Statuses about relatives. Statuses about loved ones When my loved ones will appreciate me

Take care of your loved ones, take care so that you do not repent later ...

Spouses quarreled in the evening,
Many harsh words were spoken.
In the heat of the moment they did not understand each other,
They completely forgot about love.
My husband has to go to work early in the morning
And on the heart - bitterness seal.
During the night he realized the stupidity of the quarrel,
He came to kiss his wife.
Didn't sleep, but still pretended
She turned her face away.
In the depths of resentment lurked
Like a boa constrictor curled up.
The door is closed - not a word of goodbye,
I looked out the windows from the courtyard...
If they knew, if they knew
That he left home for good.
And the wife with the usual things,
As always, she took care of her own:
Washed baby clothes
She cooked borscht, cleaned the house.
Clean floor, washed dishes,
And my husband will be home from work soon.
- I won't talk to him.
Let him ask for forgiveness, let him understand.
Pride in the heart reared high:
I won't go to him first!
A quarrel played out by roles
In the brain inflamed by the devil.
It struck six, seven and half past eight...
The door is motionless, the threshold is silent.
And in anxiety something heart aches,
Where could he stay like that?
Suddenly some scream and commotion,
Someone's voice, crying sobbing,
And the neighbor boy Alyokha
He shouted out of breath: “There is an explosion in the mine!”
Explosion. A very short word
The heart seemed to be torn to shreds.
No, she's not ready for this!
Maybe he's alive, maybe he's lucky.
And in tears she ran down the street,
Remembering with pain the past day,
How offended she was angry and screamed,
A shadow veiled the mind of malice.
She repeated with a wound up doll:
- My dear, oh if only you didn’t.
I would fall at your feet now
Whispered a short "I'm sorry."
They should know yesterday what will happen tomorrow,
Everything could have been different.
Death, like a thief, comes so suddenly
Leaving no chance to fall in love.
Thunder inexorably menacingly
Sentence. Don't change him.
It's too late to correct mistakes
She has to live with this pain.
People, be gentler to your neighbors,
Treat with kindness, kindness
And do not offend, otherwise
You can bitterly repent later ...

Source - Internet

Take care of each other,
Kindness warm.
Take care of each other,
Let's not offend.

Take care of each other,
Forget the fuss
And in a moment of leisure
Stay next to a friend.

Take care of each other,
Without pretense and flattery.
Take care of each other,
We're together for a while.

Source - Internet

Moonlight brings me recognition
Lighting up a star in the sky
I will break the influence of separation,
I love you like crazy.

Life is a chain of sins, repentance
Only the heart cannot be silent,
How can he not beg...
The Temple of Hope cannot be destroyed.

And prayer is not the essence - verbosity,
Our Milky Way is already illuminated,
And love is not a page, a story,
And fate is an unfinished house.

I will hug you with every part,
Just look into my eyes
I'll fly away like a vociferous bird
To compose songs until dawn.

To tell you dreams at night
About the edge where happiness awaits with you
And desires of passion to guess
To the tunes of `My only`.

Source - Internet

Elderly woman, neighbor
Quiet and modest widow,
Met me in the stairwell
And she poured out her pain in the words:
Take care of your husband dear
Every minute, every hour!
Without loved ones, life is completely different,
May love never leave you!
Take care of the spoken word
Gesture, smile, kiss and look,
Nothing will return again
Nobody can be brought back...
And walked slowly up the stairs
Blue cloak on a hunched back
Whether she gave me advice subtly,
Is that meeting a reproach to me ...
Take care of your husband! I'm trying...
Or not... not really... how can I...
I don't fight with him for no reason.
I'm running from rubbish, like from fire,
And I sin, in my opinion, I rarely ...
... Her speech was not wasted,
- Explain, dear neighbor,
Should my husband take care of me?

Source - Internet

I don’t understand why, it happens so beautifully in the world,
What is dear to us in life, sometimes we do not save.
Having then lost the soul, the native heart suffers,
But we will not return the broken happiness back.

And we repent that we once acted wrong,
Only happiness is broken, the fragments cannot be glued together.
We understand late, we did badly with fate,
We have lost happiness, it will never return.

Take care of your loved ones and love them deeply in life.
And regret when you can still regret.
I don't know why those thoughts come into my head
I wish you all, my dears, not to get sick.

You love each other and be more tender to each other,
So that later you will not regret that you did something wrong.
Over the years, of course, we become clearly wiser,
In the meantime, we, like children, believe that life is a trifle.

But life is wiser, it has not seen such a thing.
For her, we are a moment and just a stroke of a pen.
And over her years, you know, she knew this,
Only Mother Earth can say that.

And you don't need to seem smarter than our Planet,
And say thank you to the Creator for the shelter that he gave us.
Look at life, because it is infinite in grace.
Take care of what you love, you haven't slept through happiness yet.

Source - Internet

Let's ask each other for forgiveness
And we will change something forever in ourselves.
And life will give us its indulgence.
Forgiveness is not just for you.

We will finally understand how wrong we were.
Love we shared for what in half?
In the war, I will say, very terrible morals,
And she walks like death on the heels.

Why do we need all this? Tell me darling
Why do we just destroy the family?
After all, life is not an easy thing.
Why are we at war with our lives?

Let's calm down, become wiser
And we will bury the sword forever in war.
And let's get a little smarter
We do not need more than all the tears and troubles.

We need to forgive, try each other.
Not good, dear, understand to fight.
After all, listening to others is a disservice.
For the sake of others, you can lose your life.

Let's live with our brains - probably
Then everything will work out in our lives.
So that after the deeds do not look bad,
When the cancer suddenly strikes the hour of life.

Source - Internet

Don't part with your loved ones!
Don't part with your loved ones!
Don't part with your loved ones!
Grow in them with all your blood, -

And every time forever say goodbye!
And every time forever say goodbye!
When you leave for a moment!

Alexander Kochetkov

At the station in the winter I looked into the buffet -
Drink coffee... There were few people...
Suddenly at the table to me a little tipsy grandfather
Without asking, he sank wearily ...
He was dressed in rags ... and probably chilled.
And he breathed a cold, hoarsely ...
It was clear that he had traveled many roads,
He sank to the bottom ... and did not swim up ...

Well, we have enough station scourges for now.
How many times have I seen this picture!
So that nothing happens, I lightly kick
The suitcase was moved away from him ...
He looked at me and smiled and said:
- Don't be afraid... I don't mess with theft!
Though I am old and gray, though I am poorly dressed,
But I eat with my own hands!

I took that out! - The old man told me, -
You will not see even more in a dream ...
I went through the whole war, and then so many years
I worked well on the farm...
And gave birth to children, and buried his wife -
The old woman died this summer...
Accurately in haymaking, my oldest son
Came to the wake - Petruha ...

They remembered ... And my son began to say to me:
-`Sell you a hut, they say, dad!
You will live in the city, you will raise grandchildren,
What are you alone in this house ...
Yes, and the godfather suggested - if they call, what to be wiser ...
In general, I sold the hut, cattle ...
And by winter I moved to Petrukha to live,
I gave money to my son, for a car ...

So I would have lived with them, I would have walked with my granddaughter,
Only now, this winter,
Whether they are tired, or something prevented,
He just drove out Petrukha and his wife...
I collected junk and for the second son ...
Accept the tenant they say, Pasha ...
- What are you, crazy?! Look how I live!
You'd better go to Zinka, dad ...

I lived with my daughter Zinka for three days...
How much the poor cost her nerves,
To get a ticket and arrange me
To an almshouse, to a nursing home...
I left, but where? I don't know yet...
They won't take Pashka and Petrukha...
Only one thing is good - what is such a sin
The old woman did not see their mother ...

That's how I sneak around and scare people
What to do with the fate of the villain ...
No stake, no yard, no wife, no children...
For the soul, not a penny, not a penny ...

And painfully, I suddenly felt sorry for the old man -
He suffers for nothing in life!
I got a couple hundred from my wallet
They awkwardly shoved them into his hand ...
He looked at me and money in his fist
Crumpled furiously, threw them on the floor,
And he said: - You did not understand anything ... Snot!
He turned away and wept softly...

People! People!!!... Tell me... How far have we come??
What happened to us???
What, wanting to help, is measured in rubles
The severity of human pain...

Source - Internet

Take care of family and friends
Time is running out very quickly.
You appreciate every moment with them,
That sometimes we don't notice.
You appreciate every hour with them,
Every breath, every moment.
Can't predict now
The time of their departure and oblivion.
We need to protect them while they
alive and in need of care.
You take care of the living
But not tomorrow, but today!
Take care of family and friends!

Natalie Chernega

Close ones must be protected during life,
Dead your flowers are useless,
Let's call dad today
It will be easier for me and for him.
You need to visit your mother somehow,
And you don't have to wait six months
Rubbish accumulated in my head
And relatives have no place in it again.
Grandma is old
Somehow it just came out
And a very old grandfather,
Though he keeps himself young, a hero.
And work, deeds, worries,
All show-off, you know, show-off,
Only lethal business, gates,
Everything is open wherever you go.
And then there will be time
You can do a lot for sure
Run, fly, arrive.
But no one is waiting for you
No one else, you don't need
And your dear flowers
You can eat your dinner
And drink a bitter tear.

Marina Moreva

Love each other! Buried in the Heart
Forget peace and be loved!
Find each other! The souls of your door
The keys of soullessness will never open.
Forgive each other, because the silt of reproach
Confuses the transparent reservoir of Love.
Accept each other, because the subtleties of life
Listen, comprehending more intelligently together.
Live with each other! Flowers of recognition
Wrap every piece of yours!
Love each other! After all, the essence of the Universe
In the radiance of the Light of unearthly Love!

Petr Davydov

Take care of your loved ones
Take care of your loved ones
Take care of every breath, every look,
And with a mountain you stand for them,
But don't expect a reward for it.
You understand that life is short
Will break at any moment
Let the soul be so wide
With the ocean learns comparison.
Take care of your loved ones
Give them endless love
Protect them from bitterness,
May love bind you forever!

Olga Abikh

Forgive me all the hurtful words
Just recently said by me.
Now I understand: you are right.
Where are you now? Come back home soon.

After all, this house is deserted without you.
Here everything became unnecessary and others.
And the useless stars shine
And the bedroom smells like your scent.

How stupid it is to argue about anything.
We cannot live without each other.
I've been drawn to you for so many years
Everything else is just a mirage.

When you're not at home for half an hour,
I'm too lonely alone.
Let the black stripe disappear
And I will hear and understand you.

So you want home warmth.
You and I have half our lives ahead of us.
It's good that you've already arrived.
Darling, please come in!

Source - Internet

Appreciate those who are with you to the end,
Appreciate those who were sent to you by God,
With whom the hearts are sewn tightly on tightly,
And with whom the roads of life lead.

Appreciate those who believe in you and in you,
Who in the hour of trouble was in no hurry to leave,
Appreciate them not tomorrow, but now,
Love those who have prayed for you.

Appreciate those who are with you forever,
Who loves just like that, and not for something,
With which problems are nonsense,
With whom there is not much eternity.

Appreciate those with whom it is warm,
Love those who did not betray you,
With which it is light even at night,
Love those who have not forgotten you.

Appreciate those with whom comfort,
With which there are no seconds in vain,
Appreciate those who faithfully wait for you,
With which simple is beautiful.

Don't feel sorry for yourself, but feel sorry for your family.
Do not give up, do not whine and fight with yourself.
Yes, cruelly fate beats you in the stomach.
Take a breath, pick yourself up and fight again.
Restaurants, parties, enemies, friends.
If you lose, you have no value for them.
Only religion, children, your family.
Honor and name should be important to you.
Lose-train, fall-get up.
But don't be discouraged, keep moving forward.
Don't give up in hell and you'll get heaven.
Believe in yourself and good luck will come to you.
Don't let others drown your dream
And do not listen to those who wanted to, could not.
Be the best at work, in love, at home.
Believe in yourself, with this faith you will change rock.

When the snowflakes fell from the sky
And the whole city has long been quiet,
So I want to talk about the main thing
And write one spiritual verse.
Do you remember: childhood. Night. And you're in bed.
Everything in the world is serenity and peace.
And this voice is infinitely sweet,
It's like God is talking to you.
Magic enchanting sounds
It's like angels are singing from heaven
And gentle mother's hands
They inspire peace, create comfort.
Let frosts and blizzards outside the window -
So good, cozy in the cradle...
Then he grew up, studied without support
Walk and fall, stuffed bumps.
But my mother kept a close eye on it.
And of course you knew about it.
You remember, returning memory
Rebellious years when you were growing up
You were stormy, but it was feasible
She will solve any problem for you.
Our world is cruel and everyone knows it
Danger looms here and there
In worldly storms it throws over the waves,
But, of course, everyone knows for sure -
There is a place where you are always expected.
You will come there tired and hungry.
Wounded, offended by the world,
And mom will encourage and reassure, she -
Your main guide in life.
Through life we ​​are stormed, as in the ocean,
Our life is like a fast movie.
But if wine splashes in a glass,
We only ask God for one thing:
You be healthy and happy yourself,
Our beloved mother!
Let the years not affect you
Do not furrow wrinkles on the forehead
Let mom be endlessly twenty,
As if youth on earth is eternal!
So I want to turn to the universe
And ask to be happy forever
(and may his life last longer)
Your most important person in the world!

Close people most often fall into the difficult role of the keepers of our dirty secrets.

Most of all I hate people whose deeds contradict their words! Especially if it is also relatives or relatives. It is embarrassing and painful from such a relationship.

How to understand that a person has become close to you? If you no longer look closely at each other, then the barrier is broken.

You understand most clearly how cruel life is in those moments when it separates you from people who are good and close to your heart.

Best Status:
If, in the process of communicating with a person, you suddenly realize that you are no longer striving to consider him more closely, then you are like-minded people.

Some words cannot be forgotten, just as some actions cannot be forgiven. That is why often the closest people can become nothing to us.

From a sense of self-preservation at a time when it seems to you that a feeling of love is spreading throughout your body, remember the most unpleasant moments of past romances. That way you won't let people hurt you.

If you do not hesitate to slander about people close to you, be prepared for the fact that they may turn out to be much more talented inventors.

Close people will never say "whatever you want." Your loved ones will never let you go.

Genuinely close person grateful just for being who he is.

The poor man is hated even by his close ones, but the rich man has many friends.

Close ones are valued less when they are close.

I must confess that my relatives arouse the liveliest disgust in me. This happens, apparently, because it is impossible to endure when others have the same shortcomings as you.

Everything will be fine as long as there are close people around.

Today, complete harmony reigns in our family in the morning: the baby took Vrednolin, mom - Stervozol, and dad - Papazol. Everyone is happy!

A native person is not necessarily a member of your family ... Anyone who cares about our experiences and troubles, who will always listen and give useful advice who will understand and say that everything will be fine.

A friend is a person who believes in you even when you have already lost faith in yourself.

Intimacy is like wine: the longer the exposure, the higher the value.

It's a shame that close people often listen to people from the outside and draw incomprehensible conclusions ...

God gave us relatives. Thank God we choose our friends!

It is better to give yourself away in parts to friends and relatives than to get stuck in a dead end, but whole.

Kinship and friendship have great power.

If close people do not know how to appreciate us, then there is no point in cherishing them!

And how to love your neighbor if he resists?

Friends restore our faith in ourselves when we have almost lost it.

People spread rumors when they don’t know how else to explain why someone succeeds and they don’t.

There is no greater duty than to help your neighbor.

Do not reject people who want to be with you, they may be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments of life.

That's why people have so much evil, self-interest and stinginess? My beloved daddy has already been thrown on the payroll so many times. But those people do not even think that his family is starving somewhere.

Friends are the family that we choose ourselves.

With each person we communicate in absolutely different ways, if these are people close to us.

The poor man is hated even by his close ones, but the rich man has many friends. - King Solomon

Respect your neighbors! Don't die on Friday!

The attraction of minds, gives respect. The attraction of souls, gives friendship. The attraction of bodies, gives passion. The sum of three attractions gives love.

Wherever you are, whoever you become, do not disgrace those who raised you!!!

The family is one of the masterpieces of nature.

I turned on the music, I dance in headphones, and only then I see that the door is open. The whole family stands and ugora over me!

Don't read manuscripts to your wife. Read only to very close people. — Boris Zamyatin

To live your life not in vain, make sure that you have already told all the dearest and most beloved people how dear they are to you not only in words, but also in deeds.

It is good to visit relatives and friends, but not to live near them. — Thomas Fuller

If people are created for each other by fate, then no matter how they leave, fate will still bring them together ...

My family is strange: dad talks to his car, mom talks to flowers, sister talks to cats, I'm the only normal one with a computer and a phone.

Do not shout about love, let only the closest people know about your happiness)

The relatives are far away, the distant are close, so you go to the distant. – Emil Krotky

Only a very close person knows how clenched his teeth are behind his lips stretched into a smile.

You never love loved ones as much as when you risk losing them.

People become close not when they start sleeping together, but when they stop trying to impress each other...

Your husband left you, problems at work, conflicts with children. Well, to hell with him, but hot water gave.

Yesterday's loved one becomes a passer-by ...

The relatives are far away, the distant are close, so you go to the distant.

We think least of our loved ones when they are there, and we suffer the most when they are gone.

- This is unfair: close people are far away, distant people are close! - And close-minded - everywhere!

How sad it is to understand that all close people are not so close.

The Lord brings certain people into your life for certain reasons, and removes them from your life for even more valid reasons.

A truly close person is one who understands your past, believes in your future, and now accepts you for who you are ...

Your immediate environment is yourself.

No one is closer to his grave than he who digs it to his neighbor.

Close people always seem narrow-minded. – Leonid Leonidov

All people are like people ... They call their ex when they are drunk ... And I, a dibiloid, called my mother.

For me you are the closest person in the world, I love you And know that you are mine forever!

Appreciate, love and respect the people who are dear to you ...

We are tied to life by those to whom we serve as a support.

Know how to appreciate the one who cannot live without you. And do not chase those who are happy without you ...

Your child has matured if, to the question: “What to give?”, He answers: “Give money.”

I was the happiest when I walked down the street in your big jacket, holding your hand. I love you brother!

The closest person for a woman is her child. Because, only he saw her heart from the inside ...

The most painful blow is delivered by close people, just like the one who is next to you will never miss ...

There are a lot of those with whom you want to be close, but few with whom you want to be close.

How nice it is when people themselves realize that they are no longer worthy of being my friends and leave.

I love my grandmother, for her I am always thin.

Real tears happen only when the people closest to us leave us ...

People usually torture their neighbors under the pretext that they wish them well.

It is good to visit relatives and friends, but not to live near them.

Sometimes those whom we have been looking for so long are much closer than we thought.

Never go back to the past - it kills your precious time. History doesn't repeat itself, people don't change. Never wait for anyone, do not stand still. Just go ahead, don't look back. People who need you will definitely catch up with you.

It is worth returning only those people who left through our fault.

Parents are sacred, they are the closest people, and you were brought up ... you have to give everything for them ...

Sometimes the people closest to us hurt us...

It is much easier to travel through life if there is a person you love nearby.

When people close to you get sick, you begin to understand how many secondary things are in life ...

The person close to you can hurt more than someone else. He knows where to hit.

Love finds joy in any stupidity if it is shared with you by a loved one!

A wedding is not a cause for excitement, it is a great occasion to gather all those people who are dear to you!

- Mom, mom, the sobering-up station burned down! - How do you know? - Dad goes and sings: "Enemies burned their own hut."

Close people always seem narrow-minded.

The only thing you have to worry about is the family, and let the rest worry by itself!

Close people are not ex ...

If you need to explain to a loved one, then you don’t need to explain. – Grigory Landau

Want snowy winter... the smell of spruce ... bright lights ... nearby, so that the closest people would be ...

Friends come and go, but an empty refrigerator remains.

The people closest to you give extraordinary happiness and cause wild pain ... Everything is mutually compensated ...

Habit is a terrible force. Grandma, when flipping through photos on an iPhone, slobbers her finger.

The people close to us are leaving. Do not realize that - forever, Do not exhaust all the pain of separation, And beats backhand - never.

The most terrible thing is when your close and dear people leave this earth ...

Happiness is not in dreams or hopes, it is in people close to us!

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Don't read manuscripts to your wife. Read only to very close people.

People in whose eyes there is nowhere to fall lower are called friends ...

Family Day today in the world - how many of you are in the family, four? Let it become ten soon: More noise, din, songs! May the family grow and grow stronger. Never upset!

It is difficult to live apart from loved ones, not to be able to speak a language that can express the most subtle shades of feelings and sensations.
