Wedding scripts for small. Original wedding scenarios for a small company without a toastmaster at home, in a cafe, in nature

According to tradition, weddings are played in restaurants, cafes, which can accommodate a considerable number of people. However, due to the limited budget, the newlyweds do not always have the opportunity to celebrate this bright event in such establishments. Why not celebrate your wedding at home? Organizing a wedding celebration at home is not easy. A good script for this holiday will be a valuable help. What points are important to consider during the preparation of the event, and where to start it?

Preparing for the celebration

When preparing for a wedding at home, you need to carefully consider each step, paint the script in detail. Here are some tips to help you prepare well for the celebration and tell you what to think about first:

Decide on a specific number of people who will be invited to the home wedding.
Be sure to distribute the guests by age categories and take this factor into account when further building the wedding scenario at home.
Conveniently arrange tables in the apartment. You may have to use several rooms to organize a wedding celebration.
If you use a ready-made script for a wedding, try to adapt it to the nature of the company that will be present.
When you take on the task of writing the script for such an event, involve other people, such as relatives, friends - who are not alien to a sense of humor.
Since there will be no toastmaster at the wedding at home, entrust this role to one of the invited guests, having warned him about it in advance, give out a printed script.
Be sure to take care of the appropriate decoration of the interior of the house and the design of the premises for the wedding celebration.

Requisites for the wedding

To make the wedding at home fun, relaxed and exciting, and the scenario a success from start to finish, you will need props for entertainment. It happens that each wedding competition requires some special items, costumes or accessories. Check out the list of props for implementing a wedding scenario at home:

For the ransom of the bride, create several posters indicating where the girl lives, draw riddle puzzles for the groom.
Stock up on colorful balloons. Given the course of the scenario, you will need them to implement interesting games at home at the wedding.
To create a festive atmosphere at home, buy a few cans of confetti, fireworks.
Pick up good music for cheerful dances of guests at a wedding at home, as well as for the first wedding dance of the newlyweds.
If necessary, include in the entertainment program of the home wedding scenario the singing of popular cheerful songs with the help of karaoke on dvd. Choose songs that match the theme of the wedding.


Choose the actors for your wedding script in advance. Starting from the first part of the wedding at home, it is worth identifying the participants in the ransom: the witness with the bridesmaids, the groom with the witness. Further, according to the scenario, there is a meeting of the newlyweds after the registry office, where the newlyweds themselves and their parents will participate. The mother-in-law and mother-in-law are in the foreground, they greet the newlyweds with a loaf in their hands. Later, in competitions, use all the guests invited to the wedding.

home decoration

The decor of the wedding venue at home is an obligatory moment, which cannot be dispensed with when creating the appropriate festive atmosphere. Tidy up the house first, remove unnecessary items, furniture in order to comfortably accommodate guests. Then proceed to the design of the wedding table of the newlyweds. If the bride and groom will sit at a common table, their place still needs to be somehow distinguished from the crowd, decorated with flowers, draped with a cloth. Here are a few ideas that will make it easy for you to decorate your home for the wedding:

Use balloons of different colors, shapes. Try to make an arch and a huge heart for your home wedding using these decor elements.
Don't forget fresh flowers. Try to compose at least a couple of interesting compositions to decorate the wedding feast.
Use tulle, silk, or other fabrics to drape chairs into wedding slipcovers.
Hang up romantic posters with inscriptions about love, a wedding with wishes of happiness, prosperity, a strong family.
To find out how it is possible to decorate an apartment for a wedding, watch the video below:

Scenarios for a wedding at home without a toastmaster

Bride ransom

In the morning, on the day of the wedding, the bridesmaid and the bridesmaids gather at the entrance, blocking the entrance. The groom drives up on the wedding cortege and approaches the girls.


- With what have such dear guests come to us?

- I want to take a beautiful girl down the aisle. He came to give a ransom.


- So come on! We will not sell our goods cheaply! We'll take half the kingdom for our bride!


- We ourselves will need half the kingdom, but we can show our heroic strength. Get, groom, a scroll with gifts, we will take gifts and souvenirs.

The groom takes out souvenirs and, together with the witness, hands them to the bridesmaids. As a present, you can present handkerchiefs, hairpins and other women's little things. The girls, having received gifts, let the guys go to the next stage of the ransom, according to the scenario of the wedding at home.


- To show your high interest in the bride, you, the groom, must answer the following questions (gives drawings with puzzles).

Shortly before the wedding, the witness draws puzzles on A4 sheets in four versions:

mixed female kisses, among which are the "sponges" of the bride;
the growth of the newlywed in several meanings, among which only one is correct;
the size of the shoes of the future wife in 3 versions, with one correct;
date of birth - similar to the previous paragraph.

According to the script, if the groom guesses everything correctly, then he goes to the apartment and takes the bride to the registry office, if not, he pays the ransom, sings a serenade of his own choice or loudly pronounces a declaration of love.

Newlyweds meeting

After the registry office, the newlyweds come home for a festive feast, where their parents with a loaf are waiting for them at the door.


- So that exciting moment came when you gave mutual and legal consent to create a family. From now on, you are husband and wife, our dear children. May your house be full of guests, happiness, joy, kindness. So that even after the wedding your marriage is full of love and understanding, you do not forget your parents. Taste bread and salt so that life is filled with joyful events. Whoever breaks off a larger piece is in the house and the head!

The bride and groom break off a piece of wedding bread, dip it in salt and give each other a bite. According to the scenario, the mother-in-law gives the loaf to the witness, so that she brings it into the house and puts it on the wedding table for the newlyweds. The newlyweds enter, followed by the guests, and everyone sits down at the table.

Entertainment at the wedding

Entertainment during the feast will be described in detail below.

wedding garter
According to the scenario, the groom carefully removes a white garter from the bride's leg to throw it to the unmarried guys gathered behind. The one who catches this accessory will play his wedding in the near future.

Bridal bouquet
Behind the bride, unmarried girls gather to catch the bouquet she throws at them. By analogy with the garter, whoever catches the wedding flowers will get married soon.

Removing the veil
After the entertainment program, closer to the end of the wedding, there is a moment of removing the veil from the bride. The mother-in-law carefully removes this accessory from the girl’s head with the words:

- Daughter, from now on our family is your family, and I am your second mother. I want you to live joyfully, comfortably and harmoniously in our modest abode. We will love you like our own daughter, and you, dear, do not offend us!

After, according to the scenario, the mother-in-law puts an openwork scarf on the head of the newlywed and kisses her.

On the road

When the home wedding evening comes to an end, the hosts, together with the newlyweds, gather at the doorstep with vodka and snacks in order to give each guest a drink on the staff and have fun taking him home.

Entertainment program for wedding

The entertainment program of a home wedding must be carefully planned. At home, it is easy for guests to get bored at the usual feast with toast, and then the holiday risks becoming dull. Include in your script a lot of fun wedding contests with the participation of witnesses, newlyweds and all invitees, which will be hosted by the host. Take care of incentive prizes to give to each winning participant (for example, buy candy). Everything should match the wedding theme and create an atmosphere of fun.

Games and competitions for newlyweds and guests

Wedding competition with the participation of witnesses. The essence of entertainment is that the witness must move the witness in his arms in different positions. Two chairs are placed opposite each other so that each time he can seat her and change position. The main requirement is to use at least 10 different poses. During this competition, cheerful music should be played at the home wedding.


Wedding competition with a rope. You will need two ordinary clotheslines, with spoons tied at the end of each, and several people in two teams. On the spoon it is necessary to pass the rope through the clothes of the participant. According to the scenario of a home wedding, members of both teams should do this. The group that will quickly complete the task of threading the rope through all the contestants will win.

Wedding competition with the relay "Apply water". According to the wedding scenario, each participant is given a cap from a plastic bottle and a container of water. At the other end of the room, an empty bowl is placed, into which it is necessary to apply this liquid with a cork in one minute. To make the task more difficult, you need to ask the participants to carry water by placing a cap on their lips. The one with the most liquid in the bowl will be the winner of the wedding competition.

Love is a complete fusion of minds, thoughts, souls, interests, and not just bodies. Love is a huge, great feeling, powerful as the world, and not at all wallowing in bed.
A. I. Kuprin

Traditionally, a wedding is held in a cafe or restaurant, however, modern newlyweds today increasingly prefer unusual places for celebrating a solemn event. For example, if the wedding is in the summer, then you can celebrate a beautiful, romantic wedding in nature under tents. The main thing is that a friendly and joyful atmosphere reigned at the holiday. All it takes is a small stroke of a professional brush in the form of fun contests, mind-blowing riddles, wonderful games, jokes and jokes. And then funny wedding script might look like this:

So summer, heat, July... tent.

Dear guests, an amazingly and incredibly beautiful couple is approaching our tent - this is the bride and groom, so let's redeem them with a storm of applause! Good afternoon the name of the bride and groom you have embarked on the path of love, prosperity and family happiness, so your holiday begins from this very moment. We congratulate you on the birth of your family, which will bear the proud name - family Surname!

The path to happiness is different for everyone.
And everyone is allowed to go through it.
But that's the only way to succeed
Who see the light of hope ahead.
So let the family road
Leads you straight to happiness
And the young - we ask loudly
Step forward on it.
And what will she bring you?
Depends only on you.
And it's time for us to congratulate you,
Friendly newlyweds: Guests Hooray!

Host Having taken the first step on the path to happiness, you have come to the most beloved and dear people - your parents! Your mothers hold in their hands your first family bread, your wedding loaf, which turned out to be ruddy and lush, which means that there will always be prosperity and prosperity in your home. Attention, a question for the guests... What do you think should be done with the loaf now? Some guests may say to eat, then we answer - it’s immediately clear who is the hungriest! The loaf needs to be broken first. Take hold of the loaf and break off a large piece from the base. Attention, a question for the witnesses... Tell me, what will we think about, looking at these broken pieces? - Right! Who in the family likes to eat the most, or who will be the head of the family! Well, now you have a unique chance to annoy each other for the last time - salt your bread! Yes, salt more ... Look at each other with tenderness, exchange pieces and feed each other! Ladies and gentlemen, look what a caring couple we have! They won't leave each other hungry!

Host I have some ability to predict the future ... I feel that soon we will hear the clink of glasses! With these words, they bring out a tray with two glasses for the bride and groom.

Host Now make a wish. Guessed? - We drain the glasses and throw them over the left shoulder - so that they love each other passionately! And we, dear guests, will now determine who will be born to them first. If the fragments are large - a boy, if small - a girl.

Presenter And now, everything is according to the law - the marriage is sealed with a crystal ringing! It's time to go into the hall, the newlyweds once again, all together - Hurrah! Guests go to the banquet hall and take their seats in the places that are written on the tables, if this is provided for by the wedding script.

Presenter Do not be shy, dear guests, get ready to raise wedding toasts to the most beautiful couple, eat and have fun. Indeed, according to our today's scenario - the gentlemen look after the ladies, and the ladies make sure that no one is forgotten and that everyone's glasses and plates are not empty.

Host Dear newlyweds, how nice to see you here surrounded by friends, colleagues and relatives. They say that the greatest happiness in life is the certainty that you are loved. You, dear newlyweds, have such happiness! This will be the first toast!

Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you great happiness.
We're being serious right now...
May millions of scarlet roses
Lie on the path of life
What are you going to go through.
And let the fire of great love
Burning without fading!
Life is easier with love
Everyone knows about it.
Achieve harmony in life
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice!
And now ... Bitter!

Host Dear guests, enjoy your meal and have a fun evening. I think that today you will all help to make this holiday unforgettable not only for the newlyweds, but also for yourself! In the meantime, everyone is having a snack, I want to get to know you a little, find out who is sitting here, with what thoughts, what the guests want to give our young people. And for this we have a magic microphone. As soon as we offer it, it will tell the thoughts of each person. Well, let's get acquainted. The host approaches the guests, stands behind with a microphone, and the DJ, after the host’s question, turns on the composition, for example, questions and compositions can be as follows.

  • Guy - What does he think of himself? (Arkady Laikin (Potap) - Why am I so sexy?)
  • Girl - Let's meet a girl. (Tootsie - And I'm unmarried, someone really needs it).
  • Man - How did this man prepare for the wedding? (Murzilki International - Today, in the morning, I drank cognac).
  • Bride - What does the bride think of her husband? (Natalie - Oh my God what a man, I want from you).
  • Man - What does this man want to give to young people? (Serega - Boomer).
  • Girl - And then this girl will give young people? (ABBA - Money Money Money).
  • A man of large complexion - And another gift from a man. (Winnie the Pooh - The best gift, of course, is honey).
  • We approach the place where several girls are sitting - What do all the girls in the hall dream of? (Gone with the wind - Let's pour).
  • The same where the cluster of men - What do all men want? (Sergey Babkin - You need to drink more, you need to drink more).
  • We approach the witness - Let's find out what the witness thinks about and if it will be in our power to fulfill her dream. (Laurita - I want to dance until the morning).
Leading Well, I think we won’t succeed until the morning, but the dance break ... Please ... Everyone dances ... The guests are dancing. The host is preparing to continue the wedding evening. According to the scenario, the congratulations of the guests and the presentation of gifts are next according to the plan; props are used for this - a small bucket decorated with ribbons and colorful inscriptions, such as: advice and love; our bank is the best in the world; who did not put it, they will put it (a joke, but there is some truth in every joke) and other cool inscriptions.

As they say, when you meet a person
With a bucket filled to the brim
Good luck awaits, and until the end of the century
You will be rich, happy and healthy.
And we are for you, all dear guests,
They saved a bucket for the wedding,
We will fill it so that the young
All my life we ​​have only kept pace with happiness.
Together we will fill the bucket with good luck.
Envelopes, gifts - all here.
Everything that is not a pity, give them in addition.
We're coming to you with a bucket, gentlemen!
Guests congratulate the young, give gifts. If there are a lot of guests, every 20 congratulations, it is necessary to hold cool contests, quizzes, and fun games.

Host So, dear newlyweds! A counting commission consisting of two mothers - now mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law - is sent to find out how much luck this wedding bucket has brought you. They'll be here in five minutes while we warm up. 10 applicants needed... Let those who wish to stand in a circle, place chairs in the center - one object less than the participants. To the music, everyone will start moving in a circle, and at the moment the musical accompaniment stops, all participants must take a chair. A late guest enters his signature into the wedding contract, which is announced by the host. After the loser is eliminated, the game continues, but one chair from the center is removed. And the columns of the wedding contract can be as follows:

  • I undertake in a month, visiting the young, to carry out a general cleaning of their homes.
  • Two months after the wedding, I undertake to visit the newlyweds and cook dinner for them.
  • In three months I will organize a field trip for them with a shovel and a whisk.
  • In four months I will present financial assistance in the amount of 1,000 rubles.
  • In five months I will send the newlyweds a bouquet of flowers with a note from (a relative, even if it is not him).
  • After six months of living together, the young will come with a gift in the amount of 3,000 rubles.
  • In eight months I undertake to buy room slippers for the bride and groom.
  • In ten months I will cook shish kebabs, heat a bathhouse, invite the young people to take a steam bath and drink to their health.
And so on, you can come up with and add your columns to the contract, and when you get together at the first wedding anniversary, you need to check the implementation of this contract.

Presenter Everyone participates in the next contest, I have prepared a surprise for you. I ask everyone to stand in a circle. Participants stand in a circle. The music turns on, the guests pass each other a bag. When the host turns off the music, the participant who happened to have a bag, without looking, takes out the first item of clothing or accessory that comes across. You can put various items in the bag - from baby caps and nipples to huge panties and bras of size 60. You got some surprises. It lies in the fact that you must put all this on and wear it until I tell you to take it off. Half an hour of wearing such a surprise is enough.

Host In the meantime, for the next competition, strong men and beautiful women are invited. A certain number of volunteers are invited, to whom pre-prepared sheets with the written names of any institutions or places are attached to their backs. Only the guests see the signs, and the participants themselves do not know about the content. For example, you can mention a nude beach, a refrigerator, a job, a brewery, a fast food restaurant, etc. It is desirable to distribute the tablets randomly so that unexpected combinations are obtained. When everything is ready, the facilitator in turn asks all the participants questions about their places. The options may be:

  • Do your loved ones know about this?
  • Do you often go there?;
  • How do you get there;
  • What are you doing there?;
  • Do you have photos from there?
  • Does someone close go there with you?;
While the guests are watching the competition, young people are invited to write 5 animals on a piece of paper. Then the toastmaster enters them into the prepared form and reads them out.

Host All the guests certainly want to know more about the bride and groom, and they agreed to help us with this. So, here is what the bride thinks of her husband:
Affectionate, like (the first name of the animal)
Acts like a (second) in bed
Handsome like (third)
Caring as (fourth)
Kind as (the fifth name of the animal).
The same is read out about the bride, but with the husband's answers.

Presenter So, I propose to raise glasses for a beautiful, caring girl and a reliable, strong man, who today before your eyes have become a strong and happy family!

Lead Friends! I propose to smoothly move on to the competitive and dance part of our event.

Most often, the presenter invents words on the go, thereby doing even more wedding script funny and cool. In fact, there are many options for the competitive program, be guided, first of all, by the preferences and desires of the newlyweds, because the choice of the theme of the wedding celebration is entirely their prerogative. To make the holiday unforgettable, the newlyweds come up with unusual original scenarios, choose unexpected topics, and determine the style of the holiday. There are many different ideas that can become the basis for compiling a holiday program.

As a rule, all this happens in a playful way. This is not surprising, because a successful ransom is a unique sight. He is usually remembered for a long time by both the newlyweds and their guests. The bride price should not last too long. The most suitable option is 15 minutes for all the main actions. Competitions must be chosen, starting from the ability of the groom to freely cope with the proposed tasks.

It is necessary that all parts of the wedding ceremony - introductory, solemn, congratulatory, game, final - smoothly pass into one another, and the guests can eat, jump, and laugh in moderation. To do this, the scenario of the wedding celebration includes contests, games and pranks, original skits and mini-performances that will cheer up guests and help discover hidden talents. And this day will be remembered for many years.

Preparing for a wedding, as you know, is a joyful and troublesome business. Try to take into account all the details, all the wishes of relatives, all the necessary purchases, in general, lists and to-do lists.
Perhaps the most important choice is toastmaster's invitation. That's who will completely depend on your holiday. You need to meet with the presenter, let him show you his portfolio, videos of his work at the first meeting. Discuss with him how you personally imagine holding a wedding celebration, jointly draw up a plan, which is subsequently transformed into a script.

The next basis of your holiday is a high-quality wedding script for the toastmaster. Usually, the presenter is ready to provide you with his template text, on which he works. And here it is worth taking the initiative, expressing your wishes, offering your own contests, even a ready-made script.
In search of ideas, look through the toastmaster's book, where sample scripts are usually published. Our site contains a large number of funny and modern wedding scenarios that are suitable for the toastmaster.
The uniqueness and charm of the wedding gives the successful addition of all its parts. Let all the elements of your holiday, from the gentle decoration of the hall to the cheerful wedding scenario for the host, unite into a single harmonious ensemble.

wedding with toastmaster

The toastmaster wedding script below has a flexible structure, detailed props, and an idea for an unusual and beautiful start.
Guests arrive at the restaurant 10 minutes before the newlyweds. Everyone sits down at the tables, soft background music sounds.
Until the newlyweds arrive, the host can inform the guests that the script is planned to steal the shoes and the bride and ask those who wish to participate as "thieves" to approach her.
The lights are dimmed, the melody of the dance of the newlyweds sounds. Little girls dressed in fairy costumes enter the hall one after another. In their hands, each holds a large candle wrapped in gold foil (for safety from hot wax). They form a circle on a specially prepared platform.
To applause, a couple enters the hall and, having reached the dance floor, begins their wedding waltz. At this time, the girls move to the beat of the music in a circle, sway. At the culmination of the dance, fireworks-fountains are fired, located along the perimeter of the site. The couple finishes the dance, they are offered crystal glasses of champagne tied with a ribbon.
Salute of festive lights,
Extravaganza of smiles and gifts
We open this evening for friends.
In honor of our young and bright couple!
Having drunk a wonderful and sizzling drink,
To the newlyweds, a ringing hello helmet!
And let our holiday dance all night,
Honor and praise the wonderful couple to sing!

Everyone sits down at the table, the feast begins.

Young and happy
So good today!
And the eyes are gleaming,
We want you to live in luxury!
Newlyweds, all attention!
Even though you've grown up
Your gifts, your recognition
Parents want to say!
Handsome groom and golden bride
Read the words of your manifesto!

The bride and groom leave the table in the center of the hall.

I make a promise,
That I will not hide my love for my mother-in-law!
And I will diligently go to pancakes,
Give her flowers for her birthday!
And I will consider my father-in-law for my father,
I will try to absorb all his wisdom!
How to fix a house correctly, how to plant a worm,
How do you replace a part on a car?

The host invites the father-in-law and mother-in-law to the dance floor. Parents say congratulations and give gifts. Then they stay on the dance floor.

And I swear this promise
I will be the best daughter-in-law to my father-in-law!
I'll cook a pie, knit socks,
At the meeting, I will say a good word!
And I will call my mother-in-law mother,
I'm going to invite her over right away!
I will respect and honor
Help her and love!

The host invites the father-in-law and the mother-in-law to give parting words to the young. After the speech, they also do not leave.

You bow low to your parents,
Their favorite dreams came true today.
And worried about you, passionately loved,
All worries and grievances they have forgiven you.
Dear mothers, fathers, you will enjoy the moment.
A new path, a bright road has opened before the children!

We wish good and health
With triumph we announce a toast!
Let's raise our full cups, friends!
In honor of the glorious parents of the couple!
After all, the family has grown so much today,
The fanfare sounds solemnly!

Young people bow to their parents, and the guests raise their glasses while standing. The parents return, but the couple stays and accepts gifts from the guests.

Presentation of gifts

And we remember about grandparents!
We invite you, dear ones, to say a word to you!

The older generation from both sides comes to the parquet and congratulates the young. Aunts, uncles of respectable age or other relatives can also go out with them or instead of them.

Now I invite all the relatives present today to the center of the hall. I pass the microphone to you, let parting words and warm wishes sound! Let the gifts cover the young from head to toe!

Gift giving moment. The newlyweds stand in the center of the hall, the guests come up with gifts, and the witnesses are nearby in the wings.

Good friends around
We can't move forward without them!
congratulations, advice,
And love sonnets!
I invite to the middle of the hall all the guests at a table for friends!

Gifts and wishes from friends. Everyone is returning to their seats.

Game "Two hearts"

I give two hearts to each table,
They will let you get to know each other better.
While the music is playing
There is a movement in a circle
Don't rush, take it easy
Give your heart to a friend.

You get in time with the music
Yes, follow the simple rule
If you got red - kiss your neighbor,
And the blue in your hands - then hug!

The facilitator approaches the tables and gives a heart cut out of paper to each half of the table. An energetic melody is turned on, the guests pass their hearts. The music breaks, you need to fulfill the conditions of the game.

For the health of friends and loved ones
Let's fill the cups to the brim!
Let it be chic and sophisticated
Their lives are happy!

Guests support a toast to friends and relatives. Table break.

A toast to the young: Bitter!

Dear newlyweds, many beautiful prophetic words and wishes have been said to you. But who will believe the words? You have to believe in the cause! I ask guests to confirm their wishes with suitable gestures. The task is very simple, as soon as you hear me say good luck - everyone give a thumbs up, mention happiness - blow kisses to the newlyweds. As I remember about health, men boast of their biceps, and the ladies around admire and admire. And if I talk about love, we draw a big heart in the air!
(Names of newlyweds)
Let love cover you with waves, (heart)
The ship of happiness will take you far, (kisses)
On the shores that so shine with beauty,
And where sadness no longer lives.
We wish you health, no doubt, (biceps)
Good luck to the sea and prosperity to the brim! (thumb)
And let in our big universe
No one has ever seen such love! (heart)
Let the happy time last forever, (kisses)
The marital fire is inextinguishable!
Good luck with your union, we bless you heartily, (thumb)
Let's make a healthy toast! (biceps)
So much happiness will come to you! (kisses)
Let only today be bitter for you! (guests shout "Bitter!")

Gratitude to parents

We love a beautiful couple
But, without a doubt, among us
There are those who worry the most
Sighing quietly several times.
Honor to parents and respect,
Parents are the beginning of everything.
And let expressions of appreciation
Decorate our evening ball!

Newlyweds, you have the floor! Congratulate and thank your beloved parents!

As a gift to parents, there may be a separately learned dance-scene or a prepared touching video sequence consisting of photographs and recorded congratulations. It is also customary to give the parents of each side a rich bouquet of flowers and a nice gift.

The newlyweds' response to congratulations and words of gratitude to their parents and family.

A dance break during which the shoe is stealthily stolen.

shoe theft

I got bad news!
(bride's name)'s shoe was stolen!
We ask the robbers to come here,
Explain your misdeeds!
The devils come out and hold the bride's shoe in their hands.

Witnesses, witnesses
Missing not noticed!
Once the heel is missed,
Then you and take the rap!

First challenge! (addressing the witness) Hmm, the young man looks strong! And how many times do you do push-ups, well done? And so that your young lady does not get bored, and her task! (turns to the witness) Give every man sitting in the hall a kiss on the nose! Reade set Go!

Cheerful music sounds, all the time while the witness is kissing men, the witness is doing push-ups in the lying position.

To pick up the shoe
We invite you to dance!
Here are props to help you.
Do not disengage your hands,
And in time with the motive to hit!

The devils hand over the shoe and leave. The witness puts it on the bride's leg.

We invite friendly and dashing witnesses to keep their word! And they have something to please the young!

Witnesses say their congratulations or show a prepared performance. After that, they offer to build a strong house for a happy couple - to play big jenga, everyone can help them with this.

Drinking and dancing break.

Competition: Hat of Miracles

I present to you the hat of miracles,
Whatever you ask, everything is in it!
She knows desires and thoughts
And he will read the thoughts of the guests!

The presenter walks around the tables in a random order, lowers his hat on the head of the person sitting, at this moment some piece of music is turned on. For example, these could be

  • Glucose - Bride;
  • L. Uspenskaya - Convertible;
  • Tom Jones - Sex bomb etc.

Competition: Spaghetti

The most beautiful couples of our evening are invited to the dance floor!

When the guests leave, the toastmaster explains the rules of the competition.

Each couple is given a spaghetti straw. The halves take it in the teeth on each side and begin to dance. And follow the rhythm! Go!

In the process, the music either speeds up or changes to a slow waltz. Those who keep the straw intact win.
Drinking and dancing break.

Bride theft

Attention attention!
Meeting accident!
While the groom drank from a glass,
The princess of the evening is gone!

Devils appear on the dance floor. They carry the bride with them in a sleeping bag.

You look like a smart guy
We'll test your skill!
If you throw five rings,
You will take the bride then, brave man!

The groom is given 7 small rings, which must be thrown onto the bottles in front of him. The devils give the sleeping bag to the groom, and a man comes out of it. Then the "thieves" say the next test.

If there are professional dancers among the couple's friends, then this is a competition for them, and if not, then three brave and artistic girls. They agree in advance with the host, and during the break they go to change clothes.

Forget about your bride, well done!
Or choose a new one at last!
Look how good it is
And eyes, and legs, a simple soul!

A girl dressed as a cowboy comes out and dances to Lady Gaga's Americano.

The groom refuses.

What have you lost your courage?
From love completely melted!
Enchant you East!
Take India's flower!

The Indian girl appears next, the musical fragment is Disco Dancer - Jimmy.

Well, we offer one last time,
We give you a strict order!
Don't miss this girl
Play your wedding with her!

A girl comes out in a Russian folk costume under the “Dubinushka”.

Already tired of this damn thing,
Take a reliable saber in hand,
Let's drive them out, mate!

The groom, the witness, the groom's friends take toy swords and sabers and drive the devils out of the hall. The groom comes back and leads the bride by the arm. The guests are greeted with applause.

Game with those sitting at the table

A lot of surprises are hidden in the hat.
It's our turn to help the young!
Let their first year be the right time!
Both weekdays and weekends!

There are 12 notes in this hat
In each assignment for you.
Let's legally play the list
Between you, relatives and friends!

The tasks are comic, but if one of the guests takes up the matter seriously, the young couple will not mind.

Notes need to be played among the guests. Each contains a month and an assignment to be completed. The name of the guest who pulled it out also fits into the card. Notes can be designed as calendar sheets, which can then be folded into a whole calendar for the newlyweds.

  • January is pretty short, Take a couple to the skating rink;
  • We will make up for the heat in winter, And in February we go to the bathhouse;
  • If you wish to please us, Mart, we invite you to wash the windows;
  • In April, you add love, And put a romantic dinner for a couple;
  • Barbecue please a couple, That will be your gift in May;
  • Towel, yes sun cream, In June, the main goods.
  • In July, to expand life prospects, You will take them home on a ferris wheel!
  • And in August, darker nights come, In honor of the young, you arrange a salute!
  • And in September, let it be yours, A trip to hunt for mushrooms;
  • October. You can bravely do it alone! Clean up the family limousine!
  • Come early November morning, We do the general cleaning;
  • For December, you underline in your notebook. We invite you to decorate the Christmas tree!

What a sophisticated bride! How tall and handsome is the bridegroom!
Do not let out of each other's arms for a moment!
The beauty of the new family eclipsed the white world!
Let's say with all our heart: love and advice to you!

The host announces a toast, the guests raise their glasses. If one of the guests wants to make a speech, the toastmaster approaches him with a microphone.
Table pause.

Tug of war - determining the sex of the unborn baby.

Girls to the right, boys to the left
Feel free to grab onto a strong rope!
That side wins
What will the gender of the baby guess!

They drag on for some time, but so far no one has managed to pull over to their side, the host announces:

They pull the rope, they can't pull it out!

I announce your fate - expect twins!

Optionally, you can carry out the classic version with throwing a bouquet to unmarried friends. In this scenario, an idea of ​​a different nature is proposed.

The beautiful bride is invited to the center of our hall! And I also invite all the bridesmaids who also dream of a handsome prince and a wedding veil!
This time we will do something different! I ask the bride to carefully untie her happy wedding bouquet and give each girl a flower with the wish that her dream come true!

In this case, you won’t kill anyone with a bouquet, and all the young ladies of marriageable age will be satisfied.


Hurry, Hurry! Everyone on the dance floor!
Let's test your dexterity!
Bride, take care of the hem!
Let's see who deserves the prize!

A rope or someone's tie is pulled as an obstacle. It is necessary to pass under the rope without hitting it.

A short break for dancing and food.

The honey-dessert climax of our evening is coming! I ask the wonderful couple to fairly share the entire cake among the guests!

The newlyweds cut off a piece for themselves and serve it to each other from a spoon. Further, the bride and groom offer the smallest guests of the holiday. Children can reward newlyweds with kisses or poems, say congratulations. After that, the rest of the guests come up for the cake. Consider the size of the pieces, cut so as to treat all guests.

The end of the wedding.

Necessary props for the presenter:

  1. 5 costumes for fairies: multi-colored wings, puffy skirts to match the wings. On the face is colored face painting with sparkles. Hair loose and curled in curls;
  2. 5 thick candles wrapped in gold foil;
  3. Gifts and bouquets of flowers for parents on each side;
  4. Two colored cardboard hearts (red and blue) for each table;
  5. Devil costumes, flippers;
  6. Jenga. A large set is desirable, the so-called street jenga;
  7. For competitions: wizard's hat, musical selection of "thoughts", spaghetti, 3 bottles and 7 rings, cards with instructions for guests, rope;
  8. Sleeping bag, cowboy costume, Indian outfit and Russian folk outfit, toy sabers and swords;
  9. Prizes for contests (at your discretion).

Which includes contests, toasts and the most popular traditions. The 2017 wedding scenario for the presenter can be very useful, making it possible to update the repertoire and please the guests at the wedding.

Solemn meeting of the newlyweds

Friends and relatives line up in a living corridor in front of the restaurant and sprinkle rose petals on the bride and groom. They are met by their parents before entering. Moms hold a loaf, and fathers hold a tray with glasses.

Tamada says:

“Dear newlyweds! Your friends and family have arranged this pink rain for you so that your life is as easy, bright and beautiful as rose petals. And now it's time to receive congratulations from your parents. Your mothers greet you with bread and salt. Break off each piece from the loaf and salt it well.

When the newlyweds fulfill the request, the toastmaster says: “Salted? Now feed each other. And let this be the first and last time in your family life when you annoyed each other.

Newlyweds eat bread. Tamada continues:

“Accept the glasses from your fathers' hands. This is not an easy drink. It is made on the basis of honey to make your life as sweet as honey. He insisted on the petals of exquisite flowers, so that the bride would always be irresistible. An oak root is added to it so that the groom is always strong. Drink this magical elixir and may all your dreams and desires come true.

Before the door of the restaurant, you can immediately resolve the issue that worries many of those present - the gender of the first child. Wedding scenarios are not complete without collecting money in sliders during the feast, but in 2017 I want to bring new ideas to this ceremony.

“Now break the glasses. Now we can find out the gender of your first child. If the fragments are large, then a boy will be born, if small, then a girl.

Lovers break glasses. Then the host solemnly invites the bride and groom with all the guests to the table:

“Everything went according to the law -
They sealed the marriage with a crystal ringing.
And finally the time has come
Everyone go to the banquet hall."

Toasts and table games

The wedding script should include toasts and fun table games that will help the toastmaster keep the guests in the right mood. If a theme evening is planned, then the speech of the presenter should be appropriate. For example, for a pirate wedding scenario, references to treasure and the sea would be appropriate. And during a classic wedding banquet, it is better to use simple, sincere and romantic words.

First toast

Look how beautiful the bride is
What an adorable groom.
And today at a wonderful wedding
Wishes and toasts for them.
Maybe it's time for everyone to drink.
A friendly "Hurrah" for the bride and groom.
To make them happy in full,
Let's drain the glasses to the bottom!

Toast to parents

This can't be forgotten
The moment is solemn and tense.
Let's raise our glasses friends
For the parents of the newlyweds.
How difficult it is, let everyone know
And what a joy it is to raise children.
My toast, no doubt, is very important:
For fathers and mothers!

Before you say a toast to your parents, do not forget to give them the floor for parting words for the newlyweds.

Board game "Neighbours"

Right hand raised
And they waved to the young.
Well, the left hand falls easily
On the right knee of your neighbor.
Handle right hot
We will hug our neighbor by the shoulder.
And everything looks good.
Does everyone like it? Great!
Let's push the neighbor on the left,
To the one on the right - wink.
Let's take glasses in our hands
Let's pour to the brim.
The fun continues.
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the right.
And of course not a problem.
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the left.
Together, getting up from the place,
Let's say in chorus "Congratulations!"
And we all drink to the bottom!
Don't forget to eat and pour again.

This game will undoubtedly cheer up the guests and bring a lot of smiles.

New contests for the wedding scenario 2017

When compiling a wedding script, we suggest paying attention to the competitions that are popular in 2017, which the toastmaster or presenter can hold:

  1. "I kiss". Pair competition. Men take turns kissing girls, naming a place for a kiss: cheek, neck, hand, etc. You can't repeat after your opponents. Whoever comes up with the most kissing spots wins.
  2. "Musical group". A pair competition in which women play the role of musical instruments, and men - the musicians playing them. At first, the musicians take turns rehearsing, and then imitate a joint performance to a popular song.
  3. "Dance Battle" It is necessary to divide the guests into male and female teams. Witnesses or newlyweds are appointed captains. The task of the players: during the battle, synchronously repeat the movements of the captain. Then you can change the captains places.
  4. "Crazy Dancing". Have the participants sit on chairs and have them dance with different body parts (arms, legs, eyebrows, tongue, etc.).
  5. "Repeater". Several guests repeat funny tongue twisters after the host. You can invite participants to talk with candy in their mouths.
  6. "Gift". Men are offered to write on a piece of paper what they will give to their ladies. And women tell how they will use the gift, not knowing what they will be given.

On the site, you can find many more interesting competitions for a wedding banquet and for a modern bride price.

Scenario 2017: wedding traditions and rituals

First dance

Noise wedding verse is not in vain.
I ask the couple in love to stand up.
After all, the sounds of music are exciting, beautiful
You are invited to dance the first dance.

As a rule, the wedding dance of the young takes place during the first dance block. You can include it in the wedding scenario 2017, as the very first dance at the celebration.

Throwing a bouquet and a garter

Everyone is interested to know
Who will be the next bride.
Get up, girlfriends.
Throw the bouquet, your bride.

Everyone is waiting for the denouement.
Who will get the garter?
Groom, do not be cunning, do not torment.
Throw on command: one, two, three.

Not a single scenario of a European wedding is complete without throwing a bouquet. This tradition has been especially popular at weddings for many years, especially for unmarried girls. After all, everyone is interested to know who will go down the aisle next.

family hearth

The family hearth is a rather old wedding custom, but it should not be excluded from the modern scenario of 2017. Still, many newlyweds dream of holding this ceremony. After all, this is the most touching and sentimental moment of the celebration.

The newlyweds hold a large candle, and in the hands of their mothers are lit candles. Under a beautiful background melody, the presenter says:

“For centuries, we cherish the custom:
Bring fire to the family that is born.
To kindle for them such a familiar hearth of the family - a great pledge of love.
May it always be light
There will be luck and a happy journey together.
Let everyone be warm in your house,
And let life become serene"

“Dear parents, I invite you to light a family hearth for your children. Thus, conveying their warmth, love and care to them. Help them take the first step towards a happy future together.

Parents light a candle. The host solemnly announces:

“Dear guests, you have witnessed a magical event - the formation of a new family hearth. Dear newlyweds, take care of him. May this fire illuminate your path, give you warmth and help you overcome all life's obstacles. Now it's time to make a wish and blow out the candles. Everything you wish will surely come true!”

The final stage of a modern wedding celebration, which the host must take into account in the scenario, is cutting the cake. After that, the newlyweds say goodbye to the guests.

We presented only one of the possible options for a wedding scenario. You can supplement it with other contests and rituals, depending on the wishes of the newlyweds.

    • Author : M. Savinykh
    • To whom : Adults
    • Others : Redemption, Musical, Dress up, With props, Fairytale
    • Roles : 4 and > person
    • Pages : 31 pages
    • Type : Scenario
    • Time spending: 4 hours, 5 hours

    The wedding script for the toastmaster is complete and detailed with competitions and music tracks

    We offer a ready-made, complete, interesting, comic wedding scenario for a beginner or an experienced host. Everything for a modern wedding. A lot of interesting, amazing contests and tasks. Contains 30 music tracks, 31 pages of text.

    First of all, the ransom of the bride is carried out, at the home of the parents of a young girl.

    Ransom of the bride

    Scene-test for the ransom of the bride: "Baba Yaga and Leshy"

    Description: Villains (disguised aunt and uncle or friends) - Grandmother Yaga and Leshy stole and hid the bride. The groom is offered to perform comic tasks and answer questions ...

    Baba Yaga is a man dressed as Grandmother Yozhka.
    Goblin - a plump woman, put on a beard, hat, caftan and belt. In pockets and decorate the hat with twigs and grass - but not necessary.

    Before the bride is asked questions, she gives answers to them. The groom must guess these answers.


    / The groom in the corridor or at the entrance is met by Baba Yaga and Leshy /

    Baba Yaga:
    - Chufir, chufir! I smell the Russian spirit! No groom came to us for his bride! /here you can substitute the names of the bride and groom/

    - It wasn’t there, we won’t just give up our prey!

    …………….full text of the ransom with jokes in the full version of the script……………………


    Dear newlyweds! We are glad to welcome you and congratulate you on your legal marriage. Many guests came to congratulate you today, but among them there are people closest to you - your parents.

    (the bride and groom walk along the living corridor, the guests sprinkle them with rose petals)

    Bow to your parents at the feet three times for their love, warmth and care that they have given you all these years, and today they have come to bless you for a long, happy, life together!

    Parents, bless your children! (bless)


    Taste bread as a symbol of the blessing of parents, as a symbol of life on earth. The groom breaks off and salts the bread for the bride, the bride breaks and salts for the groom, so that today you annoy each other for the first and last time, and in your life, so that it is sweet and smooth.

    So that in your life together there is no knot, no hitch - break this plate for happiness.

    (after these words, the mother of the bride sprinkles the newlyweds)

    Today you have united and for each other have become halves of one whole. Here are glasses for two of you, drink from them as soon as possible and you will be united!

    Now eat a candy and as soon as you chew it, say “Ahh”, remember how in childhood?

    We did this so that you understand that standing here on the threshold of a new life, you are still children, and as soon as your parents tie your hands and lead you into a new life, you will become adults, an independent family. What God has joined together, man will not separate! Love each other, appreciate each other, respect each other! (Fathers tie the hands of the young and lead them to the table)

    And now the way for the couple -
    Let only happiness await in life!
    Come on, hurry up
    A festive feast is calling you!
    We invite everyone to the feast,
    Wedding hospitality.

    Feast. TOAST 1.

    Dear newlyweds!
    Today you got married
    For you, a happy day in the world,
    Once you lit the beacon of love

    May it shine on you for the rest of your life.
    Everything turned out the way you wanted
    And now the desired hour has come -
    You put on chastity rings

    Flowers and music for you.
    You have beautiful outfits
    We are starting this feast.
    Complied with articles, rituals,

    Love, advice to you, eternal peace.
    In anticipation of family ties,
    When hearts and souls are wide open
    We bless your union
    For stability and happiness.

    Well, guests, stood up together?
    Glasses cheerfully raised?
    Let's shout bitterly to them
    Bitter, bitter young.

    First kiss

    Track number 1. First kiss.


    The second toast rightly sounds for the dearest and closest people to you. For your parents!

    But before you raise a glass to them
    Parents, children to congratulate you.

    Now we want to invite the parents of the bride mom (NAME) dad (NAME)

    Mom reads her words. Wishes from the parents of the bride.

    Then the groom's parents come out. Mom reads her words. Congratulations from the groom's parents.

    Now, before we raise our glasses, we will say amicably bitterly to our parents. Someone must teach the young to kiss.


    …………………………..text of the comic telegram in the full version of the script………………………….


    For those who took honorable care
    From now on, I owe many years in a row
    Follow with desire, with joy, with pleasure
    So that there is peace and harmony in the family sponsored.
    So that the wards walk together
    Dear bright, joyful, big
    Before their silver wedding at the beginning
    Well, then before the wedding gold.

    (the word is given to the witnesses)

    You got a comrade girlfriend
    Kiss the boyar friend.

    There is a sun and a moon in the sky, we have a groom and a bride. Both are dazzling, radiate warmth and tenderness. The only difference is that the sun and the moon appear in turn, one at a time, and we wish our young people to always be together and never be separated!

    On this solemn day, two loving people tied the bonds of love ... Eye to eye, hand in hand, heart to heart, his pulse will merge with her rhythm ... in the first dance of the young, which they will carry through their whole lives ...


    Track number 2. The first dance of the young.

    And now I want to make a musical gift for our newlyweds and their guests. Please everyone on the dance floor. (35 min)


    (name of the bride), I want to give you a small gift. Today is one of the happiest days in your life, you are unusually beautiful today. I want to give you this bouquet and ask you to dance with it, and at the moment when you feel especially happy, throw one flower, then another, and let the guests make their most cherished wishes and try to catch them. After all, today all wishes have the right to come true!

    And now we will hold a competition with you for the most mobile and plastic young man.
    To do this, we need to select five applicants and take 5 chairs. (Chair dancing competition)

    Dear guests, do you want to see how our groom celebrated his bachelor party yesterday?
    We change the groom's friends into girls, put a chair in the center of the hall and seat the groom. Friends dressed up dancing.

    Track number 3. Groomsmen dance.

    All at the table.

    One day, an ancient old woman with a stick came to the house where the weddings of two sisters were celebrated and asked to feed her. The eldest of the sisters shouted at her and wanted to push her out, and the youngest sat her down at the table. The old woman was a fairy, and she put invisible black glasses on the eyes of the older one, and rose-colored glasses on the eyes of the younger. And the whole world began to seem gloomy to the elder, everything annoyed her, and because of every little thing she scandalized. She gave her husband a dark, joyless and impoverished life. The younger one saw everything in a pink light - kind, beautiful, worthy of love. She was tolerant, did not notice minor and inevitable misdeeds, and gave her husband a bright life in an atmosphere of love and joy. The kingdom of the family is the kingdom of a woman, and it is in the power of the wife to make a long golden morning out of married life. Let's wish the bride to create this paradise of a happy family life. For the happiness of the young! Bitterly!!!

    (any poem or prose lead guests to give gifts).

    One ruler was asked:

    How do you keep peace and tranquility in your state?
    And he answered:
    “When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down. The family is a state in miniature.
    My toast is to keep peace and tranquility in your family in this way.
    Bitter young.

    And now I suggest you play one very funny game.

    Rules of the game "On the Leaves"

    ……………………… in full scenario………………………


    In one country, and even in one city, two beautiful babies were born. In one family, they rejoiced at the birth of a heroic son, and in another, a beautiful daughter. That's how they grew up, grew up and ... having matured, they met. Their hearts found each other and spoke. And what they are talking about today, we will now find out. I want our young people to say the warmest and most tender words to each other.

    Bitter young!

    Our dears, answer me and all the guests, have you ever talked about who will do what after the wedding? Now, let's check this out.

    Duty box

    Husband's joking official duties (recited at the wedding)

    1. Do not assume that the marriage certificate is
    This is an act for the eternal use of his wife.
    Only everyday attention to his wife,
    Increasing love for her
    They are the key to great happiness.

    …………… all text in full version…………………………..

    Joking office duties of a wife (recited at the wedding)

    1. Remember: it is not enough to charm a husband;
    You must always keep him in a fascinated state.

    2. Do not consider that your main responsibility
    Read morality to her husband and put 2 for behavior.

    ……………………… all text in the full version of the script…………………………………………….

    (Names of the young), we filmed it all, and if you suddenly have doubts about who will cook and who will give birth to children, you immediately turn on the TV and watch. Although by and large it doesn’t matter who will do the laundry, who will clean up, the main thing is that everything in your family is together. So that you always help and at least sometimes give in to each other, and most importantly, that you trust each other.

    "Gypsy Fortuneteller"

    I sing the song "Guitar toils". I'm guessing. I tell.

    Hello, hello my dears. I was told that I am a famous currency gypsy and I only come to the most expensive guests. And today I came to you for a holiday and I will definitely tell you fortune, but first I want to make a gift for you. Do you want to know the thoughts of your guests?


    ……………………… the full version of the script………………………………

    Musical pause.

    Oath of the Young

    Do you swear, (name), to be an exemplary husband, protector, friend, faithful helper. (- I swear!)
    Do you swear, fiancé, you (name) love? Sweep floors and wash dishes? (- I swear!)
    Do you swear to take care of her, Always kiss leaving for work? (- I swear!)
    Do you swear to give money to your wife? (- I swear!) Swear to always be good and sweet, so that there is no room for contention, insults ... (- I swear!)
    Do you swear, (name), do you feel sorry for your husband, be friendly, affectionate with him all your life? (- I swear!)
    And after dinner, if he lies down with a newspaper, swear that you will not swear for it. (- I swear!)
    Do you swear that at any cost you will be a good and faithful wife? (I swear!)
    Do you swear not to blow your lips against your husband, not to let the wind blow on him? (I swear!)
    Do you swear that you will cook cheesecakes more often, Pour stronger tea and sweeter? (I swear!)
    Do you swear to your family and friends And to share sorrow and joy in half?
    After such vows, you simply have to go through life hand in hand, soul to soul. Bitter young!


    Now, dear guests, I want to tell you one very beautiful tale. But for this I will ask our newlyweds to help me. Bride and groom, please stand up and listen carefully to every word and every sound.

    So, let's begin:

    /DJ plays backing tracks during each pause/


    ………………………………..text of a fairy tale with backing tracks in the paid version of the script…………………………….

    And then came this bright and unforgettable day in your life. Today, the closest people came to share this joy with you. And they tell you from the bottom of their hearts (we wish you happiness). Bitter young!


    Collect for a boy, a girl in beautiful pots:

    ………………………… the text of the scene in the detailed version……………………………………

    And now we will conduct the ceremony of lighting a candle and saying goodbye to girlhood. All unmarried girls, please come here.

    MUSICAL rite of lighting a candle

    ……………………………… text and music tracks in full version………………………………………..

    Bride, come to your mother.

    You have always been with me since childhood,
    in moments of joy, in moments of sorrow,
    for all the insults you forgive me,
    I sincerely ask for your forgiveness...
    you are always with me since childhood,
    in moments of sincerity and hours of deception..
    and I thank you for everything
    my beloved mother...

    Mother and bride dancing

    Track number 23.

    Well, it's dad's turn. Father of the bride, please come. Remember how your daughter was born quite a baby, but she takes her first steps, but she says the first "mom" and now she goes to first grade. She suddenly grew up. Today you are giving her in marriage. Press her to your heart and, as you once did in childhood, joke with her about what only a father can talk about with his little, beloved, tiny daughter.

    Father and bride dancing

    Track number 24.

    Pass your daughter into other hands, into the hands of her beloved, the groom take care of her, as her father took care of her. This is the most beautiful flower that my father has grown in his garden. Today he picked this rose and gave it to you. But a rose will only bloom when it is taken care of.

    The bride and groom dance

    Track number 25.


    And now the turn has come to congratulate the bride and groom from the most faithful girlfriends and friends.

    Scene for the wedding from the bridesmaids: "Babki-Yozhki"

    Track number 28.

    Description: Three groovy bridesmaids congratulate the bride and groom, dressed as grandmothers-Hedgehogs ... It is better if the bridesmaids are unmarried. But if they are married, it is also possible.

    Girlfriend 1 - with a broom
    Girlfriend 2 - with a spell book
    Girlfriend 3 - with a bunch of dry herbs or a glass vial

    / Three girlfriends of grandmother-Yozhki come out into the hall /

    1: We are grandmas-Hedgehogs, slender legs / lifts the hem and shows the leg / walked to your wedding, they broke the heels!
    2: Ask for a refund, give a treat!
    3: You will not meet us with warmth, we will steal the groom!

    Music pause for a meal.

    - Friends of the groom came to our wedding. One of them, handsome and single, wants to say his word to the groom.

    Comic wedding scene: "The Bachelor"

    Track number 29.

    Description: The bachelor came to congratulate the groom and tell about himself, why he does not want to get married, talk about all the hardships of living with his wife.

    Roles: 1 person, you can dress like a nerd, funny and ridiculous, for fun.

    - I came to the wedding from afar,
    To save the groom from trouble.
    Planning to get married? Think brother!
    After all, women are bitches, almost everything.

    ………………………………… the text of the scene in the full version……………………………

    Music pause for a meal.

    - One feathered guest has come to us, who brings happiness to the house, called a baby!

    Comic scene for the wedding: "Stork"

    Track number 30.

    Description: A courier for express delivery of children - a stork - flew into the wedding, takes an order for the delivery of a child ...

    Stork - you can sew a stork costume from white fabric, put on a mask or apply makeup. Attach a beak made of red cardboard, wings-cloak made of fabric. Over the shoulder canvas bag, in the style of a postman.

    /A stork with a bag enters the stage and addresses the bride and groom/

    - A white-tailed courier stork flew to you from afar.
    - I work in express delivery, I take applications for children.
    - I accept applications for girls and boys and deliver the best babies to spouses!

    ………………………………… the text of the scene in the full version……………………………

    But besides this, we offer very useful contests, jokes, poems, telegrams, commandments, instructions and other necessary things:

    Joking commandments for newlyweds

    1. The husband is the head of the house, the head of everything.
    2. The husband is the head, the wife is the neck; where I want, I go there!
    3. Wife, cross the road where the husband points.
    4. Wife, do not forget that you have a separate office - the kitchen!
    5. A wife in everything and always must be obedient to her husband. Let the wife be afraid of her husband!
    6. Wife, always be friendly and optimistic.
    7. Give your husband instructions in moderation. Remember that even a drop of water wears away a stone.
    8. Teach your husband to technology. If he buys a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner, he will be more willing to manage them himself!
    9. The husband ordered - do it, do not argue, do not mind!
    This order, perhaps, is good, if you left and are a little cunning, you will turn your husband's order in your own way.
    Well, we wish that those who marry live happily and happily, without scandals and fights! So be healthy, live richly!

    Joking telegrams for newlyweds and wedding guests

    I found out very late that you are getting married!
    How could you change me?
    After all, for a long time you were with me, swore allegiance to me.
    Probably, you will often remember me, our meetings, my fiery love for you ... I am very upset ...
    Farewell and be happy.
    your single life

    My dear …
    So you get on the rails of family life.
    I believe that you will be a faithful husband and a good father.
    Remember how you loved me; how I loved you.
    Remember those unforgettable evenings when you and I were alone.
    …, I will love you as before, even more.
    More than once I will appear to you in your dreams.
    Remember me, my dear. Be happy.
    your single life

    Expensive …
    Your wife has access to your wallet, but it's convenient, safe, and profitable to keep money in a savings bank.
    Savings bank.

    Dear …
    We congratulate you on your family life and hope that we will fulfill the annual plan not without your participation.
    In ... 20__, we are expecting a 2-seater stroller. Looking forward to shopping.
    Store "Children's World"
    ___________, accept congratulations from your unmarried friends.
    We regret that one of us has become less. Our ranks are thinning... But we won't take it back! Pull the strap of family life until old age.
    your girlfriends

    Dear guests, do not worry, drink for the young; we are ready to receive you

    Sobering-up station.

    Dear _____________
    Please be informed that the baby stroller driving course has been postponed for the time being due to the lack of passengers. DOSAAF

    Wedding decree in verse

    ……………………….in the full version of the script………………………….

    Joking hostess certificate (for the bride at the wedding)

    Issued to the bride by the wedding commission that she graduated from the school of housewives.
    By the decision of GESK from ... she was awarded the title of "Excellent housewife", which corresponds to the 5th category of housewives.

    The housewife should know:
    1. Spending the family budget economically - money! After all, they are printed on paper!
    2. The room must be intertwined with cobwebs! To avoid unnecessary tenants.
    3. Walk around the room slowly, so as not to get confused about abandoned things.
    4. Cook dinner more often salted, in order to once again remind the betrothed of your existence and that you love him.

    Chairman of HPSC _____________
    HESK members _______________

    Instructions for the wife

    This document certifies that the husband .... (FULL NAME) …. (date) this year the wife was presented ... (full name) Wife 1 set.

    …………………………… all text in the full version of the script……………………………………

    Driving license for a baby stroller

    For good parents, the stroller is not empty for a long time.

    A certificate for the right to drive a baby carriage is awarded to the husband ...
    The fact that in a few months he has the right to drive children's vehicles. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the rules of traffic and the rules of use.

    It is forbidden:
    1. Stop at a liquor store.
    2. Stop at the pub.

    1. Walk on the playground.
    2. Walk in the park.
    3. Stop at the grocery store

    1. Stop at the children's store.
    2. Stop at the store "Flowers".

    Committee for the Protection of Children.
    Date of issue …

    Court case on accusation of the newlyweds of committing a particularly serious crime (for the wedding)

    Case No. ___ dated ____ (date of marriage)
    on charges of (name of the groom) and (name of the bride)
    in the commission of a particularly serious crime


    All rise, the court is in session!

    A case is being heard on charges of (full names of young people) of committing love and maliciously changing lifestyles. As established, this crime was deliberately prepared for a long time. The perpetrators carefully concealed their feelings from their parents, from themselves, from others, but despite this, they exposed themselves.
    According to our information, this happened in a room code-named the registry office, it was there that the crime was maturing. Particularly heavy guilt falls on (I.O. the groom), it was he who deprived the rest and sleep, plunged into confusion the soul of a modest, quiet, gentle, kind and beautiful girl (name of the bride). He maliciously shook her heart, managed to gain confidence. And the crime was committed: She fell in love with him!!!

    Guilt (acting bride) is that with her meek (eye color) eyes she deprived the poor (groom's name) of fortitude and endurance and contributed to the commission of a crime. As a result - the finale: He fell in love with her!!!

    I think that the comrades' court, the public and the relatives, who have gathered here, should approach this case with all seriousness and reveal the true motives of the crime. But no mercy, no indulgence, for any example is contagious.

    Questions for the case:

    To the groom: You must tell the truth and only the truth and nothing but the truth!
    1. What is your last name, first name, patronymic?
    2. Year of birth?
    3. When and where did you see her for the first time?
    4. What struck her, what did you pay attention to?
    5. Do you think that you are to blame for what happened, or do you take the blame on yourself?

    To the bride:

    1. What is your last name, first name, patronymic?
    2. What is your year of birth?
    3. Why did you let this feeling flare up?
    4. What methods did (name of the groom) use to lead you astray from the path of the righteous?
    5. Do you have any circumstances that will mitigate your guilt and thanks to which you can alleviate your lot?

    Questions for young people:

    1. Do you plead guilty to the fact that you really love each other?
    2. Are you really going to leave the bachelor life and enter the criminal path of marriage?
    3. And you have no remorse for what you have done?

    Look at the poor parents! What have they experienced, what are they going to experience! Therefore, I ask that the guilty be severely punished and sentenced to them!


    An offsite meeting of a comrades' court for especially important cases, in the presence of a slightly intoxicated public and relatives, considered the case of the young (full name of the young) and found them guilty of committing a dangerous crime: Love for each other. But, taking into account their frank confession, young age and insufficient life experience, the court decides: for the crime committed, from now on and forever consider husband and wife and condemn them to cohabitation and raising future children.

    The verdict is final and not subject to appeal!


    Congratulations to the newlyweds

    We wish you:

    How many drops of water are in Biya.
    As much warmth as
    Subtropics of the Caucasus.
    So much creative energy
    How much does the turbine give
    All HPPs combined.
    We wish you faithful friends,
    To have someone to feast with
    But such that in a difficult moment,
    They could give a hand of friendship!
    And let the fields of your love

    Like the virgin lands of the country!

    Wishes for the wedding

    We wish you:
    So many kisses and so much happiness
    How many drops of water are in the river ______,
    So much heat
    how many in the subtropics of the Caucasus,
    So much creative energy
    How much it is given by the turbines of all HPPs combined!
    We wish you faithful friends,
    To have someone to feast with.
    But such that in a bad moment
    They could give a hand of friendship!
    And let the fields of your love
    They will give the same rich harvest,
    Like virgin lands!

    Joking tasks for the bride and groom at the wedding

    …………………………… in the full version of the script………………………………..

    It was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version, go to the shopping cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for download via a link on the site, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

    Price: 299 R kill
