Children's crossword of 10 words. Crosswords for children

In this section you can download entertaining crossword puzzles, print them on a color printer for children and solve them to your heart’s content. Here you will find crosswords and puzzles for children on various topics, in different designs, which will attract the child’s attention with their bright pictures, familiar characters and exciting tasks.

Crosswords are necessary primarily for the comprehensive development of a child, training his memory and attention, as well as the ability to think logically.

Fun crosswords - Print and solve!

Before you print out the puzzles and crosswords, first look through them in this section to select the appropriate ones according to your child’s age and abilities.

  • Crossword questions are pictures. Next to each picture is the number it corresponds to. Having figured out what is drawn in the picture, the child finds exactly the same number in the crossword puzzle grid and writes a word into it, the first letter of which begins with the cell with the number.
  • Puzzles are solved logically. The main task is to understand how words are encrypted. For example, if the letter O contains the letter P, then this means the syllable “BOR”. Quotes indicate how many letters need to be subtracted from a word and from which side. For example, if a crown is drawn and there are 3 quotation marks in front of it, this means that the first 3 letters of the word “crown” need to be removed.

You will also probably be very interested in our online crossword puzzles, which can be solved by children from 6 to 14 years old:

Crosswords for children online - From 6 to 14 years. Here you will find crosswords on a variety of topics: seasons, animals, geography, medicine, general characteristics of a subject, school, New Year, food, space and many others...

Crossword puzzles for younger schoolchildren on a sports theme

Crossword puzzles for children 8 - 10 years old “Winter sports”

Nechaeva Elena Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, KSU “Secondary school No. 21, Saryozek village” Osakarovsky district, Karaganda region Kazakhstan.
Target: instilling interest in sports.
Tasks: to concretize students’ knowledge about winter sports; develop your horizons, activate and enrich your vocabulary; instill a desire to play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Preliminary work: conducting conversations on sports topics.
Description: There are two crossword puzzles on the topic “Winter sports”. After solving crossword puzzles, the children will read the names of two winter sports - short track speed skating and curling. And they learn about these sports.
Purpose: Crosswords “Winter Sports” are intended for use in the educational process. It will be useful for primary school teachers, physical education teachers and parents of children aged 8 - 10 years.
Equipment: crosswords, presentation.
Everything in our life is instantaneous.
Everything passes and will pass.
Sports are a must
Exercise all year round.
Jump, run, do push-ups,
The load is heavy to lift,
Work out in the morning
Run a hundred meters.
Running away from a heart attack
Don't spare yourself, neighbor!
A cheerful world of fun starts -
Herald of future victories!
Don't hesitate. Do not be shy.
Do without doctors.
Take care of your body.
Be healthy! Always healthy!

Teacher: Hello guys! People all over the planet should be healthy, and to be healthy you need to play sports, do exercises, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Today we will talk about winter sports, we will solve crossword puzzles. Having solved the first crossword puzzle, we will read vertically for the title of winter sport.
1. This headgear is worn by athletes in many winter sports, for example: skateboarding, hockey, short track speed skating (helmet)

2. In which city were the Winter Olympic Games held in 2014? (Sochi)

3. What is the name of the board, a sports equipment on which one stands with two feet and descends from snow-capped mountains and even rides on sandy slopes? (snowboard)

4.Name a winter Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting. (biathlon)

5. Who prepares athletes for competitions? (trainer)

6. A sport, as well as a popular activity for millions of people around the world. Descent from a snowy hill on special skis. (ski)

7. What should athletes hit with a rifle in biathlon? (target)

8. Name a team sports game on ice where two teams compete on skates, passing the puck with a stick and scoring a goal against the opponent? (hockey)

Teacher: Guys, we solved the crossword puzzle, and now let's read what name of the winter sport we got vertically in the highlighted cells. (short track)

Short track(speed skating on a short track) is a type of speed skating. In competitions, several athletes (usually 4-8: the longer the distance, the more athletes in the race) simultaneously skate along an oval ice track 111.12 m long. The track, as a rule, is located on a regular hockey rink. Turns are made with an internal radius of 8 m, the distance between curves is 28.85 m. The distance is 111.12 m - obtained by measuring a distance of 0.5 m from the edge. They drive counterclockwise. Races are held at 500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 meters. During the relay, participants can change each other at any time except the last two laps. At the same time, they can push their comrades. A fallen athlete can be replaced at any time (including in the last laps). The men's relay is 5000 m, the women's is 3000 m.
Teacher: Well done guys! We need to solve another crossword puzzle and remember as much as possible about winter sports. After solving the crossword puzzle, we will read the name of another winter sport.
1. Name a sport in which you need to cover a certain distance on an ice stadium in a closed circle on skates as quickly as possible? (skating)

2. Winter Olympic sport, which is a high-speed descent from the mountains along specially equipped ice tracks on a controlled bob sleigh. (bobsled)

3.What is the name of ski acrobatics? (freestyle)

4. What is the name of a high-speed descent from a snow-capped mountain along a winding track with a series of passages marked with flags - gates? (slalom)

5. What time of year are the Winter Olympics held? (winter)

6. Winter Olympic sport, which is a descent down an ice chute on a two-runner sled on a reinforced frame. (skeleton)

7. This winter sport includes men's singles skating, women's singles skating, pair skating, and ice dancing. (figure skating)

Teacher: Well done guys, you know winter sports well. Now let's read the name of the winter sport vertically in the highlighted cells.

Curling- a team sports game on an ice rink. Participants of two teams alternately launch special heavy granite projectiles (“stones”) across the ice towards a target marked on the ice (“house”). Each team has four players. Curling originated in Scotland in the early 16th century. During the end, teams take turns releasing 8 stones. When playing a stone, the player pushes off from the starting block and accelerates the stone across the ice. At the same time, he tries to either stop the stone in a certain place, or knock opponents’ stones out of the scoring zone, depending on the current tactical goal. Other team players can use special brushes to rub the ice in front of the stone, thereby slightly correcting its movement. Such manipulations with a brush are called sweeping (translation from English - sweeping). After all 16 stones have been played, the end points are counted. Only those stones that are inside the house are taken into account. The team whose stone is closest to the center is considered to have won the end. She gets one point for each stone that is closer to the center than the opponent's closest stone to the center.
Teacher: Well done boys! We remembered almost all winter sports, all of them are included in the Winter Olympic Games. The Winter Olympic Games are the largest international winter sports competitions, held once every 4 years under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee. The Winter Olympic Games began in 1924 as a complement to the Summer Games. As you know, the Winter Olympic Games in 2014 were held in the city of Sochi, Russia. The 2018 Winter Olympics will be held in the Korean city of Pyeongchang. Everyone exercise and stay healthy. Questions:
1. An ancient measure of length equal to the distance between the extended thumb and forefinger.
2. Tenth of a meter.
3. A sign indicating a number.
4. They recognize her when they get an apartment. If it’s big, then they’re happy.
5. A period of time equal to 12 months.
6. Mathematical sign in the form of a rounded line.
7. A line that has neither beginning nor end.

Vertically: 1. Pythagoras.
Horizontally: 1. Span. 2. Decimeter. 3. Number. 4. Area. 5. Year. 6. Brace. 7. Direct.

Musical crossword puzzle for children 6-7-8 years old with answers

Solve the crossword puzzle- Write the names of musical instruments in the boxes.

Answer: drum, harp, tambourine, trumpet, guitar

Crossword puzzle for elementary school students with answers. Proverbs and sayings

1. Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Army during the Second World War. (Stalin)
2. Old warrior. (Veteran)
3. It was carried out on June 21, 1941 by pilot I. Ivanov. (Ram)
4. Synonym for the word “Fatherland”. (Motherland)
5. An artillery piece with a female name. ("Katyusha")
6. This noble act is performed by a person risking his life. (Feat)
7. Legendary commander of the Second World War. (Zhukov)
8. Warrior's protective headdress. (Helmet) Vertically.
9. Swift attack. (Attack)
10. Siege city. (Leningrad)
11. Gathering information about the enemy. (Intelligence service)
12. The country's armed forces. (Army)

Crossword for younger students. Vegetables

Fill in all the cells horizontally by entering the names of the vegetables...

Crossword puzzle with answers for 3rd grade on the topic: Trees

1. Mighty, spreading. (Oak)
2. Tall, resinous. (Pine)
3. Belostvolnaya, Russian. (Birch)
4. Slender, pointed. (Cypress)
5. Flaming, red. (Rowan)
6. Trembling. (Aspen)
7. Crying. (Willow)

Crossword puzzle with answers for 3rd grade on the topic: Mushrooms

I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the roots of aspen trees.
You'll recognize me a mile away
My name is... (boletus).. While the children are each wearing a beret.
When they grew up, they put on their hats. (Saffron milk caps). I don't argue, I'm not white
I, brothers, am simpler.
I usually grow in a birch grove. (Boletus)

He stood in the forest
Nobody took him
In a fashionable red hat,
No good. (Amanita)

King of mushroom on a thick stalk
The best of the baskets.
He holds his head bravely,
Because it is a mushroom... (white).

His body is similar to a pear,
Only with very white skin.
When he gets old, they will say this:
“Grandfather smokes tobacco.” (Raincoat)

They wear red berets,
Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.
Very friendly sisters
Golden... (chanterelles).

Along the forest paths
Lots of white legs
In multi-colored hats,
Noticeable from afar.
Collect, don't hesitate,
This is ... (russula).

Crossword puzzle for 2nd grade with answers. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat"

1. Geometric figure. (Triangle.)
2. Part of the plane limited by a circle. (Circle.)
3. Unit of measurement of area. (Hectare.)
4. A segment connecting a point on a circle with its center. (Radius.)
5. Three-digit number. (One hundred.)
6. The part of a line lying between two points. (Line segment.)
7. A rectangle with all sides equal. (Square.)
8. Geometric figure, similar to a dining table. (Trapezoid.)
9. English measure of length. (Yard.)
1. The distance between the ends of the segment. (Length)

Musical crossword puzzle for grades 7-8 with answers

1. Russian plucked string instrument with a triangular body and three strings.
2. A large group of musicians playing various instruments and jointly performing works written for this composition.
3. The simultaneous combination of several sounds of different heights, perceived by the ear as a sound unity.
4. German composer who composed the “Moonlight Sonata” and “Kreutzer Sonata”.
5. Type of concert and pop group.
6. String percussion keyboard musical instrument.
7. Musical group of four performers.
8. High male singing voice.
9. Russian composer, author of the romances “The Nightingale”, “I Loved You”.
10. A wooden cane with a tuft of horsehair stretched, used to produce sound.
1 1. Wind musical instrument.
12. Composer, founder of Russian classical music, author of the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment”.
13. A person engaged in creativity in any field of art.
If all the words are entered correctly, then the letters in the highlighted horizontal line form a word that means “musical accompaniment.” Answers

1. Balalaika. 2. Orchestra. 3. Chord. 4. Beethoven. 5. Ensemble. b. Piano. 7. Quartet. 8. Tenor. 9. Alyabyev. 10. Bow. 11. Flute. 12. Glinka. 13. Artist.

In the highlighted line the word: accompaniment.

Literary crossword puzzle with answers for grades 7-8 “Guess the author”

2. The story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.
4. Historical novel “Ninety-third year.”
5. The fairy tale “Rikki-Tiki-Tavi”.
6. Fairy tale "The Snow Queen".
9. Poems “Dirty Girl”, “Roar”, “Tamara and I”.
13. Fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”.
14. Fairy tale in verse “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”
15. Novel "Gadfly".
21. Novel “Treasure Island”.
22. Novel “The Last of the Mohicans.”
24. Novel “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin.”
25. Fairy tale “The wonderful journey of Nils with wild geese.”
26. “Notes on Sherlock Holmes.”
27. The fairy tale “Tsokotukha Fly”. Vertically:
1. The novel “The Three Musketeers”.
3. Fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City.”
7. Novel "Robinson Crusoe".
8. The story “Dreamers”.
9. Ural tale “Malachite Box”.
10. Fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino.”
11. Novel “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.”
12. “Hunting Stories”, “Golden Meadow”, “Pantry of the Sun”.
16. Novel for children “A Tale with Details.”
17. Fairy tale “Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat.”
18. Satirical novel “Gulliver’s Travels”.
19. The story “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.”
20. Poem “Uncle Styopa”.
22. The stories “Conduit” and “Shvambraniya”.
23. “The Tale of a Real Man.” Answers

Horizontally: 2. Twain. 4. Hugo. 5. Kipling. 6. Andersen. 9. Barto. 13. Perrault. 14. Ershov. 15. Voynich. 21. Stevenson. 22. Cooper. 24. Tolstoy. 25. Lagerlöf. 26. Milked. 27. Chukovsky.
Vertically: 1. Dumas. 3. Volkov. 7. Defoe. 8. Nosov. 9. Bazhov. 10. Rodari. 11. Bern. 12. Prishvin. 16. Oster. 17. Uspensky. 18. Swift. 19. Gogol. 20. Mikhalkov. 22. Kassil. 23. Field.

History crossword puzzle with answers for grades 7-8

1. A male statue supporting the ceiling of a building, a balcony.
2. In the Middle Ages, a military competition between knights in strength and dexterity.
3. A person who is the complete property of his master.
4. The phenomenon when some workers cannot find a job.
5. The science of predicting the future by the location of the stars.
6. Gun projectile for throwing.
7. Sacred mountain, the seat of the gods led by Zeus.
8. A fee levied on merchants for the transportation and sale of goods.
9. Security.
10. Annual auctions in which merchants from different cities and countries took part.
11. Systematic collection of maps with explanatory text.
12. Russian commander, generalissimo.
13. Dwelling of the forest Indians of North America.
14. Pictures made of colored pebbles or pieces of glass.
15. Church minister.
16. Egyptian pharaoh, whose tomb was discovered in 1922 almost unplundered.
17. A plot of land belonging to a separate family of a serf.
18. Great Russian scientist, founder of the first Moscow University.
19. A woman, according to popular belief, supposedly has a supernatural ability to harm people and animals.
20. Union, association based on contractual obligations.
21. Leader of the largest slave uprising in Ancient Rome.
22. A person who works the land. Answers

1. Atlant. 2. Tournament. 3. Slave 4. Unemployment. 5. Astrology. 6. Core. 7. Olympus. 8. Duty. 9. Promotion. 10. Fair. 11. Atlas. 12. Suvorov. 13. Wigwam. 14. Mosaic. 15. Abbot. 16. Tutankhamun. 17. Allotment. 18. Lomonosov. 19. Witch. 20. Alliance. 21. Spartak. 22. Peasant.

Geography crossword puzzle with answers for grades 7-8

1. Warm current off the coast of North America.
2. Mineral resource.
3. Periodically gushing hot spring.
4. "Color Sea".
5. The hardest mineral.
6. Part of the world.
7. The highest peak of the Caucasus Range (5633 m).
8. Longest parallel.
9. The state whose capital is the city of Sofia.
10. Russian navigator, author of the book “Walking across Three Seas.”
1 1. The deep shell located between the earth's crust and the Earth's core; ceremonial attire of kings.
If all the words are entered correctly, the letters in the highlighted vertical column form the name of the science of earthquakes. Answers

1. Gulf Stream. 2. Iron. 3. Geyser. 4. Red. 5. Diamond. 6. Europe. 7. Elbrus. 8. Equator. 9. Bulgaria. 10. Nikitin. 11. Mantle.

Math crossword for grades 7-8 with answers

2. A point on the plane equidistant from all points on the circle.
4. A segment connecting the vertices of a triangle.
6. Straight part.
8. Any set of points, finite or infinite, on a plane or in space.
9. The set of all points on a line lying between two given points.
10. Unit of length.
12. The result of the subtraction action.
13. English measure of length.
14. One of the dimensions of a parallelepiped.
15. Polyhedron.
16. An ancient measure of mass.
18. The largest chord of a circle.
20. A figure formed by two rays emanating from one point.
21. Centenary.
22. French mathematician who introduced the rectangular coordinate system.
23. Unit of mass.
24. Unit of time. Vertically:
1. The set of all points of the coordinate plane (x; y), where x is the argument, y is the value of the function.
2. Unit of mass.
3. Side of the edge.
5. The place occupied by a digit in the notation of a number.
7. Subtraction action component.
11. Action sign.
15. One hundredth of a number.
17. Letter of the Greek alphabet.
18. The distance between the ends of the segment.
19. A segment connecting the center of a circle with any of its points. Answers

Crossword puzzles with answers are excellent game options for children 8-10 years old. Such interesting and exciting crossword puzzles can be printed out and solved very quickly by covering the blank spaces with the correct answers. Sometimes such crossword puzzles can be difficult for children from 8 to 10 years old, then adults can be involved in solving the game, who can easily and simply help the children.

A crossword puzzle about sports will introduce children to different sports; you just need to try to solve it. If this doesn't work out, you can always turn to adults for answers.


  1. Racing rally on the highway or on the track.
  2. Equipment for playing football.
  3. Army Sports Club.
  4. Physical education.
  5. Sports Union.
  6. Water..


    1. Soviet hockey star, goalkeeper.
    2. Team play, the ball is thrown by hand.
    3. Physical education in the morning.
    4. End of the race.
    5. Swimming style is considered the fastest.

Game “Crossword” on the theme of school – Games for children


      1. Water runs over the pebbles and murmurs from afar.
      2. The time of year when it rains.
      3. A well-trodden path.
      4. It runs in the summer and sleeps in the winter. Spring has come and started running again.
      5. Yellow in autumn and green in summer.
      6. White and floating across the sky.
      7. It is very hot at this time of year.
      8. We stood there all summer and waited for winter. When the time was right, we rushed down the mountain.



  1. Teaches children in kindergarten and plays games with them. (Teacher).
  2. Provides costumes to actors. (Dresser).
  3. He is launched into space. (Astronaut).
  4. Cooking. (Cook).
  5. Healing people. (Doctor).
  6. Grows vegetables and fruits. (Farmer).
  7. Leads the ship's crew. (Captain).
  8. Herding cows. (Shepherd).
  9. Drives a truck. (Driver).
  10. He knows everything about the land and how to cultivate it. (Agronomist).
  11. Teaches children at school. (Teacher).


  1. Films photo sessions on camera. (Photographer).
  2. Cuts and does hairstyles. (Hairdresser).
  3. Treats animals. (Vet).
  4. He paints wonderful pictures. (Artist).
  5. Checking tickets on the tram. (Conductor).
  6. Moves huge loads on a crane. (Crane operator).
  7. Puts out fires. (Firefighter).
  8. Works underwater. (Diver).
  9. Works on a ship. (Sailor).
  10. Mines coal. (Miner).
  11. Serves on the border. (Border guard).
  12. Flies on airplanes. (Pilot).
  13. Plays in the theater. (Actress).

Vegetables and fruits

Crossword puzzle and questions with answers:

      1. A flower that looks like the sun. (Sunflower).
      2. Small round crumbs live in the green pocket. (Peas).
      3. A strong, pot-bellied light green guy lives in a garden bed. (Zucchini).
      4. An orange ball lies in the garden. (Pumpkin).
      5. It grows in the garden, knows the notes “sol” and “fa”. (Beans).
      6. Red as a poppy, a very tasty vegetable. (Tomato).
      7. Purple vegetable. (Eggplant).
      8. A star lies on the grass. (Squash).
      9. Green grass, put it in the salad. (Parsley).
      10. The grandfather is sitting dressed in a hundred fur coats. (Onion).
      11. The green beauty sits in the garden bed, proud of her leaf skirt. (Cabbage).
      12. Lives underground, they put it in soup. (Potato).
      13. Pyramid with yellow grains. (Corn).
      14. He wears a white frock coat and bites his side. (Garlic).
      15. The beauty has a bright orange body and a green braid. (Carrot).

All of these crossword puzzles with answers are suitable for children aged 8 to 10 years. All these games will not only help you have fun, but will also help develop your child's math skills. All the games above are suitable for both 8 and 10 year olds and they also have pictures that will be interesting for children.

How to interest a child in the secrets, discoveries and wonders of the world around him? It's simple: crosswords for kids are a simple but ingenious solution to a difficult dilemma and an impossible task.

Crossword is the most common intellectual game in the world, which is interesting not only for adults, but also for children. Our website Childdevelop provides an excellent opportunity to download crossword puzzles for free. There are many types of this game: classic ones, with the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines, children's crosswords with pictures, crosswords with puzzles and hints, thematic crosswords. Children of different ages and with different preferences and hobbies can play children's crossword puzzles.

Children's crosswords with answers

Children's crosswords are puzzle games in which you need to answer questions and write letters in special cells to form the answer. On our website Childdevelop you can find intellectual puzzles for toddlers and older children. Crossword games for children are a great pastime that trains memory, attention, logic and independence of the smallest scholars. Solving a crossword puzzle is not easy, but you can independently determine the difficulty level for your child or check the solution with him; for this you should choose children's crossword puzzles with answers.

Crosswords for toddlers, preschoolers and schoolchildren

Crosswords for preschoolers - short lessons on knowledge of your favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters, riddles and puzzles. Crossword puzzles for kids are entertaining and fun games - all you have to do is download and print the tasks for free.

Crossword puzzles for schoolchildren cover a wider range of topics for questions. If your child has difficulty solving a crossword puzzle, turn the individual game into a family game. Solving children's crossword puzzles with the whole family is an excellent solution to diversify your day off. Moreover, crossword puzzles for children can be printed in just a few minutes - you just need to go to the Childdevelop website, register and select the crossword puzzles you like.

Children's crossword puzzles can be downloaded and printed for free on the Childdevelop website

If you are concerned that your child spends a lot of time in front of a computer monitor (tablet), use the function - download crosswords. You can print out children's crossword puzzles yourself and give your child the opportunity to play and develop not only erudition, but also fine motor skills. Solving crossword puzzles with markers and colored pencils is bright and interesting! Download free crossword puzzles and these puzzles will help raise a real young crossword reader with the most developed attention, thinking and imagination. Download simple and easy crossword puzzles for children on the Childdevelop website - it’s easy, convenient and fast.
