Angry cat meow. What sounds do cats make and what do they mean?

By making certain sounds, animals want to tell you some information about their desires. One of the main reasons why you hear a cat meow is because it wants to get the owner's attention. But these are not all the reasons why pets make certain sounds. Sometimes, a cat's meowing speaks of her desires, sometimes of anxieties and fears, and in some cases, it can speak of a disease. Therefore, it is important to understand in time and understand what the cat’s meow “tells” you about.

Why does a cat constantly meow?

Cats meow for a variety of reasons, including the following:

What do cats want to tell us with their meow?

Owners with "experience" are able to quite clearly determine what the meowing cat wants to tell them. It has been scientifically proven that cats have their own language and it is not so difficult for a person to learn to understand it.

Let's try to determine what the cat wants.

  • A short "mur-meow" means a greeting.

  • Loud "rattling" means a demand for food or your attention.

  • A short "purr-meow" means a cat's impatience, a cat can make such short sounds at the sight of an unattainable prey or treat.

  • A loud and clear meow at the top of your voice means a demand, call or complaint of a cat. The meow of a cat begging for food is similar in tone to a child's cry, so a person cannot refuse a cat's request.

  • Sometimes a cat makes a “meow” as if in between times, quietly, usually in these situations the cat simply cannot keep its emotions or indignation in itself.

  • The meowing of kittens looking for a mother is characteristic, it is very plaintive, loud, long and shrill.

  • Cats "shout" calling for a sexual partner, especially cats "try".

  • A cat that is aggressive will hiss, snort and howl. The hissing of a cat means that it is better not to approach it, and the cat begins to howl during a fight.

  • Cats have perfectly adapted to life with people, with their meowing they “educate” us, accustoming a comfortable cat to the daily routine and fulfilling her desires, however, the meowing of cats makes us not alone, you can always talk with a talkative cat. It has been noted that the more often a person responds to a cat's meow, the more often a cat meows for no reason, just communicating with a person. There is nothing bad in this, especially for lonely people, and it is very funny to look at it, sometimes there are whole dialogues with a cat for 5-10 minutes and it seems that the cat understands you perfectly.

  • Not all cat breeds are talkative, there are silent cats, consider these breed characteristics when getting a cat.

Night talk

Probably the most annoying cat ringtone is the cat's meow at night. Breeders assure that their nocturnal activity is quite natural. Many pets, not being able to realize their hunting instinct, still try to feel like the owners of the territory. They can run around the apartment, play, and, of course, scream loudly and make other "hunting" sounds. Then they prefer to sleep during the day.

And it is at this time that the home "hunter" wants her owner to pay more attention to her. At night, she is bold and hardy. She really wants to show these qualities to her breadwinner. You can calm the cat's meowing simply by stroking your pet or answering her with kind words. Most often, if a cat's meowing is due to a lack of daytime attention, after you answer it, it will become silent.

Another reason for cat meowing at night is stress. Relocation causes stress, or the appearance of a child in the family, that is, any changes in the life of the animal. Experiencing stress, the pet walks and meows plaintively at night, because then she experiences more anxiety and an acute lack of attention.

Night meowing of a cat in the spring is also a common phenomenon. Cats attract females with their loud voice, and cats communicate their needs with a long meow. Castration or sterilization usually helps to get rid of constant "talks" of this kind.

However, if there are no above reasons, and your pet still constantly and restlessly turns on its night ringtone, and does not sleep well during the day, this may indicate that he is sick. In this case, the cat's meow will be strange, it will be sounds such as yapping, wheezing and meowing with an intonation atypical for her. In this case, it is best to take your pet to the veterinarian.

Why won't my cat stop meowing?

Excessive meowing of a cat is often caused by the fact that she has learned that with the help of meowing she can get what she wants. This can become a habit, and the cat begins to meow more and more often. It can be quite cute, however, if she starts meowing all night long or drives you crazy during the day, then it's time to get rid of this bad habit.

  1. The first step should be to completely ignore her meow. Meowing is used by the cat to get what she wants, so don't give it to the cat when she meows (for example, food), but give it when she is being quiet. Likewise, give your cat plenty of attention and affection when she is silent and ignore her when she meows.

  2. Do not yell or scold your pet when it meows. If this cat behavior persists, then you may need to resort to a spray bottle: spray some water on the cat when she meows (although I personally don't like this method, as it can scare some cats). This won't hurt the cats, but they will soon learn that the meow is followed by a shower and it will stop the excessive meowing. This can be especially helpful for cats who meow all night for attention. Remember to cuddle and play with your cat before bed.

  3. Some owners use the following trick: a cat can stop meowing if you blow on its face. Why don't you try this with your cat the next time she meows? Will it suddenly work?

How to punish a meowing cat

There are several ways to punish a noisy cat. The easiest, time-honored methods are to use water or sound to disrupt her train of thought.

Unexpected noise

For example, your cat stares at you and meows. Immediately and with all possible care, throw a metal can of coins in the direction of the cat. Aim carefully to avoid hitting the cat. Of course, meowing is annoying, but this is not a crime for which you can take your life. When the jar lands, the cat will get scared.

After a few seconds of silence, call the cat to you. Praise her and give her a treat. In this way, you will reward her for her silence and assure her that everything is fine. In addition, by doing this you will demonstrate to her that you have nothing to do with that noisy object that seemed to fall from the sky - it just always happens with noisy cats.


Sometimes a powerful offensive is indeed the best defense. Play some noisy game. When you see that your cat is ready to meow. The game will give her the mental and physical exercise she needs, and besides, it will make her completely put all the problems out of her head.


After punishment, you should not only praise the cat, but also try to notice when she is quiet and reward her. It takes a sharp eye and a patient disposition, but timely rewards for quiet behavior can sow seeds in a cat's head.

It is not always easy to notice that a cat behaves quietly and undemandingly. If you're busy all day, it often happens that only the squeaky wheel gets lubed. But if you're already tired of this "squeaky wheel", you'll have to encourage yourself to keep a close eye on the cat and notice what's so easy to miss. Then you will reward the cat for normal behavior and wait for the miracle to happen, and she will finally learn how to behave.


The good news is that your cat is exceptionally smart. The bad news, too, is that your cat is exceptionally smart. She desperately wants to communicate with you, devoting a lot of time to these attempts. It will be great if you develop a vocabulary for communicating with each other. This is a great way to develop your cat's mind, as well as the basis for channeling her behavior in a more positive and desirable direction. Come up with some tricks you would like to teach your cat and work on them. The great thing about cat training is that it doesn't matter how long it takes: two days or two weeks.


For this purpose there is special exercises. Cats, especially the most energetic ones, usually exercise themselves. However, this is not always the type of exercise that is desired. So to prevent unwanted behavior and release pent-up tension, roll ping-pong balls on the floor and have some fun with your cat. Divide her toys into three groups and post a new set of toys every few days. Pay special attention to playing with the cat for at least fifteen minutes in the morning and evening.


Two cats will entertain each other themselves. Two kittens raised together become almost inseparable. A kitten raised with a sibling is less likely to turn into a demanding cat than one raised alone.


If you have acquired a Siamese or Abyssinian cat, then do not complain that she is so energetic. It's like complaining about a Ferrari driving too fast. If you don't want to have a fast car, then don't buy one that is designed for high speed. If you don't want to have a cat that needs and will demand full integration into your life, don't get a cat of the breed that is famous for it.


The cat has a concept of boundaries. It's just that those boundaries need to be presented in a way that makes sense to her. If you just tell your cat that she shouldn't go somewhere just because you'll be happy if she doesn't, that won't work. You'll have to come up with some more solid reason. It will be much more effective if you make this place look dangerous to the cat. You can make a place seem dangerous by setting traps there or by punishing the cat every time it is there. If your cat bothers you when you have a snack in front of the TV, do not let him climb onto the sofa at such a time. Command her "Get out!" and use a water jet, an air jet, or a loud sound to punish her each time she disobeys. As soon as she jumps off the couch, praise her. If you are inconsistent in this, you will create an even more terrible monster than you had before. So if you have already taken a position, stay on it! Don't start chatting.

What not to do

  • Don't ignore your pet until you've made sure he doesn't have a problem. However, sometimes cats meow at good reason such as when they can't get to their litter box, or when their water bowl is empty. Check if there is any problem when the cat is meowing and then you can safely ignore it if everything is ok.

  • Don't punish your cat for meowing. Shouting, physical contact, or spraying water on a cat rarely calms a meow in the long run, but all of these actions can develop distrust or even dislike of you.

  • Do not give up. If your cat is used to getting what she got with meowing, she will meow louder and longer when it stops working. In other words, this behavior is likely to get worse before it gets better. Just reinforce the quiet behavior and ignore the meow and eventually the cat will figure it out.

“Listen to the sounds of cats online” is a fairly frequently used search query in our time. It would seem, why do people look for this kind of material? In fact, this makes a lot of sense. Basically, such sound effects are used to create all kinds of audio compositions, video material, applications for mobile gadgets, or even create full-fledged computer games. The sounds of cats, supplemented by the appropriate context, will certainly make the created material more realistic. Of course, the most important thing is to make sure that the audio effects used fit the place, and do not seem superfluous against the general background of the music track or video clip, as, unfortunately, often happens.

Listen to the sounds of cats

Surely you are also wondering: where can I listen to the sounds of cats online? How can I download cat sound for free? In fact, the answer to these questions is extremely simple: you just need to use a special Internet site that is ready to provide its users with an extensive database of relevant sound effects, where a wide variety of cat sounds are presented. It is not so important whether you are interested in the sound of a cat meowing, the sounds made by cats, the sound of a cat calling, or similar sounds. On our site you can always find it all! Thus, you do not have to scour the entire Internet in search of the necessary audio tracks (which, of course, will also take a considerable amount of time and effort), because here almost all of them are offered in one place! If you, taught by the unfortunate example of many modern Internet sites, are worried about the fact that you will need to pay for something, then you can safely relax!

We guarantee that you will not have to make any financial contributions, you can download all the presented sound effects for free on your computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device! At the same time, you will also have the opportunity not only to download the sounds of cats of interest, but also simply listen to them directly on the site, if, for example, you do not need to download these audio files! Note that our sound materials are of both high quality and a high degree of realism, being almost indistinguishable from the sounds made by real animals! We hope you enjoy using our site!

Communication is an important part of our mutual understanding. This is true for pets as well. Cat meowing is considered by many as a way to communicate with the owner. But what does she want to say? How to determine what a cat's meow means and what a cat's meow "says"?

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Why do domestic cats "talk"?

By making certain sounds, animals want to tell you some information about their desires. One of the main reasons why you hear a cat meow is because it wants to get the owner's attention. But these are not all the reasons why pets make certain sounds. Sometimes, a cat's meowing speaks of her desires, sometimes of anxieties and fears, and in some cases, it can speak of a disease. Therefore, it is important to understand in time and understand what the cat’s meow “tells” you about.

Night talk

Probably the most annoying cat ringtone is the cat's meow at night. Breeders assure that their nocturnal activity is quite natural. Many pets, not being able to realize their hunting instinct, still try to feel like the owners of the territory. They can run around the apartment, play, and, of course, scream loudly and make other "hunting" sounds. Then they prefer to sleep during the day.

And it is at this time that the home "hunter" wants her owner to pay more attention to her. At night, she is bold and hardy. She really wants to show these qualities to her breadwinner. You can calm the cat's meowing simply by stroking your pet or answering her with kind words. Most often, if a cat's meowing is due to a lack of daytime attention, after you answer it, it will become silent.

Another reason for cat meowing at night is stress. Relocation causes stress, or the appearance of a child in the family, that is, any changes in the life of the animal. Experiencing stress, the pet walks and meows plaintively at night, because then she experiences more anxiety and an acute lack of attention.

Night meowing of a cat in the spring is also a common phenomenon. Cats attract females with their loud voice, and cats communicate their needs with a long meow. Castration or sterilization usually helps to get rid of constant "talks" of this kind.

However, if the above reasons are not present, and your pet still constantly and restlessly turns on its night ringtone, and does not sleep well during the day, this may indicate that he is sick. In this case, the cat's meow will be strange, it will be sounds such as yapping, wheezing and meowing with an intonation atypical for her. In this case, it is best to take your pet to the veterinarian.

Postpartum meowing in cats

After childbirth, a healthy mother will not simply waste her voice on you. After all, all her attention is now focused on the cubs. Therefore, pay special attention to the constant meowing of a cat after childbirth.

If the kittens are with their mother and she is acting restless, she may not be getting enough food or water. But if the tray with food and water is full, or you have recently fed her, then you should check why she has cause for concern.

The mother's concern is usually caused by the illness of one of her cubs or her own health. Check out how the kittens look and feel. How long do they sleep, and is mom getting enough rest. If they are all right, pay attention to the mother. The unreasonable meowing of a cat and her whining, combined with trembling, frequent urination, rapid breathing and other behavior that is unnatural for her, signals to you that a former woman in labor has postpartum complications. Do not guess what to do, it urgently needs to be shown to the veterinarian!

Cat sounds and their meaning

Let's look at how pets "talk" and what it most likely means.

  1. "Moore-meow" pronounced briefly. If you heard these sounds when you appeared in the apartment, then the pet greeted you like that. But if you have been sitting at home for a long time, and the animal does not need to greet you, but he still makes such sounds, this means disappointment, because there is no way to get some kind of prey.
  2. The pet will announce the lack of attention on my part with a plaintive meow and the fact that it will follow me around the house.
  3. A loud "rattling" sound means your pet is demanding food or other attention. To demand food, the animal will also be loud, clear "meow" at the top of its voice.
  4. A short, single, sometimes quiet, “meow” indicates that the pet cannot contain his emotions. In this way, he is similar to people, when something happens in between, we unconsciously say something like “Oh my God!”.
  5. The meowing of kittens is usually plaintive, drawn out and loud. With this ringtone, kittens are looking for their mother. This is nothing to be confused with.
  6. The meowing of a cat in the spring is more like a cry. So the cat is looking for a sexual partner. The same can mean the cat's long meow in the spring.
  7. Hissing and snorting indicates your pet's annoyance. And during the fight, he will howl, as it were. At this time, it is better not to approach him.
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If the cat does not stop meowing

As discussed above, when a cat meows, it is not a simple ringtone. Thus, the animal asks you for something. But it happens that you have already done everything that she could want, and the cat's meow does not stop. There are two diametrically opposed reasons why this happens.

You could spoil her. Every time your pet gave a voice, you stroked her, or took her in your arms. And she is used to the fact that this is the only way she can get your affection. In this case, it is better to teach her what to do so badly (for example, splash water on her when she screams). And start caressing only after the meowing of the cat stops.

The second reason why a cat's meow is heard may be hiding in her restless state due to her own ill health. As discussed above, this will be an uncharacteristic meow, in conjunction with other signs of the disease. If the animal behaves like this, do not delay going to the veterinary clinic.

Video "The reaction of a cat when she sees a bird outside the window"

Cat ringtones are quite diverse. And although, when cats meow, the video does not always turn out to be successful, in this video you will still hear the cat meow and see how it behaves when it sees a bird outside the window, not being able to catch it.

Most people are sure that this is the most sure sign cat bliss. They are echoed by experts in cat behavior, considering this statement to be fair in relation to domestic cats. Healthy and happy cats really purr and purr for a very long time! Just put your hand on your furry pet and lightly stroke it. Did you hear the characteristic murmur? No doubt - he loves you very much! Sometimes cats purr to encourage the owner to perform some action - for example, asking to be petted, scratched behind the ear or played with them.

It is all the more surprising, but sometimes sick and dying cats purr. If you notice something like this, especially in combination with other signs - the cat has stopped grooming itself, refuses to eat, is inactive, etc. - contact your veterinarian.

cat meows

Cats mainly communicate with their owners through meowing. Fast and accurate translation of meowing - your cat wants something. Here and now. Attention, food, access to a locked room - look at the situation.

Meowing also indicates the current mood of the cat. If she meows often and obsessively, then she is very annoyed. The cat meows almost non-stop - it means that she needs your help. For example, she experiences a severe toothache.

Well, a soft, gentle and insinuating cat's "meow" is a sign of a good-natured mood.

howling cat

You can’t confuse a cat’s howl with anything - it’s a heart-rending scream, comparable only to a human scream. When two hostile cats meet, they first hiss, then turn to howl. Howling is a harbinger of the imminent start of a fight.

What if the cat howls at home? This means that she is crying out for help: she is experiencing severe anxiety, pain, discomfort. Cats also howl during mating season, especially when they feel the proximity of a mating partner.

The cat is chirping or chirping. Some experts even compare this sound to bird chirping, and we are forced to admit that there is something. Most often, you can hear this sound when your pet is sitting on the windowsill and looking at the birds with interest. And he starts to make similar sounds! The nature of these sounds has not yet been unraveled by scientists and experts. Now it is generally accepted that the sound went to the modern domestic cat as a legacy from the ancient ritual of hunting for feathered “game”.

The cat hisses

This sound is often (and not unreasonably) compared to the menacing hiss of a snake. The sound, barely hearing which, you want to step back and move away. Cat hissing is formed by a continuous stream of air exhaled by the animal. Hissing is almost always accompanied by signs of the body: the cat’s back is arched, ears are pressed, etc. An unambiguous signal is sent to the enemy: if he doesn’t disappear right now, then in a couple of moments he will be torn to shreds. Cats typically hiss at other cats, dogs, and even people. Cat lovers should remember: the cat hisses menacingly - it is better to move away and not annoy her.

The cat growls. Those who have a lot of contact with furry pets are familiar with this "uterine" sound. By its nature, it is somewhat similar to a hiss, but more like a growl. The sound usually indicates a serious degree of cat irritation. In "real" life, you can hear this warning sound if you start to manipulate the bowl during the meal. The cat will immediately cut you off sharply and “say” - this should never be done.

Do you constantly hear a growl as soon as you touch a certain part of the animal's body? Then go to the vet and share your concerns with him. Perhaps the cat needs help.

cat whines

Some experts even call this sound "cat's cry". You can draw some parallels with dog whining - the meaning of the animals at the same time invest approximately the same. Usually cats whine when they are under severe stress. But there are also ordinary "everyday" situations, especially in nervous, vulnerable and impressionable animals. Cats, due to their irrepressible curiosity, often get into some trouble and express emotions in such a bizarre way.

Cat concert under the windows

Usually something like this happens in the wee hours and just when you want to sleep so much! These wild cries are difficult to confuse with any others: the surrounding cats sort things out with each other. The subsequent fight will reveal the winner, who will get access to the beautiful lady waiting for her gentleman. Do not want to see your pet in the list of soloists? Castrate or sterilize him - and you will have peace and quiet.

Used photo from open sources.

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Studying feral cats, scientists came to the conclusion that when alone, they are silent most of the time. However, when they encounter a person, dog, or other danger, they begin to growl, howl, and make many other sounds unfamiliar to domestic cats. An important feature of feral cats is the absence of meowing in response to human actions. But it is precisely this behavior that is typical for domestic pussies. It turns out that "meow" is used by cats only to communicate with humans. But this sound is very multifaceted, has dozens of shades, keys and manners of performance, so cat owners have to be very careful to understand what their pet wants.

website I decided to simplify the task of communicating with cats for you and compiled a kind of cat-Russian dictionary.

Short high meow

Pet expert and animal trainer Susan Rubin believes that such a simple and rather pleasant sound means "Hello". This is the usual well-known "meow".

In this way, the pet can invite you to play. In general, this is a rather pleasant calm sound, which is aimed at relaxed friendly communication.

A few short meows

Sometimes a cat can give out several short "meows" in a row - she said hello to you and now wants you to know how much she is glad to see you again Houses.

Long "meow"

A lingering sound, somewhere between a "meow" and a scream, is the cat's way of getting attention. It can mean "feed me!" or "let me out!". And sometimes even “stroke me!” or “take me in your arms!”. In general, this is a good way. demand what you want at any cost, because few of the owners are pleased to listen to this annoying sound. Especially cats love to resort to this method at night or early in the morning. They know: most likely, you will do what the woolly cunning one needs from you.

Crying high "meow"

Not only you can scold your pet for tricks. He also considers himself entitled to reprimand you. To do this, he uses this very sound, usually pronounced in a low tone and somewhat aggressive. Have you heard something similar? Know: you are scolded for what you did or, on the contrary, did not do. Your cat is very disappointed or offended by you.


Some overly talkative cats use a long, low howl as a means of everyday communication. But if this is not about your pet, if this has not happened to him before, then you should be on the alert when you hear the drawling “ me-o-o-o-o" or "ur-mau". The veterinarian thinks the cat's howl is a signal that they're in trouble. Another common cause of strong vocalization in a low tone is estrus season in non-castrated animals.

Howling can mean a complaint, and if it does not stop from 24 to 36 hours, then you should definitely show the cat to a specialist: most likely, your pet is sick.

Chatter or chirp

If you have a cat, you probably noticed how he, sitting on the windowsill and looking at the bird, makes similar sounds. If you haven't got your own cat yet, then watch this video.

With such sounds, the cat says: “Do not come near! I'm angry and aggressive! Get it! And in this case, it is really better to listen. Otherwise, the cat may attack.

cat trill

A cat trill is the sound between a meow and a purr. If you're having a hard time remembering what it sounds like, you can watch the video below.


A rather difficult sound to describe (somewhere between a meow, purr and growl) is best captured in the video below.

And although it has a hint of growl, it is a very positive sound. It attracts attention and has many meanings: the cat is glad to see you, she thanks you for your time, she expresses her love. Excitedly asks to see how she does something interesting for the first time, tells how her day went, and much more, but always pleasant.

