Children's shampoos for adults. Which baby shampoo is the best?

Today, any cosmetic product contains a huge amount of different “chemicals” that help provide certain properties, but at the same time can be harmful to your health. If we talk about baby shampoos, the most common chemical additives here are parabens and sulfates.
In this article we will take a closer look at this topic and provide a list of sulfate-free shampoos for little ones.

What are sulfates and parabens

Sulfates are actually salts of sulfuric acid; they effectively deal with various types of contaminants, therefore, when studying product packaging, you will most likely come across them in the following categories of products:

It is worth remembering the names of this group of substances:

  • SLS (another name for sodium lauryl sulfate, the famous sodium lauryl sulfate);
  • SLES (also known as sodium laureth sulfate);
  • SDS (another name is sodium dodecyl sulfate or sodium dodecyl sulfate);
  • ALS (otherwise known to us as ammonium sulfate or ammonium lauryl sulfate).


These substances are also very widely used in the manufacture of cosmetic products; they can extend the shelf life of both cosmetics and food products.
Parabens prevent the active growth of microbes and mold.

It should be noted that preservatives are an indispensable part of cosmetics, because without them, any product would deteriorate within a few days, which cannot be beneficial for either sellers or consumers.

Video about comparing sulfate-free baby shampoos

What are the dangers for children?

If we talk about sulfates (especially SLES or SLS), they have a negative effect on the skin of the face, body and head, contribute to the disruption of metabolic processes and tend to accumulate in the cells of the body.

According to certain information, upon reaching a specific level of presence in the body, sulfates begin to provoke the development of cancer pathologies, and in children this category of products can provoke delayed physical development, so it is especially important for children to buy.

Regarding the condition of the hair, sulfates affect it as follows:

  • disrupt the hair structure;
  • provoke thinning of the hair shaft;
  • may lead to allergic reactions;
  • provoke the development of dandruff;
  • can lead to complete hair loss.

It is for these reasons that it would be rational to minimize the use of those cosmetic products that contain this group of substances and give preference to sulfate-free product options.

Watch a video about the rules for choosing shampoo for children

Scientists from Great Britain were the first to talk about the obvious harm of parabens when they discovered this group of substances in breast cancer tumors.

It should be noted, however, that a number of further studies have not confirmed that cosmetics containing parabens less than 0.8 percent provoke the occurrence of cancerous tumors.
Therefore, today it is very difficult to say about their increased health hazard.

List of baby shampoos without sulfates and parabens

Having understood the basic properties of sulfates and parabens, we will consider in more detail the options for children's shampoos that do not contain this group of substances.

Baby Teva

This is a very popular cosmetic brand used by parents to care for their children's hair.

This shampoo contains exclusively natural ingredients (lavender oil, ylang-ylang and grape seed oil).

The effect of Baby Teva shampoo lies in moisturizing the scalp, as well as filling the strands with valuable components.

Recipes for homemade hair masks against split ends can be found.


This cosmetic product has a very mild effect on delicate children's skin.

It is ideal to use it for newborn babies.

Vakodo shampoo does not contain parabens, sulfates, fragrances or dyes.

As a result of its use, children's hair becomes silky and soft.

A - Derma Primalba

The main effect of this baby shampoo is soothing. As a result of regular use, you will be able to thoroughly cleanse your baby's skin of milk crusts.
Castor oil was used in the development of this product. It helps activate hair growth and saturates it with valuable ingredients, unlike, which strengthens hair and heals the skin.

Mommy Care

The product has a hypoallergenic formula.

You can safely use it on delicate children's hair without worrying about allergic reactions.

The special composition makes daily use of shampoo possible.

In the development process of this product, ingredients such as aloe vera, wheat germ and olive extract were used.

Their presence will provide the necessary care for children's hair.


Another ecological product intended for children. Before this product appeared on store shelves, it was thoroughly tested by dermatologists and is suitable for use by children from the first days of life. All its ingredients have a safe effect on the delicate children's epidermis.
The product contains no aggressive detergent components or additives. After using the product, children's curls will not get tangled and will acquire the necessary softness and elasticity.

Read about the effectiveness of hair masks with colorless henna.

Natura House Baby Cucciolo

They have a light detergent base and are distinguished by the most delicate effect on the baby’s delicate skin. Contains a number of organic components (wheat germ oil, silk proteins). All ingredients are designed to activate the process of new hair emergence and make them stronger. Has a neutral pH level.
As a result of its use, there is no irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Parents can be calm even if shampoo gets into their child's eyes. The baby will not feel any discomfort, the mucous membranes of the eyes will not turn red.

HiPP without sodium lauryl sulfate

This product is approved for use from birth. The product can also be used by adults. In its composition you will not find harmful parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, paraffins, silicone or dyes. Based on this, this product can be classified as hypoallergenic and safe.
In addition to having a gentle effect on children's hair, the shampoo effectively cleanses oil from the strands.
Read about how to use organ oil for hair.


The basis of children's natural shampoo, just like everything else, is made up of plant components. In the process of its development, the following components were used: linden flowers and chamomile. As a result of regular use of shampoo, it becomes possible to eliminate irritation of the scalp, dryness, and also add shine to the hair.
The presence of panthenol in the composition causes accelerated healing of wounds, elimination of irritation and a faster regeneration process. You can purchase Bübchen baby shampoo on the official website.


This product is hypoallergenic.

It contains exclusively components of plant origin: calendula flowers, linden flowers, lemon balm leaves.
The shampoo has a fairly affordable price, which makes it a suitable option for everyone.

You can use the product starting from the first day of life. The shampoo does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes.
Suitable for use before bed due to its mild calming effect.

Eared nanny

All products in this series contain exclusively natural ingredients. Although the shampoo is natural, it forms a thick foam. If the product gets into the eyes, the baby will not feel any discomfort.
Among the natural ingredients in the product, one can highlight chamomile extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Suitable for daily use, does not provoke the development of allergic reactions.
The cost of the product is similar to the previous version.

Johnsons Baby (Johnson Baby)

The main specialization of this company is the production of products intended for bathing. All Johnson's Baby shampoos have an unobtrusive aroma, do not foam much and rinse off perfectly. It's okay if the shampoo accidentally gets into the baby's mouth or eyes, as it is hypoallergenic and does not cause irritation.
After use, your child's hair will look healthy and comb perfectly.
Johnson's Baby shampoo is available in volumes of 100, 300 and 500 milliliters.

"Our mother"

Shampoo for children, which allows you to get rid of redness, dryness and inflammatory processes occurring on the skin of the baby’s head.

The product is attractive for its affordable price and excellent quality.

After use, the hair will become more manageable and healthy.

Sanosan cosmetics

It is an absolutely safe product for baby skin. It has a mild effect and provides gentle care for the scalp.

The shampoo contains exclusively ingredients of plant origin.

The product has been tested by doctors and dermatologists.
Sanosan shampoo is available in the area.

Natural remedy Ayur Plus

It also consists mainly of natural ingredients. Despite the predominantly natural composition, the product foams well and has a fairly pleasant smell.

After washing your hair with this product, your baby's hair becomes soft and stops getting tangled.

The shampoo belongs to the hypoallergenic category, it is distinguished by high quality, and an affordable price will allow absolutely everyone to buy it.

Find out about children's cream for sweaty feet.

Safe Sulfate Free Aubrey Organics

The product has caring properties. Has a light jelly-like consistency. During use, the strands become soft and the combing process becomes easier. The shampoo contains a large amount of essential oils.
Dermatologists advise using this product for both children and adults with increased skin sensitivity.

Little fashionistas can make their nails beautiful thanks to this harmless nail polish.

The arrival of a baby in the house is a very important and exciting period for all parents. Everyone is wondering what a newborn needs. And this is the correct position of adults. The baby perceives everything that happens around him very well. Mom and dad need to think carefully about what things to surround him with, what food to feed him, and how to bathe him properly. Not the last point in matters of baby hygiene is choosing the right shampoo.


It is natural to assume that ordinary cosmetics are not suitable for caring for children's skin and hair. They require the most careful treatment and tender care, just like the baby himself. The skin of a little person is very different from that of an adult. Her protection has not yet fully formed; the fat layer is very thin, one might say that it is practically non-existent. Because of this, the skin is sensitive and vulnerable, it is easy to damage.

With age, the skin will improve, skin cells will change their structure and adapt to environmental conditions. But this process will be completely completed only by seven years.

The baby’s delicate epidermis cannot fight the ingress of harmful microorganisms and aggressive chemicals. Before the age of one year, adult hair washes are extremely dangerous for him. The use of unsuitable products will lead to dry skin, and, as a result, the appearance of dandruff, the formation of crusts, and possibly allergic manifestations.


Products for washing a child’s head can be divided into categories according to age. Conditionally, since no regulations define the exact distinction and its features. It all depends on the recommendations of the product manufacturer. Funds can be labeled as “0+”, “3+” and after 3 years.

There are special requirements for products for newborns:

  • No aggressive detergents. They must be organic and work carefully. If this rule is followed, the shampoo will not be able to foam strongly.
  • Exclusion of active allergens: fragrances, dyes and preservatives. Each product is 0+ hypoallergenic.
  • The composition should not irritate the delicate mucous membrane and eyes of the child.

The composition of the product for the baby should be as natural as possible. It’s good if the product contains vitamin supplements and beneficial substances, because children’s skin is delicate and needs to be nourished and moisturized. As a source of useful substances, shampoo may contain a herbal complex: extracts of herbs such as mint, lavender, eucalyptus, chamomile, string and others. They will have a positive effect on the epidermis and hair.

The main difference between children's cosmetics should be a safe composition and the absence of harmful substances. Let's take a closer look at what definitely shouldn't be in it.

Free from sulfates and parabens

When choosing a baby product, it is wise to pay close attention to its composition. Let's look at what you can see on the list of ingredients and what shouldn't be there.

The standard components of baby detergent are, in addition to water, soft foam formers, glucosides, sodium chloride, surfactant lauramidopropyl betaine, and beneficial plant extracts. All these substances are safe and suitable for children's dermis and hair.

The following substances should be strictly avoided:

  • Sodium lauryl sulfuric acid salts (SLS, SLES or SDS). Sodium lauryl sulfate is not particularly dangerous for the healthy epidermis of an adult. But for a child’s skin it is one of the most irritating substances. When combined with other substances, it damages the hair follicles, therefore slows down hair growth, provokes hair loss and seborrhea. It is generally accepted that high-quality cosmetics for children should not contain this type of substance.
  • Ammonium lauryl sulfate- a carcinogenic substance that can accumulate in the skin and stimulates the development of cancer cells. It is better to use products that contain analogues of plant origin that do not have such side effects. They are labeled as TEA Lauril.
  • Triethinolamine (TEA)- a substance from the type of amino alcohols, often present in cosmetics as a concentrate. May disrupt the protective functions of the skin and negatively affect water balance. Because of this, it causes dandruff, dry skin, itching and redness. When individual skin characteristics are also present, it can even cause a chemical burn.
  • Diethanolamine (DEA)- a relative of the previous ingredient, used as a foam stabilizer. By itself it does not cause harm, but when combined with other components, it forms carcinogens and penetrates through the pores of the dermis. Scientists believe that it may be one of the causes of cancer of the stomach, esophagus and liver.
  • Methylisothiazolinone (MIT)- a preservative dangerous for the human nervous system, often causes allergic reactions, burning, itching, and the appearance of crusts, as a result of allergic dermatitis.
  • Parabens, such as isobutyl or isopropyl, can accumulate in the body, increasing the risk of developing mutated cells. Causes irritation, allergies, increases the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the body. Not recommended not only for children, but also for pregnant women. It has an estrogenic effect and can affect the development of the fetus and the very ability to have children. In cosmetics they can be designated as E 214, 216, 218, 219, benzylparaben, sodium salts.

Subtleties of choice

Many parameters, such as smell, color, shelf life, acidity level, influence the choice of product for a child.

The choice will largely depend on age. The simplest thing is to rely on the manufacturer's statement about the recommended number of years. But still, you shouldn’t trust it blindly. It is better to independently analyze the composition of the product and choose the most suitable option. What you should pay attention to when purchasing.

  • Be sure to check the ingredients, find out whether it contains the substances we discussed above. Try not to miss sulfates, parabens, preservatives and other harmful artificial additives. It is better that the product contains natural plant extracts, oils, and components of natural origin.
  • European manufacturers, most often, they more strictly monitor compliance with standards and the use of only approved components in the composition.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date of the product. It is clear that it can only be used at this time, and not later. But he can say something else about the product. The longer cosmetics can be stored, the more preservatives and stabilizers they contain.
  • The basis of any shampoo is detergent components. For a child's skin, they should be gentle and not aggressive. Monitor the pH of the product. It should be between 4.5 and 5.5 - these are acceptable safe limits.
  • Color, smell, design bottle of cosmetics needed correlate with the age of the baby. For children under three years of age, products are usually clear, colorless, odorless or have a subtle aroma. After reaching the age of three, you can turn your attention to more interesting means. Flavors in children's products most often resemble various goodies, for example, chocolate, strawberry, coconut or Coca-Cola. You can choose such products after 7 years; a very young child can try drinking a pleasant-smelling liquid.
  • If the product label says “No Tears,” take another look at the ingredients. This effect can be achieved in two ways. It’s great if the composition contains only soft natural ingredients that are gentle on the mucous membranes and do not cause irritation or a burning sensation. However, some unscrupulous manufacturers may add mild anesthetics to the product to prevent pinching, but it is better not to bathe your baby with this product.

After all the recommendations outlined above, it should be noted that the best option is to visit a dermatologist and get a recommendation from the doctor on which product is preferable to use for the baby. What it should contain, perhaps for your hair type it is better to select the content of extracts of some herbs, such as chamomile, burdock, string and others.

How to properly wash a child's hair

Children's hair gets dirty much less than adults' hair. Therefore, it is not recommended to frequently use shampoos and gels to wash them. Too frequent use can dry out the delicate scalp and cause disruption of the water balance and the natural fatty membrane of the scalp. Depending on how dirty the child’s hair is, wash it every 5-7 days. Baby vellus hair can be washed with detergents once every 10 days. Simply moistening with water without using soap is not considered a complete wash and this procedure can be repeated every day.

Regular shampoo or shower gel is not suitable for bathing a child.

Use only proven products designed specifically for children. Special products marked " 2 in 1", are a shampoo combined with conditioner. They are good to use for older children, they are especially suitable for girls with long curls. Conditioning substances do an excellent job of softening and nourishing, make it easier to comb strands and eliminate the possibility of tangling. For children, it is enough to wash their hair with shampoo once, without repetition.. Contaminants will be removed during this time. Children should gently moisten the head with water in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. Lather the cleanser in your palms and carefully apply to your hair, following the same direction. After this, the soap foam must be washed off with a sufficient amount of clean water.

Monitor the water temperature; for children, a temperature of 36-38 degrees is considered comfortable.

Due to the rapid growth of small children and their heads, skin cells in particular have to divide intensively. Because of this, milky crusts from dead cells and sebum of the glands often form on the epidermis of the head. The procedure of oiling the skin before bathing helps with crusts.. You can put a cap on your toddler for a while to help the cells separate from the skin. After this, you need to carefully comb your hair and remove loose crusts. The procedure is repeated several times and then they begin bathing.

The best brands for babies

  • Bubchen- famous German manufacturer of cosmetics for children. The company has been on the market for more than 50 years and selects the best natural substances for its products. The brand's baby shampoo is considered hypoallergenic and does not contain harmful substances. It has a gentle effect on the skin and hair and does not cause any unpleasant sensations even if it comes into contact with mucous membranes. A good product for the youngest ages, according to many, even outside our country.
  • Johnson's Baby Products can be found in most stores. The brand produces a line of children's cosmetics: shampoos, bathing foams, oils. The products have convenient packaging. According to the manufacturers' promises, they are hypoallergenic, but cases of irritation have still been recorded.
  • Shampoo for children from Mustela Suitable for both children's use and pregnant women. Does not worsen the water balance of the epidermis, nourishes it, the hair becomes shiny, soft, and combs well.

  • Nevskaya cosmetics "Eared nannies"- a line designed specifically for children. Suitable for any age, does not cause allergies. Helps soften baby skin, does not cause irritation, and perfectly removes crusts.
  • Product for babies of the brand "Our Mother" contains natural herbal extracts. Well softens and soothes even irritated skin, thanks to calendula. Chamomile and string in the composition gently disinfect and nourish. Recommended for use by allergy sufferers, it gently cares for children's hair.
  • Weleda Company In the production of its gel shampoo, it also focused on herbal ingredients. Thanks to the content of calendula extract, it heals and prevents inflammation. Glycerin, almond and sesame oils actively care for the skin. After using it, it is easy to comb your hair. It does not sting the eyes and does not irritate the mucous membranes.

  • Babycoccole from Italy enriched with lotus extract, contains natural ingredients. Regulates sebum production, gently soothes thanks to chamomile, oat component nourishes the skin.
  • Series "Karapuz" contains shampoos with active ingredients based on medicinal herbs such as chamomile and calendula. The product is packaged in an interesting way for children - in a bottle with a rattle. Some people note dry hair after it.
  • "Dragon"- shampoos for older children with various fruity scents that children will definitely like. The shampoo base is made from chicory root, does not contain dyes, and does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes. Russian scientists confirm its safety.

Can adults use it?

Doctors and stylists have not yet agreed on whether it is correct for adults to use children's products to wash their hair. They have advantages over conventional products: natural composition, absence of harmful components, hypoallergenic.

The softness of the natural detergent components included in the composition allows you not to use conditioner or balm after shampoo. Hair becomes soft and manageable. But a children's product that is not designed for the use of styling products is unlikely to cope with serious stains.

There are also some disadvantages to using such tools. They make the curls silky and airy, it will be difficult to style them, fix them, and add volume. Children's products will not be able to provide proper care to hair that will be subjected to styling and styling cosmetics. Cosmetics for children are simply not designed for this.

All children have normal skin type. Therefore, those who have certain problems should not use such shampoos. They will also not help in the fight against skin diseases, seborrhea or hair loss.

For those who have a normal type of epidermis and no problems with hair, cosmetologists give the go-ahead to use children's cosmetics. For short haircuts, it is also advisable to use such care - the skin needs gentle moisturizing and maintaining hydrobalance. You can also use baby cleansers as a face wash.

Of course, all parents of children want to use shampoos and creams for their children that will not harm their health. Of course, cosmetic children's care products undergo strict control, and they are subject to higher requirements than products intended for adults. BUT, nevertheless, baby shampoo often contains various chemical ingredients, even unwanted ones. Can such substances be dangerous to a child's health?

Unfortunately, there is still no unanimous opinion on this issue, even among experts in this field. But, we will try to figure out what components are included in baby shampoo, whether they are dangerous or not.


Sodium laureate sulfate(SLL or SLES). Thanks to this component, the scalp and hair are cleansed. This substance has a special effect - it forms a dense foam. That part of the population that is against the use of sodium laureate sulfate in baby shampoo cites the main argument that in the 60s of the last century it was successfully used to disinfect oil tanks. However, it should be noted that this element-substance is widely used in the cosmetic production of various companies.

Based on this, we can conclude that whether or not to use shampoos for children that contain sodium laureate sulfate should be decided solely by the child’s parents. In addition, there are simply NO contraindications for this substance. By the way, the shampoo itself contains this substance in very small doses.

Parabens, sulfates. We've all heard about them, there's a lot of debate, opinions, reasoning... Therefore, more about these components a little later.

♦ Interesting fact: to prevent shampoo from “pinching” your eyes, novocaine or lidocaine. Were you surprised too? On the packaging they are usually designated as anesthetics. Choose a shampoo that contains aloe, bisabol or string extract instead of these substances.

Sodium benzoate- a rather dangerous substance in that if the product is stored for a very long time, it may turn into berzene. Berzene is a carcinogen that causes hyperactivity in children. Although you shouldn’t worry too much - benzene is contained in shampoo in very small dosages.

Emulsifiers and preservatives. Methyl azothiazolinone, 2-bromo-2, PEG-150,80,8 - they can be absorbed through the skin, have carcinogenic and immunotoxic properties. When choosing a shampoo, carefully read the composition. Instead of specific names, only flavorings and preservatives can be indicated; this is much more dangerous. In such cases, you will not be able to understand how dangerous this type of baby shampoo is for the child’s health.

What baby shampoo formulation is safe to use? Choose the one that contains the least number of ingredients.

♦ It is important to know the following: glycerol under conditions of low air humidity, it dries out the skin.

♦ And in such a substance as Cocamide dea contains ammonia.

♦ Always pay attention to shampoo color and aroma! To achieve bright shades of shampoo, manufacturers always use chemical dyes. A pleasant “tasty” aroma is obtained thanks to various fragrances. Therefore, if the shampoo is colored bright orange, this does not mean that it was made using natural orange juice. At the same time, the bath can be fragrant with the aroma of juicy oranges when you open the shampoo.

Our advice to you: always choose cosmetics without any coloring, colorless, and with virtually no fragrance. And yet, the baby may be interested in the too bright color of the shampoo and its “delicious” smell. And this can lead to tragic consequences. A child can simply taste what he thinks is “yummy.” As a result, the baby will get an upset stomach or even poisoning.

Yes, you say, then what should you use to wash your child’s hair with? It's not entirely scary! All the ingredients listed above are contained in shampoos in minimal dosages, so they will not cause significant harm to your baby. Buy only baby body care cosmetics from well-known brands, this way you can avoid low-quality products.

By adding various types of chemicals to cosmetic products, manufacturers are thereby trying to improve some of the properties of baby care products and extend their shelf life. But most harmful ingredients can harm children, because the production of children's cosmetics keeps pace with “chemical” innovations.

Well, now about the main thing)))):


If the shampoo foams well, it means it contains sulfates. This substance perfectly cleanses hair of impurities. Sulfates are actually salts from sulfuric acid. It is thanks to sulfates that we can easily clean any contamination. They are included in such products as: washing powders and gels; shampoos; gels for shower and washing; washing liquids for washing dishes, floors, etc.

Sulfates are designated as follows:

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS is sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • SLES-Sodium laureth sulfate;
  • SDS-Sodiumdodecylsulfate–sodium dodecyl sulfate;
  • ALS-Ammonium laurylsulfate – ammonium sulfate;


If parabens are included in cosmetics, then the shelf life of this cosmetics will be long. After all, thanks to parabens in cosmetics, mold and various microbes simply do not survive.

Baby shampoo ingredients should only be safe. Do you think baby shampoo should contain preservatives? In fact, they are EXTREMELY necessary, because the minimum shelf life will not suit either sellers or buyers. Absolutely no one needs a cosmetic product that can be used for a maximum of three days. And no one in the modern world wants to use our grandmothers’ cosmetics when there is an alternative – modern products.


It is better not to use SLS and SLES sulfates. They are negative for the sensitive skin of a child. Both the skin of the body and the skin of the face and head can react to these substances. Changes in metabolic processes occur in the child’s body, as a result of which sulfates begin to be deposited in the cells of the child’s body.

Today it has already become known that, accumulating in the human body, these substances can become the root cause of cancer. And for the child there is a danger of slowing down full physical development.

What harm can sulfates cause to hair? The following negative consequences are possible:

  1. Changes in hair structure;
  2. The appearance of thin, weakened hair;
  3. Allergic reaction;
  4. The appearance of dandruff and itching;
  5. Alopecia, even complete hair loss.

Undoubtedly, the most ideal option is to completely abandon the use of lauryl sulfates or reduce the consumption of products containing these harmful impurities in your home. An alternative is sulfate-free products. Baby shampoos should not contain large amounts of sulfates and parabens.

Scientists from the UK have proven the danger of parabens to human health. While doing a detailed analysis of the breast tumor, they discovered parabens. However, it is worth noting that further research in this direction still did not confirm the danger of cancer cells when using cosmetics with parabens, the content of which does not exceed 0.8%. Hence the conclusion: you should still treat parabens with caution, but in small dosages they do not pose an increased danger to human health.


Of course, a shampoo that does not form a strong foam will not delight your child, but it will please you because it is gentle on children’s delicate skin. The components of baby shampoo should also include elements of plant origin - these are various extracts of medicinal plants and herbs. Such ingredients in the shampoo are absolutely harmless and do not pose a risk to the health of the child’s body. On the contrary, plant-based shampoo has some benefits.

Many parents are interested in the question: what is the best baby shampoo?

After all, when a long-awaited baby is born, mothers and fathers are faced with a lot of trouble and the need to protect the baby from the negative effects of the environment.

Naturally, a child’s hair and skin require careful care. Therefore, you should carefully study the composition of special children's cosmetics before purchasing it.

The point is the skin (not just on the head) of the child, for the care of which conventional products are not suitable.

It is very thin and sensitive due to its structure and the lack of a protective fat layer, like in adults.

The younger the baby, the more defenseless his skin is: it is not able to neutralize harmful substances and microbes.

If the child is less than a year old, then regular shampoo is extremely dangerous for him. Skin and hair cells are fully formed only seven years after birth.

The best children's hair shampoo is a natural, balanced and safe product.

In addition, shampoo for children should contain a mild formula that will not irritate the child’s eyes and nose, will not cause allergies and will do a good job of washing hair.

After all, the standard composition of special cosmetics for children includes the following components: water, SLES foaming agent, decyl glucoside, sodium chloride, cocamidopropyl betaine, Calendula Officinalis Extract (natural calendula extract), perfume composition, a lot of different preservatives (for example, MIT) and carcinogens.

If you decipher the composition of baby shampoo, you will get something like this: a water-based product that contains Decyl Glucoside (the safest surfactant) and a natural plant extract.

All other components of the product are very dangerous for the child’s scalp.

For example, ordinary table salt, which is needed to add viscosity to shampoo, is very drying to a child’s thin skin.

The foaming agent listed on the label as SLES is a dangerous carcinogen.

In combination with other substances, it can corrode hair follicles, which can slow down hair growth in a child, cause dandruff and hair loss.

In addition, the presence of this component in the composition means that the shampoo does not protect the baby's eyes and nose and can cause irritation.

MIT is a preservative that can cause dermatitis in the form of crusts on the child's head, and it also affects the nervous system.

Perfume compositions are most often of synthetic origin, which means they can cause allergies, especially in very young children.

Sulfates such as Ammonium and Sodium are carcinogenic substances. They can accumulate in the skin, stimulating the development of cancer cells.

If you see them in baby shampoo, you should get rid of the bottle forever. It is better to choose a product that contains TEA Lauril.

Such a product may cost more, but the baby’s health is much more important.

Subtleties of choosing baby shampoo

When choosing any baby care product, you need to pay attention to everything: smell, color, pH level, expiration date, bottle shape and other details.

The most important thing in baby shampoo is the detergent base. The highest demands are placed on its quality. The pH level should be neutral, approximately 4.5.

It is desirable that the composition includes vitamins, natural extracts and softeners.

“2-in-1” products or shampoos containing conditioning ingredients are best used for older children, especially girls, because such additives make combing hair easier and help solve the problem of hair tangling.

Since dyes often cause allergies, for children under three years of age it is better to choose a transparent, colorless product.

Only when the child reaches the age of seven will it be possible to purchase brightly colored cosmetics for him.

Shampoo for little ones, as a rule, is completely odorless or has a very light aroma.

When creating shampoo for older children, manufacturers spare no effort to ensure that it has an attractive, sweet scent that children will enjoy.

For example, chocolate, strawberry or caramel. Topping the list of children's favorite smells is cola, which reminds them of aromatic sparkling water.

Children over seven years old can purchase such shampoos. For those who are younger, this is dangerous, because it is unknown what will come to the child’s mind - what if he decides to taste caramel shampoo?

Preservatives are present in any composition of products for children and adults. The word itself is not dangerous, but its characteristics are an important point (there are permitted and unresolved ones).

Prohibited preservatives can cause slower hair growth or the appearance of crusts on the baby's head (allergic dermatitis).

If in Russia this issue is not particularly controlled, then the European Union countries monitor their manufacturers, so shampoo of European origin can be considered safe in terms of the presence of prohibited preservatives.

Based on the expiration date, it is also easy to understand the degree of harmfulness of baby shampoo for hair.

The longer the product can be stored, the more synthetic components it contains.

Currently, manufacturers often indicate on their products the age of the child for whom it is intended. This greatly simplifies the choice for puzzled moms and dads.

If there is no such mark, then you should pay attention to the packaging. For little ones, bottles of hair shampoos most often look discreet and are designed for the convenience of parents.

For older children, the bottle can be in the shape of animals, fruits, or have a bright cartoon sticker. In this way, manufacturers try to attract attention.

Do not forget the purpose of children's hair shampoo and the fact that the bottle of the product should, first of all, be convenient in size and not slip out of the child's hands when used.

If parents have doubts about a product for children, the easiest way to check at home is to lather it on your own hair.

A safe product will foam very poorly on an adult’s hair.

Reviews of baby shampoos

Currently, there is a very wide range of children's cosmetics on the shelves of stores and pharmacies, which rather hinders making a choice than facilitates it.

Satisfied and not so satisfied mothers, leaving their reviews, formed a whole national rating of the best shampoos for children.

But the choice should always be made taking into account individual characteristics and preferences.

You may need a remedy for crusts on your child's scalp (allergic dermatitis), to make it easier to comb, a shampoo for dandruff in your children, or to stimulate hair growth.

There are also options for girls and boys.

One of the popular children's shampoos for active hair growth is “Pony” (Horsepower) from the famous manufacturer “Horse Force”.

The product is made on the basis of natural plant extracts and does not contain harmful sulfates and parabens.

It has only positive reviews, does not cause children's tears and makes combing easier. It rightfully tops the rating of shampoos for little princesses.

Shampoo for babies Sanosan baby is perfect for newborns.

The product received grateful reviews from mothers who appreciated the natural hypoallergenic composition, mild detergent formula, absence of children's tears, cost-effectiveness, and convenient bottle.

In addition, it helps well against seborrheic crusts on the scalp of children.

Kinder foam shampoo, which is more suitable for little boys, contains natural chamomile extract.

The product does not contain harmful chemical compounds, foams well, washes, and does not irritate the eyes.

Shampoo for enhancing hair growth “Ushasty Nyan”, produced in Russia, foams well and washes long hair and does not cause allergies.

The advantage of the product is that it is relatively inexpensive, but the disadvantage is that it irritates the eyes of children during use.

Mustela Bebe is a special foam shampoo against seborrheic crusts on the heads of babies. It is recommended by many pediatricians.

The problem that many people face will no longer worry parents after purchasing Mustela, as confirmed by laudatory reviews.

The product is quite expensive, but high quality. It is rightfully included in the rating of the best shampoos against seborrheic crusts on the scalp of babies.

Shampoo for easier combing and enhanced growth "Belita-color" comes in different fruit scents.

Contains conditioning components, makes combing easier, does not cause tears or allergies.

Modern cosmetics are made using a large number of chemical elements. They can improve the quality of shampoo or its shelf life, but at the same time they cause great harm to our health. Therefore, many people are increasingly reading the labels of cosmetic products, hoping to find a natural and harmless composition. For example, children's shampoo without sulfates and parabens is rare, but if you really want to, you can still find it.

What are these elements?

Sulfates are chemical elements that are added to various products to clean household surfaces, hair and skin. Thanks to it, the detergent lathers perfectly and creates a lush, airy foam, unlike natural formulations that produce a weak soap solution.

There are several types of these substances:

  1. SLS - sodium lauryl sulfate.
  2. SLES - sodium laureth sulfate.
  3. SDS - sodium dodecyl sulfate.
  4. ALS - ammonium sulfate.

All these are sulfate salts of different substances. They perfectly remove any dirt and fats in the composition:

  • Washing powder.
  • Shampoo.
  • Shower and wash gel.
  • Household cleaning and dishwashing products.

Parabens are substances that prolong the life of various cosmetics, that is, they increase their shelf life. Parabens are able to stop the spread of germs and mold, due to which they are added not only to cosmetics and care products, but also to food.

Everyone knows that without adding various preservatives, everything will quickly deteriorate, and this is not at all beneficial to anyone. Such additives can extend the life of cosmetics by several years and significantly reduce the cost of the production process.

We always give our best to our beloved children, so when choosing a shampoo you need to be careful, read the composition and information on the label.

All baby shampoos have their own special composition. The components used in their production must be soft and should not irritate the eyes or scalp and not cause allergies. Therefore, their advantage is that they are made without the use of dyes, alcohol and chemical fragrances. Very often, manufacturers add extracts of chamomile, linden, lavender oil, and wheat proteins, which is a big plus.

When buying shampoo for a child, carefully read the composition: it should not contain synthetic additives, fragrances, active dietary supplements, parabens and other harmful substances.

The entire line of shampoos for baby care can be divided into three groups:

  1. For babies from birth to one year.
  2. For children from one to three years old.
  3. For children from three to twelve years old.

For example, all imported shampoos indicate the age category of consumers, up to three years and from three to fourteen. If this information is missing, it is assumed that this product can be used for children over three years of age. For newborns, it is better to choose care products without aggressive detergent components, since their thin skin is not prone to heavy contamination and does not need deep cleansing.

All cosmetics used for babies must undergo thorough testing and laboratory testing. After all, the production of cosmetics for children must be certified and of high quality, in accordance with international standards. Only after this they are sent for sale.

If we take specifically the sulfates SLES and SLS, they do not have the most favorable effect on the skin of our body. In addition, they settle in the cells of the body and can disrupt metabolism in the body. Under the influence of aggressive components, children's delicate skin can become very dry, and the mucous membrane will react with irritation.

Try to buy baby shampoo without sulfates and parabens, because these substances provoke the growth of malignant tumors. In addition, children may be slower in physical development compared to their peers.

But the hair and scalp react to sulfates like this:

  1. The structure of the hair is damaged.
  2. Hair becomes thinner along its entire length.
  3. Possible irritation and allergic reaction.
  4. Dandruff and flaking appear.
  5. Baldness is provoked.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use shampoos that contain sulfates. It’s better to choose products without these substances and, even if they are a little more expensive, you can at least protect your family a little from the influence of harmful components.

Scientists from Great Britain were the first to sound the alarm about the dangers of parabens. It was they who discovered them in breast cancer tumors. However, after a number of studies, the following was proven: the use of cosmetics in which the paraben composition is less than 0.8 percent cannot provoke the occurrence of a malignant tumor.

To eliminate the influence of harmful components, you should still choose natural baby shampoos of the appropriate age for your child.

The best brands of children's natural shampoos

So, having a little understanding of what these harmful substances mean and how they affect the human body, you can be more confident in choosing children's skincare products.

The most popular are baby shampoos without sulfates and parabens, the list of which is presented below.

This company specializes in the production of 100% natural cosmetics. The product line includes Baby Shampoo-Gel 0+. It is suitable even for the little ones. The shampoo does not contain substances harmful to the health of the child, such as parabens, sulfates and silicones. The composition includes chamomile extract, fireweed and grape seed oil. Thanks to them, the child's hair becomes soft and easy to comb.

The shampoo is suitable not only for washing your hair, but also as a baby liquid soap. You can order the product on the official website.

Baby Teva

This company is quite popular - it is used by many parents to wash their children’s hair, as well as by pregnant women who are faced with the problem of hair loss and increased sensitivity of the dermis.

The shampoo is created only from natural ingredients, and is also enriched with oils and vitamins that can moisturize the skin and fill the hair with the necessary elements. The product has a delicate, unobtrusive aroma and is quickly washed off with warm water, without causing allergies even on the thin skin of newborns. The chemical-free composition is suitable for washing the hair and bathing the body of children up to seven years old.

Many parents note the high price of a bottle of shampoo (around 1,500 rubles for 250 ml), but its benefits fully justify the investment.

La Cree

This foam shampoo from a Russian manufacturer not only perfectly cleanses the scalp, but at the same time has a healing effect, eliminating seborrheic crusts. Weightless foam quickly distributes through hair, leaving it soft and moisturized.

The composition of the product is enriched with natural ingredients - violet extract, wheat proteins, panthenol, olive and jojoba oils, salicylic acid and panthenol. Together, they enhance the protective functions of the dermis, promote cell regeneration and rapid healing.


The foam shampoo of this Japanese company gently and delicately cares for the scalp, which is why it is used for bathing newborn babies from the first months of life.

The composition of the product is thought out down to the last ingredient so that after use the child’s hair is combed well and looks healthy. Its soft base soothes the epidermis, has a moisturizing effect and does not cause a feeling of tightness or dryness. Natural ingredients enhance the protective functions of the skin, and the neutral pH allows the shampoo to be used on a daily basis.

The detergent produces excellent foam, although it does not contain fragrances, surfactants, mineral oils or alcohol. 450 ml bottle with dispenser. costs about 500 rubles.


Most parents choose this brand from Germany to care for their child from birth, because this baby shampoo is made without sulfates and parabens. It also does not contain all kinds of dyes, harmful silicone and other unnecessary components. Therefore, it is considered hypoallergenic and completely safe.

After using it, the hair becomes soft and more manageable, which is why it is well suited for washing long and curly hair. Combing your curls will no longer cause tears and bad emotions.


This company produces only natural baby shampoos using wheat proteins and chamomile extract. After using them, the scalp is moisturized, minor irritations disappear, and the hair becomes shiny. In addition, panthenol is added to the composition, which can heal small wounds, relieve irritation and speed up the recovery process.

The composition has a herbaceous smell and does not sting the eyes. When lathering, the shampoo does not produce airy foam, which increases its consumption.


This is a hypoallergenic shampoo based on natural plant ingredients such as linden, lemon balm and calendula marigold extracts. It is used from the first days of a child’s life, because it does not sting the eyes and carefully cares for the hair and scalp.

It is better to use the product before bedtime, as it has a calming effect on the child and does not leave a strong odor on the body. Its liquid consistency easily whips into foam and perfectly rinses the hair, making it elastic and smooth.
