Secretary for the younger prince. Chirkova vera personal secretary for the prince

Vera Chirkova


“Oh, and what a bore she is, this lady of state Pavrinia!” - Illyra hissed to herself, almost running towards the far bench on the shore of the pond. The girl desperately needed to find a few dandelion stalks, and just under that bench she saw in the morning when they were taken for a walk, a lush bush of this impudent weed, which somehow escaped the attention of the gardener.

However, the senorita knew firsthand how difficult it was to deal with the insidious yellow flowers, the gardener for the aunt's garden had not been hired for several years. And why spend extra money if a young and healthy orphan niece lives in the house, who has absolutely nothing to do in the morning ?!

Illyra ran to the bench, looked around and almost groaned with resentment, the dandelion was gone. Only loose earth remained, confirming her suspicions that the palace gardeners valued their work very much.

It wasn't fair.

Just horribly unfair, she had placed such hopes on the long stems of simple flowers that she intended to carry into the bedroom in a purse fastened to her belt. I even prepared a small piece of paper to wrap and not stain handkerchiefs and powder box with white juice. For the sake of this juice, this whole expedition was undertaken, it invariably caused red spots on the girl’s delicate skin, similar to inflammation or burns.

And not a single sane prince or noble lord would choose a girl with such spots on her face as her favorite, Illyra did not doubt this. And now, under the hoe of a hardworking gardener, her whole ingenious plan collapsed, and it was necessary to urgently come up with something else, and immediately.

Well, that's why, after she put in so much effort to achieve at least some stability in her precarious position, fate once again put her on the edge of the abyss?!

And worst of all, there is no one to complain to and no one to ask not only for help, but at least simple advice. You can't even tell the truth to anyone.

She sat down on the corner of the bench, took out a handkerchief and put it to her eyes to wipe away the tears that had involuntarily come out.

Am I disturbing you? a male voice asked tiredly and slightly casually, and Illyra looked around hastily.

A simple traveling suit, dusty boots… most likely a messenger or a guard. Although no, he doesn’t look much like a security guard, although his face is rustic, but they don’t go in such hats. So, after all, a messenger ... or maybe someone from the retinue of the younger prince, it doesn’t matter.

I'll leave now, sit down, rest, - wiping away her tears, the girl politely suggested.

Thank you, - the senorita politely thanked with a barely perceptible mockery, and the stranger suddenly looked with interest at the neighbor.

And what are you crying about, if not a secret?

What a secret, - she ironically almost openly, - if a whole crowd of girls was brought to the palace.

That is, you are afraid that the prince will not choose you, he guessed.

Here's another! On the contrary, I am afraid that I will inadvertently like him ... or the gentlemen from his retinue, because they say that more than one prince will choose the favorite.

Well, what's wrong with that? - the stranger was sincerely surprised. - Dowry women are usually happy.

Tell this to the homeless women themselves, so that they also know that they need to rejoice, - Illyra cut off angrily and got up, - excuse me, I need to go.

Wait ... - the girl was stopped by an unexpected interlocutor, - one minute ... you intrigued me. Until now, I have not heard such an opinion ... Is it easy for you to explain how you made your conclusions?

It’s not difficult for me, - the candidate for the legitimate favorite shrugged her shoulders, - but a friend is waiting for you.

Where?! - He looked around with the alertness of a man accustomed to danger, noticed the head young guy standing behind the bushes, and breathed a sigh of relief: - Ah, this one. Don't worry, he's just waiting... for one of our buddies. So what's your answer?

Everything is very simple, - she chuckled, - usually girls say what is expected of them. But really clever man can sincerely believe that an intelligent girl only dreams of becoming the prince's bed warmer for a year or two, so that, having earned herself a dowry in such a dubious occupation, she will become the wife of a fat widower?! After all, young and beautiful nobles do not marry former favorites, even for ardent love.

Hmmm?! - he thought, but noticed that the girl turned towards the palace, jumped up, caught up with her and walked beside her. - You know, I was interested in your view on this ... problem, but let me know what you yourself are doing here in this case?

Vera Chirkova


“Oh, and what a bore she is, this lady of state Pavrinia!” - Illyra hissed to herself, almost running towards the far bench on the shore of the pond. The girl desperately needed to find a few dandelion stalks, and just under that bench she saw in the morning when they were taken for a walk, a lush bush of this impudent weed, which somehow escaped the attention of the gardener.

However, the senorita knew firsthand how difficult it was to deal with the insidious yellow flowers, the gardener for the aunt's garden had not been hired for several years. And why spend extra money if a young and healthy orphan niece lives in the house, who has absolutely nothing to do in the morning ?!

Illyra ran to the bench, looked around and almost groaned with resentment, the dandelion was gone. Only loose earth remained, confirming her suspicions that the palace gardeners valued their work very much.

It wasn't fair.

Just horribly unfair, she had placed such hopes on the long stems of simple flowers that she intended to carry into the bedroom in a purse fastened to her belt. I even prepared a small piece of paper to wrap and not stain handkerchiefs and powder box with white juice. For the sake of this juice, this whole expedition was undertaken, it invariably caused red spots on the girl’s delicate skin, similar to inflammation or burns.

And not a single sane prince or noble lord would choose a girl with such spots on her face as her favorite, Illyra did not doubt this. And now, under the hoe of a hardworking gardener, her whole ingenious plan collapsed, and it was necessary to urgently come up with something else, and immediately.

Well, that's why, after she put in so much effort to achieve at least some stability in her precarious position, fate once again put her on the edge of the abyss?!

And worst of all, there is no one to complain to and no one to ask not only for help, but even for simple advice. You can't even tell the truth to anyone.

She sat down on the corner of the bench, took out a handkerchief and put it to her eyes to wipe away the tears that had involuntarily come out.

Am I disturbing you? a male voice asked tiredly and slightly casually, and Illyra looked around hastily.

A simple traveling suit, dusty boots… most likely a messenger or a guard. Although no, he doesn’t look much like a security guard, although his face is rustic, but they don’t go in such hats. So, after all, a messenger ... or maybe someone from the retinue of the younger prince, it doesn’t matter.

I'll leave now, sit down, rest, - wiping away her tears, the girl politely suggested.

Thank you, - the senorita politely thanked with a barely perceptible mockery, and the stranger suddenly looked with interest at the neighbor.

And what are you crying about, if not a secret?

What a secret, - she ironically almost openly, - if a whole crowd of girls was brought to the palace.

That is, you are afraid that the prince will not choose you, he guessed.

Here's another! On the contrary, I am afraid that I will inadvertently like him ... or the gentlemen from his retinue, because they say that more than one prince will choose the favorite.

Well, what's wrong with that? - the stranger was sincerely surprised. - Dowry women are usually happy.

Tell this to the homeless women themselves, so that they also know that they need to rejoice, - Illyra cut off angrily and got up, - excuse me, I need to go.

Wait ... - the girl was stopped by an unexpected interlocutor, - one minute ... you intrigued me. Until now, I have not heard such an opinion ... Is it easy for you to explain how you made your conclusions?

It’s not difficult for me, - the candidate for the legitimate favorite shrugged her shoulders, - but a friend is waiting for you.

Where?! - He looked around with the alertness of a man accustomed to danger, noticed the head of a young guy standing behind the bushes, and breathed a sigh of relief: - Ah, this one. Don't worry, he's just waiting... for one of our buddies. So what's your answer?

Everything is very simple, - she chuckled, - usually girls say what is expected of them. But can an intelligent person sincerely believe that an intelligent girl only dreams of becoming a prince's bed warmer for a year or two, so that, having earned herself a dowry in such a dubious occupation, she will become the wife of a fat widower ?! After all, young and beautiful nobles do not marry former favorites, even for ardent love.

Vera Chirkova's novel "Personal Secretary of the Younger Prince" is somewhat reminiscent of a naive and kind fairy tale. It is good to read it when you want to be distracted by something pleasant and bright, when you don’t want to. unnecessary worries. After all, you know that everything will always be fine in fairy tales, no matter what happens at first. The main character evokes pleasant emotions, she is sympathetic to the reader, because she is smart and calm, she does not do stupid things. Although she still has some feminine flaws, this does not spoil the overall impression of the novel. The story is romantic and contains intrigue, although at first it is not very noticeable. Only towards the end of the novel do you realize that the main secret has not yet been revealed, and you should quickly start reading the second book.

Illyra is an orphan living in a small provincial town. She has nothing, but all she dreams of is to be independent and earn her living. Circumstances develop in such a way that she has to become one of the contenders for the role of the favorite of the younger prince. She does not want to be chosen, and therefore decides to go to the trick. But for some reason, among all the girls, the prince chose her, although there were girls and more beautiful. But you can’t refuse, you need to give him a hand, otherwise such neglect will not be forgiven either by the royal family or by your own aunt. And if you don’t want to become a favorite, then you will become a personal secretary and help the prince sort things out, and at the same time in the people around him.

On our website you can download the book "Personal Secretary of the Younger Prince" Chirkova Vera Andreevna for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Señorita Illyra, an orphan-dowry from a small provincial town, did not at all dream of becoming the official favorite of the youngest of the four princes of Leodia. And she took every measure she could think of to avoid it.

However, the prince approached at the presentation of the candidates not to the blonde beauties from the steppe regions and not to the brown-haired woman from the lake district who dreamed about him, but to her. And you can’t refuse to give him a hand, neither the nobility nor your own aunt will forgive such a neglect.

Vera Chirkova


Chapter 1

“Oh, and what a bore she is, this lady of state Pavrinia!” - Illyra hissed to herself, almost running towards the far bench on the shore of the pond. The girl desperately needed to find a few dandelion stalks, and just under that bench she saw in the morning when they were taken for a walk, a lush bush of this impudent weed, which somehow escaped the attention of the gardener.

However, the senorita knew firsthand how difficult it was to deal with the insidious yellow flowers, the gardener for the aunt's garden had not been hired for several years. And why spend extra money if a young and healthy orphan niece lives in the house, who has absolutely nothing to do in the morning ?!

Illyra ran to the bench, looked around and almost groaned with resentment, the dandelion was gone. Only loose earth remained, confirming her suspicions that the palace gardeners valued their work very much.

It wasn't fair.

Just horribly unfair, she had placed such hopes on the long stems of simple flowers that she intended to carry into the bedroom in a purse fastened to her belt. I even prepared a small piece of paper to wrap and not stain handkerchiefs and powder box with white juice. For the sake of this juice, this whole expedition was undertaken, it invariably caused red spots on the girl’s delicate skin, similar to inflammation or burns.

And not a single sane prince or noble lord would choose a girl with such spots on her face as her favorite, Illyra did not doubt this. And now, under the hoe of a hardworking gardener, her whole ingenious plan collapsed, and it was necessary to urgently come up with something else, and immediately.

Well, that's why, after she put in so much effort to achieve at least some stability in her precarious position, fate once again put her on the edge of the abyss?!

And worst of all, there is no one to complain to and no one to ask not only for help, but even for simple advice. You can't even tell the truth to anyone.

She sat down on the corner of the bench, took out a handkerchief and put it to her eyes to wipe away the tears that had involuntarily come out.

Am I disturbing you? a male voice asked tiredly and slightly casually, and Illyra looked around hastily.

A simple traveling suit, dusty boots… most likely a messenger or a guard. Although no, he doesn’t look much like a security guard, although his face is rustic, but they don’t go in such hats. So, after all, a messenger ... or maybe someone from the retinue of the younger prince, it doesn’t matter.

I'll leave now, sit down, rest, - wiping away her tears, the girl politely suggested.

Thank you, - the senorita politely thanked with a barely perceptible mockery, and the stranger suddenly looked with interest at the neighbor.

And what are you crying about, if not a secret?

What a secret, - she ironically almost openly, - if a whole crowd of girls was brought to the palace.

That is, you are afraid that the prince will not choose you, he guessed.

Here's another! On the contrary, I am afraid that I will inadvertently like him ... or the gentlemen from his retinue, because they say that more than one prince will choose the favorite.

Well, what's wrong with that? - the stranger was sincerely surprised. - Dowry women are usually happy.

Tell this to the homeless women themselves, so that they also know that they need to rejoice, - Illyra cut off angrily and got up, - excuse me, I need to go.

Wait ... - the girl was stopped by an unexpected interlocutor, - one minute ... you intrigued me. Until now, I have not heard such an opinion ... Is it easy for you to explain how you made your conclusions?

It’s not difficult for me, - the candidate for the legitimate favorite shrugged her shoulders, - but a friend is waiting for you.

Where?! - He looked around with the alertness of a man accustomed to danger, noticed the head of a young guy standing behind the bushes, and breathed a sigh of relief: - Ah, this one. Don't worry, he's just waiting... for one of our buddies. So what's your answer?

Everything is very simple, - she chuckled, - usually girls say what is expected of them. But can an intelligent person sincerely believe that an intelligent girl only dreams of becoming a prince's bed warmer for a year or two, so that, having earned herself a dowry in such a dubious occupation, she will become the wife of a fat widower ?! After all, young and beautiful nobles do not marry former favorites, even for ardent love.

This book is part of a series of books:

    Rated the book

    I must admit not only to myself, but to everyone in a row: I sometimes read slag. Yes, these women's romances are about big and light. And no matter what environment they are shoved into - the mysterious other world of urban fantasy with werewolves / wompers / demons (please underline if you liked it) or into classic fantasy with fair-faced elves, courageous warriors and beautiful princes. And I'm not ashamed of it! Okay, I'm ashamed, but I admit it. If you know your shortcomings, then it is easier to deal with them. It is so?
    And every time, with anticipating horror, I expect to what next abyss of degradation the book Samizdat Style will overthrow me. I am sure that somewhere out there, in a pile of clear what, there is a nugget with a chic plot, voluminous characters, beautiful language and a love story from which you will not want to puke like a rainbow. But alas, alas. In the end, the result is the same - "WHAT DID I JUST READ?! O_O"
    But it all started out so well. Senorita Illira does not want to go to bed with the prince at all. And in every possible way he is trying to get away from the dubious fate of the favorite of his highness. All she really wants is to earn a living on her own. But the only job she knows how to do is that women just don't get it. After all, being a personal secretary to a younger prince is not an easy job.
    She carefully opened the book and decided that everything was not so bad. Yes, the plot outline is frail and the ingenious intrigues of the palace, according to the author, are not so ingenious. But! it doesn't bother me for the first time main character female fantasy (V. Rednaya is not considered - she is a mother-grandmother and cannot infuriate a priori). She doesn't blunt, she doesn't throw tantrums, she doesn't make a fool out of herself, and by the middle of the first book she has never fainted. It's nice, damn it. Still less enthusiasm from the male on all fronts and it would be generally nice.
    With this attitude, I cheerfully flipped through half of the book, then a little more and thought. The plot never came up. There is none at all.
    There is a smart heroine who reads letters, chooses a dress, bedside tables and curtains, eats cakes, communicates with the prince, his friends and the elf bush. A couple of times he goes somewhere, once he is ambushed and ... That's it.
    No secrets, no big light, no insidious intrigues and evil villains. And the one that seemed smart becomes faded and cardboard. Boring. And this is probably the most terrible sentence for a fantasy romance novel.
    Rating: 6 out of 10. I finished reading it)
    P.S. oh yes, there are still a lot of spouts, faces, fingers and other diminutive names of body parts. This is somewhat stressful.

    Rated the book

    The first thing that comes to mind when you remember this book is the words cute and naive. Touched by the attitude of the prince and his entourage to the new secretary. So that a man from a class society, where favoritism flourishes, and women do not shine with their minds, on the second day, would recognize an ugly girl as a dowry? They also allowed them to address themselves by their first names, to hug in front of everyone, and so on. It's not even annoying, but amusing.
    I just finished reading, and I can’t actually remember a single significant event, except perhaps a bush and a chase. Frankly, it is a mystery to me what the characters were doing for almost 400 pages.
    The language in which the book is written is very weak, there are a lot of repetitions and ... you know, you just feel the style of a 10th grade student who decided to write a fantasy.
    But you know, I liked it anyway. heroine and main character did not annoy, the author did a good job of secondary characters. There was also an attempt at a terrible intrigue. In general, the brain relaxed perfectly, and this book does not pretend to be more.
    I will read the continuation. I wonder what is there scary tale in the past heroine. And how will the story with the prince end (although I have some guesses).

    Rated the book

    In principle, since I have finished reading the book and am reading the second one, my rating cannot be bad. However - I did not understand at all what the book leads to? It's like a book without a plot and movement, marking time, some situations, but the book itself, as such, is not.

    Do you want to be the prince's favorite? Well, you will be the prince's secretary, here are piles of letters for you, sort it out. And if it’s not enough, the elves are interested in you, and you yourself are somehow strange, you still don’t fall in love with the prince, but he tries so hard)

    What target heroines? Throughout the book, she rakes letters, fiddles with an elven plant, and chats in a friendly way with the prince as he falls in love with her. I do not argue that the heroine is good, calm, quiet, smart - it was she who made me read the book to the end, making reading not annoying, but even enjoyable.
    But - hey! And where end-That? I confess, at first I did not believe that this was the end, I got into the second book - and here you go, it really was the end. Well ... I've seen everything, but such hanging ends are new to me. That is, in a semi-phrase, without much intrigue, without any special questions, without fights, chases, without villains - bdysch, period.

    That's why I'm reading the second book now. Because why did I drag myself through 300 pages of the reader, so as not to come to anything like that? Not a single secret is revealed, not a single relationship is completed, I did not notice any shift at all in the first book. It's a shame.
    So I read on.

    And in general, The book is nice and easy to read. Have I read it? But this is not a book, but as a maximum - part of it. Yes, for 300 pages of the reader. But the plot - there are 100 pages of a printed book, no more. However, since this is samizdat, there is hope that the book (if any) will be at least a little plot-tightened up for publication. And it's kind of weird.
