How to write congratulations How to congratulate your birthday in your own words: examples

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Do you know how to beautifully and meaningfully congratulate your loved ones and friends?

For many, this is a big problem! So it was with me until I found simple rules drafting .

Yes, yes, in order to prepare a good congratulatory text, you need to prepare.

After all, as Mark Twain said, it takes about two weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.
So, let's find out how to write a birthday greeting in your own words.

remember, that sincere wishes bring joy to every birthday person.

So, let's look at how to make beautiful and sincere wishes.

Here are the steps to help you:

  1. First, come up with an appeal. It can be a name or touching epithets - dear, dear, respected.
  2. Now imagine this person and write on a piece of paper all the emotions and associations that he evokes. Select a group with inanimate objects, such as a flower, a painting, the sun. And in another with animated ones: a bird, a butterfly, a cat.
  3. Choose diminutive - affectionate suffixes for the selected associations.
  4. Think of different beautiful adjectives. You can use cool or youth.
  5. Select one characteristic feature of the congratulation object. Congratulations to the girl should contain compliments on her appearance.

Here's what you can say to your mom:

Most native person in the world - my dear and always young and beautiful mother! Congratulations, my dear, happy birthday!

I wish you always feel how much I love you! I wish Siberian health for a hundred years ahead.

Let in the heart all year round lilac blossoms and spring is fragrant. Stay as young and beautiful as you are now!

And here are the words for dad:

Dear daddy, on your birthday, I sincerely wish you long years, success in business and family happiness!

May joy not leave you, and on your way there will be many joyful moments. You are the best and our support and support.

I wish that health does not let you down, but every day becomes stronger and stronger.

May life bring new victories and conquered peaks.

Wishes for children

There are special wishes that can be said to a girl or boy 1 year old or more precisely to their parents.
Here are some examples:

Happy parents! This is how you should address people who have a family Small child. Congratulations on your baby's first year! Let him grow up as a healthy, happy and inquisitive baby!

Here's another option:

I want to congratulate your beautiful and small miracle with the first year of life. I wish the baby a happy childhood, strong character, good health and wonderful friendship!

Or here:

Happy first birthday to your adorable baby! I want to wish him always a good guardian angel behind his back, a happy fate and prosperity! May God lead him only along smooth paths, may there be many wonderful and interesting things in life, and may the love of relatives and friends always accompany him!

If you want to add something - write in the comments. Subscribe to my blog updates and share useful information with your friends!

Until we meet again dear guests!

What documents should be in the organization to work with confidential information? How to organize work in such a way as to exclude its leakage? How to properly acquaint employees with the rules for working with confidential information?

We'll talk about this in this article.

A commercial organization itself must organize the work with confidential information in the way that is right for it. Because the composition of confidential information in each organization will be different. One company protects trade secrets, another protects only personal data, and the third has notarial secrecy. State organizations have their own rules for working with chipboard documents.

But there are documents that will help organize the work with confidential information for any organization. If they are compiled, introduced and used, then work with confidential information will be easy to establish.

Documents for working with confidential information:

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How to find out if one employee on the site is enough or if an assistant is needed? Why does one stay late every day, while the other leaves on time and manages to drink 5 cups of coffee? How to understand who really does not have time, and who works carelessly?

To answer these questions, calculate the volume of workflow.

Simply put, the workflow is incoming, outgoing and internal documents. That is, all documents that are registered in the organization.

The calculation of the volume of document flow answers the questions:

June 05, 2019

When I was a secretary, I trembled like an aspen leaf when the next meeting was expected. Because there needs to be a record. If the question arose of who would do it, then "not me, not me."

It is good that in our organization there was an employee responsible for preparing and formalizing the results of the meeting. He had a dictaphone, some sheets, records. For several days after the meeting, no one touched him, because he "drawn up the protocol." I found his work to be very difficult. To write down, to decipher, to make a protocol, to send out, to control the execution - it was beyond my understanding.

So I decided to create step by step instructions for the preparation of the protocol. I hope it will help the secretaries feel more confident during this important mission.

May 13, 2019

We are so accustomed to writing some words with a capital letter that the fact that they can and even need to be written with a small one is surprising. So let's follow the rules instead of habits.


    Both words are capitalized. Yes, we can write them with a capital letter to be emotional and indicate the importance of the event, but from the point of view of the Russian language, this is not true.

    We congratulate you on your birthday!
    I celebrated my birthday in a friendly company.

April 10, 2019

Unlike the use of stamps and clericalism, even in an official business style is undesirable. They clog and weigh down the text, making it dry and uninteresting.

The reader does not understand what is actually hidden behind these expressions and perceives the text as an unsubscribe or a set of words. Therefore, texts with an abundance of clichés and clericalism are not read, but run through with their eyes, trying to catch on to something really important. And even interesting information can go unnoticed.

Yes, the use of stamps in an official business style is more justified than in a colloquial, artistic or journalistic style. This is due to the fact that often the function of a document is not to draw the reader's attention to the text, but simply to “unsubscribe”, to convey information.

However, if we write documents in a more understandable language, both the reader and the author will only benefit from this. A clear, concise, concise text is respect for the reader, which means a possible start of cooperation.

A speech cliche is a formulaic phrase that is easily reproduced in a certain context.

Speech clichés speed up and facilitate communication processes. Yes, yes, business correspondence is also a way of communication. It is more convenient for us to write a ready-made formula and know that it will be understood by the other party.

Quite often in our lives we have to attend holidays, celebrations, give gifts. And often you need to choose not only good gift, and words. However, not always and not everyone does it well and correctly.

Most often, we congratulate close people, friends, colleagues, manager, old acquaintances, etc. Congratulations, which we say on a holiday, provide an excellent opportunity to wish something important, express your attitude towards a person, admire his virtues, or simply show attention.

Write beautiful congratulations- it's not easy. It should be original, interesting, memorable, unusual.

Basic rules of good congratulations

1. When composing a congratulation, be sure to take into account the occasion for the celebration (birthday, anniversary, anniversaries, the birth of a child, a state or religious holiday, etc.). And also who you will congratulate - loved one or a colleague, your boss. After all official person you can also congratulate on the anniversary of the existence of the company, the opening of a branch, promotion, etc.

2. It is not so important that it is composed in prose or verse, as that the wishes are beautiful and sincere.

3. It is best to congratulate on the day of the holiday. A maximum of one day later is allowed.

4. When congratulating, try to choose such words so that they accurately convey the meaning of what you want to wish. It is important that they are pleasant for the addressee.

5. The text should not be too long and contain a lot of praise, as this is not flattery. A few easy-to-understand suggestions will suffice.

6. If you cannot personally congratulate a person, electronic technologies will help you do it in another way. The best option will congratulate by phone.

What and to whom can you wish?

Of course, congratulations are a flight of your imagination, you put a particle of your soul into it, express love, respect, friendship, care, courtesy. But there is also the concept of congratulations etiquette. It's still worth sticking with.
If your congratulations are addressed to the boss, it would be right to pay attention to his positive qualities as a leader and wish him success in labor activity, business development, and you can also wish the fulfillment of desires, happiness, well-being to his family. The appeal must be official.

For colleagues, also focus on the professional area. You can wish for promotion, new achievements or stability. You should address by name and patronymic, but if you and your colleague communicate quite well, you can address by name.

Close and dear people are those who are always there, we know them "from A to Z", so in congratulations for them you can not be limited to strict limits. The most important thing here is beautiful nice words from the heart. Surely, we all know what our relatives want, which means that there will be no difficulties with wishes. You can add funny notes to the greeting, for example, tell funny story, which is associated with the hero of the occasion or a suitable anecdote. You can address by name, use beautiful epithets or even a playful form.

If you are presenting a gift along with congratulations, think in advance how to associate it with wishes.

Rejoice more often with your congratulations and wishes from the bottom of your heart!

Who doesn't want to wish a happy birthday to a friend, acquaintance or relative? Thankfully, now you can do it in social network, which "on its own" will remind you of the holiday.

A standard congratulation can be found on the wall of every birthday person. It is also funny that all several dozen congratulations can vary. No, not according to various wishes - namely, writing three main words. And this, of course, is not about grammar and about addictions to writing “ZABORCHIKOM”. It's about how everyone tries to emphasize the significance of their typical congratulations in capital letters.

The fact is that no one really knows how to write this phrase correctly. Let's look at how to spell "happy birthday" correctly.

Happy Birthday

The first thing to consider is that in the name of such holidays all words are written with a small letter.

Only the names of state, religious and public holidays are written with a capital letter: Victory Day, Christmas, March 8. Birthday does not belong to any of these types, so you can write in small letters - this will not be a mistake, rather, on the contrary.

However, in the event that you congratulate a friend or relative in private, then the phrase "Happy Birthday" is capitalized (after all, this is a special day for you). This, as it were, emphasizes the significance of the event for you personally.

However, it is much better to call and congratulate the birthday person on the holiday in person - such a congratulation will be much more pleasant and warm.

With all my heart, accept my very my sincere congratulations Happy birthday! I wish you good health, financial stability, harmony in everything, love in all its manifestations, a peaceful sky above your head. Let good luck and success accompany you in life, people close in spirit surround you, and every day of your life shines with new rainbow colors!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday, wish you bright emotions and colors, more positive moments, fabulous memories, so that in your environment there are only those people who accept and understand you. Smile more often at life, and let it smile back at you.

May this wonderful date
Leaves a good mark on the soul.
We wish you everything that life is rich in:
Health, happiness, peace, long years!

May your tenderness not go out over the years,
Your warmth will remain in your soul.
May you live with us for many years
Your love and kindness!

Today, on a solemn day, on my birthday,
We wish you health and live without aging,
More joy for you, less sadness,
And troubles, so that you never knocked.
Always be healthy, never be sad,
And with such a mood to live up to a hundred years!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way into impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

The clock is ticking, another year of yours has passed,
Fallen calendar pages rustle,
Let the best that was not go away
And the worst - let it never happen again!

Success does not immediately promise us fate.
And among the tears and wounds, and all sorts of troubles
Sometimes you can't see how it burns in the distance
The fire of all our future victories.

Who is weak in spirit, calls to heaven,
Leaving your ardor and honor for later,
And who is strong - will achieve everything himself
With my blood, sweat and mind.

But you are one of those who are harder than granite,
Who is not afraid of defeat,
And my glass will ring out an ode to you
And wish you happy birthday!

On my birthday, I wish you lightness of feelings, spiritual vigor, clarity of thoughts and bright positive feelings. May life energy help you achieve the most incredible ideas.

Happy birthday to a beautiful, tender, affectionate, beautiful, simply incredible woman today. I wish you to be cheerful, cheerful, glow with happiness. Let every day give many unforgettable moments, only pleasant people surround you, and all cherished desires come true.

On your birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy – and from the bottom of my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved, and I wish you this with all my heart. I want to always see you joyful, warmed by mutual love, with a happy gleam in your eyes. Of course, in order for happiness to be complete, you need to do what you love, feel needed and successful. I wish you that your work always brings you decent income and pleasure!

You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful!!! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements!
Happy birthday!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness, joy, kindness,
Always be cheerful.
What is meant to be done
Life is beautiful - remember that.
Smile, live long
Bring joy to people.

Life is short don't forget
And bitterly, are you happy,
Do not add years to life,
And add life to years.
I wish you to live for a long, long time,
And always be yourself
Original, wise, strict,
Heartfelt, kind and simple.

We want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you happiness in life.
Life should not be offended
You shouldn't be discouraged in life.
Let there be everything: a thunderstorm, snowstorms,
May there be joy and peace.
And if it gets really hard,
Know that we are always with you.

If this year you have to be sad, just call me and I will definitely cheer you up. If you need money - call, I will help in any way I can. If you are torn apart from anger or joy - write, I will share these feelings with you. If you need a company to go to the cinema or the theater, or maybe just sit at home with a bottle of wine to discuss the latest gossip - call me, I'm there! Always and everywhere, remember that you have a true friend who is there every day. And today, on your birthday, I will certainly congratulate you and wish you great happiness!
