31 days off. The new year will start in the old

The week is full. Voice 1.
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Day of Remembrance:
Besrebrenikov mchch. Cyrus and John and with them mtsts. Athanasia and her daughters Theodotia, Theoktista and Eudoxia (311)
The holy unmercenary Cyrus was a famous physician in the city of Alexandria, where he was born and raised. He was a Christian and treated all the sick free of charge, not only giving help in bodily diseases, but also healing mental ailments, which are the causes of bodily diseases. Preaching the Gospel teaching, the holy physician converted many pagans to Christ. During the persecution of Diocletian, Saint Cyrus withdrew to the Arabian desert, where he accepted monasticism, and continued to heal people there with his prayer, having received from God the gift to heal all diseases.
In the city of Edessa at that time lived the warrior John, a pious Christian. When the persecution began, he came to Jerusalem and there, having heard about Saint Cyrus, he began to look for him, went to Alexandria for this, then to Arabia. Having found Saint Cyrus, John became attached to him with all his soul and became his faithful follower. Upon learning that in Egypt, in the city of Canopy, a Christian woman, Athanasius, was captured with three young daughters: Theoktista - 15 years old, Theodotia - 13 years old and Eudoxia - 11 years old, Saints Cyrus and John hastened to help them, fearing that the fear of torment would make them renounce Christ. They visited them in prison and strengthened them in courage before the upcoming feat. Upon learning of this, the ruler of the city seized Saints Cyrus and John and, convinced of their firm and fearless confession of faith in Christ, betrayed them to terrible tortures in front of Athanasia and her daughters. The confessors also steadfastly endured all the torments and were beheaded. Following them, in the same place, the holy unmercenaries Cyrus and John were executed. Their bodies were buried by Christians in the church of the holy apostle and evangelist Mark. In the 5th century, the relics of Saints Cyrus and John were transferred from Canopus to Manuphin. Later, their relics were transferred to Rome, and from there to Munich.

St. Nikita, a recluse of Pechersk, Bishop. Novgorod (1108)
Saint Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod, entered the Kiev Caves Monastery at a young age and soon wished to go into seclusion. The abbot warned him about the prematureness of such a feat for a young monk, but he, relying on his own strength, did not obey. In seclusion, Saint Nikita fell into temptation. The devil appeared to him in the form of an angel, and the inexperienced ascetic bowed to him. The demon gave him advice, as if he had already reached perfection: “Don’t pray, but only read and teach others, and I will pray instead of you,” and he stood near the hermit, pretending to pray for him. The seduced monk Nikita surpassed everyone in the knowledge of the books of the Old Testament, but he did not want to talk or listen about the Gospel. The Kiev-Pechersk elders came to the deceived man and, having prayed, drove the demon away from him. After this, the Monk Nikita, having left the seclusion with the blessing of the elders, lived in strict fasting and prayer, most of all exercising in obedience and humility. The Merciful Lord, through the prayers of the holy elders, raised him from the depths of his fall to a high degree of spiritual perfection. Subsequently, he was appointed bishop of Novgorod and for his holy life was rewarded by God with the gift of miracles. Once, during a drought, he prayed for rain to fall from the sky; another time, through his prayer, the fire in the city stopped. Saint Nikita ruled the Novgorod flock for 13 years and died peacefully in 1109. In 1558, under Tsar John Vasilyevich, the glorification of the saint took place. His relics are now buried in the Church of the Holy Apostle Philip in Novgorod.

Mchch. Quiz, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Serapion and Papias (251)
The Holy Martyrs Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Serapion and Papias suffered in Corinth during the persecution of Emperor Decius (249-251), in the year 251. Saints Victorinus, Victor and Nikifor were planted in a stone mortar and died under the blows of a huge stone pestle. Saint Claudius died after having his arms and legs cut off. Saint Diodorus was burned, Saint Serapion was beheaded, and Saint Papias was drowned in the sea.

Mts. Tryphena of Kizicheskaya
The Holy Martyr Tryphena came from the city of Cyzicus. She voluntarily gave herself over to suffer for Christ. They threw her into a red-hot oven, hung her on a tall tree, threw her from a height onto sharp stones, gave her to be eaten by animals, but the Lord kept her unharmed. Finally, she was torn to pieces by an angry bull.

Gospel Readings
1 John, 70 credits, II, 7-17. Mk., 63 credits, XIV, 3-9.
Besrebrenikov: 1 Cor., 153 credits, XII, 27 - XIII, 8. Matt., 34 credits. (from the floor"), X, 1, 5-8.

Troparion of the Unmercenary Martyrs Cyrus and John. Tone 5
Miracles of your saints martyr
granting us an invincible wall, O Christ God,
those prayers destroy the councils of tongues,
Strengthen the Holy Church
like the One Good and the Lover of mankind.

Kontakion of the Unmercenary Martyrs Cyrus and John. Voice 3
From Divine grace, accept the gift of miracles, saints,
you work wonders all the time
all our passions by handiwork, secantly invisible,
Cyrus the Wise with John the Glorious:
you are a Divine healer.
