Portfolio for a preschooler, sample of filling out mother's notes. Portfolio templates for boys and girls from kindergarten

The structure of the portfolio of a preschooler aged 4-7 years in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards. Recommendations for compilation.

It's no secret that maintaining a portfolio is encouraged in kindergartens. Now it has become not just fashionable, but already necessary to create a children's portfolio even when children enter kindergarten!
The portfolio of a child aged 4-7 years is a kind of piggy bank of your child’s successes in the main areas of his development.
The criteria have been revised in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards for compulsory general education programs for preschool institutions.
Maintaining a portfolio will help you establish a closer relationship with your child, spend more time together, create an atmosphere of common interests, and you will be able to timely celebrate your child’s successes and maintain interest in various activities in the following areas:
- social and personal development,
- cognitive and speech development,
- physical development,
- artistic and aesthetic development.
You will help your child develop a tool for self-knowledge “What I am” and gain experience that will be useful to you in the future.
The portfolio will be useful to parents and teachers, and most importantly - to the kids themselves!
In your portfolio you can include the best drawings, photographs of crafts, observations, notes about your child’s vocabulary, and his growing skills.

What will the portfolio be like?

A children's portfolio must certainly be colorful and bright. Ideally, it will become both a child’s favorite “picture book” and a source of pride.
Explain to your child what kind of “magic book” you are starting to collect together and why. There is no need to be afraid that the child “will not understand” or “will quickly grow cold.”
He will understand! From the age of 3, all children, without exception, love bright books.
It won't cool down! The book about yourself is the most interesting. She will “receive with delight” all creative works, will pay “special attention” to amazing fantasies, and after a while she will “lovingly remind” you of “how little you were just a year ago!”

Title page

A title page for a children's portfolio is almost the same as a beautiful suit for a holiday. This is a kind of face of the whole work. Taking the folder in hand and looking at the title page, teachers or your friends already form a first opinion not only about the baby, but sometimes about the entire family who took part in the preparation of the portfolio.
The title page of a kindergarten portfolio should not be overloaded with information. There will be many interesting pages inside for her, where everything can be painted colorfully and meaningfully. But by looking at the work even briefly, the viewer should glean information about who is the owner of such a weighty, luxurious folder, how old he is and where he lives or studies. Of course, it would be nice if next to this laconic information there is a photo of the owner of the children’s portfolio.
Many people prefer to draw up the first sheet on the computer, although the child wants to contribute his or her part to the creation of this document. Can a little sun, which was drawn with great care and love, spoil the title page? Let him also take part in the creative process, then the child will feel that he, like his mother, can be proud of the beautifully designed folder, because he also drew in it.

Section 1. “My World” (“Portrait”)

Here you can place any information that is interesting and important for the child.

My name (information about what the name means, why the parents chose this particular name; if the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can explain what it means), you can give the meaning of character and predispositions according to the horoscope. – My name at baptism (if a child was baptized, he is often given a second name corresponding to his religion) – My family (here you can tell the names of your mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandparents or place a drawing of your family tree) – My friends (photos friends, information about their interests, hobbies) – Where I live (tell me about my hometown, its interesting places in photographs and descriptions) – My kindergarten (tell me which kindergarten and group the child goes to)

Section 2 – “My favorite activities and games”

What do we do with mom (grandmother, in kindergarten, in a circle, etc.)

My favorite games at home and in kindergarten (you can talk about the games that the child prefers: cubes, mosaics, children's dominoes, etc.):

My favorite books (list the titles and authors of children's books that the child likes) – I like to exercise (list the activities that the child likes: reading, drawing, sculpting, dancing, etc.) – My walks (outdoor activities and games)

Section 2 – “My holidays”
In this section you can include photographs from birthdays, photographs of holidays in kindergarten: March 8, New Year, etc.

4th Birthday - 5th Birthday - 6th Birthday

Section 4 – “I am growing”This section may include headings:

"Dynamics of physical development"
This section reflects the data of anthropometric measurements. They can be presented in the form of interesting graphs, diagrams, drawings or tables. It is interesting to include here not only information about the child’s height and weight, but also the size of the palm or the outline of the foot.
You can also include photographs of the child on his birthday in this section.

1. Indicators of physical development

4 years

5 years

6 years

Height, cm

Weight, kg

2. My palm (on this page you can trace a child’s palm on his birthday and see how it has grown every year)

"Dynamics of General Development"
(social and personal development, cognitive and speech development).

Through the mouth of a baby (interesting words, phrases, baby statements) – I know letters – I read at 4, 5 years old – I can count at 4, 5 years old – My favorite song – My favorite poem – I play musical instruments – I dance – The world around me - The world inside me

"Creative Development"

(includes drawings, photographs of creative works, photographs of participation in theatrical productions of the kindergarten or club that the child attends)

Drawings in different genres (watercolor, gouache, pastel, wax crayons, etc.) - modeling (plasticine, clay, sculptural mass) - applique
- design - photographs of crafts (made from paper, cardboard, natural materials, etc., participation in exhibitions) - theatrical performances (list roles, attach photographs)

"My records"

Fill this section with certificates or diplomas, of which children in kindergarten receive a lot. To give your child an incentive to try, you can reward him at home for participating in various games or competitions with friends.
It is better to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order. Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, holidays and events, etc. The materials in this block allow you to build a rating of individual results, a rating of achievements, and track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 5 – “My impressions”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, hike, excursion. - My travels - My discoveries

My excursions - Impressions of visiting theaters and exhibitions

Section 5 – “Feedback and Suggestions”

(in any form)– Educators – Parents – Additional education teachers Nothing increases a child’s self-esteem more than a teacher’s positive assessment of his efforts. Here you can write a review or wish, perhaps recommendations, both from a teacher and a parent, both based on the results of the school year, and on participation in any event.

Memo for preschool teachers on maintaining a portfolio

1. Involving parents to help fill out sections of the portfolio.

2. Portfolio sections should not be numbered, but arranged in random order (optional).

3. The result of the work is dated so that dynamics can be tracked; the corresponding assessment always compares the child’s current work with earlier work.

4. Do not use the portfolio to compare children with each other!!!

6. Viewing of the portfolio by teachers, parents and other students is permitted only with the knowledge and consent of the child to whom the portfolio belongs.

7. Portfolio pages should be beautifully designed; the child should understand the importance of the appearance of the document.

8. It is important that at each stage in the process of moving towards the intended goal, the child’s success is recorded, because success is the best incentive for further development.

Now in kindergartens everywhere, not only older pupils, but also children who have just joined the team have their own portfolio. Why it is needed and what it consists of, let’s try to figure it out.

A portfolio for kindergarten children is a kind of business card from which you can find out literally everything about the baby. It is done by parents under the strict guidance of the child himself, and this joint creative activity brings family members very close.

Different preschool institutions have their own requirements for this creative work, but most often it has a standard look - a beautiful cover and bright photographs telling about the stages of the baby’s life, located inside the folder.

You can make a portfolio for kindergarten with your own hands without making any enormous efforts. To do this, you will need to prepare in advance photographs from the life of the child, his friends, diplomas and certificates with which he was awarded, even if they were humorous. Often the teacher asks to make such a portfolio annually, which means that you need to collect all the information about the child’s achievements during this period.

How to create a portfolio for kindergarten?

The most important thing in a portfolio is its title page, it’s like the face of a child himself and you want it to look neat and beautiful. Thanks to the development of technical capabilities, it is not difficult to make it; you can select a suitable template on the Internet and enter your child’s data in the designated fields.

Don't forget that your baby should also participate in the process of creating his portfolio. Therefore, let him print a few letters or draw a small flower in the corner to feel his involvement in the miracle.

First section

This contains information about the identity of the owner of the portfolio. If you approach the matter creatively, you can come up with a lot of interesting and educational descriptions of the same name, namely, indicate why this particular name was chosen to name the child.

If a child has an interesting, rare surname, then you can write a story of its origin - the child can be proud of his original origins. The section also contains information about the family - parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents. The baby's friends and their common hobbies are also suitable material for getting to know the child.

Second section

Here we are talking about the child’s favorite games and activities. What does he do at home? In kindergarten, with mother, grandmother, other relatives, whatever hobby he has. You can list all this and add photographic materials.

Third section

This place is reserved for various holidays in which the child takes part. Of course, this is a birthday, New Year, Easter, March 8 with descriptions and photographs of how they were celebrated every year.

Fourth section

Here the child’s achievements are indicated - what he learned throughout the year (reading, writing, drawing), and perhaps he participated in competitions and received a diploma. All hand-made pages are scanned and attached to this section.

Fifth section

There remains a free space where the teacher evaluates the child’s portfolio and writes his wishes into it, and this, like nothing else, stimulates him to new achievements. In an informal setting where parents and children gather, each mother presents the baby’s portfolio along with him.

Often the teacher suggests making a family portfolio for kindergarten. It will have fewer sections and pages, but no less interesting. Each family member is assigned his own block, which describes his work, interesting information and other information available to children.

Before entering the kindergarten, a portfolio is prepared for a kindergarten graduate, where all the information accumulated during the time spent in kindergarten is collected.

We offer you several bright, colorful templates that will suit both boys and girls.

Attention! The article provides an example of a portfolio.

A preschooler’s portfolio is a folder in which the child’s talents, successes, and preferences are “collected.” Portfolios are increasingly required in preschool institutions. Children who do not attend preschool educational institutions, one way or another, become the heroes of the portfolio - in the popular series of photo albums “I was born, I am growing.”

Why do you need a preschooler's portfolio?

Parents have an ambivalent attitude towards portfolios. On the one hand, many consider this an unjustified waste of time and a useless undertaking: they say, if a preschooler has a bad portfolio, will he be expelled from the kindergarten or not accepted into school? Opponents of the portfolio argue their point of view by saying that a kindergarten should be involved in raising a child, regardless of his status, welfare or epistolary skills of the parents, but here it turns out to be some kind of paperwork.

Another camp encourages children to have portfolios. Parents understand the importance of drawing up a reference folder. Portfolios are often required to help teachers. Having learned from the portfolio what games the child likes to play, what toys he likes, what assignments he is most willing to carry out, the teacher will be able to correctly and competently build a line of behavior with the preschooler and help him quickly adapt to the team.

Having received from the teacher as homework to prepare a portfolio of a preschooler, you will have to remember and put together the main points associated with the child’s life: his preferences, hobbies, first creative works, photographs. In kindergarten, the portfolio will be supplemented with the most successful drawings and crafts, and at the graduation party you will receive back a folder with the child’s achievements.

The portfolio can be kept at home as memories of the glorious pre-school years. The portfolio may be asked to be brought to the primary school. Based on the data contained in the folder, teachers will form their own idea of ​​the child and decide who is best to sit him with, what objects should be paid attention to - that is, by the time the baby arrives, the psychological basis for teaching in the classroom will be ready.

What is included in a preschooler's portfolio

The portfolio reflects the child’s main indicators:

  • physical (height, weight, etc.),
  • skills (range of child's skills),
  • life (travel, hobbies, etc.).

There are a lot of portfolio options, but they all differ slightly from each other. As a rule, in the garden they say which sections must be present in the folder. Some pages may be assigned to sections as desired.

Stores sell ready-made templates that contain accompanying pictures and section names.

However, more and more parents prefer to prepare a portfolio themselves. Crafty moms manage to incorporate elements of scrapbooking and Photoshop skills and turn the folder into a real masterpiece.

Required pages in the portfolio:

  • General details of the child (full name, date of birth, city).
  • Contents of the portfolio (this sheet lists the sections of the portfolio).
  • Meet me (baby biography).
  • I'm growing (height and weight chart).
  • Photo from kindergarten.
  • My family (a separate page can be dedicated to each family member, or you can simply post a conditional family tree).
  • That's what I love (child's hobby).
  • How can I help (list of tasks that can be entrusted to a child).
  • My favorite books (listing of favorite authors and works).
  • My travels (photos from travel).
  • I dream (the child’s statements about his future profession, home, studies are recorded).
  • Gold pens (photo of crafts).
  • My friends.

Additional pages can be seasonal: for example, talk about how the child spent the winter, etc.; or include certificates received at various competitions.

The portfolio can be interestingly designed in the form of a multi-colored book, in which the child’s favorite cartoon characters are depicted against the background of the pages, for example.

Individual sections of the portfolio

Parents and teachers must first of all understand why a child’s portfolio is being created. Based on this, certain topics for sections are selected. Let's give some examples.

This type of portfolio is more aimed at parents. With its help, parents receive answers to their questions concerning their child.

In the “Portrait of My Child” section, adults write essays about the baby.

The “Advise me” section is filled out by educators and teachers working in kindergarten.

The Ask Parents page is designed to allow adults to contact educators directly and pose questions.

V. Dmitrieva, E. Egorova also offer a certain portfolio structure that reflects an integrated approach to raising a child. The folder is filled out by parents, teachers, and the child himself.

The “Parents Information” section includes information about the child that is entered by parents.

The section “Information for teachers” is devoted to the observation of teachers of a child during his stay in kindergarten.

The section “Child's information about himself” is essentially a first-person story. The preschooler shares his dreams, stories about friends, games that he himself invented, drawings, and plans for the future.

L. Adamenko divides the portfolio into several blocks, in which friends, teachers from additional clubs attended by the child, and psychologists are involved in filling them out.

The section “Which child is good” includes an essay by parents, reflections from teachers, answers from friends, a “basket of wishes” (gratitude to the child for specific actions and for certain traits of his character, for example, for generosity and kindness), letters of gratitude to parents for raising such a good child child.

The section “Which child is skillful” is devoted to the child’s skills. In addition to the stories of educators, teachers, friends, various certificates are pasted in.

The section “Which child is successful” reveals the creative side of a preschooler thanks to drawings, applications, information about projects implemented in a preschool institution, and certificates.

Portfolio example:

Title page

The portfolio begins with a title page, which contains basic information: last name, first name and patronymic, contact information and photo of the student. It is important to let your child choose the photo for the title page.

Section 1. “My World” (“Portrait”)

Here you can place any information that is interesting and important for the child.

1. “Autobiography” - In this section he can place his photographs and sign them.

2. “Essays” – compositions, essays on various topics:

– My name (information about what the name means, why the parents chose this particular name; if the child has a rare or interesting surname, you can explain what it means). (1 class)

– My family (here you can talk about family members, or write a story about your family). (2nd grade)

– My friends (photos of friends, information about their interests, hobbies). (2nd grade)

– My hobbies (you can talk about what your child is interested in, what sections or clubs he is involved in). (3rd grade)

– My small homeland (tell about your hometown, about its interesting places. Here you can also place a route map from home to school, compiled by the child together with his parents, it is important to note dangerous places in it (road intersections, traffic lights).

Section 2 – “My Goals”

My educational plans for the year (classroom and extracurricular activities)
Information about employment in circles, sections, clubs

Section 3 – “Social practice”

Information about orders
- You can design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic:
– Release of a wall newspaper
– Participation in community cleanups
– Speech at the ceremony

Includes data on all types of social practice of students in extracurricular activities (social projects, providing assistance to those in need, etc.).

Section 4 – “My achievements”

This section may include headings:

“Creative works” (poems, drawings, fairy tales, photographs of crafts, copies of drawings that took part in competitions, etc.),

“Awards” (certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, etc.)

It is better to arrange the contents of this section in chronological order.

Information about participation in Olympiads and intellectual games

Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, school and class holidays and events, etc.
Information about participation in project activities

The materials in this block allow you to build a rating of individual results, a rating of achievements, and track the dynamics of changes in learning outcomes.

Section 5 – “My impressions”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, school holiday, hike, excursion.

Section 6 – “Working materials”

(all written work, diagnostic work)


Mathematics 1st grade

The world around us 1st grade

That's how I read. 1 class

Section 7 – “Feedback and Suggestions”

(in any form)

– Teachers

– Parents

– Additional education teachers

Nothing increases a child’s self-esteem more than a teacher’s positive assessment of his efforts. Here you can write a review or wish, perhaps recommendations, both from a teacher and a parent, both based on the results of the school year and on participation in any event.

Memo for teachers on maintaining a portfolio

1. Involving parents to help fill out sections of the portfolio (especially in 1st grade).

2. Portfolio sections should not be numbered, but arranged in random order (optional).

3. The result of the work is dated so that dynamics can be tracked; the corresponding assessment always compares the child’s current work with earlier work.

4. Do not use the portfolio to compare children with each other!!!

6. Viewing of the portfolio by teachers, parents and other students is permitted only with the knowledge and consent of the student to whom the portfolio belongs.

7. The pages of the portfolio must be beautifully designed; the child must understand the importance of the appearance of the document.

8. It is important that at each stage in the process of moving towards the intended goal, the student’s success is recorded, because success is the best incentive for further development.

9. At the end of the school year, you can make a presentation and determine the winner in the nominations “The most original portfolio”, “For the best design of work”, “For versatility and talent”, “For hard work”.

Interaction with parents

Most parents, being confident that a portfolio will definitely help when entering a university, are very meticulous in filling it out, and some are convinced by teachers of this, creating motivation for creating a portfolio for their children.

It is very important to make parents your allies in the difficult task of collecting a portfolio. Therefore, it is initially worth attracting active, caring parents. A system of advisory assistance is needed: consultations, seminars on designing and filling out portfolio pages.

It is important to teach how to observe, notice everything new and interesting, and be sure to record and write it down. With the help of a portfolio, parents see their child from the outside, his desires, interests.

The portfolio can also be used as additional material when studying a family - its way of life, interests, traditions. Observing children and their parents in the process of creating a portfolio, teachers noted that such events contribute to the establishment of warmer relationships in the family.

One of the main results of working on a portfolio is that parents learn to observe and notice the changes that are taking place, and systematize them. Some help can be provided by reminders and questionnaires, based on which parents will be able to highlight especially bright and interesting moments in the development of their child.

Memo for students on maintaining a portfolio

1. Start your portfolio work with a story about yourself, your family, your hobbies.

2. Compiling a portfolio is not a race for all kinds of certificates. The process of participation itself is important, although a high result, of course, pleases.

3. Fill out the portfolio pages carefully, show your imagination and creativity where necessary, because your portfolio should be different from others.

4. Learn to notice even your small successes, rejoice at them!

5. Apply to filling out your portfolio in a good mood!

Ready-made portfolio templates for schoolchildren. Downloading is free and paid, depending on the quality and uniqueness of the portfolio. Free downloading is possible only with the condition of using it exclusively for the child’s personal purposes. Publishing archives and template sheets on other sites and blogs is not allowed!

Student portfolio in the style of the 2018 FIFA World Cup: 13 blank pages in jpg format

Student portfolio template in a nautical style from grades 1 to 8: 13 blank pages in jpg format

School portfolio template for boys in Minecraft style: 13 blank pages in jpg format

Primary school student portfolio template Autumn: 16 blank pages in jpg format +3 free pages with background

Student portfolio template in Olympic style Sochi 2014: 16 blank pages in jpg format

High school student portfolio template “From Paris with Love”: 12 blank pages in jpg format

Portfolio template for a high school student in the style of the artist P. Mondrian: 12 blank pages in png format

How to fill out portfolio pages for a schoolchild

1 page - title page
Photo - choose together with your child

Page 2 - Autobiography -
In this section you can place photographs of different ages of the child and sign them.
Or write an autobiography with your child:
1) The autobiography begins with a submission - indicating the full name, date and place of birth. For example: “I, Sergey Pavlovich Mikhailov, was born on March 19, 2000 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region.”
2) After this, write your residential address (actual and registered).
In the student’s autobiography, you can write about graduating from kindergarten (name and year of graduation).
3) It is also necessary to indicate the name, school number, year of admission, class profile. 4) It is advisable to write about the main achievements at school: participation in sports competitions, olympiads, diplomas, awards.
5) In addition, in the student’s autobiography you can talk about the main interests, hobbies, PC skills, and knowledge of foreign languages.


I, Sergey Maksimovich Kulagin, was born on April 12, 2001 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. I live at the address: Moscow, Lenin Ave., 45, apt. 49.

From 2003 to 2007 he attended kindergarten “Zvezdochka” No. 5 in the city of Chekhov. From 2007 to 2009 he studied at school No. 3 in the city of Chekhov. In 2009, due to my family moving to Moscow, I moved to school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, where I am currently studying in the 8th grade.

In 2011 and 2012, he was awarded a certificate for academic success. At the regional mathematics Olympiad in 2012, he took 3rd place.

I am interested in sports - I attend the school basketball section, take part in school and regional competitions.

Page 3 - My family.
Here you can talk about family members, or write a story about your family
To fill out the template, write down the composition of the family, you can take one general photo + a general story about the family
or a family tree + a photo of each on a separate page + a short story about each family member (we write together with the child - for example, dad goes fishing with me, mom cooks delicious food and does homework with me, sister plays)

EXAMPLE 1: with one general photo:

Family is important for every person. All family members
we need to show warmth to each other, respect our relatives and
loved ones. You need to learn to live with loved ones - you will
live in peace and with other people. No wonder it's Russian
The proverb says: “The best treasure is when there is harmony in the family.”
My dad is Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, a mathematics teacher at school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
My mother is Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant at Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.

There is a grandmother in my family - Ekaterina Vladimirova
Our family has favorite holidays - this is a meeting
New Year, Easter, birthdays of our family members.
I like to make dumplings with my mother and do the cleaning.
I love fishing and swimming with my dad, but most of all
I like to help him in the yard.
Our favorite dish is triangles and

EXAMPLE 2: each family member with his own photo -
Family composition:
Father - Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, mathematics teacher at school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
Mother - Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant at Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.
Sister - Kulagina Inna Maksimovna, 10th grade student at school No. 19 named after V.G. Belinsky, born in 1997.

Page 4 - the meaning of my name.
It may be named after a relative, this can be indicated.
You can find the meaning of the name on the Internet.
For example:
A name is the personal name a person is given at birth. Each name has its own interpretation. This is what my name means:
Mark comes from the Greek name Markos, which in turn comes from the Latin word "marcus" - hammer. There is also a second version of the origin of this name, that it comes from the god of war Mars. Shortened versions: Markusha, Marik, Markusya, Masya.

The patronymic name did not appear in Rus' right away; only people who deserved the tsar’s trust were allowed to have it. Now everyone has a middle name and it is given according to the personal name of the father.
My patronymic is Andreevich

Surnames have long been the privilege of people with position, and for ordinary people a surname was an “unaffordable luxury.” A person's surname is an inherited family name.
My last name----

Page 5 - My friends -
photos of friends, information about their interests and hobbies.
A photo shared with friends or each individual with a story.

This is Kolya. I became friends with him when I went to the pool. He recently moved to our street. We play with him and are friends.

This is Alyosha. I became friends with him when I went to kindergarten. He lives on the next street. He and I are very good friends.

This is Misha. I've been friends with him since childhood. He comes to his grandmother and we play there.

This is Andrey. I've been friends with him for a very long time. We love to play football.

Page 6 - My city (or my little homeland - for a private house)
A photo of the city and write a few lines with your child about what is remarkable about your city.

Example for \"my little homeland\" + photo of the house:
Homeland is the country in which a person
was born, with which the life of his family and the life of everything is connected
the people to which he belongs. There are two
concepts – “big” and “small” Motherland. Big Motherland -
This is our huge country with the proud name of Russia.
Small Motherland is the place where you were born, it is home,
in which you live. No wonder the Russian proverb says:
“A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song”

Page 7 - My hobbies
(in which sections or circles does he participate)
For example: photo - a child draws, plays on the computer, plays sports, assembles Legos, etc.
Photo + signature (I like to draw, play, play sports)

Page 8 - “My impressions”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, school holiday, hike, excursion.

Page 9 - My achievements
This section may include headings:

“Creative works” (poems, drawings, fairy tales, photographs of crafts, copies of drawings that took part in competitions, etc.),
“Awards” (certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, etc.)

Information about participation in Olympiads and intellectual games
Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, school and class holidays and events, etc.
Information about participation in project activities

Page 10 – Social work (Social practice)

Information about orders
- You can design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic:
– Release of a wall newspaper
– Participation in community cleanups
– Speech at the ceremony

Includes data on all types of extracurricular activities (social projects, providing assistance to those in need, etc.).

Page 11 - My first teacher
Photo + together with your child, write a few sentences about your teacher (what’s their name, why we love them, strict, kind)
Page 12 - MY SCHOOL
Photo of the school + text: school number and write with your child: why he likes going to school
