Read the story of the adventure of a dunno through the pages. Read online "The Adventures of a Dunno"

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.

Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.

The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies. The little ones always went either in long slacks, or in short pants with a shoulder strap, and the little ones liked to wear dresses made of colorful, bright matter. The little ones did not like to mess with their hairstyles, and therefore their hair was short, and the little ones had long hair, almost to the waist. The little ones loved to make different beautiful hairstyles, hair braided in long braids and ribbons were woven into braids, and bows were worn on the head. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with babies at all. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones. If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to the other side of the street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were often those who could not calmly pass by the baby, but they would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her or, even worse, pull her braid. Of course, not all the kids were like that, but they didn’t have it written on their foreheads, so the little ones thought it was better to cross to the other side of the street in advance and not come across. For this, many kids called babies imaginary - they will come up with such a word! - and many babies called the kids bullies and other offensive nicknames.

Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such babies in life. But no one says that they exist in real life. In real life it's one thing, but in a fairy-tale city it's quite another. Everything happens in a fairytale city.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka. He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. And he knew a lot because he read different books. These books lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. There was no place in his room where there were no books. From reading books, Znayka became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and began to read some book, he completely looked like a professor.

In the same house lived the famous doctor Pilyulkin, who treated shorties for all diseases. He always walked in a white coat, and on his head he wore a white cap with a tassel. The famous mechanic Vintik also lived here with his assistant Shpuntik; lived Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, who became famous for the fact that he was very fond of sparkling water with syrup. He was very polite. He liked it when he was called by his first and patronymic, and did not like it when someone called him simply Syrupchik. The hunter Pulka also lived in this house. He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that fired corks. There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Raseryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno. They called him Dunno because he didn't know anything.

This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally loved bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, Dunno wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. Therefore, the little ones, seeing his orange shirt from afar, immediately turned in the opposite direction and hid at home. Dunno had a friend named Gunka, who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with Gunka for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made up twenty times a day.

In particular Dunno became famous after one story.

One day he was walking around the city and wandered into a field. There was not a soul around. At this time, the cockchafer was flying. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle immediately flew away and disappeared into the distance. Dunno jumped up, began to look around and see who hit him. But there was no one around.

“Who hit me? Dunno thought. “Maybe something fell from above?”

He lifted his head and looked up, but there was nothing above either. Only the sun shone brightly over Dunno's head.

“It means that something fell on me from the sun,” Dunno decided. “Probably a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.”

He went home and met a friend, whose name was Steklyashkin.

This Steklyashkin was a famous astronomer. He knew how to make magnifying glasses out of fragments of broken bottles. When he looked through magnifying glasses at various objects, the objects seemed larger. From several such magnifying glasses, Steklyashkin made a large telescope through which one could look at the moon and the stars. Thus he became an astronomer.

“Listen, Steklyashkin,” Dunno told him. - You understand what a story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.

- What you. Dunno! Steklyashkin laughed. “If a piece were torn from the sun, it would crush you into a cake.” The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

“It can’t be,” Dunno answered. - In my opinion, the sun is no bigger than a plate.

“It only seems that way to us, because the sun is so far away from us. The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this in my pipe. If even a small piece of the sun came off, it would destroy our entire city.

- Look you! Dunno answered. “I didn’t know the sun was that big.” I'll go and tell our people - maybe they haven't heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it is actually chipped!

Dunno went home and told everyone who met along the way:

- Brothers, do you know what kind of sun? It is larger than our entire Earth. Here it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. Horror what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone laughed, because they knew that Dunno was a talker. And Dunno ran at full speed home and let's shout:

Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!

- What piece? they ask him.

- Piece, brothers! A piece broke off from the sun. Soon it will slap - and everyone will be covered. Do you know what the sun is? It is larger than our entire Earth!

- What are you thinking!

- I'm not imagining anything. This is what Steklyashkin said. He saw through his pipe.

Everyone ran out into the courtyard and began to look at the sun. They watched and watched until tears began to flow from their eyes. Blindly, it began to seem to everyone that the sun was actually chipped. And the Dunno shouted:

- Save who can! Trouble!

(ratings: 6 , average: 2,33 out of 5)

Title: The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends

About the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" Nikolai Nosov

Probably, there is not a single person in the post-Soviet space who is not familiar with this short man - a freckled boy in a wide-brimmed hat and yellow flared trousers - Dunno.

“The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” is not just a classic, it is one of those works that has become so firmly established in our lives that often we can’t even remember who wrote it. And it was written in 1954 by the wonderful Soviet writer Nikolai Nosov. Although, by and large, Nikolai Nosov is not Dunno's "father". This character, as well as Murzilka, by the way, was invented in the middle of the 19th century by the Canadian artist Palmer Cox. And Russian children were introduced to him by the writer Anna Khvolson in the book "The Kingdom of the Babies" back in 1889. But Nikolai Nosov, of course, breathed life into him.

Where Dunno comes from in the Flower City, we do not know. However, he immediately brings chaos into the measured life of its inhabitants. For example, he scares everyone with stories about a piece that broke away from the sun and falls to Earth. Dunno is a liar and a braggart, he knows nothing and does not want to learn anything. But he is so kind, charming, open that it is simply impossible to perceive him as a negative character. Nikolai Nosov himself wrote that Dunno is the most ordinary child, restless, a little lazy, cunning, but with excellent inclinations that he has to develop in himself. But the rest of the characters in the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" are simply amazing. Screw and Shpuntik, Gulka, poet Tsvetik, doctor Pilyulkin, babies Sineglazka and Snezhinka - they are all very alive, with their own characteristics and characters.

It is very interesting to read about the relationship between toddlers and toddlers. A mixture of watchful interest, mutual contempt and tender friendship - as in any children's team! But the separate existence of babies and babies and the subsequent convergence of their "worlds" also reflected the realities of the time. During the war, separate education for boys and girls was introduced in Moscow, Leningrad, and major regional centers. Later, the reform was recognized as not very successful, and it was in 1954 that separate education was abolished - men's and women's schools were merged.

The idea of ​​the fairy tale "Traveling Dunno and his friends" was born in 1952. On the train on the way to Minsk, on the anniversary of Yakub Kolas, Nosov told the Ukrainian children's writer, editor of the Barvinok magazine, Bogdan Chaly, about the short men. Then these were only outlines, but Chaly liked it, and he immediately suggested that the writer publish the story in Periwinkle. In 1953-54, The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends were published in Periwinkle as individual chapters were written. And only then they came out with a whole book.

After the success of the first book, Nikolai Nosov wrote sequels: Dunno on the Moon and Dunno in the Sunny City. The summary of the book says that it is intended for junior schoolchildren 6-10 years old. But, in fact, even kids can read Dunno.

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Shorties lived in a fairy-tale water city. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.
Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.

If Dunno took up some business, then he did it the wrong way, and everything turned out to be topsy-turvy. He learned to read only by writing, and he could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because how could he then think? Of course, he did not think well, but he put on his shoes on his feet, and not on his head - after all, this also needs consideration.
Dunno was not so bad. He is very
wanted to learn something, but did not like to work. He wanted to learn right away, without any difficulty, and, of course, nothing could come of this even for the smartest little man.

Chapter first. Shorties from Flower City
Chapter two. How Dunno was a musician
Chapter three. How Dunno was an artist
Chapter Four. How Dunno wrote poetry
Chapter five. How Dunno rode a carbonated car
Chapter six. How did Znaika come up with balloon
Chapter seven. Travel preparation
Chapter eight. Let's hit the road
Chapter nine. Above the clouds
Chapter ten. Accident
Chapter Eleven. In a new place
Chapter twelve. New acquaintances
Chapter thirteen. Table conversation
Chapter fourteen. Travel around the city
Chapter fifteen. In the hospital
Chapter sixteen. Concert
Chapter seventeen. Campaign of Vintik and Shpuntik to the city of Zmeevka
Chapter eighteen. In Zmeevka
Chapter nineteen. Visiting Smekayla
Chapter Twenty. tube works
Chapter twenty one. Return of Vintik and Shpuntik
Chapter twenty two. The wonders of mechanization
Chapter twenty three. The escape
Chapter twenty-four. Tube Rationalization
Chapter twenty five. Pulka treatment
Chapter twenty-six. Return of Carnation
Chapter twenty seven. Unexpected meeting
Chapter twenty eight. Reconciliation
Chapter twenty nine. At the ball
Chapter Thirty. Return

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Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

Adventures of Dunno



Shorties from Flower City

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.

Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.

The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies. The little ones always went either in long slacks, or in short pants with a shoulder strap, and the little ones liked to wear dresses made of colorful, bright matter. The little ones did not like to mess with their hairstyles, and therefore their hair was short, and the little ones had long hair, almost to the waist. The little ones were very fond of doing various beautiful hairstyles, they braided their hair into long braids and braided ribbons into the braids, and wore bows on their heads. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with babies at all. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones. If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to the other side of the street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were often those who could not calmly pass by the baby, but they would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her or, even worse, pull her braid. Of course, not all the kids were like that, but they didn’t have it written on their foreheads, so the little ones thought it was better to cross to the other side of the street in advance and not come across. For this, many kids called babies imaginary - they will come up with such a word! - and many babies called the kids bullies and other offensive nicknames.

Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such babies in life. But no one says that they exist in real life. In life - this is one thing, but in a fabulous city - quite another. Everything happens in a fairytale city.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka. He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. And he knew a lot because he read different books. These books lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. There was no place in his room where there were no books. From reading books, Znayka became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and began to read some book, he completely looked like a professor.

In the same house lived the famous doctor Pilyulkin, who treated shorties for all diseases. He always walked in a white coat, and on his head he wore a white cap with a tassel. The famous mechanic Vintik also lived here with his assistant Shpuntik; lived Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, who became famous for the fact that he was very fond of sparkling water with syrup. He was very polite. He liked it when he was called by his first and patronymic, and did not like it when someone called him simply Syrupchik. The hunter Pulka also lived in this house. He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that fired corks. There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Rasteryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno. They called him Dunno because he didn't know anything.

This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, Dunno wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. Therefore, the little ones, seeing his orange shirt from afar, immediately turned in the opposite direction and hid at home. Dunno had a friend named Gunka, who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with Gunka for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made up twenty times a day.

In particular Dunno became famous after one story.

One day he was walking around the city and wandered into a field. There was not a soul around. At this time, the cockchafer was flying. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle immediately flew away and disappeared into the distance. Dunno jumped up, began to look around and see who hit him. But there was no one around.

“Who hit me? thought Dunno. “Maybe something fell from above?”

He lifted his head and looked up, but there was nothing above either. Only the sun shone brightly over Dunno's head.

“It means that something fell on me from the sun,” Dunno decided. “Probably a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.”

He went home and met a friend, whose name was Steklyashkin.

This Steklyashkin was a famous astronomer. He knew how to make magnifying glasses out of fragments of broken bottles. When he looked through magnifying glasses at various objects, the objects seemed larger. From several such magnifying glasses, Steklyashkin made a large telescope through which one could look at the moon and the stars. Thus he became an astronomer.

Listen, Steklyashkin, Dunno told him. - You understand what kind of story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.

What you. Dunno! Steklyashkin laughed. - If a piece came off the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

It can't be, Dunno answered. - In my opinion, the sun is no more than a plate.

We only think so, because the sun is very far from us. The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this in my pipe. If even a small piece of the sun came off, it would destroy our entire city.

Look you! - answered Dunno. "I didn't know the sun was that big." I'll go and tell our people - maybe they haven't heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it is actually chipped!

Dunno went home and told everyone who met along the way:

Brothers, do you know what kind of sun? It is larger than our entire Earth. Here it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. Horror what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone laughed, because they knew that Dunno was a talker. And Dunno ran at full speed home and let's shout:

Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!

What piece? they ask him.

Piece, brothers! A piece broke off from the sun. Soon it will slap - and everyone will be covered. Do you know what the sun is? It is larger than our entire Earth!

What are you thinking!

I don't invent anything. This is what Steklyashkin said. He saw through his pipe.

Everyone ran out into the courtyard and began to look at the sun. They watched and watched until tears began to flow from their eyes. Blindly, it began to seem to everyone that the sun was actually chipped. And the Dunno shouted:

Save who can! Trouble!

Everyone began to grab their things. The tube grabbed his paints and brush, Guslya - his musical instruments. Dr. Pilyulkin rushed around the house and looked for a first-aid kit, which had been lost somewhere. Donut grabbed galoshes and an umbrella and already ran out of the gate, but then Znayka's voice was heard:

Calm down brothers! There is nothing terrible. Don't you know that Dunno is a talker? He invented all this.

Invented? - Dunno shouted. - Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone ran to Steklyashkin, and then it turned out that Dunno actually composed everything. Well, there was laughter! Everyone laughed at Dunno and said:

We wonder how we believed you!

And I'm not surprised! - answered Dunno. - I actually believed it myself.

That's how wonderful this Dunno was.


How Dunno was a musician

If Dunno took up some business, then he did it the wrong way, and everything turned out to be topsy-turvy. He learned to read only by writing, and he could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because ...

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In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.
Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.
The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies. The little ones always went about either in long slacks or in short pants with a shoulder strap, and the little ones liked to wear dresses made of colorful, bright fabric. The little ones did not like to mess with their hairstyles, and therefore their hair was short, and the little ones had long hair, almost to the waist. The little ones were very fond of making different beautiful hairstyles, they braided their hair into long braids and braided ribbons into braids, and wore bows on their heads. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with babies at all. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones. If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to the other side of the street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were often those who could not calmly pass by the baby, but they would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her or, even worse, pull her braid. Of course, not all the kids were like that, but they didn’t have it written on their foreheads, so the little ones thought it was better to cross to the other side of the street in advance and not come across. For this, many kids called babies imaginary - they will come up with such a word! - and many babies called the kids bullies and other offensive nicknames.

Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such babies in life. But no one says that they exist in real life. In real life it's one thing, but in a fairy-tale city it's quite another. Everything happens in a fairytale city.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka. He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. And he knew a lot because he read different books. These books lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. There was no place in his room where there were no books. From reading books, Znayka became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and began to read some book, he completely looked like a professor.

In the same house lived the famous doctor Pilyulkin, who treated shorties for all diseases. He always walked in a white coat, and on his head he wore a white cap with a tassel. The famous mechanic Vintik also lived here with his assistant Shpuntik; lived Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, who became famous for the fact that he was very fond of sparkling water with syrup. He was very polite. He liked it when he was called by his first and patronymic, and did not like it when someone called him simply Syrupchik. The hunter Pulka also lived in this house.

He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that fired corks. There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Raseryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno. They called him Dunno because he didn't know anything.

This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, Dunno wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. Therefore, the little ones, seeing his orange shirt from afar, immediately turned in the opposite direction and hid at home. Dunno had a friend named Gunka, who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with Gunka for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made up twenty times a day.
In particular Dunno became famous after one story.
One day he was walking around the city and wandered into a field. There was not a soul around. At this time, the cockchafer was flying. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle immediately flew away and disappeared into the distance. Dunno jumped up, began to look around and see who hit him. But there was no one around.
“Who hit me? Dunno thought. “Maybe something fell from above?”
He lifted his head and looked up, but there was nothing above either. Only the sun shone brightly over Dunno's head.
“It means that something fell on me from the sun,” Dunno decided. “Probably a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.”
He went home and met an acquaintance whose name was Steklyashkin.
This Steklyashkin was a famous astronomer. He knew how to make magnifying glasses out of fragments of broken bottles. When he looked through magnifying glasses at various objects, the objects seemed larger. From several such magnifying glasses, Steklyashkin made a large spyglass through which one could look at the moon and the stars. Thus he became an astronomer.
“Listen, Steklyashkin,” Dunno told him. - You understand what a story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.
- What you. Dunno! Steklyashkin laughed. “If a piece were torn off from the sun, it would crush you into a cake.” The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.
“It can’t be,” Dunno answered. - In my opinion, the sun is no bigger than a plate.
“It only seems that way to us, because the sun is so far away from us. The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this in my pipe. If even a small piece of the sun came off, it would destroy our entire city.
- Look you! Dunno answered. “I didn’t know the sun was that big.” I'll go and tell our people - maybe they haven't heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it is actually chipped!
Dunno went home and told everyone who met along the way:
- Brothers, do you know what kind of sun? It is larger than our entire Earth. Here it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. Horror what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin.
Everyone laughed, because they knew that Dunno was a talker. And Dunno ran at full speed home and let's shout:
Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!
- What piece? they ask him.
- Piece, brothers! A piece broke off from the sun. Soon it will slap - and everyone will be covered. Do you know what the sun is? It is larger than our entire Earth!
- What are you thinking!
- I'm not imagining anything. This is what Steklyashkin said. He saw through his pipe.
Everyone ran out into the courtyard and began to look at the sun. They watched and watched until tears came out of their eyes. Blindly, it began to seem to everyone that the sun was actually chipped. And the Dunno shouted:
- Save who can! Trouble!

Everyone began to grab their things. The tube grabbed his paints and brush, Guslya grabbed his musical instruments. Dr. Pilyulkin rushed around the house and looked for a first-aid kit, which had been lost somewhere. Donut grabbed galoshes and an umbrella and already ran out of the gate, but then Znayka's voice was heard:
- Calm down, brothers! There is nothing terrible. Don't you know that Dunno is a talker? He invented all this.
- Invented? shouted the Dunno. - Go ask Steklyashkin.
Everyone ran to Steklyashkin, and then it turned out that Dunno actually composed everything. Well, there was laughter! Everyone laughed at Dunno and said:
We wonder how we believed you! - And I'm not surprised! Dunno answered. “I believed it myself.
That's how wonderful this Dunno was.
