Scene for the wedding at home. The best wedding scenarios

Option 4

We meet young people at the porch. Guests stand on both sides of the path from the car to the porch. Everyone should have rice and coins in their hands. While the young are walking from the porch, in the direction of travel, shouting "Congratulations!" they are sprinkled with cereals and coins.

On the porch they are met by the host and parents.
Dear newlyweds! By tradition, the most dear to you people - your parents - meet you here. Mom has a wedding loaf in her hands as a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange slices of bread. Look at each other with tenderness and feed each other!
Newlyweds feed each other.

And now we'll see who will be the head of the family! Come on, bring your glasses here! And now on the count of "three!" drain the glasses to the bottom. Who is the first is the main one. Once. Two. Three!
The newlyweds are drinking. All guests are sick.

- What kind of barrier is this?
- The border, but not simple:
family life ahead
behind is single.
You have a pass, friends,
To a house called Family?

Young people show a marriage certificate.
Briefly - the document is in order!

Come on, hurry up
The wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
To the wedding hospitality.

Everyone goes into the hall.

There is joy in this house
For relatives, friends, acquaintances.
Today is a big holiday here,
Because two are cute
Two loving, beautiful
They became husband and wife.

Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long business! Choose a more cheerful neighbor with whom you can talk, and a prettier neighbor who you can take care of. Men are closer to a snack, and women are closer to a drink. The duties of each include: pour, pour, do not deprive everyone of the neighbors and do not forget yourself. Now, prepare the champagne!

I ask everyone to raise their glasses,
Congratulate standing young
To announce the beginning of the wedding
And a new life for two!
May this day, like a bright holiday,
Will pour joy into your home
And your life will forever be decorated
Hope, Happiness and Love!
And let love dawn
Does not go out for many years
Let only the wedding be "bitter",
But never in your life!

And now, dear guests, do not be shy, gain strength before the festive program. Help yourself, while we read to you

1. You can't be bored, you can joke.
2. You can't be sad, you can sing and dance.
3. Look at other people's wives and husbands,
And don't forget about yours.
4. We forbid you to swear,
Fight, argue under the table.
If you're a little drunk,
It is better to go to sleep in silence.
5. Everyone without further explanation
Place to keep your own
Pouring into a neighbor's pocket
Juice or wine is prohibited.
6. Do not grumble and do not swear,
Do not climb with everyone to kiss,
In no case do not get angry,
Have fun with all your heart.
7.If someone by mistake
I took with me sadness
Put it in the refrigerator immediately
For cutlets to the cook.
8. If you are before leaving
Found slightly
On yourself other people's things
That's right, it's not a problem.
But we strictly forbid
Go home then
When next to you
Someone else's husband or wife!
10 minutes for a feast

Guests, did you take the glasses?
- Yes!
Friendly, cheerfully raised?
- Yes!
Then "Bitter!" - shout to them -
"Bitter! Bitter!" - young.
Kiss, newlyweds
Let those kisses not be counted
Otherwise, the poor invited
And bitter to drink, and bitter to eat!
Let's get this couple
Let's drink a full glass!

Acquaintance of guests
Today, most of all will sing ____.
Most of all will dance ____.
All louder will shout "Bitterly!" ____.
Everyone will drink more ____.
Today ____ will give ____ one hundred rubles.
____ will give ____ his TV with joy.
And ____ will give ____ himself.
Now ____ will lend money to everyone. No return.
The most beautiful person today is ____.
The most shy person today is ____.
The hungriest person at the wedding is ____.
After the wedding, he (a) will leave on foot ____.
____ will leave by car.
And ____ and ____ will hardly take ____ away.
In an hour, ____ will say that he (a) is cool (th).
After an hour and a half, ____ will say that he (a) sneezed (a) at everyone.
Two hours later, ____ won't say anything.
At 22:00 ____ will fall asleep.
At 11 p.m., ____ will fall asleep.
At 11:30 p.m. ____ will wake up.
Tomorrow improve your health, ____ invites everyone to his place.
____ will come tomorrow with a case of beer.
Dried fish is taken to bring ____.
And ____ and ____ from 5 in the morning will cook fish soup.
Everyone drinks ____ for health.
For the health of the young and all, I have already drunk ____ seven times.
Word to parents.

Toast to parents
Let's raise the hello
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Who in life knew neither sleep nor rest,
Forged such great happiness for them.
Parents are sad, a little sad.
For this we will not judge them strictly.
After all, this has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.
For work and care, for everything we could,
Let the children bow to you to the ground.
And we, in turn, are good guests,
For the work of your parent, let's just say to you:
Let time fly, but don't get old
Let the grandchildren grow up, you become younger in soul,
Good to you, health is a huge increase,
We raise a celebratory toast to you.
Presentation of joke documents
- young,
response to young parents,
Let's raise our glasses!

Presentation of joke documents
- parents, others.
The floor is given to grandparents.
The first dance of the young

Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Oh, how excited the proud groom is.
The first waltz for you young,
First dance for the two of you.
Unwilling to sit still to the sounds of a waltz,
Feel free to join the bride and groom.

Witness Contest
The witness lies down on chairs, sweets are scattered over her, the latter is placed on her lips. The witness must collect them all with their hands tied.

Witness toast
For those who, taking honorable care,
From now on, I owe many years in a row
Follow with desire, with joy, with pleasure,
To be in a family of friends and peace and harmony.
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, sunny, big
Before the wedding before the silver at the beginning,
Well, then - before the wedding golden!
We drink, as you noticed
For young witnesses.

Board game for guests.

Envelopes for the bride's guests:
1. Honey, shall we buy a mink coat?
2. Zolotko, will you give me the entire salary?
3. My sun, will you serve me coffee with a bun in the morning?
4. Dear, will you buy me clothes every day?
5. Darling, do you want us to have three girls and no boys?
6. Good, will you help me with the housework?
Envelopes for the groom's guests:
1. Dream, dream, my love.
2. If wages allow.
3. As you say, my only one.
4. It all depends on you, dear.
5. I only dream about this, my good one.
6. Well, you will say too. Wait and see.

Ignition of the family hearth.
Happiness decided to leave one house. It's hard to say why, but it did. "But first," happiness said, "I will fulfill one wish of each member of the family in which they lived for many years. What do you want?" - happiness asked the mistress of the house. And she answered that she did not have a mink coat, - and the hostess received a fur coat. Happiness asked the adult daughter of the hostess: "What do you want?" - and she replied that she wanted to marry an overseas prince - and married an overseas prince. The happiness of the mistress's son asked: "What do you want?" - "I want, - he says, - a bicycle, I will be happy if there is a bicycle," - and the boy got a bicycle. And already on the threshold of the house, happiness saw the owner and asked: "What do you want?" The owner thought and said: "I want the warmth of the family hearth to never leave my house." And happiness fulfilled the request of the owner and did not leave this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns!

At the noisy wedding table
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness
Light you now together
Star of hope and dreams.

Let's raise our glasses to this small and still very young hearth! But he will grow up, get stronger and will be able to warm both the young, and their children, and their relatives and friends.

Competition for guests

Distribution of duties (balloons)

Contest for moms
Mothers determine by voice:
1. The mother of the bride determines the son-in-law among other guys who take turns saying: "Mother-in-law, I love you."
2. The mother of the groom determines the daughter-in-law by her voice among other girls who take turns saying: "I can't bear to get married."
3. Moms together determine the voices of the young among other couples, who take turns saying: "Mom, it's us!"

Dance competition for couples (with a balloon).
Each couple is given a balloon, which the partners must hold between their foreheads (the backs of their heads, backs, stomachs, shoulder blades, pop, knees, at chest level - at the discretion of the organizer; during the competition, the method of holding the balloon at the command of the leader can be changed), couples dance, preferably to fast music and preferably in the nature of the music. The pairs that drop the ball are eliminated.
Table competition for guests
And now the color contest. Dear guests, take a look at the clothes of what color you came to the wedding celebration. Pay attention to the neighbor's clothes.
Who came in red clothes? These people are joyful, beautiful, independent, they appreciate the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in a sense, for a great feeling. They prefer to spend holidays and vacations in the south. Let's drink to red.
Who is wearing white? Often naive, honest people, with a spotless reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to rest among the snowy plains and polar bears. Pay attention, even if you drank for red, but you also have white in your clothes, you will have to drink again.
The black color of the clothes indicates that we have talented people who are able to bewitch absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, prolific in everything! They like to relax in the country with lovers.
Blue clothes guarantee their owners a noble origin, romance. These are faithful, glorious people, they literally worry about everything and everyone.
They like to relax everywhere, just to fly a plane.
The green color of the dress indicates that these are people overwhelmed with hope and dreams. Always fresh and attractive. For recreation, they prefer the nearby forest.
Who came in yellow clothes? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but ... insidious. From jewelry prefer gold. Strive to occupy a place in the upper class. They like to relax on the "Golden Sands", they like to listen to the "Golden Ring", they like to be called "Zolotse".

Determination of the sex of the child.

Word to the Witnesses

Presentation of gifts (eating witnesses)
Order for a new family.

Definition of the groom (by ear, by hand),
Definition of the bride (on the elbow, on the knee).


For couples with tennis balls. (drive through the partner's trousers).

Hospital (on the sheets write "birth house", "hospital", "bynya", "registry office", "bedroom", "work".
-How often do you visit this place?
-How long are you there?
- what are you doing there?
- with whom do you go there?
- what do you take with you?
- Do you enjoy going there?
Who would you like to go there with?

Competition for young "explanatory and justifying" competition. You can call it "I believe - I do not believe." The situation for the competition can be set as follows: “Three months of family life pass, and the young wife comes home at three in the morning. What will she say in her defense, and will the husband believe this? So, the husband opens the door, first looks sternly at the clock, then to the spouse and asks the question: “Darling, why is it so late?” In response, the bride offers her options for excuses, and the groom accepts them or not, while saying “I believe!” or, conversely, “I don’t believe!”.

In order to attract the parents of the young to the sweet kissing moment, the presenter can ask questions to the bride and groom: “Tanya, was there at least one subject in high school, a lesson in which you were taught to kiss?
They didn't teach Tanya to kiss. Let's ask the groom. Alexander, the program of the institute provided for such classes, where could you master the art of kissing? No, there was no such thing in the institute program. What to do? Who will teach the kissing lesson? Probably, as always, parents. We ask the parents of the bride and groom to rise and kiss each other firmly but gently. And we all the wedding feast shout to them amicable "Bitter!".
Newlyweds vows.
At the height of the wedding fun, the host offers the guests the game "In the Bottle". Brings out a large inflatable bottle of champagne that will spin up in the game. On the tray - a place with words. Guests stand in a circle, leading in the center.
Whoever the bottle points to, he takes a card with a word, and I explain the meaning of this word in our kissing game. The bottle is untwisted, during the game the cards are sorted out.
Here are the words and their meanings:
Fur - kiss the neighbors of all.
Pipes - kiss a neighbor on the lips.
Point - whoever you want, kiss on the cheek.
Arrow - let the girls kiss you.
Fingers - let the boys kiss you.
Verse - the groom will send an air kiss.
Bride - kiss the one whose place is next.

Competition for young people - to dress a doll with tied hands.

- Did you drink for the young?
All: Drink!
Did you drink for your parents?
All: Drink!
- To become closer and dearer to all of us,
Let's drink to the guests!

Throwing a bouquet and a garter.

Well, you can see off the newlyweds from the wedding along the corridor of burning candles held by the guests. The host will say that let so many happy stars illuminate their joint life path, that let so many lights light up in the homes of relatives and friends who are always ready to help, give the newlyweds the warmth and joy of meeting.

Dear guests! Our young people are asking you for a festive table.

Music. Guests take their places at the wedding table.

I ask the guests to prepare for the first wedding toast. Men, please take some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding volley in honor of the newlyweds. They give a countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... a volley!

Guests fill glasses with champagne.

I ask everyone to stand up and support me at the end of the toast.

Music, against its background the first toast sounds.

Dear Ivan and Maria!
On your big day
We wish you only happiness.
Have a nice meeting
And sunny roads.
In matters of success
And in the family of consent,
Not knowing grief and anxiety!
God forbid you grow old in soul,
Keep your love like a talisman
And in a good hour, the road is straight
Hand in hand, go all your life!
We all congratulate you together,
We drink wine for you!

While the guests drink the first glass and have a snack, the host reads out the rules of conduct at the wedding.

Friends! I think that after each toast you will drink so that you can see the ceiling through the bottom of your glass;
the first three glasses are drunk necessarily (the rest will go on their own);
let everyone present take an active part in the celebration, otherwise his behavior will be recognized as a flagrant disgrace;
adhere to the rule: if you pour yourself a drink - pour it to your neighbor, if you get drunk yourself - give your neighbor a drink;
having heard music, do not sit at the table, but start dancing, not sparing your legs. If you can't dance standing up, dance sitting down.
It is strictly forbidden: to sleep at the table, especially with snoring;
skip toasts;
sing songs under the table; to beat the dishes on the neighbor's head;
eat with a fork from someone else's plate;
to leave all unmarried and unmarried one by one;
the heaviest crime is to leave a wedding with a boring face.
We don't have room for boredom.
Let's congratulate the bride and groom!

The host picks up a beautifully designed bottle and explains the rules of the game. While the music is playing, all the guests pass this bottle from hand to hand. The one who has it after the end of the music gets up, pours himself a glass of wine and makes a toast in honor of the newlyweds. The bottle "stops" 5-7 times.

Drain the glasses to the bottom.
Newlyweds loud ...
Oh, dear guests!
Everything is as if you are relatives,
Everyone shout "Hurrah!"
In honor of the bride, groom.
But look left, right
For fathers and mothers.
What tirelessly raised
Sons and daughters.
Dear bride and groom!
Today, on this holiday, many wishes will be addressed to you, but what could be warmer and more precious than the words of your mother and father? I'm talking to the bride's parents.
Let everyone hear this hour
Your parental mandate.

Order of the bride's parents.

Well, the groom's parents.
It's time to give you your order.

The command of the groom's parents.

There is an old custom in Russia,
Many years to him, many centuries:
Congratulations on your wedding day
Parents of brides and grooms.
Dear Parents!
Let time fly
But don't get old.
Let the grandchildren grow.
Be younger at heart.
Good to you, health, a huge increase.
We raise a celebratory toast to you!

The guests are drinking.

I wonder if the parents remember the time when they were the same as the bride and groom. Dear parents! Try to answer my questions.

Each parent is asked one question.

At what time of the year did you meet your spouse?
What was the day of the week?
What was the weather like on the day of the marriage registration?
What was your wife wearing on the day they met?

Thanks for answers.
Dear newlyweds!
Don't forget the first meeting
And the rings that they took in their hands,
Save up until the end.

The song "Parents' House" sounds. Parents are invited to dance.

How happy to be
At the grandchildren's wedding
And see them as
Young spouses.
So I want to say a lot, wish
And to give parting words on the path of life.
The floor is given to the grandparents of the bride and groom.


Expensive... (names of grandparents)!
Let the years flow slowly
May your grandchildren bring you joy
And here is our main promise:
Live healthy up to a hundred years!
I propose to raise glasses of wine for the grandparents of our newlyweds!
There is no better honor than to serve the bride and groom. I want to introduce you to the best friends of the bride and groom. Meet... I'll ask them to stand up and congratulate our young people.

Congratulations to the witness and the witness.

Since you are the best friends of the newlyweds, you are well aware of their advantages and disadvantages. Assignment to the witness: to praise the groom. Assignment to the witness: to praise the bride.

Witnesses are doing their job.

Maybe the guests want to add something?

The guests help the witnesses to praise the bride and groom, listing their virtues.

Witnesses! I turn to you
After all, you are not just friends to young people.
Beyond your friendly ties,
Signing by hand,
You have taken on a heavy load
Keep control of the new family
And you keep the answer for everyone:
Are you ready to help young people?
We will make sure of your help now,
We want to check you out as soon as possible.
You will perform this task in pairs: the witness with the bride, the witness with the groom.

Each pair is given one pair of scissors and an album sheet on which a heart is drawn.

Holding together different rings of scissors, you need to cut out a heart. Whose couple will complete this task faster? Ready? Started!

The results of the competition are being summed up.

And now, dear bride and groom, show all the guests the hearts that you have made.

Two hearts to the beat sound from now on.
The union was held together by two rings.
Now in the abyss of life
You two will go to the end.
Task for the bride and groom: give each other hearts, while saying the most important words.

The bride and groom give each other hearts.

The bride is given a broken chair, nails, a hammer. She completes the task given to her.

Ivan, we ask you to rate Masha's work.

He checks, stands with his feet on a chair.

Yes, a real wife should be adapted to everything. Some say that a wife is a suitcase: it’s hard to carry and it’s a pity to leave, others say: it’s a diamond in the frame of our life. Ivan is lucky. Let's drink to his diamond and wish him good health!

The guests are drinking.

Bride! We approve your decision and choice,
But we will now test the groom.
Imagine, Ivan, this situation: Some time passed after the wedding, and your beloved wife gave you twins. Once she went away for the whole day on her own business, and left you with two children.

There is a coffee table in front of the groom, on which there are 2 dolls, 2 bonnets, 2 vests, 2 sliders, 2 plates, 2 spoons, 2 glasses, 2 toothbrushes, 2 diapers.

Your task is to get the children out of bed, wash them, brush their teeth, feed them, go for a walk with them and put them to bed singing a lullaby. Get started!

The groom does the job.

My toast, friends, for endurance,
Self confidence.
Sometimes it's hard to nurse
Two children in the family.

They drink toast.

Come on women, all together
Let's see the bride.
And the bride is just a dawn,
Come on, let's shout "Bitterly!" together.
The last test of our young people will show all the guests whether the bride and groom are suitable for each other. To do this, the newlyweds will have to show mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Task: holding hands, try to tie one bow from a satin ribbon with both free hands.

The newlyweds complete the task. The leader sums up the result.

Dear Ivan and Maria!
To grief and sorrow
In your life you don't know.
We invite you today
Dance of happiness to dance.
I think the guests will support the bride and groom and form a ring around them.

dance department . Music sounds. The bride and groom are dancing. The guests, holding hands, walk around the young people either to the right or to the left. During the dance break, the following contests and competitions can be held.

"Portrait of the bride and groom." 2 teams of 10 people are selected. Before each team, at a distance of 4-5 m, a sheet of whatman paper is attached to the wall. The first participants are given a marker to blindfold. Participants in teams agree among themselves what details of the portrait each of them draws (ears, nose, head, hair, eyes ...). Tasks: the first team with closed eyes draw a portrait of the groom; the second team with closed eyes draw a portrait of the bride. The winner is the one who draws the portrait faster and more accurately. The following competition rules apply. The competition starts at the signal of the leader. The first participant, having completed the task, returns to the team and passes the marker and scarf to the second participant, who blindfolds himself and continues to draw a portrait, returns to the team, etc.

Attention! Cavaliers invite ladies, everyone gets in pairs. This dance will definitely lift your spirits. Everyone dances while the music plays. As soon as it was interrupted, all gentlemen should kneel on their left knee, put their right knee in front of them. The lady runs around the gentleman and sits down on her exposed knee. The lady who sits down last is out of the game along with her gentleman.

Our wedding continues
Here at this wedding table.
And the fun never ends
We drink to the bride and groom.
Guests, pour glasses,
Drink every drop.
Only, friends, just check
Isn't wine quite bitter?
Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!
Dear newlyweds!
I didn't come to your wedding in vain
All the groom's family.
I ask the groom's relatives to rise. Imagine, please.

Acquaintance with the relatives of the groom.

The groom's relatives have prepared an unforgettable gift for you.

The groom's relatives are given comic musical instruments: a bunch of keys, a rustling package, a pot lid, a rattle, a children's pipe, a grater with a fork, etc. The host prepares the text of the songs “We wish you happiness” on the card in advance. The groom's relatives sing an excerpt from this song to the accompaniment of their comic musical instruments.

Thank you! Please introduce yourself to the bride's relatives.

Acquaintance with the relatives of the bride.

This party will also not be in debt and will perform a wedding song for you.

The soundtrack of the song "Smile" sounds. The bride's relatives perform new words to this motive.
May you live happily ever after!
Sing along with us more cheerfully.
Let the whole district ring from this song,
Like a bridegroom with his bride.
So let's fall in love with each other.
Chorus: And then surely
We will glorify the groom
And his same bride.
From the blue stream
The river starts
And at the wedding this song
Very appropriate.
May everyone be brighter today.
Our house will “shudder” from fun.
Shout: "Bitter! Bitterly!" do not be sorry.
It won't take long to persuade them.

Like at the wedding table
Two families gathered
Two different peoples.
And how our young people got married,
So their families were related for life!
Dear bride and groom! Follow folk wisdom: "Love me, love my relatives." And you, dear relatives of the bride and groom, from today have found kindred friendship and fraternal help. I propose to raise a glass to the relatives of the bride and groom!
And now I will ask the young friends to rise and introduce themselves to all the guests.

Acquaintance with friends of the bride and groom.

In honor of our newlyweds, friends perform an incendiary dance "Apple". I propose to divide into pairs and place an apple between the foreheads of each pair. Your task: without the help of hands, hold an apple with your foreheads, performing dance movements. So, hands to the sides! Started!

Cheerful music sounds. Friends of the bride and groom perform a dance.

Well, without hiding feelings of hot.
I want to raise a glass
For the real ones, for the real ones
For the most devoted friends!

Dear our guests!
You came together to the wedding,
Flowers, gifts, toasts
They brought it for the newlyweds.
Come on, guests, do not be stingy,
Share your generosity!

Giving gifts to young people.

dance department
Dance fun "Lower and lower." Two people at a certain height hold a ribbon 5 m long, under which all participants must pass in turn, while performing dance movements. Gradually the ribbon is lowered. The game is played until one of the most flexible participants remains.

Dance fun "Steam Train". Two male participants are selected. Their task is to kiss as many women as possible at the wedding on the cheek or hand. The one who was kissed becomes a train behind her man. Who has a longer train? The game starts at the signal of the leader.

Dear guests! Today is also famous for the fact that the parents of the bride and groom are given new titles. ... becomes a mother-in-law. (Medal given). ... father-in-law. (Medal given). .... from today called mother-in-law. (A medal is given.) ... father-in-law. (A medal is given.)
In order for the new titles to be firmly entrenched in the above people, it is necessary to arrange a test for them. Everyone knows that at first the young will have difficulties in family life. Often they will turn to their parents for advice. Dear parents! Imagine this situation: you are in a hurry, late for work, at the last moment you hear a phone call. In a hurry, you pick up the phone and quickly answer the question. The son-in-law will call the mother-in-law and the father-in-law, and the daughter-in-law will call the mother-in-law and the father-in-law.

Parents are given a children's phone. The host acts as a telephone caller.

Son-in-law (father-in-law):
Hello, my light is not on here, what should I do?

Dialogue between son-in-law and father-in-law.

Son-in-law (mother-in-law):
When will the sausage arrive?

Dialogue between son-in-law and mother-in-law.

Daughter-in-law (mother-in-law):
What if it doesn't stick?

Dialogue between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

Daughter-in-law (father-in-law):
Tell an animal from 7 letters.

Dialogue between daughter-in-law and father-in-law.

Well done! I drink for my mother-in-law and I drink for my father-in-law,
I also drink for my mother-in-law with my father-in-law.
Let's have a drink together
For this friendly family!
To make this big family even more friendly, I propose to perform the dance in the following couples: the groom with the mother-in-law, the bride with the father-in-law, the mother-in-law with the father-in-law.

Dance performance to the friendly applause of the guests.

A goose flew past the wedding,
Came to our holiday.
Father-in-law immediately caught him
The father-in-law plucked quickly.
The mother-in-law washed him in an instant,
And the mother-in-law already salted,
And finding a place in the oven.
The dish was made by the bride.
The groom himself got the goose
And showed it to all the guests.

Goose sale.

I propose a toast to a beautifully prepared dish that a large family has worked on. For a successful goose sale!

At the end of the wedding evening, all guests see off the newlyweds. The bride throws the wedding bouquet.

Oh, come on, stay where you are
Now we will entrust the bride
Throw your wedding bouquet:
Whose wedding will you celebrate next?
Close your eyes Maria. And spin...
Say goodbye to the wedding bouquet!

The bride throws a bouquet to the guests. The tradition says: whoever catches the bouquet will soon celebrate the beginning of family life.

(Material from the website

Even if you decide to celebrate the wedding at home, the script will never be superfluous, because the best impromptu is a prepared impromptu. In order for the identity to pass without unpleasant surprises, you need to think through every stage of your wedding. Our version of the wedding home scenario will help you with this.

Newlyweds meeting

Newlyweds are met from the registry office near the entrance or near the house. From the car of the newlyweds to the very door, relatives and friends of the newlyweds stand, forming an arch from their hands, and shower the passing couple with rice, coins and sweets so that their life is prosperous and happy. A sheet of white paper or cloth is spread near the door. Parents block the passage of the young and turn to them: “Dear children, let all quarrels and insults remain in the past life. Smash all sorrows with this dish, and take only joy into your new life. Young people are given a plate, they break it for happiness, stepping over a sheet of paper to start life from a new sheet. If the shoes of the young are reliable, they can jump on the fragments to crush them even more. Since the wedding is held at home, the celebration scenario allows guests to participate in this lesson. All fragments are wrapped in paper so as not to lose a single one. The groom takes the bride in his arms and brings it into the house through the threshold.

First test

Of course, in an apartment building, the groom is unlikely to carry the bride in his arms to the 8th floor. Therefore, you can allow him to carry his beloved on the first and last floors. Stepping over the threshold, the newly-made spouse lowers his wife to the floor. The mothers who meet them in the apartment offer the young people to pass the first joint test - to determine the family responsibilities of husband and wife. You can find options for duties for this wedding competition in a special section of the Svadbagolik.Ru website. Here are some samples for the wedding at home that you are using:

  1. The husband should be sympathetic and kind. He came home from work - take out the trash, wash the dishes and quietly vacuumed so as not to interfere with his wife watching her favorite TV series.
  2. A good husband should be unpretentious in everyday life. Wear unironed items with dignity.
  3. The husband should bring two things to the family: money and flowers. The bigger, the better.
  4. A wife should only be in a good mood. Longing and female grumbling irritate the husband.
  5. The wife must be healthy. Otherwise, it works worse.
  6. The wife must quickly fulfill all the most daring wishes of her husband, even if he has not yet had time to pronounce them aloud.
  7. A wife should be a supporter of a healthy lifestyle: no alcohol - men do not like to share.

All the duties of the young people are pulled in turn (for this, when organizing a wedding at home, the script requires advance preparation of sheets of paper on which they will be written).


The feast is the main part of any wedding event. At home, the importance of this particular stage of the holiday increases even more, since competitions and entertainment are usually held at the table, because the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment or house is limited. Therefore, when arranging tables and choosing games, one must take into account the fact that such a massive event, as in a restaurant, cannot be achieved. The feast should be divided into the first and second tables, even though all the guests will be almost constantly in their places. During the break, we hold contests.

The first toast, as always, is to the young and the happiness of their new family. The second is for parents and the third is for love.

At first, only newlyweds participate in the competitive program. Since the wedding is at home, the wedding script can consist of many competitions that require the use of household items. So, you can determine how good a hostess the groom got, and offer the bride to peel a few potatoes in a minute. The groom should also prepare a “household” task: for example, let him hammer nails into the board with improvised objects (slippers, rolling pin, large beets), but the nails should be small so that they easily enter the surface and do not injure the groom.

After the toast to the parents, they themselves can be involved in the entertainment. Moms participate in the Guess the Baby contest. To do this, the newlyweds must draw a hidden object, and mothers guess which of the drawings belongs to their child. The drawing can be replaced by other "works of art". For example, the bride and groom can put together small arrangements of their flowers, so that later they can give them to their mothers when they guess. But the daughter-in-law should give flowers to the mother-in-law, and the son-in-law - to the mother-in-law.

In the scenario of a wedding at home, congratulations should be provided on behalf of the parents - in the form of monologues about their beloved children. Let the parents of the bride and groom say a few words about their child and promise to love both newlyweds now as their own children.

The groom should make a toast for the guests. He says that for him and his fiancee, the support of loved ones who came to share the joy of creating a new family is very important. Immediately after that, it is the turn of the guests to participate in competitions. The first contest is for witnesses. Since the witness is usually friends with the bride, and the witness with the groom, one should check how well they know the "opponent's side". The bridesmaid is asked questions about the groom's appearance and occupation. And the witness must answer questions about the life of the bride.

Since a special scenario is drawn up for a wedding at home, do not forget to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room when choosing entertainment for guests. And when someone wants to steal the bride, it is imperative to distract the groom, because in a small room he will perfectly control her whereabouts. You will have to hide the bride in another room, because there is simply no other option. Be sure to put "guards" on the doors. For the ransom of the bride, you can hold a time-tested competition - the dance of the groom and the witness on chairs. You can also ask them for a ransom. You should not be too sophisticated in the selection of tasks, because it may simply not be possible to hold a competition.

For dances at a wedding, you need to select compositions that would suit most of the guests. Since there is no DJ at the festival, guests will definitely order songs to their taste. At any wedding at home, some guests always ignore the script. Therefore, in order not to quarrel with anyone and not cause confusion, it is better to record all the songs on a disc in advance in a certain order and, after turning on the music, “forget” about it. The perfect entertainment for a home wedding is a karaoke competition. Prepare phonograms of famous songs in advance, divide the guests into teams: the groom, bride and witnesses can make one team, parents on both sides - the second, friends - the third, etc.

At the end of the holiday, the newlyweds treat the guests with a wedding cake, after which everyone together helps the hosts to clean the house. This is an unquestioning rule of any non-restaurant wedding.

The noise, the chaotic hustle and bustle of everyday life and the race for ever new events bore everyone. And if during this period two lovers decided to fix their relationship in their main document (passport) and a certificate of a new marriage, then you simply don’t want to organize a luxurious ceremony. The time frame is limited, finances, as usual, do not end on time, the wedding still has to take place. Maybe take advantage of the space already available and arrange a celebration in your apartment or house? It's real. First you need to decide how to make a wedding in such an environment. First of all, you need to really evaluate the room where, as expected, the main thing will happen - the wedding celebration.

Square meters matter: the number of guests adored by future newlyweds depends on them. If a larger number of relatives, employees, acquaintances come to the celebration, then their close stay in one apartment will be inappropriate. It will even annoy some people. In order not to overshadow the high spirits of the guests, it is better to focus on old friends who are very dear, and, of course, the closest relatives. This factor will determine the number of invitations to be purchased. An apartment is one thing, but a spacious, luxurious and, moreover, your own house will allow you to diversify a standardly selected list of guests. Several rooms will help to transfer the vector of communication for a certain period, as well as organize extraordinary entertainment.

So that the invitees do not make a mistake and come to the event prepared and on time, in addition to the exact indication of the address of the house, date and, of course, time in the invitation, on the eve of the holiday, you need to call relatives, friends and find out if they will have the opportunity to come. Thinking about how to make a wedding at home, you should carefully prepare for the upcoming wedding the central, of course, the most spacious room. It is necessary to allocate places that will be used for competitive moments, and which - for the use of culinary delights. Tables are recommended to be placed next to the walls of the room - this will help to leave more space unoccupied by furniture in stock and use it for competitive and concert performances.

Those who wish will take part in them, the rest will be able to cheer for them. When there are several rooms, small in size, then for each one you will have to determine its purpose. Some will become an organic space for all sorts of fun activities and dances planned according to the wedding scenario. Somewhere it is preferable to organize a meal and in parallel - the distribution of gifts prepared for the newlyweds. Next, it is worth orienting in what style the wedding will take place. If the main audience is young people, and active ones, or a groom from a military family, and he himself went down this path, then you can decorate the room in a military style. In order not to be too dark, you need to add bright and light attributes.

A sporty and positive wedding will require some kind of stand with all the achievements already available. To them should be added a few upcoming successes, written in a comic form, which are likely to happen in their lives. Anyone who is not going to be very philosophic can buy a solid number of balls, from which you can then create several colors, funny figures. Also, to decorate the festive room, you will need ribbons, bows, glasses, postcards, posters. Those who can draw can be offered to depict pigeons, swans, hearts on one of the walls. In whatever style the wedding celebration is held, the newly-made couple must be met, observing traditions. Parents, friends should sprinkle the young with rose petals, sweets, rice.

Also, you can’t do a holiday without a special pie. The newlyweds must break it and determine who is the boss in the new family. Loaf dry food is not eaten. Champagne is poured, the bread is washed down and the guests are poured. To avoid difficulties, how to hold a wedding at home, you must certainly proceed from the interests of the young. For romantics and lyricists, a wedding in the style of the Middle Ages would be quite appropriate. Costumes, homemade swords, coats of arms can be borrowed from some historical reenactment club. It is great if the spouses themselves are members of such a club. Then both the script and decor can be stylized using a knightly theme. To complete its implementation, you can use the park located near the house.

Bridges, wooden buildings, lightly draped benches will help to realize ideas. In order for the pleasant moments of the wedding holiday to be preserved for a long time, a photo studio should be arranged in one of the small rooms. Those who wish will be able to capture their emotions there and soon get a picture. In advance, you can prepare masks, hats, watercolors, thanks to which you can play around, creating unusual images. In addition, both the Musketeer costume and the princess will help you dream up and get the necessary emotions. To warm up and the appearance of stormy, flowing, lyrical dances, you can find among familiar people who are professionally engaged in dancing. Guests will be able to admire their skills, and even learn a little to perform salsa or Spanish, ballroom dance compositions.

You can, of course, arrange a competition to determine the best conqueror of the dance floor. It turns out that to organize a memorable wedding in an apartment or at home, you will need quite a bit: a creative idea, an excellent script, a lot of attributes and decorative elements. If you buy them, then you need to look after them not at the height of the wedding season, but in advance. If renting, then it is necessary to agree with the relevant cultural institutions. And then a flock of lively girlfriends will help arrange everything correctly. You don’t have to call the toastmaster - this is the case when you can find him among friends.

Wedding at home or in the country.
If for some reason you cannot celebrate your wedding in a restaurant or in a club, do not despair and be sad, you can have a wedding at home, the main thing is to approach it correctly! Believe me, a home-style wedding scenario will bring a lot of positive emotions, joy, fun and romance to this important day in your life. Dedicated to everyone who decided to play a wedding at home!
So, what do we have, an apartment or a house, a dozen guests and an immense desire to make your wedding day the most memorable in your life together! As folk wisdom says, as you play a wedding, so you will live!

An example scenario for a wedding at home.

1. Bride ransom

Our home scenario takes its beginning from the entrance of the house, when a car with the newlyweds approaches it. Having passed the official registration of marriage, happy and in love, already husband and wife, go home. As soon as the car stops at the house, all the guests line up in the corridor on both sides of it, it does not matter in what order. If you like, you can ask the men to stand on the right and the women on the left, or, as in a checkerboard pattern, a boy-girl.

And now the bride and groom get out of the car, they glow with happiness, to the joyful cries of congratulations, the guests shower them with rice or wheat (so that there is always plenty of food in the family). If you want the newlyweds not to know troubles financially, you can shower them with coins. But just be careful! Having passed along the corridor, the young people find themselves at the entrance to the house, here another surprise awaits them.

The father of the groom and the father of the bride spread a snow-white veil in front of them, when the newlyweds step on it, the fathers say: “Forget all your quarrels and strife, all your sorrows and misfortunes. Break them into small pieces and start living in happiness! After these words, the parents give the bride and groom a large porcelain plate, which they break for happiness, stepping over a white veil. If the fragments remain too large, everyone can help the bride and groom become even happier by trampling the fragments into tiny pieces.

2. Bread and salt for the wedding is held after the ransom of the bride.

After the porcelain plate has turned into a pile of small fragments, the parents fold the canvas and with the words: “Go away, grief and sorrow, let our children be happy!”, The groom takes the bride in his arms and brings it into the house!

If you live in your own house, then the task of the groom is noticeably easier, but if in an apartment building, so that he does not overwork, the bride can be carried in his arms only on the first and last floor. On the threshold of the apartment, the young are met by mothers, they invite the groom to cross the threshold. As soon as the last obstacle is overcome, the groom lowers the bride to her feet.

Now the wedding is moving inside the apartment or house. Here mother-in-law and mother-in-law pronounce their parting words to the young. In order to find out the aspirations of the young, their desires and thoughts, several paper paths are spread on the floor. On one, the paths that a young family will follow can be written: “To children”, “To prosperity”, “To adventure”, “To a quiet life”.

The mottos of the family are indicated on the second track: “Not one step without each other”, “Together we are strength”, “Two pair of boots”.
Well, on the third track, the bride and groom, if they are lucky, will see their rights and obligations: “Wash the dishes”, “Go to the store”, “Make dumplings on Saturdays”, “Walk the dog”, etc.

It must be remembered that the bride and groom should not see what is written on the sheets, only after they have chosen their path and walked along it, the mothers read out the verdict. After the young people have learned about their future, they are served a loaf! Having broken off a piece and dipped it in salt, the young once and for all protect their family life from evil and lies.

3. Wedding banquet.

Now the newlyweds, parents and guests are moving into a large room. This is where the real wedding banquet begins. Sitting at the table, the newlyweds begin to accept congratulations from guests and witnesses. Each toast for the young should carry only positive emotions. Wish the bride and groom love, happiness, health, children, prosperity, understanding, etc.

The next after the toast to the newlyweds is the toast to the parents. Here it is necessary that it be spoken by a person who knows well both the parents of the groom and the parents of the bride. If such a speaker was not found among the guests, let the children themselves, the bride and groom thank their parents for having them.

Having raised glasses for dads and moms, it was the turn of the guests to listen to the words of gratitude addressed to them. And already at the end of this toast, everyone shouts in chorus: "Bitter!" And the young people kiss.

So that a home wedding feast does not turn into monotonous gatherings, it is necessary to arrange contests, comic tasks and riddles. In order for all guests to express themselves, it is necessary to follow a certain pattern.

For example, first contests for parents. The bride's mother and mother-in-law must guess the daughter's voice, for this the bride herself and her girlfriends take turns shouting: "Mom!"
Fathers are also waiting for a task, the groom and friends take turns bringing them glasses of vodka, the parent needs to guess which glass is from the groom. If all parents have guessed their children, then they are given comic souvenirs and letters to the “Best Parents”.

The next competition is held for guests, namely for witnesses. While they are trying to bite off the apple without touching it with their hands, the bride is kidnapped. Unlike a wedding in a restaurant or other large venue, the apartment is small in size, so the bride hides in one of the rooms. To get her out, witnesses will have to pay a fine to the groom's friends who guard the doors. They have no choice but to turn out their pockets and pay.

The bride is free, the wedding celebration continues! To please the guests and parents, the bride and groom dance their wedding dance. If there is not enough space for this in the apartment, you can go to the site or even to the street. Passers-by passing by a dancing couple will look at them with admiration.

The dance is over, now it's time to carry the wedding cake! The bride and groom take a knife in their hands and cut off the first piece. Traditionally, the bride calls the name of the person who is entitled to the first piece of the wedding cake. It is at this moment, when the bride and groom are handing out sweet slices of the pie, that guests who have not yet had time to give them can make up for lost time.

wedding at home
There is a lot of controversy and different views around the home celebration of the wedding. Someone is convinced that there is no need to have a wedding at all, if the budget is limited, it is better to choose the "wedding for two" option. Someone will remember that once everyone celebrated like this, and there is nothing wrong with that ...
Before organizing a wedding at home, consider the possible pros and cons of such a holiday. We will try to eliminate the cons, and emphasize the pros.


- Balloons on the curtain, a poster "advice and love", mother's service, herring under a fur coat, Russian salad and fried chicken with mashed potatoes, guests falling asleep from boredom after everything they have eaten and drunk.
- Poor mother, standing at the stove all night, poor father, carrying food, and poor aunt, who then wash all this dishes.

- You need a lot of dishes and furniture.
- It is very hot in the apartment during the summer.
- Availability of space for food storage.
- Limited number of guests.
- There is a possibility that guests can stay overnight at your house after a stormy festivities.


- You are not tied to the mandatory amount of the order in the restaurant, you do not pay for the rent of the hall.
- For you, a cozy family evening is preferable to a magnificent celebration.
- You are not limited in time.
- Usually after the celebrations at home, you can live for another week on everything ready. The main thing is to have a place to store it all.

Organization of a wedding at home.

1. Number of guests.
Before organizing a wedding at home, look at the correspondence between the number of guests and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house or apartment.

2. Season.

3. Furniture.

4. Dance floor.
If you have a large apartment or house with large rooms, you can hold a celebration in one room. Then you need to put tables along the walls, and in the center of the room there will be a dance floor and a platform for competitions. If the rooms are small, then you can put tables in one room, and make a platform for dancing and competitions in the second room.

5. Table setting.

Portion plates - for appetizers, hot, dessert;
- common dishes, salad bowls, bread bins, fruit bowls, dishes for canapés, sandwiches, cuts, snacks;
- cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, dessert spoons);
- tea sets;
- cooking utensils (pots, salad bowls, frying pans);
- utensils for storing food.

To make your holiday not look like ordinary home gatherings, decorate the table beautifully. Arrange candles in luxurious candelabra on the table. This will set you and your guests on a solemnity.

Dishes. It is desirable that the dishes were in the same color and style, even better - from one set. Dishes should fit under the tablecloth and fit into the interior. A variant of complete eclecticism in serving is possible: feel free to combine dishes from different sets;
. The tablecloth should be in harmony with the room and dishes;
. Napkins are tucked under the tablecloth. Linen napkins are placed for each person. Paper napkins can be laid out for each guest separately, or only placed in napkin holders.

6. Menu.
Think carefully about the menu, calculate the number of servings. You can do it smarter: choose a restaurant or several restaurants that you like. Go visit them, talk to the manager about what the restaurant can offer as a standard menu for your number of guests. Often in restaurants there are special preparations of menu examples that they give with them.

A buffet will help get rid of many problems. As a rule, a buffet is organized when there are few places for guests, and a large number of people need to be fed. This way of serving makes room for dancing, no one will trip over the chairs. A little late guests will be free to find refreshments. Guests themselves will determine where it is more convenient for them to settle down, they themselves will choose the dishes and drinks placed on the table. They eat and drink while standing at or near the buffet table.

7. Cooking.
There are several options for how to organize cooking for a wedding at home:

1). Cooking meals on your own (bride, mother of the bride and groom, relatives, friends). Make a menu in advance, write down in detail what to cook when, what day (some food is prepared the day before, others can be done in two days, there are even certain pies that stand for a month), how long it takes to cook each dish, calculate how many people need to be attracted.

2). Invite a cook and waiters (1 for 10-15 people). Cooks can be found through acquaintances, ads, ask in a cafe or invite a neighbor who cooks well. Waiters can be found by the same method. Or ask someone you know to help you as a waiter. This will significantly free up your time, none of the guests will break away from the holiday.

3). Order catering ("catering" - restaurant service outside stationary premises, arrangement of off-site catering events). Catering refers not only to food preparation and delivery, but also service, serving, decoration and similar services.

Good companies will make everything beautiful and tasty. Service is better than most restaurants. Table setting is possible in colors that suit your interior. Service and serving are sometimes included in the cost of food. Some dishes are prepared on site (pig, grilled meat/fish, etc.). The amount of food you will be calculated depending on the number of guests and budget, so you do not have to puzzle over how to organize a feast.

A wedding cake.
If you decide to bake a wedding cake yourself, do it in advance (two days before the holiday). Don't make it spoil quickly. Before the wedding itself, you will have many other worries and may not be up to baking.

Much easier to order a wedding cake. Moreover, now the choice of confectionery products is very rich.

Traditional wedding cake can be replaced with beautiful pastries. It will look very original if they are in harmony with the style of your wedding. To diversify the sweet table, cakes can be signed with the initials of people who will be present at the wedding.

8. Purchase of products for the table.
After the menu is made, write down the list of necessary products. Write down what you can buy where and on what day. Calculate the budget. Assign responsible for the purchase. Think about what you can buy at wholesale bases at a better price.

9. Decoration of the apartment.
Don't miss this item. Even simply beautifully arranged bouquets in large glass vases on the tables and floor will change the look of the apartment. The options for decorating an apartment are the same as decorating a wedding banquet hall: balloons, fabric and floristry.

Do not forget to take into account the fact that the apartment is much smaller than the restaurant, the ceilings are lower. Try not to clutter up the space too much. It is enough to highlight the place of the newlyweds and make light accents in other places.

In addition, guests will give you flowers, ask someone invited after the registry office (during your walk) to take the flowers home and arrange them tastefully in vases. You can put flowers in floor vases in the corners or next to the newlyweds, depending on how you have furniture.

* Stock up on the required number of vases in advance!
* Appoint those responsible for decorating the apartment.
* Try to prepare and decorate everything in advance as much as possible.

10. Neighbors.
An important point. You definitely don’t need curses and quarrels on your wedding day. Go around the neighbors in advance, warn about the upcoming event and possible noise and loud music.

11. Lead.
So that the wedding does not turn into an ordinary feast, you need a person who can manage the process.

1). Lead professional. The procedure for choosing a wedding toastmaster is standard: a list of hosts, a phone call, a meeting with the one you like the most, and a choice. When choosing an unfamiliar host, keep in mind that a home wedding is too personal and is designed for a narrow circle of people. Will it be comfortable for you and your guests to watch a stranger in such an environment.

2). Lead relative. If you have active guests, ask them to host your wedding. Choose one or a couple of friends who are responsible for the event, who are close in age to most of the guests. Think over the program together or, if you are confident in your friends or relatives, ask them to prepare an entertainment program with competitions at your discretion. Describe the course of the wedding, what follows, the order of words and speeches.

3). Without a leader. If you are going to a friendly company, which does not need to be managed, they are independent, intelligent people who know that when you need to say and do, you can do without a toastmaster. In this case, ask your friends to prepare for congratulations, for example, prepared numbers: someone sings, someone dances, someone prepares a scene, someone shows tricks. Use all the talents of the invitees. You can play prizes for numbers - lots from the newlyweds.

12. Entertainment program, traditions.
After choosing a host, decide what you would like to see at your wedding. Think about what wedding traditions you like, which ones you want to apply in your home. Think over a competitive program - since there is not enough space for outdoor games, then hold games and competitions, either table games or those that do not require very much space, you can use karaoke.

13. Musicians.
Inviting musicians to an apartment is not always convenient - you may not be allowed to do this by the dimensions of a standard apartment and the sound is too loud. Alternatively, you can make a selection of music that you and your guests like, connect good speakers to a computer or music center, appoint a person responsible for music and enjoy a home disco. For more of a dancefloor effect, hang a mirror ball, lightsaber or bubble set.

14. Pets.

15. Parents.
These are the people most dear to you. Don't make your wedding a job for them. Parents must be present at the registry office, and not stand at this time at the stove.

16. Wedding night.
It is desirable that there is no one else in the apartment where you will spend the night. If this is not possible due to the accommodation of guests for the night, rent a hotel or at least take yourself a room where only you will be.
- Decorate the bed and room.
- Make a romantic setting.


. Do not forget to arrange in advance with several people who can help with cleaning the house or apartment.
. You can have a great party at home, and spoil the wedding in an expensive restaurant. It all depends on the organization.
. If there are relatives or acquaintances who selflessly decided to help cook, put in order an apartment or house - you are happy people! If there are no such people, then it is better to think about whether to celebrate the wedding at home. Or is it better to arrange the option "for two" or "newlyweds, parents and witnesses", order a cozy cafe and sit in the family circle.
. If, nevertheless, you are set to celebrate at home with friends and family, but there is no one to help you, think about the option of a buffet with games and dancing until you drop instead of a traditional feast.

* * *
Here is a scenario for a wedding at home! On the one hand, everything is very simple, but on the other hand, where, if not at home, to celebrate such a significant event in your life! Therefore, believe me, the main thing is not where, but most importantly - with whom! In the circle of friends, in the circle of guests, you will be the happiest newlyweds! Happiness to you and love!

Somewhat different from a noisy celebration held in some restaurant. Here the emphasis is not on splendor and scope, but on homeliness and comfort for all guests. With all this, the holiday should be quite fun and interesting, both for the newlyweds and for all relatives. Impromptu competitions, competitions and games can help you with this. By the way, to make the holiday sparkle with interesting colors, invite a saxophonist to the wedding! You can find one of them on the site http://saxophonist1.rf/

How exactly to hold a wedding at home, we will not tell you now. You can read about all this in the scripts offered on our website. From the abundance of available options, you can choose the most suitable wedding scenario for your occasion at home.

All scenarios have a different thematic focus, contain various competitions and differ in other small features. If you want to arrange the perfect home celebration, then carefully read all the options we offer. Read, think and choose one of them, after which you can start preparing and implementing your plan. Have a good celebration!

Ready script home wedding

Guests stand on both sides of the path and meet the young at the porch. Each invitee holds coins and rice in his hands. While the young are walking in the direction of travel, we shout Congratulations! and sprinkle with rice and coins.

Dear newlyweds! By tradition, you are met here by the dearest people - your parents. Mom has a loaf in her hands, a symbol of prosperity and well-being.

Break off a piece and salt it properly! Thus, the last time you can annoy each other. Yes, salt more ... And now exchange pieces of loaf and feed each other, looking at each other with tenderness!

And now we'll see who will be the head of the family! Now drain the glasses to the bottom and whoever wins first. On the count of three: One. Two. Three!

What kind of barrier is this?
The border, but not a simple one: family life is ahead, single life is behind.
Do you, friends, have a pass for a house named Family?

Young people show a marriage certificate.

Briefly - the document is in order!
Come in, hurry, the wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to a feast, to the wedding bread and salt.

Everyone goes into the hall.

There is joy in this house
For relatives, friends, acquaintances.
Today is a big holiday here,
Because two are cute
Two loving, beautiful
They became husband and wife.

Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long business! Choose a more cheerful neighbor with whom you can talk, and a prettier neighbor who you can take care of. Men are closer to a snack, and women are closer to a drink. The duties of each include: pour, pour, do not deprive everyone of the neighbors and do not forget yourself. And now, pour!

I ask everyone to raise their glasses,
Congratulate standing young
To announce the beginning of the wedding
And a new life for two!
May this day, like a bright holiday,
Will pour joy into your home
And your life will forever be decorated
Hope, Happiness and Love!
And let love dawn
Does not go out for many years
Let only at the wedding be "Bitter",
But never in your life!

And now, dear guests, do not be shy, gain strength before the festive program. Help yourself while we read you the rules of conduct at the wedding.

You can't be sad, you can sing and dance.
- You can not be bored, you can joke.
- Look at other people's wives and husbands, but don't forget about your own.
- We forbid swearing, also fighting, arguing under the table.
- If you have drunk a little, it is better to go to sleep in silence.

Guests, did you take the glasses?
Yes! Friendly, cheerfully raised?
Then "Bitter!" shout to them, “Bitter! Bitterly!" - young.

Kiss, newlyweds
Let those kisses not be counted
Otherwise, the poor invited
And bitter to drink, and bitter to eat!
Let's get this couple
Let's drink a full glass!

Further on the program, we introduce guests
Today, most of all will sing ____.
Most of all will dance ____.
All louder will shout "Bitterly!" ____.
Everyone will drink more ____.
Today ____ will give ____ one hundred rubles.
____ will give ____ his TV with joy.
And ____ will give ____ himself.
Now ____ will lend money to everyone. No return.
The most beautiful person today is ____.
The most shy person today is ____.
The hungriest person at the wedding is ____.
After the wedding, he (a) will leave on foot ____.
____ will leave by car.
And ____ and ____ will hardly take ____ away.
In an hour, ____ will say that he (a) is cool (th).
After an hour and a half, ____ will say that he (a) sneezed (a) at everyone.
Two hours later, ____ won't say anything.
At 22:00 ____ will fall asleep.
At 11 p.m., ____ will fall asleep.
At 11:30 p.m. ____ will wake up.
Tomorrow improve your health, ____ invites everyone to his place.
____ will come tomorrow with a case of beer.
Dried fish is taken to bring ____.
And ____ and ____ from 5 in the morning will cook fish soup.
Everyone drinks ____ for health.
For the health of the young and all, I have already drunk ____ seven times.

So we met and remembered who will do what, and now:
Let's raise the hello
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Who in life knew neither sleep nor rest,
Forged such great happiness for them.
Parents are sad, a little sad.
For this we will not judge them strictly.
After all, this has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.
For work and care, for everything we could,
Let the children bow to you to the ground.
And we, in turn, are good guests,
For the work of your parent, let's just say to you:
Let time fly, but don't get old
Let the grandchildren grow up, you become younger in soul,
Good to you, health is a huge increase,
We raise a celebratory toast to you.

After the toast, we hand over comic documents to the young people and give the floor to the parents.

Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Oh, how excited the proud groom is.
The first waltz for you young,
First dance for the two of you.
Those who do not want to sit still to the sounds of a waltz,
Feel free to join the bride and groom.

After the dance, we boldly take up competitions, and the first competition is for witnesses.
The witness lies down on chairs, sweets are scattered over her, the latter is placed on her lips. The witness must collect them all with their hands tied.

For those who, taking honorable care,
From now on, I owe many years in a row
Follow with desire, with joy, with pleasure,
To be in a family of friends and peace and harmony.
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, sunny, big
Before the wedding before the silver at the beginning,
Well, then - before the wedding golden!
We drink, as you noticed
For young witnesses.

The next competition is for guests. We choose six people from the groom's side and six from the bride's side.
We distribute envelopes for the bride's guests with the following text to each one by one.
Honey, shall we buy a mink coat?
Zolotko, will you give me the entire salary?
My sun, will you serve me coffee with a bun in the morning?
Honey, will you buy me clothes every day?
Darling, do you want us to have three girls and no boys?
Good, will you help me with the housework?

And envelopes for the groom's guests:
Dream, dream, my love.
If wages allow.
As you say, my only one.
It all depends on you, dear.
I only dream about it, my dear.
Well, you say too. Wait and see.
The bride's guests give the bride a question, and the groom's guests give the groom an answer.

Balloon dancing wedding script for couples.
Each couple is given a balloon, which they must hold between their foreheads or other parts of the body, for example, backs, shoulder blades, butt, knees. The choice of body parts at the discretion of the host during the scenario of the competition, the method of holding the ball at the command of the host can be changed, the couples dance, preferably to fast music. The pairs that drop the ball are eliminated.

Then you can come up with your own contests and mix them with dancing. Well, you can see off the newlyweds from the wedding along the corridor of burning candles that the guests hold, with the words so many lucky stars illuminate their joint life path, let so many lights light up in the homes of relatives and friends who are always ready to help, give the newlyweds warmth and joy meetings.

Dear my readers!

The site provides only introductory information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I don't sell anything ;)

Where to buy? You can find and purchase the accessories for the celebration described in the articles in Special online stores where is delivery throughout Russia

Before organizing a wedding at home, consider the possible pros and cons of such a holiday. We will try to eliminate the cons, and emphasize the pros.

Wedding at home. Minuses.

  • Most often it is boring, gray and generally similar to ordinary family gatherings - birthdays, home feasts. There is no sense of solemnity.
  • Balls on the curtain, "advice and love", mother's service, herring under a fur coat, Russian salad and fried chicken with mashed potatoes, guests falling asleep from boredom after everything they had eaten and drunk.
  • Poor mom, standing at the stove all night, poor dad, carrying food, and poor aunt, who then wash all this dishes.
  • Little place for dancing (maybe not at all).
  • You need a large amount of dishes and the presence of furniture.
  • During the summer, the apartment is very hot.
  • Availability of food storage space.
  • Limited number of guests.
  • There is a chance that guests can stay overnight at your house after a stormy festivities.

Wedding at home. Pros.

  • A good option if there are elderly relatives among the invitees who are very dear to you, but who find it difficult to withstand noisy restaurants (for many, this is a huge burden).
  • You are not tied to the mandatory amount of the order in the restaurant, you do not pay for the rent of the hall.
  • For you, a family cozy evening is preferable to a magnificent celebration.
  • You are not limited in time.
  • Usually, after the celebrations at home, you can live for another week on everything ready. The main thing is to have a place to store it all.

Organization of a wedding at home.

You can read about the general preparation for the wedding in the article.

01. Before organizing a wedding at home, look correspondence of the number of guests to the area of ​​the house or apartment.
Can you accommodate everyone? Wouldn't it be too tight?

02. Season.
It is better to do a wedding in an apartment during the cold season, since there is not enough refrigerator for all the treats, you will have to use the balcony.

03. Consider having furniture.
Is it possible to borrow chairs, benches, tables somewhere? To place the tables, you need to take out the excess. You can leave unnecessary furniture for a while with neighbors, relatives. There are never enough chairs and stools. Think in advance from whom you will take these necessary things for the duration of the celebration.

04. Will you have dance floor?

If you have big flat or a house with large rooms, you can hold a celebration in one room. Then you need to put tables along the walls, and in the center of the room there will be a dance floor and a platform for competitions.

If the rooms are small, then you can put tables in one room, and make a platform for dancing and competitions in the second room.


Availability of dishes.
Depending on the dishes that you will have at the family banquet, calculate how many complete sets you need:

  • portion plates - for appetizers, hot, dessert;
  • general dishes, salad bowls, bread bins, fruit bowls, dishes for canapés, sandwiches, cuts, snacks;
  • cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, dessert spoons);
  • tea sets;
  • cooking utensils (pots, salad bowls, frying pans);
  • utensils for food storage.


To make your holiday not look like ordinary home gatherings, decorate the table beautifully. Arrange candles in luxurious candelabra on the table. This will set you and your guests on a solemnity. You can also decorate

  • dishes. It is desirable that the dishes were in the same color and style, even better - from one set. Dishes should fit under the tablecloth and fit into the interior. A variant of complete eclecticism in serving is possible: feel free to combine dishes from different sets;
  • the tablecloth should be in harmony with the room and dishes;
  • napkins are selected under the tablecloth. Linen napkins are placed for each person. Paper napkins can be laid out for each guest separately, or only placed in napkin holders.
In continuation of the topic of wedding decoration, table setting and other beautiful wedding decorations, read the articles:

Don't let everything go by itself! And don't take it all on yourself! Today you are the heroes of the occasion! And everything should be for you! Who can be the toastmaster of the wedding?

1. Lead professional. A man of his business. standard: list of presenters, call by phone, meeting with the most liked, choice.

When choosing an unfamiliar host, keep in mind that a home wedding is too personal and is designed for a narrow circle of people. Will it be comfortable for you and your guests to watch a stranger in such an environment.

2. Lead relative. If you have active guests, ask them to host your wedding. Choose one or a couple of friends who are responsible for the event, who are close in age to most of the guests. Think over the program together or, if you are confident in your friends or relatives, ask them to prepare an entertainment program with competitions at your discretion. Describe the course of the wedding, what follows, the order of words and speeches.

3. Without a leader. If you have a friendly company that does not need to be managed, they are independent, intelligent people who know what to say and do when they need to, you can do without a toastmaster. In this case, ask your friends to prepare for congratulations, for example, prepared numbers: someone sings, someone dances, someone prepares a scene, someone shows tricks. Use all the talents of the invitees. You can play prizes for numbers - lots from the newlyweds.

12. Entertainment program, traditions.
After choosing a host, decide what you would like to see at your wedding. Think about which ones you like, which ones you want to apply for yourself. Think over a competitive program - since there is not enough space for outdoor games, then hold games and competitions, either table games or those that do not require very much space, you can use karaoke.

13. Musicians.
Inviting musicians to an apartment is not always convenient - you may not be allowed to do this by the dimensions of a standard apartment and the sound is too loud. Alternatively, you can make a selection of music that you and your guests like, connect good speakers to a computer or music center, appoint a person responsible for music and enjoy a home disco. For more of a dancefloor effect, hang a mirror ball, lightsaber or bubble set.

14. Pets.
Think about your pets. A wedding at home will be a big stress for them. If possible, take them to another place on the wedding day so that they do not accidentally run out into the street from your apartment when the guests go for a smoke break or leave the premises.

15. Parents.

These are the people most dear to you. Don't make your wedding a job for them.

Parents must be present at the registry office, and not stand at this time at the stove.

Ask your girlfriends a day or two before the wedding to help, you will have more fun together, and you don’t need to strain moms.

16. The wedding night. should be special.

It is desirable that there is no one else in the apartment where you will spend the night.
If this is not possible due to the accommodation of guests for the night, rent a hotel or at least take yourself a room where only you will be.

Decorate your bed and room.

Make a romantic setting.

home wedding script

From the moment of preparation for the wedding.

From the moment you prepare a notebook in which to write down everything from the smallest things to a large organization.
, ordering cars, ordering flowers, a DJ with his equipment, a presenter, and products - find and prepare everything in advance. The earlier the better.

Don't forget to consider fallbacks.

During the week

Prepare the room in a week. Free up space for tables, dance floors.

If necessary, bring an additional refrigerator, consider where all the products and ready meals will be.

Prepare dishes, cutlery, borrow if necessary.

Everything should be prepared so that on the night before the wedding you do not rub glasses or forks to a shine.

Call all those responsible, check all the actors (including musicians, drivers, presenters, photographers, operators, etc.)

A few days before the wedding

A few days before the wedding, start preparing dishes. .

If possible, decorate the apartment in advance (if it is fabric, or decorations that do not deteriorate).

You must distribute everything in such a way that you have a free evening before the wedding.

Get everyone involved in the preparation. It will bring your guests closer together and you won't feel like a squeezed lemon on your wedding day.

The day before the wedding.

In the late afternoon or in the morning on your wedding day, set the table.

The bride and groom need to free up the evening as much as possible and prepare themselves for the wedding day.

Think about who will go with you to be photographed, who sets the tables, who welcomes guests at home.

The best option would be to take a picture with the guests immediately after the registry office and offer to go to your home to relax a little, clean up or get ready for the entertainment part of the celebration.

It all depends on the guests. If you have more young people, you can arrange a staged interesting photo shoot in different places that you have planned for a walk. For older people, such a route will be difficult, it is better to invite them to go to your home to rest.

But guests in any of the selected options must arrive at the wedding celebration house before the newlyweds - for a solemn meeting.

What to do with guests during the walk?

Those responsible for laying the table will deal with the arrangement of dishes, cutting, heating and serving food.

The rest of the guests can help set the table, arrange the donated flowers.

If you have special people who are engaged in a feast, guests need to come up with entertainment while waiting for the newlyweds.

Make a wish book in which guests will leave their notes for you on your wedding day.

It can be original, in which there will be interesting photographs from the life of the newlyweds and the guests present.

Alternatively, you can record movies to watch - comedies or something light, unobtrusive from old movies or new ones. Guests will be able to relax and improve their mood before your arrival.

Do not forget to leave water, juice and fruit for guests. You can make light sandwiches.

Wedding celebration at home

Before returning home after a walk, inform your leader or person in charge of the evening. This person should organize people to meet the newlyweds at the house or apartment.

At the entrance or gate, the young are met by guests. Guests line up in a long corridor from the gate to the very door of the house. If the meeting is at the entrance, then the guests line up in front of the entrance towards the young people. The newlyweds go forward, at this time, with coins, sweets and rice.

At the end of the corridor, a young family is met by parents (with a loaf and glasses) and parting words are said. After that, the husband takes his wife in his arms and carries him over the threshold into the house. If the wedding will take place in a multi-storey building, then the newly-made husband can carry his wife over the threshold to the entrance, then lower it, and then on the last staircase again take his wife in his arms and, carrying her up the stairs, carry her over the threshold of the apartment.

In the apartment, the newlyweds are met by the toastmaster or parents. Parents can meet with bread and salt on the threshold of the apartment instead of entering the house, and friends will meet near the house.

Everyone goes to the banquet room, at this time the bride and groom can put themselves in order, and then solemnly enter.

If it so happens that your friends' wedding is small, but you want it to be remembered for all its cheerful mood, originality and comfort - feel free to get down to business, our wedding scenario for a small company without a toastmaster is exactly what you need. So, we carefully read the script, analyze what is needed for the wedding - props, decorations, a wedding loaf and cake, prizes for competitions, etc. Next - it remains to bring everything to life, and give your friends your talent! The absence of a toastmaster does not interfere with interestingly celebrating the most important day in the life of the newlyweds!

So, the scenario of the wedding - 2017 without a toastmaster for a small company

We offer to take on the mission of leading the holiday to a witness and a witness, or an honorary matchmaker and matchmaker. Holding a wedding with relatives for young people will give the evening a special charm. Believe me, the bride and groom will forever remember everything that their friends did for them that day.

Well, the preparations for the holiday have been completed, the exciting day has come, the newlyweds, happy and excited, drove by car to the wedding venue.

Meeting of the bride and groom

In order for the guests not to languish in anticipation of the bride and groom, who, as a rule, are usually late - before the arrival of the newlyweds, the witness and the witness invite the guests to drink a glass of champagne and eat small fruit and meat snacks. Telephone communication with the bride and groom should be under the control of the witness and the witness - they will be the main organizers of the wedding for a small company without a toastmaster.

So, at the moment when the wedding car drives up to the courtyard of the wedding for a small company without a toastmaster, the witnesses ask the guests present for attention, because in a few moments the bride and groom will appear in the hall.

Romantic solemn music sounds. Witnesses begin the ceremony of meeting the newlyweds.

WITNESS: A woman and a man. These two words are inseparable. It was created in order to become the main thing in her life. She will always be his guiding star, which will lead him to success. Him, a man.

WITNESS: And together, in love, they will give life to wonderful children, they will delight their parents with new successes and achievements, new victories. All this will be, but then. For now…

WITNESS: Dear parents, relatives, friends!
Today the door of the restaurant "____" is open for the most relatives and friends, for those who want to raise their glasses in honor of a young couple of spouses.

WITNESS: Every person in life has significant dates and the most significant dates. Significant - this is the day of entry into school, graduation from school, the first salary.

WITNESS: Today we celebrate the birthday of a young but very beautiful love story of two wonderful young people. To your thunderous applause, let me invite our fiancé Alexei to the hall!

Rhythmic modern music sounds, Alexey enters the hall.

WITNESS: Well, let's look into the eyes of our groom - we see that he is especially excited today - he has been looking forward to this day for 3 long years. Every night he went to bed and woke up with the name of his beloved on his lips. For her, he is ready to say goodbye to his habits, bachelor frivolity, passion for football and fishing, and devote all his time to his beloved.

WITNESS: Let's, all together, meet our bride Elena in the festive hall!
The exit of the angel with the bride. "Angel" sprinkles rose petals in front of the bride

WITNESS: Dear parents of the young, go up to your children and shower them according to the folk custom.

WITNESS: We pour rye on you that your family was fruitful.
Parents sprinkle the young with rye

WITNESS: Sprinkle with spring wheat so that you are a couple in love.
Parents sprinkle wheat on the young

WITNESS: We sprinkle you with a handful of sweets so that you can live together for a hundred sweet years.

Parents sprinkle the young with caramels

WITNESS: Dear parents, we ask you to bless your children for a happy family life.

WITNESS: Go to the people closest to you for blessing. As usual, bow down to them three times.

WITNESS: Since ancient times, the loaf was considered the main bread of the Russian house. It is a symbol of fertility, continuation of the family, family and tribal unity, happiness, health and well-being.

WITNESS: By its shape, the loaf is likened to the sun and, according to popular belief, is the incarnation of the sun god, who descends to earth to take under his care a newlywed who enters a long and happy life. So, kiss him three times in turn. And you, parents, pass the loaf to honorary matchmakers

farewell to childhood

WITNESS: It seems that we could invite everyone to the table, but our bride still ... has not said goodbye to her maiden name, and the groom - to a bachelor life. We desperately need to immediately dot the "and".

WITNESS: I want the bride to tell us very loudly what her last name is from now on.

The bride loudly announces her new name.

WITNESS: Then, quickly write your old name on this balloon, and release it into the sky to the applause of your guests.

The witness brings the bride a bouquet of balloons inflated with gel, colored markers, the bride writes her old surname on the balloons, and together with the groom sends all this beauty into the sky.
Gifts from guests

WITNESS: Dear bride and groom! Today you have come to congratulate the dearest and closest people to you.
Here, the falcon found Lebedushka. They decided to make a nest
To love each other, and to raise children,
And a lot of feathers are needed for the nest, oh, how it is necessary!

WITNESS: Donate for grandchildren, and for the cradle ... - this is what grandmothers used to say a long time ago, and we will say it bluntly - young people need a material base: we will explain why ...

WITNESS: In order to buy a chair to sit on, a table to sit at, a TV to watch,

WITNESS: A machine in which to wash diapers,
Carpet - so that there is something to beat the dust out of,
A car - to roll my mother-in-law,
Refrigerator, so that there is often where to look ...

WITNESS: And therefore, I invite here - counting and assembly - shaking out commission.
WITNESS: The chief accountant of our commission, he is also the FIRST SWAT Mr. ____________________.

WITNESS: Matchmakers accept flowers and gifts for the young and keep a report in front of them, and I represent each guest by name!
Well, our dear guests,
It's your turn now
Let each of the wallets, from the pocket
He is the first to receive his contribution.

Don't Forget About Inflation
Even shares are donated
And EURO, and rubles, and dollars,
Banknotes of any color.
And gold and silver
And other expensive goods.

Guests give gifts to young people. After that, the witnesses invite everyone to the festive table.

WITNESS: Let me start the wedding! Bride and groom, stand facing the guests. Bow the first time, and the second time, and the third time. Invite guests to the wedding table!

Wedding feast "Champagne fireworks"

In order for the wedding guests for a small company without a toastmaster not to be bored, the witnesses will have to try a little. Before the first toast, invite all the guests to stand up, the men to take champagne in their hands, and to the applause of the guests open all the bottles at the same time - you get a wedding champagne fireworks.


Proclaim the first toast "For Love" immediately after the champagne fireworks. The second toast, as a rule, is proclaimed by the parents of the young. The third toast - native grandparents. The fourth toast is the godparents of the young. The fifth toast is native uncles and aunts. After the fourth toast, have fun for the bride and groom.

Fun for the bride and groom "While everyone is at home"

Witnesses, on two trays, bring hearts made of cardboard to the bride and groom. On the back of the heart are the bride's questions and the groom's answers. Witnesses offer young people to read texts from hearts in turn. Here are the options.

The heart of the bride:

1. The only one, will you help me clean the house?
2. My dear, is it profitable to raise ostriches?
3. My cat, will we have a rest in the Canary Islands every year?
4. Bunny, I know that you love children. Do you mind starting a family soccer team?
5. Breadwinner, is it true that you will give me all your earnings?
6. My happiness, will you return home immediately after work?
7. My joy, will we have our own plane?
"Heart" answers of the groom:

1. As you say, my dearest!
2. Let's wait and see, my bunny!
3. Definitely, my little fish!
4. This is all I dream about, my love!
5. Everything is in your hands, dear!
6. Dream, dream, my dear!
7. If finances allow, my heart!

Competitions in the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster for a small company

Competition for the bride and groom "I recognize you from a million"

The first test is for the young wife. The bride is blindfolded. On the chairs, in the center of the hall, several men are planted. The bride is brought to the men, the task of the bride is to recognize her husband with the help of her hands, feeling the ears of the men.

The second test is for the groom. Now he is blindfolded, and girls are put on chairs, they must take off their shoes, put their foot forward. The groom, by touch, must guess which of the ladies of his spouse.

Competition for the mother of the groom and mother of the bride "Mother-in-law"

For this competition, you need to prepare props - two very long, 5-6 meters each, ropes, or elastic bands, you need to glue a ballpoint pen to them. The pens will symbolize the “needle”, the rubber bands will symbolize the “Thread”. Witnesses say that the mothers of our newlyweds are experienced women, they can glue and sew everything that is necessary and not necessary. Therefore, the task for them is to assemble a team of several men (4, 5 each), then sew them together. To do this, insert a ballpoint pen with an elastic band into the left leg of the trousers, and remove it through the right leg, then the next man is sewn, and so on until the last one. The mother who did it first wins the contest "Matchmaker".

Competition for guests "Mutual contact"

Among the guests, you need to choose couples who are actively dancing. They are placed in the center of the room. Men sit on chairs, women sit on their knees. The witness gives each couple a napkin.

The music turns on, the task of the couples is to rub the napkin with the help of dance movements.

The most energetic couple who did it first receives a prize from the young ones.

Competition for youth "Yolochki"

Witnesses choose several couples for the competition. The guys are blindfolded, given props - tin cans of drinks pinned to clothespins. The task is to pin "Toys" on "Christmas Trees". Then, partners are changed without untying their eyes, and they offer to remove the "toys".

The task of the young man is to find all the clothespins blindfolded. What you need: 10-12 clothespins for each pair, empty tins, scarves to cover your eyes.

"Aerial Dance"

Couples should dance with a balloon on their forehead, back, belly, buttocks... The music should be modern and fast.

The end of the holiday

A beautiful end to the holiday will be the ceremony of removing the veil from the bride. It should be accompanied by beautiful and romantic music. The groom removes the veil from the bride, then kisses his wife, and dances the first family dance with her.
Then, the bride and groom should cut their wedding cake together, eat the first piece of the cake together, and treat the rest of the pieces to their guests.

In parting, the bride and groom thank all those present at the holiday for the joy of the holiday of love shared with them.

Then, all together - guests and newlyweds rejoice at the wedding fireworks in honor of their love, which will light up the night sky ...

We hope that you liked the scenario of holding a wedding for a small company without a toastmaster and you will definitely bring it to life.

Read also what

Whether the wedding is traditional or unusual, grand or modest, it is important to carefully consider its organization. Putting together all the puzzles of the wedding celebration will help the scenario of the wedding.

Most often, the audience gathers at the wedding not only from students or aristocrats - a motley company of relatives and colleagues, parents and friends may not be familiar with each other at all. Not only toasts, but also contests will help them quickly find a common language. Just like a banquet, gifts or outfits, a wedding scenario is prepared in advance, and its basis is an entertainment program.

The script for a wedding without a toastmaster, like for any feature film, draws every scene in detail. There are common moments at weddings - marriage registration, a walk through memorable places and sights of the city, a banquet in a restaurant, but there is no one scenario for all, because each couple (and, therefore, the wedding) is unique.

  1. Like an outfit for a wedding, the script should not be rented, it needs to be tailored to specific newlyweds.
  2. If, nevertheless, you take someone else’s text that you like as a basis, then you need to adapt it to your guests, taking into account their tastes, interests, culture and views.
  3. Involve both experienced professionals and creative friends and relatives to work on the script.
  4. To make the competitions interesting and able to introduce and involve everyone, collect information about the newlyweds, parents, relatives: birthdays, shoe and clothing sizes, height, weight, data on the place of study or work.

When developing a game program for a feast and a holiday scenario, first of all, you need to consider:

  • the number of invitees;
  • age categories;
  • guest status;
  • mentality (views, traditions);
  • wishes of the newlyweds.

Basic script for a small wedding

original variants

Each couple tries to make their wedding unique and memorable, so first decide how you see your wedding celebration. Gather a military council of the most creative friends to develop a strategy, get acquainted with potential options. A wedding scenario without a toastmaster and witnesses still assumes the presence of some kind of host. Usually active friends and relatives with organizational skills take on this role.

We are talking not only about an outdoor wedding in a city park, but also about a celebration in more extreme conditions.

  • A mountaintop wedding with all the climbing paraphernalia can be arranged if you and your friends are into mountain climbing. Guests without sports training can wait at the foot of the mountain.
  • A wedding at sea with scuba gear for diving enthusiasts can be organized by attaching a solid weight to the bride's dress so that she does not float up. True, it is unlikely that the newlyweds will be able to kiss in this mode.
  • Marrying in heaven, or rather, in the air, jumping with a parachute with a lover, is also not prohibited. And even if you are not athletes or “dummies” in general, this does not mean that you need to betray your dream. If you take a few lessons from a professional coach, then everything will go in the best traditions.
  • A wedding on the water is more affordable and less extreme, unless, of course, the newlyweds and guests suffer from seasickness. The sound of waves and a light breeze, seagulls, music and a beautiful bride - this is not forgotten.
  • An open-air wedding involves even fewer restrictions: you can arrange a celebration on the beach or football field, in the garden of a country house, in a forest or on a lake. If you are planning a wedding in nature without a toastmaster for a small company, then this option is ideal. When there are a lot of guests, it is necessary to solve the issue of food delivery, transportation and transportation of guests.

Any of the proposed options, to a greater or lesser extent, will cost you a pretty penny. The most budgetary celebration is a wedding at home. Such a holiday also has its advantages. The quality of food and the cooking process can always be controlled. It is possible, and a few guests will be happy to serve themselves.

If the size of the apartment allows, it is convenient to organize a buffet hall in one room, and a dance floor in the other.

Here is an example scenario for a small wedding without a toastmaster.

wedding at home

  1. Presentation of the loaf. After the meeting of the young (as in the basic scenario), a witness comes out with a bagel and offers to choose a temporary head of the family for one day. The newlyweds break the bagel and determine the commander-in-chief at the celebration. The witness asks everyone to wish the young people to always have a bagel in the house, so that every day they can choose the head of the family on duty.
  2. An invitation to the table. Host: “We all gathered today at this banquet to celebrate the happiest day in the life of the nascent family - Pavel and Elizabeth. Another family ship sets off across the boundless sea of ​​life. Let him not be afraid of the Ninth Wave, do not meet the Bermuda Triangle and a pirate raid on his way. They have a long way to go in the endless expanses of the sea of ​​life, and it will certainly be happy!
  3. Bosun's choice. Host: “The boatswain keeps order on the ship. Who will be our boatswain? Dear guests, check each of your chairs. If you have a whistle taped under your seat, you will give a signal before each toast, urging guests to silence and order!
  4. Wedding rules. Presenter: “Now let's get acquainted with the rules of today's celebration. Attention, the first command "Bitter!" And the first kiss is the most expensive, and in every sense of the word. Whoever does not feel sorry for their blood, our heroes of the occasion dedicate their first kiss to that. A starting price is set. Assistants go around with a tray, collect the offered amounts. The last winning amount determines the number of kisses in honor of the winner of the auction. The proceeds are given to the young, declaring that the guests will not be offended if we replenish their family budget, because the first kiss is truly priceless.
  5. Leading: “There will be joys and troubles in life, You still have to experience ... But keep the course only for victory! “Bitter” for you, and do not know sorrows!
  6. The host announces a toast to the parents.
  7. Today our main toast is “Advice to you and love”, And I want to say about those who gave you flesh and blood. Who, not sparing his strength, got up to your bed. And with persuasion, loving, fed you semolina. I didn’t sleep at night, I was worried, sick with you together. And milk always warmed you - everything was in our childhood! Who drove to the garden to the ends of the earth, studied with you, And was next to you when you went on your first date, Who gave you love, warmth, attention all your life - Father and Mother - these are the two highest titles on Earth! From all the bow to the lowest to you and all the words of recognition!

  8. They announce a toast to their parents and give them the floor: “You have been together for many years, give them good advice!”
  9. The right to greetings and congratulations is granted to guests: “Let's replenish the Vaganovs' bank account together, moreover, each donor, transferring his savings to the young, has the right to choose an expense item himself. Witnesses go around all the guests with a huge, specially prepared personalized passbook, with pockets and inscriptions: "For the stroller", "Wedding cruise", "For flowers", For beer, etc.
  10. The host announces a toast “To the guests!”: Did you drink for the young and parents? (All answer: "Drank!"). To become closer and dearer to everyone, let's drink for the guests!
  11. First dance. Leading: "The legal wife and her husband admire each other all day. It's time for everyone to look at them, At the first dance of the young."
  12. A half-hour dance break is announced.
  13. Competition for newlyweds. “We invite young people to melt all the ice of misunderstanding and misunderstanding with their love. Who will melt their iceberg faster? (Give the young an ice cube). Whoever does it first deserves a separate toast, which means that his love knows no barriers.
  14. Presenter: “It's time to find out what gender the first baby will be for young people - a boy or a girl? (For voting, assistants go around all the guests with two socks of different colors - with pink and blue. Everyone who wants a boy puts money in a blue sock, who wants a girl - in pink. The voting results are summed up.) ".
  15. Host: “It remains for us to wish the newlyweds, So that they would have children every year, And if twins suddenly arrive, No one will condemn for this.”
  16. “Today the bride and groom received new titles - husband's wives! And in order to secure the titles, it is necessary to wash them urgently. Further, the Constitution of the newborn family is proclaimed with a proposal to also wash it.
  17. Presenter: “A lot of congratulations have come to the heroes of the occasion today. (They read all telegrams, SMS and other messages and raise glasses for the successful transfer of the young into each other's hands).
  18. Host: “To make today's holiday memorable forever, we give the new family this calendar sheet in a beautiful folder, which will become a historical document for them, reminiscent of this solemn event and our friendly company. I ask the guests to leave their wishes to the young. (The folder is left in an accessible place and the guests take turns writing).

The competition program begins with the bride and groom. First, they tell fortunes on a camomile, determining their family responsibilities, then the groom must tie the towel as much as he loves his wife and untie it as quickly as he will rush home from work. The entertainment program will continue with a selection of competitions for a wedding scenario without a toastmaster, where each of the guests can have fun from the heart.

Wedding contests without toastmaster

Competitions for the groom

It is difficult to bypass the ritual of the ransom of the bride in the script. This helps to relieve stress before registration, add fun and color to the wedding. The participants of the ceremony should be divided into two camps - sellers and buyers. Sellers are usually girlfriends, led by a witness. The second team is made up of the groom's friends, led by a witness. The task of the sellers is to think over the tasks that the groom must complete in order to get the bride. Buyers try to get the coveted trophy with minimal risk to the wallet. But, nevertheless, money, sweets, champagne to pay for their punctures, just in case, should be. There should not be too many competitions to test the seriousness of the groom's intentions, otherwise you can be late for the registry office.

Do you know your bride

The bride's team prepares a camomile out of paper, on the petals of which there are numbers associated with the newlyweds. This may be the apartment number, its physical parameters, the date of acquaintance, etc. Tearing off the next petal, the groom gives answers, his team pays for mistakes. If the house has a staircase, you can write these numbers on the steps, then with each step the groom deciphers the inscriptions.

Guess your favorite

Variants of imprints of lips, painted palms are prepared on the sheets, several women's shoes of different sizes are collected. The groom must find the palm, leg and lips of his betrothed.

Great husband

This competition is more convenient to hold in a house with steps. Climbing the stairs, the groom with every step tells all the guests what a great husband he will be, how he will help his wife and her parents with the housework.

Declaration of love

An apple is tied on a ribbon, and the bridesmaids stick matches into it. Taking out one match from an apple, the groom should compliment his beloved. If affectionate words are repeated, the team pays a fine. The test ends when the groom pulls out a short match from this hedgehog.

Theft of the bride or shoes

At the ransom, competitions for the groom do not end. At the most unfavorable moment for the groom, the guests kidnap the bride. To return his soul mate, the groom goes through some kind of test. For example, dancing with friends in skirts dance of little swans. If a shoe is stolen, the groom can be asked to push himself off the floor, and the witness can be asked to kiss all the ladies present on the cheek.

Tests for the bride

Get to know your husband

Men sit on chairs with the groom. The bride must find her betrothed blindfolded by a specific feature, for example, by the nose.

choose me

Another version of the previous competition. All male participants in the game wrap themselves in blankets and put on gas masks. The bride must recognize her beloved by the eyes.

bride kidnapping

At the most unexpected moment, when the groom's friends lose their vigilance and the guests get drunk, the kidnappers take the bride away, and one of them sits in her place with the appropriate comments. Witnesses receive a map with the location of the missing person and a limited time, for example, 15 minutes. If the search drags on, the kidnappers demand a ransom from the witnesses. So you can return the money spent by the friends at the beginning of the wedding.


The bride is blindfolded and informed that different men will kiss her, and she needs to identify her betrothed. It is curious that, apart from the groom himself, no one will kiss the bride. But she doesn't need to know about it.

Bowling alley

To play, you need skittles with the inscriptions of all household chores. Knocking down the skittles, the bride, as it were, confirms which duties she is ready to cope with, and which are not yet guaranteed.

Contests for witnesses

According to Slavic traditions, an unmarried relative or girlfriend on the one hand and a single one on the other become witnesses at the wedding. In addition to the fact that they must have iron restraint, an excellent sense of humor and organizational skills in order to help the newlyweds in everything, they are supposed to have fun at the wedding.


On two chairs, lay out 4 characteristic objects that can be recognized by touch. Cover chairs with newspaper and seat witnesses on them. Who among them most accurately and quickly determines all the items under his newspaper, he wins the competition.


Both witnesses are blindfolded and 5 clothespins are attached to each person's clothes. At the same time, they feel each other, trying to remove all the clothespins. Whoever manages to find all the clothespins first wins.


On the playing field of 9 cells, the witness puts an end to a carefree life with a marker. Then the witness draws zero on careless days. The facilitator reminds the witnesses that it is now their honorable duty to keep the peace in the nascent family. In order for the spouses to remain faithful, the groom must put an end to bachelor life (we draw a cross on the field), and when the young wife is away, the witness can help the young husband with the housework (the friend puts a zero in the grid). When the husband is at work at night, the witness will want to take his young wife to a bar or a disco. It is necessary to put an end to this desire (draw). The witness puts a zero, indicating that she will not have her own children before the newlyweds. And my friend puts an end to all the illnesses and failures of the young. Summing up, one of the witnesses receives a bottle of champagne with a photo and autographs of the newlyweds as a gift.

Wedding contests for guests

In order for all relatives and friends on both sides to quickly get to know each other and make friends, an entertainment program is organized for guests.

Who is more experienced

Competitions are held between several couples who have lived in a happy marriage for many years, and newlyweds. First, wives should quickly bring a glass of vodka covered with cucumber to their husband without spilling a drop. Then the husbands take their wives in their arms and run back with them. Who will be the most experienced, he won.


Volunteers form two teams of 5 people. For the game, you need to prepare two long clotheslines with a tied spoon at the ends. On command, the guests alternately thread a spoon with a rope through their clothes. The team that manages to string all of its members faster than the other will win.

Put it on

Experience shows that guests really enjoy dress-up contests. This game requires two button-down robes and two pairs of mittens. Women wear robes, and men wear gloves. On command, they must quickly fasten all the buttons on their partner's robe. The pair that completes the task first wins.
