to give a person vitality and energy for excellent well-being

This way, weight loss will be effective, safe and enjoyable. Negotiation and activation are carried out according to the standard. It is better not to limit the duration of the formula, since normalization of metabolism is not a quick process.

Runic formula for weight loss for gluttons

This meal is suitable for those who simply eat a lot and cannot deny themselves sweets, fast food and other junk food.

It includes the runes Mannaz, Berkana, Fehu and Vunyo.

  • Mannaz - will allow a person to pull himself together and not “pounce” on harmful foods, teach him to distinguish between “hunger” and “appetite”
  • -will set him up for a new life without overeating
  • Fehu - will give vitality, allow you to get joy not from food, but from other activities
  • - guarantees a positive result of the action

Negotiation and activation are carried out according to the standard.

Recipe for eternal youth and beauty

This stav refers to runic formulas for weight loss and rejuvenation.

It includes only three runes: Kenaz, Isa, Dagaz.

  • Kenaz - gently cleanses the body both on the physical and energetic levels
  • Isa - will rejuvenate organs and also “freeze” the aging process
  • Dagaz - will give a “renewed” person vitality for further prosperity

You can negotiate it individually or in its entirety, you set the duration of action yourself, activation is your choice.

How quickly do runic formulas for weight loss work?

As we have already mentioned, you should not expect instant action from ancient signs, since they work with internal processes very gently and unobtrusively. It is for this reason that it is better not to stipulate the duration of the stav for less than a month.

The ideal option is to give the formula as much time as it needs, or specify not the time of action, but the desired result, for example, losing five, ten or twenty kilograms of weight, and then be patient and wait.

The main thing is to believe in the power of magical signs, then they will certainly fulfill your desire in full.

We invite you to read the following information: “getting rid of wrinkles on your face” and discuss the article in the comments.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Injections are a thing of the past! The anti-wrinkle remedy is 37 times stronger than Botox...

This symbol is actually a complex digital code and tunes your brain to the desired frequencies.

At the moment of birth, a person is assigned another symbol, which starts the Aging Process of the body from the very day of your birth.

– The process starts once. The main thing is to concentrate your attention on the symbol and it will tune your brain to the frequency necessary to start the process. How much time you need to concentrate is up to you, but usually a couple of minutes is enough. If, after closing your eyes, you continue to see this symbol exactly, then you did everything correctly.

Let me add on my own, the symbol can be any color except black. This symbol came to one person from outer space. I believe that the symbol is working. I just think that it will not be forced, but gradual.

Dear ladies for you! 3D skin reinforcement (lifting) - but at home. A fashionable and effective procedure today.

Icelandic runesRune Sol– “gaining new skin and goodness in everything...”

Rune Plastur– Return of youth and happiness.

Hungarian (Magyar) RunesaK– New stage

E– this is a spring (it will be like “Aptos” threads and 3D reinforcement (lifting) of the skin.)

ABOUT with emphasis - hard grip.

D- Forcibly.

eS– Connection (implantation) of a “thread” into the skin

aS– Emergency assistance, replenishment of strength and rapid skin regeneration.

aTy– Protection, strengthening of metabolic processes.

eTe- Submission to yourself, force you to do what is necessary.

eC– strength, skin elasticity

In the center -

Inguz– the skin itself and subcutaneous fatty tissue, muscle tissue.

TPRUS– The result is young, healthy, toned, wrinkle-free skin.

eM– Increases tone and mood.

And we freeze the entire result.

Sz- Ice.

eCs– Rune of the Cycle, closes an action or several actions into repetition.

Comments from Teacher Vannadis:“Skin reinforcement (lifting)” - it was done wonderfully, all aspects of the action were taken into account, the selection of runes was done perfectly, the structure itself turned out very well, it can be used both for rejuvenation, skin tightening, and for complete rejuvenation of the body, it can also be used as protection from premature aging, becoming very soft and can be used at almost any age, to maintain beauty, to remove wrinkles, for example, it can also be used in more severe cases when treatment is required, for example, if due to some genetic diseases, a person begins to age early or in the case when internal organs are too worn out, for example due to the nature of human work t4t4 Wonderful work turned out rte4 tjkjk

Disclaimer to the staff (for rejuvenation) With the power of these Runes, a new stage of my rejuvenation begins. Springs (or 3D reinforcing threads or “Aptos”) with a rigid grip are implanted into my skin on the face (body, abdomen...) The high elasticity of the spring allows them to provide a “spring” effect that repeatedly accumulates its effect in the skin. A soft-hard three-dimensional frame is created very harmoniously integrates into the tissue without causing internal discomfort, a slight compaction of the connective tissue is created, which continues to perform a “framework” function. Rapid skin regeneration occurs, metabolic processes in it are enhanced, tone increases, skin texture is leveled, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, elastic, young, fit, without wrinkles. I look 10 years younger (here you set the number you are ready for yourself). I am beautiful, young, happy! When I reach this state, the result is frozen, the runes continue to work until they are deactivated with gratitude (but it is better not to deactivate). . No harm...

Apply in a photo, on the face (body, stomach..) ... put it down and forget... Real threads give results starting from 2 months, ... and progressively... the same picture is laid down here... after 2 months, correction (1-2 corrections are made), stipulate once again, indicate the problem areas (include in the stipulation to remove (tighten) nasolabial folds, remove a double chin, tighten bulldog cheeks... etc.) and forget about it again...

Discussions:+ sve196

Dear Anabella, can you also apply it to the cream, except for the photo?

sve196 try it, but in the photo it’s more effective

What if you embroider this stitch on a pillow?

Sleeping on such a pillow, it seems to me, will perfectly restore not only the face...

The pillow (pillowcase) needs to be washed, ftttt I think and the effect of the stav will be erased..

The activation method, as I understand it, is at your own discretion?

Julie yes, Activate at your discretion

Girls, you don’t need to embroider anything. He works like an open-hearth. I’m facepalm stunned myself. Now I won’t describe anything, let him finish the work. I didn’t expect this from him.

Arresta Thank you! I myself didn’t have to wait 2 months to see the result on my face and body. I was slightly shocked by the stav’s work, the sensations themselves exceeded all my expectations, as well as my appearance today. Thanks to the runes!

After using this product, I noticed an improvement in the appearance of the skin on my face after 3 days. Then, after about a week, my complexion improved, freshness and radiance appeared. Because There are no wrinkles yet and my face doesn’t hang, I can’t say anything about lifting. But the elasticity of the skin has improved and wrinkles have not yet appeared. As for the skin around the eyes, which I promised to improve, I think there are no significant changes. facepalm But I think this is not included in the regulations.

Tatiana 61

Anabella, good evening! Please clarify, if two problems are face and stomach, then how to apply it. One in the photo with a reservation about these problem areas, or corrected the face, and then started on the stomach. Sincerely!!!

Tatyana 61 Apply two staves, one on the face, the other on the thighs... and stipulate.

Here is my selection of the best products from the drugstore: Retinoic ointment for wrinkles. Retinol (vitamin A) is considered the main “enemy” of old age, because it is thanks to it that cell regeneration occurs. Retinoic ointment for wrinkles increases collagen production, improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles. It is recommended to use the drug as follows: cleanse the skin. Apply a small amount of ointment to the problem area of ​​the skin and massage a little. The procedure must be performed before bedtime.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles. The product has many useful properties, thanks to which it is used to solve many cosmetic problems, including eliminating wrinkles. Zinc is a natural sunscreen that protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays, which are the main cause of early skin aging. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer to problem areas of the skin before leaving the house. It should be borne in mind that zinc dries the skin very much, so it is better to use it in combination with a moisturizer.

Hydrocortisone ointment. The drug is an analogue of the famous Botox injections, although it has a completely different principle of action. Hydrocortisone ointment is able to retain moisture in the skin, causing wrinkles to stretch and become less noticeable. The ointment should be applied to the skin in a thin layer 2 times a day.

Relief ointment. This ointment, like other remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids, has long been used to combat skin aging. The fact is that such preparations contain shark oil, which promotes tissue compaction and cell regeneration. In addition, the ointment instantly eliminates circles and puffiness under the eyes. It is recommended to apply the ointment to the skin morning and evening.

Heparin ointment for wrinkles. It has anti-edematous properties, so it is widely used to care for the skin under the eyes to eliminate bruises, bags and fine wrinkles. Apply the ointment to clean skin with gentle movements 2 times a day.

Radevit ointment for wrinkles. The drug contains large doses of vitamins A, E, D2, thanks to which regular use of the ointment can significantly improve the condition of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and make the complexion more fresh. The ointment should be applied to the face with massaging movements. Use morning and evening.

Solcoseryl ointment. The drug is able to increase collagen production, restore damaged tissue, and improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, regular use of this ointment gives an excellent rejuvenating effect. Before going to bed, the ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the problem area of ​​the skin. The procedure should be carried out every other day.

Attention! Before using ointments, you must carefully read the instructions for use. Many ointments are intended to be used for a short period of time. Advantages of anti-wrinkle ointment – ​​Contains safe components – Affordable price – High efficiency – Ease of use Disadvantages of anti-wrinkle ointment – ​​Presence of contraindications. Read the instructions for use carefully - Individual intolerance to the drug is possible.
