Congratulations on the anniversary of the kindergarten and the team. Anniversary script in kindergarten

» Congratulations kindergarten

Poems Happy Birthday Kindergarten

We wish our kindergarten
To remain as good
And today congratulating you on the holiday,
We just want you to smile
Let everything be enough for you
The kids will walk briskly
We love your garden
We wish you to become famous in many ways,
so that your graduates
Don't forget a warm hand! Today is the anniversary of the kindergarten,
We are ready and happy to congratulate him,
We wish that everything developed,
And the mood always remained
Smiling like the sun
What is beating at our window!
Let the children be obedient
Parents are indifferent
May the sea be good
And many happy destinies to you! birthday kindergarten
Celebrating and everyone is happy
Happy birthday to congratulate
Our favorite kindergarten!
And, like a fairy ball,
Congratulations rolled in!
Congratulations, congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish
All health and good luck,
Happiness, joy, love,
So that everyone was in kindergarten
Like relatives, all - their own! Happy birthday kindergarten
You guys are very happy
Here we live all day
Here we play and sing.
In kindergarten we have toys,
Dolls, balls, animals,
There is a sandbox, a swing
And colored carousels.
We eat soup for lunch
And then we sleep a little.
This little verse
For kindergarten - congratulations! Educators, director,
Cook, janitor and electrician,
Nanny, caretaker, nurse
And a crowd of parents
We wish you health
And we read poems for you,
happy birthday kindergarten
We are very glad to congratulate you.
We will go to the kindergarten
We will love him.
On this festive day
To everyone who hears - congratulations! Happy birthday, kindergarten,
You are very happy with the kids!
And today, on my birthday
We send you congratulations!
Be cheerful always
Though more years pass
We'll grow up very soon
Let's go to school together!
Other children will come to the garden
Everything will pass in this world,
But love and kindness
Will be forever, forever! Our dear kindergarten,
Congratulations with all my heart,
'Cause today is my birthday
We are all with you today.
We'll write a couple of lines
And give congratulations
To have a lot of happiness
On this pretty little day.
And we wish for light
Lots of joy and warmth
To have a lot of laughter
On this birthday. I am writing, another leaf is smoldering,
Leafing through time, I turn back,
Today I wish you a Happy Anniversary
I hasten to my beloved Kindergarten.
Here are your first steps towards the sciences,
Invaluable experience of mischievous ideas,
We here knew how to escape from boredom
And learned to choose friends.
Today we go our own way
But in the heart everyone will be glad to remember
Cheerful, and sometimes even strict,
Cozy, our favorite Kindergarten. Kindergarten is celebrating its Anniversary!
Invites you to plunge into childhood.
From the memories of all warm,
We can't help but smile at them.
First toy and potty
The first kiss from Dima on the cheek,
The very first verse learned,
And over the semolina tears alone ...
This is childhood! How to forget him?
Kindergarten how to forget? Bunny, Snowflake ...
Let's keep the photos
Not hiding sincere chuckles! In the realm of childhood, an eternal holiday,
We feel comfortable and wonderful!
Our favorite kindergarten
Here we are very interested!
From garlands of balloons,
This day is merry,
Children's laughter is heard everywhere
Celebrate - ready all day!
We are happy with our lives
Kindergarten, we love it!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
We won't forget you! I cut out the square
It will be kindergarten.
Roof, sun, sky, children
We are the happiest in the world!
I will write "Jubilee"
I'll call my friends:
Masha, Vitya, Petya, Vova -
Application is ready! Kindergarten's birthday
I'm happy to wish you endlessly
To our dear kindergarten
Received ninety awards.
Our children have fun today
It's their birthday here.
Everyone's holiday today
May the kindergarten be successful. Happy birthday, kindergarten,
You are very happy with the kids!
And today, on my birthday
We send you congratulations!
Be cheerful always
Though more years pass
We'll grow up very soon
Let's go to school together!
Other children will come to the garden
Everything will pass in this world,
But love and kindness
Will be forever, forever!

Congratulations to the kindergarten on the anniversary in prose

Today is a wonderful holiday - the anniversary of our Kindergarten. Congratulations to milestone children, parents, educators and preschool workers. May our garden always be filled with happy sonorous children's laughter, sincere smiles, joy and love. May all the children be healthy, may we always have understanding, trust and good luck. I wish you all well-being and success.

Your kindergarten is celebrating its anniversary today. I would like to congratulate the entire team, headed by the manager, and thank you for the warm atmosphere you create. Thanks to her, the kindergarten for kids has become a second home. Your professionalism provides parents peace of mind for their children. Within the walls of your institution you can always hear joyful children's laughter, and this is wonderful. Happy anniversary!

Kindergarten is where our life begins. Therefore, from the bottom of our hearts we wish you prosperity, Great love and a lot of good! May joyful children's voices and laughter always come from the walls of your garden, and may the happiness that you give to our children be preserved in your homes too! Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations to all today on the anniversary of our wonderful kindergarten. I want to wish many years of work and successful activities to our institution, great strength and interesting ideas to our wonderful educators and other employees, patience and great love for their children, magnificent parents, and most importantly - a happy childhood and radiant smiles to our beloved pupils.

Dear teachers and employees of our kindergarten, dear parents, grandparents and guests, our beloved children, I congratulate everyone today on the anniversary of our kindergarten. I wish that within the walls of this institution, children always smile, actively develop and learn something new. Peace, kindness, mutual understanding, good health, success in work and creative inspiration to all, and our wonderful children - health and happiness!

Congratulations, dear friends and comrades, on the anniversary of our kindergarten. I want to wish our children to be always happy, healthy, cheerful and cheerful, and we adults always help them in this. I wish the prosperity of our garden, great success and creative inspiration to each of you.

Dear and respected friends, I congratulate you all on our wonderful holiday - on the anniversary of our kindergarten. I wish you all children's spontaneity and sincerity of the soul, excellent health and well-being, good happiness and wonderful children's smiles. May our children be cheerful and cheerful.

Dear friends, on this day I heartily congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our kindergarten and wish our children to be the happiest and kindest, so that each of them feels our love and support. I wish you all peace and happiness, prosperity and good luck.

Dear friends, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our kindergarten. May all children be happy and cheerful within our walls. I wish everyone Have a good mood, good health, prosperity and great luck. Let children's smiles and hugs warm the hearts and souls of adults.

Today we have a big holiday and from the bottom of my heart I congratulate everyone on the anniversary of our kindergarten. I wish our children a peaceful sky and bright happiness on the way, I wish their parents prosperity in life and brave strength, I wish all educators and nannies a good heart and good health. Let our garden every day open the gates to a wonderful land of adventure and good fun for every child.

Graduation in kindergarten - congratulations

That's it, kindergarten is over.
Everyone is sad, and proud, and glad.
And it is clear that the day is not easy,
Your graduation day today.
You will no longer be a preschooler,
Schoolchildren are serious guys!
We want you, dear kids,
Congratulations on graduation from the bottom of my heart!

Goodbye kindergarten.
It will be sad without you.
We grew up together with you -
We have grown to the "Primer".
Books and notebooks are waiting for us.
You, kindergarten, do not be bored.
To become excellent
Good luck to us!

Dear children, today is the first time in your life prom! We heartily congratulate you. You have become adults, you are leaving your favorite kindergarten, but you will love school no less. School everyday life, new friends, discoveries, knowledge await. Try, learn. Only then everything in your life will work out!

You are a holiday hero today
Your eyes shine with joy
The first graduation in your life,
Leaving Kindergarten!
You are a first grader now
Follow your dream quickly,
The school door has already opened,
Good luck awaits you ahead!

We are very happy for you
And we have a reason -
You graduated from kindergarten!
Congratulations young lady!
You grow up before my eyes
You'll be going to first grade soon.
Know the world around you
And you will find more friends.

You are already very big.
Kindergarten is over!
All the best to you, dear ones,
And good luck ahead!
Your path has just begun
Let them always wait on it
You peace, joy, and good luck,
And a lucky star!

Today is your holiday
Your first graduation!
We want to congratulate you
You have become big.
You finished kindergarten with us,
Another stage has come.
The school is ahead of you -
Another completely different scale!
Science will comprehend
"Five" only to receive.

Your long-awaited holiday has come -
Your very first graduation.
Our girls, little boys,
Good luck in summer and winter.
Let the school meet good-naturedly
Will show knowledge of new light.
Good friends, girlfriends,
Big and joyful victories.
Open to you smiles, laughter.
May a bright starfall await you.
You are our pride and joy!
Don't forget kindergarten!

Let the eyes sparkle around
Joyfully sounds let laughter -
These kids are having fun
They all have graduation.
First ever graduation
Let it remain in the hearts
Behind the kindergarten wall
It's time to go to school!

Balloons of multi-colored parade,
And mischievous laughter is heard,
Toys are forgotten -
Kindergarten graduation!
Now the time has come
Learn to go to school.
Walk boldly, kids
Through the labyrinth of the path.
The school will open the door for you
Will welcome you,
And the teacher will
In your first elementary class!

Balls are full of colors and songs are pouring,
Fun stormy fuse
And everyone is dancing, everyone is laughing -
Not graduation, but a magnificent ball!
The young ladies are dressed with taste,
And the gentlemen match them ...
When did you have time, peanuts,
Are you the kind of adult you want to be?
Really grow like that from cola,
Get mad terribly from sweets? !
Goodbye Kindergarten! You already have school
Shouts loudly "hello!"
Let the marks jump
Always excellent in the diary,
Big victories to all of you, kids,
Miracles magical every moment!

Congratulations to parents on graduation in kindergarten

I am the first graduation
I want to congratulate you
It's time, parents
You are back in first grade.
Kindergarten is over
bright days,
And soon they will call you
School calls.
We wish you parents
We have patience
Girls and boy
Help with learning.
Let success smile at you
Children will be healthy
To be the happiest
You were in the light.

That's how the kids grew up
First graduation in my life.
Group, baby cots -
Kindergarten is our dear!
And the eyes of mom and dad
Already teardrops shine.
It's very sad to say goodbye
But we are happy for the guys.
You, parents - patience,
And the kids - only praise.
To have your child at school
I only got fives.

Dear parents, today wonderful holiday Graduation in Kindergarten! Congratulations on completing one of the most important milestones in your children's lives. We wish you success, health, happiness and much good. May all your goals come true, children delight and delight. May everything work out for you. Great victories and achievements to you!

Parents, today is an important day for you,
After all, your children have become a little older.
First class coming soon
Please accept our wishes.
May children bring joy every day
May spring always bloom in your soul,
Let you not have life, but sweetness,
Luck may always be true.

Graduation ball today
And ..: "Farewell, sadochek" -
Holiday for parents
For sons and daughters.
I want to congratulate everyone
Happy this day,
Wish parents
Strength for the new school.
Let your memory keep
Joy of the moment
Well, in the future I wish
Strength and patience to you.

Your kids are already very big,
Kindergarten left behind
Goodbye dolls, hello marks!
We will give you goodbye advice:
Lead your children by the hand,
Help them take a step into the adult world.
You may be sad, but look more cheerful
We wish you happiness, kindness, warmth, all the best!

Has your child finished kindergarten?
And he will be happy to study at school.
After all, in life you need to know everything,
He will solve complex problems in an instant.
Let your baby know everything for five,
And we will all help him:
Count, write, teach, incline,
And discover new items.

Your children are getting older.
Now they have to go to school.
To make the school way easier
The garden helped them grow.
May luck be with you
And good luck with the kids.
To overcome everything.
We wish you bright days!

Oh, parents, don't be sad!
And accept from us you bow
For such wonderful children,
The sun's rays are a million.
Our flowers have grown with you,
And now it's time for them to go.
Our lovely daughters, sons
They leave us forever.
For all these little crumbs
We will miss you very much
Sometimes sad inadvertently,
And remember them with a smile!

All parents are excited
The kids are graduating.
Babies are a little tight
And they stand in a funny crowd.
You, parents, luck,
So that the kids can continue
Be in a great mood
And decorate the days with happiness
So that at school everything is only joyful
They would have made it.
And fate gave sweets
For blood relatives!

You brought the children here
With hope and fear.
We are happy to tell you now
What is not in vain!
With your help we were able
Teach them to be diligent.
What is bad and what is good
Mutual understanding.
Let your little mice
Grow up and be happy
Let them bypass
All storms and bad weather.

Beautiful congratulations to kindergarten graduates

Today we turn the page of childhood
It's time to ask for kindergarten!
Goodbye toys, goodbye swings,
How quickly the days in the garden flew by!
We wish you success in school,
So that we can always be proud of you,
Happy graduation, congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Our dear kids!

The kids grew up fast
Nice girls and boys
Kindergarten is leaving today
Their school, desks, books are already waiting,
New roads, impressions
And of course new friends
Kindergarten only, no doubt
Like childhood, you can not forget.
Remember your educators,
Babysitters, and visit them.
Be careful and attentive
Listen to your parents.
Joyful events and discoveries,
Major achievements and awards.
All good, all live happily!
Goodbye, dear kindergartener.

Time is running very fast
It's time to say goodbye to the garden.
He became like a home to us.
It's sad to part with him.
It's so fun here, not boring:
Singing songs out loud
Learn, play, dance
And we all eat porridge together.
But the school is already waiting for us
And a long school year.
Say thanks to the gardener
And let's wave to him.

Today toys are a little sadder
And a locker with strawberries, and a bed in the bedroom.
You will grow up, go to school,
And the garden behind you will be very missed.
Here the sun warms a little warmer,
Here, a piece of childhood will remain yours.
Let the waltz sound and start soon
Your first magical graduation ball!

Kindergarten is full of laughter, emotions
He became the children just like a native,
Let the light shine on their lives
Congratulations, it's graduation!
To grow big, develop,
To strive to play with friends,
They obeyed their mother, they tried at school -
So we want to wish on this day
Let our children get stronger soon
And take care of your health
May happiness on this planet
Will definitely find it soon!

Today in our group there is no time for sleep -
The guys are worried, they are talking,
Noisy foliage outside the window spring,
And sees off the release of the kindergarten.
You came to us as babies,
And crying, huddled at mother's feet,
But how did the kids grow up -
Confidently read in syllables!
Remained in the manger tears and a pot,
No more locker and bed needed.
Wish you study well
And don't forget your teachers!

Happy graduation guys
Boys, girls,
First class soon!
You have become adults.
School days
And they have arrived for you.
They are joyful!
Good luck,
In academic success.
Any tasks
Decide with laughter!

The kids skip ahead and run
And the mothers barely keep up.
Our children are growing up, years don't count,
With a minute any grow up.
Today is your first, big graduation,
May you little guys
But a step has already been taken a step forward,
But mothers don't cry yet.
Until you notice how everyone grows,
As long as they are busy
What they run, think, sew bows,
Yes, they clean mini-shoes.
Today is a big day - your graduation,
Today you have grown up.
That's how you always strive forward,
And mothers will follow you.

So the little ones grew up - mischievous buttons,
Lush dresses and bows, cheerful notes.
A small piece came to the end of their childhood,
A serious look, lips - a bow, a festive lump.
Let the school meet you with rainbow colors,
After all, now you are called only first-graders.
Make your parents happy with good grades
And share candies with your friends on holidays!

It's your graduation, kids!
You have become quite an adult,
And they were in such a hurry to go to school.
And soon that day will come.
We wish you success in your studies,
Awards and good grades,
Let someone grow up a scientist
And someone is a doctor and an athlete.

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The anniversary of a kindergarten is a serious and significant event not only for those who worked or are working in it, who give their love to children, but sometimes for the whole city. Each children's institution, of course, has its own destiny and history, and a wonderful occasion to remember this, and most importantly, to remember its employees. Moreover, graduates, having left the once native walls, forget to visit their educators, school teachers remember somehow more. That's why best idea for the anniversary celebration there will be some kind of retrospective, which will allow remembering the people involved in this event and linking the history of the institution with the history of the country.

We hope that the version of the scenario we propose will help organize a sincere and bright holiday. Moreover, based on scenario of the 50th anniversary of the Kindergarten "Big Journey into the Past", organizers can easily make their own changes: replace concert numbers or add honoring of employees different years, because each block of the program represents one of the decades of our history.

You can spend such a holiday in different ways, over: chamber - only for your own; cell - only for adults. And you can arrange a big holiday for the entire region, because 50 years is more than a serious date. The proposed Big Scenario will require a lot of preparation, but the game is worth the candle, believe me.


Organizing a holiday according to this scenario will take time, so it would be good to distribute preparation tasks not only among educators, but also to attract an initiative group of parents and employees of different years.

What needs to be done in advance:

1. Pick up and scan old and new photos for a slide show

2. Find and prepare "Guests of Honor", among which are the first pupils (Graduates) kindergarten, the first employees of your preschool institution, representatives of the administration. Texts (like the names) for "Guests of Honor" in the script are conditional. The guest can also say his own text, but it is advisable to adhere to the ideas given in the "speeches" script, because for the most part they are "leaders" to the number following the guest's speech.

Important: in a big city it will be very difficult to find traces of the first pupils ( and maybe employees), even with such an assistant as the Internet. In this case, you can be a little cunning by inviting "wedding generals" - people from the outside, of the appropriate age - to the roles of honored guests. Or read a "letter" from the past.

3. If you have time (want) arrange a "Toy Museum", arrange a showcase with the first exhibits, or prepare pictures.

3. If you decide on a "Fashion Show" ask your parents to do needlework and sew (or maybe found in the "grandmother's chest") clothes of the right period of time. You can also make a slide show.

4. Musical director can replace the proposed musical numbers. The main thing is that the new ones correspond to the time.

5. Some blocks can be replaced. Substitution options are given as ideas, but not fully spelled out.


1st Lead

2nd Lead

Kindergarten workers

honored guests

Children - singers, dancers, reciters

Introduction to the scenario of the 50th anniversary of the Kindergarten

1st Leader: Here is the house that RONO once built,

And we've been here for a very long time.

2nd Leader: And let's be honest, without embellishment,

He has become dear and beloved to all of us.

1st Leader: Here every morning we meet guests,

2nd Leader: And the day is not complete without news.

Middle class teacher: Seryozhka Petrov mastered the letter "P"!

teacher preparatory group: Alina solved her first example!

teacher senior group: Shoelaces, finally, Cyril tied!

Junior group teacher: And Simka said our first word!

Presenter: And so every day in the news, year after year.

And this is our life

Chorus: not just a job!

Teacher song

To the motive of the song "Alyoshkina Love" by VIA "Merry Fellows" ..

Performed by educators (you can solo, you can do one verse at a time, you can do it in chorus) See the text of the alteration

Sounds 1. Funny guys. Alyoshka's love (minus)

(Hint for organizers: there is no chorus in this song, so you should think about how to change the musical accompaniment).

1st Leader: Today our beloved kindergarten is celebrating its anniversary. 50 years is no joke! 50 years in a human life is a whole era. The life that was then (just imagine, half a century ago!) is completely different from the modern one. It is no exaggeration to say that the past years have already become history. And, in relation to our Kindergarten, what a glorious story! Suffice it to say that over the past years we have released more than one and a half thousand children into the big (school) life, who, during their stay in our walls, have turned from incompetent fools into respectable preschool children!

Concert number "Quadrille"

Children of the preparatory group (perhaps together with the teacher) perform a dance.

Sounds 2. Quadrille "Song about kindergarten."

1st Leader: Today is a big holiday. Look how many guests! And, of course, today there will be a lot of music, a lot of surprises, a lot of congratulations. And the representatives of the district administration were the first to ask for the floor. (maybe RONO).

Official guest(sample text): The status of an official guest of a higher organization obliges me to build my speech in a purely serious way, but looking at your cheerful, dear faces, I can not help but smile. But the speech is thought out, prepared and justified. Kindergarten No. NN was opened in 1919. In the first year of your existence preschool took mmm kids. That year it was real holiday for residents of the neighborhood. The first edition took place the following year. At 19 .. the kindergarten changed its serial number to the affectionate name "NNN". I will not bore you with the whole fifty-year history, I will only say that for half a century of history, Kindergarten No. NN or "NNN", which is more accurate and correct, has released ten generations of preschool children. But, if the "turnover" among the pupils was natural and constant, among the workers it was always kept at the lowest level. They left your Kindergarten only as a last resort. No wonder your team has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas and (listing awards to the team), and two of your employees N and M were awarded the title (or awarded...). And, of course, today's event could not be ignored by our administration. Let me read a congratulatory address from the District Department of Public Education (order, order, decision).

The document is being read.

Applause, congratulations, gifts

2nd Leader: In our hall today there are people of different generations, among them there are very young people who, perhaps, cannot even imagine that distant time when our Kindergarten hospitably opened its doors to the very first pupils. And it seems to me that the excursion into history that we want to bring to your attention will be of interest both to those who have something to remember, and to those who can learn something new from the past for themselves.

1st Leader: Let's take a big trip into the past. We have something to remember. Do not you mind?

2nd Leader: Why not? I'm in favor, but how are our guests? Ready for the big trip?

(guests answer)

Chorus: Then let's go!

"Great Journey into the Past"

Sounds 3. Locomotive whistle

The hosts form a "train", they are joined by other participants in the performance: employees of the Kindergarten, several children and parents.

Song-alteration for the anniversary of the d / s

To the motive "We go, we go, we eat .."

Sounds 4. Song of friends (minus)


We're going, we're going, we're going to distant lands,

Parents and children, and our all friends.

We went on a hike in distant years,

There are a lot of surprises along the merry way.

Tra-ra-ra, tra-ra-ra!

The chefs are with us.

Nurses and nannies

Everyone will come with us.

The whole big and friendly staff,

The whole fun kindergarten!

Flicker years-versts: half a century - a long way.

Well, how interesting, suddenly to wave to the past.

And outside the window for a long time, a completely different landscape.

Waited: stop. And our beloved garden!

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

Ah, what a beauty!

familiar path,

Kindergarten, like a picture.

Doors wide open

He invites us all to visit.

Everyone is cordially invited.

1st Leader: The first stop is the station "Reference point". You say there are no such names? But let me remind you that our route is not measured in kilometers, but in years.

2nd Leader: And since our first stop falls on the 60s - 70s, this name is quite justified.

The first block is "Reference point". 60s - 70s.

Slide show "Our Kindergarten 50 years ago"

Building, playground, group, old toys, lunch, photos of the first pupils, etc., whatever you can find.

A slide show "Our Kindergarten 50 years ago" is shown from old photographs of the Kindergarten. Slides are accompanied by text. If there are not enough photos in the text, find the right one on the Internet. You can change the text: add or write your own.

Text to the video sequence "Our Kindergarten 50 years ago".

The text can be voiced "behind the scenes", but it is better if it is read Leading.

Just fifty years ago

This is how our Kindergarten was.

Playground: slide and swings,

Sandbox and carousels.

Everything is Spartan, ascetic,

But it is safe and practical.

It was a good upbringing

Healthy baby food.

There were enough toys and books for everyone.

However, there were no frills ...

The country then lived stably,

Although not at all abundant.

But all the boys and girls

As now they laughed loudly,

And just as curious

And everyone loved fairy tales.

And although they are not richly dressed,

Growing great guys!

1st Leader: Well, how, dear guests, remember?

2nd Leader: I don’t know about the guests, but I remembered my old toy monkey, with which, it seems, I never parted for a minute. She was shabby and faded, but still the most beloved!

1st Leader: And I remembered my very first dance that we danced in junior group. And I even remember the whole song: "The bear with the doll is briskly stomping .."

2nd Leader: Wow, we also sang and danced this song in the kindergarten! And I also remember...

1st Leader: It seems to me, colleague, that we got carried away. Our kids from the sixties have already stagnated behind the scenes.

Dance "Tumbler Dolls".

Girls in matryoshka costumes run out onto the stage and perform a dance.

Sounds 5. song "Roly-Dolls".

2nd Leader: Today is an unusual day. So we prepared, rehearsed, and everyone seems to know what else we will please the guests with, and memories of that distant time awakened amazing feelings. And only now I felt the significance of today's date and felt the amazing atmosphere of a long-forgotten childhood.

1st Leader: The atmosphere is wonderful, but we still have a lot of undertakings, surprises ahead of us

2nd Leader: and gifts!

1st Leader: Yes Yes. It is about the gift that I want to talk about. Preparing for this holiday, we suddenly discovered that for fifty years we have not only seen many children to the threshold of the school. We have lost a whole layer of history: half a century of toy history.

2nd Leader: This sad discovery prompted us to take decisive action. Several months of search work, to which the parents of our current pupils have also joined, have yielded their results, and today we are pleased to present to your attention the exhibits of our new museum "My Favorite Toy".

There is a demonstration of photos of favorite toys of graduates and kindergarten teachers

1st Leader: We still have few exhibits, but we hope that the museum exposition will be replenished. And in the centenary of our Kindergarten, we can be proud of our museum.

2nd Leader: Now we have the opportunity to travel a lot, but new places are not only sights and museums. New places are new acquaintances, people are very similar to us, but still a little different.

1st Leader: We promised many surprises and many guests today! Before introducing the first guest of honor (guest) I want to say a few words. Life is so arranged that people do not remember their first educators. More precisely, not so. I'm sure they remember, but they don't visit. After leaving the Kindergarten, children, as a rule, no longer come to visit us.

Honored Guest 1

2nd Leader: And it is extremely rare to follow their fate. But fortunately, the world has changed beyond recognition, and His Majesty the Internet helped us find one of our very first pupils, who came to our Kindergarten in the distant mmm year three year old girl. Meet Lenochka Petrova (conditional name)

1st Leader: Then. And now twice mother, three times grandmother - Elena Vladimirovna Pavlova. (name and number of descendants are conditional)

One of the Hosts is being interviewed by the first Guest of Honor. You can come up with questions yourself, or use our option..

Questions for an interview with the first guest of honor - a former pupil of the Kindergarten.

Please tell us how you remember our Kindergarten?

Which teacher do you remember?

Did you have a favorite kindergarten toy or book?

Maybe you remember some song or poem that you learned then?

How are today's children different from those with whom you were friends in those distant years?

Have you preserved in your character any quality that was brought up in children of the 60s and 70s?

Kindergarten has always not only brought up, but also instilled certain skills and abilities.

Can you remember something that kindergarten taught you.

And the last thing: We know that you raised two children, that now you have three grandchildren growing up. Please tell me they visited (visit) kindergarten?

After the interview, the Honored Guest congratulates the employees of the Kindergarten on their anniversary.

Honored Guest 1: Long ago, when the trees were even bigger, and the grass

She could cover us with her head, but they could hardly speak.

Then the Kindergarten came to the aid of working mothers.

He became family, he became loved. All of us will confirm this.

There they will not offend, they will not condemn, they will sip and understand there.

I so want to go back there! Well, at least for a few minutes...

1st Leader: How touching! Thank you very much!

2nd Leader: And please accept my thanks. And now it's time for us to move on.

Sounds 6. Horn and clatter of wheels

1st Leader: What a wonderful atmosphere we have today! Soulful, warm... It's true what they say that nostalgia warms...

2nd Leader: And yet something is missing. And the mood is festive, and the sound of wheels fascinates, lulls ...

1st Leader: No, no, not that! I know what's missing - a good song.

2nd Leader: Right, right! It’s now that everyone is fenced off from the world behind headphones, but before, no holiday could do without a drinking song, and songs sounded on the road.

1st Leader: But we have not yet reached the era of gadgets. Let's sing a good road song with the whole car.

On the screen 7. Karaoke: the song "Blue Wagon".

(everyone sings)

2nd Leader: Great! Look, we are already approaching the next station. How imperceptibly time flew by with the song.

(Leaders pretend to peer at the landscape outside the window)

1st Leader: Indeed, the first houses appeared already. We are approaching the city of Stability.

2nd Leader: I'll tell you a secret, the locals call their city Stagnation. I think it's quite a nice town.

1st Leader: It's not for us to judge. They say it's better where we're not. You better look, colleague, who meets us!

2nd Leader: I can't believe my eyes! This is Raisa Ivanovna!

The second block is "City Stability". 70s-80s

Raisa Ivanovna enters the stage.

1st Leader: Dear friends, let me introduce you to one more guest: Raisa Ivanovna - music teacher (tutor) from the first generation of employees of our Kindergarten. It was she, together with her colleagues, who laid the foundations of our team: friendship, mutual assistance, as well as dedication and a creative approach to business.

Honored Guest 2

2nd Leader: Raisa Ivanovna today is our (and you) Kindergarten is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Our holiday is not just an anniversary, it is an evening of memories. We will not torment you with questions, but maybe you will share your memories with us.

The guest of honor shares his memories, reflections.

Raisa Ivanovna: Hello, hello, hello! Thanks for the kind words addressed to me. I want to congratulate all those responsible for today's celebration, as well as children, parents, guests. With all my heart I wish prosperity and creative success to the whole team.

As for the memories ... There are many, but I will tell you ... about the difficulties. For us, educators and music teachers, kindergarten holidays were a real test. Not because we didn't like them. But mandatory for everyone public holidays Kindergarten is hard to imagine now. May 1, November 7 - the red days of the calendar, which were almost always repeated according to one scenario. Or constitution day in middle group, can you imagine? And it was. And also the lack of literature. So educators, musical workers, willy-nilly, all became screenwriters. And, nevertheless, even in such "gray holidays" there were pearls, especially if the educators were not afraid to take risks. We will show you one of these pearls of the old repertoire.

Sounds 8. The song "Grandma, teach me to dance the Charleston"

The children are dancing. Applause.

1st Leader: Thank you very much, Raisa Ivanovna, for your memories and such a wonderful surprise. Let me invite you on our fascinating journey through time.

1st Lead escorts the guest to the hall.

2nd Leader: And I also remembered the old cheerful song that we both sang and played. Alas, I didn't think of it before. The more interesting it will be to play it impromptu. Dear adult guests, are there any of you in whom a child still lives? Then I ask you to the stage.

There are five people on stage. 2nd Lead quietly "explains" to the participants what they must do. In fact, it is better to rehearse this number in advance, but the beginning of the song should be prepared as if the whole action is impromptu.

You can play this "visible" song accompanied by a children's choir (backing track is attached), or choose one of the attached audio recordings of the song.

Sounds 9. Four cockroaches and a cricket (minus)

Sounds like 9a. Four inseparable cockroaches and a cricket (plus)

Sounds like 9b. Children's choir. Four Cockroaches And A Cricket (Plus)

1st Leader: All well done! The house was destroyed, it's time to make legs, that is, to go further.

Sounds 6. Horn and clatter of wheels

Game "Children's logic"

2nd Leader: It's not a long drive to the next station, but there is time, and we'll play a little with you. Only this time not children will play, but adults.

(two adult guests from the first row are invited: a man and a woman, they are asked questions in turn, after their option, they read original version- children's and adult logic is compared - which of the participants has more hits, he won)

Sometimes we ask children to answer a question and are indignant if we do not receive an intelligible answer, because what we are asking is elementary. But it only seems so to us. And can you, adults, serious and smart, follow the children's logic.

1st Leader: Let's go ahead, colleague. I explain the conditions: we read the beginning of the child's phrase, and you will try to put yourself in the place of the child and continue his thought.

2nd Leader: The baby puts pantyhose on her head and says: "Look what I have ..." (participant suggests an option, original version: braids)

1st Leader: What rhyme for the word "sofa" did a three-year-old poet come up with? So, "sofa - ..." (bed)

2nd Leader:

Mommy, you're so smooth, it's like... (the skating rink drove over you)

1st Leader:

Mom, do you know how dad and I are alike? … (we have the same last name)

2nd Leader: The girl is going south with her parents. "Glasses must be taken to..." (eyes not burnt out)

1st Leader:

Dude, you need to listen to adults! Are you a smart boy?

I'm not smart, I... (to dad)

(Idea for replacement: The game can be replaced with congratulations from parents, guests from the audience, or "congratulatory telegrams").

2nd Leader: Applause to our participants!

1st Leader: Here's how! It turns out that kids can confuse adults too!

2nd Leader: Here's how! It turns out we've already arrived!

1st Leader: Oh what a little stop. And he is called (is reading)"Quiet corner".

2nd Leader: Dear passengers, please note: parking here will be short.

1st Leader: Why?

2nd Leader:"Quiet Corner" - a suburb of a big city with the telling name "Scourge". And what else can the city of the dashing 90s be called? That is why we stopped here, and not in a city with a very difficult reputation.

The third block "Quiet corner". 80s - 90s.

1st Leader: Yes, many remember that time with a shudder. But in fairness, it should be noted that kindergartens have remained aloof from the general misfortune. Children still went to kindergarten, classes continued, holidays were held.

2nd Leader: True, there were fewer children, but mutual understanding between parents and educators was at its best. The stratification of society has not yet manifested itself (this will start later) and it seemed like we were all one family.

1st Leader: Against the background of the general bleak picture, kindergartens stood out like green oases in the desert. From this time there are no kindergarten memories that could be different from previous years. And only one cool boy from the distant 90s will be able to imagine those years for us.

Sounds 10. Song "What a cool"

Sounds like 10a. What a cool (minus)

1st Leader: Bravo! This cool guy got a gift!

2nd Leader: Well, it's time for us to go!

Sounds 6. Horn and clatter of wheels

1st Leader: Go! No matter how calm it is in the Kindergarten, it’s still better to move away from these years, and it’s time to go home.


2nd Leader: Not long left, now let's look at the zero, and return to the present. In the meantime, the wheels are knocking, we will play one more game with you. Have you noticed that time changes a lot? Perhaps not a single phenomenon in our Everyday life not immune to change. For example, here are the names. Fifty years ago, in each group one could meet a pair of Lenochka and Tanya, or Seryozha and Sasha. Twenty-five years later they were replaced by Ksyusha and Nastya, Antosha and Kirill, and now? Artemy and Savely, and the girls are all Milena and Snezhana.

1st Leader: Well, you exaggerate a little, colleague!

2nd Leader: Undoubtedly. I got carried away. In any case, time dictates its own rules and its own names. And now we will talk about them. True, not about modern ones, but those that were once born in the country of the Soviets, but still arouse constant interest.

1st Leader: Are you talking about Kukutsapol and Walterperzhenka?

2nd Leader: Yes, yes, about their relatives (Addressing the guests): By the way, who can say how this abracadabra is deciphered?

The transcripts are shown on the screen:

Kukutsapol is a male name. CORN-Queen of the Fields

Walterperzhenka - female name. VALENTINA-TEReshkova-FIRST-WOMAN-Cosmonaut

1st Leader: I understood! Will we decipher such unique names?

2nd Leader: Yes, I name the word, you show it on the screen. Without explanation, of course, but the guests are trying to put forward a version close to the original. Well, how do you like the job?

1st Leader: Let's start and then we'll see.

1st Lead captures active players

The game KUKUTSAPOL AND DAZDRASMYGDA is being played.

Possible comments are given next to the word in italics Leading.

* DAZDRASMYGDA - a fairly feminine well-known name


* URYURVKOS - another popular, but already masculine

masculine name - Ura, Yura IN SPACE

*ROBLIN - something like french

male name - Born to Be a Leninist

*OYUSHMINALDA and here is Indian

female name Otto Yulievich SCHMIDT ON ICE

* LELUDE - it's like a creepy tale


* NISERHA - and this is not otherwise from the animal world

female name - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev

*TROLEBUZINA - if you think that this is about an accident involving a trolleybus, I warn you right away - no!

female name Trotsky, Lenin, Bukharin, ZINoviev

*PERSOSTRATE - no comments


* BORDER - this male name we will finish the competition. It reminds me a lot of what we are here for.

transcript: I - WITH LENIN and Krupskaya

1st Leader: Marvelous! Our guests did a great job. Stand up please those who gave the right ones (or close to correct) answers. You certainly deserve this applause!


2nd Leader: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov proved to be the absolute leader in this competition. Tell me, please, did you study onomastics, or do you just have a well-developed logic?

(guest answers)

1st Leader: What are your children's names?

(guest answers)

1st Leader: Well. God bless. And then these Trolebusins ​​are somehow not at all impressive.

2nd Leader: But what is impressive is that we have already arrived in the zero years.

(Idea for replacement: The game can be replaced by a preliminary summing up:

1st Presenter: And I really want to go home. There is very little left of our journey. And while there is time, we can sum up the preliminary results labor activity our common home - Kindergarten.

Preparing for the holiday, we spent a lot of time in a difficult search. And I must say that this, almost unbearable, work was crowned with success. In the course of research work, we found out that many specialists have grown from our graduates of past years.

It is known that in medicine they work - nn our former students

Raise our agriculture - ...

They build houses in different qualities - ....

Bringing the industry to mind - ...

Working for the benefit of the future, in scientific institutions - ...

Working in education...

And what is especially nice nn of our pupils returned to kindergarten, but in a different capacity)

1st Leader: Impressive!

2nd Leader: It is also impressive that we have already arrived in the zero years.

Block "Garden City". 90s - zero.

1st Leader: We have almost reached our final destination. We drove into the suburbs of Garden City. But in fact, we are already in the present. For a small person, 10 years is a lot. After all, it is in the first decade that a child learns more than in the rest of his life.

2nd Leader: From the point of view of history, 10 years is a moment. And we still can't see the difference between 2007 and 2017. Although... You can see the differences in such a small period of time, but only in one single phenomenon, which we have not yet talked about. It can be argued that variability is the main property of this mysterious phenomenon.

1st Leader: Nobody guessed? Then look!

Fashion show "In the spiral of history"

Sounds 11. "Fortuneteller" (minus)

Children in fashionable clothes of different times dance to the words of the verse and chorus. On the second verse, against the background of the "minus", the actual fashion show begins, which is accompanied by comments.

Remake text(1 verse and chorus)

Fashion changes daily

And as long as there is a white light,

We dress according to income,

Only charm is our main secret.

And you won't have enough for a new thing,

Feel free to take scissors in your hands

Carefully, calmly and skillfully

You make a new thing for yourself!

Not affordable, like

But still we

We wish to be

Dressed in fashion.

What to say, what to say

Not affordable, like

But can we

But can we

Dressed to be fashionable.

Text for fashion show(read against the background of music, after 1 verse and chorus, if necessary, turn on the track again).

Leading (they speak in turn).

Today, in honor of our anniversary, the famous couturier Valentin Yudashkin presents his collection of children's clothing "Along the Spiral of History".

In the children's fashion of the 60s, clothing made from natural fabrics is still popular.

Dresses for the smallest girls on high coquettes.

Sailor suits for boys and girls are still in fashion.

An integral part of children's costumes is cotton stockings, socks and stockings.

For winter outdoor activities - comfortable bloomers. Little fashionistas will gladly complement their winter clothes clutches *.

The 70s brought new materials to children's fashion: knitwear, rayon, crimple.

The stockings have been replaced by very comfortable tights.

The fashion of the 90s is very democratic: they wear everything that the older brothers and sisters did not wear, and therefore on the catwalk you can see both vintage models of the 50s and altered mother's dresses.

Have not lost relevance and irreplaceable workouts.

The absolute leader of the 90s was sneakers, which quickly replaced both boyish rubber sneakers and girls' shoes - ironing.

The children changed their famous summer sandals to flip flops.

Motto modern fashion- convenience and practicality. Following their mothers, girls wear dresses less and less, preferring light trousers and comfortable leggings.

Boys also prefer sporty style.

All models take the stage.

What will children's fashion offer us in the future? Let's see. Coquette fashion is changeable, and unpredictable!

The final

58 1st Leader: Well, here we are back to where we started our journey, to the present, where we are met by the hostess of our common home, our beloved Kindergarten - Olga Sergeevna Filippova.

2nd Leader: Olga Sergeevna, we know that your teaching experience spans more than a decade. Tell me, how do modern children differ from the kids of the 70s and 80s?

Olga Sergeevna: Of course the kids are different. It cannot be otherwise, because children are a mirror of the world, and the world has changed beyond recognition. Modern children are better dressed, they are multifacetedly informed (unfortunately not always in the right direction) and somewhat more advanced. But compared to the children of the Soviet era, they are less independent and less creative. And the last one I consider a real loss. In a world where everything can be bought, where each toy does everything by itself, one has only to press a button, the fantasy falls asleep, and the child finds himself out of work, finding himself outside the familiar environment. Therefore, I am sure that the work of educators is no less important now than in the past. Moreover, it is somewhat more complex. But that doesn't mean the grass used to be greener. such a comparative assessment is nothing more than my personal opinion. But what I am absolutely sure of is that it is in our power, my dear colleagues, to do everything so that our pupils go to Big world knowledgeable, able, creative individuals, worthy of the brightest and kindest future.

Our holiday is coming to an end, but new tasks, new pupils and high horizons are ahead. Happy holiday, dear!

The poem "Here is the house that RONO built."

As the poem is read, the characters in question appear on the stage.

1st Leader: Here is the house that RONO built. And this is the hostess - very energetic,

2nd Leader: And her team is just great.

Manager: And this is the supply manager, who is in charge of the economy,

Supply manager: Accountant who manages all expenses

Accountant: And it's worth following any advice,

To do everything without breaking the budget.

Manager: The kitchen is always clean and tidy.

Chefs take care of the children's food.

Cook: And the nurse takes care of your health,

And he does it with great love.

Nurse: Our muse. The teacher is a real talent.

Cheerful and bright, the inventor is brilliant!

Music teacher: Teachers will always come to my aid,

and in life we ​​are great friends.

1st Educator: And here is our joy: girls, boys.

2nd teacher: Serious, quiet and playful.

Children run out with balloons

Child: Everyone has forgotten about our nannies,

Under their persuasion, you can eat porridge!

Nanny: This is how we live as a big team

With cleaning and porridge,

Music teacher: but always positive.

3rd teacher: And the garden has long become a second family

Big and cheerful, beloved, dear!

4th caregiver: With the head of the classroom and energetic

Head: And with the team, well, just great!

Chorus: In the house that RONO built.

The participants of the concert sing the song "We wish you happiness!"

(Against the background of the song, you can show on the screen photos of different years from the history of the anniversary day)

Sounds like 12. We wish you happiness

When the chorus begins, the children run into the hall and distribute Balloons holiday guests.

Oksana Bratsikhina

Fanfares sound, two presenters come out.

1 presenter:Good afternoon dear friends.

2 Presenter: Hello dear guests!

1 presenter: Anniversary is the word!

It's a holiday, it's a celebration!

2 Lead: This is the day when there are so many friends,

Joy, happiness and warmth in the house

1 presenter: And of course, on this day, the most pleasant thing is to receive gifts. We were very happy about this. (pointing to a box with a bow) surprise.

2Ved. Let's open it together with you, our dear guests.

present (big box with bow) open. (And there is a time machine0

1Ved. Oh, what is it?

2 Ved. (takes out a sheet) Now let's look at the instruction manual.

1Ved. Oh yes, it's a time machine!

2 Ved. So maybe we can go back in time right now and see how it all began.

Background fantastic music.

2 Ved. Attention! We ended up in 1986!

Sounds like a crying baby.

1 Ved.: Do you hear? He was born- kindergarten was born!

Carry out a cradle with an inscription "Kalinka" and layout kindergarten in a cap and with a pacifier.

The presenter takes a layout from the cradle kindergarten showing guests

2 Presenter: Everyone born receives a document.

Has such a document and the team of our kindergarten.

(Shows "Birth Certificate")

Mother - New Kugulta

Father - Trunovsky district

Place of birth - USSR

Place of issue - Kolkhoz im. M. I. Kalinina, 1986

The kid fell into the safe hands of F.I.O.

It was hard to start:complete children's frames, to bring in new furniture, carpets, toys, to equip the territory.

Removes layout kindergarten in the cradle

2 Ved. Let's say hello to our little ones.

To the music, kids enter the hall.

1 child: Happy birthday to our beloved kindergarten!

We wish happiness and joy for the guests and for the children!

2 children: We will be cheerful, healthy, we will give good light,

Come visit more often - the way is always open for you!

1 Vedas: For you, dear guests, dance "Matryoshka"

dance "Matryoshka"

2 Vedas: Thank you very much to our kids for such a wonderful performance!

Takes out the layout kindergarten in a hat shows guests.

1 Vedas: The kid grew up and took him into her caring hands (F.I. About the second head, who always hurt her soul for kindergarten, established relations with sponsors, held district events.

2 Vedas: Honor and praise to you dear (F. I. O. of managers) we will always remember your invaluable contribution to the development kindergarten.

Removes the model in the stroller

2 Vedas: Accept a musical gift. Song « Kindergarten»

1Ved: (Pulls out a model in a school uniform)

In 1992, matured and strengthened, I met children's garden new head

F. I. O, who spent a lot of effort to ensure that he grew, developed and prospered.

2 Vedas: The word for congratulations is given to the head kindergarten

Leader's words.

1 Vedas: And what do the children of our anniversary garden? Let's see "View from below"

Watching a video report "View from below"

To the music, children come out with heart-shaped gel balloons and read poetry.

Many times we celebrated the holiday in this hall,

But we didn't know anyone like this one!

The best holiday - send all congratulations,

Because the kindergarten is celebrating a birthday!

birthday holiday childhood

And today in "Kalinka" He

We wholeheartedly give

A million smiles for you.

Dear guests, we are very glad to see you

We gathered in the hall to celebrate now

Smile amicably, no need to frown,

Because today anniversary, anniversary with us.

Our favorite kindergarten

I am glad to all guests today -

He is in good spirits

Celebrates a birthday.

We live happily here

And we dance and we sing

And today we will be glad

We put on our outfits.

Always be young

Dear Kindergarten,

Develop, thrive

And entertain the kids!

We are very happy to congratulate

All employees kindergarten

Everyone who lives here with us

He gives his heart to children.

We share joys and sorrows in half,

and our heart baby today we give you(release balls)

2 Vedas: Today, a generation of graduates is present at our holiday. Let's welcome the very first graduates of our garden and give them the floor. Now accept musical congratulations from a 1989 graduate. Song "Wish"

1 Ved. Team of working employees kindergarten diligently preserves and continues the good traditions of its predecessors.

Year after year passes in worries

Rarely see you in business

But today you are not at work,

And they came to this hall for the holiday!

2 Ved. Do any of you remember

how young you were

30 years have passed since then

How kindergarten opened.

In our hall there are people who, as young girls, came to work in


They connected their lives with the upbringing of children, with this hard work.

How many kids have passed through their hands and hearts! How much warmth and affection they gave to each child!

1 Ved. Thank you for the experience, for being faithful to the garden,

For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.

Who is always with the children -

Forever the soul of that one is young!

The floor is given to veterans.

2 Vedas: now let's watch the presentation "And the years are like birds, like birds fly" (to the song of Lyudmila Zykina)

1 Ved. A little nostalgic. Now meet our students.

Dance (Birds are my birds)

1 Ved. Do you think no one has quit in 30 years? They left. Life forced. They are always our friends and guests.

Life to pass is not a field to pass.

We were on the same path.

But perestroika rushed,

Like a whirlwind - bay three.

Scattered everything in the world

But the children remained in our hearts.

Their smiles and hands

Have you forgotten girls?

1 Ved. For you, a song performed by our friendly team

The team performs a song alteration to the motive "Weather in the house"

1. We have a birthday in the garden today,

And the doors are open for guests.

Well, for us there is no better gift,

Than to see the faces of all your friends.


The most important thing is the weather in the house,

Where they are always waiting for us with joy.

We are all a family, and everything except,

Easy to fix with an umbrella.

2. What is the forecast in our garden today.

What will surprise the kids today.

After all, children are like November weather.

We can never predict.

3 : We are all so different, of course,

But we also have a common feature.

We create comfort and joy for children.

And this is what life is all about. |

The chorus is the same.

2 Vedas: Many warm words I would like to say to those who continue to raise and educate the younger generation - to all employees kindergarten.

And of course, the heaviest, most responsible, but at the same time pleasant burden falls on their shoulders, because children's smiles laughter, their successes, sincerity, love - the greatest gratitude for the work. Let's give our real team a big round of applause!

Poems employees.

1. On this glorious day, wonderful

We can't stop worrying!

Children's our garden happy birthday

Let's congratulate again!

2. Someone has become even more beautiful,

And more serious and smarter

Who is generous, hardworking,

And bolder and gentler

3. But in one we are unchanged,

This is exactly what I know

30 years without change

30 years - one family.

4. Our sensitivity and participation

Light will be shed in the souls of children

This will be our happiness

And a reward for hard work!

5. Let more strength there will be,

To get it all done!

May we all be together have to

Another 30 years to live!.

2 Ved. How much creativity, patience, how much fiction sometimes,

And impulses of inspiration are necessary for each of us!

So that hearts and souls children's we could own

So that the children could call us their favorite teacher.

The children enter to the music. Perform a song "Educator"

1 Ved. Time flies by, change here and there

And you see that not those children, we have to change.

And we all understand this in order to keep pace with the times.

We all, teachers, have to study something all the time

2 Ved. And now let's start again on a journey in our time machine, only now into the distant future.

Sounds like fantastic music.

1 Ved. Attention! We are in 2060.


The manager is sitting in a chair, holding a cell phone, a tablet and other modern equipment. Talks on the phone.

Head: Yes, yes, come, we are waiting for you!

(puts down the phone, presses the button on the equipment and speaks)

Sweetie come to me.

(secretary enters with a tablet)

Yes, Alla Nikolaevna, I am listening to you.

Head: Has the toy car arrived?

sec: Yes

Head: order to unload quickly.

sec: Where to store? Just last week they brought in exactly the same batch. The groups are littered with toys, closets and corridors too.

Head: Find a place! Make an application to the store for a new physical education equipment. By the way, what is the water like today? basin: with orange flavor or nutty flavor?

sec: (writing the order)- with lavender, yesterday was with orange aroma. Alla Nikolaevna, the educators ask that they somehow regulate the temperature in the groups, it’s so hot, how can children be tempered?

Head: Will it hurt pineapples in the winter greenhouse?

sec: No. The pineapple harvest has already been harvested.

Head: Okay, I'll solve this poll today. You can go.

(Secretary leaves)

The phone rings. the manager picks up the phone.

Head: I'm listening. What? The President will speak? Fine. (pause)

Hello Vladimir Vladimirovich. Yes, new computers have been replaced with the latest ones. Yes, in all groups. Thank you. (listens) You say yes. us. built for our children garden. at the Black Sea? Thank you very much for this. Yes, I will definitely pass it on. What? A personal meeting?. Yes, yes, I can! See you soon, Vladimir Vladimirovich. (hangs up and presses the button to call the secretary.)

Head: Lidochka, urgently come to me. Don't forget your tablet.

The secretary enters

What Happened Alla Nikolaevna.

Head: Announce via video link to all educators that tomorrow there will be an extended teachers' council. Invite the chairman of the trade union organization, the preschool department, educators, narrow specialists, a physical education instructor, and music. Head, doctor, nutritionist, chef, massage therapist, ecologist, speech therapist, sociologist, psychologist, parents « Summer rest children of our kindergarten on the Black Sea ".

sec: Good, Alla Nikolaevna.

Head: I won't be here today, I flew to the Kremlin. By the way, is the plane ready?

sec: Yes, the pilot has been waiting for a long time.

(Both leave. Music by Y. Antonov sounds "Dreams Come True".

1 Ved. Yes! The future is amazing and wonderful!

May all our dreams and deepest desires come true.

2 Ved. There are good words "Happiness is when you are understood" They fully relate to the people from whom our entire team receives support and understanding. Express gratitude to the manager

The word for congratulations is given to our guests.

1 Ved. A musical gift for you. song "Little country"

2 Ved. There are still people about whom I want to say a lot of beautiful words. These are our parents. Without your support, we would have had a hard time. Thank you very much thank you for your cooperation with us in raising children! And I am pleased to give the floor to the representative of the parent committee kindergarten"Kalinka".

Congratulations from the parent committee.

Background beautiful music.

1 Ved. 30 years kindergarten and so much has happened. During this time, children were released, kg was eaten. porridge, leaky pots, washed linen.

2 Ved. And this is not the limit! We are confident that the demographics of our village will grow every year!

And we will not be left without work, we will educate the future generation of Novokugultins with great pleasure!

1 Ved. This concludes our holiday!

2 Ved. Wait! What anniversary without birthday cake?

Carrying out the cake to the music, blowing out the candles, crackers.

Today is an unusual day
Difficult date.
This joint holiday, not personal -
Anniversary Kindergarten.

We want to wish
The garden has developed.
Educator - calm
To stay.


Anniversary today is notable
Notes kindergarten.
Every event
Genuinely very happy.

We wish the garden
Developed and strengthened
into open arms
I always met the kids.

Let it sound through the corridors
Children's only happy laughter.
I wish the team
To pursue success.


Congratulations to the wonderful team of our kindergarten. On this significant day of the anniversary, we wish only prosperity, success and stability. Let only love for children and your work, mutual understanding in the team, home comfort and joyful atmosphere reign within the walls of our kindergarten. Happy anniversary!


We will decorate the garden with balls,
Let's sing and dance -
Happy Anniversary Kindergarten
Let's congratulate you together.

It is always filled with laughter
And toys live here.
Moms, dads of their children
They lead here every day.

Here love lives and affection,
It's warm and kind here.
A fairy tale ran here
And stayed forever.

Happy Anniversary
Kindergarten we crowd.
May we live and prosper
Our favorite home is the second.


Our beloved, sweet kindergarten,
You are celebrating your birthday today!
Now everyone is happy to congratulate you,
After all, you're just made for children!

There's so much going on within your walls
Here they eat, play and laugh,
Communicate, make friends
Children learn the basics of science here!

We wish you only prosperity
So that children come here with joy,
We are proud to acknowledge:
You are the best kindergarten in the world!

Poems with the anniversary of the kindergarten


Today is an unusual day
He is brighter, more cheerful,
Just this holiday is personal -
Kindergarten has an anniversary.

We wish the institution
Age to work without hassle,
To a new birthday
We met every year!


Such an amazing holiday today,
Such a wonderful anniversary!
Our garden is very young at heart
And dearly loves all children!

We wish him good luck
Let it grow big-big!
Our kindergarten is the best!
May he always be like this!

Let's have some fun today
And laugh with all my heart!
And join our wonderful round dance
Our kindergarten is in a hurry.


Anniversary in our kindergarten
On this holiday, inveterate and bright
We hasten to congratulate all the children,
May life give you gifts

So that childhood chamomile blooms,
Everyone around gave you smiles,
And all the time so lucky
May you all be happier!

All employees are also good
And we wish you good luck
Happy anniversary, our kindergarten, cheers,
You are the best and we know it!


Kindergarten congratulations
Happy anniversary at this hour
Let the team be happy
The supply of strength will not run out,
Let the kids love
And educate them
Good, happy, good
Words do not feel sorry for us for them!


You raised thousands of children
After all, your garden has been working for many years.
You have a bright anniversary today.
You have a very bright holiday today!

You surrounded everyone with care and love,
All the kids are just happy with you.
You turn to God with a prayer,
To protect their eyes from the envious.

We sincerely want to congratulate you,
So that the bars are only high,
So that the kindergarten will always be loved by everyone.
And the graduates remembered him!

Happy Anniversary Kindergarten. Poems with the anniversary of the kindergarten


Anniversary today is glorious.
Anniversary of our kindergarten.
Among us, he is the most important,
Everyone here is cheerful and happy.

We want games and laughter
Good, affectionate children,
Educators of Success
In the embodiment of ideas.


Happy anniversary today
Congratulations Kindergarten.
Up flying colored balls,
The songs are happy.

The swing creaks merrily
Flying up and down
The kindergarten will give guests
Ringing laughter, as the main prize.

We wish the kindergarten
Long years, happy days
The memory will leave good
He is in the hearts of his children.


Today is a holiday in kindergarten,
We are very glad to congratulate you!
Let the smiles of children
Anniversary shine!

After all, the kindergarten was created for them,
They are good, fun, growth,
And to all the employees -
Happiness, peace without problems!


Beloved in kindergarten
Today is a glorious anniversary
There were a lot of adults
And, of course, children.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
And I want to flourish
Such lovely babies
Teach and instruct.

Let the perky laughter sound
Children sing happily
May you have order
Understanding and comfort.


Anniversary has come for the kindergarten.
We hasten to congratulate everyone today soon.
Let the children themselves become happy
And let the nannies not get tired of working.

We wish that each of us is a teacher
I was only able to succeed in my work.
So that the children are obedient, strong,
Kindergarten to attend to be very loved.

Congratulations to the kindergarten on the anniversary in verse and prose


Kindergarten celebrates today
Your holiday, an important anniversary,
We wish the team
obedient, smart children,
Let your garden grow
And there will be more places for children
Let it be enough for all finances,
Don't get tired of work!


Congratulations on your anniversary
My favorite kindergarten.
Every Small child
Was glad to be here.

May it grow and prosper
Your friendly family.
Laughter, joy, fun
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

Let the kids laugh
There will be a glorious teaching staff.
You are the best in your business
You are worthy of all praise.


Celebrates an anniversary
Our favorite kindergarten.
Every word of recognition to you
On this day I was glad to say.

Let the kids grow up
In the garden, within its walls.
The fate of these men -
In your trembling hands.

Let it pour down the corridors
Only the inveterate children's laughter.
This team is wonderful
Waiting for recognition, success.


There is an amazing town in our city,
Where a good fairy tale lives for years,
And where is Natasha, Pasha and Masha
Laughing often hurts my stomach.

But there is Aibolitovna here! And there are fairies
Which kids don't get sad.
Our favorite! Best Kindergarten! Happy anniversary!
Thank you for your care and comfort.

All-joy, happiness, not to know sadness!
Let other kindergartens put ours as an example,
And it will suddenly become fabulously generous from now on
The wisest sorcerer-respected mayor...


Kindergarten will open its doors
For motor kids
Take soon
Congratulations on the anniversary!

The anniversary has come, oh happiness,
There will be a holiday and hearing
It's great to walk here
That's how kids love it!

Let luck always wait
Prosperity and light
This place means a lot
There is nothing better for a child!

Happy Anniversary Kindergarten. Happy Anniversary Dow


Happy anniversary, dear kindergarten,
Congratulations cordially everyone is happy
Honor workers and praise,
To give pleasure!

Let your kids grow up
And dream to replace you
Love, love very, very much
Hundreds of your daughters and sons!

May God give a lot of health
Blessing you does not get tired,
Your team will be very friendly,
Because your work is very important!


Lots of kids, lots of laughs.
We wish only success.
For children, the second home here,
We remember him all our lives.

Kindergarten: friends, toys,
We sculpt trinkets ourselves ...
You with children - well, as with relatives,
We are then proud of them.

Congratulations on your anniversary
We wish prosperity.
Generous sponsors mother,
You will never get sick.


All boys and girls
Lined up in a row,
Congratulations on the round date
Our favorite kindergarten.

Together we are a great force
Children run and scream
Thank you educators
For hard hellish work:

Babysit naughty children...
Our childhood years
We're in distant adulthood
Let's never forget.


Congratulations to all today on the anniversary of our wonderful kindergarten. I want to wish many years of work and successful activities of our institution, great strength and interesting ideas to our wonderful educators and other employees, patience and great love for their children, wonderful parents, and most importantly, a happy childhood and radiant smiles to our beloved pets.


Kindergarten has an anniversary
So congratulations soon
All his employees.
We wish you everything
What do you want to get
May you live better
For God to send happiness
And he helped you with everything.

Happy Anniversary Dow


Kindergarten has an anniversary
Get together soon
To congratulate on this date
Teachers and children!

May the garden flourish
Inspires to accomplishments.
Let success await
And it sounds like children's laughter!

For long years happy life,
Lots of warm sunny days.
To point out again and again
Loud Noisy Anniversary!


Congratulations to our beloved Kindergarten,
After all, today is his birthday.
And we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For the education of our children.

We wish you prosperity
Successfully do the hard work.
Forever your walls are like family to us.
From the children, thank you for your love and care!


Today is a holiday in kindergarten
real anniversary,
Many surprises await
All children present.

We wish kindergarten
Prosper every year
To make the children happy
Visit its walls!


Our spacious kindergarten
Celebrates its anniversary
Fun eyes burn
For teachers and children!

Let there be a friendly team
Positive at work
Bright rewards await!


We are celebrating our anniversary today
Our favorite kindergarten!
For all our kindergarten children
From year to year we are so happy to try!

I wish my favorite kindergarten
Every day became more beautiful
To make anyone come here happy
And always shone with joy!


To your wonderful kindergarten
We take kids every day
There are a number of activities here
Walking, playing, reading books.

The walls became our family,
And educators, and nannies,
We are very fond of you
So that is beyond words.

And in this anniversary year
We wish you prosperity
Less fuss, hassle,
We will help you with everything, we promise!


Birthday is difficult
Kindergarten dear,
Celebrates its anniversary
Congratulations on this date!

Thrive and expand
Fill with happiness, laughter
Staff to be satisfied
The team of kids is awesome.

Lots of laughter within your walls
You are the starting road
For all the kids always
Promotion and good!


Our favorite kindergarten
Happy Anniversary!
You are always happy to receive us
We warm you with our warmth!

We want you to flourish
For many, many more years
You could raise kids
Bring them joy and light!


Dear teachers and employees of our kindergarten, dear parents, grandparents and guests, our dear children, I congratulate everyone today on the anniversary of our kindergarten. I wish that within the walls of this institution, children always smile, actively develop and learn something new. Peace, kindness, mutual understanding, good health, success in work and creative inspiration to all, and health and happiness to our wonderful children!


Today we praise kindergarten -
Your anniversary today!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
All your dreams soon
Implement all plans.
Buildings new to build
And transform the kindergarten.
To its all kids, moms
They began to love more.


Happy Anniversary Kindergarten!
How many years have you been meeting kids!
You, like our good friend, you are glad to us,
You open the door for us every day.

And your whole team is wonderful,
What, as if a bouquet of many colors,
We sincerely want to congratulate
We love you all so much!


Congratulations Kindergarten
Happy anniversary,
Kind, affectionate I words
I don't regret it.

I wish laughter is here
To make any kid happy
Became here.

I wish that here is a fairy tale
To have enough affection for everyone
And good.

Kindergarten to be complete
To give everyone happy


Our favorite kindergarten
Deserved accolades, awards,
And today is the anniversary
A holiday for all your children!

Educators and nannies
In a round dance you stand with us,
Caretaker and cook
We wish you well!

And success, and good luck,
And the solution of all problems,
And love to you all and laughter,
Anniversary fun for everyone!


Anniversary today celebrates
And he receives guests.
Our favorite kindergarten
Congratulate everyone on this!

Kindness and kindness live here
And the fairy tale is here with them.
Smiles and joy of children,
May the day be filled!

We wish that in kindergarten,
Children are happy to rush.
To harmony, love, comfort,
They are always welcome here.


Every toddler today
Happy, incredibly happy.
Anniversary is celebrated
Our favorite kindergarten.

I wish you prosperity
All good teachers
Let it grow and strengthen in spirit
Within the walls of these children.


Kindergarten today is a holiday
Marks an important one.
Our anniversary is significant -
Day solemn, big.

We wish you success
The team and the guys
Let life be interesting
Rich in impressions.

Let within the walls of these spacious
Children's laughter does not stop,
Our beautiful kindergarten
Let it just flourish.


Our beloved, native kindergarten,
How many children have you raised already?
You are always very happy to see us
Gave me so many happy days!

We wish that within these walls
Joy, laughter, peace and harmony bloomed,
For happiness to shine in the eyes
Those children who came to this garden!


Your kindergarten is celebrating its anniversary today. I would like to congratulate the entire team, headed by the manager, and thank you for the warm atmosphere you create. Thanks to her, the kindergarten for kids has become a second home. Your professionalism provides parents peace of mind for their children. Within the walls of your institution you can always hear joyful children's laughter, and this is wonderful. Happy anniversary!


From kindergarten, our journey begins in this big and complex world. It is good that there are always educators here who will understand and support the little person in this difficult journey. On this anniversary date, we wish our kindergarten to develop and become better and better.


Happy Anniversary Dear Kindergarten Team! As flowers bloom in spring, so let your pets grow, gain experience, learn, bloom and give you many reasons to be sincerely proud of them. And let your love for children and pedagogical talent be adequately appreciated by the state.

Anniversary of the kindergarten "Crane"



Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Dear guests!

We are glad to welcome everyone who came to us today for our festive anniversary!

POLINA: Today we are 25!

Happy birthday, dear, kindergarten!

Song "Good mood"

Our beloved kindergarten is called "Crane"

And he gathered us all in this bright hour

After all, today is a holiday, a long-awaited holiday

We are celebrating our anniversary on the 25th!


And a smile without a doubt

suddenly touches your eyes

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore!

Verse 2 CHILDREN!!!

We want to congratulate everyone on the anniversary date

25 not many and not few years

Happy birthday our garden, we wish you

Prosperity and smiles and happy years!


Leading. And a truly good day, because old, good friends gathered in this hall, who were united by the kindergarten "Crane". For 25 years, little children have been growing and developing in our kindergarten, like spikelets. And those who reach the pinnacle of mastery do not tear them off, but carefully pass them on to other friendly hands.

The word for congratulations is given to the head of the kindergarten "Zhuravushka"

Head. Dear friends, distinguished guests, colleagues and employees! Today is our solemn day! We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of our kindergarten.

Kindergarten is cute, kind, smart, funny, noisy. wonderful children. Everything we do in our kindergarten, we do for them, for them to grow and develop.

Kindergarten is parents. They are the main assistants in our work and we are very grateful to them for this.

Kindergarten is employees. The most hardworking, creative, all-knowing, heart-wrenching, children-loving people.

Kindergarten is a family. And like any friendly family, we have our own traditions.

Kindergarten is a unique system that provides care, supervision, nutrition, education and health improvement. No system performs so many functions at the same time.

Kindergarten is a living organism that breathes, feels, rejoices, and grieves.

He has his own name - "Crane". That is the name of our kindergarten.This kind droplet is a symbol of our work, we try to penetrate into every heart, to instill joy, love, kindness in it.

The song "The Cranes Are Flying Away" by A. Evtodieva (training group)

manager : there are many guests in our cozy hall today. The word for congratulations is given to Tlyacheva Olga Yurievna (presentation of diplomas)


presenter : And let's turn the page back at 25 years old. Here's how it all started...

It was November 1988. Everything is as it should be: the baby was given a tag with the number 56. (children of the 2 ml group appearand dance PALM).

Presenter: Years, 25 years ago

A new kindergarten

Little children came to the garden

Tenderness and care were found in him.

presenter : The first head of the preschool educational institution was Agirova G.A. She cherished him for 22 years. Gradually, a friendly team was formed. Comfort and beauty, kindness and warmth settled here. The first head of the preschool educational institution is invited to the stage.

Presentation "Our kindergarten" (photos from the life of the kindergarten are being shown).

presenter A: 25 years have passed since

How the kindergarten was opened

Do any of you remember

How young were you? (Phonogram "How young we were")


year 2013. We have an anniversary! The story continues. And we are doing it, we are already the heirs of your history - teachers of the 21st century.

presenter The team of working employees of the kindergarten diligently preserves and continues the good traditions of their predecessors - veterans who are now on a well-deserved rest............

They connected their lives with the upbringing of children, with this hard work.

How many babies have passed through their hands and heart! How much warmth and affection they gave to each child!

Head calls F, I, O. educators, speaks of their merits, they go on stage (a word to veterans) _______________________________

Children give flowers to veterans

One of the veteran guests congratulates the team on the holiday.

Leading. Thank you for the experience, for being faithful to the garden,

For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.

Who is always with the children -

Forever the soul is young!



PAULINE: From warm words and congratulations

Let it become lighter in the soul!

May many joyful moments

Give a festive concert!

"Song of educators" (arr. A. Taldykin)

PAULINE: Birthday is a holiday of childhood

And today he is in Zhuravushka!

We wholeheartedly give

You have a million smiles!

We are very happy to congratulate

All Kindergarten workers:

Everyone who lives here with us

He gives his heart to children!

Dance with cloth

PAULINE: In our garden we all live together,
we create, sing and rarely get tired.
Leading: here, as in any other family, the law is the same for everyone,
here everyone is needed, dear to everyone, and everyone is loved here.

PAULINE: At a fun holiday.

We want this hour.

In your favorite garden

Start a friendly dance.

Dance "Apple"

PAULINE The day is special, the day is beautiful,

We need a boost

Show our dance "Seagulls"

We want you and the kids.

Dance "Seagull"

Leading: Today, a generation of graduates is present at our celebration. Please accept musical congratulations from the graduate of the 20th ... winner of the competition Alina Falko

Adyghe DANCE

PAULINE: We walked on the rainbow

We were successful.

And we want, as promised,

Sing the kindergarten anthem for everyone.

Anthem Zhuravushki (V.V., adults and children)

Children go out with cranes in their hands and become a wedge

On Freedom Street

Among the big houses

Our kindergarten "Crane"

Has been living for many years.


In "Crane", in "Crane"

We grow like flowers

We're having fun here

And we sing songs 2 times

verse 2 (children)

We will grow up very soon

And we'll all go to school

But the memory of the "Crane"

We will take it to our hearts.


Other boys will come

And the girls will come

And a song about "Crane"

They are like us sing 2 times

Children give small souvenirs (cranes) as a keepsake

Manager's words:

Quite a few nice words sounded to our kindergarten,

but now the time has come to part, once again we want to thank those who came today

for the celebration of the fortieth anniversary. And we will be glad to see you all here again.

colleagues, as parents, as good friends and our good helpers

Leading: May it be so that in your bright, kind life you are always surrounded by children, like flowers. So that the kindergarten for you was a haven of reliable, happy, bright, full of kindness!

PAULINE: And we don't say goodbye!

Moderator: And we tell you

Host + POLINA See you soon!
