That's the letter C! Koshkarova Lyubov Antonovna A manual for developing education (for reading by adults to children) "What do the letters of the alphabet look like?" What does the letter c look like drawings.

Good day, dear readers!

I continue to acquaint you with the rubric, learn letters And letter "C".

Today I have prepared practical material for the letter "C" art word, games, crossword puzzles.

Letter "C"

Merry Poems

The master repaired the chair today. He glued it and painted it. The master turned the chair over -

Became on C similar chair.

V. Stepanov

This hook letter

With a cunning, tenacious paw.

- Come, who does not mind,

I'll scratch it in an instant.

Here is the letter C:

With a claw at the end.


Like a cat paw.

A. Shibaev

The circus man knows how to prance,

To train animals and birds,

And spin on the trapeze

And dance on the rope!

A heron is not a chicken

With mommy on the porch.

Heron in the thickets of green

Got up important letter C.

Resting heron-bird -

The banks of the river queen.

V. Stepanov

The heron roams the meadow:

Hush, frogs! No hoo.

* * * I don't want to peck alone! Let the brothers come soon!

– Where are they? - Under the old linden tree!

– What are their names? - Tsip-tsip.

G. Vieru

We learned a lot of letters

Got to the letter C.

There are words where C at first,

Where - in the middle, where - at the end.

Chain, flower and number - here

C read everything at the beginning.

And in the words of the father, the fighter

C we write at the end.

A flower blooms at the poultry house -

Blooms on a pair of thin legs.

The flower is fluffy and the call ...

- Flower, who are you? - Chick!

The heron walks through the swamp

Her chicks are waiting in the nest;

The circus will open on Saturday

The fighters have already arrived;

In the shop came to work

Young blacksmiths -

Each line has a letter C,

Like a stone in a ring!

Tongue Twisters

1. Two chickens are running right on the street.

2. Flowers bloom in the flower garden.

3. A starling flies: the end of winter.

4. The mischievous student received a one.

5. Heron chicken tenaciously clings to the chain.

Clean tongues

Proverbs and sayings


Magic chain game.

Choose words that contain the letter "C" so that the final letter of the previous word is the initial letter of the next.

Answer: flower - handsome man - color - dancer - scar - kingdom - cucumber - prince - particle.

Game "Remember fairy tales".

Name as many words from fairy tales with the letter "c" as possible.

Answer: kingdom, scarlet flower, king, prince, princess Nesmeyana, princess-frog, princess-swan, golden chain, mirror, Firebird, stepdaughter.

The game "Ladder".

The game "Syllabic auction".

Find words that end in - ca (chicken, marten, unit, bulb, titmouse, sheep); on - tso (ring, egg, porch); on - tsy (scissors, ends, chicks, cucumbers).

Game "Tell me a word".

The game "Insert the right words into the riddles."


1. Words containing the letter "C".

1. What heats the Earth?

2. An animal with valuable fur.

3. Hard cover of a turtle.

4. Security (document).

5. What is the name of a series of steps?

Answers: Sun, arctic fox, shell, action, ladder.

1. All words starting with the letter "C".


horizontally. 2. Centner. 4. Princess. 5. Flowers. 6. Chick. 7. Church. 8. Queen. 11. Zest. 12. Cicada. 13. King. 14. Chain. 15. Flower. 16. Cyclamen;

vertically. 1. Mat. 2. Scratch. 3. Florist. 5. Circus. 8. Virgin. 9. Gypsies. 10. Scratch. 11. Cellophane. 13. Cement. 15. Tsetse.


Standing on one leg, staring into the water.

Pokes beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.


Was White House, wonderful house,

But something rattled inside him.

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out.


elegant little sisters

Guests are greeted all day

They serve sweets.

(Flowers.) G. Vieru

Yellow crumb is looking for bread crumb.

If you meet a worm -

Peck his sides!


They live in a difficult book Cunning little brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They count everything in the world.


white beauty

Everyone kind people like.

When the beauty sings

Baptized people go to her.


This bird has

Beak like two spokes

The legs are long, like a compass.

She walks on the water

Every now and then the nose bathes.


N. Tolokonnikov

In grade 1, after learning all the letters of the alphabet, children are invited to complete the project "What does a letter look like." In the poems of Soviet writers, letters begin to come to life before the eyes of astonished first-graders. The letter A turns into a rocket, the letter Zh - into a beetle, the letter M - a swing, etc.

While working on a project, first-graders draw a letter, bringing it to life. Then they learn a poem about their letter. The verse can be written under the picture. Each child brings their own project to the class and it turns out a fun ABC.

Let it start with a stork
Like the alphabet
Starts with A

Letter A, letter A
Alphabet head
Vova Knows, Light Knows,
And it looks like a rocket.

Letter B with big belly
In a cap with a long visor

The letter B will wake up early.
The letter B is a barrel with a tap.
Wash your face! Be healthy,
Bogatyr Boris Bobrov!

Near two arches
Here we are ready
frog glasses

Before us is the letter G
Stands like a poker

Here it is, blowing smoke,
Letter D stove pipe

E came in handy in the garden
Instead of a rake bothered

This letter is wide
And looks like a beetle
And at the same time, it’s definitely a beetle
Makes a buzzing sound

This is J
And this is K
whole beetle
And half a beetle

across the white field
In fog and snow
They wander slowly
Ram horns (Letter Z)

Look at the gate:
Why is it not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay down

Signalman holding two flags
With flags, he's like the letter K

The alphabet will continue our
Letter L - forest hut

Here is the swing
Letter M!
Here to swing
Can everyone

On the letter N
I'm on a ladder
I sit and sing

There I will find the letter H,
Where the hammock hangs in the garden.

look at the wheel
And you will see the letter O

Hockey, football
Letter P - gate in the field

The letter P is a sail on the mast,
Floats into the distance, touching the sky

Crescent in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house

The hammer knocks: "Knock knock!
Letter T I'm an old friend"

U - bitch. In any forest
You will see the letter U

Fedya walks hands to hips
So I've learned my lessons

We are not horny
Not evil
We are goats
Not goats

Letter C -
Bottom hook
Accurately with a faucet tank

Yes, you made the right decision:
H we write as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We must not confuse letters

Shura ted the hay
I forgot the pitchfork in the hay

On a comb
u is similar
Three prongs in total
Well then!

And the poor thing is the letter Y
Wandering with a wand, alas

Letter R upside down
Turned into a soft sign

Over the meadows in the blue
The letter E flies

So that O does not roll away,
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh look,
What's happened:
It turned out ... the letter Yu

Look, friends
I made a birdhouse.
And flew into the birdhouse
Instead of a bird - the letter I

  • introduce students to the consonant letter "C",
  • continue acquaintance with consonant sounds and their designation with letters;
  • to form the skill of reading words with the letter “C”;
  • develop phonemic awareness;
  • to teach to highlight a given sound in the right position in a word, to give it a characteristic, to learn to compare it with other sounds;
  • to form the ability to form words from given letters,
  • develop students' speech.

Equipment and materials: tables with letters for a crossword puzzle, pictures with the letter “C” and with objects what it looks like, a lock with a chain, picture tasks, leaflets for compiling phrases, magnetic letters, cards with syllables for each student.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

3. Acquaintance with the sound and the letter “C, c”

– To go on a journey around the map, we must open this lock. And for this, listen to 1 task: I will read the words, and you need to listen carefully to them and name the same sound in all these words.

Towel, hare, chicken, price, sheep, goal.

Children. This is the sound [C].

Teacher: Right, now let's open the first ring of the chain.

- Say the sound [C] all together. What is this sound? What can you say about him? Let's watch him. (It is pronounced with noise, the air meets obstacles, it does not stretch and is not sung.)

So what is this sound? (Consonant.)

- Right. We will open the next circuit. What else can you say about this sound? (He is deaf, does not sound and does not ring.)

- Right, let's open the third chain. What else can you say about him if you hear the words: heron, goal? (It is solid, regardless of the letter that follows it.)

Does he have a soft pair? (No.)

So what do we say about him? (He is always firm.)

- Right. Let's open the last chain.

- So, to summarize: [C] is a consonant, always a hard, deaf sound.

- What letter denotes the sound [C]? (Letter "Tse".)

What does the letter [C] look like? Now the guys will read about this to us in a poem.

4. Sound warm-up

1. Repeat sounds.

But we didn't open the whole lock. We need to carry out sound charging.
How do you call the chickens? Chick, chick, chick, chick.
How does a horse knock with its hoof? Click, click, click, click.
How do they speak with a gesture and sound so that a person does not speak loudly? Chick, chick, chick.
How do shoes and boots knock with heels? Click, click, click, click.
So we opened 1 part of the lock.

2. Reading tongue twisters.

- And now we will practice reading and pronouncing words with the sound [C].
- Open “Learning to read” on page 59. Let's read the tongue phrase line by line. Now let's read it line by line. Then 2 students read expressively.
- Well, we opened the lock. We can travel. (The teacher opens the blackboard.)

5. Ladder. Lexical meaning of words

- Our path passes through the city called "Letter C".

We learned a lot of letters
We got to the letter [C].
There are words where C is at the beginning,
Where is in the middle
Where is at the end.

6. Working with a riddle

Now let's go along the path to the next station. And for this we must solve the riddle.

In the garden is long and green,
And in the tub it's yellow and salty. What is this? (Cucumber.)

- What is a tub, a tub? ( Barrel.)
- Let's turn the track and check. That's right, it's a cucumber.

7. The game "Live words"

There is an end to the line
And at the beginning - dots.

My words were broken into syllables. They need to be collected. To do this, connect your beginning of the word and the end so that we can read the words. The end of the words will be those children who have cards with syllables: CA, CO, TSY. So, split into groups.


“And you have completed this task.

8. Physical education

- The “endings” of words will show movements, and you will repeat everything after them.

10. Working with the fairy tale “Chicken Chick”

- Our next task will be to read a fairy tale just about this chicken. Open the textbook "Learning to read" on page 58. (Children read the text aloud in turn.)
- Who is the main character of the story?
Prove that this is a fairy tale.
- Whom did the chicken meet and with whom did he talk? (With a chicken, with a flower, with a caterpillar, with a heron.)
- Underline the words with the letter [C]. Let's check what you highlighted.

11. Professions and their devices and tools. Making proposals

– To go down the path, we must make the right choice. Before you pictures, which depict people of different professions. Name them. I'll take the item out of the box and show you. In response, you must say what profession people need this item. And come up with an offer.

The doctor - a syringe, the tailor - scissors, the cook - an egg, the seller - a check, the teacher - a compass.

The item that remains in the box will be our path.

12. Composing a pair of words (phrases), taking into account the characteristics of the characters

- Remember the heroes of today's fairy tale about the chicken. Now on the pieces of paper you need to make the correct pairs of words that told us about the heroes of the fairy tale.

Silent flower, stupid chicken, green frog, curious caterpillar, smart heron.

13. Scattered word

- And in order to find out the last track, we must remember the folk saying ...
Everything has a beginning and... end.
And now let's collect the scattered word and find out what the letter “C” thinks about us.


14. Summary of the lesson

- What did you learn at the lesson today?
– What have we learned?
- What did we do in class?
- What did you especially like?

That's the letter C!
To introduce children to the sound [ts], use the idea of ​​Olga MENDEL, teacher primary school school number 23 st. Khan's city of Maykop: make a model of a seven-flower flower and place all the tasks for the lesson on its petals.

Subject."The consonant sound [ts] and the letter C, c ".

Goals. Introduce the new consonant sound [ts] and the letter C, c ; to learn to hear new sounds in speech, to highlight them in words; develop phonemic hearing, memory, thinking, speech, imagination.

Equipment. Textbook "Primer" (author N.M. Betenkova, V.G. Goretsky. St. Petersburg: Special Literature, 1998. 208 p.; ill.); portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky; tape recorder and recordings: "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P.I. Tchaikovsky; the fairy tale "Chicken Chick" (recorded by the role-playing teacher); the book "Flower-Semitsvetik" by V. Kataev; drawing of a heron sorceress; flower-seven-flower with tasks; word table, alphabet poster, letter cards c .


I. Organizational moment

The children enter the classroom. Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers. At this time, one of the students, at the choice of the teacher, makes a sound analysis of the word "flower" behind the curtain.

Teacher. You have now listened to "Waltz of the Flowers" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

A portrait of P.I. opens on the board. Tchaikovsky.

II. Lesson topic message

U. Consider the sound analysis of the word "flower". Do you agree with him?

On the desk:

In this lesson, we will get acquainted with the new sound [ts] and the letters denoting it.

A card appears on the board:

A trained student reads poems by E. Tarlapak and A. Shibaev.

Letter C -
hook below,
Exactly with a faucet tank.
What is the letter C -
With claws at the end.
Claw-scratch -
Like a cat paw.

U. Look at the alphabet. Between what letters is c ?

D. between letters X And h .

U. Read the syllables with the letter c recorded in the table.

First, one student reads, and then all the children in chorus.

Finish the speech.

On the desk:

Compare the sound [c] in the last two words. What did you notice?

D. In a word scissors after c there is a letter s , in a word numbers after c - letter And , but the sound [ts] sounds hard.

U. The sound [ts] is always solid. Read the writing on the board.

On the desk:

Vetik-seven... Vetik

What letter is missing?

D. Letter c .

U. What happens, read.

D. Semi-flower.

The book was read to students at extracurricular reading; she appears on the board.

D. Valentin Kataev.

U. What is instructive in this tale?

Children's responses are heard.

Look who came to us from this fairy tale?

On the desk-sorceress drawing:

D. Enchantress.

U. What did the sorceress bring with her?

D. Semi-flower.

U. Tasks are written on the petals of our semi-flower. If we fulfill them all, then we will be in for a surprise. Can we manage?

D. Let's handle it!

U. But first, let's get some rest.

IV. Physical education minute

The teacher reads the poem "Flower".

Delicate little bud
It is rolled up tightly.
(Children squat and "close".)
The sun will give him a ray
And the bud will become a carnation.
(They stand on their toes and stretch their arms up.)

V. Reading words with a new letter

The teacher plucks the petals and reads the assignment.

U. The first task of the sorceress: make a word using the first letters of the words: chicken, stork, sail, swallow, yacht.

A drawing of a heron appears on the board:

The teacher explains the lexical meaning of words chintz, dressmaker.

Third task. Read the words. Highlight the common part. What is it called? What are these words?

On the desk:

flower garden
flower girl

The children are doing the task.

Who is a florist?

Children's responses are heard. In case of difficulty, the teacher helps.

Florist - a specialist in floriculture, a person who grows flowers. Florist is a profession. It can be obtained at the Agricultural Institute at a special faculty.

Task 4: Solve the riddle.

people call me
queen of flowers
For color and smell
my petals.

D. This is a rose.

U. What flowers do you still know?

Children's responses are heard.

VI. Physical education for the eyes

VII. Reading sentences with a new letter

Fast-reading students are given questions on the text.

Children read aloud in semantic parts.

queen of flowers

Both by beauty and smell, the rose is called the queen of flowers. It grows on bushes. The roots of the rose bush are long, straight. The brown trunk and green young shoots are covered with thorns.
Rose flowers are white, crimson, pink, yellow, but always the same color.


What is the name of the story? Why is the rose called the queen of flowers?

Children's answers.

The sixth task - "Tell me a word."

All my girlfriends -
Frogs in the reeds.
And be a frog
I don't want a drop
Because it's better to live
In the swamp...

D. Heron.

U. On the seventh petal - a surprise: the fairy tale "Chicken Chick". Listen to the story and memorize the words with the sound [c].

The teacher turns on the tape.

Chicken Chick

Chicken Chicken was the first to hatch from the egg, and now he sat on the porch and waited for the rest of the chickens to hatch at last.
- Mom, you're sitting wrong! You see - no one hatches anymore!
The chicken was so surprised that it only closed its eyes.
- Well, you sit down, - says Chick, - and I'll go for a walk.
Chick went out into the field, went up to the flower and said:
- Wrong you bloom! It is necessary to bloom downward with a flower, then all sorts of butterflies and beetles will not sit on you.
He said and moved on. Looks - the caterpillar crawls.
- Hey, caterpillar, you crawl wrong.
- How is it necessary? - the caterpillar was surprised.
- It is necessary to curl up and roll, so it will be faster.
He said and moved on. Looks - the heron catches frogs.
- Hey, heron, you're fishing wrong. See it right! And how to jump into the swamp.
Then Chick would have come to an end, well - the heron pulled him out.
“To teach,” says the heron, “you need to know something yourself. Got it, chick?


VIII. Lesson summary

U. What words with sound [ts] do you remember?

Children list the words with the sound [c] that they remember.

What letter did you meet today? What did you find out about her? What did you like the most about the lesson?

Children's responses are heard.
